lie Jtte Reynolds ville ReynoldsviHe Offers exceptional advantages for the loca tion of new Industries t Free factor; sites, cheap and abundant fuel, direct shipping facilities and low freight rates and plentiful supply of laborers. Has modern schools and churches, pared streets, water, gas and electric accommoda tions, convenient trolley service, high aiTd healthful location, varied employment for labor and many other residential advantages. eLUME 18. REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A.. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 12", 1910. NUMBEK 36. AGITATION FOR MUNICIPAL BUILDING MEETS FAVOR ,.-But Insufficient Time Prevents Action By Council This Spring. 1 There baa been s feeling among our progressive citizens for sometime that municipal building should be erected, and last year the council advertised for proposals for site for the building In tending to take some action nn the matter this year, but on account of the fact that the borough will be com pelled to put In a sewage disposal works this year that will cost over $50,000 the half of which will be paid by the state council decided at the meeting January 4th not to take any action at present on the erection of muotcpal building. The executive oommltteo of the Business Men's Association held a special meeting Friday night, passed a resolution and appointed a committee - to request council to reconsider their action of 4th Inst, and submit the 'question of bonding the borough for " a municipal hulldlng to the voters at at the February election. President Young states that it would require a bond issue cottce to be ' published alx times, and as there were only five Issues of the town papers after the Association committee made the request, it was men too late to can a special meeting of council to re consider the matter before the Feb ruary election. ' Pomona Orange Meeting. Jefferson County Pomona Grange No, 20, P. of H., met in McKnighfs hall In Brookvllle on Wednesday, January 6, 1910, with Worthy Knight J. H. Elder in the chair. The vacant offices were filled by appointments. The minutes, of the previous meeting wore -read and approved. Address of wel come was made by Dr. W. J. McKnlght, of Brookvllle. Response by Sister Shields of Clover Grange. No. 1172. The program was takfn up and all subjects were thoroughly discussed. Subordinate Granges nearly all re ported a gain in memberships and in terest in Grange. After the program was carried out the question box was opened, and some very interesting questions were asked and answered. Meeting closed to meet with Clover Grange No. 1172 in Maroh. K. B. Deemer, Sec, R. D. No. 1, ReynoldsviHe, Pa. Do you want to rid yourself forever of vile catarrh, with Its humiliating symptoms, such as hawking, spitting, blowing and bad breath.? Breathe Hyomef. Stoke & Felcht Drug Co. guarantees 1$. Complete outfit includ ing inhaler $1.00: extra bottles 50 cents. Read Gibson's optical ad and dates in this paper. Who Is the Real Town "Knocker" ? How natural it U to blame the other fellow, forgetting we are just as guilty. A stream of wator cannot rise natur ally above its tmurce, neither can a community reach a higher piano than is made possible by its own citizens. Our community gives us our good schools, our fine paved streets, our civil protection, etc, because our property value justifies them by taxation, be cause the community has made it pos sible by improved condition in real es tate. Our beautiful and finely furnish ed churches were constructed by this same citizenship. Our pleasant Boclal surroundings are the result of this same interest in the community. These improvements were brought about In the past years when we all joined our forces to build up our com munity to the highest possible s'andard of excellence: but it looks now as if we are by our own selfish motives, by slow process, undermining the possibility of maintaining its standard. This la done by using the revenue you are receiving from your own com munity to support other communities rather than your own. Who furnishes the possibility for your employment as a banker, a professional man, a mer chant, an agent, or any business or labor you may be engaged in. Are you de pending on your home community or on some other. We believe this Is furnish ed very largeiy by our borne commun ity. Then are we not under obligation to give to it all possible support? But we know we are not doing this when the banker, the professional man, the agent or any other citizen buys what is wanted to supply bis family's needs in