The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 21, 1909, Image 5

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    Suhfc Stan
Subscription (1.00 pertear in advance.
C A. STEPHENSON, Editor and Pnb
Entered at thepostodtce at Keynoldsvllle
Pa., aa second class mail matter.
$5.00 to $111.50
$1.00 to $12.00
Let us show you
how easy it is to
make pictures the
Kodak way. We do
developing free of
Stoke & Feicht
Drug Company
1 a '
, fl little of Everyttilnq.
ORotert Koebler spent Sunday In
John F. Strauss was at Altoona sev
eral days the past week.
The B. P. O. Elks will hold a special
meeting on July 28th to arrange for
their annual picnic.
The Presbyterian Sunday school will
picnlo at Romantic Park, Sykesvllle,
to-morrow, Thursday, July 22. ,
At the regular monthly meeting of
the Reynoldsrille Building and Loan
Association Monday evening 17,000.00
was sold.
Edward, nine-year-old son of Perry
B. Love, was threatened with appendi
citis last week and for four days they
kept an ice bag on him.
Alex Adam, of Clearfield, was In town
Monday and Tuesday of this week look
ing after some business for the Adam
Shoe Co. for his brother, T. F. Adam,
who has typhoid fever.
Next Sunday evening Dr. A. J. Meek
will preach a sermon In the First Bap
tist church on the Sabbath Question.
All who do not attond church else
where are Invited to ear Dr. Meek.
John Reed, of this lace, who already
owns sixty or seventy dwelling houses
in DuBois, will erect five eight-room
modern dwelling houses In that olty
this summer on site of the old company
Mrs. Elcie Foolk, of Pittsburgh, vio
linist who played In the M. E. church
at this plaoe hut Sunday morning and
evening, Is a master of the violin and
her playing was enjoyed by the large
congregations at both services.
N. Hanau, one of our merchants, had
the index finger of his left hand badly
cut one day last week on a broken fruit
jar. Mr. Hanau was tightening up a
jar of fruit while it was hot and the
jar broke, hence tbe crippled finger.
- We conceive that we have tbe tallest
timothy stalk in our front window this
week that Is to be found anywhere
around. It was found below town by
W. F. Wlngert while harvesting bay
and measures six feet and four Inches.
Big Run Tkibune.
If you are interested in a good school,
It nil! n.n nn n.t T
Haven State Normal School for a copy
of its handsome new catalog. In equip
ment and faculty and In its social en
vironment, It is an ideal school. The
fall term begins September 6th.
' Hugh Morrison, an assistant in the
First National bank, will go to home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Morri
son, near Aliens Mills, to-day to help
harvest. Hugh may do a man's work
at the table, but he will not be able
to do a man's work in the harvest field
until he gets "hardened", to it.
Song services will be held in the
PreBbyterian church next Sunday even
ing at 7 45 o'clock under direction of
Prof. J. L. Weaver, of Ada, Ohio. Prof.
Weaver has been engaged with Dr.
Wilbur J. Cbapman the last two or
three winters In bis evangelistlo ser
vices. He will organize a chorus class
in the town which all tbe young people
will be in vl Led to join. A meeting for
tbe purpoee of orgaulzing this class
will be held Tuesday evening of next
week, July 27, at 7.45. Place of meet
ing will bj announced next Sunday. -
fl Kodak !
with yon
Picnicets Are Annoyed By Cunning Ca
nines on One Side of Park and Ob
streperous Bipeds on the
, Other Side.
The "Inter Se" society held a picnlo
at Wlshaw Park laBt Friday and just
before supper was ready Mr. Ante
Bellum Weed, (the local photographer),
called all to upper Bide of park to have
their pictures taken. Just as he was
about to tell them to watch for the
"gllna vogel" MrB. McKay exclaimed:
"The dog, the dog." We all looked
and lo ! and behold, a black canine of
uncertain ancestry and full of fleas and
wanting to be full of meat loaf, was
on one of tbe tables carefully Investi
gating for the moBt delicious piece,
Mrs. McKay made a Marathon run
and drove the dog away. When Bhe
returned out of breath Bhe said that
was a "doggone." Just then we
were again told to watch for the ''gllna
vogel." After the pictures were taken
some of the women happened to think
of the ice cream and went to tbe other
side of the park where it was left un
guarded and the next voice from the
women was, "Oh, our Ice cream Is gone."
