The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 22, 1909, Image 7

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; Exceptional
of the California Fig Syrup Co. and the
cientifio attainment of its chemists have
rendered possible the production of Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna, in all of its
excellence, by obtaining the pure medic
inal principles of plants known to act most
beneficially and combining them most
skillfully) in the right proportions, with
its wholesome and refreshing Syrup of
California Figs.
As there is only one genuine Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna and as the gen
uine is manufactured by an original
method known to the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, it is alwiys necessary to buy the
genuine to get its beneficial effects.
A knowledge of the above facts enables
one to decline imitations or to return them
if, upon viewing the package, the full name
of the California Fig Syrup Co. is not found
printed on the front thereof.
Whose Records?
For generations Maryland has been
famous for her chickens, and whether
they were fried a la Maryland or were
laid to rest in the old-fashioned pie,
they have served their country well
and have left pleasant memories be
hind them. It is all the more gratify
ing to record that out of the heart of
the fried chicken belt has come this
phenomenal hen. According to the
record ehe not only lays two eggs a
day, but sometimes varies it by con
tributing three. All are perfectly
fresh and suitable for family use. If
she can keep up her record for a year
thjs will mean 730 eggs, with a few
extra for Christmas and the- Fourth of
July. If all the eggs grew up into
chickens, Mrs. Snowball would soon
have enough descendants to cluck
around the world. She deserves a
tnedal from Secretary Wilson and a
cablegram from Colonel Roosevelt for
her efforts to prevent race suicide.
Baltimore Sun.
Eczema For a Year Got No Relief
Even at Skin Hospital In Despair
Until Cuticura Cured Him.
"I was troubled by a severe itching And
dry, scurfy skin on my tinkles, feet, arms
and scalp. Scratching made it worse.
Thousands of small red pimples formed
and these caused intense itching. I was
sdvised to go to the hospital for diseases
of the skin. I did iu, the chief surgeon
saying: 'I never saw such a bad cose of
eczema.' But I got little or no relief.
Then I tried many so-called remedies, but
I became so bad that 1 almost gave up in
despair. After suffering ngonics for twelve
months, I was relieved of the almost un
bearable itching after two or three applica
tions of Cuticura Ointment. I continued
its use, combined with Cuticura Soap and
Pills, and I was completely cured. Henry
Bearle-Cross St., Little Rock, Ark., Oct
8 and 19, 1907."
Totter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props,
of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass.
Brazilian Tariffs.
Brazil has some corking tariff du
ties penknives, 291 per cent; screws,
S34 per cent; Iron racks, 430 per cent;
Iron bits, 526 per cent; school chalk,
652 per cent; key rings, C29 per cent.
American canned vegetables pay du
ties of 349 per cent; canned fruits,
41G; onions, C16.
Kheumatism Cured in a Iny.
Dr. Deletion's Ivelicf (or Rhu..nmtim and
Neuralgia rndlcnlly cures in I to 3 (luys. Its
action is retnarkiililc. Remove the cause
and disease quickly disappears. First dose
greatly benefits. 7jc. and $1. All druggists.
A powerful radlotelography plant
has been contracted for by the Navy
Department. This plant will bo at
Washington, D. C. and will be guar
anteed to transmit messages three
thousand miles across seas.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and
invigorate stomach, liver nmi bowels.
Sugur-coated, tiny granules. Knr.y to take
as candy.
Peat in Canada.
A fuel-testing plant is being estab
lished by the Canadian Government
for Investigating the natural fuel sup
plies of the Dominion. As peat oc
curs in immense quantities in both On
tario and Quebec an attempt Is to be
made to discover a method of using it
successfully In eai producers.
Made of Steel
(For Miners, Ouarrymen,
Farmers and All lea
Whi Do Rough Wort
Will cut down your
shoe bills. You can buy
hoes fitted with them
from vour dealer, or any cob
bler can put them on. They will
make your old shoes good as new.
Will outlast three pairs of leather
heels. Let us send you booklet
that tells all aooui mem,
Patents r
P. N. U. 61. 1908.
ATS , Be a. athat.
The garden debris comes in useful
as a winter protection for perennial
and bulb beds. In addition to leaves,
save the flower stems, lawn clippings
and straw, all of which serve the pur
pose. Indianapolis News.
Do not send your apples to market
In one mess big, little, good and
wormy all together. Sort them care
fully, making at least two sizes, and
keep the sound ones separate. This
work always pays well in the in
creased price the fruit brings.
