The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 06, 1909, Image 1

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Has modern schools and churches, pared
streets, water, gas and electric accommoda
tions, convenient trolley sorvlce, high and
healthful locution, varied employment for
labor and many other residential advantages.
Offers exceptional advantages fontbe loca
tion of Dew Industries I Free factory sites,
cheap and abundant fuel, direct shipping
facilities and low freight rates and plentiful
supply of laborers.
Inauguration of Passenger Service
On the Franklin & Clearfield Has
Been Postponed For Two Weeks
Ginseng Culture
Near ReynoIdsviUe
Interesting Experiment Is Now
Being Made By Several
Home Parties,
In recant years much has been writ
ten of the possibilities for profit in the
cultivation of ginseng, the roots of
which seem to be in unlimited demand
for medicinal purposes. At three farms
In Washington, Pine Creek and Knox
townships experiments on a large scale
are now being made to test the truth of
these statements, and upon the results
may depend the establishment of a new
and important industry in the county.
One of the largest of these pioneer
ginseng farms is located near Pardus,
at the home of George B. Shlndledeck
er, and is the joint property of Mr.
-Shindledecker and John A. Weleh, of
ReynoIdsviUe. It was the privilege of
a reporter of The Star and a friend to
rvisit the place one day the past week
and Inspect the methods in use. '
' A space about half the size of a town
lot is now under cultivation, every part
of which Is surrounded by a high and
close picket fence and entirely' covered
overhead by closo wooden lattice work,
rgo that the plants beneath are always
shaded, and all other conditions are
made to conform as closely as possible
to the natural habitat of the plant when
it grows wild in the shady forest. ' For
closure is arranged into oblong beds,
'flanked by boards. The plants are us
ually started from the seed aud it re
quires about eighteen months for the
little rock-like seeds to germinate.
When the plants are large enough to
handle they are planted closely together
In the beds mentioned above and the
soil In which they thrive best seems to
be the natural loam secured from the
woods.- It requires five years for a
root to' reach full size, during whloh
time the only care required is the reg
ular weeding and watering of the bed.
But while no profit is realized from the
roots in less than five years, the plants
each year bear a quantity of small red
berries, containing seed, and there is
Always a demand for the seed at remun
erative prices.
The test in this case has not yet gone
far enough to absolutely guarantee per
manent success, but so far the experi
ment has resulted so satisfactorily to
all concerned that the owners are now
planning to enlarge their beds and
greatly increase their annual output of
the root.
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus $ 1 7 5,0 0 0.0 0
Resources . . $550,000.00
. Johh B. Kadohih, Pres.
John B. Kaucher
Henry O. Delble
J. O. King Daniel Nolan
J. 8. Hammond
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
The Peoples National Bank
Trouble In Changing Many
Schedules Given as the
Reason for Delay,
C The New York Central officials are
not able to say when the through pas
senger trains will start. It may be a
week or ten days or two weeks. One
thing sure, it will be soon. The delay
has been caused by; the work incident
to rearranging the schedules of the
various roads over which the trains
will pass. The first passenger train
will leave Chicago in the morning,
arriving here in the evening.
The character of the passenger ser
vice between Chicago in the west and
New York and Philadelphia in the
east was the subject of considerable
discussion by the New York Central
officials when General Miller was there.
It Ib practically certain that there will
be two trains each way each day, and
there will be a daylight ana night train
each way each day for Franklin people.
One eastbouod train, for instance, is
expected to leave Chicago at 8.25 in
the morning and arrive here at 7.30
in the evening. It is likely that local
passenger trains will be put on the new
road before the through trains start.
Franklin Evening News.
Swept Over Niagara.
This terrible calamity often happens
because a careless boatman ignores the
river's warnings growing ripples and
faster current. Nature's warnings are
kind. That dull pain or ache in the
back warns you the kidneys need at
tention if you would escape fatal mala
diesdropsy, diabetes or Brigbt's di
sease. Take Electric Bitters at once
and see backache fly and all your best
feelings return. "After long suffering
from weak kidneys and lame back, one
11.00 bottle wholly cured me." writes
J. R. Blankenshlp,, of Belk, Tenn.
Only 50c at H. L. McEntlre.
