The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 08, 1909, Image 7

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p. n
For Women-Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
North, Ky. "I was passing through
the Change of Life and suffered from
headaches, nervous
prostration, and
"Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound made me
well and strong, so
that I can do all my
housework, and at
tend to the store
and postofllce, and
Ifeel much'youngor
than I really am.
"Lvdia K. Pink.
ham's Veratahla Comnound is the most
successful remedy for all kinds of
female troubles, and I feel that I can
never praise itcnough." Mrs. Lizzie
Holland, Noah, Ky,
ToeChangeof Life is thomostcritical
period of a woman's existence, and
neglect of health at this time Invites
disease and pain.
that there, is no other remedy known to
medicine that will so successfully carry
women through this trying period as
Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from nativo roots and
For 30 years it has been curing
women from the worst forms of female
Ills inflammation, ulceration, dis
placements, fibroid tumors, irregulari
ties, periodic pains, backache, und
nervous prostration.
If you would like special ndvice
about your case write a confiden
tial let tor to Mrs. Pinkham, at
Lynn, Mass. lier advice is free,
and always helpful.
A New Sun-Defying c p.
A new cloth Is being mo; in Cal
cutta, India, which is ma actured
on scientific principles to form to
jl future's plan of warding the sun's
JjtVs, as exemplified in the color of
Gift skin and the pigments under the
ekin. It is the belief of physicians
that one of the chief reasons for the
many deaths recorded in hot weather
Is that of improper clothing. The
designers of what we must wear to bo
of the elect may ordain a color or tex
ture thoroughly misuitcd to the pre
vailing climatic conditions, and safety
and comfort aro often jeopardized in
consequence. Van Noiden Magazine.
After All Hope Had Vanished.
Mrs. J. II. Bennett, 59 Fountain
It., Gardiner, Mo., says: "My back
used to trouble me
so severely that at
last I had to give up.
I took to my bed and
stayed there four
months, suffering in
tense pain, dizziness,
headache and inflam
mation of the blad
der. Though with
out hope, I began
using Doan's Kidney
Pills, and In three months was com
pletely cured. The trouble has never
Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box.
foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
"Make Good."
Apologies count for but little in the
business world. Good intentions pos
sess value only when they are font
fled by actual accompllshme'.ts. The
test of all things" Is that which meas
ures results. These constitute the
court of last resort. If they are of
a desirable nature the one bringing
them to pass is recognized as worthy
of confidence. If they are not, he is
asked to retrace his steps and re
vamp his line of operation. Fraternal
Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar-coated,
easy to take ns randy, regulate and invig
orate stomach, liver and Dowel. Do not
Does Not Get Older.
She Do you think women, as a
rule, are fickle minded?
He Not necossurdly. I have no
ticed that when a woman reaches a
certain age she sticks to it Phila
delphia Inquirer.
wear well
and they keep you
dry while you are
wearing them
A'. J.TbWED COl Ronton USA."
Tower Canadian Co. umiteo. Toronto. Can.
"I have suffered with piles for thirty
aix years. One year ago last April I be
gan taking Cascarets for constipation. Ia
the course of a week I noticed the piles
began to disappear and at the end of tix
week they did not trouble me at all.
Cascarets have done wonders for me. I
m.,enlirely cured and feel like a new
George hxytier, Napoleon, O.
Plessant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good.)
Do Good. Never Siivtrn. ealcea or Grloa.
10c. 2Sc, SOo. - Newt ..'4 in bulk. The g'tr
aiaatablet stami,.H 0. Guaranteed to
we or your snuuui br... teg
1 J
Skipr ran away with Skeggs' wife,
Left no address behind;
But very soon Kkicgs envied Skeggs
And had a change nf mind.
SkeuRR advertised, Skiggs sent her back,
Herein the moral lies:
Skiggs now believes not so with Skeggg
It pays to advertise.
Boston Herald.
Knlcker "Are you sure that was
your wife's spirit?"
Henpeckt "Yes; It announced it
self by knocks." New York Sun.
Mrs. Ascum "Do you believe in
infant damnation, Professor?"
Professor Pater "Er only at
night, madam." Boston Transcript.
She "I consider I am responsible
for your business success."
He "Well, you certainly did
make it necessary for me to earn
more money." London Opinion.