The men were called to see what was
best to do. 'They all responded and
started through the woods. Mr.
Hoover found it a few rods from tbe
park. Some ol the women thought it
was one of Weed's tricks. When you
go to Wlshaw leave your eye teeth
at home. One of Them.
Installing Air Compressor.
The Reynoldsville Water Company
is sparing no expense to give our town
one of the best water systems In this
section of the state. This spring the
company laid over five thousand and
six hundred feet of new water lines,
most of which was six inch pipe.
This week the company will put men
at work on the foundation lor an air
compressor at the power bouse. Tbe
compressor and expense of putting it
in will cost the water company at least
11,600. Where water companies are
using the air compressors they find
that It is well worth the price. This
new machinery will make the water
system first class. With a good system
and excellent water we ought to be
comparatively happy. There are many
places where pure water is almost out
of the question.
Horse Dropped Dead.
About one o'clock Sunday night a
valuable gray horse, owned by John
Shobert, of near Brookvllle, dropped
dead going up tbe hill In West Reyn
oldBvllle. Mr. Shobert and several
others were returning from the huckle
berry mountains. Mr. Shobert didn't
know bis horse was sick. Heart trouble
caused Its deatb. 'The horse weighed
fourteen hundred. Mr. Shobert got a
horse from Burns' livery stable to make
the trip home.
Picnic at Wishaw Park.
There was a jolly picnlo at Wishaw
Park last evening. It was held in honor
of Miss Minnetta Fuller's guests from
Kane. Besides tbe Reynoldsville young
peoplo there were a number present
from Punxsutawney. Miss Fuller's
Kane guests are: Misses Verna Tussey,
Flora Porter, Julia Jones, Florence
Wood, Ellen Baccus and Mr. Jos. Deltz.
Bowdish Stock Co.
The Bowdish Stock Company every
evening this week under canvas on
vacant iot near- Reynolds opera house.
Change of program every evening.
Monday night the company played "A
Kentucky Night Rider," a sensational
drama, and last night tbe play was
"In Montana," a sensational western
drama. Admission, 10, 20 and 30 cents.
Francis D. Smith, who has been at
Enterprise, Miss., for sometlmo, re
turned to his home in this place Thurs
day evening. He will remain here a
couple of weeks and then return to En
terprise E. A. Hull, who has been in the em
ploy of tbe Jefferson Supply Company
some years, Is moving to Mesllla Park,
New Mexico. Mrs. Hull and two
daughters, Mrs. J. Iryen Rea and Miss
Josephine Hull, left here Monday for
Mesilla Park. Mr. Hull will go later.
Walker Adam, formerly clerk In the
Adam Shoe Co. store in Reynoldsville,
who went to Denver, Colorado, almost
three years ago, came east to visit his
mother at Brock way yllle and was in
Reynoldsville last week to see his
brother, Thomas F. Adam, who
has typhoid fever. Walker, who
had asthma very badly, went to Colora
do for benefit of his health, and lo that
climate he is not troubled with asthma,
but as soon as he struck this section of
the country the old disease came back
on htm. He had to return to Col
orado this week. -
Thirty-three members of the Young
Ladles', Sodality Society of Reynolds
ville were guests of the Punxsutawney
Sodality at a picnic at Jefferson Park,
near Punxsutawney, last Wednesday
afternoon and evening. The Reynolds
ville ladies went over and returned in
a special trolley car. They were de
lighted with tbe royal reception and
entertainment given and feast of good
things provided to eat. Had It not
been for tbe ruin and threatening Btorm
at time the special car left here fifty
members of the society at this plaoe
I would have attended the picnic.
Winslow Reunion,
The second annual reunion of the
Winslow decendants will be held at
Benezette, Pa., on Thursday, August
12th. Dr. John H. Murray, of Reyn
oldsville, is to be one of the speakers
at the reunion.
Harry A. Klrkwood, of this place,
and Twlla O. Deemer, of Deemer's
Cross Roads, were united In marriage
at tbe Baptist parsonage in Reynolds
ville on Thursday evening, July 15,
1909, by Rev. Dr. A. J. Meek.
Had Appendicitis.
MIsb Edith Zeitler, sixteen-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zeitler,
of this place, was operated on at the
Grub Hospital In Punxsutawney last
Friday for appendicitis. Four years
ago Miss Edith bad the first attack
of appendicitis, and frequently during
the four years she had attacks.
