The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 28, 1909, Image 1

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Eu modem schools and churches, pared
street, water, gas and electric accommoda
tions, conTenlent trolley serrlce, high and
healthful location, varied employment for
labor and manyoher residential advantages.
Offers exceptional advantages for 'Mi loca
tion of new Industries I Free factory sites,
cheap and abundant fuel, direct shipping
facilities and low freight rates and plentiful
supply of laborers. 1
Golden Anniversary Of Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Johnston's
Marriage Notable.
The golden wedding at the W. L.
Johnston home Is a thing of the pant.
It was good to be there. The festivities
of the occasion were a delight to all of
thd guests, and all went merry as a
marriage bell, although the weather
was disagreeably Inclement.
The four living sons, with their f am
nios, together with the family of one
deceased son, were chlrfly responsible
for the affair. Formal tnvlta' Ions were
Issued to the Immediate relatives tn
meet at the home on the fiftieth anni
versary, being April 21st, to Join with
the children In celebrating the occasion.
A royal feast was provided, at noon the
tables were spread, and until mldnigh t
the festal spirit held sway. At 3.00 p.
m. the Rev. T. Tl. Johnson, brother of
the bride, made a brief address, read
an original poem and fitting passages of
scripture, offered prayer and maue for
mal presentation of the gifts, which
consisted of several gold coins, and
many valuable articles In gold, silver,
'glass, HneB and furniture. The friendly
greetings and congratulations, In per
son and by letter, were indeed most
The descendants of this, happy, long
lived couple are, four sons living, name
ly: Emmet P. Johnston, who, wl'h a
fine large family, resides on a farm near
Corsica, In Clarion county; Edward
Leason and Otis Howard, with their
families, residing la Reynoldsville;
Thomas Grant, deceased, whose fami'y
reside at Waterson, Clarion county;
Robert Linn, with his wife, residing In
Akron, Ohio.
There are 23 living grandchildren,
and . one great-grandchild, a loyely
golden-headed boy, son of Hugh and
Gertrude Hindman, of Corsica, Pa.
It is worthy of note that Mr, John
ston's twin sister, Mrs. Margaret Hen
ry, wife of John D. Henry, of Leather
wood, was present; her husband also.
They are aged 79 years and have been
married 54 years. William L. Johnston
and Sarah E. Jobnsou were married at
Leatherwood, Clarion county, Pa.,
April 21st, 1859, the Rev. Joseph Ma
teer, their pastor of Leatherwood Pres
byterian church, officiating.
The following original poem was read
on this occasion by Rev. T. R. Johnson,
of Edgington, Illinois:
Honorable Is marriage! the saying Is quite
The relation, too, Is ancient, we are told
In the book that lull" the truth.
Human history begins when the man is all
When creations work Is almost done.
Vet the man has no companion.
He named all creatures to blm brought;
He found them mated no one sought
In vuln Its kindred mute. v
The maker saw that all was good,
Yesl even man, although he stood,
'Mid other creatures, all alone.
And so God, wisely, thon did plan '
To make a helpmeet for the man,
Whose love should be his Joy.
This gracious Dlan when carried out,
Relieved the man of every doubt
Concerning single blessedness.
A hand divine, a heart of love,
Did wisdom and affection prove.
By giving man a wlf.
He saw her face with brimming heart,
.And aid, "Bone of my bone, my better part,
1 She shall be called woman."
NcMoubt cculd be that be was mated;
One fiesl are they: the union consummated
Is ratified in heaven.
Tls don by Him wni. from above, '
Constitutes them one, in love,
And places them In fiden.
One man, one woman, constitute the tie
Of marriage, binding till they die,
And sacred as their life.
In love united they shall live
And heaven's blessing shall receive,
While walking hand In hand.
Used by courtesy of the Pittsburgh Gazette Times.
The years roll on, love's bell's do chime,
And lovers form a wondrous line
Of candidates for marriage.
Not all are Joined Just like the first,
With nowron. thing at heart to burst
The :,onds, make void the tin.
Those marking well the path they trend,.
Devoting heart and also head
To matters so liiioniint.
Do not mistake the marriage tie,
Nor make lis vows a covert lie,
When they Join hands anil promise
Through all their years to live In love,
And confidence and trust well prove,
By cleaving to each other.
Now time has brought us on our way
To the Golden Annlversa y day
Of two lives joined in one.
'TIs fifty years, l lie record snllh,
Since they Joined hands ai d said, 'Til death
We'll walk together,
In loyaltv and hv , as lawsreoulre,
To usefulness and happiness will we aspire,
Hathor than to wealth and fume.
Thus on life's Journey Ihey set out;
In neither heart was there a doubt
That And, and love, had marie them one.
The years bear witness and recite
Borne fncts to prove that they were right
In choosing each the other.
No bickerings, or unhallowed strife,
Have msrreil, embittered, sniled their life.
Rut loyaliv and love have blessed.
