The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 22, 1909, Image 8

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    Cause - for Alarm
Loss o; Appetite or Distress
After Eating Symptoms
that Should Not be
. Disregarded
Appetite is just a natural desire
of the system for food necessary to
replace natural body waste. Loss
of appetite or stomach distress
after eating indicates indigestion or
dyspepsia. Over-eating is a habit
very dangerous to a person's good
general health, and insatiable ap
pclito is a common symptom of
' diabetes.
It is not what you eat but what
you digest and assimilate that docs
you good. Home of the strongest,
heaviest anil healthiest persons r.r
moderate eaters.
There is nothing that will create
sickness or cause more trouble than
a disordered stomach, and many
people daily contract serious mala
dies simply through disregard or
abuse of the stomach.
Wo urge every one suffering
from any stomach derangement,
indigestion or dyspepsia, whether
acute or chronic, to try Rexall
Dyspepsia Tablets, with the dis
tinct understanding that we will
refund their money without ques
tion or formality, if after reason
able use of this medicine they arc
not .satisfied with the results. We
recommend them to our customers
every day, and have yet to hear of
any one who has not been benefited
by them.
We honestly believe Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets to be without equal.
They are made from the pre
scription of a physician who de
voted his time to the study and
treatment of stomach troubles.
They give very prompt relief, stim
ulating lb.) secretion of gastric
juices, strengthen the digestive
organs, ai I to good digestion and
assimilation, regulate the bowels,
and promote nutrition.
We urge you to try a 2!3-eent
box of lloxnll Dyspepsia Tablets,
which give 15 days' treatment. At
the end of that time your money
will be returned to you if you are
not satisfied. Of course, in chronic
cases length of treatment varies.
For such cases we have two larger
sizes, which sell-for 50 cents and
$1.00. Ilomember you can obtain
Rc::a!! Remedies only at The
Rexall Store.
hii'ke & l-'olcht Drug Company
; Much Mixsd.
Ronie of llio' pussciiiitTs were wait
ing nt n wity Ktntlim lu Vermont for
the Inilu to l.urllnjjtou, miys the Sat
urday KvoiiIur I'ost.
" Wlm t kind of a train Is that?" ask
ed one of tliera of the busy Btatlou
"Oh, freight and passenger togeth
er." ".Mixed, elir
"Worse than that," said the station
master. "It's what you might call
8ave. Trouble.
"After all. It Is an advantage to have
a sophisticated husband."
"In what way?"
"Well, It Isn't necessary to wast?
time hunting through his pockets at
night." Chicago Record-Herald.
Hopeful. '
Miss Oldulrl Now, what do you
think of the theory that Methuselah
was really not as old as report said lie
was?' Mr. Frank I think It is very en
couraging. Miss Oldgirl. Baltimore
I am about to
Move My Business
from Jackson street to
' Main street,
Opposite 1. 0. 0. F.
Where I will continue bus
iness on a much larger
scale and will pay best
price in CASH for
Scrap Iron, -Old
Boots and Shoes,
Beef Hides,
Sheep Pelts,
Horse Hides. (
H. Adelson
53 Jackson St,""
. ' Reynoldsville, Pa.
Ths Devil' Race Course In the Blue
Ridge Mountains.
"The Illue Ridge mountains alinui.d
in natural wonders," observed an 'old
resident of i'eimmr. "Most wonderful
of them all, lu my opinion. Is the Dev
il's Race Course, which Is but a short
walk from I'eumar.
"At Hrst vlew this strange natural
phenomenon appears like a broad
roadway of great stones which ex
tends away up the mountain in a path
no - human hand could ever build.
Many of these great stones weigh
tons, while others are only a few hun
dred weight. Lying close together by
the thousand, tbey present an extraor
dinary spectacle.
"Tradition has it and scientists agree
that a thousand or more years ago
this strange track was the bed of an
ancient river. The conclusion is drawn
from the looks of the stones. r They
are all well rounded and worn smooth,
showing the action of water, which
had polished their rough edges no
doubt for centuries.
"But the mystery is if this theory be
true to explain how the great body of
water was confined at the sides, for
the course Is not hemmed in 1 y high
banks, nor Is It located In a ravine.
