Reynoldsville Reynoldsville Has modem schools and churches, pared streets, water, gas and. electric accommoda tions, convenient trolley sorvlce, Utah and healthful locution, varied employment for labor and many other residential advantages, Oilers exceptional advantages for the loca tion of new Industries I Free factory sites, cheap and abundant fuel, direct shipping facilities and low freight rates and plontlful supply of laborers. VOLUME 18. REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN' A.. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1909. NUMBER 26. V KNOXD ALE MAN WITH BRUTAL MURDER Wm. Jones Arrested at Elea- nbra and Taken to the ' Brookville Jail. ' ' HIS WIFE THE ALLEGED VICTIM Information Made Against the Man by His Daughter, Mrs. 7 B. M.. Kunselman. William Jonas, of near Knoxdale, JeffersoD county, was arrested last VVi"1 .day near the home of his sister, Mrs. Carrie Stahlman, at Eleanora, on charge of murdering his wife in Octo ber, 1908. Elmer Minich, of Ringgold township, made the arrest and took Jones to Brjokvllle jail. y B. M. Kunselman, of Porter jtfnnhiiv rifl.iipht.Ar nf Wllllnm .Innaa Juiauo vua iuivi lunvivu aaiUBH nci mbu er, who claims to have been an eyewit ness to the murder. The reason given for so long silence is that Jones threat ened to kill his daughter if she made Information against him. T '8 stated that for some time Mr. Kunselman noticed that his wife was addicted to spells of weeping, apparent ly without cause, and he made inquiry concerning the trouble, whbh he soon found was of a mental nature, as his wife appeared to be brooding over Borne matter which bore heavily upon her. At last Mr. Kunselman persuaded his who 10 ten mm wqbi worriea ner ana after getting her story he advised her to make information against her father, and before 'Squire Howard, of Ringgold' I township, Mrs. Kunselman made the V information, which charges that on the -6th day of October, 1908, William Jones I struok his wife in the pit of the Btom I ach with his fist, while she was sick Id I bed with typhoid fever, and that the ( blow caused her immediate death. Jones had a hearing before 'Squire Howard Saturday and was held for court on the murder charge. The case will be tried at the January term. The First National Bank OF REYNOLDSVILLE. Capital and Surplus $175,000.00 Resources . $550,000.00 OFFICERS JOBB H. Zaughib, Vres. . J. O. Knco, Vlce-Pres. . K. O. BCHVCURS, Cashier " DIRECTORS John H. Kaucher J. 0. King Daniel Nolan John H. Oorbett Henry O. Delble - I J. 8. Hammond R.H.Wilson Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking ... i , : ... , , , . ... , i? If- TVrAXP?rs?ns afe waiting for a time to " J.YJL come when it' will be easier to begin i . ' "to save money than the present. This time - will never come.: as each year in the future ,'. will bringpdcjitional demands and responsi bilities,' tHeVe'fdre the time to begin saving ,. ' money is.right now, as only to-day is ours. One dolJa?trita'ore will start yon with this ' . bank. ..'.' " .;''' ' ' . THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK BROOKVILLE TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Brookville, Pa. Capital and Surplus . , $220,000.00 Assets . (Almost) $1,000,000.00 Besides doing a general banking business, we can draw up your will, act as your guardian, administrator, or executor, as signee, trustee, aggnt and receiver. CHARGED RAISE STOCK OF THE C. A M. $250,000 Additional Stock to be Sold by B., R. & P. Railroad., " - Tbe Clearfield and Mahoning rail road, which is leased to the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh railroad, Is to increase its capital stock from $75,000 to 11,000.000, and stockhold ers of the Buffalo, Rochester & Pitts burgh will meet November 22 to vote on guaranteeing dividends of 0 per cent on the additional 4250,000 stock to be Issued. The money raised by the sale of the stock is to be used to Improve the line that Is to be leased to the Lake Shore & Michigan South ern, one of the New York Cortral roads, In the operation of through ser vice over tbe Franklin ' & Clearfield railroad. A trackage agreement has been made with the Jamestown, Franklin & Clearfield and the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, which leases tbe Clearfield road, by which the Lake Shore is granted trackage rights from Falls Creek, Pa., to