Principal Resigned.
Prof. W. J. Summerville, who was
principal of the West Reynoldsville
schools two terms and was elected lor
third term, bas resigned to accept the
prlncipalBhlp of the schools at Manor,
Westmoreland county, Pa. He wl'l
get $25.00 more per month at Manor
than he was getting in West Reynolds
ville. Wrist Broken.
John Brltton, of Beech woods, broth
er of our townsman, Vern Brltton, gro
oeryraan, fell off a load of hay late
Tuesday evening of last week and broke
a bone in his right wrist. As harvest
hands are bard to get Vera went out to
the farm on Wednesday and was a bar
vest band the balance of tbe week.
Mrs. Lizzie Smith assisted In the gro
cery store in Vern's absence.
Hay Ride.
Last Thursday evening a score of
young people male and female took
a hay ride to home of L. F. Hetrlck in
Washington township, which proved to
be a source of amusement and fun for
tbe participants. Miss Ada Hetrlck
was tbe hostess. Refreshments were
served. A heavy storm rain, thunder
and lightning made tbe rldeonly more
interesting ard exciting than the home
coming by starlight would have been.
Men's Bible Class Picnic.
Tbe members of the men's bible cIbbs
of the M. E. Sunday school and their
wives will bold a picnic at Romantlo
Park, Sykesvllle, Friday afternoon and.
evening of this week, July 23rd. Cars
leave here at 2.00, 3.10, 4.20, 6 30 and
0.40 p. m. Excursion tickets on sale at
McEntlre's drug store. Good on any
car. As many as can should go on tbe
two o'clock car and have longer time at
picnic. Supper at 7 00 p. m. You'll be
hungry, so take a well filled basket.
Arm Burned with Benzine.
Naomi Copping, daughter of Harry
Copping, bad her right arm badly
burned last Wednesday and had It
not been for tbe timely appearance of
ber cousin, Bert Hoffman, Naomi might
have been fatally burned. She and
several other children were In the rear
of the Nolan block where a lad was
playing with benzine on a cat-o-nlne-tails
and as tbe boy ran past Naomi
her dress sleeve caught fire and just
then Bert Hoffman came around the
corner of building with a cake of Ice.
He dropped the ice, caugbt Naomi and
entlngulshed tbe blaze before any
thing more serious than a burned arm
and balr scorching took place.
Inter Se Society.
A few weeks ago a new social society,
to be known as Inter So Society, was
organized in Reynoldsville with Mrs.
J. O. Johns as president and Mrs. J.
W. Hunter secretary. The following
ladles are members: Mrs. J. O. Johns,
Mrs. Thomas M. Jewell, Mrs, A. B.
Weed, Mrs. J. W. Hunter, Mrs. J. K.
Johnston, Mrs. H. T. Peters, tars. O.
D. O'Dell, Mrs. J. C. Sayere, Mrs. C. A.
Herpel, Mrs. Henry Herpel, Mrs. W.
V. Henry, Mrs. B. E. Hoover.
The first picnlo of tbe Inter Se So
ciety waa.held at Wlshaw last Thursday
afternoon. Tbe husbands of the mem
berg and tbe preachers of town and
their wives were invited. While the
pionlcers were having their picture
taken in a field out from park, some
person stole tbe Ice .cream and carried
it into woods across track from park;
but It was missed and found before tbe
thieves had time to get any of the Ice
Re-Elected at Uniontown.
Prof.C. J. Scott, formerly principal
of our public Bcbools, who has been
superintendent of the publio schools at
Uniontown the past two terms and bas
been elected for another term, was the
guest of Dr. R. DoVore King In this
place several days tbe past week. Tbe
Uniontown school board Is well pleased
with the work Prof. Soott has done In
their schools.
' Eastman kodak films are perfect. To
insure proper development, Stoke &
I Feicht Drug Co., will render you thjs
. tervke free of charge. v-v
Ashes Shipped Here By Express and
Burled in Prospect Yesterday. .
Washington Rhoads, who resided
in Reynoldsville over a half century
ago, an uncle -fJerry Heckman, Crant
Rhoads, and several other citizens,
died at Santa Cruz, Cal., July 8. The
body whb cremated and the ashes were
shipped to Reynoldsville by Adams
Express to Jerry Heckman, and yester
day the little nox containing the ashes
was placed in the grave of Mr. Rhoad's
mother In Prospect cemetery. This
was Mr. Rhoad's request before he died.
