The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 15, 1909, Image 1

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nas modern schools and churches, paved
streets, wuter, gas and electric accommoda
tions, convenient trolley service, high and
healthful location, varied employment for
labor and many other residential advantages.
Offers exceptional advantages for it lie loca
tion of new Industries I Free factory sites,
cheap and abundant fuel, direct shipping
facilities and low freight rates and plentiful
supply of laborers.
Two Through New York To
Chicago Passenger Trains
Stop at Reynoldsville.
W. F. SchatT, Assistant Division
Superintendent of the Franklin division
of the Lake Shore road, announced that
both passenger and freight tralllo on
the new Franklin & Clearfield road
would be commenced on Sunday, Sept.
20th. Even more important than the
date la the announcement that there
will be two through passenger trains
each day between New l ork and Chi
cago. The time of these trains will be
announced within a few days. There
will also be one through freight train
and a local freight train between
Franklin and Brookville
These trains were decided upon defi
nitely at a meeting of the Lake Shore
officials in Cleveland on Wednesday,
Mr. SchaiT being present. The through
trains will cot supplant any through
trains on the New York Central sys
tem via Buffalo, but are entirely new.
That they will become popular, how
ever, is highly probable, for the new
, route Is seventy miles shorter than the
present one, Franklin being on an air
line between New York and Chicago.
The through passenger trains will
stop at Franklin to receive and dis-
charge passengers. Franklin, Stone
boro and Andover, the two last named
being junction points, are the only
places at which the trains will stop on
the old Franklin division. Arrange
, ments are being made for a train ser
vice from Oil City to Franklin to con
nect with these through trains. . It is
not certain that the through trains will
make any stops on the completed por
tion of the Franklin & Clearfield line.
What stops will be made beyond Rose
Siding 'is likewise undetermined, al
though there will probably be service
?to and from Brookville, Reynoldsville,
and Falls Creek on the low grade. The
Only towns of any consequence between
Falls Creek and Clearfield are DuBois
and Curwensville, and it is uncertain
about any stops being made there.
Some sort of passenger Bervice between
Franklin and Rose Siding will prob
ably be provided before the line is very
long In operation. Franklin News.
State Sunday School Convention.
The forty-fifth annual convention of
the Pennsylvania State Sabbath School
Association will be held in Harrlsburg
October 13, 14 and 16. The program
prepared for this convention" is strong.
All railroads will sell excursion tickets.
The delegate credentials for Jefferson
county will be issued through Miss
Margaret Butler, of Reynoldsville, sec
retary of the county association. Pro
grams for the convention and other
printed matter can be obtained by writ
ing to W. G. Landes, general secretary,
701-2 Wltherspoon Building, Philadel
phia, Pa.
or TBI
at Reynoldsville, In the State of Pennsylva
nia, at tbe clone of business Sept. 1, 1U09.
ana and discounts inn 473 so
Jverdraf ts, secured and unsecured. 90 05
J. B. Bonos to securecirculatlon.... 85,000 00
remlums on U. B. Bonds 1,000 00
onds, securities, etc 88,600 00
urnlture and fixtures 2,600 00
ther Keal Estate Owned 21 ails fu
lf)ue from National Banks
I (not Reserve Agents) .... 144,317 77
Due from State banks and
I .bankers 6,976 85
l)ue from approved reserve
I agents 106,137 78
Vhecks, other cash Items . . 1,086 21
Motes of other National
banks 8,875 00
ractional paper currency ,
nickels, and cents 1B7 52
lawful money reserve in
d&dk, vis;
Snecla ssnn m
Legal-tender notes .116,310 00 199,051 78
ademption fund with D. 8. Treas
urer (o per cent, ol circulation). . 1,750 00
Total . $006,787 M
pltal stock oald In t7snnn nn
rplusfund 100,000 00
.uivmuu iruuui, ibss expenses ana
taxes paid 7,814 5fl
tlonal Bank notes outstanding . . ar nm m
vidends unnald 7im
dividual deposits subject
hi cnecic z.'z.iud si
une certificates of deposit 108,308 63
.ninea cnecKS 114 15
siller's checks outstand'g 608 71 391,201 00
Total 1008,787 68
ti of FianiylTult, County of Jifferion, 01:
K. O. Bchuckers. Cashier of the ahnva
ted bank, do solemnly swear that the
Te statement ib true to the best of my
v. bchuckrb, Cashier,
bed and sworn to before me this
i oeptemDnr, iww.