Kermit (in the jungle) "Why
does the hyena laugh, father?"
Theodore "Maybe he asked the
leopard if he ever tried benzine for
changing his spots." Boston Tran
Knicker "It is proposed to Issue
bonds for $397,000,000 to cover the
entire cost of the Panama Canal."
Bocker "Why couldn't New York
do the same thing for the barge
canal?" New York Sun.
f--1 .' K i
Bachelor "So you believe la mar
rying late in life?"
Married Man "As late as possi
ble. Then you have less time to out
live your illusions." New York Tel
O'Beese "I've taken four bottles
of anti-fat. Do you notice any dif
ference?" Friend (looking him over)
"Well, I do think your hair is thin
ner?" Boston Transcript.
Wlfey (after church) "I particu
larly enjoyed the closo of the ser
mon." Hub "And the rest of the time
you enjoyed the clothes of the con
gregation." Boston Transcript.
"Would you say that Chicago girls
have large feet?" ,
"No poet could be so ungallant."
"What Is the poetic verdict?"
"Merely that Chicago feet are of
the hexameter variety." Louisville
Sociologist Student "Will you
confide to me your motive in robbing
the country postoffice?"
Stealthy Sam "Yes, lady; me ob
ject was purely lifetnary. I wanted
to write a magaziae article about me
experience." Chicago News.
Judge "How did the trouble be
gin?" Witness "It began, yo" honah,
when de chairman of de entertain
ment committee swatted de secretary
over de head wit de lovln' cup."
Boston Transcript.
"Shakespeare, it is said, never re
peated." "He didn't have to run a daily
humorous feature."
"But Montaigne, whenever ho saw
a good thing, annexed it."
"Ah, be was more like the rest
of us." Louisville Courier-Journal.
"What do you think of my per
formance of Hamlet? "said the youth
ful stage aspirant.
"You played the part," replied
Miss Cayenne, "something as I imag
ine Shakespeare himself would have
played It provided that tradition Is
correct in telling us Shakespeare was
a rather 'nJUToreut, actor." Wash
ington Star.
m mm
vmtti i
n -u -n t:
fVarm Topics!
Vimiiiiii i iiiiiMi
If you intend remodeling your
cow barn see to it that you get plenty
of light In the way of windows.
There Is nothing that aids in keep
ing the barn Bweet and wholesome
as much as sunlight. Most barns
ought to have twice as much window
space In them as they possess. Far
mers' Home Journal.
Chicks can be hatched in incuba
tors so they are utterly worthless. It
tho temperature is kept too high or
too low during the hatch or If the
ventilation is bad the chicks will bo
Bmall and weak and will be diseased
before they come out of the shells.
If the chicks are hatched right,
brooded right and fed right they will
be as large and vigorous as chicks
can be. Wrong feeding,' close con
finement and Improper mating have
done vastly more to injure the vigor
and vitality of our poultry than the
method of hatching or brooding.
Farmers' Homo Journal
I write to say that river bottom
horse weeds make the next best
greens for table use to mustard, of all
greens I have eaten. There are a
few people who are aware of this, but
it is not generally known. They are
now just in good condition for table
use. Cut tho rich tender tops off and
cook same as mustard. They are
good till they get ready to send out
top limbs for seeds. They would
help a poor family (and a rich one
too) to tide through tho summer.
They are very abundant in our creek
and river bottom fields, Why not
put them In the silo for hoi-Res?
John T. Campbell, in the Indiana
Replying to a query of a subscriber
will say that if his soil and climate
are adapted to the growth of orchard
grass he should have no trouble in
getting it started In a field now
seeded to clover and other grasses.
A stiff blue graRS sod might resist it,
but nothing elso can, with our soil
and climate.
Some years ago a small field near
our farm-buildings was sneded to or
chard grass for early pasturage, and
since then, year by year, It has spread
In all directions along tho roadside,
around tho fences of the farm yards,
and even has spoiled the lawn of the
houso by Its coarse, bunch-like man
ner of growth. I am sure our friend
will have no trouble in getting it
started, but he should ht. suro it's
the grass he wants. F. E. P., in the
Indiana Farmer. ,
After giving it the proper shapo
and length take a piece of tin or sheet
iron and bend It over the beveled end
and fasten with a small tack. Then
take a piece of wire such as comes off
baled hay and wrap it round the top
end of the glut (that Is tho name we
gave them when I ussd to split rails);
now twist the ends together, to keep
the glut from fraying. Such a glut is
a good substitute for an iron wedge.