The box In which ashes were shipped
was copper and It was Inside of a
wooden box. Tbe box was G Inches
long, 5 inches wide and 4 inches deep.
From tbe Santa Cruz Surf of July 9,
1909, we clip tbe following sketch ot
Mr. Rhoad's life:
Washington Rhoada, an old and re
spected citizen of Santa Cruz, passed
away July 8, having lived here twenty
four years the 4th of this month. He
came to California first in 1854. When
tbe war broke out he went to Pennsyl
vania, his native state, and enlisted
In Co. H, 105th Pennsylvania Volun
teers. He served three years, and was
badly wounded at Gettysburg. He was
discharged at ;Phtladelpbla Hospital
and came back to California alter tbe
war, following prospecting, mining and
farming In different parts of the state.
July 3, 1885, he camped seven miles out
from Capltola, where two inches of
snow fell during the night. July 4,
1885, he came here, where has lived
ever since. He lived a retired life,
respeoted by all who knew him.
Dog Police Has Lost His Job Ordinance
(Never Signed. U',
Tbe dog ordinance passed by council
several years ago compelling owners
of dogs to muzzle their dogs during the
months of July and August of eaoh
year and to wear a collar on dog with
owners name thereon, and a dog tax,
all the year, has been found to be il
legal because the ordinance was not
signed by tbe Chief Burgess. On ac
count of;the ordinance not being yalld
Mayor Williams bad to discbarge the
dog police. We understand that there
are several other municipal laws that
were never signed by the Chief Burgess
and like the dog ordinance are not
C3 Star Glass Co. Meeting.
At a meeting of tbe stockholders of
the Star Glass Company held last
Thursday afternoon it was decided to
bold a special meeting on Thursday,
July 2Wlb,' at 1.30 p. m. for the purpose
of authorizing tbe execution of a mort
gage on all of the company's property
to secure a loan of not less than 825,000,
to consider a plan of reorganization, and
to transact any other business.
It is likely that at this meeting tbe
necessary amount of money to Insure
tbe operation of the factory will be pro
vided for, or some other decisive action
For Sale.
Six room house and lot and vacant lot
on Pleasant Avenue.
Seven .room bouse with bath and
good lot on north side of Mable street;
Blacksmith shop and three flats oo
Jackson street.
Nine room veneered brick house;
good lot. West ReynoldHvllle.
Nine room house on good 50 foot lot,
and two room office adjoining on 30
foot lot on East Main street; bargain.
Seven room bouse, good lot; Fourth
street, near Main.
Five room house, 3 acres of ground
In Prescottvllle; cheap.
Two 7 room houses (new), good lots
in West Reynoldsville.
Six room house, good lot and vacant
lot on Brown street, West Reynolds
ville. Seven room house and lot and vacant
lot on Pleasant Avenue.
Rom Z Pahrish.
D. F. Dlener, general manager of tbe
Red Bank Telephone Co., was in town
yesterday soliciting ' our . business
men to install the Red Bank tele
phones in their places of business.
Black circle with red x in it found
pasted oo the sidewalk on every Btreet
corner yesterday morning bad many of
the townspeople agog.
Members of tbe W. C. T. U. of this
place and a number of friends held a
picnlo at Camp Run last Thursday
afternoon, returning home on the 9.40
p. m. train.
Members of tbe Women's Relief
Corps held a picnlo on tbe lawn at
home of Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds
Thursday afternoon.
Now Is the time to do your roofing.
Red Cedar shingles galore at the
Woodwork Supply Co. storage.
One-third off on all oxfords at
Bowdleh Stock Co. every evening
this week under canvas near opera
huuoe. )
C. R. Hall spent Sunday In Brook- j
Miss Jennie Slple la visiting In New
Mrs. Ella Fredericks was In Brook
vllle yesterday.
Miss Lillian Ewlng Is visiting in Du
Bois this week.
Miss Goldle Caldwell spert last Fri
day in Brookvllle.
Misses BeBse and Melissa Sensor
spent Sunday In DuBois.
N. A. Headley wa9 at Edrl and
Foster, Pa., over Sunday.
Mayor J. D. Williams spent Sunday
and Monday at North Park.
Miss Edith Tyson is visiting In Rick;
ford, Rock City and Olean.
Lawyer C. W. Flyn and wife were at
Atlantic City tbe past week.
