ft fie Reynoldsville Reynoldsville Bat modern .ciiooU and churches, paved streets, water, gas anJ"Slectrlc accommoda tions, convenient trolley service, high and healthful location, varied employment for labor and many other residential advantages. Offers exceptional advantages for the loca tion of new Industries t Free factory sites, cheap and abundaDt fuel, direct shipping facilities and low freight rates and plentiful supply of laborers. VOLUME 18. REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A.. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1909. NUMBER 24. Daring Hold-Up Near Sykcsvillc Paul Jacobs, Agent For John O'Hare, Was Relieved of Watch and Cash. ASSAILANTS HAVE ESCAPED. The moBt daring holdup and robbery committed about here Id recent years occurred on Wednesday evening, when two young men assaulted Paul Jacobs, agent and collector for thn DuBols Co., and robbed htm oF C257 In caeh and a gold watch valued at 145. The holdup occurred at about 0 40 o'clock. The victim le a representative of the O'Hare Wholesale Liquor firm of Reynoldsville, which does much business among the foreigners in the section In and about Sykesvllle. He had been collecting and taking orders among the foreigners Just above the brick yard and had started to the station to catch a street car at.Sykes vllle for DuBols and while walking along the yards was accosted by two burly looking gentlemen, who Btepped out in the road in front of him. The highwaymen asked him for a cigar and Mr. Jacobs banded each of them two. While be was doing this one of the road gents asked him if he had any money and upon being assured that hlB prospective viotim had but enough to take him to DuBols on the street car, the Individual started to finger around his pockets and Mr. Jacobs resented this action by knock ing the fellow to the ground with a blow in the face. The other had se cured a position behind Mr. Jacobs and knocked him to the ground, where a tussle ensued between the victim and footpad, who did the talking. During this Mr. Jacobs was struck over the back of the head by the third man and stunned for a moment. He revived and received two more blows, probably with ft rock, and was again stunned and while in this condition the men relieved him of hU roll and the watch, which was valued at 145. The viotim re covered himself just in time to see It is a fact that a pair of STETSON Corn Dodger SHOES will give you more com fort than any shoe you have ever worn. See them at BING-STOKE CO.'S. the men disappear in the bushes over the side of the road. Jacobs was quite badly injured dur ing the affray, but managed to catch the next oar to DuBols, where his wounds were attended to. He notified the officers of his experience and they at once got busy on the case. The local police are of the opinion that tbe job was done by either Sykes vllle or DuBols men who were ac quainted with the victim's business and who knew he was oollectlug In that vicinity a tbat time. The offloers ac cordingly expect to be able to appre hend the guilty parties within a short time. Constable Waugaman was out of town at the time tbe holdup occurred, but has been advised as to the par ticulars and will likely soon round up the perpotrators. Sykesyllle Poit-Dis-pnta't. Tbe highwaymen have not been ap prehended and are not likely to be now. Fourth Class Postmaster Examination.! Tbe United States Civil Service Com mission announoes that on Saturday, November 13, 190!), an examination will be bold at Punxsutawney, Pa., for the position of fourth cluss postmaster of class B at Soldier, Pa. Tbe compen gallon of the postmaster at tblB office was 1248 for the last fiscal year. Age limit, 21 years and over on the date of the examination, with the ex ception tbat in a state where women are declared by statute to be of full age for all purposes at 18 years, women 18 years of age on tbe date of the examination will be admitted. Applicants must reside within the territory supplied by the postolflce named above. Tbe examination is open to all citizens of the TJulted States who can comply with tbe requirements. Application forms and full Infor mation concerning the requirements of tbe examination can' be secured from the postmaster at Soldier and the local secretary at the Punxsutawney postofftoe or from the U. S. Civil Ser vice Commission, Washington, D. C. Applications Bbould be properly executed and filed with tbe Commission at Washington within seven days be' fore the date of the examination, other wise it may be impracticable to ex amine the applicants. 