The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 08, 1909, Image 1

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Hoa modern Bcliools and churches, paved
treats, water, gua and electrlo accommoda
tions, convenient trolley service, hlttH and
healthful location, Varied employment for
labor and many other residential advantages,
OlTers exceptional advantages for it he loca
tion of new Industries I Kree factory sites,
cheap and abundant fuel, direct shipping
facilities and low freight rates and plentiful
supply of laborers.
Shot Himself at Secluded Spot Near DuBois While Despondent
Over Financial Matters. Had Been One of the Town's
Most Enterprising Business Men. .
H. Spry, who shot himself
Thursday alternoon of last week, Sept.
2nd, was a highly esteemed young man
and the report of his awful and untime
ly end was a shock to his host of friends
in ReynoldsviHe, where he had spent
most of his life and for a number of
years was a popular and successful bus
iness, man. James Spry was born In
England July 30, 1878, and wbs 31 years.
1 month and 3 days old on day of his
death. His parent?, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Spry, moved to ReynoldsviHe
in 1879, when James was less than a
year old. His father died thirteen years
ago. When James was eighteen years
old he embarked in the grocery busi
ness in ReynoldsviHe and for twelve
years he continued the business, and on
account of his business Integrity,
shrewdness, huBtling propensities and
genial disposition he built up a large
trade and won the confidence of his
customers, the wholesale merchants
from whom he bought his stock, and
the people in general. His word and
-credit were both good. He was a prom
ising young man. August 8, 1905, he
was united in marriage to Miss Blanche
Parker, of St. Marys, and the prospects
' for a happy and successful career for
him was bright. On the afternoon of
August 31, 1908, his store, store build
ing and household goods were de
stroyed by fire, In which his loss was
heavy. That was the first cloud to cast
a shadow athwart bis hopeful anticipa
tions. About the first of October of last year
Mr. Spry went to Asplnwall, suburb of
Pittsburgh and embarked In the gro
oery business. He did a good business
and things run smoothly for a few
months, but several months ago Mr.
Spry awakened to the fast that he was
doing too much credit business and
that the book account was larger than
his business would justify. He became
-dlsoouraged, brooded over the matter
and finally became despondent and mel
ancholy. He was Bolvent and there was
no real oause for alarm over his finan
cial affairs, and his friends tried to
reason with him but were unable to get
his mind off the matter. His wife and
relatives thought it would be better for
him if the store at Asplnwall was sold
and he would move back to Reynolds
viHe, therefore the store was sold and
the move was made, but the melancholy
condition was not overcome. Mr. Spry
intimated several times to friends that
the best thing for him to do was to
shoot himself, but it was not thought
he would commit the deed, yet his wife
kept a close watch on him.
Mr. and Mrs. Spry spent a week at
Anita at home of his half-sister, Mrs.
John Pomroy, and Mr. Spry seemed to
become more cheerful and was apparent
ly getting out of his melancholy condi
tion. On Thursday morning be in
formed his wife that be was going to
DuBois that day on business. She
wanted to go with him but he objected
and it was finally decided that he
would take his three year old bod, Wal
ter, with him. They came to Reynolds
viHe, where Mr. Spry got a check
cashed at the Peoples National bank
and remained In the bank until aSykes
vllle car came in and Mr. Spry and son
got on the oar for DuBois. While in
the bank he talked rational, but did
very little talking unless asked direct
questions. They got into DuBois at
10.30 a. m., Mr. Spry telephoned to nis
wife that they were in DuBois and that
he would call her up again in the after
noon, but she never talked to him again.
He took his son to home of his brother-in-law,
Homer Barley, and remained
there for dinner. About 1.30 he start
out for a walk, but did not take his son
with him. He went to Prothero, Ball
sy & Goodwins and bought a .38 calibre
revolver, for which be paid 16.50,
walked out to a lonely spot in the woods
about a half mile from the publio road,
on the Andy Smith farm south of Du
Bois, wrote the following note on back
of a letter he had received in DuBois
that day: "Dear wife, Blanche, and
mother: Forgive me nobody to blame
but me. God protect my son. Have
had good wife and mother an" and
then loaded the revolver, .put box of
cartridges and revolver box into his
coat pocket, took off his collar and neck
tie and put them in his coat pocket,
took off his ooat, vest and hat and hung
them on a tree, placed the muzzle of
revolver back of his right ear and sent
a bullet crashing through his brain.
