The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 28, 1909, Image 7

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Cured by LydiaE.Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Paw Taw, Mich." I suffered terri-
vmm biy from female ills,
including intlam
mation and conges
tion, for several
years. My doctor
said there was no
hope for me but an
operation. I began
takine Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound, and
I can now say I am
a well woman."
Emma Draper.
Another Operation Avoided.
Chicago, 111. "1 want women to
know what that wonderful medicine,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, has done for me. Two of the
best doctors in Chicago said I would
die if I did not have an operation, and
I never thought. of seeing a well day
gain. I had a small tumor and female
troubles so that I suffered day and
night. A friend recommended Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
and it made me a well woman.' Mrs.
Alvena Sperling, H Langdon St.,
Chicago, 111.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from roots and herbs,
has proved to be the most successful
remedy for curing the worst forms of
female ills, including displacements,
inflammation, fibroid tumors, irregu
larities, periodic pains, backache, bear-ing-down
feeling, flatulency, indiges.
tion, and nervous prostration. It costs
but a trifle to try it, and the result
bas been worth millions to many
Buffering women.
Bride's Pie Joke
Her Richard! Why on earth are
Ton cutting voiir nln wffh n Vnlfn?
I -UIm T) .1 1 J J
1 I Jii 1
1 stand, I'm not finding any fault, for
' I; know that these little oversights
will occur because you forgot to give
1 me a can-opener. Cleveland Leader.
Throat Troubles Weaken the System.
A serious illness is often brought
n by a neglected sore throat.
' All throat troubles invariably weak
'' n the system and should' not be al-
lowed to go unchecked.
N A gargle made with twelve drops of
moan's Liniment in half a glass of
water will break up a sore throat.
Sloan's Liniment is an excellent
romedy for tonsilltis, croup, asthma
(and bronchitis. Applied freely to the
outside of the throat and chest, it
draws out the inflammation, reduces
the swelling and relieves any sore
Bess. Twelve drops of this Liniment
In half a glass of water makes a splen
did antiseptic gargle.
Mr. Albert W. Price of Fredonla,
Kans., writes: "We have used
CVt 1- T lf . 1- 1 1 .
muNi B uimiueub iu me mmiiy ior
about a year, and find it an excel
lent relief for colds and hay fever at
tacks. Two drops of the Liniment in
a teaspoonful of water will stop cough
ing and sneezing instantly."
Mr. L. T. Hurst of Coatesville, Ind.,
K. R. No. 1, writes: "I find your Lln
fanent the best remedy I have ever
tried for sore throat, either for horse
or man. I once cured a case of sore
throat on myself the second day and
almost the first night, which had con
tinued for over three weeks, under
eonctant treatment of three physi
cians (I was traveling) and it was get
tins worse."
For Culinary Purposes,
Shoe Dealer Here, are a pair of
boots that will suit you exactly in
your next dash for the pole. How
did you like that last pair I sold you?
Arctio Explorer (reminlscently)
.The best I ever tasted. Chicago
Don't Cough, Bnt Live Long.
If every cough were cured before it got a
strong hold, human life would be length
aned oy many years. If every coughing
offerer knew that Kemp's Balsam would
top the cough in a few minutes, he would
be glad to escape the serious consequences.
If any medicine will cure a cough, Kemp's
Balsam will do it. At druggists' and deal
ers, 25c.
Arguments for Peace.
Armaments designed to overwhelm
others are ruining ourselves. At the
present rate, the money-pinch will
goon make powerfully for internation
al peace, and some means of guar
anteeing it less costly and less futile
than armor plate and high explosives.
The moral and Christian arguments
for disarming are reinforced today
as never before by economic reasons.
Taxes may do what texts cannot.
New York Evening Post
Core the Kidneys and the Pain Win
Never Return.
Only one way to cure an aching
back. Cure the cause, the kidneys.
Thousands tell of
cures made by Doan's
Kidney Pills. John
C. Coleman, a prom
inent merchant of
Swainsboro, G a . ,
says: "For several
years my kidneys
were Effected and my
back ached day and
.night I was languid,
nervoitf' and lame in. the morning.
Doan's Kidney Pills helped' me right
way, and the great relief that foi
lowed has been permanent"
Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box.
Foater-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. TV
Bust on Machinery. '
Take one-half ounce of camphor,
dissolve in one pound of melted lard;
take fine black lead as will give it an
iron color. Clean the machinery and
smear with this mixture. After twenty-four
hours rub clean with a soft
linen cloth. It will keep clean for
months under ordinary circumstances.
Conts For Underbrush.
