The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 15, 1909, Image 1

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Send your friend The Star one year
for a Christmas present. For fifty-two
weeks they would be ronilnded of the
One year's subscription (or THE Star
would be just the thing lor a Christmas
present fur your fnund.
It will henceforth he loss dlflloult to
secure compliance with the laws rogu
latlng compulsory attendance and em
ployment certificates, because the uffl
cials who are responsible for the school
ing of the child will henceforth Issue
the employment certificate to minors
between fourteon and sixteen years of
age. It (s proper In this connection to
draw special attention to the following
1. Children can no longer absent
themselves from school at the aeo of
thirteen, the legal age for leaving
Bchool and going to work having been
changed to fourteen years by tho Act of
2. In reducing tho tlmeof compulsory
attendance to Beventy pur centum of
the school term, the time must be taken
either from tho beginning or the end of
the term, and cannot he deducted from
successive months, because the law
specifically says that the child or child
ren shall "attend continuously," and
that in excusing absences for urgent
reasons, tho term urgent reasons, "shall
be strictly construed and shall not per
mit of irregular attendance"
3. Tho Attorney General's Depart
ment has rendered an opinion that em
ployment certificates issued under for
mer Acts of Assembly will not be yalid
after January 1, 11)10, and that new cer
tificates must be Issued to minors be
twueu fourteen and sixteen years of age,
who wish to contlnuo work In any mine
or factory, at spec! find In the Third
Section of the Act of May 1, 1!I0!, P. L.
37(1, and in tho Seventh Section of the
Act of April 2(1. 1 !()!), P. L '284. The
new employment certificates If Issued
prior to January 1, 1011), will be valid
ufler that date.
4. The new law requires public
school ofliuials to issue employment cer
tificates: hence those will be expected
to keep a sulllclent supply on hand
Those In cliurvo of private and paro
chial schools authorized to issue such
certificates will be furnished a supply
of the blanks only on application.
5. Wbonever In any school district
an employment certificate Is Issued by
any persons olhor than the publlo school
official, said persons shall on or before
the third day of each month die with
the proper public school official true
copies of nil employment certificates so
0. Lines one to thr e of Section
Two of tho Act, of I1K)7, P. L. 322, when
read In connection with Section One of
the Act of Julv 11,1001, P. L (151), make
It a misdemeanor for those in charge of
any private school or educational Insti
tution to m gleet or fall to report non
attendance at school.
7. The attendance officer Is author
ized by the Act of May 21). 1007, to en
tor any place wherein any gainful occu
pation is carried on. to ai-cerluin wheth
er any child or children nut, In attend
ance at school as required by law, are
Waterhouse Crevats for Xmas
Four-in-IIauds are most pap
ular 25c, 50c, 75c.
Be A!se and Economize.
The Big Reliable Clothing Store for Men.
Adler's Gloves for Xmas Gifts
Flain tan, cape kid, gray mocha
or fine Jersey Gloves 50c, $1.00,
$1.50 and $2.00.
What will I Buy for Christmas ?
Is the perplexing question now on every one'B mind. Sixteen more days to decide.
What Would Make a More
Appropriate Gift
Than one of these Pelham Overcoats, Raincoats or SuitB? Made in all the Jlate
styles and of tha latest fabrics. In a price range
$8.00,:$ 10.00, $12.00,' $15.00, $16.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.00.
Boys' Suits.
Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats for Xmas. Suits in double-breasted
styles in worsteds and cheviots
$3.00, $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00.
Overooats in all styles and colors, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00.
House Coats
For Xmas Gifts.
Made of the two faced Terry
Cloth in grays, brownBt and
$3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00.
House Coats
Bath Robes
Shirts for Xmas
Cluett Make.
Some have cuffs attached,
others are plain. In all the
latest colorings.
$1.00 and $1.50.
Flannel Shirts with collars
$1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50.
Silk Mufflers
For Xmas Gifts.
Long Square Style or Square.
All the latest colorings
I$.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50.
Phoenix and Ways Muf
fler, of wool, 50c.
Cardigan Jackets
Fancy Sox
Warm Underwear
For Xmas.
Good Wool or Fleeced, all
colors, two-piece or union
suits. 50c, $1.00, $1.50 and
Fancy Vests
For Men for Xmas Gifts.
Fancy Gold and Horn Han
dles, plain Congo or Wax
Wood Handles all here.
Good silk covers, some have
tape edges. $1.00, 1.50, 2.00,
2.50 to 7.00.
Hats, Caps
Fur Lined Gloves
Trunks and Suitcases.
For Xmas Gifts.
Here in the latest assort
ments to be found. $1.00,
2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00,
Leather travelling bags,
$1.90, 2.00, 3.00, 5.00 up to
Trunks made ou a solid
box with good brass excelsior
locks. $4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 8.00.
Kerchiefs . Collars . Cuffs
Make your selection early and a small good faith payment
and we will reserve it for you until Xmas.
employed therein. Refusal to admit
the attendance officer Is made a misde
meanor punishable by a fine of not less
than twenty-five dollars, nor more than
fifty dollars.
