The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 05, 1910, Image 4

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Men's Suits
64 Men's Suits, all
wool, while they last
go at
One lot Boys' Suits, long
pants, ages 15 to 20 years.
Pick 'em out of $8.00 to
$15.00 values at
Work Pants
One lot broken lots and
sizes, worth $1.00 and
$2.00, going at 79c.
One lot Boys' Top Coats
worth $10 to $20 while
they last, sale 7.9S.
Utica Camel's Hair
$1.00 values sale price
49 cents.
75c fleece lined under
wear, sale price 39c.
One lot children's Caps
50c and 75c values 16c.
Gome for
Fifty Miles
You will save enough
to pay all your ex-
A Crashing, Smashing, Tumbling Landslide of Real Bargains
that will be heard by every man, woman and child in this entire
community. A veritable volcanic eruption of high class mer
chandise that will shake the very foundation of all competitors'
high prices. You all know the backwardness of the season up to
a few days ago. We find we have an overstock in all lines of heavy
goods, such as
Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats, Woolen Un
derwear, Woolen Shirts, Heavy Sox, c.
that we want to convert into cash in the NEXT TEN DAYS and so
have decided to have the SALE OF SALES ever conducted in our
town. There will be a merciless slashing of prices so that this end
may be accomplished. The store will be closed Tuesday and Wed
nesday, January 4 and 5, and no one admitted to the building until
9:00 O'CLOCK A. M.
Nothing like this sale ever attempted in the history of Reyn
oldsville. All precedents cast to the winds. We have only one
object in view the closing out of this magnificent stock in 10 days.
You all know the high class and dependable goods we carry, whose
guarantee is back of every article in stock.
Ghiidren's suits
Ages 6 to 16 years.
Worth $2.00 to $4.00
while they last in
this sale at
One lot Men's $2.00
$3.00 Sweaters go at
One Lot Boys' worth
75c to $1.50, while
they last at 49 cents.
A Sale that
Will Live
In. the memory of the
oldest inhabitant.
Seeing is believing.
Store Closed
Tuesday and Wed
nesday to mark down
stock and re-arrange
1 S
penses and then haye