Ml-o-na is the best prescription for
indigestion or stomach misery ever
written. Believes distress in 5 minutes;
cures in a few weeks. Guaranteed by
Stoke & Feicht Drug Co. Large box,
50 cents. N
Men's-ease shoes, the uppers will last
as long as 5 pair of soles, Price 13. Oo,
14.00, $5.00. Adam's.
Sea food at City Hotel restaurant.
The American Boy's shoes, one pair
will wear a year. Price $3.00 and $3.60.
Adam's Boot Shop.
Now is the time to do your roofing.
Red Cedar ' shingles galore at the
Woodwork Supply Co. storage.
J. O. Kino, Vlce-Pres. K. O. Bohuokirs, Cashier
John B. Oorbett
R. B. Wilson
Capital and Surplus
Resources $500,000.00.
Foreign Exchange Sold.
Interest paid semi-annually
on Savings Accounts, hav
ing liberal deposit and with
drawal privileges.
wiuuoi utauiicub auu cva
try courtesy extended con
sistent with sound banking.
Open Saturday Evenings.
Last Stronghold of the
Native Grey Wolves
A Description Of the Famous
"Wolf's Den" in Washing
ton Township.
There is a hill northwest of Sherwood
from whence may be viewed a splendid
panorama of rural scenery. Thirty
miles away, where the faint blue hori
zon blends imperceptibly into the leaden
sky, lies the uneven crest of Boone's
Mountains, while nearer, and plainly
visible to the eye, Luthersburg, the old
pioneer village perched on the top of
the bills, shows as a spot of varied color
on the rolling surface of the landscape.
Here and there a column of smoke ob
scuring the bills In haze, betrays the
location of a mining plant and village
In the valley below. It Is a beautiful
spot and is doubly Interesting from the
fact that this hill, according to the old
er settlers of the land, was the last
stronghold and hunting course of the
gaunt grey wolves which have now
been utterly exterminated in the county.
Half a century has passed since the
last of these terrible marauders was
killed In this section of the state, but
there are yet living men who encount
ered wolves in their boyhood days, and
tracked them to their lair in the rocky
leages of the wilderness which then
covered the hills of Washington town
ship. As the ridge of the hill men
tioned above retreats to the north, Its
east side becomes extraordinarily wild
and broken. Great rocks, fully as large
as an ordinary dwelling, lie embedded
in the hillside, often towering like
jagged and Irregular cliffs which cannot
be scaled from below. The oak and
chestnut which are prominent nearer
Sherwood, give way to the pine and
hemlock, and the growth becomes more
dense in the region of the ledge. It
was in this Impenetrable region that
the wolves made their trysting place,
and In the fissures of the great broken
rocks that the young were brought
forth and protected until able to join
the savage chase for prey.
Save that the original forest fell be
fore the woodsman's axe almost a score
of years ago, and that the hill is now
covered with a tall seoond growth,
there Is little change in the place from
the time when it was the chosen haunt
of the wild. Except for the occasional
visit of hunters in the pheasant shoot
ing season, the spot is rarely seen of
There la one rock, or group of rocks,
in the region which was of old given
the distinctive title of the "Wolf's
Den." It was there legend states that
the last of the race existed, 'and the
appearance of the openings, the worn
path in the sandstone base, and the
location of the stone would seem to
bear mute evidence of the truth of the
Near the spot the growth of scraggy
pine and hemlock becomes exceedingly
dense. It seems designed by nature to
guard the den of a tribe of animal Ish
maelites. Penetrating the jungle, one
comes suddenly upon a great perpendic
ular mass of rock, ten to twelve feet
high and extending In broken stratas
forty feet or more. In front are many
Irregular boulders over whloh one must
clamber to see the base of this rook,
where, between smaller stones, open
ings lead into the den which apparent
ly exists. under the massive rock. The
largest of these entrances is from fifteen
to twenty inches across, but leads
in such a winding course that it is ex
tremely difficult and dangerous for a
man to attempt to penetrate the cave.
The northern face of the rock is even
more picturesque than the eastern.
About thirty feet in length, it has in
its middle a deep cleft in whloh smaller
boulders haye fallen in such manuer
that it forms a giant staircase, leading
to the moss covered top. of the atone.
From the oleft to the west end of the
monolith, along the top, a strata of rock
three feet thloks extends seven or eight
feet Into the air, forming a roof over
the smooth stone leige which runs be
low, and beneath which a man may
walk erect or oould, if he desired, build
a snug camp secure from rain and snow.
