The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 24, 1909, Image 7

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A Look Into the Future.
We sincerely believe that what la
best In Rooseveltlsm will be safe
guarded In law and In policy, and bo
come accepted as permanent and val
uable under a course of . firmness, pa-
tience and Rood nature that will go
uninterruptedly on. There will be a
change rt temperament In a change
of men, , A change of methods, but not
a chrige of measures. The rough
but I ecessnry work has been largely
and peremptorily done. Conservat
ism Vcan readily displace, combat or
corentlon, and, we think It will. The
people are united, hopeful and ex
pectant. No administration ever
went Into power with higher hopes
or finer desires. That they may be
realized Is tho wish of every patriotic
American. Brooklyn Eagle.
ITow's Tills?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewnrd
for nny case of C atarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
V. J. Choky & Co., Toledo 0.
We, the umloinixned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by liis firm.
Wai.mxo, Rinnan & Marvin, Whole
sale Drufrtrifits, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, Bct
ingdirectly upon the blood and mucuoussur
faccs of the system. Testimonials sent free.
Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Drugniats.
Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
Egg-Shells as Flower Pots.
Cucumbers, gourds and other
plants that are hard to transplant,
can be grown In egg-shells In the
house. As soon as the plants are
large enough and the ground warm
-enough, the shells can be carefully
broken away without the dirt falling
from the roots. When thus trans-
, planted, the growth of the plant Is
not checked.--Suburban Life.
Only Ono "Iiromo Quinine"
That is Laxative Uromo Quinine. Look
lor the signature of K. W. Grove. Used the
World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25o.
Fashions Lasted Longer.
In times past a fashion lasted,
with slight modification, for years.
Much the eame fashion continued
through the long reign of Louis XIV,
and another through that of Louis
XV, while the ladles of the Middle
Ages never thought of varying their
A Couglj, Cold or Sore Throat, re
quires immediate attention. Brown's
Bronchial Troches always give relief.
In boxes 25 cents. Samples mailed free.
John I. Brown & Son, Boston, Mass.
Copper In Alaska.
Alaska gives promise of becoming
In time a large producer of copper.
The Bonanza mine in Montana has
an ore body 300 feet wide, which was
cut at a depth of 225 feet by a cross
cut tunnel, in which there is 120 feet
of ore averaging 22 per cent copper,
the middle 25 feet being almost pure
copper glance running from CO to 70
per cent of copper and 28 ounces of
silver a ton.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Synip forChildren
teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle.
Big Eaters.
Probably the Esguimo banquets last
longer than any others, and the quan
tity of food swallowed is alBo propor
tionately greater. Ross records that
seven nf his party of natives once ate
continuously for 33 hours, during
which time they consumed 200
pounds of seal meat
Itch cored in 30 minutes by Woolford's
Eanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggist.
His Hope' Dashed.
Chairman- (at concert) Ladles and
rentlemen, Miss Discordant will now
lng "Only Once More."
Sarcastic CriticThank heaven tor
. Chairman (coming forward again)
Ladles and gentlemen, instead ol
tinging "Once More," Miss Discord
ant will fling "Forever and Ever."
Collapse of 8. C Answers.
Difficulties First Makers Met in This Country
Steel Manufacturers in France More Willing to Make Tests of
Material Change in Conditions Here in Last Few Years
Foreign Cars No Better than Those Built Here.
In the early days of the automobile
industry In the United Stales little or
nothing was known of the properties
required In the materials of construc
tion: For example: Aluminum was a
novelty, cast-iron and bronze were used
for the gearwheels of the speed change
mechanism; roller-bearings having un
burdened rolls operated lu soft axle
tubes as a bearing for soft Bteol solid
axles; bronze and niaJIeablo Iron were
used for connecting-rods; the harden
ing and grinding' crankshafts and many
other parts wore unknown; brakes
were lined with wood blocks; any yel
low metal for beaHngB was "bronzo,"
rogardless of Its composition; harden
ing meant "case-hardening," sometimes
.001 Inch deep, sometimes more, but
always an indefinite amount.