Clearfield, 31 miles, for which the Lake Shore is to pay $42,000 a year and to maintain the line. The agreement, which ex tends over a period of 25 years, pro vides for 2 per cent on the cost of future improvements,' made by mutual consent, to be paid in addition to the annual rental. Announcement Is also made that the New York Central interests will use the passenger and freight stations of the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh at Falls Creek and DuBois, Pa. For the present only local service will be Installed on the new Clearfield road. When through service is established it is expected that (mother agreement will be made covering through rates and methods of interchanging traffic. Pittsburgh Post. ' Now Is the time to do your roofing. Red Cedar shingles galore at the Woodwork Supply Co. Btorage. The American Boy's shoes, one pair will wear a year. Price W.00 and $3.50. Adam's Boot Shop. Election Was Very Quiet . i Little Local Interest In Yester day's Contest Was Man- ifested. MUNSON CARRIED THE TOWN There wa9 very little Interest In the election In tteynoldsvllle yesterday and the vote was small, ' only 277 votes polled In the borough. Tnere were 105 in precinct No. 1 and 172 iu precinct No. 2. There were 24 Socialist votes polled In precinct No. 1. i The Democrat candidate for Judge of Supreme Court ran ahead of the Republican candidate in th!s borough. The vote in the boroueh was against the amendments. Wc were unable to get report from the county bafore going to press. Tbe Republicans carried the state, but not by the usual large majority, Cl WEDDED AND GONE. Charming JWatsonville Qirl Started for Kevstone State. Mr. and Mrs, George White, itee Bertha L. Dempsey, are away on their long journey to Reynoldsville, Pennsyl vania, where the young man is engaged In business. They are bride and trroom of a day, with prospects good for half a century of Hie under the same or similar circumstances. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Dempsey, .of this city, and besides being possessed of all the attributes necessary for'.'-home" mak ing is famed for the sweetness of her nature. Mr. White, the young groom, is to be complimented on tbe good judg ment he displayed In crossing the conti nent to secure so good a wife. The young couple were married by Rev. F. A. Keast of the Methodist church and the ceremony was per formed at the bride's home last even ing in the presence of immediate rela tives of the bride. Later the wedded pair started for their Pennsylvania home. The Evening Parjaronian watsonville, Cal., Oct. 22, 1909. An Open Door. If you want to visit a man in bis home to talk over a business proposi tion with him, It will make some differ ence in your reception whether you walk in or sit down with him bv his in vltatlon, or whether you sneak In by an open cellar window and Intrude upon him when he doesn't want to see vou A few business men still cling to tbe cellar window method, Bays the Phila delphia Record. They try to get into tbe homes through circulars and .Imi tation newspapers surreptitiously slip ped under tbe door, or through form letters In plain envelopes, designed to resemb'e personal letters thrust In by the postman. The better way is to enter the homes through a reliable and readable news paper.. , A favorable welcome to a bus iness proposal does away with half the work of selling. The Star's standing as a family newspaper Is such as to In sure for the advertisers -in its columns the benefits of tbe "open door" and an attentive hearing. Teachers May Lose Pay; ' Dr. Sohaefter, State Superintendent of Publlo Instruction,' In answer to an Inquiry, has advised the superintendent of Montgomery county, that he finds no authority in the law for the payment of 12 a day to teachers who go visiting schools during Institute week, and if auditors should object to such payment directors would be personally responsi ble for the amount thug paid without due order of law. Heretofore it has been held that visiting sohools was equivalent to attending the institute. Smashes All Records. As an all-round laxative tonic and health-builder no other pills can com pare with Dr. King's New Life Pills. They tone and regulate stomach, liver and kidneys, purify the blood, strength en the nerves; ure oonstipation, dys pepsia, biliousness, jaundice, headache, chills and malaria. Try them. 