Auditors'." Statement Of the Finances of ReynolJsville Borough for the Year Ending March 1, 1901). Jolm Kowtoit, ex-Poor Overseer, In account with the HnrotiRli of Uey nnliiHvllle. 1'a.. for the year ending Marih 1, 190!t. DR. To nmt.' balance In hands of John Howlett, Mar. 7, 1904 155.61 CK. By Anit. balanre In hnndn of John Hnwlott $58.64 Win. 'plnir, Tax Collector, In acct. with the borough of Heynoldsvlllo, Pa., for tin- year endlnir March 1, 1909. HoroiiKli Account. Dlt. To nmt. due from (Win. Cop ping, lnHt fell lenient ....(2,290.92 To ami. duplicate 4,359.69 To nmt. f per cent, addition 0.1 1,D26.B1 76.34 Total ' $6,728.95 on. By Bint, sealed tax returned $ 8.51 Hy umt. exonerations 33.08 By nmt. 5 rebate on 12,- 370.91 118.55 By nmt. 2 collector's per cent, on 12,252.86 45.05 By nmt 6 collector's per cent, on $420.38 21.03 By amt. 5 collector's per cent, on 11,60.1.15 80.1 By amt. Treasurer's receipts 3,983.96 By nmt. due from Wm. Cop ping, collector -. . . 2,436.62 Total $6,726.95 Ilond Account DH. To nmt. due from Wm. Cop- plnp,, last nettlcment $106.20 To nmt. Puplicnte 468.61 To nmt. 6 addition on $161.88 8.09 $582.80 CR. By amt. seated tax returned. $ 95 By amt. exonerations 8.29 By nmt. 5 rebate on $257.49 12.87 By amt. 3 collectors percent on $244.62 7.34 By amt. 6 collector's per cent, on $44.90 2.25 By amt: 5 per cent, collector's per cent, on $169.97 8.60 By nmt. Treasurer's receipt. . 426.18 By amt. due from Wm. Cop ping, collector 121.42 $582.80 ' KlnklnK Fund Account. DR. To am.t duo from Wm. Cop ping, lant settlement t 310.08 To nmt. duplicate 1,397.89 To amt.. 5 addition on $451.61 22.68 $1,730.05 CR. By amt. seated tax returned.! 2.84 By amt. exonerations , 9.08 By amt. 5 rebate on $775- .29 V 88.78 Tj .;v.t. 2 collector's per cent, on $730.53 14.73 By nmt. 6 collector's per cent, on $158.57 7.93 By amt. 5 collector's per cent, on $474.19 23.71 By amt. Treasurer's receipts 1,121.84 By amt. due from Wm. Cop- r. 1 n tr tn ..... R11.1A $1,730.05 Water Account mi To amt. due from Wm. "Cop ping, last settlement $150.49 To nmt. duplicate 928.44 T- amt. 5 addltli.n on on ''13.30 1B.67 1,0 940 CR. By am't seated tax returned I 89 B-" amt. exonerations 6.07 By amt. 5 rebate on $510- .63 25.53 By amt. 3 collector's per cent, on $485.00 14.6S By amt. 5 collector's per cent, on $94.65 4.83 By amt. 6 collector's per cent, on $328.97 . . . 16.45 By amt. Treasurer's receipts 702.60 amt. due from Wm. Cop ping, collector .......... 322.78 $1,094.60 Iifrht Aoi mi't . . - . DR. To amt.- due frv VVm.'Cop- plng last settlcrornt. f 80248 To amount duplicate..... . ....... 3,250 84 lo Any.. i addition;, on. on $1,135.22 - ' 56.76 84.109 58 !-R. By f 1 1 tax return ed 14.83 By amt. exonerations ..... ' 20.30 By amt. 5 rebate on $1,- 740.80 87.04 By amt. 2 collector's per cent, on $1,658.76 33.08 By nmt. 6 collector's per cent on $339.69 . 