The bullet came out just back of his
left ear. Death was so sudden that he
did not loosen his grip on the weapon.
The indications are that he was as de
liberate about It as he would have been
in getting ready to retire at night
when sane.
It Is supposed that he shot himself
between four and five o'clock in the af
ternoon and the body was not found
until about 7.00 p. m. when a young
man named Walter Smith, who was out
training a dog, fouud it.
The coroner was notified, a jury was
empanelled and after examining the
surrounding ground and getting Mr.
Smith's testimony the jury reached' a
verdict of "death caused by a self-inflicted
bullet wound caused by a revol
ver fired by his own hands."
As two bullets had been fired from
the revolver and only one bullet was
found In Mr. Spry's body, and it was
known that he had taken his son with
him to DuBois, It was feared that the
other bullet had been used to kill the
son and a search wbb made for body of
boy. It was not until eleven o'clock
that night that' the boy was found at
home of Mr. Barley.
The body of Mr. Spry was brought to
home of his half-brother, John Trud
gen, on Jackson street, ReynoldsviHe,
Friday and funeral service wss held
there at 2.30 p. m, Sunday, conducted
by Rev. John F. Black, pastor of the
M. E. church. It was one of the largest,
If not the largest, funeral ever held at a
private residence In ReynoldsviHe. For
several years deceased had been a mem
ber of the ReynoldsviHe I. O. O. F.
Lodge, transferring his membership to
the Asplnwall Lodge last fall, and mem
bers of the ReynoldsviHe Lodge attend
ed the funeral in a body. Interment
was made In Beulah cemetery beside
boly of the young man's father.
We repeat again that this young man
was highly esteemed by the people of
ReynoldsviHe and the large attendance
at his funeral of all classes of people
was evidence of this fact.
At the time of the organization of
the Peoples National bank Mr. Spry
was elected a director, although rather
young for the office, and held the di
rectorship until after he had moved to
James H. Spry Is survived by his wife
and son, Walter, aged mother, Mrs.
Jane Spry, one half-sister, Mrs. John
Pomroy, of Anita, and two half-brothers,
John Trudgen, of ReynoldsviHe,
and Elijah Trudgen, of East Brady.
The following out of town relatives
attended the funeral: G. W. Parker,
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus
Resources . .
J. 0. Kino, Vlue-Prea.
J.O.King Daniel Nolan
J. a. Hammond
Johh H. Kauchsr, Pres.
- John H. Kaucher
Henry O. Delble
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
The Peoples National Bank
si rail II
wife and two daughters, Misses Phyllis
and Ruth, of St. Marys, A. W, Parker
and wife. Homer Barley and wife, of
DuBois, John Pomroy and family, Wm
Bolt and wife, of Anita, Wm. Pomroy,
of Cloe, Elijah Trudgen, wife and two
daughters, Flora and Fy, of East
Brudy, John G. StautTer and wife, of
Floral tribute from following persons:
A. W. Parker and wife. DuBois. John
Pomroy and family, Anita, Merchants'
Association of Allegheny, Asplnwall,
clerks in Asplnwall store, Mrs. N. G.
Plnney, Brookvllle, George Mot.roe
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, DuBois,
John Trudgen and family, Charles
Burgfl, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Sayers, Mrs
Haskins and family, ReynoldsviHe Bus
iness Men's Association, Mrs. M. E.
Obis, Mr. and Mrs. Draucker, Mrs. L.
Carl, Mrs. Benjamin Jones, Mrs. North
ey and daughters, Mrs. J. W. Gillespie,
Mrs. L. J. McEntire, Miss Eleanor
Reed, Mrs. John Bashor, Mr. Bedlulr
and family, Mrs. Bessie Burns, Allie
Demore, Leo Schultze, Mr. Braund and
Pulled a Revolver On
Trolley Conductor
But the Conductor's Boot Hit
The Foreigner's Jaw First
And Ended the Scrap.
Passengers on the DuBois Traction
Co. car arriving at Sykesville from
DuBois at 7.30 Monday evening wit
nessed an exciting dispute between the
conductor and an Italian at Erlton.