some other community, leaving your own community to support itself from the little articles you forgot while pa tronizing the other commuuity. Sorda one comes into our community with a sheet of paper as large as an advertise ment tor a big tent show from Bomo other community, the bead line of which reads, "Bargain Sale, Doors open at 9 a. m.," and how we plan and arrange, so that we will be ready to go on the early train that we may be In waiting when the maeolve doors swing open to let the bargains (?) loose. We secure some bargains and we hurry borne and as soon as we arrive we send out and call our neighbors In to have them rejoice with us In our purchases at so great a saving, while the fact of the matter is, our home community is offering the same goods every day in tue year for less money, . We hear some one say, "I won't leave my community," yet some nice covered wagon, all orna mented with fancy letters, stops at your home and a representative has some thing purer than you ever saw and you believe him, M though a stranger to you; but be fixes your confidence by (Continued on Fourth Page) The First National Bank OF REYNOLDSVILLE. Capital and Surplus Resources . , $175,000.00 $550,000.00 Jobh H. Xacohib, Pres. John H. Kaucher Henry C.Ueible OFFICERS J. O. Kino, Vlee-Pres. DIRECTORS J. O. King Daniel Nolan J. 8. Hammond E. C. ScbTjckebs, Cashier' John H.Corbett K. H. Wilson Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking For Most People It Is Easier to Earn Money than to Save It. But your'earning ability will not continue indefinitely, is thereforeirnportantto save while you can. Make it a rule to;;de deposit in this strong bank regular install ments of your wage9. This will provide you with an income when earning 'money is not so eay and for"emergencie9 like sickness and bereavement. , . "t THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK PENNIES IN THE ' RURAL MAIL BOXES Very Annoying to the Carriers These Cold Days. From a recent count made by rural carriers In one of the oountles in the state of New York of coins deposited by patrons In their boxes lor the pur chase of stamp supplies, it was found that each carrier in the county was collecting an average of 115 one-cent coins each week. - This average applied to all the routes In operation throughtout the country would give the enormous total of about 300,000,000 one-cent coins. As most of these coins are deposited loose in boxes, the postollioe depart ment requosts, that patrons' provide themselves with stamp supplies in ad vance of their noeds, and to equip their boxes with suitable coin-holding re ceptacles. The picking of loose coins from boxes not only results in needless hardship and suffering to carriers in winter weather, delays the delivery and collection of the mails, but frequently results In actual money loss to the carriers, for if, in collecting coin from boxes, they drop them into the snow or on the ground without' recovery, tbey are required to replace the amount out of their own funds. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Property Changes in Jefljrson County Put Upon Record. William Wray Cooper to Clarence D, Cooper, for 40 acres in Washington. II. November 27, 1909. Samuel Barr to William T. Van Worst, for lot in Sykesvllle; 120. December 21, 1909. Henry Wylam to William O. Taylor, for 1-2 acre in Winslow; $;00. June 7, 1909 William D. Tylwr to Henry Wylam, for 1-2 acre In Wlnsbw Ownahip; 1150. October 23, 1909. John Olson to Gust Swanson, for 84 square rods In McCalraont township; $500.. December 22, 1009. Esther C: Smith to Prank 8. Smith, for lot in ReynoldsviHe; $200. Novem ber 12, 1909. Joanna R. Neale to Krls.lan Montie, for lot In ReynoldsviHe; $1,225. December 30, 1909. Notice to Delinquents. Sometime this month or early In Feb ruary all the subscribers for THE STAR who are in arrears a year or more will receive a notice of their arrearage. It would save us time and expense if all persons Indebted to us for subscription would pay up promptly. As previously stated in The STAR itlsasmall amount for each one but in the aggregate it means hundreds of dollars to us. Please make prompt payment. Annual Meeting. ReynoldsviHe, Dec. 18, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that the regu lar annual meeting of the stockholders of the ReynoldsviHe & Falls Creek Railroad Company will be held at the Company's offloe in ReynoldsviHe, Pa., on Tuesday, January 18, 1910. at 5.00 p. m. for the purpose of electing a Pres ident and a Board of Directors for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Lucius