The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 30, 1909, Image 5

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Subscription V.00 per year in advance.
O A.STEPIiKNaONtKdltorand '
Entered at the postofflce at Uavnoldtvllle
Pa., as second class mallmatter.
A Disappearing
Skin4Cream .
Ilarmony Skin Cream
Is a dainty toilet requis
ite (or waking the nVsh
clean, clear, firm, fresh
and healthy. It will act
to promote and preserve
a beautiful complexion
and create a good con
tour to the skin when
rightly used as a mas
sago. Harmony Skin Cream
does not etain. It Is ab
sorbed by the skin read
ily. Gloves or other
dress may be worn di
rectly after th Cream
Is applied. It bus a ten
dency to whiten the skin
and Ive a rosy hue to
c. triplex ions.
Tut up In beautiful
opal Jars, tied with rfrt
ribbon. Beyond doubt
the most exiulile pack
age and preparation now
on the market.
StokeJ& Feicht .
Drug Company
A Little of EvemttilnQ.
Monday of next week we celebrate.
To-day completes the first half of
To-morrow the dog ordinance goes
into effect. Muzzle your dog.
Following the morning service in
the Baptist church next Sunday the
Lord's Supper will be observed.
The Fourth ot July comes on Sunday
this year acd the celebration will be
held in Reynoldsvllle on Monday, July 5.
The Presbyterian Missionary Society
will meet at the hpme of Mrs. L. M.
Simmons at 2 30 p. m. Friday, Juty 2nd.
"Gtp," M. J. Farrell's little black dog,
bad become so old and decrepit that
Mr. Farr'il bad to kill him yesterday.
Miss Clara Anderson's Sunday school
class, of the M. E. S. S., held a picnic
ft XVammntl, PafV lnei Thni-adav aftai.
Automobile travel on Main street Is
little too speedy some times for the
uiLvi ui uiutsm iu;t aiww ymv ov
The special ten day sale at the
People Bargain store, A. Eatzen pro
prietor, Is cow on and will continue
until after July 4th.
The special ten day ' sale at the
Peoples Bargain store, A. Eatzen pro
prietor, is now on and will continue
until after July 4th.
J. R. Barnard and grandson, and Miss
rlartha J. Eirkpatrick, of Dayton, Pa.,
irere visitors at home of J. H. Corbett
keveral days the past week.
Edward Swanson bi ought a quart box
bf fine large strawberries to ye editor
one day last week. There were only
twenty-two strawberries In the quart. '
Fathers Brady and Lynch were at
DuBols Friday night attending the
commencement of the St. Vincent
parochial school. There were thirteen
The monthly meeting of the Foreign
fsalonarv society oi ine M. a couron
HI t. L.I . il a ( TJ
111 171 UOIU U .Ul IIU'"" w
. f riflftv.
An Old itngilsn lea rarty win oe
held on the M. E. church lawn at Rath
mel from 2.00 p. m, to 7 00 p. m. on
Saturday, July 3rd. Conoert in the
church in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel' Mellinger, ot
. Pleasant, Pa., celebrated their
lden wedding last Saturday. The
m of fifty years ago is a brother of
r townsman, George Mclllngt-r.
I A party was given at home of Daniel
jolan Monday evening in honor of
bme guests from Greensburg. Games
Vere played and the Cadenza orchestra
Irnished music Forty guests present,
refreshments were served.
I Robert Herpel, young son of Burgers
p. C. Herpel, of West Reynoldsvllle,
Was knocked down by swing Thurs
day and had his right ear split. A doc
tor Be wed the ear together and In a
Short time the ear will be whole again.
I Prof. W. "J. Summervllle. who was
principal of tbe West Reyooldsvllle
phools two terms' , has been elected for
,nother term. The other instructors
.looted to assist Prof. Summervllle are
liss Emma Davis No. 3, Mise Ruth
tiles No. 2, M'ss Mabel Lucas No. 1
Benedict Former Employe in "The Star"
Office Came Here on Wedding Trip.
Hi mer R. Ressler, son of Mr. add
Mrs. Samuel ResBler, who has been a
linotype operator in tho Daily Demo
crat oflioe at Johnstown, Pa., a coup'e
of years, was united in marriage to Miss
Anna Martina Luttringer, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Valentino Luttrlnger, of
Johnstown, Pa., on Tuesday, June 23rd.
Thoy vlsltedi Mr. Kessler's parents in
this place Inst week while out on their
wedding trip.