Farmers' Home Journal.
The nature and habits of the
strawberry require that tillage be
continuous through the season.
Down in the crown of the plant are
being perfected fruit buds which are
large or small, strong or weak, as the
conditions for their development are
favorable or unfavorable. Farmers'
Home Journal.
People of the cities are beginning
to realize that the simple things in
food and vegetables are the best for
health and the only place to get them
Is from the growers. There Is an in
creasing demand for canned fruits
and vegetables and with the advent
of the home canners there is added
another source of revenue to the
farm. Farmers' Home Journal.
Any out-bulldlng with a dirt floor
may be utilized in carrying out the
plan for storage given below. Or,
posts may be set and boards nailed on
till a place of suitable dimensions is
formed. The leaves necessary for use
are more readily obtained than one
would think. Large acks of any de
scription will serve for the purpose
of gathering fallen leaves. Sheets
are also very handy and efficient for
the purpose.
After making stire that the dirt
flotfr is fresh and clean, sprinkle a
four-Inch layer of forest leaves over
the surface. Place the apples on the
leaves, and pile them so that none
will be closet" to the sides than one
foot. When the desired quantity is
thus piled, cover the tops and sides
with a layer of leaves one foot thick,
and form some sort of roof. The ap
ples will keep in splendid condition
and when taken out will have re
tained more of their natural, delic
ious flavor than those stored in the
cellar or common apple-pit. M. Al
bertus Coverdell, in the Indiana
A yellow "pink" is somewhat an
anomaly, but as we have white pinks
as well we need not grumble at the
paradox the term implies. In Dlan
thus Knappi we have one with yellow
flowers, and it is consequently a spe
cies which arouses much interest in
the minds of those fond of the genus
dianthus. As a garden plant it ap
peals to many, but one finds that its
longevity is not always so great as
one would like, and that a frequent
renewal from seeds or cuttings is de
sirable. D. Knappi is one of the
erect-growing species, and reaches a
height of about a foot, and looks even
better in the rock garden than one
would suppose from its character. It
is equally well suited for a border
flower, and in either place Its sturdy,
erect growth and Its clusters of yel
low flowers make it a favorite with
many, apart altogether from its un
common color. It is easily raised
from seeds, but may also be multi
plied by cuttings, taken off immedi
ately after flowering and stuck in
pots under glass. It is a native of
Hungary and adjacent parts. Its
flowering time is usually June and
July. Journal of Horticulture.
1. Strawberries do well on almost
any well drained soil, which is free
from frost, reasonably fertile, -and not
infested with white grubs.
2. There is little danger of mak
ing the soil too rich, but .there is a
possibility of injuring the plants with
commercial fertilizers, if placed too
closely about the roots, and with
coarse manure.
3. Commercial fertilizers seem to
have no effect on white grubs, nor
does manure, but the latter stimu
lates the plants so as to repair the
4. The best fertilizers are well
rotted manure, bone meal and wood
6. The best method of preparing
the soil is to plow in the fall, mulch
with manure, and fit the ground in
the spring with cultivator and har
row. 6. The best time to set strawberry
plants is in early spring. When
plants are to be set in the fall they
should be especially grown for the
purpose, either in frames or in pots.
7. For matted rows .the plants
should be set eighteen inches by foui
feet apart, and for hills one foot by
8. In hill culture the runners are
all removed, and for the best results
in matted rows a part should be cut
off, or some of the plants dug out.
9. Generally, it is better to keep
a bed only one season, but if kept
longer the best treatment Is burning
soon after fruiting. '
10. Winter protection should be
given by mulching, and the best ma
terial Is awamp hay. Ohio Station,
Why is it that people sit t h i s w a J
In the car we miss,
And in the car we tinally catch
Are crowdcdlikethis?
"Will there ever be a woman Pres
ident?" "No. The Constitution says the
President must be over forty-five
years old, and women don't get that
old." Kansas City Times.
"I have here a poem."
' "Is it a poem of any serious pur
pose?" inquired the editor of the
Hlghbroiv Magazine.
"Yes, sir; it was written to pay a
wash bill with." Louisville Courier
Journal. HARD PROOF.
What. will convince me that this
world is not a mere bubble?" asked
the pessimistic person, who was al
ways growling.
"Try falling out of an airship,"
chuckled the optimist, cheerfully.
Boston Post.
"She doesn't think bo much of
"What the matter with her?"
