The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 17, 1909, Image 1

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Hai modern tchools and churches, pared
streets, water, gas and electric accommoda
tions, convenient trolley service, high and
healthful location, varied employment (or
labor and many other residential advantages.
Offers exceptional advantages (or the loca
tion o( new Industries I Free factory sites,
cheap and abundant fuel, direct shipping
facilities and low freight rates and plentiful
supply of laborers.
lew Amendments
lany Officers Now Serv
ing in Borough and
Sjess Jarvls D. Williams and tbe
executives of every borough in
Itate who were elected lor a three
year term last February will have their
terms extended until the first Monday
of December, 1013, by the terms of one
of the amendments which were voted
upon at the late election and which to
gether with all the other proposed
amendments, excepting No. 7, have
been approved by the people of tbe
The term of Burgess Williams would
' expire the first Monday of March, 1912,
under the existing laws.
Tbe amendments which have been
written into the constitution by tbe ap
proval of the people have for their main
purpose tbe abolishing of the February
election. The last February election
will bi held In 1910. After that all
district, ward, borough, city and county
officers and district judges will be chosen
on the Tuesday next following the first
Monday of November in the odd num
bered years. Judges of the supreme
and superior court may be e'ected at
the municipal election, if circumstances
require. On the same day in November
in the even numbered years, all state
officers are to be elected,
The first election under the amended
constitution will be held in Novem
ber, 1910. Then a governor, lieutenant
governor, secretary of Internal affairs,
32 congressmen, 20 state senators and
207 members of the house of represen
tatives will be elected. In tbe even
numbered years the election will be
known as the "general election" and In
the odd-numbered years as the "mun
icipal election." Special elections can
be ordered where it Is necessary to fill
an unexpired term of either a state,
County or municipal officer.:
In order to work out the scheme of
biennial elections it was necessary to
make the terms of all officials an even
number of years. The auditor general
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus
Resources ,
Johh H. Zauohir, Pres.
John H. Raucher
Henry 0. Delble
J.O.King Daniel Nolan
J. 8. Hammond
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
MANY persons are waiting for a time to
come when it will be easier to begin
to save money than the present. This time
will never come, as each year in the future
will bring additional demands and responsi
bilities, therefore the time to begin saving
money is right now, as only to-day is ours.
One dollar or more will start yon with this
Brookville, Pa.
Capital and Surplus ; . $220,000.00
Assets . (Almost) $1,000,000.00
Besides doing a general banking business,
we can draw up your will, act asyour
guardian, administrator, o:- executor, as
signee, trustee, agent and receiver. '
Lengthen Terms
aud State Treasurer will serve for four
years to put them on an equal footing
with tbe governor, lieutenant govern
or and secretary of internal affulrs.
The terms of all county officers will be
extended from three to four years. The
first election of county officers will be
held In November, 1911. Under the
provisions of the schedule, any county
officer whose term would expire on tbe
first Monday In January, 1911, will re
ceive an extension of one year.
In the future all city, ward or town
ship officers whose term of office Is
three years, will be elected for four
years. Where the term Is now one
year It will be extended to two years.
Tbe legislature can change the length
of the term but the tenure must always
be for an even number of years.
All officers elected at the election In
February to an office the regular term
of which Is two years, and all election
officers and assessors chosen at that
time Bhall serve until the first Monday
in December, 1911. Their successors
will be eiected at the municipal election
In November, 1911. All officers chosen
in February, 1910, to offices the term of
which Is four years by the operation
of the amendments and schedule, shall
serve until tbe first Monday in Decern
bar, 1913. All justices of the peace,
magistrates and aldermen choBen at the
election In February, 1910, shall serve
until the first Monday In December,
1915. After 1910 and until tbe legisla
ture otherwise provides, the terms of
city, ward, borough and township and
election officers shall begin on the first
Monday In December in an odd-numbered
year. These terms now begin on
the first Monday of April.
Kills to Stop the Fiend.
The worst fne for 12 years of John
Deye, of Gladwin, Mich., was a running
ulcer. He paid the doctor over $400 00
without benefit. Then Bucklen'B Ar
nica Salve killed the . ulcer and oured
him. Cures fever sores, bolls, felons,
eczema, salt rheum. Infallible for piles,
burns, scalds, cuts, corns. 25c at H
L. McEntire's.
$ 1 75,000.00
J . O. Kmo, Vtce-Pres. K. 0. Bchdckers, Cashier
John H. Oorbett
B. H. Wilson
THE F. & C.
