FARMERS' INSTITUTE IN PARADISE GRANGE HALL. Good Attendance Despite Con dition of Roads and Bad Weather, County Superintent Jones Ad vocates Progressive Change In Organization Of Town ship Public Schools. A farmers' Institute was hold In Par adise Grange ball February 19 and 20. Chairman J. M. McCrelght called the meeting to order at 10.30 Friday morn ing. Singing by the cnolr was followed by devotional exercises led by Ioah Sy ohrlt. "A Song to the Good Old Plow" opened the way (or practical discussion. County Superintendent L. M. Jones was present and spoke on ''Our Public Schools." He discussed the rural school in Its relation to farming Industry, ad vocating that school training should be modified so as to make It preparatory to rural pursuits, and offering the town ship high school as a partial solution and the centralized school as a more complete solution, when rural districts vbecome ready for them. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. "Potato Culture" was discussed by H. W. North up. He advocated using plenty of barn manure, applied In the fall or early In the winter; plowing soon as possible in the spring and planting the potatoes deep. Horace H. Hall gave an Interesting talk on strawberry culture. Raising horses for market was dis cussed by W. M. C. Drake. ladies' session. Mrs. A. J. Sprague was appointed chairman, and after a gong by the Ca denza club, read a very good paper on Well, Did You See That BEE-LINE At Robinson & Mundorff's Well, if you have not, it will not cost you any thing to have a look, so just step in and look around. Of course, we "sell bee supplies and try to keep a complete line of "Root's" goods on hand. This month we are going to give our customers the benefit of a SPECIAL DISCOUNT, so we would appreciate your order at as early a date as possi ble. Rea Bee & Honey Co. The First National Bank OF RE YNOLDSVI LLE. Capital and Surplus Resources . , John H. Xauchkr, Pres. DIRECTORS John H. Kaucher -J. 0. King Daniel Nolan Henry 0. Delble J.B.Hammond Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking The Peoples National Bank (OLDEST BANK IN THE COUNTY) REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. "Housekeeping and How to Do It." Song by J. F. Strauss and Cadenza club. "Nature Study for Country Schools" was discussed by H. W. Nortbup. Reoltatlon by Carrie Davis. Music by Cadenza club. Reoltatlon by Ethel Sprague. Song by Cadenza olub. "The House and its Maker," by T. J. Phillips, was discussed very favorably for the ladles. Incidentally he remark ed that the ladles should have a cow or some other quiet animal to drive. SATURDAY MORNING. T. J. Phillips, on "Intelligent Dairy Feeding," talked in favor of a mixed grain ration and plenty of water. "Good Roads and How to Build Them," was discussed by W. A. Shees ley and A. W. Mulbollan. Song by Paradise Quartette. Essay, "Good Citizenship," by J. W. Syphrlt. afternoon session. "Registered vs. Grade Stock," Hor ace Hall. Due;, Belle Syphrlt and Margaret Cathcre. "How to Grow CloverK" W. M. C. Drake. "The Wife a Partner," by Mrs. A. W; Mulbollan. Song, A. L. Strauss. "Man and the Usefulness of Education to Htm" was discussed by Rev. H. G. Teagarden. At the close a brief survey of the in stitute was given oy J. M. Norrls. There was a good attendance, consid ering the bad weather and condition of roads. Throughout the above program the Cadenza club of Reynoldsvllle helped greatly in making the affair a success by numerous vocal and Intrumental selections. J. W. Syphrlt and R. J. Norrls acted as secretaries. The South Paradise Telephone Co., a local line in Henderson township, is arranging for an extension of its line into Gasklll township. HERMAN J. HOELSCHE OPTOMETRIST ' Graduate Pbll'a Optical College. Will be at the Imperial Hotel, In Reynoldsvllle, on Friday and Satur day, March 6th and 6th, when be can be consulted by all suffering from errors of refraction of the eye, pusbyopia, myopia, hypermetropla, spasm of accommodation; astigma tism in all its varieties scientifically corrected. All diseases of the eye opthalmOscoploally diagnosed. Spe cial attention paid to children suf fering from headache, eyestrain, strabismus and St. Vitus dance. Only the flneBt lenses used and ground to order. HOELSCHE Eye Specialist. . $175,000.00 $550,000.00 OFFICERS J. 0. Kino, Viee-Pres. K. 0. Bchuokirs, Cashier John H.Oorbett R. H. Wilson Capital and Surplus $125,000.00. . Resources $500,000.00. Foreign Exchange Sold. ' Interest paid semi-annually on Savings Accounts, hav ing liberal deposit and with drawal privileges. Liberal treatment and ev ery courtesy extended con sistent with sound banking, Open Saturday Evenings. