The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 29, 1909, Image 5

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SubSimptinv fi.00 ptr mat in advance.
C A.HrF.PHENSOlV.KdUor nd Pafei
Bntered at the joatottlce i Keynoldsvllle
Pa., a serond rlas malt matter.
Stoke & Feicht
Drug Co.,
A Little of EvenitHlng.
' We wish all our readers a happy and
prosperous New Year.
A Cbrlttmas ball was held in the I.
O. O. P. hall Friday night.
The State College basket ball team
played at Punxsutawney last night.
The new high school building at Du
Bois will be erected by Sobers & Hat
ten. Will Lidle, or Rathmel, is now a
member of the SykeBvllle Post-Diipatch
Rugh's meat market at DuBols was
gutted by fire Thursday night. Loss
11,200. ' I
Rev. S., Wallace Mitchell preached
in the Sykesvllle Baptist church Sun
day morning and evening.
- Congressman Langham has asked for
$75,000 for a government postofflce
building in Punxsutawney.
The 1910 convention of the Jefferson
County Sabbath School Association
-will be held in Brockwayville.
The annual oampmeeting of the Free
Methodists of the Kane district will be
ueia in croon vine August iz to zi,
Maria Provessina, of Wlshaw, died
Deo. 26, 1909, cause unknown. Funera
was held Monday and burial made in
the Catholic nemntnrv. .
J - , V
Kem G. Bottorf, foreman of the
Sykesvllle Post-Dispatch, formerly of
Reynoldivilie, fell and broke his left
ankle last Monday evening.
All members of the "W. R. C. are
in mm i j' 1 1 ii i km tii h mnn H miwiiiiir
December 30th at 2 p. m. at their
rooms. By order'commlttee.
Members of Mazomanla Tribe, No.
341, Improved Order of Red Men, will
attend the eleven o'clock service in the
M. E. Church Sunday morning, Jan.
Eugene V. Debs will lecture in the
Avenue Theatre, DuBols, Sunday,
February 20th. Debs was the Social
istic presidential candidate last cam
paign. F. A. Gallas, a trusted employe In the
Ford City National bank was arrested
last Friday after an investigation of his
department which showed shortage
of 12,400. v
Miss Alta, daughter of Register and
Reoorder J. B. Means, of Brookvllle,
was knocked down by a sled one even
ing last week and had her 'left ankle
Tuesday morning, Dee. 28, 1909, a
daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. Brown, of Brookvllle. Miss Erma
Robinson went to Brookvllle yesterday
40 see her new niece.
There will be a pie social In the
vacant store room in Centennial hall
Saturday evening, Jan. 1st. Everybody
invited to come. Bring a pie and
postal card. For benefit .of Baptist
Aid Society. '
. Congressman N. P. Wheeler baa in
troduced a bill in Congress appro
priating 175,000 to erect a postofflce
building in Ridgway. 110,000 hat al
ready been appropriated to buy a lot
A typoi;raph iu cniuri hi " in
stalled In the office of the I'mix-n-
tawney Aetos and hand compo-l ' f
news mailer will bo a memory
in tbat i ffloe hereafter.
Secretary Dickinson has mad- a re.
port to Congress urging the creation
of a national park on the Ame-lan hide
of the Niagara Falls to pres.iv.i the
beauty of the tapids, falls and guru...
We people here in Jefferson enmity,
are not in a position to say very much
in criticism of divorce proceeding!!.
There were twelve divorce oases h. fore
our court last week, on the argument
list. Brookvllle Democrat.
Believing the act Increasing the fees
of Justices of the Peace uncenstltui Ion
al, the Commissiorers of Luz-rne
county have decided not to pav the
increased fees. It will mean a saving
to the county of $2,000 a year.
Reynoldsville high school basket hall
players may glean some comfort from
the reports of the Brookvllle Pun u
tawney game played Thursday evening.