Through all life's changes, duties, trials,
'Mid losses, croso-, self-denials,
To vows they have been true.
Clime sickness, disappointment, loss;
They mutually did bear the cross,
In hope of hotter days.
Friends and children come this day
To do them honor and to pray
That their last days may be their boat.
'Tis evening now, their sun is In the west;
By grace their tinl'in still Is blest;
Bright stars are tn their sky.
The morning cometh sure, ere long,
When they will Join a happior throng,
Where love reigns pure forever.
To-day their friends and children come
To hall them in their long-time home
With Joyous gratulations.
With joyful greetings, and good cheer,
Make glad this day which crowns the year,
That rounds up half a century.
To-day is their glad jubilee.
And all their friends rejoice to see
How well preserved tbey are.
To celebrate the day gives pleasure
To all who wish to see life's moasure
With precious ingots filled.
And all with one accord do say:
Come many blessings on this day,
This golden anniversary.
Sale Still Going On
Spring Stocks Will be Sacrificed at Same Low Prices
4 Come see oar new SHIRT WAISTS
Come in and see our new. SUITS.
Come in and see our new HATS.
Come in and see our new SKIRTS.
'Also an up-to-date line of Men's, Women's and Children's SHOES,
and large stocks of all kinds of DRESS GOODS the latest styles
and best qualities in all shades. Go to Horwitz's, the Store that
always saves you money.
Therefore if yoa wish to save your money, call at Horwitz's before
you go elsewhere. No doubt you already know we carry a com
plete line of Men's, Women's and Children's Furnishings. Remem
ber thejrtore-r- ,
Opera House Building, Main Street, (Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania.
i ' S
Pittsburg Business Men J Will
Make Their Annual Tour
Latter Part of May.
Theodore Lampert, ot the publicity
department of the Chamber of Com
merce of Pittsburgh, was in Reynolds
ville 'last Friday, He was making a
tour of the towns and cities to be
visited by the Pittsburgh trade boom
ers next month. Tbey will reach
Reynoldsville during the fo'onoon of
Friday, May 28th, probably at 10.55,
and romaln about one hour. There
will be about 100 in the party. A
special train of Pullmans and diners
will take them to twenty-two places,
nineteen in Pennsylvania, and three
in New York.
The visitors will be made up of
wholesalers, manufacturers and job
bers. The object of the visits Is not
to sell goods, but to get better ac
quainted with old customers and pros
pective new ones. On May 3, 1905,
the same business men passed through
Reynoldsville, and it will be remem
bered that the' call was fraught with
good feeling and good fellowship.
Mayor J. D. Williams has recolved
an oftloial notification from the Pitts
burgh Chamber of Commerce of the
proposed visit. All business men of
Reynolds villo, whether members or not,
are requested to oome out to the meet
ing of the Business Men's Association
next Tuesday night, May 4th, to con
sider how to make this visit accom
plish the most good for Reynoldsville
business interests.
Don't fail to see the dollar window at
Cunningham's Jewelry store.
The Woodwork Supply Co.
We are still in the business and de
termined to keep the business at home
if service and prices are an object to
you. We haye a stock of building ma
terials, mob. as Flooring, Siding, Bill
Stuff, Roofing, Lime, Sand, Wall Plas
ter, Plaster Board, Portland Cement,
Fanoy Front Doors, Sash and Glass of
great variety. ' Mill work of every
description. Anything made to your
order, just as you want it. Call and tee
ua before going out of town and) we will
quote you on anything In our line. It
not In stock will get It for you at a small
The Woodwork Supply Co.
Foot op Fourth St.
Mothers' Day, Second Sundsy In May,
The white carnation-Hhe emblem of
purity, grace and dignity will be worn
by thousands on the second Sunday In
May, "Mothers' Day." The Grand
Army nf the Republic, In accordance
with orders Issued by the Commander-in-Chief,
Henry M. Nevlns, will join
in the observation of the day this year.
The order reads as follows:
Comrades: "There Is no class of men
living whose mothers were as patrlotlo,
loyal and herolo as your mothers from
'01 to '05. No mothers ever made such
saorlOces as your mothers did, and the
commander-in-chief requests you, on
the second Sunday In May, to wear on
your coat a white carnation to honor
the memory of your mother, If de
ceased, or in reveranoe for her if she
is living."
The Sons of Veterans, Instructions
having been Issued by the commander-in-chiof,
Edgar Allen, Jr , will add Itg
observance to that of their fathers. In
prisons, asylums, hospitals and ohurohes
the little carnation will be distributed
with tbelr message ot goodness and
Patent leather, one strap pumps, a
fine fitter. Price 13 00. Adam's.
White goods this will be aijCier
white goods summer. We have a fine
line, 10c to $1.00 a yard. GUlesples.
Want Column.
Rates! One cent per word for each and
For Sales Bargain; phonograph
cabinet: hundred records; two horoB;
come and hear It; outfit cost 1115. At
Frank Hartle's, Reynoldsville.