Fifty-One Bridges On Sixty
Miles of Railroad Heavy
Construction Work.
From the Franklin .Et'enijicf News we
clip tbe following facts and figures
given that paper by F. H. Walker
the engineer who was responsible for
the mechanical work on the Franklin
& Clearfield railroad:
"Tbe Franklin & Clearfield railroad
which has been under construction
during tbe past four years, extends
easterly from Franklin, Pa., for a dis
tance of sixty miles, to Brookville,
through Venango, Clarion and a por
tion of Jefferson counties. This ter
ritory is In tbe Allegheny Mountain
region, and bence the construction is
very heavy and difficult. The greater
portion of the roadbed is graded double
track, and over 6,000,000 cubic yards
of grading have been required. There
are fifty-five steel bridges, which re
quired 15,000 tons of steel in their con
struction. These bridges were all built
of a capaoity about equal to Cooper's
E 60 loading. The construction work
required 162,000 yards of concrete and
15,000 yards of stone masonry. j
"Tbe ninety-foot spanB, of which
there are twenty-six, are very heavy,
each girder weighing about thirty
three tons. . These girders were all
placed by tbe American Bridge Com
pany with a thlrty-flve-ton derrick car.
Tbe several large viaducts, the largest
of which Is 1,200 feet long and 135 feet
In greatest depth, were also erected by
the Amerlan Bridge Company. These
larger bridges are all double track
structures. Tbe viaducts of no greater
depth than about fifty feet were erected
with the thlrty-flve-ton derrick car.
Those of greater depth were erected
by this same derrick car, with the
assistance of a two-boom traveler."
Couple Once Divorced Wed
Again In Old Age.
An odd romance Is revealed In the
marriage license granted to Joseph
Cook, aged 72 years, and Catherine
Davis, aged 60, both of Brick churob.
The couple were married once be'
fore, on Feb. 20, 1858, by tbe late Rev.
David Earhart, at the home of Simon
Helfrlck, In Burrell township. They
lived happily together, rearing a fam
ny lor twelve years, wnen a separa
tion occurred. In 1874 Mrs. Cook ob
tained a divorce. She remained single,
but the husband married Delia Smith,
who died about a year ago.
Recently Cook renewed his court
ship with his former wife and they
are now taking up life together where
they dropped It nearly 40 years ago.-
Punxsutawney Spirit.
Won't Slight a Qood Friend.
"If ever I need a couirh medicine
again I know what to get," declares
Mrs. A. L. Alley, of Beals. Me., "for.
after using ten bottles of Dr. King's
JNew Discovery, and seeing; Its exoellent
results In my own family and others.
I am convlnoed It la th'o best medicine
for coughs, colds and lung trouble."
Every one who tries It fels just that
way. Relief Is felt at onoe and its
qulolr. cure surprises you. For bron-
coitis, asthma, hemorrhage. orouD. la-
grippe, sore throat, pain In chest or
lungs Its supreme. 50o and 11.00.
Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by H.
Li. McEntlre.
American Boy's shoes, high tops
black or ton, prloe 13.00 and 13.50.
Want Column.
Rttai'-Ona ... ,. . . .
-- ; " - V" "m lur emeu mau
To LET Six room "house on Grant
street. Inquire of Miss Ida Reynolds.
Wanted One ton of olover ha and
one or two tons of corn fodder. Call at
Tbe Stab office.
FOR SALE A square nlano: a
bargain. In good condition. For rap.
tloulars address Lock Box No. 712
Reynoldsville, Pa. . '
Wanted Girl lor ' general hou-
work. Inquire at Stab office.
Fob Rent Eight room house, strut
avenue, .West Reynoldsville. Inquire
of M. E. Weed, Keystone Hardware
tore. , .
On the Construction Of New
P. & S. Railroad,
With tbe open weather next spring
It is estimated that fully three thous
and men will be employed on tbe con
struction of the Pittsburgh & 8haw
mut railroad between Knoxdale, Jeffer
son county, and Fret-port. ' A camp Is
now being established at Glade Run
where that stream empties Into the
Allegheny rlvur on the weBt side be
tween Ru8slon and Logansport. A
large force of men will be employed
There are to be six tunnels, two hear
Mahoning, two near Col well's Furnace
and two near Knoxdale. Oue of them
will be 1,900 feet, another 1,930 feet;
and one 550 feet. The total length of
all the tunnels will exceed 7,000 feet.
A Local Doctor Treated a Case Success
fully and Bottled Some of
the Worms.