16.98 Ey amt. 5 collector's per cent, on $1,191.98 69.60 By amt. Treasurer's receipts 2 533.45 By nmt. due from Wm. Cop ping, collector 1,344.80 14,109 6k Poii. e Account Tji. . To amount doe from Wm. Coo- plnK last settlement $ 4 75 72 To amount duplicate 1,56 9 49 To amt. 5 addition on $492.64 24.63 $2,069.84 CR. By amt. seated tax returned.! ' 7.19 By amt exonerations ...... 10.60 By amt. 6 rebate on $910- .83 .i.Y 46.54 By amt. 2 collector's per cent, on $865.29 17.30 By . amt. 6 collector's per cent on $148.31 ........ 7.42 By amt. 5 collector's per cent, on $617.27 26.8 By amt. Treasurer's receipts 1,834.85 . By amt flue from Wm. Cop ping, collector 621.18 $2,069.81 Total Taxes outstanding for year 1908 $697.82 Total taxes outstanding for year 1907 1,406.(7 John IT. Kaaciier, Treasurer. In ac count with the borough of Reynolds Tllle, Pa,, for the year ending March 1. 1909. , Borcssgti Account DR.. Ts amt due from John H. Kaucher, last settlement..) 629.12 To amt. received front Co, Treasurer, license - 720.80 To nrtr recetrea' from-etaW" - ' Treasurer, Insurance . 97.26 To nmt. received from CeK tlllcate of Indebtedness. . . . 1,200.00 To amt. received from Smith McCrelght, Bd-gess ' 190.25 To ntnt. received frm C. W. Flynn, solicitor, Ht. Paving 142.07 To nmt. received from Co. Commissioners, rent elec tion House 40.00 To amt. received from Co. Treasurer, collections .... 110.98 To amt. received from paving BKflcsHmentH 757.71 To nmt. recelevd from C. W. Flynn, sewer connections.. 40.00 To amt. received from C, W. Flynn, sewer Inspector fees 2.60 To amt. received from Wm. Copping, tax collector ... 3,983.96 $7,813.84 CR. Py nmt. vouchers redeemed . $5,083.97 I'y amt. due from John H. K.iueher, Treas 2,729.87 $7,813.84 Hi Hid Account DR. ' -e.. ..... ......'.i rrt.. J " luiri, ii-. v, i , on, .till, v u(- plnir, tux collector $4 Trt n,,l ff,m rS, Tp,.(in. 26.18 12.33 24.21 2.40 u rer '.' To nmt. iec'l from' accrued Int. on bonds sold To amt. ree'd from State tax collected $465.12 OR. Hy amt. due John II. Kaucii- itl lnut altlmnnf till KB By amt. Interest bond coupons 160.00 ny ami. pniti funic I reaaurer, 4 mill tax ,. 40.00 Hy nmt. Vouchers redeemed.. 80.00 Hy nmt. due from John II. Kaucher, Trens. .. 120.54 $465.12 Sinking I'iiihI Account DR. To amt. lun from John II. Kaucher, Inst settlement. . $ 207.60 To nmt. ree'd from Wm. Cop ping, tnx collector 1,121.84 To nmt. ree'd from Co. Treas urer 36.99 $1,366.43 CR. Hy amt. Interest bond cou pons $ 334.00 Hy amt. Vouchers redeemed 1,000.00 Hy nmt. due from John II. Kaucher, Trens 32.43 $1,366.43 Water Account DR. To amt. due from John H. Kaucher, Inst settlement. .$ .. 4.28 To amt. ree'd from Wm. Cop ping, tax collector 702.60 To amt. ree'd from Co. Treas urer 24.66 Hy amt. duo John H, Kauch er, Treas. 03.68 $826.00 CR. Hy amt. vouchers redeemed. $825.00 $825.00 Light Account DR. To Am't ,duo from John II. Kaucher, last settlement. .$ 180.85 To amt. ree'd from Wm. Copping, tax collector. , . . 