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Property Changes in Jefferson County Put Upon Record. H. J. Lott and wife to Jos. Syphrlt, lot In Wlnslow; ISO. . Fred Walker to H. B. McCullougb; lot in Brockwayvllle; 1350. Samuel States and wife to Ida M. Blakeslee, property in Big Run; $1,400. Emma Ritchie et. al., to Alex Stem uoha, lot in Wlnslow; $275. Henry Plfer and wife to Thomas E. Kerr, lot in Big Run; $25. George M. Beadle, et al., dxrs., to Rosa R. Volpe, lot in Snyder; $1. Rlobard Unsworth to Joseph White house, lot In Washington; $35. Clarence Kroh to Margaret Eroh, one-half acre in Pinecreek; $1. Margaret Kroh et al., to Clarence Kroh, one-half acre n Pinecreek; $1. John E. Grube and wife to John H. Kenedy, property in Punxsutawney; $50,000. George R. Hall to Lottie M. Seger', lot In BelI;$4C0. J. B. Cable and wife to J. S. Snell, 107 acres lo Washington; $535. T. T. McGarey and wife to Samuel" Thomas, one acre In McCalmont; $100. L. Delprlnclpe to Joe Marlnaro, 3 acres In Winslow; $150. J. F. McLaughlin and wife to S. E. Humphreys, 80 acres in Snyder; $2,300. C. L. Patterson and wife to Wood: work Supply Co., property in Punxsu tawney; $2,280. Rosarm Cathers to Mlna A. Peters, 10 acres In Wlnslow; $10. Bryan at Brookville. The seat sale for the lecture of Hon. William J. Bryan at Brookville, on the afternoon of March 12th, opened at McKnlght'8 drug Btore, Brookville, at 9.00 o'clq, Monday morning, March 1st, and the demand for seats indicates that the Y. M. C. A., under whose auspices the lecture will be given, will find trouble In providing seats for those who want to hear the great Nebraskan. The P. S. & C. railroad has granted a special rate from Clarion and other points on -its line, and already a big bunch of tickets have been reserved for excursion parties. The reserved seat tickets are sold at $1.00, and only by baying your seat reserved In advance can the committee assure seats. There will be no standing room sold and holders of reserved seats will be pro tected. Telephone orders will be re ceived and tickets held until the morn ing of the 10th for remittance. Seats not paid for at that time will be re sold. Heats paid for will be held at the box office for subscribers, or will be mailed If preferred. Mr. Bryan has been secured only after a determined effort, and this may be your last oppor tunity to hear him Don't miss It. Buy seats early. Lecture begins 2:15 per mitting return home la time for supper. Night on Bald Mountain. On a lonely night Alex Benton of Fort Edward, N. Y., climbed Bald mountain to the borne of a neighbor, tortured by asthma, bent on curing him with Dr. King's New Discovery, that bad cured himself of asthma. This wonderful medicine soon relieved and quickly cured bis neighbor. Later It cured bis son's wife of a severe lung trouble. Millions believe Its the great est throat and lung cure on earth. Coughs, colds, oroup, hemorrhages and sore lungs are surely cured by it. Best for hay fever, grip and whooplng cough. 50o and $1.00. Guaranteed by H. L, McEntlre. letter Lint. List of unolalmed letters remaining in post office at Reynoldsvllle, Pa., for week ending Feb. 27, 1900. 2 Peter Burket. John Macon, Miss Minerva Markle. Say advertised and give dale of list when calling for above. E. C. Burns, P. M. Qo With a Rush. The demand for that wonderful stom ach, liver and kidney cure, Dr. King's New Life Pills la astounding. H. L. McEntlre says he never saw the like. Its because they never fall to oure sour stomach, constipation, Indigestion, bil iousness, jaundice, sick headache, chills and malaria. Only 25o. H. L. Mo Entire. Lace and Embroideries. Thursday evening after supper we place on sale our entire line of lace and embroideries. Bing-Stoke Co. "I have been absolutely cured of gas tritis and dyspepsia by Mi-o-na tablets after the most eminent physicians pre scribed for me with no effect." Her bert H. Taylor, 501 W. 243d St.,'New York City. Stoke & Feicht Drug Co. guarantees Mi-o-na. 50c. Big bargains in shoes Thursday eve ning after supper. Bing-Stoke Co. Come in Thursday evening after supper and see the bargains we have to offer you. Bing-Stoke Co. The Clarion State Normal School offers splendid educational opportun ities at a very low cost. Is is a high grade school, morally, socially and in tellectually. The spring term opens March 23rd. When you need work shoes don't for get we sell Men's-eaae, price $3.00 and up. Adams. Additional Local Matter. Dr. Charles Manchester,, who was conducting evangelestio meetings at Rathmel several weeks, returned home Saturday. During bis stay fif teen persons professed conversion. The meetings are being continued under the charge of Rev. Messrs. Wal drop, Frampton and Meek. Kittanning has a basket