Heat treatment, alloy steels, and
hardening as we know them today,
were practically unknown. Structural
steel, bar, plate, and rod stock; woods
of various kinds, cast Iron, brass, and
bronze of the ordinary "merchant"
shapes and qualities were alone avail
able for the automobile builder. In
Europe, on tho other hand, the re
quirements of foreign gunmnkers, en
gine builders, and others had created
a demand for special steels and
bronzes. From the beginning of Hie
automobile Industry in France tho
machines wore entered In races and
other competitions that doveloped In a
few hours weaknesses and shortcom
ings of design In materials that would
have taken months of ordinary use.
Finding that Increasing the size alone
of a weak part to mnke It strong
enough was not always the remedy,
or even always feasible, the manu
facturers naturally turned to the Bteol
makers for bettor materials.
Right here another difference be
tween the United Slates and Europe
should be noted. In the United States
the steel makers wanted "tonnage."
That is, they would not get out a spec
ial grade of metal and set up the rolls
to shape It unless an order for many
thousands of tons was placed. Whereas,
In Europo, the steel mills would take
an order for a few hundred pounds
of steel of special composition.
The net. result was that the French
automobile builders, by races that test
ed the materials and design of con
struction, by tho facility and possibil
ity of procuring proper materials, by
cleverness In design and by keen com
petition, soon distanced all other na
tions in the production of cars that
were reliable, fast, and dependable.
A concrete example of tho above Is
furnished by the actual experience of
one of the early American manufactur
ers, who conceived tho Idea of building
in this country an exact copy of a
well known and successful French car.
After the first car was built the testing
out proved that the American tubing
ued in the frame had only about one
half the strength and stiffness of the
tubing used In the model. The gears
would not stand up under the work,
and the wearing qualities and general
durability of the entire machine were
far below the French model. A care
ful investigation showed that the dif
ference was solely due to the quality
of the materials used. As at that time
practically no one here who was avail
able knew the difference between the
materials in the model and the copy
end itfhere were not procurable in thU
country materials from a constructive
and commercial point Of view that
would answer the purpose, the manu
facture of the car was discontinued.
Conditions In the American engineer
ing talent and' material market have In
the last three or four years completely
changed. We now know what material
to.use in each particular place, how to
use it, where to get it, and why we
use It
It is, moreover, a fact that the re
verse of the above mentioned case has
happened. An American manufacturer
in 1S99 and 1900 produced a number
of eight horsepower cars, with single
cylinder, vertical in front engine. The
owner of one of these cars appeared
within the past two months at a New
York salesroom and stated that he still
used his original little eight horse-power
American car, and that the bearings
and all of the pairts had stood up won
derfully well. This car must have had
excellent materials and admirable de
sign. As a matter of fact one of the
largest manufacturers in Germany ac
quired in 1898 exclusive rights to man
ufecture this same car of American de
sign, and on American specifications
for material. All the detailed drawings
were converted into the metric system
and sent to Europe with a model and
some parts. The car, though well
known and successful in the United
States was not satisfactory when made
by the German maker with European
The American industry has grown
to such proportions that steel and
other material manufacturers seek and
cater to the wants of the automobile
builder. At the present time there is
not, and in fact for gome time past
there has not been, the difference be
tween the foreign and the domestic
car that formerly existed. If the Am
erican engineer is not satisfied with
American materials, all kinds and
grades of foreign materials can now
be produced In stock In the American
market, and at prices commercially
The only possible reason for the pur
chase of a'foreign car In this country
today is the same one that leads many
people to buy English clothes and
French hair dyes. There Is an idea
prevalent in some quarters that prac
tically all the cars mode iw France,
England, Italy, Germany, and Belgium
are as good or better than tho better
grades of cars made in this country,
whereas tho reverse Is really the truth.
Some of the foreign cars that have
had a large wile and vogue in this
country uud been accepted without
question as being of the highest grade
were classed as second grade at home.
Taking the good and the bad togeth
er, the average quality is higher In
this country today than in Europe. It
Is true that there are more builders
of high grade finely finished cars In
Europe than in this country. But their
combined output Is not as great as the
combined output of the relatively few
similar makers here. On the other
hand, there are practically no cars
built hero as "rotten" as some ot the
foreign ones. New York Post
Tho percentage ot oil In Senegal
peanuts Is 61; in American peanuts
it la only 42.