2,533.45 To amt. received from Co. Treasurer 86.32 $2,800.62 CR. Ry amt. vouchers redeemed . $2,215.69 Hy amt. due from John H. Kaucher, Treas 584.93 $2,800.62 Police Account DR. To amt. ree'd from Wm. Cop ping, tax collector $1,834.85 To amt. ree'd from Co. Treasurer 43.16 Py amt. due John II. Vn er, Treas 3 78 45 $1,756 46 i. ... f'y am;, due John I'.. Haul er, last (-,iie:il 190.05 By amt. vouchers redeemed 1,566.41 $1,766.46 Street Paving Account DR. To am't ree'd ri m sale "-inn's $9,600.00 CR. Ry amt vouchc m. $8.798. 73 By amt. du from J.i Kaucher, 1 101.27 $9,600.00 onilth M. McCrelght, Burgess. In ac count with ihebroough of Reynolds ville. Pa., . - the year ending March 1, 19CS. DR. T': d'n't received from fines, 'licenses, &c 1222.00 CR. By amt. Treasurer's receipt. .J190. 25 By amt. due from Smith M. McCrelght, Burgess 31.75 $222.00 Itemized Statement of Expenses of the Borough of Reynoldsvllle, Pa., ."or the year ending March 1, 1909. East Main Street Paving Johnson & Hastings .$4,538.1 J. O. Sheatz, State Treas..... 4,008.7;.' Total engineering 110.00 a. W. Kline, Street Commls- sioner '' 103.50 Other leb ir 84.75 '.irdon, validity of .mii itue 20.00 Printing acct., paving 17.25 .$8,882.72 Day's Labor on Streets . G. W. Kline, Street Commis sioner ) 371.78 Albert Gtong, 6th St curb . . 117.00 Other labor on streets 812.23 Other labor on sewers ..... . 144.92 Team work, Including cleaning its. 8 0 7 80 $1,253.72 Expenses of Fire Co. " Cleaning Fire Apparatus . ..$ 6.50 Mittens for Fire Co 8.00 State Relief Fund, 8 years. . 22.61 Appropriation for Fire Co. .. 28.00 E. C. Burns, hauling fire ap paratus .72.65 $131.66 Hardware, Lumber, Bricks, Ac. Keystone Hardware Co.' ....2212.70 Reynoldsvllle Hardware Co... 277.85 Reynoldsvllle Lumber Co..... 80.86 Reynoldsvllle Brick ft'Tile Co. 824.89 Jos. Spears, sewer pipe . . ., 4.80 Lucas & Delble, plumbing. . . 4.89 H. A. Swab, . repairing hose house ...j 1.71 A. M. Myers, chain, Ac. . . . . .' .. 1.20 H. C. JBarto, electrical fixtures 1.25 J. & H. C. Delble, repairing, &c 16.71 Herpel Brer flrcirtflstley fter." .I7 PORTLAND, MAINE, CHILD HI, Weak and Emaciated, Re stored to Health by Vinol "Our little daughter, six years of age, after a severe attack of the measles, which developed into pneumonia, was lett pitifully thin, weak and emaciat ed. She had no appetite, and her stom ach was so weak it could not retain food. She lay in ithls condition for weeks, and nothing the doctor pre scribed did a bit of good, and we wers beginning to think she would never re cover. "At this time we commenced to give her Vinol, and the effect was marvel ous. The doctor was amazed at her progress, and when we told him we were giving her Vinol, he replied, 'It is a fine remedy, keep it up.' We did so, and she recovered her health and strength months before the doctor thought she could." J. W. Flttgg, Portland, Me. ' Vinol cures conditions like this be cause in a natural mnnner It Increases the appetite, tones up the digestive organs, makes rich, red blood, and strengthens every organ in the body. Stoke & Feicht Drug Company Rcynoldsvillc, Pa. Samuel Sutter, blncksmlthlng. 