The Brookvllle boys rolled up a score
of 53 to 10 against their opponents
Mrs. S. T. Wilson, state organizer of
the W. C. T. U , Is now at the home
Of Mrs. George G. Williams, on Main
B'reet, and will make It her head
quarters during the winter while en
gaged In work in this section of the
A southern colonel's parting words
to his son, who was leaving for the
north were: "My boy, there are two
things that I want to advise you not
to run after. A woman and a street
car. There'll be another along In a
Monday, December 27th, wbb the 77th
birthday of Mrs. Jane Spry, of Jackson
street, and over a hundred of her
friends remembered her by sending
post cards suitable to the occasion and
wishing her many happy returnB of the
A drunken row at Shaft No. 1, near
DuBols Christmas nieht resulted in
one man, Alex Chetis, being so badly
injured by a bullet that it is thought
he will die, and the wife of the man
who shot Chetis was badly carved by
a hatchet. The Christmas orgy fol
lowed a wedding.
F. Rea Johnston, grandson of 'Squire
W. L. Johnson of West Reynoldsville,
and a former Reynoldsville boy, was
married Wednesday, Deo. 22nd, at
Reedsburg, Clarion county, to MIsb
Sarah Gourley, of Clarion. The bridal
couple are visiting Reynoldsville rel
atives this week.
The W. C. T. U. will hold a market
every Saturday in January In Mrs.
Bays' store at corner of Main and Fifth
streets. Bread, cakes, pies and every
thing good to eat will be sold. The
market this week will be held on Fri
day on account of New Years' being on
Saturday. Come and buy youc New
Years' dinner.
Dr. Charles H. Gordlner, head,of the
Department of English in the State
Normal at Shlppensburg, was the guest
of Prof. W. M. Rife, who formerly held
that position in the normal, in Reyn
oldsville over Sunday. Dr. Gordinler
was one of the Instructors at the Clar
ion institute last week and is lecturing
at Beaver, Pa., this week.
Clymer, in Indiana county, was
visited by a $20,000 fire one night last
week. The fire wiped out a portion of
the business section, including the
opera bouse, four stores and two apart
ments, besides damaging other nearby
buildings. As a result of the blaze a
fire company 'has been formed in the
village, and 1000 feet of hose and two
carts purchased.
Dr. W. A. Ward, an evangelist who
has traveled around the world,
preached In the Baptist church last
Sunday morning and will preach in the
same church next Sunday evening.
His subject will be: "A Young Man
Away From Home." Special muslo
Sunday evening.' Dr. Ward and wife
are visiting the latter'a brother, T. E.
Evans. This is the first time Mr.
Evans and his sister have seen each
other for twenty-two years. Their
home is in Alabama.
, Elk county comes to the front with
a sensational "Black Hand" murder.
Joe Ascutlo, an Italian of Ridgway, is
said to have received several threaten
Ing letters soliciting money. He went to
Johnsonburg Christmas and while there
was attacked on the street and on his
refusal to promise payment of money,
was shot four times and died Instantly.
One member of the attacking party was
accidentally wounded by a stray bullet.
Seyeral arrests have been made.
On the evening of Washington's
Birthday February 22nd an illus
trated lecture will be given in Assem
bly hall by Rey. J. F. Black on "The
Battle of Gettysburg." The lecture
has been twloe postponed owing to
unforseen difficulties, but it should be
all the better for the delay, as It has
given time for the collection of a mass
of entertaining and lnfereeting data
relative to the famous field of Gettys
burg. The pictures to aooompaay Rev.
Black's address are said to be especially
fine and this with the fact that all
Interest shown is of direct benefit to
thA niihlln schools should Guarantee a
fNrf e audience. " .
M thocJui Hi ndi
S.rvioes f ir Sunday. January 2nd:
1100 a. iu . A Ni-w Year's sermon,
th. iuh, "Ulii isilanit.y anil the Law of
: Pri'Krew;" 7 30 . in., mtuiiiu by Rev
J Be.ll N. IT. D. D. ' .
New Superintendent.
JameB K'-rnan, superintendent of the
Sykes woolen mill lias resigned that
position and gone to Baltimore. His
place has been taken ny H J. Pollltt,
of Indiana, a former superintendent.
Appointed Mercantile Appraiser.
W. C. Murray, of Reynoldsvffie, has
been appointed mercantile appraiser of
Jefferson county for the year 1910. As
county commissioner a few years ago
Mr. Murray became widely acquainted
throughout the county and Is well qual
ified for the new position.