Miss Tberessa Burns returned Satur
day from a vIbH in Indiana, Pa.
Miss Phyllis Hays returned yesterday
from a visit In Clarendon and Warren.
C. A. Barlett, of Klttannlng, formerly
of this place, was In town a day last
week. '
Mrs. Edward Armagost and Mrs.
James Armagost are In Pittsburgh this
Andrew Wheeler was at St. Louis,
Mo., last week buylnp a car load of
Miss Gertrude Stnckdale, of DuBois,
was the guest Of Miss Oievla Murray
Sunday. '
Miss Flora Fee, of Punxsutawney,
was the guest of Mrs. A. H. Fleming
Miss Leon a Hogarth, of Smetbport,
Pa., is tbe guest of Miss Esther Bell
this week.
Clarence Stephenson and wife, of
Braeburn, were visitors in town tbe
past week.
Sherman C. Henry and wife spent
Sunday at home of the former's parents
at Hamilton.
Mrs. M. E. Beck, of Punxsutawney,
was the guest of Mrs. J. W. Gillespie
over Sunday.
Mrs. Annie Oberlio, of Rochester,
Pa., visited ber brother, D. B. Stauffer,
tbe past week.
Postmaster E. C. Burns and son,
Frank, were at Buffalo and Niagara
Falls this week.
Miss Orral McCrelgbt, who was
visiting In Punxsutawney, has returned
to Reynoldsville.
George White, Harvey S. Deter and
Will Burge were In Punxsutawney and
Big Run Sunday. "
Mrs. A. P. Holland, , of DuBois.
visited her sister, Mrs. E. C. Sensor,
in this place Sunday.
James Shingledecker, of County
Home, is visiting friends at Pardus.
He is entirely blind.
Mrs. W. I. Hay, of DuBois, visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Schwem over Sunday.
Mrs. J. C. Long, of Altoona, Is visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. John H.
Wagner, In this place.
Miss Bess Corbett, of Corsica, wag
tbe guest of ber cousin, Mrs. Robert
Z. Parrish, over Sunday.
Albsrt Gelsler, of Braddock, Pa.,
visited his parents to this place a
oouple of dayg last week.
Miss Jessie Shannon left here Mon
day to visit In Cleveland and Sandusky,
Ohio, and Detroit, Mich.
Miss Margaret E. Taafe, of Pitts
burgh, is spending ber vacation with
her parents on Main street.
Miss Mattle Dunn, of Falls Creek,
was the guest oi Miss Helena Guthrie
several dayg the past week.
Mrs. W. A. Stanford and children,
of Huey, Pa., are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
D. E. Stanford, on Pardus Hill.
E. C. Melzer, who resided at Frank
lin Furnace, N. J., about one year,
bag moved back to Reynoldsville.
Mrs. Mary J. Riggs and her gig'er,
Mrs. L. L. Tweedy, of Hulton, Kan.,
are visiting at CreekMde this week.
L. M. Weltzol, manager, of the Ridge
Supply Co. store at Ieelln aod Reed,
Pa., was tbe guest of ye editor Sunday.
Mrs. W. W. HIggins, son, Howard,
and Charles Dinger, Jr , are visiting
the former's parents at Coudersport,
, Prof. W. M. Rife and wife, who were
in Mechanlcsburg, Pa., five or six
weeks, returned to Reynoldsville last
Mrs. J. A. Myers and grandsons, Ed'
win and Noble Mjers, visited the
former's daughter in Brookvllle last
Miss Mabel and Irwin Sterley, of
Philadelphia, are visiting at home of
their uncle, M. 3. Sterley, oo Hill
Mrs. W. J. McCrelght, son, Russell,
and daughter, Miss Mary, returned
this week from a visit In Marlon
Mrs. J. R Welch and sod, Samuel, of
Crops Fork, are visiting with ber par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dickey, In
John F. StrauBs went to Sabula yes'
tnrduy to see his mother and brother,
W. L Strauss, who are camping for
bsi.hi. oi the latter' health. .
Walter Kerr,' of Now Kensington,
Is visiting his father In this placo.
Mrs. H. A. Worann, of Ashtola. Pa.,
Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph McKernan, In West Reynolds
ville. '
George C. Hunter and wife and J. R.