It is necessary to give a check with an
ax for a start. Ambrose Blaney, iu
The Epitomist.
Our farmers are often too careless
in handling their eggs. The hens run
at large and' lay anywhere and every
where of their own sweet will.
Very frequently a hen will steal her
nest (as we say) and commence in
cubation. When found the clutch is
picked in with the rest, so that eggs
of various degrees of taint and de
composition get mixed in with good
eggs and are sold to the damage of
the seller's reputation.
I wish to urge every farmer to
strive to build at a fancy egg trade,
for there Is money in it. On any
market wagon, I have Invariably
found an urgent and persistent de
mand for fresh eggs, that in eggs
that are actually, really and truly
fresh beyond cavil or doubt. I have
found customers ready to pay several
cents more per dozen for fancy guar
antied eggs than the regular stand
ard market price. But, of course,
there must never be any slip.
Every egg must be O. K. No hap
hazard guess-work methods can pre
vail. One bad egg could reasonably
alienate a customer for all time. But
only be square and honest and partic
ular and sell direct to this consumer
and the farmer can get fine prices
for his eggs, and make good money..
A fancy egg trade is certainly well
worth striving for. It pays. M.
Sumner Perkins, In the American
Governor Stubbs, of Kansas, has
given out that no female clerks, sten- f
ographers or typewriters shall have
3oba ia kit immediate ffica.
White Steamers Use Kerosene as Fuel
The most interesting announce
ment ever made In connection with
the automobile industry was un
doubtedly that made a month or two
ago to the effect that the aew models
of the White Steam Cars could be run
en kerosene, or coal oil, instead of
gasoline. Everyone at once recog
nized that the use of the new fuel
would add materially to the advan
tages which the White already pos
sessed over other types of cars.
There were some people, however,
who were sceptical as to whether or
not the new fuel could be used with
complete success and, therefore, the
makers of the White Car, tho White
Company, of Cleveland, Ohio, deter
mined to make a public demonstra
tion of the new fuel in the 1909 Glid
den Tour.
From the standpoint of the public,
no test more satisfactory could have
been selected. First of all, the dis
tance covered on the Glldden Tour,
from Detroit to Denver and thence to
Kansas City, was 2650 miles. This
was certainly more than sufficient to
bring out any weaknesses, if such had
existed. Still more Important was
the fact that the car was at all times
while on the road under the supervi
sion of observers, named by those
who entered other contesting cars.
Therefore, it would have been impos
sible for the driver of the White to
have even tightened a bolt without
the fact being noted and a penalty In
flicted. At night the cars were
guarded by Plnkorton detectives and
could not be approached by any one.
Peculiar Eclipse.
Trof. John A. Brashear, of Alleghe
ny, calls attention to a peculirlty of
the solar eclipse of June 17. For a
few seconds it was an annular eclipse,
then a total eclipse, and finally
an annular eclipse again. Al
though we have records of annular
eclipses for 400 year3 and of total
eclipses for thousands of years. Prof.
Brashear maintains that this is per
haps tho first occurrence of the kind.
Do your feet ever feel tired, achy and
sore at night? ltub them with a little
Hamlina Wizard Oil. They'll be glad in
the morning, and so will you.
Calamity In Kansas.
More hard luck stories from the
Kansas grain fields! Only a short
time ago disaster wild disaster
drifted in from the wheat harvest.
The grain was too heavy for the ma
chine; there were not enough men
to handle it. Now, storage room is
lacking nnd already the railways are
reluctantly predicting that they will
not have enough cars to move the
harvest. And, as if that were not
enough, reports of new and unique ca
tastrophe to "the growing corn crop
the cars are so large the stalks break
under them!
As things are going, agrlcultrally,
in Kansas, more woe is In sight.
Steers too big for cattle chutes, hogs
whose legs won't carry them, alfalfa
of a strength to make stacking ex
plosively dangerous, oats far too rich
for breakfast food
Kansas is in tough luck, that's cer
tain, and there Is more to come.