New York city has as many mar
riages every year as Philadelphia,
Washington, Boston, Chicago and St.
Louis combined.
If New York city Is able to mar
ket Its Catskill water Biipply at the
present rates It will have an Income
from It of $24,272,500 yenrly.
Each mild week In New York city
when tho temperature keeps close to
the freezing point, means the saving
of about 300,000 tons of coal.
ORlcinl statistics Issued In Berlin
show that 9,927 young men were con
demned and punished during 1907 for
attempting to evade compulsory mili
tary service.
The average dally difference be
tween tho number of scholars regis
tered In the public schools of New
York city aud the number in actual
attendance is 09,200.
In the shape of rebates on coal,
coke, pig Iron, etc., a ton of Gorman
steel billets for export Is subsidized
to the extent of 15 shillings ($3.65),
whllo If worked up Into Bliapo before
being exported It enjoys further re
bates. On the basis of a .busliol of corn
producing 2.5 gallons of alcohol, it has
been figured out that last year's corn
crop in the United States was suffi
cient to furnish 20,000,000 horse
power for ten hours a day for an en
tire year.
A permanent national exposition at
Madrid, for the promotion of which
an organization has been formed In
Spain, will have for one of Its chief
objects the stimulation of scientific
methods In agriculture and manu
facturing. The largest single filtration plant
In the world is said to bo the one re
cently completed for Pittsburg. The
sedimentation basins have a capacity
of 120,000,000 gallons, and the fil
tered water reservoir room for 60,
000,000 gallons.
New York city has its average
number of divorces as compared with
the cities of the United States. Chi
cago Is the only city that Is propor
tionately ahead of It. In New York
there are two persons divorced to
every twenty-six married.
Reports have appeared in the daily
press, says Nature, of a new treat
ment for consumption in which the
diseased portion of the lung is re
moved by operation. The only
novolty seems to be the use of hot
water or steam to control the hemor
rhage. Three women were among the 89 ap
plicants who recently took the ex
amination for postal clerks at Buf
falo. The highest grade, 89.70, was
obtained by Miss Mary Pfann. All
of the women applicants were suc
cessful, while only 35 percent of the
men passed.
Crushed Hopes. .
"Times are chanced." nniri utorir
Twain, speaking of Washlngtou. "I
qoudi ii nowadays a man of Washing
ton's unswervins inteerftv
able to get on.
"A rich lawyer after dinner the oth
er night went into his den for a smoke.
He took down from hla
superb meerschaum, a birthday pres
ent from his wife; but, alas! as he
started to fill the pipe it came apart
in his hands. The bowl had been brok
en in two and then carelessly stuck
"With loud growls of race th law.
yer rushed from his den and demand
ed to know who had broken his new
meerschaum. His only son. a bov of ii
spoke up bravely.
"Father he said. 'I cannot tell n
lie. I did if
"The lawyer Dralsed the lnrl'a Wmh.
ingtonlan' veracity, but that night on
his pillow he groaned and went on ter
ribly about the incident.
" 'Heaven help me.' he said, 'it haA
been my life's dearest wish to rear up
my son to my own profession, but now
aias alas ' " Tit-BiU.
Black Tribe Living on Mornlngton
land Just Discovered.
Sydney, N. S. W. Probably the
last black tribe who had never seen
a white man has been discovered on
Mornlngton island, In the Gulf of
Carpentaria. The first white man
they saw was R. B. Howard, chief
protector of aborigines In Queens
land, who came In contact with them
after two days searching.
The blacks, he says, were In a
very primitive state. They did not
know the use of tobneco, and would
not eat bread, meat or even sugar,
although they readily tasted anything
given to them. There wns no sign
whatever of disease, and although
emaciated In nppenrance, they wore
strong and agile.
Humor ('nine on Ijogs and Ankles
Could Not Wcnr Shoes Iterause
of Had Healing and Itching.
"I have been miccesifully cured of dry
eczema. I won inspecting .the removal of
noxious weeds from the edge of a river and
was constantly in the (hint from the weedH.