In fact. It stands somewhat higher
than the natural side of the mountain.
The puzzle ouly intensities interest In
the queer place and multiplies the nr
gumetits and theories of Its prehistoric
origin." Baltimore American.
The Very Simple Life.
rierre Lotl. the French author, al
ways did like a prnctli'iil Joke. A
Kreurb poet who hud been advocating
a return to the simple life decided one
day to make the acquaintance of Lull.
He left his village, lie who never trav
els, stick In baud, to make the Jour
ney to Dendaye. the home of Lotl. on
foot. He prayed the celebrated novel
ist to receive blm without ceremony;
that he should be satlstled with a
bowl of milk for bis repast.
But he was much asibulsbed when
the novelist took blm at his word, la
the dining room on a table without
cloth or uapklu there was only an im
mense crock of milk.
The visitor showed some hesitation
about beginning the feast. Meanwhile
his host began to walk around the
room like a bear lu a cage, ouly Inter
rupting bis walk from time to time to
take a long swig of milk from the
crock. Without saying a word the host
Invited the astonished guest to Imitate
The man of the simple life had found
one more simple than himself, and he
left the house convinced that the great
novelist had become crazy.
Official Reynoldsville.
for any kind of a
lamp or lantern is
Trfrle refined from Pennayhmnto Crude
Oil the beet in the world.
Does awap with all "muss" and trouble.
Will not char wick or "froat" chimney.
Puma round and full with clear, white
IiKht clean and dry without readjuatmentot
No more tank wagon ofl. Got 'Tamil y Fa
vorite" out of the original barrel from out
Your dealer know.
Ask him.
Wavertv Oil Works Co.
Independent Refiners I
Pittsburg, Pa. I
Also maker. otWarertr Special Aoto I
OU and Waverlr Gasoline. . y i
Jr ;lJ
Main Street. Roynoldsvllle, Pa
W T. MruhiikHr M(rr.
,M'li.a liawrfti hrotul St. 4 tut lor hh.i
IfcMiI'ngr Trmilnnl nn Fill Hit nL.
KintHfi pr dy Mnd up.
Amfit'iin $ '..Vi p.-r rtu'v nd tn.
Tbetmiy "'odprtn- prWri hmtO f f-(t.
utut'nD and I'otiHtkiuenct- Iti
fWouare tif'eby tnfm-nied that tfie animal
meetlnuoJ ihB stf-Khnlrtpin or tlx-v-Yilie
Telephone Ouuipuny will be hi Id hi the
general ltlce of te Oomiiauy-'n Krnokvlllo,
x-.,on Wednesday, the 12th any rr .limn iv,
A. I)., lBtO, nt the hour of t n o'clock it. in.,
forthpHirore of electing boa-fl rifulro,-
torn for Uii' Company for the ennlni veur,
and for the t lu nsan Ion Vf Hin h oiIht
bliHinc a mtiy properly come tmforp nuid
tneelliiir. . J. K. HroWS,.
J.8. liAUMORD, ' I'residtint.
r Heorotury. . .......... . . .. .
(Ordtaance No. 137.)
AN ORDINANCE providing for the j
transfer t me sum of $416.84 remain- I
log in the "Main Street Paving Fund" I
to "The Borough Sinking Fund" and j
. providing how the name ahall be used. :
Whkreas the Borough 'of Revnolda-!
ville, Pa., by Ordinance No. 132, ap
proved the 8th day of July. A. D. 19U8, J
authorized the Increase of the indebted-
ness of said borough to an amount not
exoeeding ten thousand dollars by the
sale of bonds, which said fund wa to be j
used solely for the purpose of grading. J
ourblng and paving that portion of j
Main street In said borough which lies!
between Seventh street on the West j
and the oorough line on the East, and
Wherkas the sum of nine thousand
five hundred dollars was realized from
asale of ninety-five said bonds, out of
watch fund the aaid hornno-h nnrtrnnt.,.
