The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 22, 1909, Image 1

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    why' not?
One year's subscription fur TUB STAR
would be just tbe thing lor a Christmas
; present for your friend.
Send your friend The Stab one year
for a Christmas present. Fur fifty-two
weeks they would be reminded of the
ftmoijD'mLLE. pim'i.. wkunksluv. December 22, im.
Pleural Pneumonia Terminates
Career of a Former Reyn
oldsville Boy.
Seloe Edgar Mohnny, eldest, Bnn of
Mr. and ' Mrs. Matthew Mobuey, of
Jackson street, Reynoldsvllle, died at
his homo at Crafton, Pa., suburb of
Pittsburgh, at 4 00 a. m. Saturday, De
cember 18, 1000, with plural pneumonia,
He had ben ill ten days. Tbe body
was brought to New Bethlehem Mon
day at 11 30 a. m., and Immediately
taken to the Methodist Episcopal
church, where funeral service was con
ducted by Dr, J. W. Blalsdell, and In
terment was made In the New Bethle
hem cemetery.
Setoe Mohney was born at New Beth
lehem, Pa., November 27, 1870, and
was SO years and 21 days old at time of
death. His parents moved to Reynolds
vllle while he was yet a baby and Seloe
epent his boyhood days here. In his
early days be took a liking to printing
and bought a little outfit and did print
ing at home during Idle time. When
fifteen years old he accepted a position
In tbe Falls Creek Herald office and was
there several years. He was foreman
la the Punxsutawney Spit-it office two
years, resigning that position to take
up circulating library work. Ho wan
foreman for the Cramer Printing and
Publishing' Co. at Crafton, Pa., four
years, but had resigned his position
with, that company and accepted the
foremanship of a printing otlloe in Wll
merdlng and had worked two days for
this company when stricken with pneu
monia. April 5, 1905, Soloe was united In
marriage to Mias Byrd O. Hoy, of Falls
Creek, whom, with two children, sur
vives her husband.
He was a momber of the Order of
Moose and Foresters and tbe Printers'
Union of Pittsburgh.
Seloe was a bright young man with a
genial disposition and had the happy
faculty of making friends with all who
became acquainted with him. He had
a host of friends In Reynoldsvllle who
were grieved to learn of his doath,
which was a surprise and Bhock as It
was fot generally known that he was
ill. Deoeased Is survived by his widow,
two children, parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Mohney, of this place, one slBter and
two nrothers, Mrs. Effte C. Hough, of
Los Angeles, Cal., Rev. Charles C.
Moboey, ot Meadvllle, Pi., and Fred
Mohney, at borne.
And try one of our boxes of delicious
Chocolates. You'll And, as Hamlet
said, "Increase of appetite will grow by
what it feeds on." That Is, the more
you eat the more you will want. Being
pure to perfection, even an over-indulgence
will not be harmful. Our fine
Chocolates, Candies and Confections
are all made" under our own supervision
and are absolutely pure in every ingred
ient. High qualities all the time, but
very modest prices. "
1 We also carry the biggest line in Fancy Boxes of Candy
of SCHRAFFT'S and APOLLO for the presents of; your
friends, and your little girls. .', ' .' ,
We Offer Special Prix;eS to School Teachers
fend Sunday School Committees in our Candy line. .
Men Scarce on New Railroad.
Contractors building the Brookvllle
and Mahoning railroad from Brook
vllle, Pa., to Mahoning, on the Alle
gheny river, above Pittsburgh, are
experiencing dlffluu'ty In finishing
their wurk on schedule time on account
of the scarcity of workmen. When con
tracts, aggregating 83, 500 000, were
awarded several weeks ago, It was with
the understanding that grading was to
be rushi'd so the line would be ready
for service next Boring.
Sub contractors sny they cannot ob
tain enough men to do the work. At
present it appears as though a large
amount of the gradlngrill be held over
until nexi spring. Pittsburgh steel
manufacturers have been requested to
begin delivery of structural material
for bridges and other structures as soon
as possible. Uu Bills Expretm.
A Thrilling Rescue.
How Bert R. Lean, of Cheny, Wash.,
was Baved from a frightful death Is a
story to thrill the world. "A hard
cold," ho writes, "brought on a des
perate lung trouble that baffled an
expert doctor here. Then I paid $10
to Hi) a visit to a .lung specialist In
Spokane, who did not help me. Then
I went to California, but without bene
fit. At last I used Dr. King's New
Discovery, which completely cured me
and now I am as well an ever." For
lung trouble, bronchitis, coughs and
colds, asthma, croup and whooping
cough its supreme. 50c and $1.00,
Trial bottlo free. Guaranteed by H.
L. McEntlro.
Dividend The Peoples National Bank
of Reynoldsville, Pa.
Roynoidsvllle, Pa., Doc. 0, 1909.
Tbe board of directors of this bank
has this day declared the regular semi
annual dividend of three per centum
(3), out of the earnings of tho past
Btx months, payable December 31, 1909,
to stockholders of record December 23,
1909. Checks will be mailed.
F. K. Alexander, Cashier.
Annual Meeting of Stockholders.