Along the base there is another en
trance to the den, apparently the "back
door" for escape in case of trouble.
On top of this huge rook a thick moss
has grown undisturbed for many years,
and just enough soil has been deposited
there to support the roots of saplings
and bushes. Here also may be observed
a thing which is extraordinary. From
a narrow clef t in the side of this hard
rock springs a tree, the trunk ot whloh
at its base Is fully ten inches In diam
eter, and whloh towers fifty feet above,'
erect and rigid. Yet the roots of this
tree seem' to penetrate the rook Itself
and the grey color of the stone and the
bark of the tree are so nearly alike that
one cannot . detect where the stone
leaves off and the tree begins;
Altogether it is a remarkable spot
and all it needs to make it positively
enchanting is the presence of one of the
pioneers to relate how, in the primeval
days, the savage grey villains whose
rendezvous It was
" . howled through the moonlit woods,
Loud answered by kith and king"
And to tell you bow, with a craftiness
almost human, the wolves. hungry and
desperate, would deliberately plan to
rouse and run down a deer for food;
how they would station sentinels at tbe
crossing-places along the trails usually
followed by the deer, and how, when
one wolf had run the frightened deer a
short distance, the ambushed sentinel
wolf, fresh and eager, would take up
the chase, until the animal thus ever
pursued by fresh wolves, would finally
fall exhausted In its tracks.
Opportunity For
Yount Women
Philadelphia School for Nurses
Offers Free Scholarships
To Students.
Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly
Love, has an exhibition of practical
benevolence in the work of the Phila
delphia School for Nurses which Is of
surpassing interest to every one inter
ested in the care of the sick, the educa
tion of nurses and the promotion of pub
lic health and sanitation.
The annual report showed that dur
ing the past year ten thousand, two
hundred and seventy-five patients were
supplied with nurses, who otherwise
could not have secured skilled cursing
care. Four-fifths of this service was
rendered gratuitously. It was shown
also that In teaching facilities, available
workers and number of students, the
school ranks as tbe largest school for
nurses In the world.
Several large classes of students are
enrolled in the Philadelphia School for
Nurses, who will, doubtless, witness the
extension of the work of the institution
in accordance with plans now develop
ing. A large number of free two year
scholarships are available to the young
women living throughout the entire
oountry, preference being given to
those from the smaller cities and the
rural districts. These scholarships in
clude room, board, laundering, uni
forms, all necessary instruction and
railroad fare paid to the student's home
town upon the completion of the course.
A preparatory Home Study Course and
a Short Resident Course are also avail
able to those who desire to quickly pre
pare themselves for self-support, but
are unable to devote two years to study.
Any reader of this paper who may be
interested in the general subject can,
by addressing the school at 2219 Chest
nut street, Philadelphia, Pa., get full
details of the work and the scholarships
now available.
Up Before the Bar.
N. H. Brown, an attorney, of Pitts
field, Vt., writes: " We have used Dr,
King's New Life Pills for years and
find them such a good family medicine
we wouldn't be without them." For
chills, constipation, biliousness or sick
headache they work wonders, 25o. H.
May save you serious
winter trouble.
At all Dealers or by mall.
Reynolds Drug (2b,,
Warren, Pa.
Institute Talent
Day Instructors And Evening
, Entertainers Are Up To
Former Standards.
Supt. L. M. Junes has engaged fine
talent for day Instructors aod evening
entertainers at the teachers' county in
stitute to be held in the New Orpheum
Theatre at Brookville the week begin
ning Deo. 20. The day instructors in
clude such educators as Dr. W. N.
Ferris, president of Ferris Institute,
Big Rapids, Michigan, twice president
of the Michigan State Educational As
sociation, and twice the nominee of his
party for Governor of Michigan; Dr. J.
C. Willis, president of Louisville Uni
versity and one of the country's most
eminent educators and authors; Dr.
Oden C. Gortner, professor of psychol
ogy at Mansfield Normal; County Sup
erintendent O. J. Kern, Winnebago
county, Illinois, the originator of tbe
Boys' Club movement, and a speaker of
national reputation; and Prof. Alfred
E. Money, principal of Voice depart
ment, Warren Conservatory of Music.