Farmers in the. vicinity of Law
renceburg, Ind., have found that a
herd of goats will clear the under
brush from a farm in a few months,
and do a good job at moderate cost.
For the last five years a herd of forty
goats- has been eating and working
there, and in that time the animals
have changed owners ten times.
Fruit Trees in Poultry Buns.
' .Fruit trees should he planted in the
poultry runs. Fowls take naturally
to the woods and brush, and find
there much Insect food that is good
for them and injurious to the trees.
Apple, mulberry, pear, plum and
cherry trees, if soil and location is
suitable, may be planted in the poul
try yard, and the profit from the
fruit should almost equal that from
the hens, thus giving best results
from the ground occupied. Farm
ers' Home Journal.
Will Stand Drought
The common name of this grass is smooth broome grass. It is a native
ot" Europe and Asia. From the fact that it Is said to have been introduced
into this country from Austria-Hungary, It Is often called Austrian or Hun
garian broome grass. It is easily distinguished from all other common
broome grasses by its smooth usually beardless glumes or chaff. The seed
should be sown in liberal quantities on well prepared ground. The forage
made by this grass is coarse, but it is of excellent quality. The grass seems
able to endure drought and also withstands considerable degrees ot cold.
Air-dried samples analyze about ten per cent, protein, which makes it ex
ceedingly valuable for feeding.
Advantages of the Silo.
The bIIo has opened advantages to
dairymen in other countries where
corn does not mature. In England,
where the conditions are unfavorable
for production of matured crops ot
corn, the farmers sow corn for fod
der, store fn the silo and then grow
a crop of turnips on the land from
which they took the fodder. The
same system can be practiced in this
country, but our farmers are too of
ten content with one crop, and thus
do not derive as much from the land
as Is possible to be obtained. The
land in England is high and farmers
pay hieh rents, but they do not hesi
tate to apply manures and fertilizers
liberally, because in that way only
can .they get large crops in return.
Farmers' Home Journal.
Thorough Tillage For Apples.
At Orchard Farm, at Ghent, N. Y.,
lying at the foothills of the Berk
shires, and in the valley of the Hud
sop, we are cultivating about 100
acres of apple orchards, and we have
tried and tested two systems, both
of which have their advocates one
of annual cultivation, or tillage of the
soil, and the other the soJ and mulch
method. While there are occasional
farms where the conditions are favor
able for growing apples on the sod
mulch plan, they are exceptions, and
as a method it is not to be generally
recommended or followed.
After several years of trial with
three different plots of trees, under
sod and mulch. In which we failed
to get either a -satisfactory growth
of trees or anything like a good 1
yield of fruit, we have thrown ou J
the plan and follow only that of high
culture. ' '
' From the time the trees are set we
keep the sod under regular annual
tillage from the early spring to July
1st to 15th.' This keeps the soil in
the best, possible condition for the
most perfect development of both
tree and fruit. The soil that Is best
suited to the growing of ' apples -of
the highest quality is a limestone,
with a combination of clay and loam.
In a soil of this character there Is a
large quantity of ' potential plant
food, and thorough tillage will liber
ate this in the right proportion to
meet the needs of trees and give them
not only rnpid but also the best pos
sible development. George T. Powell.
Water Power on the Farm.
' Most farmers seem to regard the
farm power house as pertaining to
the steam or gasoline engine, but for
the man who has a creek or small
overflowing stream on his place, what
Is better than water power?
It has one great advantage; the
first cost is practically the only cost.
Then why not, If you are so fortunate
as to have the water, build a small
power house at the side of the creek
and use the water power? It could
be used to advantage for pumping
and Severe Cold.
water for the stock, for running a
small electric dynamo to furnish light
for the house and barn, even (It you
have sufficient power) with the aid
of the electric cooking plates now to
be had at reasonable prices, for cook
ing. Then there is the sewing machine.
It requires a very small motor and
very little current to run this, so a
small dynamo will furnish power
through the day.
By the use of a little line Bhaftlng
the wheel may be used to run a feed
grinder, or a fanning mill, grindstone,
drill press, churn, sSparator, etc.
In case your well doesn't supply
plenty of water for stock, put in a
small tank pump, run the suction
pump with a strainer on the end, into
the creek below the wheel and pump
the creek water to your stock.
In case one puts in a pneumatio
pressure tank one may at a very
little more expense arrange it so as
to be self-regulating, giving a con
stant water pressure.
In regard to the wheel there are
several types., .Where there is suf
ficient fall, i.,thlnk perhaps the en
closed wheel Is best, or the water
turbine. However, the overshot
wheel will run with the least amount
of water.