"Well, Bhe's cashier in a tailor
rhop. She's used to seeing men get
fitted for their togs." Louisville
"What makes those two women
turn up their noses at each other so
"Possibly," replied Miss Cayenne,
"each got a glimpse of the current
novel the other was reading."
Washington Star.
"How many fish did you catch yes
terday?" "Forty-eight."
"Did you eat all three of them?"
"What have you learned from
your experience as a gardener this
"Well, I've learned one thing, and
that is that it's mlshty hard for a
good furnace tender to make a suc
cess of two trades." Detroit Free
"What makes you spend sa much
money on that lawsuit?"
"It's a matter of taste. Some peo
ple like to attend lectures. I p-cfer
to pay more and hear a lawyer dis
course on affairs in which I am per
sonally interested." Washington
"Uhder what kind of a tree," in
quired the song writer, "does the Es
kimo make love?"
"Under no kind of a tree," an
swered the citizen addressed. "I am
glad to say'that there is no vegetation
in the extreme north." Louisville
Courier-Journal, '
"It's a downright nuisance, that's
what It is," growled the pessimistic
"What's a downright nuisance?"
queried bis better half or perhaps
"That upright piano in the adjoin
ing flat," answered the p. m. Boston
The captain was explaining what
would be done in case of accident.
"And should the ship strike a
rock," he continued, "we'd burn red
fire and send up rockets."
"But wouldn't that be a rather un
usual time to celebrate, captain?"
asked the tow-beaded youth with the
bulldog pipe. Lipplncott's.
"You wish a position as chef?" in
terrogated the hotel man. "Had
much experience?"
"I should say so, boss," responded
the applicant in the fur coat and long
whiskers. "I used to be chef on an
arctic expedition."
"Indeed! And what is your-specialty?"
WVhy, I know how to prepare boots
in twenty different ways."-CbIcago
life PrA
j AM. I I.", Jl-li ' 11 9 T---.V-
Able to Distinguish Between Real and
False Dangers.
The Intelligence of the fox is often
shown by the way he refuses to be
headed when he has made up his mind
as to the safe course to take, sayfTthe
London Globe. The West Somerset
have an excellent fixture at Kllve,
but It has one drawback the sea Is
not far off, and foxes naturally often
make for the cliffs, a secure refuge.
A fox can be easily headed at times,
but that Is nearly always when to
be seen would betray him to his ene
mies the hounds and give them an ad
vantage; but when If he makes his
point the advantage is on bis side,
then nothing will turn him.
To return to the West Somerset at
Kllve; they found a fox, and the
whlpperln, seeing that the fox meant
to go to the cliffs If possible, started
to head him off. The ground was open,
and for half a mile the whlpperln and
fox were taking parallel lines, the fox
clearly meaning to slip by and End
a refuge In the cliffs. The man turned
the fox away at last, but In a short
time the bounds lost him, and , be
lieve he got back niter all.
Again the master ranged up some
of the field to prevent another fox go
ing back to a certain covert. In
vain whips where rattled against sad
dle flaps; the fox went right through
the watchers and made his point. It
Ib a thing I have often noticed both
with 6tag or fox, that the quarry seems
to distinguish between real nnd false
Biau Is like a clock run down. MUNYON'!
VITALIZE 11 will wlwl lilm up anil ninka
him en. It ymi are nervous. If you are
Irritable, K you luck cuiillilpiice In your
elf. If you ilo not fc.l your full manly
vigor, lieclu on renii'ily at once. Thera
re 73 VI TAI IZKU tuhlcls In one buttle;
every tablet 1.4 full of vluil power. Don't
npml anotber iloltur on iiinck iloctorfl or
spurious rcinciHcM, nr till your ylcm with
harmful ilru;;n. IIcrIii on Mt'NYONd
VITAI.I7.KU t nine, nmi yon will bi'Rln
to feci the vltulhlii;; fiTci't of this reiin'ly
after the first il c. I'llcc. J I, ' pust-imlJ.
Muuyou, 03ru aiul JefTeraou, I'lill.i, l a.
Color more jocvlli hrlulitrr mil f.n'nr colors than Mir
owl dj kiir (uniicul without lipping uiuirl. Write
Art Note.
All Ohio hna been stirred to the
depths because It was proposed to let
a convict clean the portraits In the
statehouse art gallery. Protesting Col
umbua artista telegraphed to the
painter of some or the portraits. In
Washington. That gentleman replied:
"Let him clean my portraits U It will
do him' any good." Wo respectfully
submit that It was the picture, not
the convict, who was to be cleaned.
