The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 29, 1909, Image 7

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PRICE 25 Cts.
Vailed postpaid on re
celpl of price.
Vou can't have a
1 heautiful rnmplexion i(
your blood in impurs
or if you Miller with
tedigeation or any atnmarh or liver ailment.
ilunyon's Paw-Paw Pilta ryulute the
bowels, correct indigestion, constipation,
bilionsiieM, torpid livers, jaundice, tallow
tad dull complexion. They purify the
blood and clear the akin of pimplea, sores
tod mnat eruption.
One pill ia a gentle laxative; two pilli a
thorough physic. They do not gripe, they
to not weaken. Prim 25 cents.
B3d and lITirann f?ts., Phila., Ta.
Speaking of Larks.
Wlgdags Hello! Gi7.'pr. 1 see you
srs up with the lark this morning.
Ouzzlor You bet your life, and I've
teen keeping the lark up all night.
Philadelphia Record.
Child a Mans of ItreaiHul Sore, Itch
ing, Irriliitinc Humor for 2 Months
In Ti-irihh,- PliKht DiM-axe
Cured by Culli'iini.
"My aix year old daughter had the dread
ful disease called hives for two months.
She bei-aine alllicted by playing with chil
dren who had it. liy scratching the caused
Urge sores which were irritating. Her
body was a complete aore but it was worse
n her arms and back. We employed a
physician who left medicine hut it did not
kelp her and I tried several remedies but
without avail. Seeing the Cuticura Reme
dies advertised, I thought 1 would try
them. I gave her a hot bath daily with
Cuticura boap and anointed her body with
Cuticura Ointment. The first treatment
relieved the itching and in a short time the
aisearn disappeared. Mrs. G. L. Fridhoff,
Warren, Mich., June 30 and July 13, '08."
Potter Drug & l.'hein. Corp., Hole Props,
si Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass.
Quite So.
"All the world's a stage."
"Yes; and it takes a consummate
actor to laugh heartily at the proper
point in an old anecdote." ,
lira. Winslow's Soothing Syrup forChildreB
teething, softens thegums.reducesinflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle.
Nearer seven feet tall than elz waa
tile father of the present Earl of En-
vnklllen. He was a magistrate and a
mighty fox hunter.
invigorate stomach, liver and bowels
Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take
as canay.
Ribald Popular Songs.
A Chicago professor thinks that
modern husbands are too frivolous.
Borne may be Inclined to ridicule his
contention of the demoralizing effect
o certain popular songs, but he ia
rlfht In hlB contention that conditions
which are a subject of open jest must
Mae some wholesome respect In the
fopular mind. Baltimore Sun.
The Aeroplane Raffles.
Speaking ot burglary, the next thing
will be the aerial highwayman. The
monoplane will soon whizz over the
M-stJory buildings carrying, the mM-
nacnt uuef in a fashion to make the
"aeoond-story man" turn pile with en
vy. What is porch climbing then
compared to the airship's maneuverers
Jong the roof, or at the sixteenth
floor window. Boston Herald.
Has the French birth rate taken a
turn upward at last? For the first
time for very many years the last
statistics show a considerable In
create. AFTER
Cured by Lydia E. Pink
barn's Vegetable Compound
MarltonK.J. I feel that LydiaE.
Prnkbam's vegetable Compound has
given me new me.
I suffered for ten
years with serious
female troubles, in
flammation, ulcer
ation, indigestion,
nervousness, and
could not sleep.
Doctors gave me
up, as they said my
troubles were
chronic I was in
despair, and did not
care whether I lived
or died, when I read about Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; so I
began to take i t, and am well again and
relieved of all my suffering." Mrs.
George Joiidy, Box 40, Marlton, NJ.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotics or harm
ful drags, and to-day holds the record
for the largest number of actual cures
of female diseases we know of, and
tliousandsof voluntary testimonialsare
on file in the Pinkham laboratory at
Lynn, Mass., from women who have
been cured from almost every form of
female complaints, inflammation, ul
ceration, di;-.placements,Cbroid tumors,
irregularities, periodiopains, backache,
indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every suffering woman owes it to her
self to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege,
table Compound a trial.. .-''""
.oStSd !
tlal leltr ta Mrs. PinUham. at
Lynn, Mass. Her advice la free
and always helpful.
