Wm Reynoldsville Reynoldsville Has modern schools and churches, paved streets, water, gas and electric accommoda tions, convenlont trolley service, hlKh and healthful location, varied employment for labor and many other roxldonllal advantages. Offers exceptional advantages for it lie loca tion of now Industries iFree factory sites, cheap and abundant fuel, direct shipping facilities and low freight rates and plentiful supply of laborers. VOLUME 18. REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A.. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 4, 1909. NUMBER 13 Shick & Wagner -THE BIG STORE- The Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Is Still On We have some splendid bargains to offer you in order to clean up all sum mer goods and any odds and ends that we may have. Take advantage of this opportunity. It is not often' at you have an oppor- nity to save 33 1-3 cents 50 cents on every SI. 00 r ' u invest. Cor. Main and Fifth Sts., Reynoldsville - - Pa. The Peoples National Bank (OLDE9T BANK IN THE OOONTY) REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Capital and Surplus $125,000.00. Resources $500,000.00. Foreign Exchange Sold. Interest paid semi-annually on Savings Accounts, hav ing liberal deposit and with drawal privileges. Liberal treatment and ev- ry courtesy extended con sistent with sound banking. 1 m 1 iLIill OpenSaturday Evenings. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NIAGARA FALLS AND RETURN SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, J909, Excursion Tickets Rood to return on regular trains until August 11, inclusive, will be sold at the following low rates: tio.w 11.14 tfll.18 " tll.87 " M2.06 p.n 2.18 p. m. 2.49 " East Liberty. . . 9.11 a. m. 1.20 p, m. 11.11 p. m. UHUDDUi -O.M New Kensington. t. 00 Arnold S.tB Klsklmln. Jc 9.61 " Ford City WM ' Kittanning 10.15 " Bed Bank 10.47 " East Brady 10.A7 " Parker 11.21 a. m. Foxburg 11.28 " Emlenton 11.36 " New Bethlehem tP.88 " Summervllle JS.OB " grookrllle 18.S1 " eynoidsTlUe.... 18.23 " Falls Ofeek J8.I0 n DuBols .... J7.02 " Rate (&.00 4.75 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.25 4.25 14.25 4.25 4.25 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.60 "f Stops on signal or notice to Agent. Passengers change at HMsklmiiietas Junction. t Passengers change at Rlttannlng. t Passengers change at Bed Bank. 8J m. ts.as .52 " t9.54 " 0.19 " H2.07 a. m. 12.15 " 12.48 " 12.58 " f 1.21 a. m. f 1.28 a. m. 1.85 Electric Railway from The Falls to ' The Whirlpool. J. B. WOOD. Passenger Traffic Mgr. CEO. W. BOTD. Gen. Passenger Agent. Stubborn Blaze Sunday Morning Originated in Basement Of W. V. Britton's Grocery At 2.10 O'clock. About 2.10 Sunday morning Police man John Spears saw smoke rolling out over the transom of W. Vernon Brit ton's grocery store and !be crave the Ore alarm and the fire company quickly responded. The Are was in the cellar and the store room was full of smoke. therefore, the firemen bad considerable trouble In (retting at the fire, but thev succeeded in extinguishing the fire be fore it had done a great amount of dam age to the building. The smoke and water, however, almost destroyed Mr Britton's $3,000 stock of groceries, flour, feed, &c. An invoice of stock is being made and when that is completed Mr Britton's loss can be intelligently esti mated. He carried 12.200 Insurance. The Reynoldsville Hardware Co., occupying the room over Britton's grocery store for a furniture depart ment, had upholstered furniture. &o.. damaged to the extent of about 1200.00. The Rea Bee & Honey Co.. which keeps supplies in the rear of the gro cery store, had some supplies damaged The building Is owned by F. D. Smith and A. T. McCIure and their loss amounts to about (1,500.00. The origin of the fire is a mystery. It started in the cellar in about the middle of the building. Two gas lights burn in the cellar 'when the store Is open, but they were turned out when the store was closed Saturday night. and the lights are not noar where the fire evidently started. Policeman Spears bad passed the building not more than ten minutes be fore he discovered the fire and