The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 31, 1909, Image 5

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SThe Stan
Subscription (1.00 pertear in advance.
0 A. STEPHKW8Q1V. Editor nd Pub.
Entered at the uoatotilce at Keynoldsvllle
Pa , aa second class matlmatter.
-tnimiRViLi.s ri,BPHOB No. 61.
New wail
The newest and
richest offerings in
wall paper are now
here for your inspec
tionand some clev
er designs there are
Papers for every room,
ceiling, sidewall, border
and panel effects. Wor
thy and durable papers,
dainty co!, and
many new ui.lque Ideas
of dtsign. Come gee
them there's exactly
the paper you want and
at a fair cost.
Stoke &FeichtJ
j- ft Little ol EverutHlng.
Dolllver Thursday night.
County Commissioner E. T. McGaw,
of Brookville, was In Reynoldsvllle
-A number of petty robberies have
recently occurred at DuBois and Punx
sutawney. Dolllver is easily the finest orator
' In the Senate according to eminent
The editor of THE STAR has moved
from the flat over The Star office
to Grant street.
Clyde C. Murray, secretary of the
Rey'noldsyllle Brick & Tile Co., was in
Knox, Clarion county. Tuesday.
James Sturen'ourg, of St. Marys, was
in town last week on account of the
death of his uncle. Dr. S. Reynolds.
William Bolt, Sr., died March 23rd
and was burled Friday. By request the
obituary is held until our pext issue.
Mrs. E. R. Emerson, somo years ago
a citizen of Reynoldsvllle, died at ber
home in Sunbury, Pa , March 20, 1909.
A masquerade ball will be held in
the Wispaw Park pavilion Monday eve
nlng, April 12th, for benefit of the
Eleanora base ba.l team.
Edward Reynolds, who recently sold
his blacksmith shop near Fourth street
to Merrill McEntlre, is planning a trip
to Colorado in the near future. .
The Phllipsbure Journal opines that
summer is here because the Slavish
women in "Red Row" have discarded
shoes and stocking for the season.
i The Presbyterian Missionary Society
will meet at the home of MW S. T.
Reynolds, on Grant street, Thursday
afternoon of this week instead of Fri
day. - As Memorial Day falls on Sunday
V this year, the Commanuor-in-Chlef of
. the Grand Army has directed that the
memorial service be held -on Monday
' - following.
Joseph Petrock was instantly killed
by a fall of ooal in Soldier mlue March
23. Burial was made la the Catbolio
cemetery at Reynoldsvllle Wednesday
Staid old Indiana is oatching the
spirit of unrest and is trying to better
ber busluess conditions by bustling to
land an industry that employs 100 men,
according to exchanges.
Saturday evening, March 27th, H.
B. Mogle land Miss Anna May Green,
young people of Meredith, were mar
rled by 'Squire W. L, Johnston at his
office In West Reynoldsvllle.
7 Latebaw and Armagost,1 the two
Fairmount boys now in Clarion county
I jail awaiting trial for lnoendiarlsm,
detected in an attempt to escape
Trom the jail one day last week.
y vThe bill to allow some Italian citizens
of MoCalmont township to sue the state
(or damages has passed finally and now
goes to the Governor. The Jamages
alleged were sustained when the state
constabulary dynamited the home of
the Italians seeking the damages.
Rr-ynoldBville Lode No. 519, B. P.
O. E,, elected the' following officers
last week: E. R . J. Morris Dalley;
S, E. L. K., John H. Ewlng; E. L K.,
Frank A. Bobren.; E. L. K., R. M.
1 Gibson; Secretary, John A. Welsh;
Treasurer, Ed Gooder; Tiler, C. W.
' i Flynn; Trustee three years, G,---M.
' McCnald.
Alex Gillespie, student in Ithlca, N.
Y., High S.'hool, preparatory for Cor
ntll University, Is home for the Easter
vacation. ' .