Laziness Is not an uncommon or new
oomplatnt, as every generation has had
a certain percentage of lazy people,
but It has only been receutly that the
publlo has been Informed, through
newspapers and magazines, that this
lazy, Indolent, sluggish feeling Is
caused by a tiny little worm which med
ical science calls a hook worm. Re
cently John D. Rockefeller contributed
$1,000,000 to treat people of the south'
land who are victims of the hook worm
It is not'necessary to go out of lieyn
oldsvllle to find lazy people, which
would prove that the people of the
southland don't have a monopoly on
the hook worm.
One of our doctors got a case which
had the book worm symptoms and be
treated the man for hook worms and
succeeded in removing hundreds of tbe
tiny hook worms from his system.
Some of the hookworms have been
preserved In alcohol. They are about
t inch long and about as large around
as No. 60 thread. .' f -
, .
Awful Mine Catastrophe.
Three hundred and thirty-eight
miners lost their lives In an awful
mine catastrophe in tMe St. Paul mines
at Cherry, 111., last Saturday morning
by a terrific explosion In the mines,
It Is claimed that the fire causing the
explosion was from a pile of hay al
lowed to smoulder too long which
finally Ignited the timber of tbe mine,
and before the workmen realized their
danger tbe mine was filled with smoke,
gases and flames and all exit was
By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, etc., Is
sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Jefferson county, Pa., and to me directed, I
will expose to public Bale or outcry at the
uuurt uuuse in orooKvine, ra., on
Friday, December loth, 1909,
At 1.00 o'clock p. m., all the following de
scribed real estate, to-wlt:
All those two certain nlecM nr lnt.a nf lnnd
lying and being situated In the borough of
nyKeavine, county or Jetrerson ana state of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
Fihst. Beginning at a post at corner of
"rani sireec ana an alley; tnence south
seventy Jegrees east one hundred and fifty
feet to a uost at an allev: thence north
seventy degrees and forty-sli minutes east
mijr iuet to a, post; tnence nortn seventy
three degreis west one hundred and fifty
feet to a post on Grant street; thence south
sixteen decrees forty-six minutes west fifty
feet to a post, placi of beginning, containing
seven thousand five hundred square feet,
and being lot No. M of town plot of Bykes
vllle, made from land of J. B. Sykes.
Bkoond. Beginning at a post on Grant
street and at corner of lot No. 6; thence
north sixteen degrees and forty-six minutes
east alonff said Orant Htreet tan fpAf. In nnat
on lot No. 70; ihence south seventv-three de
grees east tniougu saia lot No. 70 one hund
red and flftv feet to a nnat on an allnv;
thence south sixteen degrees forty-six min
utes west aiong saia alley ten feet to a post
at corner of lot No. 60; thence north seventy
three dosrees west alons line nf Int Nn. ss
one hundred an 1 fifty feet to a post, tbe
place of beginning, containing fifteen hund
red squa e feet. Being the same two pieces
of I nod conveyed to Gulseppe Hazia by
Lutltla MausHeld and J. B. Sykes, by deeds
dated August 3rd, 1903 and January 10, MOP,
recorded In Deed Books Vols. 101, pane 181,
and page 813, respectively, and same land
conveyed by A. W. gykee to said Gulseppe
Mazsa bv deed dated (VfcnhAp Mth lona -
corded In Deed Book Vol. 121, page 30.
Bavlng thereon erected a dwelling house
containing six rooms; a good barn; chicken
par anu necessary ouiDuuaings; all In good
repair, and a good well of water with pump.
ExceDtlnff and reservlns all nal anil r.m.1
rights, and ail minerals, oil and gas as fully
as same have been excepted" and reserved
from conveyances for said land by prior
Seized and taken In AYAcntlnn anil h
sold a the property of Guiseppl Mazza at
ui. luitgi nntonio uriBtiaoo.
n. a., no. 48, McDonald.
The following must be strictly rnmnlij.
with when property Is stricken down:
1. When the nlalntlff nr nthnr linn
ors become the purchaser, the cost on the
wriuf must ue paiu, ana a 11st or liens, Includ
ing mortgage searches on the property sold,
together with such leln creditor's receipt for
the amount of the Droceeds nf tht ul. n
such proportion thereof as he may claim
uiunii uc luruinnvu w tile BDerm.
see furaon's digest, nth, Ed., page 448.
Smith's form, Page 384.
2. All bids must be paid In full.
AH sales not settled lmmedlatliiv will ha
continued until two o'clock p. m of day of
ouio at w 11 iuii time an property not Settled for
will again be put up and sold at the expense
and risk of the person to whom first soldi All
writs staid after being advertised, the coat of
advertising must be paid.