The regular annual meeting of the
stork holders of the Citizens National
bank, of Reynoldsvllle will bo held
in their banking rooms on Tuesday,
January 11, 11)10, at 1.30 p. in., for the
purpose of eloctlng directors for the
en'suing year and fur tne transaction
of any other business that may properly
come before that body.
J. W. Hunter, Cashier.
U S Y !!
to find Confectionery that' js in
in every way as pure and delight
ful a4 ours. We make many
You will be sure, to find some
thing to please you in our as
sortment of delicious Chocolates,
Caramels, Bon Bons, etc.
Protected Home Circle. "
Our Circle chamber has again been
visited by the messenger of death,
thereby removing from our midst
Brother N. A. Head ley to the realms
of light In the Great Home circle above.
licmlmh That we, as a circle of the
Protected Home Circle, bow In submls
slon to the divine will of One who doetb
all things well, and that we hereby ex
press our sincere sympathy at this sad
time to his loving wife and tbree little
Hcmlved, That our charter be draped
In mourning for thirty days and that
these resolutions be recorded In our
minute book and a copy of the same be
presented to tbe family of the departed
Harvey & Deter,
Mary strousb. J-Com
Blanche Hoke,
Very Suitable Present.
One year's subscription for The Star
would make a good Christmas present
for your friend, one that would remind
them of the giver at least fifty-two
times during tbe year. You cannot get
a present for $1 00 that would be ap
preciated more than this. Try it this
Christmas. The Star office will be
open from seven to eight o'clock on
Friday and Saturday evenings of this
week. We would be pleased to write
receipts for new subscriptions or paid
up arrearage on old subscriptions.
Come and see ub.
Annual Meeting.
Reynoldsvllle, Deo. 18, 1909.
Notice Is hereby given that tbe regu
lar annual mooting of the stockholders
of the Roynoldsvllle & Falls Crectk
Railroad Company will be held at tbeJ
Company's oflloe In Reynoldsvllle. Pa.,
on Tuesday, January 18, 1910, at 5.00
p. m. for the purpose of electing a Pres
ident and a Board of Directors for the
ensuing year, and for the transaction of
such other buHlnoss as may properly
come before the mooting.
Lucius W. Rouinson, Pres.
B. M. Clark, Soo.
Notice to Stockholders.
Reynoldsvllle, Pa., Deo. 18. 1909.
Notice Is hereby gtyen that the regu
lar annual moating of the Jofferoon &
Clearfield Coal & Iron Company will bo
held at tho Company's oflloe in Reyn
oldsvllle, Pa., on Tuesday, January 18,
1910, at 2.30 p. m. for the purpose of
eleotlng a Board of Director for the
ensuing year and for the transaction of
such other buslnoss as may come before
the meeting. "
Lucius W. Roiiinbon, Pros.
Lewis Iselin, Secretary.
Could Not Be Better.
No one has ever mado a salve, oint
ment, lotion or balm to compare with
Bucklon's Arnica Salve. Its tho one
perfect healer of cuts, corns, burns,
bruises, sores, sca'ds, bolls, ulcers,
eczema, salt rboum. For sore eyes,
cold sores and chapped hands Its
supreme. Infallible for piles. Only
25o at H. L. McEntlre's.
The Franklin R. R. Is Open.
So Is Hall's store, where you can find
something to make your wife happy
and your husband smile. Easy rockers,
beautiful dishes, also goods for the
Horwitz sells holiday supplies cheap
er than any other store In Reynolds
vllle. Opera housebuilding. -
Estate of Nathan A. TIcncMrr. late of Reyn
oldsvjlle Borough, Doceased..
Notice I hereby flon tie,', letters testii
muntitry on thu estate of Nullum A. I load ley.
lain of Keynoldavllle bormiKh, county of
Jefferson and tttHl of I'nnnMylvanla, de
ceased, have been grunted tn the under
sinned, to whom all person-, Indebted to said
estate are requested tn tntiU payment, and
those having claims i.f diuiinds will make
known the same without demy.
Mas. Blanch I Hkadlit,
Dec. 21, 1909.. , Executrix.,
would know the value of money, go and
try to borrow some."
Do you know where you could borrow a
fewhundred dollars if sickness or misfortune
should come to you?
The time to save is while you have health
and are able to work. "
We invite you to open an account with
this bank. One dollar or more will do it.
Better do it to-day.
i1 .'.f'fVf ' I
fl" H
t 4
4 dhmV- '
Homely Advice.
The editor of tha Altoona Tribune
oherlshes some old fashioned Ideas,
albeit they are bot at variance with
good common sense. One Is that a
great deal of a man's leisure time
should be spent at home In company
with bis family. Another Is that the
mother should permit neither society
functions nor anything else to Interfere
with her duties to the children grow
ing up In her home. And still anothor
Is that the children and young people
should form no bad habits, make no
engagements that keep thorn awao from
home tbe majority of the evenings of
etch week, or that keep them out of
the house until a late hour of the
night. He Is convlncod that the home
In which parents and children spend
much time togetbor Is a better home
than the one whiob Is only an eating
place, a Bleeping resort, a harbor when
no other spot Is available.