Mr. Rosier, who was an employe In
The Star ofllce for four years, is an
honorable and trustworthy young man
without any bad habits and with good
prospects of a successful future. We
understand he got an excellent young
lady for a life companion. The Star
joins with Mr. Ressler's numerous
friends in thU section In extending
good wisbeB.
Still Young in Spirit.
S. T. Hoover, of Win-low, Gasklll
township, Jefferson Co., father of Dr.
B. E. Hoover, of Reynoldsvllle, who
will be 86 years old the firBt of the
coming year, is as robust and as active
a9 a man of 65 years, and Is as young
in spirit and as ambitious as the ma
jority of men at the age of 50 years.
Tiie Flathead Indian Reservation in
Montana will soon be dished out free
vv the U. S. Government in 160 acre
farms, and old soldiers are to have the
preference. Notwithstanding the fact
that Mr. Hoover has lived almost six
teen years over three S3ore and ten
the allotted time of man yet be has
made application for a tract of this
land and if be gets it he will go to
Montana and live a year on the land,
as required by the government. Mr.
Hoover is an old soldier. He was in
tovn last Friday.
Attended Luncheon in DuBois.
Last Friday thirteen young and
handsome maidens of Reynoldsvllle at
tended a luncheon given by Miss Helen
Merrls at her home in DuBois. Not
withstanding the fact that some people
are superstitious about thirteen, think
it is an unlucky and a hoodoo number,
these thirteen young ladles had just as
delightful and jolly time as they could
have had If there had been twelve or
fourteen in the party. Nothing unlucky
about thirteen in this case. The fol
lowing misses composed the Reynolds
vllle guests at the luncheon: Cora and
Ruth Mitchell, Hazel McCrelght, Dor
othy Elliott, Tee Evans, Gertrude and
Florence Stoke, Rosie Hughes, Fay
Neale, Berna Hoover, May me Elng,
Esther Bell, Florence Green.
Miss Florence Euber, of Butler, will
sing In the M. E. church at this place
next Sunday morning and evening.
She is a sweet singer.
At a meeting of the picnic committee
of tbe R. H. S. Alumni Association last
Friday evening it was decided that each
member of the Alumni should have the
privilege of inviting one friend and no
more to the annual picnic, which will
b held at Wishaw Park Friday, July 2.
Miss Grace May Rartle, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bartle, of Verona,
formerly of this plaoe, was married to
B. Floyd Smith at Oakmont Pa., on
the evening of June 22, 1909. They
will reside at Oil City. Mrs. Smith
is a sister of Mrs. Ed. S. Barry, of
West Reynoldsvllle.
Arthur Farroll, who had baen em
ployed at New Castle four years, and
has been transferred to Pittsburgh,
went to the latter place Monday after
spending three weeks with his parents
in this plaoe. In tbe first game of base
ball between the merchants at.d "pencil
pushers" Arthur sprained his left knee
badly and was "laid up" the last ten
days at home.
At a rousing meeting of the Exec
utive Committee last week, It was de
cided to put $4,000 into the Old Home
Week celebration, at Punxsutawney,
Aug. 22 28. There is not the slightest
doubt, judging from the manner in
which the subscriptions are pouring
in, that any difficulty will be experi
enced in raising this sum. The pro
gram for the week has been completed,
and all sub committees are reporting
wonderful progress.
Charles A. Herpel, wife and daugh
ter, Miss Lena, and Heery Herpel and
wife were at Punxsutawney last Wed
nesday evening attending the wedding
of Miss Margaret Shields Lanzendorter,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lanzen
dorfer, and William W. McMillen, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMillen,
some years ago residents of Reynolds
vllle. It was a brilliant evening wed
ding at home of tbe bride's parents on
Hospital Hill. There were 150 guests
present. .
Tbe first of last week Mrs. John
McLaln, of Lawsonham, was thrown
out of buggy and was killed. Her
horse frightened at a blcyole and ran
off. The body was brought to Reyn
oldsvllle on the 9 40 p. m. train
Wednesday and laid in the baggage
room all nlgbt and the relatives spent
the night at home of J. K. Johns too
on Grant street: On the first train
Thursday morning th6y again started
on their journey to Sullivan county,
Pa , where the body was interred.
Big Qasser Harnessed.
Tbe big gas well on the F. C. Deemer
tract near Brookvllle has been har
nessed and the guage showed the flow
to be In excess of 10,000,000 cubic feet
per day.
Bank Reports.