. -WVryr5 fcesaSTst
A Contribution.
O, Dolly. Dolly, darling,
O, dolly dolly mine,
TIk v IbukIi because i tell them
That you're my valentine.
They think that 1 slioulil have, desr
A doll In place of you;
Now, don't gi't frttxhtcnrd, dolly,
For that I'll never do.
I know your nose Is melted,
1 know one eye la gone;
My father said this morning
That you really were forlorn.
But that's the very reason
Why you should nlways be
Tho very dearest dolly
In all the World to me.
If my nosn should get broken,
If I looked queer and wild,
Would my mamma exchange me
For a brand new child?
Bent In by your Sunbeam,
Catherine Van Wert, In the Newark
Hla Medicine.
Teacher In this sentence,
slrk boy loves bis medicine,'
part of speech Is "loves"?
Small boy Please, ma'am, It's the
part that ain't so. Philadelphia
Why the Washings Were Mixed.
A certain negro washerwoman has
for several years done the washing for
a number of customers living in a
large family hotel. Her work has
nlways been satisfactory until a month
or so ago, when one week the wash
Ing came home in a shocking condl
tinn; the clothes were badly washed
badly ironed, and, worst of all, every
thing was mixed up and many things
were missing. Of course, all the
women were much excited and not a
little out of temper, 'but In a day or
so a note came stating . that the
washerwoman was very ill In the hos
pital and would not be able to work
for some weeks.
After a while she returned to the
hotel one morning to call on her cub
"I am sorry that last washing was
so bad," she explained. "I was taken
sick on the street on a Monday and
rushed to the hospital. I sent word
home for the chillun to take the cloze
right back to you-all and tell you what
had happened, but "
"Well, what?" said the angry
"Why, them three chillun, not one
of 'em over thirteen, they washed and
ironed the cloze and mixed 'em all up
and sent me the money to the hos
You may be sure that the angry
women at once became very gentle
and forgiving. The washerwoman got
back her washings, and the three chll
dren nearly ate themselves sick on
the candy and cakes that were sent
them. Christian Advocate.
Grant Traveled Bey
Hannah Grant was, Indeed, a very
sensible woman, and, although deeply
religions, not at all severe. Both she
and her husband were quite willing
that their children should have the
pleasures as well as the tasks of child
hood, and in compensation for all the
work he bad to do, Grant tells us that
they made "no objection to rational
amusements, such as fishing, going to
the creek a mile away to swim in sum
mer, visiting my grandparents
In the adjoining county, ' skating
on the ice in winter, or taking a horse
and sleigh when there was snow upon
the ground." Theirs seems, to have
been a wholesome family life, with
much quiet affection, though It was
not the habit of either parents or chll
dren to show It openly. . Ulysses had
a great deal of liberty. Certain tasks
bad to be done, but if one of these
happened to be distasteful to hlkn,
and he could get a substitute to per
Torm It for him, no objection was
made. In the matter of horses, after
that early trade bad taught him to be
more wary, he was allowed to have
his own way, caring for them and
trading them as suited his fancy.
Being a trustworthy lad, and so very
expert a driver, his father did not
hesitate to send him long distances
on errands. In this way he visited
Cincinnati several times, and Louis
ville once; and when a neighbor's fam
ily was moving away from George
town, he drove them and their belong
ings to Chllllcothe, seventy-five miles
away. He was probably the most
traveled boy In Georgetown, and these
journeys were also an education, not
only in knowledge of the country
which they gave him, but in self-re
liance and readiness to meet unfore
seen emergencies. From Helen N loo
lay's "The Boyhood ' and Touth of
Gen. Grant," In St, Nicholas.
Jack's Earliest Memory.
Everyone has beard of the assertion
of Charles Dickens that be remem
bered being handed hastily, as a baby,
from ono woman to -another at the
time of a carriage accident, and learn
ing afterward that his really took
place when he was only six months
Very few of us can remember any
thing so early in life as this, but it is
odd how far back into our earliest
years the memory gropes its Way to
some startling 'or charming occur
rence. . , ,
One summer evening several people,. seated on a vine-covered piazza,
talking oi mis ana or mat, wnen me
oonversatfen drifted to this subject of
rly memories.