Lost Oval gold brooch, opal setting,
In Assembly hall or on Grant street.
Howard for return to Peoples National
, For Sale Pure bred Barred Plym
outh Rock eggB for hatching. 50o for
thirteen. W.C Honry.
FOR SALE Twenty-three ewes and
twenty-Beven lambs. Good stock. J.
R. Uillls, Reynoldsville, Pa.
For Sale Twenty acres land. In
quire Star or address T. S. Hollen
baugb, Reynoldsville.
FOR Sale Small porch. Inquire of
The Star.
V For Rent Six room house on Jack
son street. Jessie Smoltzer.
Wanted A few tons of bailed hay.
Robinson & Mundorff.
For Sale Seven fine puppies; bred
between blooded Beagle and Dasb; tl.00
each. Frank Hartlo, Reynoldsville,
For Sale Few settings of eggs from
full blooded Plymouth Rock and Whit
Leghorns; 60 cents a setting. J.Whit
more, Reynoldsville.
FOR Sale Good second-hand baby
carriage; will be sold cheap. J. R, Hll
tls&Co. For Rent Eight room house on
Hill street; bath. Inquire Of Mrs.
Julia Nea'e.
For Sale Two three year colts. F.
E. Bussard, R. F. D. No. 1.
Wanted To buy a good medium
eized second hand roll or flat top desk.
Inquire at The Star office.
For Rent One seven room house
Including bath room on Grant street;
also six room house on Mable street.
M. M. Fisher.
The Worst Cases of Rheu
matism Yield to UricO.
Sudden Deaths, Heart Failure and
Paralysis are Caused by Poisonous
Uric and Rheumatic Acids.
The following letter from a resident
of Oil City, Pa., tells how after many
years of suffering from muscular rheu
matism, a oure was found in Smith's
prescription Urio-O. Wants all per;
sons suffering with -rheumatism to
know what Urlc-O will do, and writes
as follows: '
I have been afllcted with muscular
rheumatism for the past fifteen years,
and first heard of Urio-0 thrdugh our
local paper. I at once sent to the Koos
pharmacy for the medlolne, and have
taken four or five large bottles and find
that I am now entirely cured, I am
past seventy years ot age, but I can
now get about the house as spry as
any of my children. I cheerfully
recommend Urlc-0 to any one suffer
ing with any form of rheumatism,
Mn. S. M. Iryin.
Urio-O is sold and recommended by
Stoke & Feloht and by druggists every
where at 75o and 11.00 the bottle.
Tbey will furnish sample! and liter
atura upon request or same) can be
obtained. b writing to the Smith Drug
Co.,. 110 8mlth Bldg., Syracuse, N. T.
Its A Top Notch Doer.
Great deeds compel regard. The
world crowns Its doers. That's why
the American people have orowned Dr.
King's New Discovery the King of
Throat and Lung remedies. Every
atom Is a health force. It kills germs,
colds and la grippe vanish. It heals
cough-raked membranes and coughing
stops. Sore, Inflamed bronchial tubes
and lungs are cured and hemorrhages
cease. Dr. George More, Blaok Jack,
N. C, writes: "It cured me of luDg
trouble, pronounced hopeless by all
doctor." 50o and tl.00. Trial bottle
free. Guaranteed by H. L. McEntlre.
' r
Your baby would look to cute for
anything In a handsome auto go-cart
the new 1000 style. Nd one carries the
stock but C. R. Hall.
We guarantee our seed in be free
from weeds. Reynoldsville Hardware
Ait wnm
' 1
CLOTHES made of pui
V-4 all-wool fabrics hold
their 6hape best, wear long
est and, with one exception, cosl
That one exception is CLOTH-
CRAFT the only clothes
America guaranteed pure,
wool throughout and sold
$10.00 to $25.00. ;
OOME men willingly pay high prices simply to get
J all wool, because they know Its true value. In t.
CLOTHCRAFT CLOTHES, lor men and young men,
the high standard ot the all-wool fabrio is main
taincd in every other feature of the garment
in Style, fit, linings and work-
Bing-Stoke Co.
1 ha v e the
for the famous
If you are thinking of buying write to me or call me up on the Paradise telephone and
I will call on you with the new 1! 09 moduli lean rj l-U-.i,.,, i n
also 6x up your broken bicycle or motorcycle. c" JOiinSlOn, Kaifimei, ra.
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus
John H. Zauohib, Pres.
John H. Kaucher
Henry O. Delble
J. O. Kiso, Vlue-Pres. K. C. Schdckirs, Cashier
J. 0. King Daniel Nolan
J. B. Hammond
John H. Corbett
B. H. Wilson
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
The Peoples National Bank
Capital and" Surplus r
Resources $500,000.00.
Foreign Exchange Sold,
Interest paid semi-annually
on Savings jAccounts, hav
ing liberal deposit and with,
drawal privileges.
Liberal treatment and ev
ery courtesy extended con
sistent with sound banking.
Open Saturday Evenings.
pHiii ii A