:nhe J. MnKNTlRI. Kntnrv Pnhll
f S Attest:
J. B. Hammond, 1
H. O. Dkible, Directors
The Editor's Duty.
Sometimes a country newspaper faces
the proposition and finds it bard to put
aside personal feeling and do its duty to
its patrons. The city editor is seldom
bothered by personal friendship; bis
sympathy Is general, as it were, but
the element of intlmaoy is lacking.
The country editor knows everybody.
Els neighbor's burt is something he
feels, it la to a certain extent his own.
As a matter of fact the country editor
bears many a burden of his constituents.
He is acquainted with their sorrows, he
knows their troubles better than any
other man.
Almost every week, he would, if he
consulted his feeling alone throw some
little item of painful Import Into the
waste basket, just as he would now and
then stir up a Btorm by revealing some
hidden folly. Then once in a while he
gets in wrong and somebody's risibilities
are touched..
But after all, there's just one guiding
principle. News that Is true, clean and
not printed maliciously is legitimate.
That It hurts sometimes, is unfortun
ate. If it serves as a warning, as a les
son to youth, or parents, or to the vio
lators of the law, there is ample justifi
cation for its publication. If It is Inde
cent or unsavory, if it be in Its nature
an appeal to the baser passions, nothing
can justify its publication. Wellsboro
Swartz Sj kes Wedding.
Miss Lou Sykes and Edward Swartz
were married in Brookville Tuesday
forenoon, September 14, 190!, returning
to RoynoldBville on noon train. Wed-
elng dinner was served at home of
bride's parents. Only immediate rela
tives present. The young couple left
on the 9.40 last night for points east.
The bride is an accomplished musician,
daughter of G. W4 Sykes, of SykeB
Woolen Mill Co., and Mr, Swartz Is a
son of John Swarzt, of Buffalo, N. Y.,
manager of Buffalo Pitts Agricultural
Works. Mr. and Mrs. Swartz will re
side in Buffalo. The good wishes of a
host of friends go with them.
The Town Council will receive Bealeu
propositions from the owners of real
estate situate In the borough of Reyn
oldsville for the sale of a lot of ground
suitable for the erection thereon of a
municipal building. Said proposals to
state price, terms and description of
said lot and are to be filed with the
Clerk of Council prior to October 5th,
1909. The Council reserves the right
to reject any or all propositions.
Clement W. Flynn,
Clerk of Council.
1 Sealshipt Oysters.
The best on the market. At Frank's
Restaurant Friday of this week.
Gun metal shoos are good this fall.
Have you seen the new ones at Adam's?
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus
Resources . ,
1. 0. Kino, Vlce-Pres.
J. 0. King Daniel Nolan
J. 6. Hammond
Johh H. Zauoher, Pres.
John H. Kaucher
Henry O. Delble
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
The Peoples National Bank
Part of the State's Educational Campaign
Against the Great White Plague
and Kindred Diseases.
Arrangements have been made with
the Department of Health of Pennsyl
vanla at Harrlsburg to place its tuber
culosls exhibit on exhibition in tbe Y,
M. C. A. at DuBois on Thursday and
Friday of this week, September 10 and
17. The exhibit is said to be very fine
and instructive. There will be a lee
ture in the DuBois High School on
Thursday and Friday evenings, illustra'
ted by lantern slides by a representative
of tbe State Department of Health. The
day exhibits and evening lectures are
open to the public. No charge will be
made for admission, and it Is hoped
that a large number will avail them
selves of the opportunity to see the ex
hibit. Competent demonstrator will be
present and will take pleasure in seeing
that all visitors are informed as to the
nature of the various Items.
Education of the people, respecting
the prevention and treatment of tuber
culosis, is recognized as one of the best
mediums for its eradication; and tbe
State Department of Health is making
these exhibits throughout tbe state
where there are tuberculosis dispensa
ries, for the purpose of enlightening
the people respecting the dreaded
disease, tuberculosis, and to aid the
state in its warfare against it.