25o at H. L. McEntlre's. Men's-ease shoes, the uppers will last as long as 5 pair of soles, Price $3.0o, M.00, 15.00. Adam's. Bo.1 high, cut shoes, strong and durable? -Irlce 12.60 and 13.00. Adam's. Fascinators, , shawls and ... scarfs, at I Blng-Stoke Co.'s. . ".. Ask For Better V Trolley Service Citizens of Sykesville Want More For. Their Money .. Than they Get. No Issue of Importance to the com' munlty contiguous to Sykesville In re' cent years has awakened such universal comment and commendation as the Post-Dispatch's demand for a trolley service commensurate with the trafllo and rates of fare charged. Since our last Issue we have been asked by dozens to keep up the agita tion for better service and the subject has been one of general discussion. It Is Bn undenlaole fact that the people along the trolley lines want bet- tr service, deserve It and are going to get It before long If possible. In this case the people are asking nothing un reasonable of the companies but are simply asking a service In keeping with the high rate of fare charged and with the companies' franchises as purveyors of transportation suitable and conven lent to the demands of tbe publlo. We do not know of a trolley company anywhere which charges more for fares for tbe distance covered than the local companies, nor of any Which give such limited service. Besides this tbe local lines are very largely patronized and are unquestionable large money makers. Therefore there seems to be no reason whatever for denying the people's de mands for a service which will meet their desires'and needs. And this demand should not be con fined to those living out along tbe lines, but the people of DuBois and Reynolds' vllle,, especially the business people and newspapers, should join in Insisting that the proper transportation facilities be afforded tbe many from the outlying districts who trade and visit in those towns. With proper co-operation all along tbe line we think that the desired and needed change can be effected. Sykes- yllle Post-Dispatch. The Helpless Girl. Tbe poorest girls In the world are those not taught to work. There are thousands of them. Parents have petted them, and tbey have been taught to despise labor and depend upon others for a living, and are perfectly helpless. The most forlorn women belong to this class. It is the duty of parents to protect their daugh ten from this deplorable oondltion. Tbey do them a great wrong if they neglect to do It. Every daughter should be taught to earn her own living. The rich as well as the poor require this training. The wheel of fortune rolls swiftly around; the rich are likely to become poor, and the poor rich. 3kill ; added to labor Is no disadvantage to the rich, and Is in dispensable to the poor. Well-to-do parents must educate their daughters to work. No reform is more impera tive than this. '' Cigarettes By Qift of Otherwise. 1 If the cigarette law of 1905 wait en forced there would not be so many boys and young men under age .seen, on the Streets Of Revnoldsvilla amnlrlnir nlimn. ettes. Why not enforce It? A person who gives a cigarette or cigarette paper to a person under twenty-one years is breaking the law and is liable for a heavy fine.' Here Is the law:' -"Be it enacted, &o., that if any per son or persons shall furnish cigarettes or cigarette paper, by gift, tak or otlier- wise, to any person or persons under the age of twenty-one years, he or she. so offending, shall be guilty of a mis demernor, and,, upon conviction there of, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than three hundred dollars. and not less than one hundred dollars." The law is certainly strict enough if it Is put in operation. Won't Slight a Good Friend. "If ever I need a cough medicine again I know what to get," declares Mrs. A. L. Alley, of Beals. Me., "for. after usitg ten bottles of Dr. Kind's New Discovery, and seeing its excellent results in my own family .and others, I am convinced it is the best medicine for coughs, colds and lung trouble." Every one who tries It feels just that way. Relief is felt at once and its quick cure surprises you. For bron chitis, asthma, hemorrhage, oroun. la- grippe, sore throat, pain in chest or lungs its ' supreme. , 50o . and 11.