In this issue of The: Star will be
found the reports of the condition of
the Peoples National, First National
and Citizens National bankBat the close
of business June 23. See tho reports.
Both Bones of Arm Broken.
Edward Cramer, twelve yfar old son
of William Cramer, of Paradise, was
running and jumping over logs In the
woods near his home ono day last week
and foil, breaking both bones In his
right lorearm. A bad fracture.
Gashed Knee With Ax.
Harry Sharp, of this place, who was
working in the woods near Big Run,
at Sharp's camp, out an ugly gash In
his left knee with an ax last Friday.
It req ilred five stitches to sew up the
wound. There is a possibility that
Harry will have a stiff knee.
"Clean Up Day."
JuBt now special attention is given
to the preparation of making the
Fourth of July celebration in Reynolds
vllle a big success, but after tbe cele
bration then the "clean up day" for
Roynoldsville should be taken up by
the Business Men's Association.
Scheets-Smith Wedding.
George Scheetz, of Reynoldsvllle,
and Miss Cora Smith, of Punxsutaw
ney, were married at the home of the
groom's mother, Mrs. Gertrude Scheetz,
on Fourth street, at 10.00 a m. on
Wednesday, June 23rd, 1909 Rev.
Charles E. Rudy, new pastor of the
Trinity Lutheran church, performed
the ceremony.
Married in Erie.
Miss Hannah Mowery, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Mowery, of West
Reynoldsvllle, who has been working
In the silk mill at Erie, Pa., and John
McFlnnan, of Erie, will be married
in Erie to-day, June 30, 1909, and will
arrive in Reynoldsvllle on the eight
o'clock train this evening to visit the
bride's parents.
Birthday Patty.
George C. Hunter, Mrs. J. R. Mllll
ren and two daughters, Ruth and
Helen, and Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Sterley
were over in Bell township, near Clon,
last Thursday attending a surprise
party given at tbe home of Mr. and
Mrs. T. E. Hunter, parents of tbe first
two mentioned in this artiole. Tbero
were sixty-Aye guests present.
Fractured Finger.
Several days ago Father Lynch was
out for a ride with John O'Hare in his
auto and tbey met two ladies in a buggy
whose horse frightened at the auto.
Father Lynch gallantly jumped out
of auto and ran to assistance of the
ladles. In his successful efforts to
master the fractious horse the second
finger of right hand was broken close
to band.
"Honey-Moon Shower."
The "honey-moon shower" given at
home of Miss Lena Herpel in West
Reynoldsvllle last Thursday afternoon
for Mrs. J. M. Cook, of Hamilton, Pa.,
a classmate of Miss Herpel, and several
of the other guests, in the Reynolds
vllle high-school, was an enjoyable
social affair. After the "shower" Mrs".
Cook was tbe possessor of some very
pretty and useful articles. Fine re
freshments were served. Among the
guests were Mrs. Cook and her sister,
Mrs Depp, of Punxsutawney.
Party at Pancoast.
Last Thursday evening seven mem
bers of a Fancy Work Club and four
lady friends went from this place to home
of Miss Ruby Goss at Pancoast and bad
a jolly night of it. Some of tbero did
not go to bed at all, and all returned
home on the early train Friday morn
ing. Games were played ar.d at mid
night a luncheon was served. Follow
ing is list of names of tbe fair maidens,
the first seven are members of the club:
Misses Besse and Mallssa Sensor, Besse
and Leona Baum, Frankin Hoffman,
Clara Eddy, Mionetta Fuller, Mildred
end Coral Sutter, Fonda Eing and Cora
Medical Society Meeting.
The Jefferson County Medical Society
met in Reynoldsvllle Thursday after
noon, June 24th. The members were
entertainingly addressed by Dr. J. H.
Wilson, of Beaver, State Counselor for
this district, who urged upon tbe phy
sicians present a more faithful attend
ance at the meetings of county and
the state societies, presenting the
benefits to be derived from such
attendance. Those present were:
President, Dr. A. F. Balmer, of
Brookvll'e; Secretary, Dr. N. C. Mills,
of Big Run; Drs. J. B. Neale, H. B.
Elng and' A. H. Bowser, of Reynolds
vllle; Dr. S. S. Hamilton, of Punxuu-
: tawney; Dr. S. M. Free, of DuBois; Dr.
Dr. C. W. Johnston, of Soldier; Dr. J.
' F. Raine, bf Sykesvllle, and Dr. C. C.