At night I cleansed my limbs but felt a
prickly aennation. I paid no attention to it
for two years but I noticed a cum on my
legs like fish scales. I did nut attend to it
until it cama to be too itchy and sore and
bepan getting two running sores. My
ankles were all soro and scabby and I could
not wear shoes. I had to use carpet nnd
felt slippers for weeks. I got a cake of the
Cuticura Soap and somo Luticum Unit
ment. In lens than ten days 1 could put
on my boots and in less than three weeks
I was free from the confounded itching.
Capt. G. P. llliss, Chief of Police, Morris,
Manitoba, Mar. 20, '07, nnd Sept. 24, '08."
Potter Drug 4 Cliem. Corp., Hole Props,
ot Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass.
Pencil Wood Costly.
Cedar wood constitutes tho casing
of the average lead pencil. The price
of this wood lias risen rapidly In tho
'last few years. A German chemist
has produced a substitute jR which
tho chief ingredient is the common
potato. A German factory is now
making 48,000 potato pencils a day.
A Ilomostlc Eye Remedy
Compounded by Experienced Physicians.
Conforms to Pure Food nnd Drills Laws.
Wins Friends Wherever Used. Ask Drug
gists for Murine. Eye Remedy. Try Murine
Ten Millions to Develop Korea.
Consul John II. Snodgrnss sends
from Kobo tho following note In re
gard to a large European loan for the
encouragement of Industry in Korea:
The terms of the lonn for the credit
mobiller, Just negotiated In London
and Paris, are given as follows: To
tal amount of lonn $10,000,000; rate
of Interest, 6 per cent per annum;
Issue price of bonds, $97 to $100; term
of redemption, 25 years. The pay
ment of tho prlnicpnl and interest Is
guaranteed by the government. Half
the sum is to be raised in London
and half In Paris. The money so
raised is to be advanced to the Korean
government as required, and will be
used In tho development of Industry.
A pessimist needs Gnrflcld Tea, tho Herb
laxative which roguliiteB the liver, corrects
constipntion and brings good health and
good spirits.
Homes of Our Presidents.
America Iibb not always been care
ful to preserve the homes of her
statesmen and presidents, but It Is
gratifying to know thnt those of the
two greatest, Washington and Lincoln,
are now safe, and both Illustrate as
nothing else enn tho possibilities of
American institutions. New York
Rhcmatlsm Cured in a Day. "
Dr.Detchon's Relief for Rheumatism radi
cally cures in 1 to3daya. Its action is remark
able. It removes at once the cause and the
disease immediately disappears. First dose
greatly benefits. 75c. and $1. At druggists.
Not Always Broadway.
Few New Yorkers know that the
great Broadway was once called
"Great George street," in honor of
the English King. It was afterward
known as the "Bloomingdale road"
before It acquired the name of "the
Broadway," which was subsequently
changed to Broadway.
To Study Leprosy.
Professor Ehlers, a Danish author
ity on leprosy, has secured the co
operation of some French workers,
and it is proposed to organize a scien
tific expedition into the Danish West
Indies in an endeavor to determine
the part played by blood-sucking in
sects in the dissemination of leprosy.
Beet Sugar Production.
The production of beet sugar in
1907 for the first time exceeded the
production of cane sugar; the product
of the year being, cane sugar 644,
000,000 pounds; beat sugar, 9G7.000,
000 pounds.
("8 SSr fH
Color nKire bHKhtT and fMlpr colon than . any
eaa ay, any garment without ripping apart. Write
b dreadful to sutler and cleipairing to hear. Why threaten the health ol
your lungs and the peace of your family when you can obtain immediate
relief from Piso's dire Remarkable results follow the first dose. Taken
regularly it soothes and keala the lacerated tissues, loosens the clogging
phlegm and stops the cough. Pleasant to the taste and free from
opiates. Children enjoy taking iL For throat and lung diseases, bo
matter bow far adraaced.
Building on Sand.
