The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 22, 1909, Image 4

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None Higher. None Better.
No store In Rrynoldsvlllo han
dles the McCnll pattern, but
they nre kept constntitly in
stock at the Nuwh St mid lit
Sykesvllle. Orders by mall
or telephone filled same day
as received. Address
Otto J. Nupp,
At tho News Stand,
Sykesvllle, Pennsylvania.
Telephones Hell and Bummer
vllle. Send for October Fa
shion Plate.
At all Dealers or by mall.
Reynolds Drug Co.,
Warren, Pa.
For anything you need In flour or feed
don't fail to get prlceB from Robinson
& MundorfT before buying.
Bulties Best Flour, the best flour you
can buy, at any price. We sell It. Rob
inson & MundorlT.
We keep only best quality of Roods
and make best prices on flour and feed.
See us before you buy. Our winter
wheat shorts makes your pigs grow
faster and your cows give more mllK
than any other feed. Try it. Robinson
& Mundorff.
Reduction In flours. See Robinson &
MundorfT for prices.
Estate of James H. Spry, Late of Keynolds
vllle Borough, Deceased. I
Notice Is hereby given that letters testa
mentary on the estate of James H. Spry,
late of Keynoldsvllle borough, county of
Jefferson and state of Pennsylvania, de
ceased, have been granted to the undrslgned.
All persons Indebted to said estate are re
quested to make payment, and those having
claims or demands against the same will
make them known without delay,
a u r. , . BLNCH'H.BpfT,
B. M. McOrelght, Executrix.
Pheasants Pientv.
Game Warden Huruiiinli-iiaiii;h, nf
Clearfield, la glvifti H authority fur inn
Statement that thi-i-i wou'd be an
abundance of uunio tbln tall, .specliilly
pheasant. His explanation I tout
thesn birds worn not killed otT in any
great Dumhers last year, dues Imvljr
to the fuel that Him wwiilg were ho dry
that the hunters cou d nut appi'oauh
very uloeo to them. Another fact t hat
contributed to their immunity from
death wa that the ieaves remained
on the trees fur Mich 11 long limo that
It was the fag end of the season bofore
ihey fell and pheasant hunters could
not see any distance ahead of them.
Want Column.
Rates: One cent per word for each and
FOR Sale Sideboard, chiffonier, new
couch, six dining room chairs, tablet.
Mrs. Ann Carroll, Eleventh street.
Wanted-Yearling chickens. Frank's
For Sale Three gas stoves. Will
be sold cheap. Inquire at The Star
For Sale Good gus beating stove:
cost $15.00; used one winter. Joseph
E. Kirkwood, Worth street.
Wanted Young, men to learn the
cutting and flattening trades. Will
guarantee cutters $2.00 per day and
flatteners $2.60 per day while learning.
Thereafter the wages will be the same
for cutters and flatteners as that paid
In the hand-blown factories. American
Window Glass Company, Factory No. 6,
Kane, Pa.
Wanted Girl to do housework for
small family; German preferred. E.
For Rent Six room house on
Brown St., West Reynoldsvllle, and
other houses 'and rooms to rent at
reasonablelrates. W. L. Johnston.
For Rent Eight room house, First
avenue, West Reynoldsville. Inquire
of M. E. Weed, Keystone Hardware
Wanted Local ageot to advertise
and introduce the new educational
work, Webster's Universal Dictionary
and Atlas of the World. Must be edu
cated and able to furnish good refer
ences as to ability and character. The
Saa) field Publishing Company, Akron,
Wanted Success Magazine wants an
energetlo and responsible man or woman
In Reynoldsvllle to collect for renewals
and solicit new subscriptions during full
or spare time. Experience unnecessary.
Anyone can start among friends and ac
quaintances and build up a paying and
permanent business without capital.
Complete outfit and Instructions free.
Address "Von," Success Magazine,
Room 103. Success Magazine Building,
New York City, N. Y.
No. 4:iM In Bankruptcy.
In the District Court of the United States
for the Western District of Pennsylvania.
William Albort Leech, of Keynoldsvllle,
Jefferson county, Pennsylvania, a Bankrupt
under the Act of Congress of July 1, lMW,
having applied for a full discharge from all
debts provable against bis estate under said
Act, notice is hereby Riven to all known
creditors and other peisons in Interest, to
appear before the said Court at. Pit taburgh,
In said District, on the 15th day of October,
1009, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, to show
cause. If any they have, why the prayer of
the said petitioner should not be granted.
WiM.iAM X. Linoset, Clerk.
W.T. Brubaker. Mir.
Midway between Broad 8t. station and
Reading Terminal on Filbert, st.
European 11.00 per day and up.
American ti.H0 per day and up.
Theonly moderate priced hotel of rep
utation and consequence In
Main Street. Reynoldsville, Pa.
MOur 36th year opens September 14th, 1909.