- A lady described a walk on a coun
try road with her mother as the first
thine she could remember. - A tafl girl
poke of her delight at eatehtef a but
terfly as ber first kawwtodg. A yeg
J Tk ;71J -J-J? pi,
collegian declared that his Intense
hatred of an oilcloth bit), marked
"Uaby" In laigu letters, waa hl Intro
duction to emotion and memory.
"As soon as I could talk, I struck
for a napkin under my chin," said he.
One atter another told their llttlu
stories with the pleasure which always
goes with keen personal experience of
this sort, until it came the turn of
active Master Jack.
"The first thing I can remember,"
he said, bringing his eyelids down aud
tipping up his chin In a thoughtful
nmmier, "the very first thing I can re
member, my father was looking for
me with a willow whip In JiIb hand,
and 1 was cuddled down somewhere,
keeping still, and my foot waa asleep.
Jack Jumped up and stretched his
legs up and down the piazza, as If to
gain relief . from that lingering
"Whew! but my foot was asleep,
and I was afiald to move it. I cat
feel how It tingled yet!" From tre
Christ Inn Register.
Katie: Sheep-Dog.
Nine thousand feet up on a Colorado
mesa was where I met Katie, the
sheep dog. While I was chatting with
her master, and she peacelully dozed,
a party of sheep decided that they
must Btart out exploring.
The herder saw, and stood up. "HI!"
he shouted. "Where are you going?
You'd better turn back there!"
The band stopped short, and gazed
at him. They plainly hesitated. Then
the old ewe which was leading gave
a defiant shake of her head, where
upon, followed by the others, she Im
pudently moved on.
"Katie," said the herder softly, "do
you see those sheep, and what they're
doing? Go after them, Katie. Turn
them back. Show them what's what."
Away sped Katie, with all her
might, straight for the errant baud;
and In the time that it takes for the
telling she had launched herself in
front of the band. The very sound of
her crashing through the brush had
made them stop they suspected what
wt.s about to happen. Then, at first
gumpse of her, in a panic,, they
wheeled like a cavalry squad, and
rushed for the main herd. Across
their heels darted Katie, back and
forth. One little lamb must have lost
its wits, for It Insisted upon running
in the wrong direction. Katie made
after it. She tried to turn It right;
but It was as obstinate as any pig;
until finally, exasperated, Katie seized
It by the nape of the neck and gave
it a good nip. Then Katie looked back
at us.
The ' herder raised high bis right
arm, as signal for her to tease. Then
he brought his arm down, and briskly
slapped his thigh. Katie understood.
When the sheep were grazing, too
far up the valley, or were getting too
scattered, sway out of sight, he would
send Katie to turn them, and round
them up. "Here, Katie!" he would
say, waking her instantly. He would
wave bis arm, indicating the direc
tion. "Go 'way round them, Katie
'way round!" .
Off, would dash Katie in a headlong
run, disappearing amid the timber, or
round a hill. But all along her course
we would see the sheep scuttling In
from outlying points twos, and
threes, and eights, and' tens of them,
old and . young until the herd . waa
compact once more.. Presently, per
haps opposite to us, there would be
Katie, standing and gazing for further
Instructions. The herder would slap
fats thigh, and signal her In.
One might talk to Katie just as to
a human being. "Now, Katie," would
instruct the herder, "I want you to
herd the sheep from that rim rock
yonder to the timber. Don't let them
stray outside."
Yes, Katie understood. She sat and
watched the sheep. The herder went
to Bleep. Katie made an occasional
circuit; and If any sheep were found
beyond the rim rock, or in the timber,
they wero sent scurrying back.
Or the herder would say: "Katie,
there's a lamb there I want to catel);
hut we'll let the ewe alone." Once
Katie knew which lamb It was, she
would pay attention to no other, nor
would she pay attention to its mother,
the ewe. That one lamb, in a bunch
of a thousand other lambs, she would
stick to unerringly, until with ber as
sistance the herder had caught it.
But how he loved her! They were
alone, together, in the sage-brush by
day and In the tent by night, out
there on the great Western range.
He fed her the est that his menu
produced. He talked to her, and she
to him. And he put his arms around
her silky neck and kissed her, and
she kissed him back." ' N
"Wbt don't you have another dog
to help her?" I -asked once, when she
was particularly footsore at the close
ff a hard day.