7.15 $978.95 l'ollco I'.'xiM'iises F. P. Adclsperger, Chief ..$ 864.72 W. P. Dickey, Patrolman . . 708.89 Kxpenses of prisoners 6.80 $1,667.41 Clerk, Priming, Ac. C. W. Flynn, sulary, rent, gas &c, 2 years' salary solicitor $348.89 W, C. Klliott, printing 73.70 C. A. Stephenson, printing .. 35.15 ('. J. Uangert 16.00 Auditing Horough Acc'ts 31.00 C. C. (llbson, making Dup. and assessing dogs 27.50 $532.24 Knglneei lug John tlllrst (leo. Melllnger Cll .$ 13.00 . 229.82 $242.82 Sundries Tteynolilsvlllo Light & Power Co., light $2,215.69 RcvnnldHvllln Water Co., water 825.00 Insurance 12.00 lionrd of Health 77.05 M. M. Fisher, rent 30.00 J: H. Corbett, rent ;.. 117.00 Freight and draynge 18.67 J. H. Menns, recorder 6.76 C. H. Ulood, clerk of courts 24.00 Martha Wlhltaker, property damage 50.00 E. C. Hums, costs property damage 191.70 Jennie K. Shaffer, property lamage 153.25 Lena Dinger, costs, proper ty dnmugo 35.25 M. M. Davis, legal service In above rases 165.00 I. I). Kelts, photographer for court trials 5.00 $3,925.26 Itcilcniptioii of Itoiids First Nnt'l Hank, 10 bonds ..$1,000.00 Certificate of Indebtedness.. 1,000.00 Interest n Honda 66.00 State Tax on bonds 40.00 Coupons Redeemed' 404.00 $2,689.00 Summary Expensed Kiist Main Street paving ...$ 8. '' Days labor on streets ... 1 '" Expense of Fire Company.. ISI.i'.' Hardware, lumber, brl'k. . " Police expense 1 ' ' Clerk, nrinting e 533. " Engineering 242 82 Sundries 3,925.26 Rc-demptlo- ! mdg : 2,589.00 $20,053.80 Flnniiclnt Statement of the Borough of Reynoldsvllle, Pa., for the year ending March 1, 1909. Resources To am't due from John H. Itowlett ex-Poor Overseer $ 55.64 To amt. due from Wm. Cop ping, tax collector, Boro Acct 2,436.62 IV amt. due from Wm. Copping, tax collector. Bond Acct 121.42 To amt. due from Wm, Copping, tax collector, Sinking Fund Acct 611.16 To amt. dwe from Wm. Cop ping, tax collector. Wat er acct 322.78 To amt. due from Wm. Cop ping, tax collector, light account 1,344.80 To amt. due from Wm. Cop ping, tax collector, po lice account 521.18 To amt. due from John H. Kaucher, Treas., Boro ac count 2,729.87 To nmt. due from John H. Kaucher, Treas., Bond account . 120.64 To amt. due from John H. Kaucher, Treasurer, Sink ing F. acct 82.43 To amt. due from John H. . ' Kaucher, Treas., light ac count 584.93 To amt. due from John H. Kaucher. Trens., Street paving account 701.2.' To amt. due from Angii Warnlch. iki'h f -r tueet paving . To amt. din 'rem -STFet paving assessment 6 97 28 To amt due from Smith M. McCrelght, burgess 81.75 By amt. of Indebtedness Reynoldsvllle Borough .. 