Boy Had Both Aims Broken
A letter rrcelwd by a ReynntdsvIPe
man Mondai conv-ya the information
that. Edwaid Or. son of James B Orr,
of Mellen, Wisconsin, formerly of
Reynoldsville, al.pped and fell recent
ly, bieakirig both arms below the elbow
and dislocating his wrists. The acci
dent happened at. Carroll College, Wau
kesha, Wis., where Edward was at
tending school.
Typewriter fur Christmas Present.
Rev. John F. Biaek, pastor of the
'M. E. church, is teacher of a men's
bible class in the Sunday school which
has over one hundred members In it.
and on ChrlstmaB his class presented
bim with a Smith Premier typewriter,
the best that the company makes.
The ladies of the church presented
Mrs. Black with a handsome rug. Rev.
and Mrs. Black received other valuable
presents, including some silverware.
Glass Machine Running Again.
Tuesday evening of last week the
Colburn machine at the Star Glass Co.
plaut in Reynoldsville, was started on
what it Is hoped will be permanent
operation. According to statements of
officials in close touth with affairs, the
machine is giving excellent satisfaction
and the product is up to the best
standard. Numerous repairs and im
provements suggested by the experi
ence gained during the first run, have
been made and it Is believed that most
of the difficulties Incident to the build
ing of such a complicated machine,
have been overcome,
Will Revisit Italy. -Carmine
Mariuaro, the banker of
Soldier, will leave next Monday for a
trip across the ocean to Italy and Spain.
He has in view the double object of re
cuperating his health, which has been
Impaired by too zealous attention to
business affairs during the past few
years, and ol investigating certain trade
conditions In both countries in which
he Is interested.
For several years Mr. Marlnaro has
had in mind a project for the establish
ment of a large Importing business but
his many local interests have hitherto
prevented giving the idea serious at
tention. Now that be has disposed of
most of his manufacturing' and mining
interests, he has the leisure to Investi
gate and plan for the enterprise .
Veteran Died in Punxsutawney.
Mrs. T. D. Brewer, of West Reyn
oldsville, was called to Punxsutawney
Thursday by the death of her father,
John C. Marsh, a veteran of the civil
war highly esteemed in that place. He
had lived in or near Punxsutawney prac
tically all his life and was ever an
honeBt and upright citizen. On August
31, 1864, he enlisted in Company B,
of the 206th Pennsylvania regiment,
and served until the close of the war,
being mustered out on June 26, 1865.
He was with the regiment when it
entered Richmond. He Is survived by
four children, Mrs. Ira Evans, of Punx
sutawney. at whose borne he dled;-Mrs.
T. D. Brewer, of Reynoldsville; Harry,
who resides in Missouri and Vernon,
of Punx'y. Funeral services were
held Sunday and burial service was
made in Circle Hill cemetery.
Deoeased was a brother of Mrs. John
M. Stephenson, of this place, and J as.
M. Marsh, of New Bethlehem, passen
ger conductor of the P. R. R.
There is a state - law prohibiting
spitting on sidewalks or in publio
places and during the past week notices
have been posted In town calling at
tention to this law. Don't spit on side
walk or you may have to pay fine
for it. We understand It is the in
tention to enforce this law in this
TheL, C. B. A. ladies will bold
dime social and euchre In the P. O.
S. of A. hall Tuesday evening, Jrn. 4.
Refreshments will be served. Every
body cordially invited.
Ml-o-na is the best prescription for
indigestion or stomach misery ever
written. Relieves") distress in five
minutes; cures in a few weeks. Guaran
teed by Stoke & Feicht Drug Co.
Large box, 60 cents.
Tub oysters are half water, at best.
"Sealsbipt's" are plump, firm, tempt
ing, dellolous morsels of sea food. No
better time than to-day to try them.
Frank A. MoOonnell. ' -
Are you framing New Year resolu
tions? ' ,
Was of Dr. and M.a J W Foust
Funeral Last Thinsiiay. .