Kansas City Times.
Important Discovery.
What Is claimed as an important
discovery In the glass industry has
been made which will tend to revolu
tionize the art of grinding glass. Tho
grinder which has been discovered is
made from one-half best Portland ce
ment and one-half silica sand. In
this stone there are no soft or hard
spots, and It will grind glass without
scratching. The cost of the grind
stone fs about 10 per cent that of the
common grindstone. Mr. Little is
receiviag many inquiries concerning
the stone.
No Man is Stronger
Than His Stomach
A strong man is strong all over. No nan can be
strong who is suffering from weak stomach with iu
. consequent indigestion, or from lorso other disease
of the stomach and its associated organs, which im
pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach
is weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition
contained in food, which is the sourco of all physical
strength. When a man "doesn't feel just right,"
When ho doesn't slceo well, has an linnnmfnrtnhtn
feeling in tho stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, Irritable and despond
ent, he is losing the nutrition- needed to make strength.
Such a man should use Dr. Pierce' a Golden Medical
Discovery, it cures diseases ot the stomach and other
organs ot digestion and nutrition. It enriches the blood, '
Invigorates the liver, strengthens the kidneys, nourishes
Yba oan': afford lo accept a lecrit nostrum as a substitute for this noo
uoofaolio acdicKia op snswm coiirosmoN, not even though the urgent dealer
soar P-weiry auka a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper.
Tho complete success of the new
fuel while on this 2C50-mlle public
test and the advantages gained
through its use were well described
In the following dispatch which the
correspondent of the New York Sun
sent to his paper at the conclusion of
the tour;
"A feature of the tour which was
watched with special interest was
that tho White Steamer used kero
sene, or 'coal oil,' as fuel instead of
gasoline. The new fuel worked
splendidly throughout the 2650-mile
Journey, and all claims made in its
behalf were fully proven. First of
all, aB regards cheapness, the White
driver secured kerosene all along the
route from 6 cents to 10 cents cheap
er per gallon than was paid for gaso
lene. Secondly, the new fuel was
handled without any precautions, and
it was not unusual to see kerosene
being poured Into the fuel tank while
the crew of the car and an Interested
crowd stood by with lighted cigars
and cigarettes. At the finish of the
tour, the White was the only car per
mitted by the authorities to enter
Convention Hall, where tho technical
examination took place, without
draining Its fuel tank. Thirdly, the
new fuel proved to bo absolutely
without smoke or smell. Fourthly,
kerosene could bo purchnsed at what
ever part of the route was most con
venient, and not once during the trip
through tho ten States of the Middle
West was there found a grocery store
where kerosene was not readily and
cheaply ohtaiuahln. Finally, the
Lightest Engines, Stability and Easy
Control Features of Scotch. '
man's Machine.
William Gibson, o Scotchman liv
ing near Victoria, B. C, has built an
airship which he says will fly a hun
dred mllds an hour carrying two pas
sengers, says the New York Sun.
His engines will develop 60 horse
power, ho says, with only 222 pounds
weight. lie proposes to fly from Vic
toria to Seattle and alight in the ex
position grounds, covering the sixty
five odd miles over the straits of Son
Juan do Fuca and tho Olympian
mountains in less than half an hour,
for a $1,000 bonus. Afterward for a
similar stake ho is ready to fiy from
Victoria to San Fancisco with one
passenger, covering tho distance with
in five hours.
Women Activo In China.
Chinese girls are forming themsel
ves into associations and pledging
themselves not to marry unless they
are allowed to choose their own hus
bands. Another effect of the woman
movement In China was evidenced the
other day when the young women of
the province of Che-Klang opposed the
plan for securing a loan from England
to build nn important railroad and
invested $100,000 in the stocks of a
Chinese company.
Soldier's Resignation.
A French soldier on active service
was informed by the mayor of his vil
lage that his father bad recently died.
In acknowledgement he wrote as fol
lows: "Monsieur le maire, I heart
ily thank you for my father's death.