Low Rate Excursions via Pennsylvania
On Wednesdays, September 15, 22,
29, October 6, 13 and 20, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad will sell excursion
tickets to Pittsburgh from Driftwood,
Laweonham, Sllgo ani Intermediate
Btatlons at low rates. Tickets good on
all regular trains on day of Issue and
good returning for four days, Consult
ticket agents. . ..
It Saved Hit Leg.
"All thought I'd lose my leg," writes
J. A. Swenson, Watertown, Wis. "Ten
years of eczema, that 15 doctors could
not cure, had at last laid me up. Then
Bucklen's Arnica Salve oured it sound
and well." Infallible for skin erup
tions, eczema, salt rheum, bolls, fever
sores, burns, scalds, cuts and piles. 25o
at H. L. MoEntire's.
Notice to all Dealers and Traders of
Every Kind.
You are hereby forbidden and warned
against giving any one credit on my
account, as I will pay no bills unless or
dered by myself. G. W. Fuller.
Mi-o-na is guaranteed by Stoke &
Felcht Drug Co. to cure Indigestion
or money back. Relieves distressed
stomach, belching of gas, etc., In five
minutes. Large box, 50c.
K. O. SCROOKEHg, Cashier
John H. Oorbett
B. H. Wilson
Capital and Surplus
Resources $500,000,00.
Foreign Exchange Sold. .
Interest paid semi-annually
on Savings Accounts, hav
ing liberal deposit and with
drawal privileges.
Liberal treatment 'and ev
'ery courtesy extended con
sistent with sound banking.
Open'Satu?" " fivenings.
An Effort Being Made to Secure Lower
Rates on Water Plugs from the
Water Company.
The regular monthly meeting of town
council was held at Secretary C. W.
Flynn's office on evening of September
7th. All members present. .
Ex-Tax Collector Wm. Copping re
ported following taxes collected during
August: $SS.82on 1900 tax, $101.50 on
1907 tax, 1252.04 on 1908 tax.
Tax Collector S. J. Burgoon reported
having collected $5,540.02 taxes during
Chief Burgess J. D. Williams re
ported having fiullected $5.00 for fines,
licenses, &c, during August.
On request of a committee of repre
sentative residents of east end nf town
and on recommendation of the borough
property committee appointed at a
fornftr meeting to investigate the mat
ter council otdercd a Summerville
telephone to be placed in the residence
of Chief-ofPollce F. P. Adelsperger
for means for giving fire alarm from
that end of town.
Tbe engineer at the Electric Light
plant asked for permission to blow the
fire whistle at six o'clock every evening
to get water out of whistle. Council
did not grant the request, but ordered
such repairs as will relieve the trouble.
The town clerk was instructed to no
tify the street commissioner and chiefs
of fire companies not to use any water
for other than fire purposes unless the
water company be" first notified. This
notice is given for tbe reason that some
one has been using the water without
the knowledge of council or the water
company and caused supply injplpes to
get muddy.
The current bills for month of August
were ordered to be paid.
The matter of purchasing a lot for a
municipal building was taken up and
discussed by all the members. It wbb
finally decided to have the olerk Insert
notices in 1 home papers asking for
sealed proposals by property owners for
pricea on lots. ' Proposals to be filed
with the clerk on or before Ootober 6,
It was the opinion of council that the
Water Co. ought to grant the borough
a reduction In the rental of water plugs
for the year commencing Ootober 1st,
and to that end a commitee was ap
pointed to meet with tbe directors pf
the Water Co. and request that a re
duction be granted tbe borough for en
suing year. -
Counoll adjourned to meet at call of
' Kills Would-Be Slayer.
A merciless murderer la appendicitis
with many victims. But Dr. King's
New Life Pills kill It by prevention.
They gently stimulate stomach, liver
and bowels, preventing that clogging
that invites appendicitis, curing consti
pation, biliousness, chills, malaria,
headache and indigestion. 25o at H.
L. MoEntire's.
Walk-Overs better than ever for fall.
Price $4.00 at Adam's.
at Keynoldsvllle, In the state of Pennsyl
vania, at tbe close of business Sept. 1, 1909.