November It, 1900. Sheriff
Farmers' Institutes
In Jefferson County
Lattimer Way, Father of Mrs. A. H.
Fleming, Died Sunday Evening
at CurwenBVille.
Lattimer Way, father of Mrs. A. H.
Fleming, of , Reynoldsville, died at his
homo In Curwensvllle, Pa., at 7.45 p.
m. Sunday, November 14, 1909. Stom
ach trouble was cause of his death.
Deceased Is survived by bis wife, one
daughter and two Bons, Mrs. A. H.
Fleming, of Reynoldsville, John Way,
of Curwensvllle, and A. P. Way, of
DuBoIb. From the DuBols Cornier we
clip tbe following short sketch of Mr.
Way's life:
"The deceased was one of Curwens
vllle's most prominent men and had
a host of friends, who will be shocked
to hear of his death although it has
not been unexpected for tbe past ten
days... He had been ailing for about
a year and for tbe past six weeks bad
been confined to hlB bed almost con
tinually, tbe trouble was a complication
of organlo troubles.
"Lattimer Way was born June 20,
1842 and was 08 years old at the time
ol bis death. He served as a soldier
during the entire Civil War, being
a member of Company B, 149tb Regi
ment, well known as the "Bucktails"
and a drum major in Col. John Irvln's
company. He was one of the first men
in this section to enlist when the war
broke out and fought until Lee's sur
render ended tbe strife."
Smashes All Records.
As an all-round laxative tonic and
health-builder no other pills can com
pare with Dr. King's New Life Pills.
They tone and regulate stomach, liver
and kidneys, purify the blood, strength
en the nerves; cure constipation, dys
pepsia, biliousness, jaundice, headache,
chills and malaria. Try them. 26o at
H. L. MoEntlre's.
-The Big Store-
A Few Specials for
This Week:
Ladies' Jackets, Suits & Skirts
We have a few odd numbers of the above that we are
offering this week at prices that will interest you.
A Few Spring Jackets,
These are all good numbers and regular price was
$5.00, $6.50, $7.50 and $10.00.
and in order to close them out
for $1.75.
A Few Skirts at $2.50.
We have a few Skirts left, regular price was $3.50,
$5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. We
at $2.50.
One Ladies' Silk Coat $5.00.
This coat sold for $15.00, but we are offering it to close
out the last one at $5.00.
Ladies' Suits for $10.00.
We have a few odd suits; in order to clean up the line
we offer these at $10.00. They sold for $16:50. $20.00,
$25.00 and $35.00.
See them. Perhaps we
prices we don't expect them
they are all gone. You can
$2.00 or $3.00.
- The Big
Corner Main and Fifth Streets.
Important Sessions Will Be
Held in Brookville Decem
ber 1st to 4th.
Peter B. Cowan, county chairman of
Institutes under tbe Pennsylvania State
Department of Agriculture, announces
that a series of Farmers' Institutes will
be held at Brookville December 1st to
4th. . A number of instructors frrm
other parts of the state will bs present
to join with the farmers of this locality
in the discussiou of topics relative to
agriculture. These meetings are free
snd open to all, and we have no doubt
tbe farmers of this community will
avail themselves of tbe advantages to
be gained by attending these meetings.
Saturday, December 4th, will be Edu
cational Day, at which time Prof. Tbos.
E. Mairs, of State College, Pa., will
deliver two addresses 00 "Pedagogy of
Agriculture" and "Training for Farm
Life " There will also be au address
by Dr. J. H. Funk, of Boyerstown, Pa.,
on "Birds and Insects as Friends and
Foes." The corn of the Boys' Agricul
tural Club will be judged at this session
and the judging will be followed by
presentation of pilzes to members of
the olub by County Superintendent L,
Mayne Jones, then sale of prize corn.
Mr. Helmar Rabild, of the U. S. Dept.
of Agriculture, will be among tbe in
structors. Gold Seal rubbers wear as long as
three pairs of other kinds. Women's
75 cents, men's 81.25. Adam's.
A real beauty, gun metal, cloth top
button shoe for women. It's a queen.
Price $3.60. Adam's Boot Shop.
Now Is the time to do your roofing.
Red Cedar shingles galore at the
Woodwork Supply Co. storage.
Some tempting shoe bargains for
98 cents at Adam's.
We have only a few left
quickly we are offering them
are offering them to close out
have your size. At these
to last long. See them before
make $1.00 go further than
ReynoMsville, Pa.