W. Robinson, Pres. B. M. Clark, Sec. Notice to Stockholders. - ReynoldsviHe, Pa. D-o. 18, 1909. Notice is hereby given that the regu lar annual meeting of the Jefferson & ClearBeld Coal & Iron Company will be held at the Company's office in Reyn oldsviHe, Pa., on Tuesday, January 18, 1910, at 2.30 p. m. for the purpose of electing' a Board of Directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. Lucius W. Robinson, Pres. LEWIS Iselin, Secretary. Work 24 Hours a Day. The busiest little things ever made are Dr. KingB New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, languor into energy, brain-fag into men tal power; curing constipation, head ache, chills, dyspepsia, malaria. 25c at H. L. McEntire's. , Oil paste polish1, the very best polish made. lOo boxes for 7c. Adam's. 1 Read Gibson' optical ad and dates in this paper. f . We have too many I pes haviyou? Cut prices at Adam's. ) " Read Gib-on's optic u and dates in this paper. J' Traoedu Narrowly Averted Postmaster Burns And A Sled Load of People Almost Run Down. Saturday evening Postmaster E. C. Burns, who owns the Burns livery, took a four horse load of people from Wishaw to a farm house near Punxsu tawney to spend the evening. On the return trip at a late hour the party had a narrow esoape on the Adrian coal road orossing near Elk Run. Mr. Burns drove up to the orossing carefully, and on account of some cars standing near the orossing, be did not bear the ap proach of an engine until it had almost run them down. He saw the danger In time to swing the front team, which jumped and pulled the other team and front part of sled around just In time to esoape the engine, whloh whizzed past wltnout a train. . The engineer had failed to whistle for the orossing. A bait minute later and the sled load of jolly slelghriders would have been run down by the engine. Mr. Burns lost a ten-dollar string of bells on the home trip and thinks he lost the belli at the Elk Run railroad orossing. Napoleon's Qrit Was of the unconquerable, never say die kind, the kind that you need most when you have a bad oold, cough or lung disease. Suppose troches, cough syrups, cod liver oil or doctors have all failed, don't lose heart or hope. Take Dr. King's New Discovery. Satisfac tion is guaranteed when used for any throat or lung trouble. It saves thou sands of hopeless sufferers. It masters stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, hem orrhages, la grippe, croup, asthma, hay fever and whooping cough and Is the most safe and certain remedy for all bronchial affections. 50o, $1.00. Trial bottle free. For sale by H. L. MoEntlre Found Dead In Bed. Jeremiah A. Stober, state treasurer elect, was found dead in bed at his home in Sheneok, Pa., Monday morn ing. When he retired Sunday night he was apparently In good health. His death was caused by heart disease. Mr. Stober was elected on the Republican ticket last fall and 'would have taken the oath of office next May. He was 68 years old. Letter Llat. List of unolalmed letters remaining In post offloe at Reynoldsvillo, Pa., for week ending Jan. 8, 1910. Billle Penten. Say advertised and give date of list when calling for above. E. C. Burns, P. M. Want Column. Rates: One cent per word for each and evorvlnsertlon. For Sale Pair bobsleds. G. T. Woodford, pop man. For Rent Two houses.. Inquire of Mrs. Caroline Armor. When years ago, 1 Drat visited Brookvllle I did not expect, to build up the larg estExcursivs, optical bus iness In the places visited, but such' Is the caie.1900 was a very successful year and I hope to make 1910 still bettorrOur Soclety(The StttteJJutlcal) pledgesjis to good 'work'andj'imaterlals and fi.rblds us to pedile or canvass.If your eyes need caremeotme' at"my" regu lar plaeesonhedateTglv en In the local papers. G.C.GIBSON, Optician. At the Imperial Hotel, Reynoldsyllle, Jan. 13 Amerioan Hotel7Brook vllle, 1415, Summervllle Jan. 17. ELIMINATING THE GRADE CROSSINGS Pennsylvania Railroad Doing Good Work. Willie Invariably avoiding grade crossings on new and revised construc tion work, the Pennsylvania Railroad has, in the lust ten years, been elimin ating all erodings at grade as rapidly as practicable. A compilation for the period since January 1st, 1900, shows mat oid grade crossings have been re moved on thu .lines of the system east of Pittsburgh and Erie. These flgurts are of record of September 1st. l!0ft. and do not iodide the ten crossings to be eliminated by the change of line to be made through Bristol, Pa., 00 the New York division. Tne figures given take