ft ated the sum of nine thousand and
eighty-three atd 16 100 dollars in pay
ment of its proportion of the cost of
(Trading, curbing and paving that por
'ion of Main street above designated,
'bus leaving a balance of four hundred
ir.d -ixteen and 84 100 dollars In the
mnds of the B trough Treasurer In the
Main Street Paving Fund;"
Section 1. Therefore be it ordained
and enacUd by the town council of the
'loroughof Reynoldsvl.le, Pa, and it
is hereby urdained aud enacted by au
thority of the same, that the sum of
fwr hundred and sixteen and 84 100
dollars, being the amount now remain
ing in the hands of the Borough Treas
urer, in "the Main Street Paving
Fund," be transferred to the "Borough
Bund Sinking Fund" and that the paid
money so transferred he used by the
: ii i-ougn i -ertsurer, so i mg as any re
j mains th-'r-'nf, solely f-i hf purpose of
I ; ',1e' Interest on thM h -n.) ie-Hi'-i) by
j "-aid horoueh for the purpose ah.ive des
j 'gna'ed iheeald bonds b-lnif marked
' "Main Street Paving Boods."
Seoiiim 2 All ordinances or parts of
"cdinaoc In conflict, herewith are
hereby repealed. t
Pt-s"d and enacted finally hv the
Town Council of the B irough of Reyn
n'riavlllp at. a regular meeting held on
'hf seventh day if Dtcember, A. D.
' . V. YorjNG, President of Council.
Attest: Clement w. Flynn, -
Clerk of Council.
Now, December 8th, 1900, the fore
going ordinance Is submitted to me,
reao, considered and approved. s
J. D. Williams. Chief Burgess.
A Story About a Cow and the Calf
She Licked.
Ail absurd story is cited, about a
cow, showing what creatures of habit
animals are. This particular cow
would uot stand to be' milked unless
she could lick her calf at the same
time. For a long time she always had
a calf of some age or other to lick,
but at last by ill fortune one of her
calves died.
There is no reasou wby a bereaved
mother should mourn her loss just at
milking time, but there was the fixed
habit of making certain motions. The
farmer, however, was a practical
psychologist. Ho stuffed the skin of
the calf with hay and let the cow
have that to lick. To be sure, the buy
calf had neither head nor legs, but a
cow has no general Ideas concerning
the nature of calves nor any special
reason for assuming that calves should
have heads and legs. It felt right, and
It smelled right. It enabled her to go
through the customary motions at
milking time. Therefore It was sulD
clent. By dint of caressing aud licking her
little calf the tender parent one fine
morning unripped It. The bay Issued
from within, aud the cow. manifest
ing uot the slightest surprise or agita
tion, proceeded tranquilly to devour
the unexpected provender. B. T.
Brewster in McClure's Magazine.
Murder Revealed by a Dream.
Perhaps the most amazing cr'me
mystery ever solved by a dream was
that revealed by a murder trial a cou
ple of generations ago. The dead body
of Mr. Norway, an inoffensive Cornish
gentleman, bad been found by the
roadside between Wadebrldge aud
Bodmin brutally murdered. No trnce
of the murderer could be found, aud
the mystery of the crime seemed be
yond all solution when Mr. Norway's
brother, a naval ollker, arrived In
England and told the following story:
On the very night of bis brother's mur
der, when be was on bis ship In the
West Indies, he saw blm In a dream
walking along the Bodmin road, when
from a dark recess in the bedge two
ruffians sprang out, slew and robbed
him and then made their way to fl
house In Wadebrldge, which he saw
vividly In hla dream. To this house
he conducted the police officers, and
there be found the very two men
whom In bis vision he bad Been com
mit the murder. Tbey confessed and
suffered the extreme penalty of the
law. London Answers.
A Gentle Rebuke.
It was late lu the year for straw
berries, but Mrs. Beacon was deter
mined to have some for Sunday din
ner. Over the telephone came the
news that they were "very fine.
ma'am; very fine indeed." Being,
however, a cautious housekeeper, she
decided to look over the fruit herself,
as the grocer was not always to be
"They don't appear very good," Bbe
said some time later, examining care
fully a basketful. "They look" here
she extracted one and tasted it "they
look a little greeu. I don't know. Just
let me try one." She took another.
"I guess I'll take one box, please, l'ou
don't put very many in a box, do you?"
she inquired.