Milliren and wife spent Sunday athome
of M. S. Hunter at Winslow, Gaskilt
Misses Susie McKernan and Ella
Maddln, who are employed In a silk
mill at Elmlra, N. Y., are visiting their
parents here.
Mrs. A. W. Adam, of Brockwayvllle,
came over yesterday to see her son,
Thomas F. Adam, who bas a light at
tack of typhoid fever.
Mrs. James Kearney and two chil
dren, of Stoneboro, Pa., are visiting the
former's parentg, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Gelsler, In this place. .
L. M. Snyder and son, Victor, spent
a couple of days at Brookvllle the past
week visiting the former's father, A.
Snyder, who Is quite 111.
Rev. Charles E. Rudy and wife left
here Monday to visit their parentg at
Lancaster and Reading. They will re
turn Friday or Saturday.
Mrs. Frank Girts and two children,
of New Bethlehem, are visiting the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Klrkwood, In this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mitchell, of
Brooklyn, N. Y., Bre visiting the lat
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B Sny
der, in West Reynoldsville.
Clarence H. Patterson was cnlled to
New Kensington yesterday on account
of the serious Illness of bis mother,
wbo is not expected to live.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Coleman, of
Plttsfield. Mass., visited at home of the
letter's brother, Henry Hines, In Reyn
oldsville during the past week.
John O'Hare and wife left here Sun
day on an automobile trip to Rochester,
N. Y. - They were accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Daily of DuBois.
Mrs. C. C. Painter and netce, Nora
Painter, of Falls Creek, are visiting
with tbe former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Samuei Dickey, of Paradise. ,
Mrs. Martin Plyler, of Summerville,
and daughter, Mrs. D. R. Fetterhoff,
of Pittsburgh, formerly of this place,
were visitors in town this week.
Mrs. Cora Mitchell and two grand
daughters, Imogen and Cora Mitchell,
went over into Indiana county yester
day td 8'peDd a week with relatives. -
Mrs. N. Chittister left here Monday
for a short visit In Verona, Pa., and
from there Bhe returns to May, W.
Va., where Mr. Chi Ulster is employed.
Max Vormilyea, of Brookvllle, Mlgg
Lavina Swanger and Mis Ella Beck, of
Jobnsonburg, were visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Snyder the past
Mrs. M. M. Davis and grandson,
Marion Stevenson, Mrs. R. DeVere
Klntr and three daughters, went over
Into Indiana county yesterday to visit
Rev. George H. Hill, wife and father
In-law, Mr. Manett, and Miss Laura
Manett, of Beech woods, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Johnston yesterday
Mrs; Barbara Williams, of Altoona,
wbo was visiting her neice, Mrs. John
H. Wagner, returned' home Monday.
Mrs. Wagner accompanied her to
Mrs. Elizabeth Robb, wbo had been
In Los Angeles, California, several
years, Is visiting ber mother, Mrs.
Susan Cochran, in this place. Mrs.
Robb will return to Los Angeles.
Assistant Postmaster Bert S. Burns
and wife, Harry E. Burns and wife and
Ralph Atwater, of this plane, took in
the B , R. & P. R'y excursion to James
town and Celeron, N. Y., Saturday.
Misses Alice and Naomi Mitchell,
two of our young ladies who are learn
ing millinery work, went to Phila
delphia Saturday to trim hats during
summer for a wholesale millinery store.
Homer Brumbaugh, wife and chil
dren, of Franklin, Pa., came to Reyn
oldsville last week to visit Mrs. Brum
baugh's sister, Mrs. W. C. Murray, and
also visit her mother, Mrs. Strouse,
In Paradise.
J. F. Siple, of Eieanora, formerly
of Rathmel, left hero Monday morning
on a trip to Cando and Bisbee. North
Dakota. His parents, Mr. and Mrs
Jacob Slple, formerly of Rathmel, re
side at Cando.
Daniel Daily and family, formerly ot
this place, who were living on a farm
in New Jersey several years, sold farm
and moved to Bradford, Pa. They
were guests at home of Dennis O'Brien
geveral days lat wr-k en route to
Mrs. J. E. Hall and daughter, Ruth,
of Plattsmouth. Neb., who' visited gev
eral months witb tbe former's mother,
Mrs. C S. Armagost, left here yester
day mornl ng on their homeward trip.
Mrs. Howard Adams, sister of Mrs.
Hall, went with them to New Martins
ville and Clarksburg, W. Va., to visit
several week.
1' -