8.988.62 $19,400.19 Liabilities - By amt. of Certificates of Indebtedness oustandlng.8 1,200.00 By amt. of Borough Bonds outstanding 1,025.66 By amt. of Street Paving Bonds outstanding . (,600.00 By amt. of Overdraft, water acct 83.65 By amt. of overdraft, po lice account 378.45 By amt of orders outstand ing 192.62 $19,400.19 ' The above account audited this 16th day of March, 1909, and found to be correct. - ' D. H. BREAKBT, K. C. BCHUCKERS, W. H. MOORE, ' Auditors. WINDSOR HOTEL W. T. Brubaker. Mgr. Midway between Broad St. Station and ReadlDg Terminal on Vtlbert st. . ,.. European It.m per day sad ud. . , American K.SO per dar and UD'. ' i The only moderate priced hotel of rep 1 ,.... utatlon and nonsequencela . 1 PHILOrLPHI . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 'ropeny Change in J IT raon County Pui Up m Rccor.l ' Vlnrtha Stranir in MarKwot Strantr, r 2 anros In Washlniri.on township, 1.00. Ootnber31 11)01) H. C. Murli to John F. Dinger, for inn bltfhtb acre In SummnrvlllH, (400. Deoember 20. 1908 Point VImw Lmd Company to Nlok Marlnaro, fer lots In Wlnalow town ship, 1400. March 2. 1009. . B. W. Yohe to Rimer Yohn. for 28 aoreg 68 perches in vVlnslow township, 9100 March 2, 1 BOO. Jacob Yobs to B W. Y.ihn, for 2S acres 50 perches In vVlnslow township, J.IIK). January 10. I!)0!) William F flitll to It W. Miirkln, for lot In Urookvlll.3, $;;l). Mureh 0. I!H)il . John W. Sneddon to ,Iam)H Giddlns, for Int. In Falls Onek, $1,400. March 8, 1!)0!I J. F. Murkle to DiUy Hlauh i B ir. kett, for lot In Siimiii.irvlllc, $71)0. March 10. 1001) D. W. Morrison to I'lit-ilua Coal Co., 10 12 acres In Wluulow, Sl.niH). A. G. Olsen and w.ta to D. W, Morrison, 10 l-'J acres In Wluslow, 1,500 William Haas et al , to Kinma Cable, lot In MoCalmont; $100. J. 3. Calhoun and wlfj to L P. flat rick, 54 acres In Washington; $4,000. Night on Bald Mountain. On a lonely night Alex Benton of Fort Edward, N. Y., climbed Bald mountain to thu home Of a noigbbor, tortured by asthma, bent on curing him with Dr. King's New Discovery, tbat bad cured himself of asthma. This wonderful medicine soon relieved and quickly cured his neighbor. Later It cured his son's wlfo of a sevoro lung trouble. Millions belle vo its the great est throat and lung cure on earth. Coughs, colds, croup, hemorrhages and sore lungs are surely cured by it. Bust for bay fever, grip and whooplng'oough. 50o and $1.00. Guaranteed by II. L. McEntlre., Ilugs I) x 12 from $10 00 to $.10.00. Tho blggtst nicest line we ever had In Kurdistan, Shirsz, Axmlnster and tapostry. Wo want to show them to you. C. U. Hall Gut a pair of Cravonette shoes at Adams. CAUSES DEBILITY Mere Are Facts Backed Up By a Strong; Guarantee Debility is caused by catarrh. In our opinion, a person free from Catarrh was never troubled with Debility, Debility can never be cured by medicine not designed to cure Catarrh. We positively guarantee to cure Catarrh, and thus cure Debility. In every case where we fail to effect a cure. w will not charge a cent for the medicine employed during the trial. Now, surely no one should hesitate to believe ua or to ! put our claim to a practical test under such conditions. We take all the, J no one else can lose anything by the transaction. We make these statements and this ffer because we know and have time and again proved that Rexall