The Place to Buy ChriMmas Presents,
Wbat Is nluor for thnt Christmas
present to father, Bon, unole or friend,
thnn a nice gift of a h x of cigars? Our
Chrlstnms lli.e Is :omhto. Clours of
quality. We will quote a fiiw prices on
tho following: "Hon" homo made ci
gar 2fi In a box, 11.00. This Is a high
class Bo cigar; 50 In a box, $1 75. A
very appropriate Rift. Compliments of
the season, 25 In a box, II 00; very fine
flavors and will be appreciated as a (rift.
Mnrry Christmas and Happy New
Year, 12 cigars In a box, BOo. For those
who enjoy a cigar occasionally "HifO,"
another homo made cigar, .10 In a box,
$1.75. To those who enjoy a cool, sweet
smoke our pipe dlsplxy Is complete.
Just arrived, pipes from 97. 00 down to
loeach. Our meerschaum assortment
constitutes many original designs never
before shown. Cigar and cigarette
holders 50o to 12 00. Makos a nobby
and useful gift. Briar pipes, gold
mounted and plain, In handsome oases.
Special attention given to lady shop
pers. Publlo Is Invited to Inspect our
stock at any time. No trouble to show
goods. Hodoers Cigar Co.,
Manufacturers of Cigars ot Merit.
Knights of Columbus.
The following officers for Reynolds
ville Council No. 035, Knights of Colum
bus, have been elected for 1010:
Grand Knight, C. W. Plynn.
Deputy Grand Knight, John S.
Financial Secretary, Walter E. Shan
non. Recorder, John Crawley.
Treasurer, Edward Goodor.
Warden. C. J. Kerr.
Chancellor, L. Ft. Shannon.
Lecturer, M. J. Farrell.
Inside Guard, I. D. Kelz.
Outside Guard, Sylvester Stevens.
The Franklin R. R. Is Open.
So is Hall's store, where you can find
something to make your wife happy
and your husband smile. Easy rockers,
beautiful dishes, also goods for the
We have a large assortment In candy
for tbe holiday trade, ranging In price
from 8 to 80 oents. Velvet Ice Cream
Candy Co.
Suitcases for Xmas at Mlllirens.
Big bargains in boys' and children's
clothing at Tbe Peoples Bargain store.
Xmas gifts in the way of slippers
every size at every price. Adam's.
Traveling bags for Xmas at Mlllirens
Routine Business Transacted
And a New Ordinance
Regular meeting1 of town council was
held in Secretary Flynn's olllooon Tues
day evening of lust week, Deo. 7, with
President Young in tho chair and all
members present
Sara Shannon, on hffldavlt, wag ex
onerated from puynient of dog tax
Tax Collector H. J. Btirgoon re
ported having collected $100 02 for
taxes during month of November.
Ex-Tax Collector William Copping
reported having collected during No
vember 151.24 for 11)07 taxes and 935.15
for 1908 taxes.
Current bills for month were ordered
Borough ordinance No. 137. being an
ordinance to tmnsfer the balanoe of
fund from Main street paving acoount
to borough bond sinking fund, to be
used to pay interest on Main street
paving bond, was passed on second and
final reading.
The ordinance committee was instruct
ed to consult with the borough sol
hitor and report an ordinance, or an
amended ordinanoe, to cover digging
up of the streets within the borough.
Mi'chell's Suggestion.
It is admitted on all hands that
every one of the nearly three hundred
miners who perished in the Cherry,
Illinois, mine, could have been saved
if they had been promptly warned of
their danger. But they continued
to work from half an hour to two
hours, totally oblivious of their
danger. John Mitchell suggests that
tbe equipment of mines with tele
phones would be tbe best safeguard
against tbe repetion of such calamities.
Not only could the men be warned of
any danger that threatened them, but
em ton) bed miners could oommunloate
with those on the outside, explaining
conditions tnd making valuable sug
gestions concerning their welfare.
Punxsutawney Spirit.
Oceans of kerohlefs for - Xmas at
At A. Katzen's you will find a big
selection of men's, boys' and children's
gloves and mittens at low prices.
Fancy umbrellas for Xmas at Mllli
rens. Holiday shins for men and boys at
Adam's Is headquarters for all kind
of Christmas slippers.
They Know What Is Good!
And so long a lh-v nw our Candler
they may be sure may are pure and
wholesome. We are careful of all tbe
ingredients that enter Into our Candles
and confections and can positively guar
antee them pure and health-giving.
Try a box of our famous Bon-Bons or
Chocolates and you will appreciate what
real confections are. All kinds of choice
Candles fresh dally.
All our own Candies and they
are fast gaining: a reputation aa
the best Candies that can be
bought anywhere in this vicinity.
Have you tried our
Our Peanut Brittle? Taffy or
Cream Peppermints? We me ke
many other varieties, too, and
all are equally delicious.
We also carry tbe Mggeet line in Fancy Boxes Of Candy
of SCHRAFFTS and APOLLO for the presents of your
friends and your little girls.
We Offer Special Prices to School Teachers
and. Sunday School Committees in our Candy line.
Milliren Brothers
Reynoldsville, Pa.