; Hammond, of Wishaw. '
1 Special bargains in all departments
Thursday afternoon. Bing-Stoke Co.
Pretty June Wedding at Home of the
Bride's Parents.
At 4.30 p. m. on Thursday, June 24,
1909, on the large lawn around the
pretty farm residence of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Jones,
near Pansy, Pa., Miss Mary Belle Jones
and Clyde C. Murray, of Reynoldsvllle,
were united In marriage by Rev. J.
C. Wharton, M. E. pastor at Stanton,
assisted by Rev. J. E. Allgood, of Big
Run. It was a ring ceremony and was
performed under a beautiful arch on
the lawn. The wedding march was
played by Miss Hazel Jones, sister of
bride. Miss Virginia Hawthorn, of
Brookvllle, was bridesmaid, and Ross
C. Doible, of Reynoldsvllle, was best
man. Lulu Murray, of Big Run, niece
of groom, was flower girl. There were
sixty guests present. A fine wedding
supper was served.
Mr. Murray and his bride left on the
the evening train on a ten day wedding
trip to Chautauqua, Buffalo and other
places. They will reside in Reynolds
vllle. Clyde C. Murray Is tbe youngest son
of Mrs. Amelia Murray of this place.
He Is a graduate of tbe Reynoldsvllle
high school and the Allegheny College
at Meadville. He is seoretary for the
Reynoldsvllle Brick & Tile Co. His
bride is a sister of Co. Supt. L. M.
Jonos, is a graduate of the Clarion
State Normal and has taught several
very successful terms in the publlo
schools in the county.
The following Reynoldsvllle people
attended the wedding: Dr. John H.
Murray, wife and son, Russell, W. C.
Murray, wife and daughter, Miss Julia,
Mrs. Amelia Murray, Misses Oleviaand
Anna Murray, Henry Herpel and wife.
New Line to Clarion.
The Summervllle Telephone Com
pany has just completed a new copper
line between this place and Clarion, a
direct line having been placed at a con
siderable expense. In view of the ex
traordinary expense Incurred In arrang
ing this service, tbe company's direc
tors, at a recent meeting, decided to
make this line a toll line after July lBt.
The toll rate from Brookvllle to Clarion
will be 15o, a proportionate rate will be
charged from other points. The com
pany expeo's to give first-class service
between points now reached by their
lines and Clarion, something they have
been unaWe to do in the past, but the
expense which tbey have been under in
piacing this new dlreot line has been too
great to allow them to grant free ser
vice, much though they would like to
do it. Brookvllle Republican.
.Convention Now in Session.
The annual convention of tbe Clarion
District Epworth League oonvened in
the Methodist Episcopal church at this
place at 2.00 p. m. yesterday and will
close this evening. There are three
sessions to-day, 8.30 a. m 1.30 p. m.
and 7.30 p. m. Dr. C. L. E. Cart-
wright, of Allegheny, who leotured
last ' evening on "In tbe School
Life," will preach a sermon this eve
ning. Dr. Cartwrlght Is an able and
pleasant speaker.
Patriotic Sermon.
Dr. A. J. Meek, pastor of tbe First
Baptist church, will preach a patriotic
sermon in that church next Sunday
evening. His theme will be "Growth
and Development of Our Country."
Patriotio music will be rendered. One
interesting feature of this service will
be an arch formed by thirteen 'young
ladles to represent the thirteen original
states. Pennsylvania will be tbe Key
stone state. The young ladles will sing
a patriotio song.
Elected Officers.
Monday evening the local Woman's
Christian Temperance Union met at
the home of Mrs. G. G. Williams and
elected the following officers for en
suing year: President, Mrs. H. Eugene
Phillips; seoretary, Mrs. John D. Pat
terson; treasurer, Mrs. S. M. Gourley.
After the business meeting refresh
ments were served.
Show Well Patronized.
Frank E. Griswold's Ten Nights in
a Bar-Room Co. that played on the
ball ground Monday evening under a
big tent, was greeted with a big crowd,
a number of people had to stand. It
was a fairly good show. The company
travels in a special car.
Was Performing on Trapeze.
Silas, young son of H. E. Gray, was
performing on a trapeze Monday and
fell off and broke his right arm at
elbow. It will require skill and care
to save the boy ' from having a stiff
arm all through life.
Methodist Church.
Serviced for Sunday, Ju'y 4th, 11.00
a. m., sermon. Theme, The Gentleness
of Jesus. 7.30 p. m., sermon. Theme,
The Boy That Raised tbe Calf. The
fifth of the series on tbe "Old Hlck'ry
Farm." Tbe choir Is to be assisted by
Miss Florence Euber, of Butler, Pa.