no account of the very extensive1' and Important revisions or grade so conspicuous In Philadelphia- whereby tracks for trains in different alreoti'in have bean either elevated or depressed, thereby elimin ating the nHcesslty for trains tooross Hacks at grades. Democratic Nominations. Under the rules governing the Damn. ocratlo party of JelTdrsoo county, can didates lor borough and township offi cers are nominated by a oauous of Dem ocratic voters, a call for whloh must be made at least three days bnfora the caucus Is held. The election will be held February 15th. The list of candi dates named must be filed with the county commissioners at least 18 days before the date of the election, to give time for printing tickets. Therefore these caucuses must bi held on or be fore January 27th, as the list of nomi nations must be Bled not inter than January 28th. Undor the rules of the party It is not necessary to hold a sug gestion mooting, yet in many districts one Is held a week before the nomin ating caucus or meeting. Brookvllle Democrat. Lenten Dates. This year, 1910, Lent will begin on Feb. 0, fifteen-days earlier than It did last year, so that Easter Sundav will fall on Maroh 27, Instead of April 11, as It did last year. Inasmuch as the first full moon after the vernal equinox, which falls on Maroh 21, each year, marks the proper date, it is evident that this voar will be near the record for early dating. It will be the second earliest Eiater in a quarter of a century, that of March 24, 1894. being the nearest to the vernal equinox in mat period. . A lot of men's Bhoes arood values for $2.75 now $1.89. Adam's. Little ffenls ihoaa AYtra onnA ff.t. $1 50 now $1.19. Adam's. Considers ' Sewage Must Erect a Plant to Dispose v Of It Within The Next Year. Tuesaay eveniug, January 4, regular monthly meeting of town oouucll. was held in Secretary Clement W. Flynn's office, with following members present: President J. V. Young, F, S. Hoffman, August Baldauf, Jacob Duible, Dr. J. C. King, D. R. Cochran. Ex-Tax Collector Copping reported having collected $239.43 on 190S taxes during Doe ruber. am uusu(,ur a. i. our(uua roiwrirou having collected $1,251,46 during De cember. 1 Chief Burgess Jarvls D. Williams oollected $17 00 In fines and lloenaas during December. . The question of repairing the hose tower or finding some other location for the fire alarm bell, was discussed The matter was finally referred to the borough property committee with power to act. An ordtuanne covering the digging up of streets and alleys within the bor ough was left in the bands of the so licitor for report at next meeting. I JThe question of ereoting a municipal building was brought up and dlsoussed by all members present. Owing to the fact that the borough's permit for emp tying sewage into waters of the state expires May 1, 1910, and council must furnish to the state department a com prehensive plan For a sewage disposal works by that date, it was decided that Bction on a municipal building should bn deferred untilthe borough learna what action the tate Intends to take. The report of Ibe state engineer, who investigated the sewage question In ReynoldsviHe, was that the cost of the proposed disposal works would not be less than $50,000, which is more than fh. nrpaant twiiiiil.Mvl limit. tt tha hnn. ough. Council has made a start to have the proposed plan finished in time to be filed within the lime set by the state. After the plan is filed In the state de partment counoll will learn whether the state will extend the time for erect ing the sewage disposal works or whether tbey will ne ordered to com mence the erection of the same during the present year. Children's shoes worth 75o now 49o at Adam's. Read Gibson's optical ad and dates In this paper. 1 a hon- Do your banking with a bank that will pay you a liberal rate of interest compounded twice a year and allow you to withdraw same on demand no notice required. You may deposit any amount and at any time. We will do this. And no worry. The Peoples National Bank (Oldest Bank in the County ) REYNOLDSVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA Capital and Profits $130,000.00. Resources $550,000.00. It Costs Just a Post Card to learn how to increase your income on your savings and how to bank by mail and how to insure yourbank deposits, without cost, with a fund of ten million dollars. Write today for Interesting Free Booklet Capital and Surplus, $10,000,000.00 "la Capital and Surplus, there is Strength." Tt(HllALTRVST(SMPAlY 317 Fourth At. 314 to 318 Diamond St. PITTSBURGH, PA.