Send fnr mir rur rlUn.. U. i:r..11 f.ll
. j " vuuutuc unuiu iuijt juusLraieu 1 uii
in ueuui. rroper training for life in iu broadest unu.
ijuu iceiaDoveina aea. reflect modern equipment Scholarly, Christian
. ir. JAmta K Amtsi 1 1 Jrrincipali Indiana Pa.
nTmfl!Tr''-IIIIM'Mf .iiiMiMu
Pennsylvania Railroad
Agricultural Fair
Rimersburg, Pa.
September 28 to October 1, 1909
will be sold good going September 28 to October 1, and good returning until
Ootbober 2, from KIT TANNING, DuBOIS EMLKNTON and Intermediate
stations at REDUCED RATES ( No Rate Less Tban 25 Cents.)
J. ft. WOOD
l'oEsenger Traffic Manager
General Passenger Agent
Alphabet t-.r School Children in the
Ptev-ntion of Tuberculosis.
A N fir Ati,tiuily who can bel pre
vent cnsu npilmi, a nhlld as well
art a L'liiwn ii-i .-on.
R Is RrcKlhliig. which yon fhnuld
ltHru In do deeply. Taku deep
hroaihs in fresh open a'l1.
C is L.r Om; hilly, which von should
tiver do in anyone's luce, nor
should you sneeze In anyuna's
Turn away your head timl hold
your hand befoie your tnnut.h.
D Is flip D.m't. Dun't swup apple cores,
candy, chewing gum, half eaten
food, whistles, bean blowers, or
anything jou pot in your mouth.
E is lor Etting no fruit thut bag not
been washed or peeled, or any
that Is not clean.
F Is for Fiiigrs, which should not be
put in the mouth nor wet to turn
the pages of books.
G is for Givlug good example to your
fellow pupils and playmates by
being always neat and clean, just
as much so at borne as at school.
H is for Handkerchief, which should
be used only to wipe your nose
and not your blate. desk or shoes.
I is for Illness of other kinds
besides consumption, which fol
lowing these rules will help to
prevent, such as colds, measles,
grippe, diptberia and pneumonia.
J is for Joints, where children have
tuberculosis more ofteu than In
their lungs. ,
K Is for keeping your fingernails clean.
A scratch from a finger nail may
make a bad sore.
L Is for Learning to love fresh air, and
not for learning to emoke.
M Is for Mouth, which Is meant to put
food and drink Into, and not for
pins and money, or any anything
not good to eat In It.
N Is for Nose, which you should never
pick nor wipe on your hand or
, sleeve.
O Is for Outdoors, where you should
stay just as much as much as you
P Is for Pencils, which you should not
wet In your mouth to mak9 them
write blacker.
Q Is for Question, which you should
ask the teacher if you don't under
stand all these rules.
R Is for Roughness in play by which
you may hurt yourself or your
comrades. If you have cut your
self, have been hurt by others,
or feel sick, don't fear to tell the
S is for Spitting, which should never
be done except in a spittoon,
or a piece of cloth or handker
chief used for that purpose alone.
Never spit on a slate, on the floor,
the playground, nor the side
T Is for Teeth, which you should
clean, with toothbrush and water
after each meal, or when you get
up in the morning and before you
go to bed at night.
U 1b for Unkind, which you should
never be to a consumptive.
V Is for Vessels, like drinking cups
and glasses, which should not be
used by one child after another
without being washed in clean
water each time.
W Is for Washing your hands with soap
and water before each meal, even
if It Is only luncb.
X Is for X-rays, which sometimes help
to discover consumption or other
forms of tuberculosis. '
Y Is for You who should never kiss
anyone on the mouth, nor allow
them to do so to you.
Z Is for Zeal In carrying out these
rules. Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf,
New York Post-Graduate Medical
School and Hospital.
The Lurid Glow of Doom
Was seen in the red face, bands and
body of the little son of H. M. Adams,
of Henrietta, Pa. His awful plight
from eczema had, for five years, defied
all remedies and baffled the best doc
tors, who said that the poisoned blood
had affected his lungs and nothing
could save him. "But," writes his
mother, "seven bottles of Electric
Bitters completely cured him." For
eruptions, eczema, salt rb6um, sores
and all blood disorders and rheumatism
Electrlo Bitters Is supreme. Only 60c.
Guaranteed by H. L. McEntlre.
Don't Expect Too Much.
It is not Infrequent that newspapers
find themselves unappreciated by the
men whom they have favored by their
support, column after column being
published in their favor, and yet such
lavors, when the test comes are unap
preciated. When you find your home
paper taking no interest In you or your
success, when you find it keeping ag
gravatlngly silent when you think the
editor should be tearing his linen in
your behalf, do not worry yourself lq a
fever of anxiety as to the cause, but just
aek yourself wherein have you placed
the paper and Its editor under obliga
tions to use space and energy for you.
Exobange. 1
Notice to all Dealer! and Traders of
Every Kind.
You are hereby forbidden and warned
against giving any one credit on my
account, as I will pay no bills unless or
dered by myself. G. W, Fuller.
J., P. & C, Excursiun.