Thomas V. Hendricks, editor of the
Brookville Republican, was In Reyn
oldsvifca short time Saturday after
noon. An old tlme religious revival has
been In progress In the Emerlckville
M. E. church for several weeks past
with Rev. J. H. Jelbart, of Brock way
vllle, a former pastor, assisting Rev.
D. E. Baldwin, In the work.
, During the three weeks in which Dr.
A.J. Meek, of Reynoldsvllle, assisted
Rev. J. H. Hlgby, of Pblllplburg, in
special evangelistic eervices, twenty
persons were baptized into the fellow
ship of the church and the congregation
greatly strengthened spiritually.
DuBois and Butler high school teams
played for the interscholastio cham
pionship at Butler last Friday even
ing and DuBois was defeated. Score
44 to 22. The DuBois lads fought
heroically In the first half but seemed
to lose their nerve In fbe second part.
A birthday surprise party was given
to Mies Alice Dunlap, of Fourth street,
Thursday last on the occasion of her
13th birthday by a number of her girl
friends. Games were played and re
freshments served and at midnight all
loft for their homes happier for the
occasion. '
The Young Men's Reading Club met
last Thursday evening and elected the
following officers: President, Harry
Klrkwood; Vlce-Presidentj Thomas
White; Secretary, Walter Shannon;
Treasurer, Frank Degnan; Trustees,
Walter Shannon, Jay , H'.igbes and
Frank Feicht. v.
Representative Langham has intro
duced a bill in Congress appropriating
175,000 for a new public building at
Punxsutawney. That's going some.
Possibly the foxy Indiana man Is bent
on prying loose section of a certain
eminent Punxsutawney statesman's
borne vote. ,
' Albert Sprankle and Miss Maggie
Hunter were united in marriage Thurs
day, March 25 tb, at the home of the
bride In Soldier. Rev. J..C. McEn
tlre, of West Reynoldsvllle, performed
the ceremony at 4.30 o'clock In the
afternoon, after which a fine supper
was served.
The saw mill located between Fourth
and Fifth streets, along Jackson street,
will be operated the coming summer
by James Degnan and from 150,000 to
200.000 feet of lumber will be cut up.
The plant will be started sometime In
May and give employment during the
summer months to 7 or 10 men.
In the U. M. W. of A. convention at
Aitoona the past week, a radical reso
lution was passed advocating govern
ment ownership of Industries which
anVct the means of livelihood. It looks
as though some of the doctrines of so
cialism had taken pretty deep root
among the coal workers in the second
The evening sermon of Rev. John F.
Biack in the M. E. church Sunday will
be upon the theme, "An Ounce of Pre
vention or a Pound of Cure Which?"
It will probe to the quick curtain moral
conditions existing in Reynoldsvllle
and should be heard by every cftizn.
Morning subject: "The Rich Estate of
the Godly."
Tho W. C. T. U. will hold a mothers'
meeting at the hnm of Mrs. John M,
Hays, Friday evening.' April 2nd, at
7 30 Topic, "Cigarette Smoking and
How to Avoid It." A good program
will bo rendered. Mothers are cor
dially invited. Refreshments will be
served, also a silver offering will be
taken. Committee.
The case of the Punxsutawney wter
consumers vs. the Punxsutawney Water
Co., wps decided by Judge Reed at
Brookville, on Tuesday, In favor of
the people. The court 'decreed that
the company must fulfill Its agreemecnt
to make the necessary improvement
to insure an abundant and constant
supply of uure water. Tfce company
Is given to understand that not until
it satisfies the court that it has fulfilled
Its agreement with the citizens will
it be allowed to charge full rates. '
James Sharkey, a Michigan man who
j has been employed as a brldgebuilder
on the Franklin & Clearfield railroad
near Summerville, was severely in
jured Monday afternoon by falling from
a trestle. He was taken to Dr. Grube's
hospital in Punxsutawney Monday
night, passing through Reynoldsvllle
at 6.08. His injuries consist of two
fractured arms, both legs stored up
and ligaments ruptured. He is in a
critical condition but hopes are enter
tained for his recovery.