8wept Over Niagara. This terrible calamity often happens because a carelosB boatman Ignores the river's warnings growing ripples and faster ourrent. Nature's warnings are kind. That dull pain or ache in the back warns you the kidneys need- at tention if you would escape fatal mala dies dropsy, diabetes or Brlght's dl sease. Take Electrio Bitters at once and see backache By and all your best feelings return. "After long suffering from weak kidneys and lame back, one $1.00 bottle wholly cured me." writes J. R. Blankenship,, of Belk, Tenn. Only 60o at H. L. MoEntlre. The American Boy's shoes, one pair will wear a year. Price $3.00 and 13.50, Adam's Boot Shop. The First National Bank Or REYNOLDSVILLE. Capital and Surplus $175,000.00 Resources . '. . $550,000.00 . Johh H. Zadchib, Pres. John H. Kaucher Henry O. Delble OFFICERS J. O. Kino, Vloe-Pres. DIRECTORS 3. 0. King Daniel Nolan J. 8. Hammond K. O. Bohdokirs, Cashier John R.Corbett R.H.Wilson Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking The Peoples National Bank (OLDEST BANK IN THE COUNTY) REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Capital and Surplus $125,000.00. Resources $500,000.00. Foreign Exchange Sold. Interest paid semi-annually on Savings Accounts, hav ing liberal deposit and with drawal privileges. Liberal treatment and ev- 'ery courtesy extended con sistent with sound banking. Open Saturday Evenings. - F R ill Heinous Attempt To Extort Money John Wheeler, Brother Of D. Wheeler, the Victim 01 Black Hand Plot. DYNAMITE USED AT HIS HOME John Wheeler, of Dixonvtlle, Indiana Co., brother of David Wheeler, of Reyn oldnvllle, who Is a retired land owner, received throe letters from Black Hands in which they threatened to dyna mite his house and kill him If he did not deposit $15,000 under a bridge near his home. Tbe first letter was mailed at Indiana) the second at Marion and tbe third at Punxsutawney. After receiv ing tbe third letter Mr. Wheeler had guards acoompany him to tbe bridge, where he deposited a large sum of mon ey, but tbe men did not come for tbe money tbat night. About bed time on tbe night of Oc tober 10th Mr. Wheeler saw a flash of light In bis yard and stepped out on bis porch to investigate and as he stepped out a stick of dynamite exploded within two or three feet of tbe houBe. He was stunned by the explosion and for several days it was feared be would lose his hearing, but he has recovered and can now hear as well as he could before he bad tbe thrilling experience on 10th lost. Is Your Family Reading "Worth While"? So much of ourrent reading Is merely entertaining at best that the question naturally arises, Is it worth while? Your sons and daughters are bound to read something. They hunger for stories which take them into the other half of the world the world of adven ture, of valor, of fortune-making. Tbe problem is to give them such read ing without putting into their hands the literature that Is either silly or de moralizing.. The editors of Tbe Youth's Companion believe that a periodical can be made entertaining and yet "worth while,') and The Companion is conducted on that theory. And that is one reason why more than half a mil lion American families read it. The paper is safe, but not dull. Its tales of adventure illustrate the advantages of fortitude and self-reliance. Its stories of character lay stress on the truth that right conduct Is never a mistake. Every new subscriber will find it of special advantage to send at once the 11.66 for the new 1010 volume. Not only does he get the beautiful "Vene tian" Calendar for 1910, lithographed In thirteen colors and gold, hut all the issue of The Companion for the re maining weeks of 1909 from the time the subscription is reoelved. The Youth's Companion, Companion Building. Boston, Mass. Up Before the Bar. N. H. Brown, an attorney, of Pitts field, Vt., writes: "We have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for years and find them such a good family medjolne we wouldn't be without them." For chills, constipation, biliousness or sick headache they work wonders, 25o. H. L. McEntlre. Thirteenth Hoodoo Proved Fatal. Engineer Charles Covllle, of Austin, was killed Wednesday nlgbt in a peculiar manner on the B. & S. rail road. A brakeman by the name of Evans went out on a train to sot the brakes and in some manner was thrown to tbe ground. After the train bad made a siding Evans was raided and the orew started back with the engine to look for him. Covllle was walk ing along the track and when be went to exchange places with his fireman, who was driving tbe engine, be slipped and fell under the wheels, being killed Just before starting out the conductor of the crew remarked, "Engine 13, coach 13 and tbe 13tb of the month; this Is liable to be a Bad day for some' one." DuBols Express. Buying Timber Lands. According to the Marlon Center Independent, the B., R. & P. railroad company Is buying up a lot of ties throughout that section, one man of East Mahoning having taken a cootract to furnish 10,000. The Independent believes that the company will construct a huge plant at Cloe for tbe treating of ties to a creosote bath, which It has been proven prolongs their life considerably. Tbe soarclty of timber has made the tie question an important one with all railroads, and while tbe railroad oom pany will give nothing out on the sub ject, it is probable that such a plant will be built at Cloe. Rev. Harshaw Successful in Oklahoma. Rev. J. G. Harshaw, at one time pas tor of the M. E. churoh at Emerlck- vllle, who went west several years ago for benefit of his health, has been .very successful in bis work as. a minister In Oklahoma. In giving a report of tbe M. E. conference at Anadarko, Okla., the Lawton Daily Star of October 12 says: "Rev. J. G. Harshaw, for the past year district superintendent, at his own request, was relieved from tbat position on account of almost continuous foroed absence from his home and family, and was given one of the best assignments in the distriot, being sent to the First Church at Shawnee. "While Lawton generally will rejoice with Rev. Harshaw that he has been given work more to his liking, and will extend a most cordial welcome to Rev. Doty and family, they regret very much tbat the change will necessitate the re moval of Rev. Harshaw and his excel lent family from Lawton. "Rev. and Mrs. Harshaw are among Lawton's very best people, whose ab sence from our oity will be a distinct loss, not easily filled. "That they will be warmly welcomed by the good people of Shawnee goes without saying, as Lawton's loss will be Shawnee's gain. They will move im mediately." Boys' high cut shoes, strong and durable. Price 12.60 and $3.00. Adam's. "Have been using Hyomei for oatarrh one week and feel like a new man," W. V. Goode, Newark, Ohio, June 21, 1909. Breathe Hyomei in. Guaran teed by Stoke & Feloht Drug Co, Com plete outfit 11.00. A lot of children's, misses' and women's shoes at 98 cents. Adam's. THE man who does things in these days of keen competition and business ac tivity, is the man who is living with a fixed purpose and plans with a view to the future If you have no money saved now and are not planning to begin at once, you are un consciously planning that somebodp else use his savings to help take care of you in the future. Saving money is a duty in the start but it becomes apleasure in the end. We pay 4 per cent on Savings Accounts, compounded semi-annually. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Widnoon Tipple Burned Thursday Loss About $5,000 With Only $2,000 Insurance On the Structure. ORIGIN OF FIRE UNKNOWN Thursday night of last week at about eleven o'clock the loading tipple and weigh scales of thn Widnoon Coal Min ing Co , which is located near Lawson ham, was totally destroyed by fire. Tbe mine Is across tbe creek from tbe P. R. R. tracks and the coal Is run from mine to loading tipple and weigh scales in buckets on wire rope?. The origin of the fire is unknown, but is supposed to have been accidentally started by some one stealing ooal or by tramps. The loss to the coal company amounts to about 86,000, with 12,000 insurance. The tipple and weigh scales will be rebuilt as soon as possible. Tbe com pany has a large number of orders for coal and cannot ship any until this work is done. Most all the stockholders of the Wid noon Coal Mining Company reside in Reynoldsville and the head office of the company is located here. F. M. Brown, of this place, is superintendent of tbe Widnoon mines. J-ave you a copy of this new song hit. Call and hear It at HASKINS MUSIC STORE REYNOLDSVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA. MJIIllllUIHllUtlM TT5Hbt5T WAT HOUND infWTtiT WAVhOME STETSON Corn Dodger SHOES will make more friends for a man than any other shoe ever fitted to a foot. See them at Bing-Stoke Co.'s. N OTlCE. Now is the time to do your roofing. Red Cedar shingles galore at the Woodwork Supply Co. storage. Men's-ease shoes, the uppers will last as long as 6 pair of soles. Price 83. Oo, $4.00, $5.00. Adam's. Stop that stomaoh agony in five minutes with Mi-o-na tablets. Cure tbat indigestion in two weeks. Ml-o-na is the best medicine for the stomach. Stoke & Felcht Drug Co. sell it on money-back plan. Large box 50 cents. Application of Archie Clinton Davis for a transferor the retail liquor license heretofore granted to Schuyler J. Emery at the "Falls Creek Hotel," In the Borough of Falls Greek, Uounty of Jefferson, Pennsylvania. In the Oourt of Quarter Session of the Peace In aud for the Uounty of Jefferson, Pa. No. 2, November Sessions, 1SC9.1 Notice Is hereby (riven that on Monday, Novembers, 1909, Archie Clinton Davis, of the Borough of Kall9 Creek. County of Jeffer son. Pennsylvania, will present to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Jefferson county, Pennsylvania, his petition praying for a transfer to him of the retail liquor license heretofore granted by said iourt to 8cbuyler J. Emery at No. 14, January Sessions, 1900, for tbe "Falls Creek Hotel, situate In the central part, of the Borough of Falls Creek, County of Jefferson and State of Pennsyl vania, That the lot upon which said hotel building U erected Is bounded on the north by Main street; on the east by Street and Jefferson and Clearfield county line; on the south by an Alley; and on the went by lot of D C. Whltehlll, satd lot being No. 49, in the Fuller and Taylor Addition to Falls Creek. Bi.akk E. Irvin, Clerk of said Court. If you have anything to sell, try our Want Column. You Want More Than Wear in your clothes. They may get to looking shabby and still have lots of wear left. That's why all-wool is so important. It not only wears better than- any other material, but also holds its shape and Btyle to the last. The great difficulty has been to get all wool without paying high prices. You are sure to get it in Clothcraft, the only line guaranteed to be all-wool at less- k.'ian-usual all-wool prices. $10 to $25. it W i BING-STOKE CO. RERNOLDSVILLE, PA. The Star's Want Column never fails to bring results The Success of My Work Depends Upon You ..!, "PLfi1.. ""'"spring of life. When I cease to work you cease totllve. I mUst JSrt "i11iIa lee GoPd "fJ1 Pure blood 18 wh" 1 need serve you success . a . my cholce 1 would always keep on hand good rich pure blood the year round and of course you would want me to do so; but It s up to you whether I am to i -VUrirnJeiWJ.th00.d pure bl!?d bulld Tu P or P00' thin b'od run you lown. ali ku.d of People, that use all Kinds of blood remedies and many of them V.H.?.?Lm ?tr,lment.n?e,th,ia B nelP- A8k those o use NATURE'S HERBS ?d.te.Wi'JLteli1ou tht yiKS-JS JtlcC coming; but am glad to see them enjoy the weathl? .r UM ATF.BE 8 HEKB!) oa wl" through the cold, winter Nature's ?RRiinf S-t2ZJLJoa f" thto a1 nd thea wte o use 2i.iJ,!r-.iJ' 2 HEBBJ.,'"l then go through the winter constantly shivering and freeslng ?oublfdan'dOUmbu,Sg VffifiE$Ft UCh ou -Ul serve botf Remember the holidays are just In sight, V And of course It will be your greatest delight To do the best turkey that comes down the pike. And NATURE'S HERBS gives you a keen appetite. . For sale i it the Drug Storw. Reynoldevllle. Pa".; A. Carlson's Store, Prescottvllle Pa.i Joseph Bateson's Store, Rathmel, Pa.