The excursion of General Charh'o
Miller over the Franklin & Cleat-Held
railroad Saturday afternoon wan a great
itucm-Mt. There were 2(H people aboard
Uin Kpecia. coaches brought here
from Youngslown. These luuluded the
Galina-Siiiiial experts, the members
of thd olllco force and their wlveu nnd
a few Invitrd friends. The train wcut
through to the end of the line at Iiut-c
Siding, wluM'e the connection Is made
with the Low Grade Division of the
Penni-ilvunlu road. Stops wore made
at the principal points of Interest and
the excursionists giveu au opportunity
to view the knagntllcent scenery. It
seemud to be the unanimous opinion
that the view fiotn the Welsh
run vluduut was the most beautiful,
though that from the Clarion river
bridge is a close second. Much interest
was shpwn, also, In tho road as it
circles Shlppenvllle. This has already
unolllulally been named the ''Horseshoe
General Miller didn't overlook any
thing that would add to the pleasure
and convenience of his guests and as
sisted personally in matting the trip
enjoyable. Ginger ale and sandwiches
wore served on the train. Franklin
Evening JVcirs.
Low Rate Excursions via Pennsylvania
On Wednesdays, September 15, 22,
29, October 6, 13 and 20, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad will sell excursion
tickets to Pittsburgh from Driftwood,
Lawsonham, Sligo ani Intermediate
stations at low rates. Tickets good on
all regular trains on day of issue and
good returning for four days. Consult
ticket agents. '
The Town Council will receive sealed
propositions from the owners of real
estate situate In the borough of Reyn
olds Ilia for the sale of a lot of ground
suitable for the erection thereon of a
municipal building. Said proposals to
state price, terms and description of
said lot and are to be filed with the
Clerk of Council prior to October 5th,
1909. The Council reserves the right
to reject any or all propositions.
Clement W. Flynn,
Clerk of Council.
Letter Lui.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
In post office at Reynoldsvllln, Pa., tor
week ending Sept. 18, 1909.
B. F. Clark, Mrs. Maud Hauck, Miss
Margaret Mullaney, Forest Mover,
Calley Ramsey, Miss Katharine Shaw,
S.'J. Schaskus, Frank Whltakee.
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
E. C. Burns. P. M.
. O
I w
In the Court of Common Pleas of Jefferson
Notice Is hereby frlren that an application
fflli be inarit! to the tmlri Court on Monday,
the eighteenth day of October, MOti, at ten
O clock a. in., under the Act of Ansembly of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entit led
"An art to provide or the Incorporat ion and
regulation of certain corporations," approv
ed April 2inli, 174, and the supplement
thereto, hy Com! mo Dauxlta. Tommaso Mar
uca, Vlricenzn Carl i no, ItafTaula Pallia, and
Palvatore Vltello, for the charter of an in
tended corporation to p called "Societa
ProtfreNho .Stella d' Italia Halo-Americano,"
the character and object whereof la to fur
nith aid, help and aHHistance to the members
of the society In case of Hlckneas. death or
distress and to elevate their civic, moral and
Koclal standing and to disseminate K'-neral
Information anion? them, and for thette pur
poses to have, posesH and enjoy all the
rl .ilits. heatlt and privilege of the said Act
of Assembly and Its supplements,
Tho proponed charter Is now ou file In the
piothonotary's otlice.
Ci.kment W, Flynn, Solicitor..
Good Clothes are a
Good Investment
It pays to get clothes that look
stylish, not only when they are new,
but also when they are old.
It is an investment sure to bring
handsome returns.
Wool Clothes
Guarantee of all wool, of long life
and of shape-holding (joes with each
suit. ,
You lose money and opportunity
if you overlook Clothcraft.
look spick and span and shapely as
long as they last and they cost no
more than common clothes.
A fine Clothcraft suit for $10
the finest for $25 and a Signed
Bing-Stoke Co.
Now Ready For Distribution
As the next latest dictionary was published more than
nineteen years ago, this announcement will be of unusual
interest to educational people everywhere.
50,000 More Words Than
Any Other Webster
The only new, authoritative dictionary, with 1909
Atlas and 12 other special departments, besides many other
new and transcendent features.
CAUTION This dictionary is not published by the
original publishers of Wesbster dictionaries or by their
successors, whose latest production is the International,
published in 1890, now quite obsolete, but by one of the
largest publishing houses in the world.
Webster's Universal Dictionary contains an article on
"faulty diction," worth more than the cost of the book.
Be correct in the use of the language and thus command
the respect and influence of your fellow men.
Colored plates, 2,500 illustrations, 2209 pages,
substantially bound in full leather, gold stamped, thumb
index, size 11 1-4 x 9 inches, 5 inches thick, weight
14 lbs.
Sent charges prepaid, free for examination to re
sponsible persons.'
Send postal for twenty-four page sample book free.
Saalfield Publishing Co.,
Akron, - Ohio.
The Star's Want Column never fails to bring results
SEPTEMBER 21, 22, 23, and 24, 1909
EXCURSION TICKETS will be sold to Summervllle, on above dates, Rood returning
until Sopt'jinbar, from KEU B VNii, DuBOIS. and Intermediate stations, at
Passenger Traffic Manager Consult Ticket AgonU General Pausenger Agent