Wm Reynoldsvifle Reynolds viHe Has modern school and churches, paved streets, water, gas and electrlo accommoda tions, convenient trolley service, high and healthful location, varied employment for labor and many other residential advantages. Offers exceptional advantages for ithe loca tion of new Industries I Free factory sites, cheap and abundant fuel, direct shipping facilities and low freight rates and plentiful supply of laborers. VOLUME 18. REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A.. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1, 1909. NUMBER 17. ) DISTRICT 'ATTORNEY MURRAY GIVEN LANGHAM'S POSITION Jesse G. Long Appointed Dis trict Attorney to Fill Mur ray's Term. HAS" POLITICAL IMPORTANCE JamesV. Murray, who ha efficiently filled the office of district attorney in Jefferson county almost nine years, having been elected to the office three consecutive terms, has resigned that office to accept the position of corpora tion clerk at Harrlsburg, to which he has been appointed by Governor Stuart to fill the vacaecy In that office made by the resignation of Congressman J. " N. Langham. Jesse C. Long, of Punxsutawney, Re publican nominee for the office of dis trict attorney, was appointed on Mon day of this week by Judge John W. Keed to fill the unexpired term or Dis trict Attorney Murray. A Hot Footed Chase Through Clearfield. Early Monday morning, just as the B., R. & P. train pulled Into the Mar ket street station, there began a merry chase down Market street to the Wind sor hotel corner, although none of Clearfield's papers were aware of It. The Beet footed runners were the Sheriff of Jefferson county, fresh from Brookvllle, and three youthful prison ers whom he was taking to the Hunt ington Industrial Reformatory. The interesting party tore down the street and boarded the Pennsylvania morning train tor Tyrone. The young men were handcuffed and seemed as anxious to make the train as the resourceful High Sheriff of Jefferson county. Curwens vllle Mountaineer. The Lurid Glow of Doom Was seen in the red face, bands and body of the little .son of H. M. Adams, Of Henrietta, Pa. His awful plight from eczema had, for five years, defied all remedies and baffled the best doc tors, who said that the poisoned blood had affected his lungs and nothing could save him. "But," writes his j mother, "seven bottles of Electric I Tttttara nnmnlatAlv ampaA him " Pop r j eruptions,' eczema, salt rheum, sores and all blood disorders and rheumatism Electrio Bitters is supreme. Only 60c. Guaranteed by H. L. McEntire. Bids Wanted. Bids will be received for good run Of mine coal delivered at the Reynolds vllle publlo sohool building. All bids to be in the bands of the secretary on or before September 1, 1909. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. W. H. Bell, Secretary. Buy the ohildren oxfords for early school wear at special prices -at Adam Shoe Co. The First National Bank OF REYNOLDSVILLE. Capital and Surplus Resources . . John B. Xauohbr, Pres. John H. Kaucher Eenry G. Delble J. O. King Daniel Nolan J.B.Hammond Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking The Peoples National Bank (OLDEST BANK IN THE OODNTT) REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. aw "mirriy i ff-P IM IN I i , GATHERING OP THE CLANS Celebrate Birthday Anniversary of Alex Watson at Soldier. It was whispered about last week that Alex Watson, of Big Soldier, was nearlng his forty-sixth birthday and that the incident was worthy of notice. Tbis was understood la the proper vein, subsequently, and Friday evening last a a largo number of bis friends from DuBols and surrounding territory sur prised him at his homo. And such a time as was bad! Those bonnle Scoth men did the occasion up In proper fash ion. Dancing and singing were among the flings at pleasure reeled off while the fine refreshments were another elegant feature. Thomas H. Alexander, of DuBois, was chairman of the evening and called off the events on the pro gram in emphatic style. Mr. Bell, of Big Run, was first with a song while Mr. Hoyt, of this city, followed with "Far awe frae Bonnie Scotland." Wil liam Mulr concluded the gay time with several selections so rich In melo dy that hardly one in the assemblage could refrain from dancing. DuBois Courier. Want Column. Bates: One cent per word for each and vorvlnaertlon. For Sale Columbian Oak heating stove; washer and gas fixtures, cheap. Mrs. H. F. Lavo, Hill street. Wanted Girl to do housework for small family; German preferred. E. Neff. POR Sale Thirty aores of land with buildings on; good spring of water; fruit, trees, grapes and other small fruit. Will be sold at a