William Oliver Fiiu-i.'a uunir man
well known in Reyno (UvI Ih anil Wins
low township, died ai'lils home near this
place at 9 00 p. m. Tuesday, U.-oembttr
21, 11)09. The exact came of his death
is not certainly known but is supposed
to have been pneumonia superinduced
by exposure. His body was brought to
Reynoldsville and prepared for burial
at the undertaking rooms of Hughes fc
Fleming Wednesday morning. Later
it was taken to the borne of the de
ceased's parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. W.
Fuust, on Jackson street, from wnence
the funeral was held Thursday after
noon, Hev, J. F. Black conducting the
services. Burial was made In the
Reynoldsville cemetery,
William O. Foust was born in Reyn
oldsville June 4, 1877, and was there
fore in bis 33rd year at time of death.
His whole life bed b-'en spent, here.
A widow and two oiilldren survive the
deceased. x
Watch Night Services.
Watch night services will be held
In the M. E. church on Friday nlitht,
from eight to twelve o'clock, and the
following program bas been arranged
for the services:
Organ prelude.
Muslo, choir.
Lecture, Rev. Dr. C. W. Miner.
Music, choir. f
Address, Clyde C. Murray.
Mu"io, choir.
Social hour.
Election of officers for Men's Bible
Closing devotional services.
Met With Serious Accident.
Arthur Carney, a young man of
Sykesvllle who bad been working on
the Pennsylvania railroad at Blairs
ville, met with an accident last week
which nearly cost bim both his hands.
How the accident occurred has not been
ascertained but it is stated tbat tbe
right band was amputated at the wrist
and only one finger of the left hand
saved. Ha was taken f) the Allegheny
General hospital at Allegheny for
treatment and is getting along very
Carney wbb a base ball pitcher of
more than ordinary ability and fre
quently played with Reynoldsville
teams in recent years.
Sold Water System Source.
Tbe people of Falls Creek have found
it Impossible to control a town council
of their own election. Despite tbe. In
dignant protests ot the publio, voiced
at a mass meeting, and of an emphatic
veto by Burgess Kyle, the members
of the council have passed over the
mayor's' head an ordinance authoriz
ing the sale of the source of
the ' borough water system to
the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh
Railroad Company for a consideration
of $12,000. An attempt on tbe part of
the oitlzens to delay the deal was
avoided by the counoll railroading tbe
ordinance through and adjourning in
stantly. Plenty of Applicants.
There are seventy applications for
liquor license in Elk county this year,
including wholesale and brewers li
censes. About 61 retail licenses.
Putting tbe population ot the oounty
at forty thousand, that is one license
for every G56 persons, men, women and
obildren, or one license for every 125
men. Surely tbe licenses will be suf-,
Scent in number.
. Shocking Tale.
A curious experience fell to the lot
of one of our ladies. She bad a hollow
tooth filled with silver filling. As it
happened an adjoining tooth had been
filled with gold. No sooner was the
silver lining made than electrta cur
rents were set in motion through the
metals and became so annoying tbat
tbe silver filling had to be removed in
order to secure relief. Big Run Tri
bune. '
Notice to Republicans.
The Republicans of Reynoldsville
borough will meet at the election
house in the second precinct Thursday,
December 30, at 8.00 p. m., to place in
nomination candidates for tbe various
borough offices to be voted for at the
ensuing primary election. - -
J. W. Foust,
Trouble Makers Ousted.
When a sufferer from stomach
trouble takes Dr. King's New Life
Pills he's mighty glad to see his
dyspepsia and indigestion fly, but more
he's tickled over his new, fine appe
tlte.strong nerves and healthy vigor, all
because stomachy llrer and kidneys now
work right. 25o at H. L. MoEntlre's.
Ladies' and Childrens Hats.
All hats sold at cost at Mrs. 8. V.
Hays' millinery store at corner Main
and Fifth sts. .
, If Hyomel doesn't oure catarrh or
sore throat It won't cost you a cent
because Stoke & Feioht Drug Co. wilt
give you ' your money back. Just
breathe it in. Outfit 11.00 Including
John H Kauch. r Is la Philadelphia
this week.
Miss Lillian Ewlug is visiting in J
Mrs. J. W. Riggs was in Pittsburgh
the past week.
Percy Parsons, of Meadville, visited j
In town last week, .
S. G Austin and wife were at Lang
Vllle over Sunday.