"There was," said the grocer respect
fully, "but there's been so many ladles
looking 'em over that there ain't"
"You may give me two boxes," Bald
Mrs. Beacon. Youth's Companion.
There Was No Duel.
Colonel Crisp when In the Missouri
legislature was one of the central fig
ures In a scene which promised blood
shed, which ended In a hearty laugh
and which was the cnuse of an as
tounding remark from lion. John W.
Farrlss, the then speaker, said Champ
Clark. Crisp aud another member got
Into a debate which grew into a quar
rel. They shook their fists at each
other and roared like a pair of Nu
mldlan lions. Everybody expected and
many hoped to see a regular old fash
ioned knockdown and dragout fight,
which expectation and hope were frus
trated and dashed to the ground by
Speaker Farrlss remarking:
"If you gentlemen do not quit fuss
ing and take your seats I will order
the chaplain to take you Into custody,"
which so amazed the bellicose legis
lators that they stood In a state of
lingual paralysis, while the spectators
laughed till they were red In the face.
Humor saved the day.
, , V .
f tTl,.1.n,L,LrJi0rH .r mZ'',"! ' V? 6,ltmt oaT 1,mS nature Intenaoa me to do that only
wrhX Now we eai 3 meals a day. that in nan that I have U
w t LT, il ' U hours; and I need i or 8 hours of rest bet,w,en each period of
WOI'K in order to he In amui w 1 1 . .. .. i, . i . . . i i .
nw.,,1. i. ' ;r . .-;"' I".. u uiy worn wuu. now miiiuie anna ana omor
K ?v a. ? i ? thHlr '?od i" ,ien younner fe,hould take aomothtoii ooce
5,!it5. --ii i mtbll l1"-? dr wllh yot" 'ood no difference If you can't
SiS..,d T naV .'iwl'. ,ly,'eh.el.DO, thB tabler, that your foid will be propeily
i , rj.ZZ ii iTij "V" "" "on any iun to una anout me not aolnc my work.
tw u nnthTi. P"011,!8' thHJ 'ike vwious thinge to better their condition, but
trt2rtii .u!iT Ujar" ""f? lo T10 m' """ill NATURE'S HERBS, for I have
andl nfrtVLi fo.J",ow- 5?" P001' no notao thouKhtful
t1? SSLJ?" ml If"1 ? u'"d be, especially the younuer people, for
&ft.I.- :Jh?'Vndoth,r pl,iCei tns rtoheet of foods are .ervecT'tre more
Y otaxli properly then ihey wllUaV. .otbln,' to helpV. ".Vf SE and II "oa'tTet .
I SCr?hl?lJi..f'-AJF'" HERBS la atwolitely .i,ntl.l (n'.Th cls! very ffi5
I wtaraTIl"oald'IendlnaBrotestiadth.raTaarto kpovltwliMl4o.
Ea th me ' ' ooiorri n. dint ItTt... Carlm. rreKottTllw, lofb BatMoa,
Lincoln's Religion.
I have never united myself to any
church, because 1 have found difficulty
In giving my assent without mental j
reservation ' to the long complicated i
statements of Christian doctrine which j
characterize their articles of belief !
and confessions of faltb. Whenever
any church will inscribe over Its altar j
as Its sole qualification for member- 1
ship the Saviour's condensed statement
of the substance of both law and gos
pel, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy
God with all thy heart, and with all
thy soul, and with nil thy mind, audi
thy uelghbor as thyself." that church
will I join with all my heart aud all
my soul. Abraham Lincoln.
How Ha Helped the Blind. '
"Please help a blind ninn." said a
fellow with green goggles as he held a
tin cup toward the line of people Issu
Ing from the Union depot. "1 always
help the blind," Bald one of two young
men who were passing, and bp stopped
and took out a five dollar bill. "Can
you get a quarter out of this?" "1
guess so," said the blind man, fishing
out a handful of change and counting
out $4.75. "Well. John," said the ben
evolent young man's companion as
they walked on. "you're a bigger fool
than I took you to be." "Am 1?" said
John. "Yes, you are. That fellow's no
more blind than I am. How could he
tell that was a five dollar bill?"
"Blamed if I know," said John Inno
cently, "but be must be mighty near
sighted not to see that It was a coun
terfeit" Chicago News.