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by H. L. MoEntlre. Ladies' kid gloves at Bing-Stoke Co.'s. New neckwear for. ladies at Bing- Stoke Co.'s.. The Gullible Public. , The average man -or woman has , a wonderful appetite for the marvelous when it comes to believing Impossible things concerning the ability of physi cians to cure disease. The best physi cians and the greatest'-specialists', be cause they do not resort to the methods of the charlatan and make extravagant assertions concerning their knowledge and skill, and are honest with their patients, are passed by unheeded by the hordes who flock to see the humbugs and pretenders. A physician who could really cure one of the many diseases that tbe quack pretends to cure, might locate in a cavern on a lonely mountain and have all the business he could at tend to. People would flock to him from far and near. He would not be obliged to travel about In search of patients. As a rule the itinerant phy sician has a smooth way of imposing Upon the credulity of the people. He tells them their "symptoms", with a gllbness of tongue, that fills them with admiration and awe. He is a skilled "hot air" artist, but beyond that his knowledge of physics is extremely lim ited. Occasionally these Cagllostros of the medical profession have the luck to give medicine to a person who only Im agines he is sick, or who is on tbe verge of recovery through former treatment, and be gets a reputation on that. It would be easy to secure a bushel ol tes timonials (from people who actually be lieve themselves to have been greatly benefitted), testifying to toe wonderful medicinal virtues of bread pills! Your home physician is a graduate of a first-class medical college and has had experience In one of the great hospitals of the country. He reads all the new treatises on the various diseases and keeps up with medical discoveries of the time by a careful perusal of the medical journals. But because he does not proclaim himself from the house tops as a greit physician, you pin your faith on the well advertised patent medicine, or pass by his door on your way to visit the traveling quack. ' Man Is a queer animal. Punxsutaw ney Spirit. Bradley mufflers for men, women and children at Bing-Stoke Co.'s. A lot of children's, misses' and women's shoes at 98 cents. Adam's. Ladles' and children's fancy wool gloves at Blng-Stoke Co.'s. Subscribe for Tkz Star. Only one dollar a year. to Be wen Dressed nil tne Time You need not have many clothes nor necessarily expensive clothes. But you must have the right kind the kind that will wear without losing shape and Clothcraft All-Wool Clothea are that kind. The guaranteed all-wool material and scientific tailor ing make them bo. , , They are sold at $10 to $25 wool clothes you can find anywhere at these prices. Bing-Stoke Gompany REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. . . Moore's Grocery In New Building Now Occupies One Of The Finest Equipped Buildings In the County. W. Harry Moore, groceryman, whose store stock and building were destroyed by fire on the night or December 5th, l09,vand who erected a brick building on the old site, moved Into the new building the latter part of laBt week' and bad an opening Saturday afternoon and evening.. A large number of people visited the store during the opening. An orchentra furnished music, Alex Rlston had charge-of r , lunch counter , and a coffee demonstrator served steam ing hot coffee. ' Mr. Moore's new store room Is 25 x 87 feet, hardwood floor, solid oak, dark finish, fixtures, patent bin system for ' fruits, vegetables, &c, three floor show cases for cigars, confectionery and var iety case, patent refrigerator with mir ror. There are two other mirrors in other parts of the store room. The front light is prism, tile and plate glass: the rear lights are sheet prism. The sidewalk is American Three Way .Prism glass, tbe first of tbe kind in town. " It is a question whether there is a finer equipped grocery store in any town outside of the large cities. Breathe It In, that's all. It's a joyful pastime, killing catarrh germs with Hyomel and the pocket inhaler. Com-'' plcte outfit 81.00. Stoke & Felcht Drug Co. guarantees It. For wool or cotton .blankets see Bing Stoke Co. intLUNfatbT WAY miWil pOEntifWni;t:i -ave you a copy of this new song hit. Call and kii hear it at HASKINS MUSIC STORE REYNOLDSVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA. ' style. the only guaranteed all- 1 I. M K. vt'eCI tl '.. .