The farmer who is fortunate
enough to have this cheap power will
find many uses to which it may be
put, and will find it saves time, work
and money. J. S. D., in the Indiana
Works at Hiogo have just complet
ed th first modern locomotive ever
built in Japan. ..,
k. JKa BSaSSail-zasB . s . II II I i suTiTaiBlliH ins -T. - Mi K .
Aff AT jlnY-TMlPvRDINSli
"saw saa . Ill
. Every Hi)me : 1
as. with Joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when In health and
how conducive to health the games In which they indulge, the outdoor life they
enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome
diet of which they should partake. " . How tenderly their health should be preserved,
not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an injuri
ous or objectionable nature, and if at any time a remedial agent is required, to assist
nature, only those of known excellence should be used;, remedies which are pure
and wholesome and truly beneficial In effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy,
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California, Fig Syrup Co.
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna has come into general favor in many millions of
well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and excellence is based upon .
personal knowledge and use. ' .
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna has also met with the approval of physicians gen
erally, because they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. We inform
all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of .Figs and Elixir of
Senna, obtained by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act
most beneficially, and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Cal
ifornian blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret
remedy, and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do
not approve of pa&ht medicines and never favor Indiscriminate self-medication.
Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna always has the full name of the. Company California Fig
Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in
bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent
size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not accept it.
If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects. Every family
should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial for the parents and
.the children, whenever a
Color more ooin brighter and fat.-r rolorn than any
can dye any gai-nicni without rlpplu ujwrt. Write
Itched and Scratched Until lllowl Rnn
150 Spent on Useless Treatments
Disease Seemed Incurable
Cured by C'utlciira for $1.50.
"When my little boy was two and a half
months old he broke out on both cheeks
with eczema. It wns the itchy, watery
kind and we had to keep his little hands
wrapped up nil the time, and if he would
happen to get them uncovered he would
claw his face till the blood streamed down
on his clothing. We called in a physician
at once, but he gave an ointment which
was so Bevcre that my babe would scream
when it was put on. We changed doctors
and medicines until we had spent fifty dol
lars or more and baby was netting worse.
I was so worn out watching and caring for
him night and day that I almost felt sure
the disease was incurable. Hut finally
reading of the, good results of the Cuticura
Remedies, I determined to try them. I can
truthfully say I was more than surprised,
for I bought only a dollnr and a half's
worth of the Cuticura Remedies (Cuticura
Soap, Ointment and Pills), and they did
more good than all my doctors' medicines
I had tried, and in fact entirely cured him.
His face is perfectly clear of the least spot
or scar of anything. Mrs. W. M. Comcrer,
Burnt Cabins, l'a., Sept. 15, 1008."
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props,
of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass.
"What's this survival of the Att
est?" "It's this way. Some wimmen git
through the winter In spue of their
open-work clothes." Louisville Courier-Journal.
' ' Rheumatism Cured tn a Day.
Dr.Detchon's Relief for Rheumatism radi
tallycuresinlto3dnys. its action is remark
ahle. it removes at once the cause and the
disease immediately disappears. First dose
greatly benefits. 75c. and $1. At druggists.
"Mebbe you'd like to put a piece
about me in yer paper," quavered the
old man, hobbling up to the city edi
tor's desk.
"What have you done?" demanded
the arbiter of publicity's destiny.
"Nothln' much, but 1 was a hundred
year old yesterday."
"A hundred, eh? But can you walk
without a stick, and read fine print
without glasses?"
"N no."
"You are an Impostor!"
The old man broke down and con
fessed that he was only 97. Cleve
land Leader.
"Ked, Wcak Weary.'Watery tys
Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy.
Compounded by Experienced Physicians.
Conforms to Pure l'ood and DruR Laws.
Muriue Doesn't Smart; Soothes bye Pain.
Him How does she manase to
keep her looks? '
Her Keep her looks? Why, she
can't get rid of 'em on she would, I
suppose. Cleveland Leader.
Do not force yourself to takn offensive
(and harmful) drags take (iarfle.ld Tea,
Nature's Herb laxative: it corrects consti
pation, purines the blood, brings Health I
. 1G
The 'North German Lloyd steamship
profits dropped so much .in 1908 as
to be only a little more than a quart
er Uiose of J907.
Itch enrsd in 30 minutes by Woolford's
Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggie ta,
There are more ban 2,000 distinct
operations in the work of assembling
a watcU.
". " !JJ!I!Zgggasi f
laxative remedy is required.
other dve. One n p-icfcajro eolom all fiber. They dye In cold water better than any nthc? dya. To
ior frro booklet How to itye, Ule.wu and MIX Colors. IHOMLOK UltUU CO., (Jnincy. Illinois
Ohio Professor Declares He Has Dis
covered Serum Which Will
Eradicate Suffering.
