The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 11, 1909, Image 1

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Has modern school and churches, payed
treats, water, gas and electric accommoda
tions, convenient trolley service, high and
healthful location, varied employment for
labor and many other residential advantages.
Offers exceptional advantages fonthe loca
tion of new Industries I Free factory sites,
cheap and abundant fuel, direct shipping
facilities and low freight rates and plentiful
supply of laborers.
The Peoples National Bank
' Commencing at 2.00 o'clock p. m.
Friday, August 13
h And continuing all day SATURDAY.
All goods to be sold are in first
class condition, but some of
the labels and wrappers have
been damaged by smoke and
water, f "
yerything Must Be Soli
Gome, Buy at Your Own Price
The Star's Want Column
From Reynoldsville to Nolan Park
"and return on
Harvest Home Picnic
August 18 to 21 "
' Excursion tickets will be gold August 18, 10, 30 and 21, good returning -until
August 21 for this occasion. , - ,
J. R. WOOD, v . . , .. ' GEO. W, BOYD,.
Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent.
Capital and Surplus
Resources $500,000.00.
Foreign Exchange Sold.
Interest paid semi-annually
on Savings Accounts, hav
ing liberal deposit and with
drawal privileges.
Liberal treatment and ev
ery courtesy extended con
sistent with sound banking.
Open Saturday Evenings.
never fails to bring results
isocount o
Robbers Attempt
To Gain Entrance
At Home of A. B. Weed And
Find Preparations Made For
Their Reception.
A. B. Weed, train dispatcher on P.
R. R., who resides In WeBt Reynolds
ville, some years ago fixed a burglar
alarm on the stairs of his residence, so
that no oue can get. up stairs when
alarm U set without ringing a bell.
After long years of waiting for a bur
glar he fiually arrived last Wednesday
night, tne alarm did its work, the bur
(rlar made a hasty exit with Mr. Weed
In hot pursuit shooting at the fellow as
he ran.
Mr. Weed,- who was in the house
alone, his wife being away on a visit,
got awake about 1.00 a. m. and was just
falling into the embrace of moruheus
again when a bell began ringing, which
he first thought was the telephone
bell, but the continued ring of the bell
made him think that some person was
standing on the burglar alarm, which
was the right solution of the whyfore
of the jingling of the bell. When the
burglar stepped on the alarm he was
surprised, and not suspecting that he
was standing on the spring that was
ringing the bell, he stood still and the
bell continued to proclaim the fact that
an enemy was on the stairs. When
Mr. Weed jumped out of bed the bur
glar heard him and skipped for the
open country, having opened the front
door before starting up stairs. The
fellow ran down to railroad and down
the track as If he had very urgent bus
iness in some othor town. Mr. Weed
fired four Bhots after his uninvited vis
itor, but in the hastiness, excitement
and unexpeotodness of the little drama
he, apparently, was not a good marks
man on thlB occasion and the would-be
robber escaped without a puncture In
his hide.
The burglar had gained entrance to
the house through the back door.
,- Swallowed His False Teeth.
Peter Jackson, one of the best known
miners in this section, and section boss
at the Coal Hill mines, near Lutbers
burg, was the victim of a most peculiar
accident on Saturday afternoon, when
he swallowed his false teeth and, the
physicians say, would have died but for
quick action which took him to the
Adrian Hospital where he was imme
diately operated upon and relieved of
the foreign substance.
Mr. Jackson was at work at the mines
when he began to feel the effects of the
great heat and In a fainting conultion
was helping himself to some water
which relieved him. It was while
drinking that the teeth slipped down
his throat. Medical aid was Immed
iately summoned and It was found that
the teeth had lodged In the esophagus.
The plate was forced Into the stomach
and Tie was rushed to the hospital in an
automobile in record time and quickly
operated upon. He Is now resting easy
and nothing serious Is expected to re
sult. DuBols Courier.
Cherry Run Campmeeting.
The usual annual Methodist Camp
meeting at Cherry Run, Clarion Co.,
Pennsylvania, will be hold Thursday,
AugUBt 12th, to Wodnesday, August
25th, and U promised to be the best
campmeeting held there in years. Rev.
J. Bell Neff, D. D., of DuBols, the sup
erintendent of the Clarion District of
Erie Conference, will be in attendance
throughout the maetlag and take an
active part, preaching frequently. The
presence of Bishop Berry, one of the
most gifted speakers of the day, on
Sunday, August 15, and. Monday, will
add much to the Interest of the meet
ing. A number ot other noted speakers
are on the program who will draw large
'- To Stop Pollution.
State Fish Commissioner 'M. E.
Meehan, of Meadvllle, a fewdays ago
gave out some Important Information
in regard to stopping the pollution Of
the streams of the state. He says he
attended a conference of tannerymen
at Rtdgway, and that representatives
of the Elk Tanning Co., which controls
about 50 tanneries in the state, and
ether large independent companies,
and stated that efforts are being made
to tako care of acids and liquors so ho
pollution will occur. DuBols Express.
Ladles' oxfords In all linns at cut
prices at Adam's. 1
Now is the time to do your roofing.
Red, Cedar shingles galore at' the
Woodwork Supply Co, storage.
Special prices on all oxfords tit
Adam's, .
Old Home Week
Interest Increases As the Event
Draws Near Great Crowd
Is a Certainty.