In New York nearly all the tall of
fice buildings have their foundations
on the quicksand. In It, or under it,
and as a rule they are more difficult,
dangerous and costly to build than
anywhere else in the world. It Is
required to provide absolutely safe
separate supports of from 50 to 100
columns, 15 or 20 feet apart, each
carrying loads of from 100 to 2,000
tons. Thirty foot below the surface
the snnd Is found, compressed to a
hnrd, dense mass which, undisturbed,
will carry safely a load of 0,000 or
8,000 pounds a square foot. When,
therefore, the building Is not too
heavy, aud there Is no expectation of
deeper foundations being built along
side, tho new foundations nre often
laid on the surface of the snnd, which
hns from one-half to the wholo of
Its area covered with them. Century
Where Wives Are Riches.
The only thing which drives men
nnd boys to work In central Africa
Is the desire to buy wives. Who buys
but ono makes no headway and re
mains poor through life. An indus
trious womnn enn support herself
nnd husband llttlo or nothing morn.
She can accumulate no surplus. Who
stays at work doggedly until he buys
a second wife Is fixed for life. What
the second womnn produces beyond
her own support is wealth for him.
Ilo never needs to work agnln. A
third wife is secured by the two
women's Industry; then others. A
man's wenlth Is computed by tho
number ot his wives. My nenrest
neighbor In the High Kasnl wns
Chlcomaj ho had a dozen wives. The
greatest neighboring chief, Ngombo,
had 34. Thcso men were poor com
pared with the great chiefs of the
upper Kongo, where one mnn was In
dicated to me as having COO wives.
Red Book Magazine.
Tiles Cured In O to 14 Days.
Pso Ointment Is guaranteed to cure any
enseof Itching. Blind, Hleedingor Protruding
Piles in 0 to 14 dnys or money refunded. UOo.
Output of Tin.
Tho output of tin In the United
States nnd Alaska In 1907 was C2
tons, derived from 89 tons of concen
trates. In addition several hundred
pounds of metallic tin were product
in an experimental way by a mining
company in South Dakota.
Just Carried Away With Them.
"This Is tho latest stylo of brace
let," observed the detective, deftly
applying the comealongs to his vic
tim's wrists. "How do you like it?"
"It's very fetching," replied ,-the
prisoner, ns ho wnlked away with the
officer. Chicago Tribune.
Pneumonia and Consumption are always
preceded by an ordinnry cold. Hnmlins
Wizard Oil rubbed into the chest draws
out tho inllammntion, breaks up the cold
and prevents all serious trouble.
Why the Needle Points North.
Tho magnetic ncedlo comes to rest
pointing north and south because the
earth acts as If It wero a great mag
net. A compass needlo would como
to rest pointing lengthwise of a bar
magnet pluced under the Influence of
the earth. For this renson we think
of tho earth as a great magnet. The
North Polo nnd the North Star have
no Influence over tho compass ncedlo.
Will vs. Won't.
"Henry, we'd get along better if
you had more will power."
"No, Martha; we'd got along better
if you didn't have quite so much."
Chicago Record.
True Heroism.
"So, after they had fought for her,
she married the man who got licked,
did she?"
"Yes; she reasoned that a man who
would fight a man who could lick him
must be braver than a man who
fought a man he could lick."
The Department of Agriculture es
timates that the ravages of field mice
and rats entail a direct loss of $20,
000,000 annnnllv.
will give you full value
tor every dollar spent
and keep you dry In
the wettest weather.
SHITS $.oo
S01O VfffVWS?
A .1 Tnur o fn oncmu 1 1 c
Tower Canadian Co. limited ToaowrcCAM.
M1 T
V ll -Br-V I-
Cures the sick and acts as a preventive for others. Liquid
given on the tongue. Bate for brood mares and all others. Best
kidney remedy; 50 cents and f 1 a bottle; 5 and $10 the dozen.
Sold by all druggiets and horse goods houses, or sent, express
paid, by the manufacturers.
other dye. One loe. package colors all flhera. They dye In cold wnter batter than any other dye. To
for free booklet-How to uja, Bleaon and MIX Colors. MONROE IIKIU VO oulncy, lllin.ia?
For Women-Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Noah, Ky. "I wns pann!np; through
the Change of Life and suffered from
headaches, nervous
prostration, ana
"Lydln JC. IHnfc.
ham's Vegetable
well nnd strong, so
that lean do alitor -housework,
and at
tend to trio store
nnd poflt-ofllce, and
Ifeet nmchyounger
than I really am.