W. S. Ross and wife were at West
Freedom, Armstrong county Sunday
attending the funeral of Mrs. Matilda
Mlnnlck a sister of Mrs. Ross, who
lived near that place. The deceased
was .81 years old and Is survived by
12 children, 6 sons and 6 daughters.
t- all now of mature age and with famil
ies, 93 grandchildren and 83 great-
' grandchildren. Two only of her chil
dren preceded ber in death. At the
funeral Sunday the six sons acted as
pall bearers and bore her bier to the
j;rivj. '
,--,, ;-' Caleb Powers Coming.:. ;
Caleb Powers, of Kentucky, will leo
ture in Assembly Hall on Wednesday
evening, April 21. His subject will be
"Wrong on the Throne; Right On the
Scaffold." u Announcement of " sale of
sale of tickets will appear In the next
issue of this paper.
Former Resident Passed Away.'
Samuel Robert Miles, son of Mrs.
Robert L. Miles, of this place, died
at his borne In Albibn, Erie county,
Pa., Sunday morning, March 28ib,
1909, from heart trouble. He bad been
ill for almost three years. Tuesdav
evening his body was brought to Reyn
oldsvllle and taken to home of his
mother on Main Btreet. Funeral
services will be held this, Wednesday
a'ternoon, at the residence, conducted
by Rev. John F. Black, of the Metbo
dist Episcopal church, under whom tbe
deceased was converted, assisted by
Rev. A. J. Meek, of tbe Baptist church.
Burial will be made In the Reynolds
vllle cemetery beside the body of the
deceased's father, Robert L. Miles.
Samuel R. Miles was born In Clear
field county, Pa., February 13th, 1863,
making blm 46 years old laBt month.
Twenty-three years ago, at Ansonville,
be was united In marriage to Mies
Emma McNeil, who, with one daugh
ter, survives. In his youthful days Mr.
Miles was a resident of Reynoldsvllle
and Is known to many of our people.
For the past quarter of a century, antil
Illness unfitted him for actua' work, be
bad been an engineer on tbe railroad.
Lewis Wagner Died Friday,
Lewis Wagner, one of the oldest and
most highly esteemed citizens of Rath
me), died at his home in that village
Friday, March 2tb, 1909, at the age
of 76 years. Decease was caused by
liver trouble from which he bad suf
fered a long time.
. Tbe funeral services were held at his
late residence at 2.00 p. m. Monday,
conducted by Dr. A, J. Meek, of tbe
Reynoldsvllle Baptist church, and bur
ial was made in Beulah cemetery under
direction of Undertaker Henry Priester,
Mr. Wagner was born In Germany
January 1, 1833. After coming to Amer
ica in young - manhood he traveled
through the west for a time and finally
settled In Ratbrael. ' For the past 28
years, exooptlng one short period spent
at Rural Valley, Pa., he had resided at
Ratbmel and was known to all as a man
of absolute Integrity and upright char
acter. -
. Sued for Libel.
Matt Savagei editor uf tbe Clearfield
Public Spirit, was arrested Saturday
afternoon on a ciiarge of criminal libel,
and has furnished toOO bail for his
appearance at the coming session of
criminal court. - John Short, editor of
the Republican, is the prosecutor. The
charge gros outot an artio'e pub
lished recently in the Spirit In which
that paper stated that John Short had
"scalped" tickets for the recent Bryan
lecture held in Clearfield. While the
warrant for the arrest df Savage was
sworn out Friday, it was not served
until Saturday, when he was taken be
fore 'Squire Barclay, who placed
Savage under 1500 bail for his appear
ance at ci.urt.
Sauer Kraut Supper.
A sauer kraut supper will be held in
tne A. E Dunn building April 1st from
6 to 7 by tbe Lutheran Aid Society.