Mucu-Tone will cure Catarrh. It is designed for that one particular purpose. It is not a cure-all prescribed lo cure every disease that flesh is heit tow It is a specific. Rexall Mucu Tone is absorbed in the stomach and carried by the blood until it penetrates everypart of the body, acting a an anti septic,, disinfecting, cleansing, soothing and healing agent. It rids the system of II germ and poisonous matter, purifies and enriches the blood, rebuilds injured tissues, cleanses and invigorates the muco cele neutralizes the acids of the body, stops mucus discharge, tones op the entire system, promotes nutrition, increases body weight, and brings about a feeling of health fulness that is lasting. We have Rexall Mucu-Tone in two sizes. Prices 50c. and $ 1 .00. We urge yor to try a bottle on our guarantee. Stoke & Fuicht Drug Company Store, Reynoldvi.'.e, Pa. ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY BOLGER, THxi TAILOR i will ba pleased to have you call and inspect my spring styles. Shop on Fourth Street LINGENFELTER BROS. Up - to - bate Photographers Corner of Main and Fifth Streets REYNOLDSVILLE . . PENN'A BOOT And SHOE REPAIRING First-Class Handwork and . Reasonable Prices. fl. KoslnsklwWMain St, fJTJGHES & FLEMING. FUNEBAL DIRECTORS. Main Street. ReynoldBvllle, Pa. Garment Dyeing and Cleaning By James Pontefract " West Reynoldsvllle, Penn'a-; Opposite P. B. B. Freight Depot. AUDITORS' STATEMENT OF THE FINANCES OF WINSMJW TOWN 11 SHIP FOll THK YEAR ELDING M AHOH TH, 11MHI. Am't of diiiillcate due at Inxt nuimiient il,WM 2S Am't work road duplicate '. for Itnw . 2,718 21 Am't cash toad duplicate for llliiH . . . , ' . 1.M2 42 tMsm work road tax collect- ' ed at M rebate..'. . 22 03 - tm.M collwted at 2 com . . -. 6 04 ukhIi rniiU collected . ' at fi ri-haMi 57 9H- 9I.I11I uncollected Hi 2 com 22 b IH 2H work roitd tax collncl- ' ed at face 1 91 112.1 711 cash road collected at face 0 1" Now i.inil oriliirx lifted H.2II1 al Old onlerM llfHMl mm Work roail returned for IWI7 M OH 1'itsl Ill7 17 (HI Work n mil tetiiini'd for W 411 m t'UMh ioihI returned IWJH IS 17 Hy iim'tclil.HNH' labor.. . I.IIIA 2ft ' work road turned over to O11I. Mioiino No vember i, IIHIH l.Otll till Am i mc'il f in Kx-'l'riiiw ... 1W) W) Am't , received fur uxe or the election IliltlhU K (H) Am't ree'd fin . I. M. NorrK Wl Enoiiniiitliinii for ltxr7 re- celllK pnilllice't 9 111 ExniieriitliiiiH for HHItt on work road 119 03 Exonei ut. oim for tIKM on nHhrouil HIM 90 Double cliitiKRiiii iliipllcate on work mail for IINM.... M 111) Uiish mini imiH .. 2' 04 Hal. of oilier with fi'M cum.. ftl 4.1 ' 911,740 III ll,IIO0 7H Anioiintiif ItoKd Improve- nieiil, iluiilh'Hte 11,7111211 iri) HH mini imuruvemuiit IW, rebitH iW OS 741 IKIcol.iitM com 14 14 7(1 IH col. at face t coin. .. I Kl Keliinmil roinl imiii. In (In. 24 H2 Kxoneriitl'iMsnii mad Imp.. Kl H:i Double churite on diipllcitte 21 Kl sfl.uu oo v:m w lil.HII AO Balance In treasury I,4m0 47 Stats or I'bnnbti.vania I a. County ow Jkffkkhon f J. M. NorrlH and Thomaii Wood, helm? duly worn ru;i'nrdlnR to law depone and nay that the followlmt iHamatemiint of the biiHlnemt dune bf them ad Biipervlw of WIiibIow Inwnslilp duiliiR the year ending March Ulli, Work road tax levied I2.7IH 21 (!iih road tux levied I.W12 42 I'iihIi road Improvement tax levied.. 