Mrs. Timothy Sohugbrou spent the
past week in Kane.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hull were In
Brookvllle Sin. day.
Miss Bvrd Morsret Is visiting at her
home in Irvona. Pa.
Mrs. Fred is visiting In
Wln'-erbum this week.
Miss Ophelia Wesson is visiting in
Summervllle this week. ,
Sheriff A. E. Gtlbralth was a Reya
oldsvllle visitor Friday.
Misses Aldlne Ried and Jina Smish
were in DuBols Monday.
Clement W. Flyon, Esq., was in
Pittsburgh a day last week.
Mrs. Arthur O Donnell and son, Lee,
spent Sunday In Brookvllle.
J. A. Myers and wife visited near
Brookvllle tbe first of this week.
Joha Frlel, of Kay lor, Pa., is spend
ing tbe holidays In Reynoldsville.
J. H. Kennedy, of West Reynolds
ville, was in Ridgway CbrlBtmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Murray visited
relatives In Brookvllle the first of this
Burgess H. C. Fleming, of Driftwood,
wits a Reynoldsville visitor one day last
Albert J. Feicht, of Punxsutawney,
spent Sunday with his parents in this
J. M. Dailey and wife were in Pen
field Christmas visiting the former's
Miss Nulu Neale went to Clarion yes
terday afternoon to attend a party last
Charles Leech, of Ridgway, visited
his home In West Reynoldsville over
Miss Margaret Nichols, of Indians,
Is visiting her cousins, Misses Nulu and
Fay Neale.
Miss Margaret Taafe, of Pittsburgh,
spent CbrlBtmas at home of her parents
in this place. ,
Mrs. W. F, Scbultze, son and daugh
ter, Frank and Nellie, are vUltlng In
R. H. Wilson and wife spent Christ
mas with their son, Dr. Reid WlUon,
In Brookvllle.
Alfred Debart and wiie, of New
Kensington, are visiting relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mitchell and
daughter, Helen, of Kane, were holiday
visitors In town.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barclay, of
Greensburg, are spending the holidays
in Reynoldsville.
Hrrvey S. Deter and wife visited the
latter'a parents in New Kensington the
first of this week.
Paul Rlston, now of Philadelphia,
is spending a few days at his home
in Reynoldsville.
Leon Wescoat, who' Is employed at
Butler, spent the holidays at his home
in Reynoldsville.
G. M. McDonald, wife and family,
Bpent Christmas with Mrs. McDonald's
parents in PenBeld, ;'
Francis O'Brien, who Is employed at
Braddock, came toa his home last week
to spend Christmas. 1
Harry Herpel and wife, of Monessen,
Visited their former homes in Reynolds
ville the past week.
Frank Black, of Anita, was in Reyn
oldsville Monday attending tbe funeral
of Patrick McEnteer.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wildauer, of
DuBols, spent Christmas with their
parents In thU place.
Bruce Mitchell, of Homestead, is
visiting his mother, Mrs. Cora
Mitchell, in this place.
Mrs. Walter B. Reynolds, of Warren,
is visiting her mother, Mrs? Dr. B. E,
Hoover, in Reynoldsville.
Miss May VanDusen, of Hastings,
Pa., is the guest of Miss Fannie
Alexander, on Grant street
John R. Whltesel, of Bellwood,
visited at home of E. D. Davis, in West
Reynoldsville over Christmas.
H. G. Smathers, of Limestone, Pa.,
was the guest of J. N.. Small in West
Reynoldsville one day last week.
Eugene Brennan, who is now located
near Pittsburgh, visited his home in
West Reynoldsville the past week.
Miss Mary Ward, of Monongahela
City, is visiting at home of her father,
P. J. Ward, In West Reynoldsville.
Homer R. Ressler and wife, of Johns
town, were guests of the former'i
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ressler,
on Hill street, over Christmas.