It is a little accident that often hap
pens In families. ' As for myself, I
am in the hospital minus one leg,
with which I have the honor to sa
lute you." Argonaut.
amount of fuel used on the trip
showed that kerosene Is at least
fifteen per cent, more efficient, gallon
for gallon, than gasoline. The car la
other respects made a most creditable
showing, and there was the usual riv
alry among the observers to be as
signed to the White so that they
could ride with the maximum of com
fort. The only adjustments or re
pairs charged against the car during
the long trip were tightening a lubrl
cator pipe nnd wiring a damaged mud
guard. These pennltlea were not In
flicted until more than 2000 miles
had been completed with an absolute
ly perfect score."
A particularly interesting feature
of the new White Steamer Is that
either kerosene or gasoline may be
used as fuel. The necessary adjust
ments so that the fuel may be changed
from kerosene to gasoline, or vice
versa, may be made In a couple ot
minutes; hut so completely successful
has kerosene proven to be, that it Is
not believed that any purchasers will
care to use gasoline.
The White Company report that
the demands for their new steam can
both the $2000-modol and the
$4000-model exceed their most san
guine expectations. It Is evident that
the combination of steam the pow
er which everyone understands and
has confidence In with kerosene
tho fuel which everyone has on. hand
and can handle without any danger
Is thoroughly appreciated by
up-to-date purchaser? of automo
Can be hamlli-d very eiwlly. The Rick nrueii red, and all ottiars fa
mime stubN-, no nmUi'r how 'e.xoe(l," kt'fit. from liATlnf rM
disease, by using M'OHN S I.IyUIU DISIKIII'KK CTJIIK. tv
on the totimmor In feed. Ai'ltt on tho Mood and exnsls fnmia
or all forms nf distemper. Host remedy ever known for m&rm ta
foal. One iH'ttle KUiirunteed loeureoneenw. Wn- and $1 m bottl
as And atOiloen, of drltpKis'lund harneHN dealers, or ftenlexprcM
paid hy manufacturer. Cut shows how to poultlee throsu. Oar
free Hooklet wives everything. Local agent wanted. Largest
selling horeo remedy In eslstenee twolve years.
Cliemlstt and Bictatlolotlltt, Ooahon, Ind., U. 8. A.
The Shortest Street In London,
There can hardly be a shorter street
In London than the one connecting
Pall Mall with the southeastern con.
ncr ot St. James Square, from which
the name John street has Just bean
removed. It has only one house,
which Is No. 1; for though there are
two other doors In the street, one Is
numbered ns belonging to Pall Mall
and the other Is the side entrance ot
a public house. Presumably, therefore-
the single house Is now to ta ab
sorbed in St. James Square and tba
lyondon dlsrectory Is to lose yet an
other of tho slowly diminishing num
ber of John streets. Westminster
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Pjnip fnrChildrea.
teething, softens the gums, rctlueea inflaniniv
tion, alia) a pum, cuius wind colic, 25c a hot t a.
All notes or legal papers executed
In JJexlco must bear revenue stamps,
and. all papers executed In the United
States or other countries must bear
these stamps before legal action caa
bo commenced in
Recent additions to the French
army's field equipment were several
automobile refrlgreators to transport
fresh meat.
A new Instrument for use when
stropping razors includes a guide
which prevents the blade slipping and
'ntnrini Itself or thp strop.
TUP TFTU axt",e excels any dentifrice
1 1st I bEi I fl in cleansing, whitening sad
removing tartar from the teeth, besides destroyinj
all germs oi decay and disease which ordiaarj
tooth preparations cannot do.
TIJ5T MRHTU Paxtine used as a moutk.
InC mU'JIn wash disblects the mouth
and throat, purifies the breath, and lulls Ithe aeraa)
which collect in the mouth, catting sora throat,
bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much sickness.
TilF FYFd wnea inflamed, tired, ache
IllCs sIE,3 and burn, may be mstaall
telieved and strengthened by Putin e.
C ATARRU Futme will destroy the gems
QW I Hnrn Uist cause ealatth, heal the in
flammation and stop the discharge. It ia a sure
remedy for uterine caUrrh.
Purine is a harmless vet powerful fsr-i
Cermicide.disinfeclant and deodorizer. fj'SJ
Used in bathing it destroys odors and I
leaves the body antisepttcallr clean. Ly"-' I
P. N. U. 36. 1909.
If afltleted
wlist weak
je. aaa