Charleston News and Courier.
niiouinntism nnt Xctir'lirm nci-cr CMtlil
let tilnnn with llmiilino Wizard Oil. Wiz
ard Oil always drives them away from the
premises in short order.
Morning milk Is best tor babies
fresher and fever germs than the pre
vlous night's milk, but sightly weaker
In cream. , k
Somehow or other Fortune never
seems to call on our days at home.
Traveling cooking schools are being
sent out ail over the German Empire
by the Government.
Itch cured in 30 minuimi liy Wnnifnnl'a
Buuiury i.oliun. .Never la, la. At druggist.
Greatest of Leper Colonies.
"The leper colony at Kalaupapa, on
the Island ct MoloUal, one of the Ha
waiian pToup, Is the bigjest of the
kind In the world, between
700 and 800 of these unfortunates."
said Dr. C. V. Stephensan cf Honolulu,
at the Belvedere. "The lepers have a
rerular municipal government of their
own, base ball teams and other ath
letic ami social clubs, and to all ap
pearances the unfortunates enjoy life
quite as much as people who are not
so grievously affllc.ed.
"The colony does not Increase nu
merically, and latterly a few were let
go, as experts pronounced them well.
Perhaps they never had It, since It Is
hardly In the list of curable diseases.
The poor wretches are really doomed,
and yet, knowing tholr fate, they bear
up with remarkable cheerfulness."
Bald-more American.
How 8rer Case of Kidney Disease
Was Conquered,
Mrs. Sherman Youngs, Schoharie,
N. T says: "Dean's Kidney Pills
saved my life after years of suffering
that ran me down to such a degree
of weakness , that I
could do no work,
and the pains 1 suf
fered would throw
me into spasms. I
was dlxiy, worn and
sleepless, my back
ached terribly, I had
rheumatism and was
nervoas and all unstrung. I thought
I tried every known medicine, but It
was not until I began musing Doan's
Kidney Pills that I began to get help.
The pains slowly disappeared, the
kidney secretions cleared up and In a
few weeks my strength returned so
that f could work about the bouse
again. It Is three years since then
and Doan's Kidney Pills have kept
me well."
Remember the name Doan's. Bold
by all dealers. (0 cent a boi. Fot-tar-MUkarn
Co., Buffalo fcN. T.
A Poor Weak Woman
As she 1 termed, will ensure bravely and patiently
agonies which a strong man would five way under.
The fact is women re more patient than they ought
to be under such troubles.
Every woman ought to know that she may obtain
the most experienced medical sdvico free of chare
nd in absolute confidence and privacy by writing to
the World's Dispensary Medical Association, It. V.
Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N, Y. Dr. Pierce
bus been chief consulting pliysiciin of the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., for
many years and lias had a wider practical experience
in the treatment of women's disenics than any other physician in this country, '
His medicines are world-famous for their astonishing efficacy.
The most perfect remedy ever devised for weak and dell
cat women is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
The many and varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are fully set
forth in Plain English in the People's Medical Adviser (1008 pages), a newly
revised and up-to-date Edition of which, cloth-bound, will be mailed free on
receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Address as above.
When Cold
When cold winds blow, biting frost
is in the air, and'back-draughts down
the chimney deaden the fires, then the
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)'
shows its sure heating power by
steadily supplying just the heat that
is needed for comfort.
The Perfection Oil Heater is unaffected
by weather conditions. It never fails. No
smoke no smell just a genial, satisfying
heat. The new
Smokeless Device -
prevents the wick being turned too high.
Removed in an instant.
Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil sttfTicier.t to give out a glowing heat
for 9 hours solid lirass wick carriers damper top cool handle oil indicator.
Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles.
Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Yours, Write for Descriptive Circular
t3 the Nearest Agency of the
othe - ilvi. Onn Wo, pru-Hagn mlnrl all riher. ThP? dje In cold wnter Iwllpr ttinn iinr ottinr d. Yol
lur freo booklet How lo bye, UtauM and lllx Colurt illONUOK 111(1(1 CO.. Qulncr, lilluote.
The Larpest Manufacturer or i
Wear W, L. Douglas comfortable!