bargain. Ad dress B. J. Rudolph, Wishaw, Pa. Wanted Local agent to advertise and introduce the new educational work, Webster's Universal Dictiooarv and Atlas of the World. Must be edu cated and able to furnish good refer ences as to ability and character. The Saalfield Publishing Company, Akron, Ohio. For Sale Double house, ten rooms, barn and lot, Main st. E. Neff, Agent. For Rent Six room house on Brown St., West Reynoldsvllle, and other houses and rooms to rent at reasonable rates. W. L. JohnBton. For Rent Eight room house, First avenue, West Reynoldsville. Inquire of M. E. Weed, Keystone Hardware store. N ' For Sale Distillery 7 barrel capa city; will sell whole or separately; ex cellent stock; doing good business. Reason for selling, owners have other business and cannot devote time to it. Address J. C. Ford, Secretary, Box 115, Jeannette, Pa. $ 1 75,000.00 $550,000.00 OFFICERS J. O. Kino, Tlce-Pres. K. O. Bohcckirs, Cashier DIRECTOR!) John H. Oorbett R.H. Wilson Capital and Surplus $125,000.00. Resources $500,000.00. Foreign Exchange Sold. Interest paid semi-annually Von Savings Accounts, hav ing liberal deposit and with drawal privileges. Liberal treatment and ev ery courtesy extended con sistent with sound banking. Open Saturday Evenings. REYNOLDSVILLE IN EVIDENCE. At Least Eleven Hundred Residents of Neighboring Town Were Here. Yesteruay might well have been des ignated Reynoldsvllle Day, since the citizens of that town were In evidence everywhere. ' Starting with the first car. that left Reynoldsvllle yesterday morning until well un to two o'clock in the afternoon every car leaving the place was crowdud to its capacity and by noon it was estimated that at least eleven hundred citizens participated in the celebration. ' Through cars ran every thirty min utes, and toward nightfall four cars loft this place with only a few minutes in tervening. Every car was filled to the gunwale and it was well on toward midnight before the passengers could experience anything like comfort on their -journey home. No rates were given, or,the number of Reynoldsvllle ites would have probably been swelled to close to the two thousand mark. Punxsutawney Spirit Aug. 27. Object to Big Hats. We notice that ladles, of all ages and conditions, go about during the week, visiting their neighbors, shopping, etc, in their bare heads; they remove their hats in the opera house, and at the Y. M. C. A and also at prayer meet ing Wednesday evening, but when Sun day comes, and the people gather for preaching service, many persist , In wearing their hats, to the great in convenience, and discomfort of people sitting behind them. Now it would certainly be a nice thing for every lady to remove her hat during the church service. We would, like to see every lady do this. To our certain knowl edge men are kept away from church service by reason of ladles wearing their big hats In the church. A man said to us this week that he had an much right to smoke a cigar in church as a lady bad to wear her big hat. And he was right. Won't the ladies think the matter over carefully? Brook vlllo Democrat. New Postage Sump. . A new two-cent stamp, in commem oration of the Hudson-Fulton celebra tion, is now being printed in the government offices at Washington, and will be plaoed on sale at the postoflices In the United States on September 25. The stamps are being issued In honor of Henry Hudson's trip up what is now the Hudson river, in 1009, and of the first trial of the first successful steam boat, built by Robert Fulton and first tested in 1807. Kills Would-Be Slayer. A merciless murderer is appendicitis with many victims. But Dr. King's New Life Pills kill it by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that Invites appendicitis, curing consti pation, biliousness, chills, malaria, headache and indigestion. 25o at H. L. MoEntlre's. Remember That a course ot study at a Normal School prepares one for teaching, for business for life. The State Normal School at Clarion, Pa., is ideally lo cated and offers unusual advantages at a low cost. New dormitory ready for occupancy. Fall term opens Sept. 14. Write for illustrated catalog. J. George Becht, Prlnolpal. It Saved His Leg. "All thought i'd lose my leg," writes J. A. SwenBon, Watertown, Wis. "Ten years of eozema, that 15 doctors could not cure, had at last laid me up. Then Bucklen's Arnioa Salve cured it sound and well." Infallible for skin erup tions, eczema, salt rheum, bolls, fever sores, burns, scalds, cute and piles. 25o at H. L. McEntire's. Notice. The West Reynoldsvllle school board will receive bids until September 7, 1900, for furnishing good mine run coal for the coming term; also, bids for jan itor. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board. O. H. Johnston, Secretary. Eastman kodak films are perfect To insure proper development, Stoke & Feioht Drug Co., will render you this service free of charge. Gibson, the optiolan, has visited so long and his work is so well known that you will not mistake in seeing him If your eyes need care. See adv. and dates. Now is the time to buy oxfords Special prices at Adam's. Eastman films developed free o charge at Stoke & Feioht Drug Co. We haye oxfords for all the family at prices to please at Adam's. - PENNSY RELIEF FUND. Intere&tiug Statistics Issued by the Com pany to Show the Scope of This Department. According to reports issued Monday, the Relief Funds of, the Pennsylvania System have In twenty-three years paid out a total of 2(!,702,!)47.78 in boeiefll.8 to employes of the railroad. Of this amount, 15,890,425.59 were paid to members who were unable to work, while the remainder, 110,800,522.19, was paid to the families of employes who died. Reports for July show payments amounting y 8!)8,2!)3 70 on the lines east of Pittsburgh and Erie. To mem bers Incapacitated for work, $59,797.10 were paid, while to the families of members who died there was paid the sum of $38,490 00. The total amount paid out of the relief fund of the lines east of Pittsburgh since it was estab lished in 1880 is $19,477,990.52. On the Pennsylvania lines vjest of Pittsburgh, a total of $43,104.80 was paid out in the month of July: $20,000.00 representing the amount paid in bene fits to the families of members who died, and $23,164.80 for the relief ef members who were unable to work. Since the organization of the relief department on the lines west In 1889, there have been paid in benefits a total ol S7,224,9(il 20 Sunset In "the Red City" ef Bavaria. The numerous entrances to the old town of Rothenburg are guarded by beautiful watchtowers, which are in habited by impoverished old women, who rent their airy lodgings for a nominal sum. v The red twinkle of their lamps high over the dusky streets of Rothenburg at night for it is as mediaeval in Its lighting as In many other .ways Is very charming In ef fect The walls of Rothenburg are a constant delight to visitors, who, by dint of much squeezing through nar row passageways nud groping in dark ness, are able to make a circuit of the city, getting glimpses on the way through loopholes of the green country outside. Wondrous views of the town are also to be had from many of the dlBtnnt hills. At Bunset the sight of Its graceful towers and clutter of red roof tops is like a fair vision of ro mance. The city blazes for a - mo ment in a fiery mist, then suddenly melts, mirage-like, in the gntherlng dusk, leaving a sense of something born of dream, the illusion of an en chanter's wand. Rothenburg Letter to Vogue. Thought 8he Had Arrived. "I have moved into a perfect gem of an apartment on the sixth floor of one of those new bouses," said the woman who paints china, "and am reveling In its liberal supply of fresh air and sun light." "But don't you find the stairs an overbalancing disadvantage?" asked an acquaintance. "The thought of the cozy quarters at such moderate cost colors my climb with the roseate hue of optimism.'' laughed the artist "but one of my cus tomers, middle aged and filled with good food and the Joy of living, evi dently found it a harrowing experi ence. "It seemed ages that I waited In the hall after the ringing of the lower bell, and upon hearing tbe . labored breathing of myascendlng visitor I ran back for tbe smelling salts. "When I had administered all the means of resuscitation at band she managed to articulate between gasps: M 1 thought St. Peter always opened the door.' "New York Times. Food of the Chinese. In the Revue d'Hyglene Dr. Male gnon, who lived for many years in China, gives some cnrlous details of the food of the Chinese. This is what he says of the sons of heaven and the way they eat eggs: "The Chinese are great eaters of eggs, which they take hard boiled. One finds them In all the roadside places for refreshment The Celestials have an expression, 'Eggs of a hundred years.' The eggs are not always a century in age, but one Is able' to get them of many years' stand ing. The Celestials have a preference for the egg of the duck or goose. They are placed with aromatic herbs In slaked lime for a period, the minimum time of treatment being five or six weeks. Under the influence of time the yoke liquefies and takes a dark green color. The white coagulates and becomes green. The product of the eggs, which has a strong odor, from which a stranger betakes