The foreigner had boarded the car
at DuBois and paid his fare to Erlton,
but when he arrived there refused to
get off. claiming to have paid another
fare. The conductor was emphatlo in
his demand for more money and after
an angrv dispute bustled the man off
the car in unceremonious style. When
he reached the ground the Italian
Bwung around and with a quick motion
pulled a piBtol half way out of his
hip pocket apparently - Intending to
take vengeance on the conductor. The
conductor was standing on the rear
platform, his feet just about on a level
with the foreigner's head and the mo
ment the revolver appeared the con
ductor's foot shot out, catching the
Italian under the jaw and sending him
heels over head backward. The car
moved on,
The Lurid Glow of Doom
Was seen in the red face, hands and
body of the little son of H. M. Adams,
of Henrietta, Pa. His awful plight
from eczema had, for five years, defied
all remedies and baflled the best doc
tors, who said that the poisoned blood
had affected his lungs and nothing
could save him. "But," writes his
mother, "seven bottles of Electric
Bitters completely cured him." For
eruptions, eczema, Bait rheum, sores
and all blood disorders and rheumatism
Electrlo Bitters Is supreme. Only 60c.
Guaranteed by H. L. McEntire.
$ 1 75,000.00
K. O. BonccKKRS, Cashier
Jnhn H.Unrbett
K. H. Wilson
Capital and Surplus
Resources $500,000.00.
Foreign Exchange Sold.
Interest paid semi-annually
on Sayings Accounts, hav
ing liberal deposit and with
drawal privileges.
Liberal treatment 'and ev
ery courtesy extended con
sistent with sound banking.
Open Saturday Evenings.
Valuable Patent Has Been Granted
To Well Known ReynoldsviHe Man.
L. M. Simmons is the Inventor of a Noiseless Helical Gas
Mixer that Promises Large Returns When Manufactured
And Placed on the Market,
This is an ape of Inventions and ever
and anon patents are being granted to
men of Inventive genius in various
parts of tbe country and occasionally a
ReynoldsviHe man makes application
to tbe government for protection on
some invention tbat is worthy of tbe
patent office seal. A recent in
vention tbat gives promise of
large returns to the inventor and a
money saver for gas consumers Is tbe
Simmons Gas Mixer, patented by L. M.
Simmons, an esteemed and substantial
citizen of ReynoldsviHe. This Is not
the dream of a fanatic but Is the inven
tion of a man who has had twenty years'
experience in the natural gas business
and has given the matter very careful
Btudy. The Simmons Gas Mixer has
been submitted to men of even longer
experience in the gas business than
Mr. Simmons has had and they pro
nounce It to be superior to any other
gas mixer they have ever seen. '
The Simmons Gas Mixer Ib not an ex
periment, It has been thoroughly tested
and has given entire satisfaction. The
principal feature of this improved mix
er Is the Bavlng in gas bills.
The Simmons Gas Mixer Ib that type
of mixer in which there Is employed a
tube adapted to be connected to a source
of gas at one end and adapted to be con
nected to a burner at tbe opposite end,
and having within the tube a helical
Falls Creek Herald
Will Soon Suspend
Editor Bangert States Reason
For Suspension In Very
Plain Language.
In the last issue of the Falls Creek
Herald the statement was made that
tbe paper would be suspended In the
near future and the office would be con
tinued for job printing only. In the
announcement of suspension a letter
was printed from a subscriber request
ing his paper discontinued on accouut
of the stand the Herald has taken on
the local option or prohibition ques
tion, and Editor Bangert says: "The
receipt of dozens perhaps a hundred
letters similar to the above, and my
belief that a newspaper that advocates
those things which are . Intended
to benefit the liquor interests can
live only by the support of thoBe
who are engaged in the liquor busi
ness, oonvlnce me that the usefulness
of the Herald baa been destroyed, so
the Herald In the near future will be
suspended, the office continuing for job
printing as was intended when origin
ally established.
"Some few of the liquor dealers who
induced the publication of a paper that
would oppose local option and pro-
hlbtlon have kept their promises with
me others have not. "
McCall'l Patterns.
It will be of interest to ReynoldsviHe
users of McCall'a patterns to know that
they can procure them at the News
Stand, at Sykesville. At present no
store in ReynoldsviHe handles the Mo
Call pattern and their constant users
will have, no other, and they can be
secured by mall or telephone. They
have both Bell and Summervllle tele
phones, but prefer to have orders oome
oyer the latter 'phone. Send for
October Fashion Plate to Otto J. Nupp,
at the News Stand, Sykesville Pa. j
' Men's oxfords at special prices at
' if IS I Fiftif f
battle to bring out tbe thorough and
complete commingling of tbe gas and
air, and to produce a uniform mixture
thereof, so that there will be perfect
combustion of tbe gas.