1.7UI 20 Tux worked out by citizen 2.1 Labor hired 1,004 It Komi iniiitern' nnlarlux HUH Wl Idiad maitiir'noiitlm 14 Wl HIIIh for mulerlalH, etc., fl by ord'ra 1,000 60 J. M. NoniiiH, Thomas Woiio. Hworn and diilHcrlliod before me this Hth day of March, 1WW. Hmith M. MoOiisiiiiit, Notary I'ubllc. My comuilHalun expires Jan. i, JUKI. Superviiori' Time. J. M. Norrls 112 days A. W. Mulhollan lift days Thomas Woods ,Tx Levied. Work road tax levied 2.7IR 21 Cash road tax levied I.HIKS 42 Cash road luiproviimenttax levied .. 1,701 2U l,;i71 92 Tax Worked Out by Citizens. Under J S. Johnston ' I 312 47 Under V. A. HheeHley... Ml m Under Itnn IIiiiikIi 2.r0 : Under U. II. Murray 2:i0 H6 ll.lllfl 211 Labor Hired. Under J. '. limnton I 220 i llndM W. A. H2 Cnder Hen Hau 2IN H2 Under O. II. Mur- m 77 Under M. M. McAui.i fi m I'nder K. li. Deemer 7.1 02 t 1.004 11 atoadMuteri S.ila-y. J. 9. Johnston I 203 40 W. A. HheeHley i'7 40 Ben lliiiitfli INT, 40 O. H. Murray 20B 10 M. M. McAiloo U2 00 K. U. Deemer 11 00 I 898 30 Read Muten' Oathi. .1. 8. . ohnston .. iff. W. A. Hheesley, 11107 a nd Id 18 4 AO Ben Hauith 2 50 O. H. Murray 2 00 M. M. MoAuoo 2 7.1 K. U. Deemer 25 I 14 50 Total of above expenses ft.Ml 16 Bills paid l.OtW 00 Total expense $4,718 78 OIIR BlIITH, lA,. D.J. Thomas. ,uultor- JjVXECUTOR'S NOTICE, Notice Is hereby given that letters testa mentary on estate of Hose A. Cathera, late of Wlnnlow townxhlp, county of Jefferson and Btate of Pennsylvania leceased. have been aranted to the underpinned, to whom all poraons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. M. 0. Coi.kman, executor. Reynoldavllle, Pa. If you have anything to sell, try our Want Column. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD EASTER EXCURSION TO Atlantic Git y CAPE MAY, ANGLESEA, WILDWOOD,' HOLLY' BHAOL OCEAN CITY, SEA ISLE CITY, N. J. . Thursday, April 8, 1909 $J0 Round Trip Tlcreta sood onlv In coaches. , Tickets irood fop sixteen dsvs. 0 ' Special train of Parlor Cars, Dining Car and Coaches, running through to At lantic City leaves Pittsburgh 8.55 a. m. Tickets good (or passage on Special Train or on trains leaving Pittsburgh at 8.25 p. m., with coaches only, and 8.45 p. m. and 10.45 p. m. with sleeping oars only and their connections. w A numn omrn a v st rf i i tt, t a tattt t it For stop-over privileges and full Information consult nearest Ticket Agent or Thos. E. Watt, Distrlot Passenger Agent, 401 Fourth Avenue, Cor. jSmlthfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa. J. R. WOOD, Passenger Traffic Manager. The Star's Want CcSumt&& AUDITORS' STATEMENT Of THE, FIfANCKS '.OF WEST REYN OI.DHVIM,E.fJOHO!Jaij FOR THK YEAR