. Ice Cream and Strawberries.
Friday evening of this week, July
2, the Helping Hand Society will bold
an Ice cream, and strawberry festival
on the M. E. church lawn. Everybody
invited to attend.
Mrs. A. T. Blng spent Sunday In
Goorge Hughes was In Clarion last
E. D. Davis was In Clarion this week
on business.
Mrs. C. M, Leard, of Clearfield, was
a visitor in town Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Herpel vis
ited In Brookvllle over Sunday.
Mrs. Goorge Bobren and son, William
visited in Punxsutawney Friday.
Charles C. Mohney and wife, of Du
Bois, were visitors in town Sunday.
Mr. iand Mrs. Richard Taafe and
daughter, Elizabeth, were in DuBois
Mrs. Jacob Delble vUlted her daugh
ter Mrs. George Hughes, in DuBois
Harry Ross, of Oklahoma, visited bis
uncle, W. S. Ross, at the Robs Houte
last week.
' Mrs. George Sharp v 1b I ted ber daugh
ter, Mrs. W. P. Cochran, at Baxter
last week.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stew
art near Emerickvllle June 24, a
Mrs. Dr. J. C. Bayers and son visited
the former's parents at Hawthorn tbe
past week.
Miss Ella Hyatt, of Connelleville, is
tbe guest of Mrs. C. A. Stephenson on
Grant street.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Clark, of Clarion,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hall
over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bogart, of Ridg
way, spent Sunday with relatives In
Mrs. L. M. Harris, of Oil City, visit
ed at home of her father in-law at this
place last week.
Henry Shields left here Monday to
visit a few days in New Kensington and
Greensburg, Pa.
Henry W. Herpel was at Oak Ridge
and Falrmount City the first of this
week on business.
Miss Margaret MoClure will go to
Pittsburgh to-day to visit her brother,
Arthur MoClure.
Reece Williams visited bis sor,
Walter D. Williams, in Buffalo, N.
Y., the past week.
C. G. Messenger, of Pittsburgh,
spent Sunday at home of bis uncle. Fd.
D. Seeley, In this place.
Mrs. W, P. Dickey and daugbUr,
Lillian, were visiting In Punxsutawney
and Big Run tbe past week.
Norman Butler and wife, of New
Bethlehem, spent Sunday with the
latter's parents in this place.
Mrs. W. H. Earns and son, William,
of Oakmont, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. A. B. Weed over Sunday.
John Marsh, of Punxsutawney, spent
Sunday with bis daughter, Mrs. T. D.
Brewer, in West Reynoldsvllle.
Walter Fortune, of Pittsburgh, is
visiting at home of his uncle, Charles
A. Herpel, In West Reynoldsvllle.
George Schwem.of Sagamore, visited
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Schwem, near this place the past week.
Mrs. A. Eatzen and son, Silas, went
to Baltimore, MdT, yesterday where
they will visit with relatives five or six
weeks. '
Harry A. Reed, editor of tbe New
Beth'ehem Vindicator, is attending tbe
Epworth League convention in this
Mrs. Edward Cleer and daughter, of
Pittsburgh, are visiting the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 'F. Hinder
liter, in this place.
Mrs. Charles Euber and daughter,
Miss Florence, of Butler, are visiting
the former's sister, Mrs. W. E. Stor
mer, on Jackson street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chatham, of New
Bethlehem, are visiting their daughter.
Mrs. H. F. Eufer. They csme up to re
main her until after tbe Fourth of
Miss Olevia Murray, trained nurse of
Philadelphia, Is visiting ber mother in
this place. She came home at this
time to attend tbe wedding of her
brother, Clyde C. Murray. 4
Misses Amy V. Bollinger' and Ida
Williams, graduates in Bucknell Uni
versity, and Miss Olive Sykes, gradu
ate In Clai ion State Normal, returned
home last week.
Mr. and Mr. W. P. Organ and son,
William, of Punxsutawney, spent Sun
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Shobert. William, Jr., will remain
until after the Fourth.
Mrs. A. T. McClure starts to-day on
a western trip to Denver Col., Colo
rado Springs and .several other places.
She does not expect to return home
until about 1st of next November.
Mrs. N. Chit tester, whom, with her
husband, has been at May, W. Va.,
some months, Is now at her home
in West Reynoldsvllle. She will re
main here awhile and then return to
Mrs. W. B. Hoffman visited In East
Brady last week.