himself quickly, the Chinese eat as hors d'oeuvres, and It is said to have the taste of lobster." An Explanation. "How in blazes did the compositor happen to bead my foreign travel let ter with the words 'Foreign Drivel f " "1 don't know. Perhaps he read it" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Sponges are great germ collectors. They should be scalded out thoroughly every little while, Electric Railway Charter Granted Connecting Line Between East Brady and Clarion Will Soon Be Built. The Clarion and East Brady Electric Railway company has received Its char ter for the construction of its proposed trolley line connecting Clarion and East Brady and the road will be so construct ed with low grades that It can be suc cessfully operated as a freight as well m a passenger railway, having 70 pound rails, with a maximum grade of 2 010 per cent, and an average grade ot 1 1-2 per cent. Tbe power house will contain power enough to run through passenger cars at a speed of 40 miles an hour, all at the same time. , It will run passenger cars for passen gers, express and baggage service on 90 minute schedules, making a trip each way every one and one-half hours, and a fast freight service, making about three trips a day. Letter List. List of unclaimed letters remaining in post offloe at Reynoldsvllle, Pa., for week ending Aug. 28, 1909. Robert Frazler, Miss Barbara Mot tern, Mrs. Jennie Hewitt. Say advertised and give date of list when calling for above. E. c. Burns, P. M. Lutheran Church. Morning services will be resumed la the Reynoldsvllle Lutheran church next Sunday, Sept. 5th. Sunday school 9.45; morning service 10.45, "Almost a Christian;" vespers, 7.30 p. m., "All Things New." M. E. Church. Services for Sunday, September 6th: Morulng theme, "Abide With Us," Evening, "Government of tbe People, by the People, fomthe People." Card of Thanks. We are very thankful to our neigh burs and friends for their kindness be fore and after tbe death of our husband and father. Mrs. John O'Conner and Family. Spontaneous Combustion. Spontaneous combustion can only oc cur when oxidation causes tbe temper ature to rise to the ignition point of the inaterinl Spontaneous combustion of the human body Is Impossible on ac count of the heat regulating effect of the 75 or 80 per cent of water contain ed. Tbe enormous beat necessary to dry the tissues sufficiently would de stroy life long before Ignition could take place. An old idea was that the alcohol in a confirmed drunkard might promote combustion, but Lieblg show ed that even if the body could give off Inflammable vapor and tbis could be come Ignited the body itself would not be set on fire. Her Proposal. "You've been courting me now for a number of years, George," remarked a girl to a young man, "and I want to make a little leap year proposal." "I I am not in a position to m-mar-ry Just yet," stammered the youth, "but" "Who said anything about mar riage?" Interrupted the girl. "I was going to propose that you stop com ing here and give somebody else a chance." Philadelphia Inquirer. Man's Superiority. "Woman," exclaimed tbe suffragette, "is the equal of man In every respect" "Oh, I don't know," replied a man in the audience; "it takes a man to put an angleworm on 'a fishhook." Detroit Free Presa SOME people fuss and fume and fret be cause they have no money. , There is a way to get money that is com mendable and we advise every one to try it. We have money to-morrow by saving money to-day, and this is the onlyjjway that appeals tojthe sensible person. Try a savings account with us. You will bejsurprisedjto seejbowfast it will grow. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK As the schools begin in September and so many children need optical work, I will carry special tests for them this visit but will be prepared to fit all ages. If your eyes need care, call at the Imperial Hotel, Reynoldsville, Sep. 10, or American House, Brookville, Sept. 11 and 13. G. C. GIBSON, Optician. Don't Murder Your Feet USE Little Green Corn Paint N Plaster or Bandage Just Paint On PRICE 25 CENTS At Druggists or by Mail THE Reynolds Drug Co., Warren, Pa. subscribe for The W Star For anything you need In flour or feed don't fall to get prioes from Robinson & Mundorff before buying. Bullies Best Flour, the best flour you can buy, at any price. . We sell Lfe Rob inson & Mundorff. We keep only best quality of goods and make best prices on flour and feed. See us before you buy. Our winter wheat shorts makes your pigs grow faster and your cows give more milk than any other feed. Try it. Robinson & Mundorff. . J Reduotlon in flours. Mundorff for prices. See Robinson & -1