Following is the menu:
Dill Pickles Mixed Pickles
Boiled Pork Sauer Kraut
Maslied Potatoes Harntoirti Chips
Bailed Frankforts and Paucr Kraut
Cold Boiled Ham
Fried Sauer Kraut
Boston Baked Beans
Assorted Cake Fruit Coffee
Card of Thanks.
We hereby wish to express our
beartfelt thanks to our kind neighbors
and friends and to the K. of P. lodge
for the kindness and sympathy shown
us during the sickness and after the
death of our husband and father.
Mrs. Anna Bolt and Family.
Do not, meddle with household goods
in tbe house F. E. Rhodes lives in as
all belongs to
Mary A. Rhodes
A Wife Like Yours Is a Treasure.
Don't wear ber out washing. Buy
an "Excello" water motor washer and
see ber smile. C. R. Hall.
Don't fail to attend the Thursday
evening sale. . Blng-Stoke Co.
A Tan Oxford, button or lace, suede
top, pointed ton and high heel. They
are beauties. Price $3 50. Adams.
A beautiful display of trimmed hate
at Flo Best's Thursday, April 1.
Only 25o per quart. Delicious Ice
cream at tne Reynoldsvllle Candy
Wora-s. -
We guarantee our seed to be free
from weeds. Reynoldsvllle Hardware
If you have one of Jeweler Cunning
barn's calendars or any other pretty
picture, bring it next door to tbe post
office and get a nice cheap frame. They
have a large assortment of mouldings
on exhibition.
Your baby would look to cute for
anything In a handsome auto go-cart
tbe new 1909 style. No one carries the
stock but C. R. Hall.
Some floe bargains for tbit Thursday
ev:nlrg. B'ng -Stoke Co,
Continued from First Page.
the soul of fellowship, those who
knew him best most love to contem
plate him. He believed in the father
hood of God and the brotherhood of
man. Doctor believed that the- man
who scatters flowers In the pathway of
his fellow men, who lets into the dark
places of life the sunshine ot human
sympathy and human happiness, is
following In the footsteps of his Master.
His belpul life, his devotion to bis wife
and family and kindness to everybody
will linger as a fragrant memory In
tbe home which his presence bright
ened and which death has now dark
ened. His life was gentle, bqt like the,
still waters it was deep. In bis heart
of hearts be carried tbose he loved, and
his hand was never weary, bis step
never failed in caring for and minister
lug to tbose who were in any way de
pendent upon him.
He is not dead, be Is only asleep
resting after a long and well spent life
here. Behind the storm clouds always
lurks the rainbow and wben tbe storm
Is past it weeps upon the flowers of the
land and the pearls of the sea. Dark
ness precedes the dawning and out of
the blaukness of the night comes tbe
sunshine and joy of the day. And so
from the beauty of his life bis kinsfolk
and friends should take an inspiration
and go forth to live as he lived, so that
when the summons comes they may bo
aB ready as was Doctor Reynolds to
enter into the Heavenly Land.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will be received on or
after April 5 until 8 00 o'clock p. ra.
April 24ih, by the West Reynoldsvllle
school board for tbe erectioooT a publio
school building according to the plans
and specifications prepared by A. L.
Lukebart, Falls Creek, Pa. Parties
wishing to bid on tbe work will be
furnished with plans upon application
to tbe secretary of tbe board upon
depositing with him $10 00 which
amount will be refunded upon , return
of the plans. The board reserves the
right to reject any or all bids.
Bv Order of the Board,
O. H.. Johnston, Sec.
A Hurry Up Call.
Qulokl Mr. Druggist Quick! A box
of Buckleo's Arnica Salve Here's a
quarter For the love of Moses, hurry!
Baby's ' urned himself, terribly John
nie cut his foot with the axe Mamie's
scalded Pa can't walk from piles Bll-
lle has bolls and my corns ache. She
got It and soon cured all tbe family. Its
the greatest healer on earth. Sold by
H L McEntlre.