Tbe circular motion given to the air
and gas passing through the mixer, by
reason of tbe helical or spiral, has this
advantage, that it prevents all accumu
lation of dust and dirt on inside of pipes
and burner.
Another advantage the Simmons Gas
Mixer has Is that the flame cannot fly
The Simmons Gas Mixer,
back and burn in the mixer, as Is tbe
case In the ordinary mixers. You can
not turn on gas strong enouph to blow
flames away from tbe burner.
The cut In connection with this ar
ticle shows the style and shape of tbe
mixer. In appearance it la neat and
tasty, being finished in nickel through
out. It is a noiseless mixer, whloh will
add to its market value.
It is possible tbat a company will be
organized and the Simmons Gas Mixer
will be manufactured in ReynoldsviHe.
Tbe mixers will be put on the market
this fall. Applications have already
been made, by. men who know a good
thing when they see it, for all the west
ern territory.
The Star congratulates Mr. Sim
mons on this Inventions and wishes for
for him a very luorative return on the
Simmons Gas Mixer.
Why Worry?
Why worry? It is all going Unole
Sam's way.
The crops are big, bigger than ever,
and food is going to to be cheaper and
growing cheaper day by day. Work
is increasing. Men are more and more
in demand. The rate of wages dropped
little in depression. Tbe new men are
going on at the rate and hours of 1907.
Every day some furnace or mill starts
up. About 1750,000,000 is going Into
building. Big railroads are buying
rails and equipment for 1910 right now,
so as to get them then. There are
more wheat and corn, more wool and
leather, more iron ore, coal, coke and
copper to he turned out In the last four
months of 1909 than ever before.
Why worry? The boom is on. Pros
perity has come. ' The United States
never saw more of either than this
coming autumn is to show. Why
worry? New York World.
Some men's (5.00 oxfords that are
wonders for the price $3.23. Adam
Shoe Co.
SOME people fuss and fume and fret be-v
cause they have no money.
' There is a way to get money that is com
mendable and we advise every one to try it.
t We have money to-morrow by saving
money to-day, and this is the only way that
appeals to the sensible person.
Try a savings account with us. You will
be surprised to see how fast it will grow.
Big Balloon From
Cleveland Sighted
Sailed Over ReynoldsviHe On
Friday Morning And Was
Watched By Many.
About ten o'elock Friday morning a
large balloon carrying two men plainly
visible, passed over ReynoldsviHe, a
little to the south, and seeming to
be bound for the cast. A number of
local parties witnessed tbe transit and
believed it to be one of the three bal
loons which, according to press reports.
had loft Cleveland, Ohio, bearing a
number of wealthy men who have ad
opted ballooning as a hobby and were
on a pleasure trip to eastern coast re
sorts. Tbe balluonists are reported to
have landed at New Maysvllle, Clarion
county, to ascertain their location.
This may be only the precursor of
what will become a common occurrence
In a few years, when aerial travel by
means of dirigible balloons, aeroplanes
and other craft will ha' e been devel
oped for commercial purposes. If ever
an "aerial express" is established be
tween New York and Chicago the
direct line of travel would pass over
ReynoldsviHe. - More visionary dreams
than this have materialized in the past.
Rev. Black Closes
Year's Pastorate
Will Probably Be Returned To
ReynoldsviHe For Another
Conference Year.
Rev. John F. Black closed his first
year last Sunday as pastor of the Reyn
oldsviHe M. E. church and yesterday
morning he went to Fredonla, N. Y.,
to attend the Erie annual conference.
T I. .1 . 1 . T Til 1 flf
return to ReynoldsviHe for another
year.. Be did good work here the past
year and the people are unanimous for
his return for another year. On account
of the absence of Rev. Black there
will not be preaching In the M. E.
church next Sunday.
Notice to all Dealers and Traders of
Every Kind.
You are hereby forbidden and warned
against giving any one credit on my
account, as I will pay no bills unless or
dered by myself. G. W. FULLER.
Buy the children, oxfords for early
school wear at special prices at Adam
Shoe Co. 1