Settled the Difficulty.
An Insurance agent had vainly tried
to persuade a man to insure bis valua
bles against burglary. "A safe's all very
well." he admitted, "but look at the
constant trouble of locking up and un
locking to see if your things are all
"I've, got over that difficulty," de-
dared the weary listener.
"Indeed"' said the agent incredulous
ly. "How?" .
"I've bad a window put ln the safe,"
growled the other. r
Queer Friends.
On board the Union Castle It. M. S.
Goth on a voyage from the C'npe to
Tenerlfe was a little monkey belong
ing to one of the stewards. It. .was
very fond of sitting on the back of a
tortoise, another ship's pet, while the
latter crawled about 'the dock. .Al
though rather 111 tempered and snap
pish with people, the monkey, was al
ways friendly with the tortoise, 'Which
made no objection to being' used as
lier steed. Wide World Magazine.
Th Little Thing Counted.
The Pastor (dining with the family)
Ab, yes. Brother Smltuers, It is the lit
tle things of this life that count!' Lit
tle. Willie (ln a loud whisper) Maw,
that's the sixth biscuit he's took. Ex
change. Emotional.
"What sort of role doea Rounder
take ln the new drama?" , "''
"An emotional one; In the bit; acene
be la offered a drink which he baa' to
refnae." "
Labor bewtowed oa trifles la aflly-
An Indiacreet Memory.
The Hostess Don't you think Colo
nel Broadside Is quite a wonderful old
mdn? Look it him. lie Is as stralgtlt
and slender as an arrow, and be bas
the most wonderful memory. The
Lady of Dubious Age I think he's an
atrocious old bore. He remembers
when everybody was born. Cleveland
Plain Dealer.'
Poor Dogs! '
Returned Explorer Yes; the cold
was so Intense at the pole we had to
be very careful not to pet our dogs.
Miss Youngthlng Indeed! Why was
that? Returned .Explorer You see,
tbelr tails were frozen stiff, and It
they wagged them tbey would break
off. Boston Transcript -
Where Her Thoughts Wars.
Daughter To tell the troth, pa. I
didn't think much of the close of the
sermon. Father Thought more of the
clothes of the congregation, eh? ,
If a man wishes to be treated with
curtesy be should show courtesy to
l "Mrs. lllrain tloosler wus goln' t' git Hiram
a pair o' lace curtulna fer Christmas, but
sho'a made up bor mind V buy him a Uocaler
Kltcbcn Cabinet like you got fer John."
Make your wife happy
and save her steps with
one of these cabinets.
It BAOffifl B it ik.uil ...... 1 If lI t
bands in Reynoldsville are (?oln)f to re-
xiooBier (jamnets ror Christmas.
' And the other half are going to GIVE
Htosler Kitchen Cabinets to their
The Hoosier Special Is the Ideal
kitchen servant.
HUUMER vSPECPJj 1 Wc nevcr had
so many
I beautiful Christmas goods.
Furniture, Dishes, Rugs, BisselTs SweepersBrass Goods,
China and Etched Glass. '
FOR THE CHILDREN Doll Go-Carts, Wagons, Wheel
.. - 'wum, Align vuaus iuu rvocriers.
C. R. HALL, Reunoldsville, Pa.
As it is only a few days until you will be buying
Christinas presents for your friends, we want
to call your attention to the
Finest Line of Rockers, Rugs,
Devons, &c.
that we haveever had in our. store and the prices
are to suit the times, Call in and Bee our stock
before buying elsewhere.
J. R. H1LLIS & CO.
Chase & Sanborn's Coffee.
Sunbeam Prepared Buckwheat Flour.
(Needs noTmilk.)
Aunt Maria's Pancake-Flour. ,
- Quality Chocolates in all size packages.
Give us your order for
It Costs Just '
a Post Card -
to learn how to increase your
income on your savings anc
how to bank by mall and how
to insure yourbank deposits,
without cost, with a fund of
ten million dollars.
Write todqy for Interesting
Free Booklet
Capital and Surplus, $10,000,000.00
la Capital and Sorphu, there b Strenfth."
S17 Foortk At 314 t 314 P.i.pj St