ENDING MARCH ()TH, 1H0D. W. B. BTAUFFEU, Tax Oollector.'lfi account with the Unroof Wet Keyootdsvlila for year ending March 8ih, IKoO. ' HI08TAXRa. ' . . Boro. ' . . DR. To am't due last settlement CK. 4 00 400 Ry am't lit col. on tt.on. . " treasuier's rejelpta.. Watkr. Dll. To am't due last settlement CR. By am't (5t col. K on . treusuroi's receipt... I.IIIIIT. Dtl. To am't due last set flmmint cn. Hy am't 8 col. on t-i:!7.. . " tieHsiirer's receipts.. DR. To exonerated tax collected ca. By am't H col. on " treasurer's receipts.. 0 8 Ml 409 1 91 1 91 10 1 HI 1 91 I 27 10 8 11 S 27 2 08 ! 88 18 I 55 . I 68 W. H. HTAIJFKEK, Tsx Collector, In account with the Hnroof Went Iteynoldsvllle for the year ending March 8th, MID. J907 TAXES, IIOHO I AXES. DR. To am't due last settlement 88 25 58 25 CR, ' By am't exonerations.. 88 t 58 49 01 8 HI lit col. on Vi.m ... " treasurer's receipt. To balance due boro M 25 I.IOI1T. DR. To am't due last settlement ' CR. By am't exoneration M col. naUl.Vl " treasurer's receipts.. To am't due boro 48 55 46 65 46 65 Watkr. , DR. To am't due last settlement CR. . By am't exoneration '' & col. on 15.84 " trensurer's receipts.. To am't due boro 84 65 64 65 A 84 65 W. B. BTAIIKFEK.Tax Oollnctnr, In account with Horoof West Keynoldsvllle for year enulng March Hth, t. . Boro Tax. , DR. To am't duplicate '67147 It 74 5 84 . 76 8! . CR. , By am't exonerations 7 84 . 6 rebate on I4;I 28.. 22 18 " 'lit col. on 9444 28... 13 M " 6 col. on 91 :l 45... 8 Of A col. K on 19.81 49 " treasurer's rei:elpts.. 557 27 To balance due boro 69 88 - 81 I ll HIT To am't. duplicate 415 98 6 added on tH2.II.... 8 1- ' CR. By am't exonerations 4 80 '' 6 t rebate on H78.92.. 13 85 " 8 col. on 176 92. .. 8 81 " 6 col. on fit-15... ft " 6 cor loo 110... 81 " treasurer's receipt.. 848 30 To balance due boro iK 75 Watkb Tax. DR. To am't duplicate .... 253 57 " 1 added on I0 58.... 2 01 'X By am exonsrisMni 8 05 419 1 , 41C U 25K ' 6 ibateow f. ' .. " 8 . I.t on m 7i... " 6 C(. 4 l '46 22 " 6 col. .--74 .... ' treasur i 'Ota.. To balance due 255 80 ,T. V. WOODRINU, llurgess. DR. Tc am't ree'd from County Commissioners ball rent.. 20 0 2ft X. 20 Oft By ami treasurer's receipts WILLIAM BUROE, Ex-Burg bus, DR. am't due last settlement .' '.S . W. L. JOONHTOt. Treasurer, In account with the bom of West KeyDcJdaville for year ending March Hth, la. . , DR. Tohalanre due boro 4' 2 18 ' To am't rm Col. Htauffnr... 1,250 49 To am't fm Bur. Woodrlng. 20 00 '. To am't fm Auditor Ueu 1 2 21 " ree'd from license . . '2f' fO , 1,824 88 By am't orders redeemed .. 1,284 89 " 2ft 70 To balance due tioro 614 29 1,824 88 RESOURCES. " To am't tn treasurer's hands 514 20 ' du m Col. Stan ffer. 192 05" " ' Ex-Bur. Burge 2 28 E. L. .IOH!STO! rm 1 CKR f EB T. C. MCKNTKF. Auditors. 8. W. STACrrsa $12 Round Trip Tickets rood In Parlor or Bleeping Oars I n connect ion with proper Pullman tickets Pronortlonatta rates from other statlonsv r : . GEO. W. BOYD, General Passenger Agent.