Wilbert and Miss Hazel Hughes, of
New Castle, are vlBitlng their uniile,
Dr. A.J. Meek, at the BaptUt parson
age. Dr. Fred K. Booth and wife, of Fair
mount City, Pa., spent Christmas at
home of the former's parents in this
Joseph M. King, who is located at
Damascus, Virginia, Is spending tbe
holidays with bis family In Reynolds
ville. ,
J. C. Wells and family, of Vander
grift, visited the former's mother and
other relatives on tbe west side last
Miss Nellie E. Sutter, of New Bethle
hem, spent Christmas with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. ,8utter, in Reyn
oldsville. Mr arid Mrs. Harry L. Goss, of Cat
fisn. visited the letter's parents, Mr,.,
and Mrs. M. Phillips, in 'this place the
past week.
Mrs. Lydla Bowser, of Kittannlng, is
visiting her son and daughter, Dr. A. '
H. Bowser and Mrs. D, R. Cochran, In
this place.
Edward Herpel, of Philadelphia. Is
spending the holidays at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. ' Charges A. Herpel In
West Reynoldsville.
Miss Claire Procious and brother
Marlon, of Hawthorne, were guests of
their sister, Mrs. Dr. J. C. Sayers, on
Main street, over Christmas. , v
C. P. Wbltmore and Elliott Hoffman,
of Pittsburgh, visited the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wbltmore,
in Reynoldsville over Christmit9.
Mr. and Mrs. P.' A. Casbraan, of
Haileybury, Ontario, are spending the
holidays at the home of the latter's
father, D. Nolan, In Reynoldsville.
Miss Mary Watson, who has
been In Punxsutawney several weeks,
spent Christmas in Roynoldoviu .id , .
went from hare to New Kensington
Joseph Farrell, of Elkins, W. Va.,
and Arthur Farrell, of Now Casile,
spent Christmas with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Farrell in this
place. v
M. Fred Reed, who is head
of ti
i, MassV
editorial department of a Boston,
architectural magazine, spent several
days of the past week at his home In
this place.
n t tt r ri t .
crui. vv. m. iviiu, superioienuenL 01
the Reynoldsville publio schools, left
for Harrisburg Tuesday morning to
attend a convention of the high school
principals of the state.
Thomas C. Shields, who Is looking
after Interests of the tanning corpor
ation in West Virginia, and son, Edgar
Solelds, of Cleveland, Ohio, spent the
holidays at their home In Reynoldsville.
Al. F. Harris and wife are spending
the holidays with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Harris, on Mala
street. Mr. Harris' last theatrical tour
covered territory In ten different states
of the union.
Eugene Ellenberger and sister,
Miss Irene, and Miss Pearl Chatham
left on Christmas . Dav for a three
weeks' visit with relatives in Punxsu
tawney, Dayton, Clarion, New. Bethle
hem and Limestone.
Misses Edna, Mabel and ' Maude
Moore, trained nurses holding positions
in Philadelphia hospitals, are spending
the holidays at the home of their
parents Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Moore,
in Wasbingtod township.
H. F. Uplinper and wife, of Homer
City, are visitlLg at the home of
Mrs. Uplicger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. -v
Ed. Mulhollan, near Prescottville, and
nttth Mm TT.. 1 1 ii rrnwi' a noMnt. Ptiawl.a
Uplinger and wife, near Panic.
W. P. Woodring and wife, E. L.
Johnston and wife and J. N. Small and
wife, of West Reynoldsville, will go
to Cool Spring, this county, to-day to
attend the wedding of Mr. Small's
niece, Miss Mary Smail, daughter ol
George Small to William Carl Brunet.
Rey. Charles C. Mohney and wife,
of Meadville, who were called to this
section ten days ago to attend the
funeral of the former's brother, Seloe.
E. Mohney, visited Rev. Mohney'e
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mohney, in,
this place the past week.
Louis O. Melllnger and wife, ol
Lower River Inhabitants, Nova Scotia, .
came to Reynoldsville Thursday andi
are spending the holidays at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Melllnger in.
this place. Mr. Melllnger holds a.
prominent position with one of the
largest coal companies operating In,
Npva Scotia.
.Iter List.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
In post office at Reynoldsville, p., for
week ending Dec. 25, 1909.
George Hartman, Miss Gertie Miller,
Jas. McFarland, Charley Smeyers, Joha
' Guleeppe Borderare.
Say advertised and give date of list
when oalllng for above.
- E.C, Burns, P. M.