Furniture and Rugs.
Don't you know we sell them? Reyn
oldsvllle Hardware Co.
New spring millinery at Flo Best's
Thursday, April 1.
See our window nifty spring styles.
Adams. '
While They Last
Curtain stretchers at Hall's 90o.
You need Insurance. Tbe Pruden
tial low price policy is the best; a
monthly income Jlor 20 years. Have it
explained. Address P Koehler, agent,
Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
Read the list of bargains for Thurs
day evening. Blng-Stoke Co.
Subscribe for The Star, tl a year.
Want Column.
Rates: One cent per word for each and
For Sale Cheap; one good horse,
light wagon and harness. E. M
Evans. -
FOR SALE Reg istered Jersey bull
three years old; weighs 1,100 pounds.
Inquire of J. M. MoCreight, R. F. D
No. 3. Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
For Sale Pigs; will be six weeks old
Maroh 24. Address Henry Cable, R. F.
D. No. I, Reynoldsvlllo, Pa.
For Sale Buggy, 11200. Address
P Koehler.
For Sale A few settings eggs from
fine pure bred Rhode Island Reds. S.
S. Robinson.
Wanted To exchange good coal
raoge for good coal range; or will sell
coal range. Mrs. C. L. Dunlap, Fourth
For Sale Fresh cow. Inquire of
H. A. Swab.
Wanted To buy a good medium
sized second band roll or flat top desk.
Inquire at THE Star office.
For Rent One seven room bouse
including bath room on Grant street;
also six room house on Mable street.
M. M. Fisher.
For Rent Three good office rooms
above Reynoldsvllle Candy Works. In
quire at Reynoldsvllle Candy Works.
FOR Sale 30 acres land, horse,
harness and buggy, farming Imple
ments. Inquire of B. J. Rudolph, Wish
aw, or S. M. MoCreight, Reynoldsvllle.
For Sale At a bargain. One back,
buggy, plow, gprlngtooth barrow, set
single harness, two collars. Call on
C J..K-rr. ......
Death cf Taylor Roush.
Zieliary Taylor Roush, a citizen of
W. st Reynoldsvllle, died at bis home
about 5 00 o'clock Friday morning,
Maroh 10, 1909, alter less than an
hour's Illness. Cerebral apoplexy
caused bis demise. Thursday be was
In his usual goou health and retired
without thought of illness. At four
in the morning his wife heard a pe
culiar choking sound, called and re
ceived no answer. A physician was
hastily summoned but aid was useless.
The funeral was bold at tbe, borne
at 2 30 Sunday afternoon, conducted
by Dr. A. J. Meek, of the Baptist
church, of which denomination Mr.
Roush was a member, and burial was
made in the Reynoldsvllle cemetery,
Under direction of Hughes & Fleming.
Mr. Roush was a member In good
standing of tbe local lodge of Knights
of Malta and members of that order
attendee bis funeral In a body.
Taylor Roush was born March .27,
1800, and bad be lived one day longer
wobld have rounded out his 49th year
of life. A carpenter by trade, be
came to Reynoldsvllle from George
town eleven years ago and with his
genial disposition made many friends.
A wife, nine sons and two daughters
survive him as follows: Henry Rnusb,
of West Reynoldsvllle, James Rousb,
of 'Homer City, Scott, Harry, John,
Cli mson, Curt, Howard and George,
at home, and Misses Bertha and Carrie,
at home.
Impressive Address.