there was no sign of smoke then. Royally Entertained. A party of young folks enjoyed a ride to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jacobs In the vicinity of Big Run last Thursday, where . they were delight fully entertained by their daughter. MIsb Rhoda, The evening was spent playing various games until a late hour, when an elegant lunch was served by the hostess. The light rain did not mar the pleasure of the evening. and the return trip was made about midnight, after the weather had cleared. Those present from here were, May and Mary Corbett. Agusta Burgh, Sadie, Mary and Martha Has- son, Josephine Gibson, Vera and Mar garet Applegate, and Mr: Shelley Applegate. Securing Funds For Glass Plant Stockholders Authorized The Bonding of Plant to Give Working Capital. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Star Glass Company last Thursday afternoon It was decided to bond the faotory for necessary funds to pay all unsecured debts of the comoanv and provide for working capital sufficient to pay operating expense of the factory for a period of sixty davs. The bond holders to have the option of taking cash payment at maturity of bonds or stock In the company at 50 per cent oi its par value. We understand this plan is meeting with approval and that about one-half of the bonds have already been sub scribed for. Married in Kittanning. The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Turnev Henry, on Mulberry street, was the scene of a pretty but quiet wedding this afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock, when their daughter. Miss Berth Vlnnla. became the bride of Mr. Walter El wood Booth. The ceremony was performed bv Rev. Jacob Booth, of Revnoldsville. the venerable grandfather of the groom. Only the immediate friends of the contracting parties were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Booth are popular voung people, and their many friends, The JJatly Leader having the honor of being among that number, extend their best wishes for a long and blissful and pros perous voyage upon the sea of matri mony. Kittanning Daily Leader July 27. Enjoyable Picnic. W. P. Woodrlng and family are camp ing at Camp Flag Staff, a delightful camping place on hill back of West Reynoldsville. Mrs. Woodrlng ar- ranged-for a moonlight basket plcnio for last Wednesday evening to which her neighbors were Invited. There were eighty-eight persons present, in cluding children. It was a very en joyable picnic. Died Sunday Eyemng. John Marshall McDonald, Infant son of Lawyer and Mrs. G. M. McDonald, died at 6.30 p. m. Sunday, August 1, 1909. John Marshall was born April 18, il909, and was three months and fourteen days old. Funeral service was held at home of parents at 2.30 o. m. yesterday, conducted by Rev. A. D. McKay, and Interment was made in Reynoldsville cemetery. The library of the Lock Haven Nor mal school is well selected, accurately catalogued In accordance with the Dewey decimal system, and the books are easily accessible. The library rooms are said to be handsomer than those of any other schnol Mbrary in the state. The remarkxhle success of the scnool's debating t iams in the Inter-Normal debates I? due In a large measure to the library. Write for the school's handsome catalog. Save your combings and have vour hair work done by Miss Smith at 213 W. Long Ave., DuBois. Pa. Bell 'Dhone 30-RI Summerville 'phone 49. Some men's $5.00 oxfords that are wonders for thn nrlnn at 93 A Aon. Shoe Co. Free Tuition. Tuition is free to all prospective teachers oyer seventeen years of age in attendance at the Clarion State Normal school, Clarion, Pa. This makes the 60 tire school expense for forty-one weeks, including board, room rent, light, heat and laundry, 1145. The Clarion State Normal offers superior educational advantages at a very low cost. Write for catalog and circulars. J. George Becht, Principal. Louis Orayes. The reliable expert sewing machine adjuster, is here again. He Is stopping at Frank's Tavern and is prepared as heretofore to repair all makes, no mat ter how old or worn. He has new parts and can make them as good as new at little expense. Please 