"Lvdiiv K. 1'ink.
ft r 4
ham's Vegetable Compound is the most
successful remedy for all kinds of
female troubles, and 1 feel that I can
never praise itcmough." Mas. Lizzia
Holland, Noah, Ky.
'J'lmCliangoof Life is thomostcrltlcal
period of a woman's existence, and
neglect of health at this time invite
disease and pain.
that there Is no other remedy known to
medicine that will so successfully carry
women through this trying period as
Lydia E. l'luklmm's Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and
1'or SO years It hns been curing
women from the worst forms of female
Ills Inflammation, ulceration, dls-
flacements, fibroid tumors, irregularl.
Ich, periodic- pains, backache, and
nervous prostration.
I f you would like special nd vice
about your cane write a confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Plnkbam, a
Lynn, Mass. Her advice Is free,
and ulways helpful.
The Benson I Mnke and Bell More Men'i $3.00
to $3.60 Bhoea Than Any Other Manufacturer
ll benm I tht wttrtr th, bnftt of tht mott
complete orf ftniKttoa of trilMd txprt ud lkl!l4
lh(mak.rl In th. country.
Th. Mlactlon of th. foatherfl for tack part of tbt ihoo.
arid rjr d.WI of th. m.Rlnt lo Yry dcpartmnit, u
lookml ofur by th. bat bcma.irra In tho iho. indutry.
If I eoold fhow yon how cartful), W. h. Dooolaa ahoot
ar. mad., von woold than ondaratand why th.r bold thalff
aliapa, At batter, and waar longar than any other aaako.
My Method of 7annlngthi8olet mattes them Mort
Flexible and Longer Wearing than any others,
ailifieo ffir Frrry Mfoihcr nf thai F(tmtlv
Jlluu, Itiiyo, Women, M laaeo anil djhlldrva.
Knr anl hj short rtwileri errrrwhero,
PrlllTlflW I N"ne "'"!"'" "Illirait w. I. ninfl
unU I IUI1 l iinmo ftiul itrim stamped on bottom.
Past Color Eralata Uaed Excltulralf. Catalog saallad frao.
W. L DOUIiUS, 167 Spark St., Brockton, Mau.
60 cte
Per Balz7ri cntaloff, page 129.
larKfttt nrowrof out, whMt, barley.
Iftiu, corn, potato, Kromnfl and crrtm ana
ffirm shv1(( In the world. Uiff catAln frr; or,
rV'fid Oc In ttAmpt anJ rflrelTo Mm pie of KU
llon Jxillar Urau, ylnMIng JO ton of bar
I-or arre, oat, piltt, bnrly,?to., canllr worth
9 1 0 of any mwi'i money tnant a start with,
and catalog free. Or, send 14o and weafld a
mmple farm aoed nureltj never aeen befor
by you.
SALKR SEED CO., Bov A.'C.. U from, Wit.
nip TFFTU P11"18 CTceI ny
I II t I Cb.l 11 in cleansing, whitening and
removing tartar from ths teeth, besides destroying
all germs ol decay and disease which ordinary
tooth preparations cannot do.
TUF Un I ITU Pajrttne used as a mouth
I lit IVIUUin wuh disinfetu the mouth
and throat, purines the breath, and kills the germs
which collect in the mouth, causing sore triroai,
bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much sickness.
THF rVrC when inflamed, tired, ache
I rib b I bd and burn, may be instantly
relieved and strengthened by Paxdne.
fa T1 DDL! Paxtine will destroy the germa
tH I Anntl that cause catarrh, heal the in.
flammation and stop the discharge. It it sura
remedy for uterine catarrh.
Paxtine is a harmless yet powerful
eermicide,disinfectant and deodorizer, j
Used in bathing it destroys odors and
leaves the body andsepticaUy clean.
t" X u. n. im
come a real estate aarent. an earn from 91(100 to a year. Wo fnrnlah yon the Information
and-the properrr. No town la too small for yoa
Co.. inc.. aafrai anna? mdg., waahiurtoo. D. a
A cracked conscience often cause
a broken heart. '
Optometrist!, 705 Penn Arc, PL