That one touch of sorrow "makes the
whole world kin" was strikingly illus
trated by the large audience drawn to
the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday
evening by the announcement that
tbe minister would take as bis theme,
"Kidnaping." The sorrow in a Sharon
home wben a child was stolen from it
touched a sympathetic chord In every
home throughout the land and even an
indirect reference to it commands Im
mediate attention. v
The sermon of Rev. John F. Black
was In many ways one of the most re
markable and Impressive ever delivered
from that pulpit. Tbe human Interest
of tbe subject was so Intense and Its ap
plication to spiritual matters so apt
that It bas since been the subject of
much publ'O comment. Drawing a
word picture of tbe sorrow caused by
the abduction of the Wbitla lad and
of the enormity of tbe crime, the speak
er portrayed its likeness to the at
tempts of the Prince of Darkness to en
snare tbe soul of man; and the ransom
paid for tbe lost boy was compared to
the ransom paid for the soul of man on
Calvary. Rev. Black used as a basis
for bis sermon the famous can '09 ot
Milton's Paradise Lost, In which is de
picted the council of the powers of evil
to plot the destruction of human hap
piness. Blackleg.
Owners of HvestocH. In Jefferson
county whose cattle are exposed to
the Infection of blackleg or black-
quarter, may have their cattle vaccl
nated against tbls disease by tbe State
Livestock Sanitary Board without cost
to the owner o! tho cattle by complying
with the follow ng rules:
1. Application for vaccination shall
be mailed to Dr. Leonard Pearsrn,
Secretary of the Stale Livestock Sarl-
tary Board, Harrlsburg, before April
18th, 1909.
2. The application ha'u contain the
name and address cf tbe owner of th:
cattle, a statement as to the location
ol the farm upon which the animals are
kept and the number of animals in the
Vaccinations cannot be made at the
expense of tbe State Livestock Sani
tary Board upon application received.
after April 17lb. For such cases vac
cine will bj furnished free of charge,
but tbe owner will be required to de
fray tbe expense of employing the
veterinarian to administer it.
Leonard tear-ion.
State Veterinarian
Card of Tbanka.
We wish to thank all friends and
neighbors for kindness shown after the
death of our husband and father.
Mrs Taylor Roush and Family
While They Last
Curtain stretchers at Halls, 90a.
A beautiful display of trimmed hats
at rlo Best's Thursday, April 1.
All flavors of delicious Ice cream only
25o per quart at the Reynoldsvllle
Candy Works " "
Wala-Oyer shoes are sold by Adam
Shoe Co. A large variety of styles at
13 50, (4,00 and S5 00.
Cunningham Is offering some wonder
ful bargains in bis Dollar Sale see his
Tbe wonderful dry air .treatment,
Hyomel, reaches the Bpot, kills the
germs, and cures catarrh, croup, sore
throat, asthma, etc. Stoke & Feicht
Drug (Jo. sells It, guarantees It, recom
mends It. 11.00 for a complete outfit.
New spring millinery at Flo Best's
Thursday, April 1.
Cravenettes shoes, brown and black,
price 14.00. Adams. x
We are headquarters for nice clover
and timothy seed. Reynoldsvllle Hard
ware C.)
Ollmpses ol the People who are Pas-
Ing To and Fro.
Leo Nolan went to Clarion Monday
James T. Mitchell, of Kane, was in -
Reynoldsvllle yesterday.
Robert Z. Parrish went to Pittsburgh
on a busluess trip Monday.
' Charles S. Klrchartz, of Warren, wag
In Reynoldsvllle over Sunday.
Misses - Gussle and Nellie Rhoads
visited In Brookville last Frld'iy.
Miss Berna Hoover was the guest
of Miss Ruth Gray in Punxsutawney
over Sunday.
v Jelbart Hetrlck has gone to Sewlck
ley. suburb of Pittsburgh, to spend tbe
coming summer.
Miss Amy Bollinger, a student la
Bucknell College, is home for tbe
Easter vacation.
Mrs. Jarvls WlUlams is visiting ber
sister, Mrs. H. Earl Swift, In Brook
ville tbls week.
Miss Nellie E. Sutter, of New Bethle
hem, visited ber parents on Pleasant
Avenue Monday.