Columbus, O. William B. Morcy,
professor of bacteriology in Ohio
Slate university, announced that he
has conquered colds. After years ot
Investigation Prof. Morey says he has
discovered the cold bacillus and with
it a serum which, when Injected Into
a patient, will render the cold suffer
er forever immune.
The bacillus, Prof. Morey says, is
a germ that enters the nose. A cold
is never contracted from a draft or
wet feet, as has been supposed for
centuries, he announces. Prof. Morey
experimented on hi3 wife, who for
years had been seldom free from a
The serum is put into a culture
tube and cold bacillus propngated and
then reduced to the acrum that spells
Garfield Tea has brought good hnalth to
thousands I Unequalled for constipation,
liver and kidney diseases. Composed of
Herbs. Buy from your druggist.
The author Well, how did you like
my play?
The Critic Oh, It was very nice.
The Author Didn't you think the
church scene realistic
The Critic Intensely so. Why, a
great many of us actually went to
sleep while it was on. Cleveland
Leader. t
v Deafness Cannot Bj Cured
bylocal applications as theyennnot reach ths
aiseused portion of the ear. There is only on
way to cure deafness, and that is by consti
tutional remedies, iieafuoss is caused byan
Inflamed condition o! the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tulio. Wueu this tube is in
llumed yon have a rumbling sound orimper
fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed
Deuf ness is the result, and unless the inflam
mation can be taken out and this tube re
stored tojts normal condition, hearing will
bedestroya 1 foraver. Ninecases out of ten
are caused byratnvrh, which is nothingbntan
Inflamed condition of tho mncons surfaces.
We will gi ye One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Dea rness ( ou n sed by catarrh ) 1 1) at can
not be curodbyllall's (itaiTh Cure. Send for
circulars free. F.J.Chknky & Co.,Tolcdo.O.
Sold by Drnnfrists, 7flc.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
London Has Stopped Growing.
While the statistics ot New York's
growth continue to startle the world
London has stopped growing. .With
in the last seven years, the. annual
birth rate has dropped eight per cent,
the number of children In school has
declined about two per cent, and the
number of paurers in the city has In
creased 15 per cent. In the mean
lime, tho asfe.-scd valuation has d-'
vanced.ouly 17 per. cent, while the"-
debt. has Increased 110 per cent. "The
Worlds uork. , . 'r
Had No Fear,
Superintendent,' to applicant for
night watchman You're not afraid of
a little manual operation at night, are
you? , ;.
Applicant Phot's tfcot agin, sor? ;
Superintendent 1 asked, are iyqu
afraid of a little manual operation?'
Annllcant Ol .ain't nfinM tv. onnw
mon Uvln', be he ayther little or big,
or! .
Made of Steel
For Miners, Quarrymen, Farmen,
and All Men who do Rough Work.
Can be attached to your old hoet, and will
make them at sood ai new. You can buy
new ihoei fitted with them. They will nevet ,
wear out. Lighter than leather, easy to
attach. Any cobbler can put them on.
Write (or booklet that tells all about them.
A Ortnfn Onm for Frverlhnea
.nnrStipiiTioni iirannrnv
ea A rc h
1 r i r 3
.It up Cnlrff
Mnmarii i rnuni',
hlRortlprR. nd )
MnttW Apm VV'nrmi. Tbnrllrrnki
NnnwInOliild- In 3 hour. At nil Dru(rri"t, a6otfc
Mn'pt Horns, BaiBpio maiin run, a. Aiares.
Now York City. A. S. OLMSTED, Le Roy, N. Y-
TT "37 33 ID .
Yorniff mpo to lour n automubllo tjimnoM hj mill
Ami pri-pure for poHiilona an chninTcur and rcpafk
nifn. Wo make you expert In tun wcrkn. amIsH
you to MMTure position. H1 pay; work plnaMnb
demand for men graL; rojwonaiilo. Writ for pr
ttcularn and funnpln loanon. Kiii)lrf A itomobU
Institute, 418 Dnker llldn., llocheuter, hi. V.
Optometrists, 70S Penn Ave., Pgh.
will give you full value
for every doilar spent
and keep you dry in
the wettest wcaths
AJ.TOWER Co. Boston, u.a.
Tower Canadian 'Co. limited Toronto. Car
P. W. U. 17. 11MI
r. - r. , o
DROPSY117 mscoviiiYi
au. In) T Mla.alab Mil lO !. -' t
BfkH.IL U1U'S Hl.11, SW , Allot