No, he replied, we sheep-herders
have a saying: 'One dog is a good
dog; two dogs are halt a dog; three
dogs are no dog at all.' Katie and 1
can do the work; can't we, Katie?"
And Katie laid her head on his lap.
Sunday Magazine. .
Quite Another Thing.
Weary Cyclist How far la it to the
nearest Inn? -
The Native I reckon as how it's
about ten miles as the crow files.
"Weary Cyclist But If the crow
rides a bicycle, hov far la Kt New
York JowbsJ.-- . ,
Effects of ligher Atmosphere on
Aeronaut's Appetite.
The Influence of. even sporadic
flight on the physical body and the
health Is reinnilmble. In balloon voy
ages I huve been In the air as lotm
us four days at a time. Once I Hindu
a voyage almost an invalid from rheu
niuibmi. 1 could scarcely raise my
arms on a level with my head. My
blood was black. The doctor would
not permit me to Insle meat. Within
a few hours every drop of blood In my
body had heroine a bright red liquid,
looking like (lame, and I 'seemed un
able to appease my appetite for strong
animal food, of which I had none too
much aboard. From the tortures of
rheumatism that voyage conveyed me
to tho tortures of hunger.
I went to see a friend who was very
low with consumption. 1 told him to
go with me on a voyage and he would
come back a well man. He shook his
head, but I was persitent. At lust hu
went, and for the first two hours In
the air 1 thought he would bleed to
death with hemorrhages. I felt like a
murderer, but soon he began to
change. Tho voyiipe waa from St.
l'xjuls to the Atlantic coast. That was
24 years ago. He went back home ami
Is still living, a robust man. I had
another friend who ured a very bad
case of fron and copper dust In the
lunjrs by a few balloon voyages.
World's Work.
Every ltcnili-r Will Comedo the Truth
of This Htntoment.
One who sulTers with backache or
any form of kidney trouble wants a
cure, not merely temporary benefit.
Rev. Maxwell S. Rowland, of Tom's
uiver, in. j., makes a
statement In this con
nection that Is worth
attention. Says he:
"I was suddenly tak
en with an attack of
kidney trouble, bad
severe pains In my
back and loins and
was generally run
down. Doctors were
not helping me, so ;
began using Doan's
Kidney Pills. They
brought me prompt
relief, and as I con
tinued taking them
the pains In my back disappeared and
the kidneys were restored to normal
Remember the name Doan's Sold
by all dealers. 60 cents a box.- Fos-ter-Mllburn
Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Hemmed In.
Rankin Why don't you open a sav
ings account?
Fyle I gueBs I'll have to; they've
shut down on me where I've been run
ning a spending account. Chicago
Chicago & Northwestern Railway,
Send for booklet telling bow to se
cure 820 acres of U. S. Government
lands in Wyoming free of cost, and
describing various Irrigation projects
and the most approved methods of
scientific dry farming. Homeseekers',
rates. Direct train service from Chi
cago, W. B. Knlskern, P. T. M., Chi
cago, 111.
In seasons of distress and difficulty
to abandon ourselves to dejection car
ries no mark of a great or worthy
mind. Instead of sinking under trou
ble and declaiming that his soul is
weary of life, it becomes a wise and
good man In the evil day with firm
ness to maintain his part; to bear up
I agalnBt the storm; to have recourse
to inoee advantages wnicn in tne
worst of times are always left to in
tegrity and virtue, and never to give
up the hope that better days may yet
arise. Anonymous.
The Exacting Boarder.
Letter Carrier Rainy weather,
Farmer Yes, our boarders are all
. L. C They can't blame you for the
F. Can't, eh? Gosh, some of 'em
seem to think I ought to furnish
moonlight nights. Boston Transcript
Modern Dress.
"Pa pa where's the shoe
- "I don't know. What do you want
the shoe horn for?" - -
"Ma's got stuck half way In her new
dress and can't get it on or off." Chi
cs eo Record-Herald.
Fortune Telling
Does not take into consideration the
" an'a happiness womanly health.
The woman who neglects her health la neglecting the
very foundation of all good fortune. For without health
love loses ita lustre and gold is but dross.
Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally be
regained by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Tblt Prescription baa, lor over 40 years,
beta earlni delicate, weak, pain-wracked
women, by tho hundreds ot thousands
and this too In the privacy ot their homes
without their having to submit to Indell'
eats qaestlonlnSs and offensively reput
nant examinations, '
, Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter frte.
All correspondence held as sacredly con6dential. Address World's Dispensary
Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y.
Da. Pibrcs's Great Family Doctor Book, The People's Common Sense
Medical Adviser, newly revised np-to-date edition 1000 pages, answers in
tlain English hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or marcied,
ought to know about. Sent fret, in plain wrapper to any address on receipt of
iwwh miniii w wTtr Bulling
Watch Recovered from River.
John Norrls, a former chief consta
ble of Coventry, was the possessor of
a historical Tay Bridge watch. This
was engraved with a view of the Tay
bridge, and wns Inscribed as follows:
The Tay Ili ldge IiistiKter, Dec., 187U."
This watch lay In the Klver Tay for
-Ix weeks; it topped at tho time of
the accident, remained s.ut many
days, started again and worked nine
hours under water.
It was a gold keyless lever which
had been lent to Mr. Deyuan, an artist
of Cheltenham, who waa drowned. A
charge of dynamite was afterward
used with a view of raising the body
from the river, and tills doubtless
started the watch again. London
Not 8o Easy.
"De reputation foh a good dlsimsl
tlon," said Uncle Bben, "Is sometimes
de result of pluln laziness. When I
hears 'bout a- man who wouldn't hurt
a fly, I can't1 help thlnkln' 'bout how
hard It is to'glt close enough to a fly
to do anyi damage." Washington
Hamlins Wizard Oil is over fifty yesra
old nnd, like nn nld friend, it enn be de
pended upon jiiHt as Hiirely ns (he family
doctor who limy be miles nwny.
How to Cure Insomnia.
The first thing for a person Inclin
ed to Insomnia to do Is to stop worry
ing. The greatest obstacle to sleep 'Is to
worry that you are not going to
sleep; the more you move the god of
slumber the more shy he becomes.
Next, be careful about what you eat.
The stomach is a powerful factor In
sleep and will Itce-p one awake If It Is
too empty, or If It Is too full. Sugar,
candy and chocolate have a tendency
to keep one awake, and sweet desserts
should be avoided at night as well as
coffee, tea and greasy foods; whether
an empty or a partially full stomach
Is better depends on the Individual
and Is determined by exierlnientatlon
In each case.
One of the best ways to draw the
blood from tho brain Is to take a mod
erately swift walk before retiring,
nnd If there Is still difficulty In get
ting to sleep, a tepid bath and a gen
tle rub will draw the blood from the
brain to the surface of the body. Per
sons susceptible to sound who awake
eaolly may find It wise when sleeping
In a noisy neighborhood to stuff medi
cated cotton In the ears, which will
keep out noises and insure undisturb
ed slumber.
Get Into the "don't care'1 mood. Get
Into bed, inumerent whether you are
going to sleep or not, and you will
find generally as a result that sleep
will reward you. Boston Traveller.
New Way to Can Tomatoes.
Last summer I tried a new method
of canning tomatoes, and it proved so ,
satisfactory tnat 1 want to pass It on.
Scald and peel the tomatoes as usu
al. Have the cans (rKrilized, place
the raw tomatoes In them whole, pour
in boiling water to fill the cans, run
ning a knife around In tbe cans, so
that al) the crevices are filled, then
put on the cover. r . Place the cans
In a boiler or large vessel, pour in
boiling water till It reaches the neck
of the can, put the lid on the boiler,
wrap it with a blanket or rug, and
leave until the water Is cold, which
wll be next morning. The cans are
then ready to put away. I did not
lose a can out of 40 quarts. Wben
the cans were opened, the tomatoes
were whole and firm enough to slice
easily. Woman's Home Companion.
When 8he Should Marry.
The question of when a gin should
marry is up for discussion as a re
sult of the silliness of the season. A
girl should marry wtien the net in
come of the aspirant for the honor of
footing ber bills Is equal to the sum
she Is accustomed to spending plus
the amount she would have to spend
to make her acquaintances green with
envy. Louisville Courier-Journal.