There is every outward Indication
that at least IKI.OOU people will spend
Old Home Week here. On every side
at least a dozen times a day one bears
the remark, "If other people are going
to have as many visitors Old Home
Week as we are, there will certainly be
a crowd in town." And such is the
case. There Is scarcely a home in town
that will not entertain from three to
ten persons during the big' week, and
with those who come for the day
Punxs'y Is likely to entertain at least
70,000 people during the week.
The amusement committee, as well
as every other committee connected
with the big doings, Is making every
effort to see that the visitors will be
royally entertained. Furniture dealers
are having a run on beds. Everybody
in all the surrounding towns Is talking
"Ola Home Week at Punxs'y." Funx
sutawney Spirit.
Clarion State Normal School.
Beautiful location, healthful sur
roundings, attractive home life, fine
equipment, strong faculty, free tuition,
excellent mupio department are some
of the factors that have caused the
Clarion State Normal School, Clarion,
Pa., to practically double lis attend
ance during the last few years. New
dormitory ready for occupancy at the
beginning of the fa'l term, Sept. 14.
Write for catalog and Information.
J. George Becht, Principal.
' Notice.
The West Roynoldsville school board
will receive bids until September 7,
1909, for furnishing good mine run coal
for the coming term; also, bids for jan
itor. The board reserves the right to
reject any or all bids.
By order of the Board.
O. H. Johnston, Secretary.
Mazomania Tribe No. 341.
; All members of the I. O. R. M. are
requested to attond a regular council
meeting In wigwam of the above named
tribe on the sleep of the 23rd Sun Stur
geon, G. S. D. 418 to arrange to attend
Punxsutawney on Lodge Day Old Home
Week. R. L. Vashinder, C. of R.
The work of the Lock Haven Normal
School Is, primarily, to prepare teach
ers for the public schools. In this work
It has been eminently successful. Its
graduates to-day are col logo professors,
normal school teachers, county superin
tendents, high school and grade teach
ers. It also maintains a college pre
paratory department as well as de
partments of music, elocution, art and
business. Send for Its new catalog.
Save your combings and havo your
hair work done by Miss Smith at 213
W. Long Ave., DuBols, Pa. Bell 'phone
30-Rl Summorville 'phone 49.
1 , , ftr ,
x' it
1 .
f ' l V I , '4 5 74 I I I.J t
ill V'C 7 I f liviSkf if f
The largest group of performing Bengal Tigers in'the World: Performing Lions, Polar
Bears. Minstrel Shows, Vaudeville Showsi Plantation Shows, Circle Waves, Ferris Wheels.
The World Renowned Broadwicks in their triple parachute leaps, See newspapers and
handbills for train schedule and rates. "
Are now for sale in Reynoldsville.
These are goods you know and Reynolds
guarantees them.
Reynolds' Green Corn Paint.
Tne quick, sure and easy remedy for Corns and Bunions. - Just paint
on, no plaster or bandage required. You will get better results from
this corn cure than you have ever received before. Prlc-a per bjltle with
brush 15 cents.
Reynolds' Cold, Grippe and Hay Fever Remedy.
Put up in capsules, act quickly and give wooderful results In all
cases of Colds, LaGrippe, Headache, Neuralgia, Hay Fever and Summer
Colds. Every box guaranteed. Price 25 cents.
Reynolds' Compound Carbol-Tar Ointment.
Contains Carbolic Acid and Pure Pine Tar along with other valuable
Ingredients. Used wherever a good ointment is needed. Especially
recommended for Piles. Price per box 25 cents.
Reynolds' Perfect Headache Powders.
A valuable remedy for Sick Headache, Nervous Headaohe and Neu
ralgia. A remedy for Headaches that has stood the testfo" thirty years.
Price per package 10 cents.
Reynolds' Lily White Cold Cream.
The daintiest and most delightful Face Cream that you have ever
used. Snowy white with the delicate odor of Lily of the Valley. We
will gladly give you a convincing sample. Price par jar 25 cents.
Reynolds' Wild Cherry and Tar Cough Syrup.
Recommended for Coughs, Co'ds, Hoarseness and all affections of
the throat and lungs. Contains no Morpnlne, Codeine or other prepara
tions of Opium, and Is especially Safe for Children. Price 25 cents.
' ' 1
Reynolds' Hair and Scalp Tonic.
- This tonic is different from anything of the kind you have ever used.
Cools and Invigorates the scalp, stops itching and will not stain or dye.
You will ba delightfully surprised with the result that you deriye from
this preparation. Price 35 cents.
Reynolds' Neuralgic Liniment.
For External and Internal use. No matter where your Ache or Pain
is located, use It and you will receive some good effect. Price per bottle
25 cents.
All of our preparations are guaranteed to do all that is claimed for
them and purchase price will be gladly refunded If Jyou are not satisfied.
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus
Resources . .
John H. Xauoher, Pres.
John H. Kaucher
Henry O. Delble
J. 8.
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
Is Going To
, - 1 1 am
J. O. Kino, VIce-Pres. K. C. Schockers, Cashier
Dnnlel Nolan
John R. Oorbett
K. H. Wilson
Nolan Park
on the P., S. & C. R. RN
AUGUST 18, 19,
20, 21, 1909.
The Big Harvest Home
Picnic and
Four Sensational
Free Acts
4 Bands 4
Concert every afternoon
and evening by
Royal Italian Band.