'phone or drop of Eastman films developed free charge at Stoke & Felcht Drug Co We have oxfords for all the family at prices to please at Adam's. Gibson, the optician, has visited bo long and his work is so well known that you will not mistake In Beelng him if your eyes need care. See adv. and dates. A ladles' tan oxford suede top was $3.50 now 12.98 at Adam's. Eastman kodak films are perfect. To Insure proper development. Stoke & Felcht Drug Co., will render you this service iree or cnarge. Men's oxfords at special prices at Aoam's. THE GOOD OLD BUCKWHEAT piGisrio Coleman's Park, Goodville, Pa., Thursday, August 5, 1909. Twelth Annual Reunion and Picnic of the Smtcksburg and West Mahoning Buckwheat Club.; Round 01.00 Trip From Sykes. Train leavesE6.43Sla. m.; returning leares Goodville at 5.00 p. m. Butiafo, KocnessersFistsfiura Ku PREPMftTIONS -MADE BY- REYNOLDS Are now for sale in Reynoldsville. These are goods you know and Reynolds guarantees them. Reynolds' Green Corn Paint. The quick, sure and easy ramRrlv fnr flnr-no and Rnninna t..q a rf.w. wu . uw UUUIUUOt MUOU JJaiUV on, no plaster or bandage required. You will get. better results from this corn cure than vou have ever rRnntvi.il Wnro v-i u,,i uu brush 15 cents. Reynolds' Cold, Grippe 'and Hay Fever Remedy. Put up in capsules, lact aulcklv and clva wnrwWfnl rMu. i .11 cases of Colds, LaGrlppe, Headache, Neuralgia, Hay Fever and Summer uius. every dox guaranteed. Pr na 9R nonta Reynolds' Compound Carbol-Tar Ointment. Contains Carbollo Aold and Pure Plnn Tai alnnor urlfh nlha. Ingredients. Used wherever a good ointment is needed. Especially rouuuiiueauea ior rues, frice per box 25 cents. Reynolds' Perfect Headache Powders. A valuable remedy for Sick Headache. Nervnrn FTpnnnhn anil ralgla. A remedy for Headaches that has stood the test for thirty years. Price per package 10 cents. Reynolds' Lily White Cold Cream. The daintiest and most delightful Fane used. Snowy white with the delloate odor of Lily of the Valley. We will gladly give you a convincing sample. Price per jar 25 cents. Reynolds' Wild Cherry and Tar Cough Syrup. Recommended for Coughs. Co'ds.) Hoarsenpss and all affnnt.lnno r the throat and lungs. Contains no Morpnine, Codeine or other prepara tions of Opium, and is especially Safe fok Children. Prloe 25 cents. Reynolds' Hair and Scalp Tonic. This tonio is different from Bnvthlnir nf thn lrln1 inn ti.na Cools and.lnvlgorates the scalp, stops Itching and will not stain or dye. You will be delightfully surprised with the result that you deriye from this preparation. Price 35 cents . Reynolds' Neuralgic Liniment. For External and Internal use. No matter where vnni Atria n Van is located, use It and you will receive some good effect. Price per bottle 25 cents. All of our preparations are guaranteed to An nil that u nioi. - - r iu viui U-iuu 1UI them and purchase price will be gladly refunded If .you are not satisfied. The First National Bank OF REYNOLDSVILLE. Capital and Surplus $175,000.00 1 Resources . . $550,000.00 . Jobs H. Zaochkr, Pres. John H. Rancher Henry 0. Delble OFFICERS J. 0. Kino, Vlue-Prei. DIRECTORS J.O. King Daniel Nolan . J. 8. Hammond K. C. Schcoksbs, Cashier John H. Corbett R. H. Wilson Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking BIG REVOLUTION CERTAIN CD Will without question revolutionize the' .nastl system of Dublin m'in. E3ment and entertalnroentiat their Fourth Annual Grand Harvest Home Picnic and Carnival to be held at Nolan Park on the P., 8. & C. B. B. AUGUST 18, 19, 20 AND 21 THE FRENCH BROAD WI0K3 In Ithelr trlpleOnarachute'ileap from the clouds the greatest performers In the world. I VITUOOI'SlROYAL ITALIAN BAND, Trained animal shows, Minstrel Shows Vaudeville Shows, Dancing, Band Concerts. Ferris Wheels, Circle Waves. " One company&olng to the park this year has, alone, 10 solid cars, Including an animal exhibition of ten perfectly trained Lions, six Bengal Tigers, Polar Bean, Leopards and others. Franklin, Clarion, Bldgway and Brookvllle will furnish the base ball feature. Watch this paper and see handbills for further announcements. Excursion rates and trains on the Railroads. 1 T