The evening entertainers and lectur
ers are also top-notohers. The Vassar
Girls, nine cultured and highly enter
taining young ladles, all graduates of
Vassar College, will set the ball rolling
Monday night. Following the prece
dent of last year Prof. Jones has placed
the highest priced and best attraction
of the course on the program for the
opening night. The Vassar Girls began
their career in college and since their
graduation have for four seasons ranked
with the very best platform attractions.
Wednesday evening the Rev. R. A.
George, of Cleveland, Ohio, will deliver
his great lecture on Hiawatha. This
lecture will be illustrated and will pos
itively be tbe most beautiful leoture
ever given in Brookville; it will also
be a most instructive literary evening.
Thursday evening Ex-Governor Glenn,
a powerful and magnetic speaker, la a
class with the very best In the country,
suoB. as GunsaluB, Bryan, Hanly and
"I'd Rather Die. Doctor,
Than have my feet out off," said M.
L. Bingham, of Prinoevllle, 111., "but
you'll die from gangrene (which had
eaten away eight toes) if you don't,"
said all doctors. Instead he used
Buoklen's Arnica Salve till wholly
cured. Its cures of eczema, fever sores,
bolls, burns and plies astound the world.
25o at H. L. MoEntlre's.
A lot of children's, misses' and
women's shoes at 98 cents. Adam's.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Jefferson
Notice Is hereby given that an application
will be made to the Bald Court on Monday,
the eighteenth day ot October, 1909, at ten
o clock a. m., under the Act of Assembly of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled
"An act to provide for the Incorporation and
regulation of certain corporations," approv
ed April 2th, 1874, and the supplements
thereto, by Ooslmo Dauglla, Tonmaso Mar
uca, Vlncenzo Carllno, Kaffaem Pallia, and
Salvatore Vltello, for tbe charter of an In
tended corporation to be called "Bocleta
Progresso Stella d' ItaHa Halo-Americano,'
tbe character and object whereof Is to fur
nish aid, help and assistance to the members
of tbe society la case of sickness, death or
distress and to elevate their civic, moral anU
social standing and to disseminate general
Information among them, and for these pur
poses to have, possess and enjoy all the
rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act
of Assembly and Its supplements.
The proposed charter Is now on file In the
prothonotary's office.
IOi.emknt W. Flyhn," Solicitor"
If you have anything to sell, try
our Want Column.
THE man who does things in these days
of keen competition and business ac
tivity, is the man who is living with a fixed
purpose and plans with a view to the future
If you have no money saved now and are
not planning to begin at once, you are un
consciously planning that somebodp else use
his savings to help take care of you in the
Saving money is a duty in the start but
it becomes apkasure in the end.
- We pay 4 per cent on Savings Accounts,
compounded semi-annually.
For anything you need In flour or feed
don't fail to get prices from Robinson
& Mundorff before buying.
Bulties Best Flour the best flour yoi
can buy, at any price. We sell it. Ro'
lnson & MuodorfT.
We keep only best quality of goods
and make best prices on flour and feed.
See us before you buy. Our winter
wheat shorts makes your pigs grow
faster and your cows give more mils
than any other feed. Try it. Robinson
& Mundorff.
Reduction In flours. See Robinson &
Mundorff for prices.
W.T. Brubaker, Mgr.
Midway between Broad St. Station and
Reading Terminal on Filbert St.
European 11.00 per day and up.
American tlM per day and up.
Theonly moderate priced hotel of rep
utation and consequence In
Main St- ReynoIdsviUe, Pa.
30 Years W
Experience in the manu
facture of Gasoline means
much to the motorist In
the use of.
you sr6 ruaranteed the
greatest posslbleefficiency
Instantaneous, power
ful, clean explosion free
dom from carbon deposits
on spark plugs or In cylin
ders ready Ignition, vour
dealer will supply yon.
Sil .t.. Ait t,r..l. r.
Vnaveny vu nuru vu.
Plttsbwtf, Pa.
None Higher. None Better.
No store in ReynoIdsviUe han
dles the McCall pattern, but
they are kept (constantly In
stock at the News Stand at
Bykesville. Orders by mall
or telephone filled same day
as received. Address
Otto J. Nupp,
At the News Stand,
Sykesvllle, Pennsylvania.
Telephones Bell and Summer
Tllle. Send for October Fa
shion Plate.