Bonds 8.900 00
Loans and Discounts 294.261 87 1U12 Till 7
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. 135 94
u. a. Bonus to secure circulation.... 60,000 00
Premiums on U. 8. Bonds 2,000 00
Ban kins house. furnltura.flvt.inrM. ai raw no
Other real estat owned 6.381 79
Due from approved reserve
airente K2.SKA 40
Checks and other cash Items 4,008 03
nuu ok uwer national
Banks 1 fun AO
Fractional paper currency,
nickels and cents IDS IS
Lawful Money Reserve in
oana, vis:
Specie 14.180 68
Redemption fund with" IK S.Treas- '
urer (o oi circulation) 2,500 00
Total $477,839 78
Capital stock paid In . . . 1100,000 00
Surplus fund 25,000 00
Undivided profits, less ex
penses ana taxes paid. 1,471 08 128,471 00
National Bank notes outstanding. . . 60,000 00
inviaenas unpaid 144 00
Individual deposits subject
tnrhnflt 12MIPJ5 M
Demand certificates of de
posit 5,303 00
Cashier's ch'ks outstanding 8 04 200,108 60
Total $477,830 78
ItsU tf Pnaiylrauli, County tf Jtftma, u:
I. F. KY Alexander. Cashier nf th ahnvA.
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statemont is true to tbe bost of my
F. K. Alexander, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
8th day of Sept., 1000.
Smith M. MoOreight, Notary Public.
My commission expires Jan. 30, 1000,
Correct Attest:
W.B. Alexander,
M. B. Sterlet,
W. u. Murray.
Brookville & Mahoning Will
Cost About $80,000 a Mile
To Build.
$3,000,000.00 TO COMPLETE
Bids were closed Saturday for the
construction of the Brookville & Ma
honing railroad. The estimated cost of
constructing the new road is $3,000,000
and It will be thirty-six miles in length.
There will be one large bridge across
the Allegheny river, several smaller
bridges and trestles, also six tunnels.
On account of the number of bridges,
trestles and fills necessary to the con
struction of the new road, the estimated
cost is said to be between $75,000 and
$80,000 per mile. The necessary funds
have been provided and the wora- la ex-
peeved to start soon. Contract was
awarded September 8th. .
The Brookville & Mahoning railroad
will extend from Brookville, Pa., to
Mahoning, along the Allegheny river,
and will be operated as a part of the
Pittsburgh, Sbawmut and Northern.
It will pass through rich coal and tim
ber tracts and eventually will be
come a link on an important
freight line between Pittsburgh and
Buffalo. Independent capitalists are
said to be back of the big project, and
eventually tbe road may be sold to the
Pittsburgh, Sbawmut & Northern.
All sortB of reports are being circula
ted at the southern terminus of the line.
It will bring the Pittsburgh, Shawmut
& Northern 30 miles nearer Pittsburgh,
but as Mahoning is an unimportant
point along the river, where compara
tively little tonnage originates, It is
slated positively that the extension
will not end there. About a year ago,
when the first surveys were made for
the new line the promoters offered to
sell the road to the Pittsburgh, Shaw
mut & Northern when completed, pro
vided tbe builders would make an
agreement with the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company for an interchange of
t radio with the Buffalo & Allegheny
Valley division. Officers of the Sbaw
mut road stated positively at that time
that unless the agreement was made
with the Pennsylvania they would not
conneot up with the new link. Wheth
er or not such an agreement was made
with the Pennsylvania could not be
learned yesterday from officials of tbe
latter, nor local capitalists Interested
in the enterprise. Kittanolng Times.
The Lurid Qlow of Doom
Was seen in the red face, hands and
body of the little eon of H. M. Adams,
of Henrietta, Pa. Els awful plight
from eczema had, for five years, defied
all remedies and baffled the best doc
tors, who said that the poisoned blood
had affected his lungs and nothing
could save him. "But," writes his
mother, "seven bottles of Electrio
Bitters completely oured him." For
eruptions, eczema, salt rheum,' sores
and all blood disorders and rheumatism
Electrio Bitters Is supreme. Only 50c.
Guaranteed by H. L. McEntlre.
Children's schoel shoes, the kind that
wear at Adam's.