Her Dilemma,
BesBle Oh, Mabel! I am in an aw
ful dilemma! I've quarreled with
Harry and he wants me to send bis
ring back.
Mabel That's too bad. ;
Bessie No! that's all right, but I've
forgotten which Is his ring. Kansas
Oity Journal.
A Jolly Which Didn't Work.
The Man Tou don't know bow
beautiful you are!
The Girl Look here, I've got a mir
ror, and I've known other men. What
I don't know is, how rich you are.
Do you want to talk business? Cleve
land Leader.
Some may be surprised to learn that
the first lifeboat, especially of tho
style of those adopted at the present
time, Is still In' existence at Redcar,
In Yorkshire.
one essential to worn-
oniy, or in ciocn Dindtna tor 31 1
A IXAVOK that la naed tbe sane as haasa
or vanilla. By diaaolTiuf granulated snfsr ia
I water and adding Maplelne, adalicam aytap la
made and a ajmp batter than mapia. aUpletoa
. la sola by rraears. Sand 10 stamp tat saapla
laodnolpaboaa. Qasoant Mtc 6a.. laatlla
and Liver
Dr. Kennedy 'b Favorite Remedy
In the best ii'nl surest
ineril':ili. InrHll'liwitHe
of the K i'Iiii-vm uml Liv
er; rlhM;iiiiiiiHin, dye.
fM-imiti litiil rhrunii' I'niv
HtilllM. SIOIW lilltli la
tiiu'k.M-ttliliiit.'Hfi'l intra
inu nrlui.'-.ii'-b.
Ilitf eye. mw. -Hen fwiklee,
wiiir tir-ie in mouth,
eolttod Iiiiiiih; rltiiS
iii uriiii unci hfoiihie
IliltllV oilier -ytlllMolriS
of KiiliM-y. I.Ivor mut
Hlltd'h'.r Iron tne.
Hrltiiln Avo., Hiirtfortl.
Conn., huvh: "I lnul
frli hlfiil liln In hm k.
liiMitorn w-emed flow
er I o h h. 1 tried lie.
l)ii vi ' H en neity 's
Kavorilo Hoiiiwly. IJ
euriMl me i-ouipi fely.
IITtT" OtllBH, !.'
all ilnmu:"!".
Bad Breath
"For months I lnul crcnt'troublewith my
Stomach and used ull kii'ich of medicines.
My tongue hus been actimlly nn green as
grass, my breath having n lm.l odor. Two
weeksago a friend recoiiimcuili-d t'iicareU
anil after using them I can wiliingiv audi
Cheerfully any that the hnve entirely
cured me. I therefore let you know that I
lmll recommend them to nnv one tiuffer.
Ing from sueli troubles."- C'in-i. M .U
pern, 114 K. 71I1 St., New V.,:U. N V.
Pleaisnt, PilntiiMe, I'oli nt, 'I mp; (" .ol,
I-lo (iood. Nuv.?r Sicken. WeM- n-i l.rlpfl.
Jllc. 2V 50c. Never HoM In bum T ie cm
nine tablet Mtnmpe.l C C C Cuurttlilcoil (1
euro or your uiuuoy back. ta
SUITS "322
catwm fmt
Tower Canadian Co. united -Toronto, can.
Matta of Stool.
Tor Miners, Quarry men, farmarw
All Men Who Do Rough Work.
Pay for themstlves three time over.
You can buy shoes fitted with them
from your shoe dealer, or any cob- -bier
can put them on. They wlU
outlast the shoe. They are lighter
than leather. Write for booklet
that tells all about them.
A pott card will bring iHujtraterJ
catalogue and "The Proof."
6th Street mni Liberty AveMt,
Colonist one-way second
class tickets on sale daily
from Chicago, September
IS to October 15, via tho
Chicago, Union Pacific CBb
North Western Line to
San Francisco, Los Ange
les, Portland and Puget
Sound points. Corrispond
inzh l"w rates from all points.
Daily and personally conducted
tours in through Pullman tourist
sleeping cars accompanied try
experienced conductors sod
handled on fast trains.
A most economical
snd comfortable
means oi travel.
Ftr full partiatlart
vuritt S. J. Hutchim,
Manager Tturiit De
partment, 212 Clark
St., Chicago, III.
P. N. U. 39. 1909. '
1 '
vSTEEL, flfo