I e a sywa Iking
UJ made upon honor, of the best leoth
ffl era, by the most skilled workmen,
ti A In nil tha fn.klnni. AK(M1 In
fcJifrftttil l.v ( Ja'i
In all walks of life.
fyi$V$J factories at Brockton, Mass., and, 7
W SAI'j Wifa enow you nowcareruiiy . u. uour
i'f i lc" shoes nre made, you would
VVil understand
j$W&M and Bra of Breater
yt'i-.-ix'-'ti other mnke.
nmmo mvl the relnil
the bottom, 'rake Ao
Disgrace of Two Lawyers.
The disbarment 'of two Ohio law
yers, formerly judges of the court of
t:ommon picas at Ashland, for having
a'dod while on the bench the dissipa
tion of an estate in lltigat'on and ex
orbitant aitorney teas, reflects credit
upen the legal profession and upon
the tribunal which ordered that the
two men be dif?sraced. It seems that
the casa was heard by a special court
composed of the judges of five neigh
boring counties. The offepse was of
a sort to arouse public opinion, for the
bulk of the estate, amounting to $100,
000, was to have been given to a child
dren's homo, but when the settlement
was finally effected the home did not
get a dollar. Springfield Republican.
Artificial Flowers Popular.
The use of artificial flowers has In
creased amazingly, a well known
florist and decorator said the other
day. Nowadays when persons find It
necessary to decorate their houses
with flowers for weddings, receptions,
dances, even funerals, they take a tip
from the experienced florist. He ex
plains that it Is just as nice and much
cheaper to use artificial flowers for
three-fourths of the decoration requir
ed. The artificial flowers are made so
cunningly that It is extremely difficult
to detect the Imposture. The artifice
Is strengthened by perfuming the artl
flcial flowers delicately. Florists keep
on hand four or live complete sets of
artificial flowers for house decoration.
Now York Sun.
The Paris Cabman.
The cabman's wild career through
the streets, the constant waving and
slashing of his pitiless whip, his mad
cap hurtlements snd collllons, the
frenzied gesticulations which he ev
changes with hie "fare," the panic
stricken flight of the agonized wom
en whose lives he has endangered,
the ugly niBhes which the public oc
casionally make at him with a view
to lynching hlra, the sprawllnga and
failings of his maddened, hysterical,
starving horse, contribute as much as
anything to the spasmodic Intensity,
the electric blue-fire diablerie which
are characteristic of the general move
ment of Paris. Harper's Weekly...
. .... . 1 .v. l
Somehow or other Fortune never
seems to call on our days at home.
ran n Fnn r?3nFMJE
Winds Blow
shoes. They are
why tney noid
value than any
that W. I,. Tlnnehu
price Is s mnped on
;n A FLA VOX that la need the Mime m letnorj
U ...III. It. .Ii..l;., mnnl.lul . I-
orvanlUn. Itr diaimlviug graimlatd eugar in
walr mid tvluiug Maphiino, adelicloaa synip is
nuute ami a aynip better than maple. Muploine
In sohl hy rrocura. Bend 2o stamp for aample
ar.d nxipe buok. Ciesccat Hit. Co.. SestU.
It fine tor children sad adults, very pleauat
to take and free from opiate. It toothes
and heals the aching throat and auure netful
nighta to both mother and child.
5; AO Dnigchts. 28 certs.
If you but
knew what harsh
cathartics do, you'd
always use Cascarets.
Candy tablets, vegetable
and mild. Yet just as effective
as salts and calomel Take one
when you need it Stop the
trouble promptly. .Never wait
till night sa
V st pocket box. 10 seat! at di elm.
Eacii tablet el tue sesaiae U aauked C C C.
rnivr cmmM 199? t woiw
Qrt aB.d flmv.
ing eitr. Nine ial!rau, nomeroae eteass
btp line. 8ml p ane for health ana pio.
pe Hy Free use ot land la realeai ganlea
section t America m lot barer
K"r lot. or a.'re write to-eav.
, , . Horfaik. Ylraisla.
Free Booklet,
New Glass Grinder.
What is said to be an Important dis
covery In the glass Industry haa been
made by Mr. Little, which will tend
to revolutionize the art ot grinding
glass. The grinder which he baa dis
covered Is made from one-half beat
Portland cement and one-halt silica
sand. In this stone there are no
soft or hard spots, and It will grind
glass without scatohlng. The cost
of the grindstone is about 10 per cent
that of the common grindstone.
Even the' weather man should lay
by a few prediction for a rainy day.
... "Mj
-" era e era sa Pa
K UwH . bx jm nib. IBM
jjjBest for Baby and BeTforMotl!