Mrs. Hannah Preacott Is visiting in
Harmony and Punxsutawney this week.
Miss Gertrude H. White, of Callens
burg, was a visitor in town several
days the past week.
Mrs. J. Y. Black, of Irvona, Is visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. J. S. Ham
mond, on Main street.
Alex Gillespie, student in Cornell
University, Ithaca, N. Y.", camo home
last week for tbe summer vacation.
Mrs. Andrew Wheeler and son, Fred,
who went to Granby, Col., about the
middle of May returned bome Monday
of this week.
Andrew Hunter And wife, of Brock
wayville, are visiting at homes of the
former's brothers, J. W. and E. W.
Hunter, In this place.
James E. Johnston and wife were
over In Brady township Monday at
tending a small birthday party given
tbe former's sister, Mrs. J. O. Lenkerd.
John O'Hare and wife, of this place,
and J. E. Daley and wife, of DuBois,
left here yesterday morning on a trip
to Pittsburgh in Mr. O'Hare's auto
mobile. They will return Friday.
Miss Isabel Arnold, who . recently
graduated in tbe Gullmont Organ
School In New York City, is now visit
ing ber sister. Mm. W. B. Alexander,
on Grant street. She will remain here
a couple of month
Steven W. Dlugolecki, of Rynold
vtlle, graduated in a Polish 3emlnary
at Detroit, Mich., June 18th. He is
visiting a sister in that city and will
return to bis borne in tbt place in time
for the Fourth of July oelebration.
Miss Inez Woodford, who attended
the Clarion State Normal for spring
t-rm, returned bome last week. Her
sister, Miss Anna Woodford, was at
Clarion attending the commntrement
and they returned home together.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Jewell were
at Dayton, Pa , last week st'rdlng
commencement at the State Normal
school at , that place. Frank Jewell
Good and Edward Clair Good, nophews
of Mr. Jewell, were among the gradu
a'es. 'Squire J. D. Woodrlng and Miss
Alice Reitz went to Philadelphia last
evening to be present to-day when the
former's daughter, Mrs. D. H Kruman-
ooker, of White Haven, Pa., undergoes ,
an operation in the Presbyterian Hos
pital. Anna A. Fleming, of Emerickvllle,
who taught In the Falls Creek schools
the past three years, has been elected
as one of the high school teachers In
the Corvalllf, Montana, school and
will leave about Sept. 1st for that
Fathers Brady and Lynoh were ia
New Bethlehem Monday night and at
tended the confirmation service held la
the Catholic church at that place yes
terday morning, conducted by tbe Right
Reverend John E. Fitzmaurice, Bishop
of the diocese of Erie.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bennett and
daughter, Mies Mame, Misses Mary
McCann and May Bowan, of Greens
burg, Pa., were guests at bome of
Daniel Nolan from Saturday until
yesterday morning. They made the
trip overland in Mr. Bennett's auto
mobile. Misses Lulu Black and Edith Clark,
teachers in the public schools of Reyn
o'dsvllle, leave here to-day on a western
pleasure trip. They go direct to Den
ver, Col., to attend the National Edu
cational Association convention. They
ill visit Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Cil., and other places before returning
Forgot His Lunch.
Rev. A. D. McKav, pastor of the
Presbyterian church, and his Sunday
school class of lads ranging la age from
ten to twelve years, picnlced at Sabula
yesterday. Of course you will not tell
anybody, but Rev. McKay was so much
excited about tbe trip that he hastened
oJ for the train and forgot to take tbe
lunch with him that Mrs. McKay had
prepared. Tbe other hoys divided u
with their teacher.
Won Prize for Oratory.
John McGullougb,' of Eleanors,
student in the Bucknell University at
Lewisburg, Pa., studying for the min
istry in the Baptist denomination, re
turned to Eleanora oa Tuesday of last
week and on rrldsy his patents moved
out to Illinois. Mr. McCullough has
gone to Cross Forks, Pa., to preach
during the summer vacation. He won
a 110.00 prize at Bucknell this year., for
Keep your feet cool In a pair of Walk
Over low Bhoes. Price 14 00. Adam's.'t fail to decorsto. Got your flags
or bunting at Bing-Stoke Co. - v
Pumps for children, black, brown an
tan, price 91.25 to 2 00. Adam's. ..
FlagB from 3c to 14.00 tbe dozen at
Elcg-Stoke Co.