Now la the time to do your roofing.
Red Cedar shingles galore at the
Woodwork Supply Co. storage.
Special this weekfmen's $2.50 shoes
for $1.08 at Adam's. .
Cloth top, patent, pointed toe shoes
for women. Price $3.00.' Adam's.
WHY not adopt a systematic habit of
Save a small amount each week or each
All of us are willing to save the hundreds,
but to most of us money does not come that
How few seem anxious to save the dimes,
yet we all have dimes to save.
The starting of a savings account is im
portant. One dollar deposited with us will
do it.
We pay 4 per cent interest on savings ac
Property -Changes in Jefferson County
Put Upon Record.
Jefferson & Clearfield Uoal and Iron
Co. to Noah F. Dean, for 1)3 98 acres
in WInslw township: $1.00. July 2, 1909.
Noah F. Dean, et. al., to A. E. Davis,
et al., for 93 98 acres in Wlnlow town
ship; $4.5C0, August 8, 1909.
J. E. Dean, by executors, to A. E.
Davis, for 93.98 acres in Winslow town
ship; $5,500. August 28, 1909.
Central Land & Mining Co. to Geo.
Mellinger,, for 11 acres in Winslow
township; $325.50. February 11, 1909.
A, L. Zimmerman, et al., by sheriff,
r m O I . V . 1 . n . ...
u iv. j.. omiMi, ior lot in syaesvuie;
$300. August 0, 1909.
John Smith, by sheriff, to Sara O.
Fyke, for lot in Winslow township: $70.'
August 10, 1909.
Emma A. Beck, et al., by sheriff, to
Reynoldsville Building & Loan Associ
ation, for 3 pieces in Bell township and
Punxsutawney; $970. August 10, 1909.
Central Land & Mining Co. to Henry
Stevenson, for 5.85 acres In Winslow
township; $105.30. July 20, 1909.
Prof. Scott's Recommendations Taken.
Acting on the recommendation of
Superintendent C. J. Scott, the Union
town school board, at a special meeting
Thursday night, adopted a new high
school course and thoroughly discussed
the necessity of an agricultural and
mining department that will be added
as soon as tbe facilities will allow. In
the new mode of high school work the
departments are so arranged as to get
the best possible results. Superinten
dent Scott has been working on the
new plan for sometime and be is' de
serving of the great success that will
undoubtedly crown his efforts. Union
town Morning Herald. Prof. Scott was
principal of our schools several years
Breathe Hyomel and cure catarrh.
No stomach dosing. Complete outfit
Including inhaler $1.00. Guaranteed
by Stoke & Feicht Drug Co.
or run
At Reynoldsville, In the state of Pennsylva
nia, at the close of business Sept. 1, 1900.
Loans and discounts $146,144 14
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. 2,711 78
U. 8. bonds 1o secure circulation.... 40,000 00
Premiums on U. 8. bonds 1,175 00
Banking bouse, furniture, fixtures . 10,100 00
Due from National banks (not re
serve agents 4,wo 00
Due from State hanks and bankers. 2,500 00
Due from approved reserve agents.. 6,4:17 21
Checks and other cash Items 183 22
Notes of other National banks 00 00
Fractional paper currency, nickels
and cents 110 18
Lawful money reserve In bank, viz:
Specie 4,340 75
Legal-tender notes 3,690 00 8,030 75
Redemption fund with U. 8. treas
urer (flit of circulation) 1,000 00
Total .1222,031 73
Capital stock paid In... 50,000 00
Surplus fund 24,000 00
Undivided profits, less expenses and
taxes paid 1,370 25
National hank notes outstanding... 39,500 00
Dividends unpaid 72 00
Individual deposltssubject
to check... 101,073 05
Time certificates of deposit 1,000 00
Cashier's ch'ks outat'nd'g. 16 46 102,161 61
$222,031 7ft
SUti tf PtaniylTsnla, County tf Jetirita, :
1, J. W. Hunter, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement Is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief,
, , T. W. Hunter, Cash lor.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
10th day of Sept., 1009.
Lawrence J. McKntire, Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
D. Wheeler,
1 A. H. Bowser,
- Andrew Wheeler,
Directors. .