Miss Maud Pratt, student In tbe Alle
gheny College at Meadville, Is home
for tbe Easter vacation. -'
Dr. and Mrs. Heyre, of DuBois,
were the guests of Mrs. A. T. Blng in
Reynoldsvllle Sunday. ,
Mrs. -William Barclay visited her
daughter, Mrs. H. Earl Swift, in
Brookville last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P.. Hall were in
In Brookville Sunday, called there by
the Illness of a relative.
Fred Herpel, student In Allegheny
College at Meadville, is at his home
In West Reynoldsvllle.
Miss Ida Williams, a student in
Bucknell College at Lewisburg, is visit
ing at ber borne in Reynoldsvllle.
Albert J. Feicht and nephew, Paul
Felobt, of Punxsutawney, spent Sun
day at home of the former's parents
In this place.-
Miss Almlra Reynolds, of Lock
Haven, wat called here last week to
attend the funeral of br brother, Dr.
H3 ..Reynolds.
Mrs. Henry Uerpe) bas returned to
ber home la West Roynoldbville after
undergoing treatment in a Philadelphia
hospital for several weeks.
Arthur Phillippi, who anils ted In the
U, S. Navy several months ago, is visit
ing his mother, Mas. Drv B. E. Hoover,
in Revnoldsvllle. Ha is absent for. a
short period on furlough.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Woodward, of
Clearfioid, former citlz-icis of Reynolds
vllle, came to town Saturday to attend
the funeral ol Dr 3. Reynolds. Mr,
woodward returned home Monday and
Mr Woojward will visit in town
several days " .
To Contractors and Builders.
I will receive sealed proposals for the
erection of a two-story brick business
block on Main street, ttoynoldsville,
Pa., until i o'clock p in.. April 15th,
1909. Plans and specilicatioos can be
seen at my place of business on Main
street and at the. office of D. H. Young,
on Fourth street, Reynoldsvlllo, after
April 3rd, 1909 T reserve the right
to reject any or all bids.
W. H. Moore.
The Checker Tournament.
Averages in the second checker tour
nament to arch 30th:
Woo Lost Pet
J Campbell 17 7 .708
Henry lfi 8 .667
Burgoon 22 14 .611
Fisher 22 14 .600
Ross 7 20 .286
Caldwell 9 x 27 .250
Stockholders' Meeting.
The aunuai meeting of the stock
holders of the Keynolusville BrlcJa-
Tile Co. will hrt held at the oillcfil
the company, at their works on Tues
day, April 6, 1900. at 2.00 p. m. for the '
election of directors and tho transac- -
tion of any other business that may
properly come before that body.
Clyde C. Murray,
The Silk Mill
Has not started but l.ousu cleaning
has. You need lace curtains, carpels
and floor rugs as well as mattings and '
window trimmings. Befor huving see
our stock. O. K. II ALL.
City Dray.
Moving, carting, light and heavy V. ,
hauling of all kinds. Prompt attention
given all orders left at Robinson's feed,
store. W. U. Ellenberger, Prop.
Go With a Rush. . - .
The demand for that wonderful stom
ach, liver and kidney care, Dr. KlngV
New Life Pills Is astounding. ' H. L.
McEntlre says he never aw tbe like.
Its because they never fail to cure sour'
stomach, constipation, indigestion, blK
iousness, jaundice, sick headache, chilis
and malaria. Only 25c H. L. Mc
Entlre. -
New spring millinery at Flo Beat's
Thursday, April 1.
Our own ice cream is made from the
purest materials. Try it. 25c per
quart. Reynoldsvllle Candy Works.
Beautiful cravenette sboee for women,
price $4 00- Adams.
A beautiful displav of trimmed hats
at Flo Best's Thursday, April 1.
Ask fur tbe Ace Brand of clover
seed. Reynoldsvllle Hardware Co.
Have vou dyspepsia? Ask Stoke &
Feicht Drug Co. for Mi-o-oa tablets,
guaranteed to cure indigestion, sick
headaches, and all stomach complaints,
or money back, and onlv 50 aaU a
i large box.