Stockholders' Meeting.
Tho rcgutar annual meeting of the
stockholders of tbe First National
Bank of Roynoldsvlllo, Pa., for the
election-of directors for tbe ensuing
year and for the transaction of any
other business that may properly come
before it, will be hold in the Banking
Room on Tuesday, January 11th, 1910,
at 3.00 p. m. K. C. Schuckehs,
Ladies' and Childrehs Hats.
All hats sold at cost at Mrs. S. V.
Hays' millinery store at corner Main
and Fifth sts.--
For anything you need In flour or feed
don't fail to get pricos from Robinson
& Munddrff before buying.
Bullies Best Flour, the best flour you
can buy, at any price. We sell it. Rob
inson & Mundorff.
We keep only best quality iof goods
and make best prices on flour and feed.
See us before you buy. Our winter
wheat shorts makes your pigs grow
faster and your cows give more milk
than any other feed. Try it. Robinson
& Mundorff.
Reduction In flours,
Mundorff for prloes.
See Robinson &
Remains Of David E. Wiley
Brought to Beechwoods
For Interment.
David' E. Wiley, son of William
Wiley and brother of W. W. Wiley,
proprietor of tho City riotol, died In
the Riverside Hospital, Buffalo, N. Y.,
at 9.00 p. m., Wednesday, December
15, 1!)00. He was out on the streets
Saturday, Deo. 11, and was taken to
the hospital on Sunday and died tbe
following Wednesday. Pneumonia was
cause of hla death.
Mr. Wiley received word Wednesday
evening that his son was notexpeoted
to live and Wednesday night Mr.
Wiley and son, W. W. Wiley, left
here on the 9.40 train and went to
Buffalo on the B., R. & P. night flyer,
but Dayld had died before they left
Body was brought to Falls Creek
Friday morning and taken from there
to Rockdale to home of Charles
Matthew, an uncle of deoeased.
Funeral service was held at the
Matthew's residence at ' l .'IO p. m.
Saturday, conducted by Rev. John F.
Black, pastor of .'the Reynoldsville
Methodist Episcopal church. Inter
ment was made In the Boeoh woods
David E. Wiley was born September
20, 1800, on the Chas. Matthews farm
at Rockdale, Jefferson county, Pa.,
and was forty-nine years old
his last birthday. He had been a
resident of Buffalo, N Y., for teoty
years, and was a strangor to many of
our citizens. ' He was a steam and
electrical engineer. He was a member
of the Beechtree I. O. O. F. He was
a slnglo man. David had a genial
disposition and had a large circle of
Deceased is survived by tbe following
brothers and sisters. W. W. Wiley,
F. B. Wiley, F. O. Wiley, Misses Zera
N. Wiley and Nettia P. -Wiley.
Xmaa gifis In the way of slippers
every size at every price. Adam's.
Traveling bags for Xmas at Mllllrens
Ooeans of kerohlefs for Xmas at
At A. Katzen's you will find a big
selection of men's, boys' and children's
gloves and mittens at low prices.
Fancy umbrellas for Xmas at Mllll
rens. Overcoats for Xmas at Mllllrens.
' Capital'
- Surplus
The Officers and Directors of
The Peoples National Bank
Wish all a Merry Christmas and a rtappy and Prosperous New Year.
OFFICERS W. B. Alexander, Pres., F. D. Smith, Vice Pres., August Baldauf, Vice
Pres., P. K. Alexander, Oasbter, F. P. Alexander, Assistant Cashier.
DIRECTORS W. B. Alexander, F. D. Smith. D. L. Taylor, August Baldauf, Amoa
Strouse. W. C. Murray, Dr. J. O. Sayen, W. H. Moore, John O Bare, M. S. Bter
ley, T. E. McOrelght.
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus
Resources . .
. ' - orncEBs
JouH.Z&uoHiB.Pra. ' J. O. Kara, VIca-PrM. K. O. BcHOOuna. Caaala
Joha H. Kanchar . i.O. King DaalelHolaa John H. Oortwtt
HearyO.Delble J.I. Hammoad . K.H.WUo
Everj Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
City Cab to
All Trains
Why walk when you
can get a cab?
I am running a cab to all
trains for accommodation
of the public If you want
the cab to take you or
your friends to train or'
meet somebody at the sta
tion and take them any
where In town, give me
your order by el ther 'phone
or In person, and the cab
will be at your service.
The cab Is comfortable and
easy to ride In. Reason
able prloes,
Thos. Tapper,
Two doors from postofllce.
Don't forget to step in at
The Peoples Bargain Store
If you are looking for bar
gains in Neckwear, Hand
kerchiefs, Notions, Cloth
ing, Shoes, Etc. We have
gifts for any member of
' the family. Come and
see for yourself.
Our Motto: Quick Sales
and Small Profits.
Resources '"
$ 1 75,000.00