ball league, composed of teams from eight different churches in the olty. Dr. T. C. Lawson, a well known phy sician of Brook vIDe, bas gone to Wll oox, Arizona and may locate there per manently. ' Dr. W. L. Snyder is now In charge of Lawson's practice at Brook ville. Bargains in men's dress shirts Thurs day evening at our after supper sale. Bing-Stoke Co. Prohibition Convention, The Prohibitionists of Jefferson coun ty are called to meet in Centennial ball, Reynoldsvllle, Pa., Friday, March 19, 1909, at 1.00 p. m., for the purpose of selecting party officers, county candi dases for spring primary, delegates to stale convention, and any other matter needing action lo the Interest of the cause will be given attention. State Chairman David B. McCalmont will be present -during the session anl will address mass meetlng.In the hall at 7.30 o'clock In the evening. By order J. C. Sprankle, chairman Jefferson Co. Prohibition Committee. A GLUTTON FOR WORK. 8tory of the British Civil Service In the Last Century. The British civil service durlug""the middle of the Inst century was a de lightful place for young gentlemen who wished a "Job" with nothing to d. Mr. Arthur W. A'Beeket in his "Recol lections of a ITuniorlst" describes bis first dny In the war office. After read ing the Times through no short task and listening to the conversation of his colleagues for awhile he ventured to address his chief. "Can I do anything?" I asked. "Is there anything for me to do?" lie seemed a little perplexed. The other denizens of the room paused for a moment in their conversation to bear his reply. It seemed to mo that they appeared to be amused. My chief look ed at me and then at the papers In front of him. "Ah!" said he at last, with a sigh of relief. "Are you fond of Indexing?" I replied I was fond of anything and everything that could be of the slight est service to my country. If those were not the exact words I used, that was the spirit of my answer. "I see, a glutton for work," observed my chief, with a smile that found re flection on the faces of my other col leagues. "Well, A'Beeket, just Index this pile of circulars." I seized upon the bundle and return ed to my desk. Ob, how I worked at those circulars! There were hundreds of them, and I docketed them with the greatest care and entered their purport Into a book. From time to time my official chief, so to speak, looked In upon me to see how I was getting on. "I soy," said he, "there's no need tc be In such n desperate hurry. I arc not In Immediate need of the Index. You can take your time, you know. Wouldn't you like a stroll In the park? Most of us have n little -walk during the day. We none of us stand on cere mony and are quite a happy family." But, no; I stuck to my Indexing and after some three days of fairly bard work found my labors done. I took up the bundle of circulars, now in ipple pie order, and laid them on my chiefs desk. "I say, A'Beeket," said he, "this won't do. You are too good a fellow to be allowed to cut your own throat, and for your brother's sake I will give you a tip. Don't do more than you are asked to do. Now, I gave you those circulars to Index because yon would bother me for work. I didn't want the Index. Now it's done It's not the least bit of use to me. Of course it may come in useful some day, but I scarce ly see how it can, as the lot are out of date. But of course It may," he added to save my feelings. DEVELOPING A STAR. How Mansfield Coaohed Margaret An glin Roxane. Richard Mansfield In bis preparation for "Cyrano" was unsparing of him self, and he was unsparing of others. Everything he had and everything he hoped for was at stake. Struggle and desperation were in the air. Nearly every one In the cast resigned or was discharged over and ove again. Mr. Falmer's days and nights were devot ed to diplomacy, and, thanks to his sunvlty, the heady heat of the day be fore was forgotten in the cool of the next morning. An netress of International reputa s 1 . Bone clean and dry without charring wick or frostlatf chimney. "FAMILY FAVORITE" LAMP OIL Refined Ihreo times. Every f breifrn particle and sediment removed. Clear, white and absolutely uniform. Gives the brightest white lig-htthe moat and beet light. Finest in the world for reeding and 'night work." Not sold from tank wagons. Direct tnyou out of the orbrt Hal barrel from us. Costs no mors and ia ever so much better Your dealer know ask him. Waverly Oil Works Co, SKST Pittsburg Pa. Also assitol TsnrliSnclsl isle OU ssd Wench; fimllsaa. tion ana experience was engagea tor Koxane. Itehearsnls were under way when she resigned by cable. The orange girl's single Hue in the first act was being, rehearsed by a young Canadian, Margaret Anglln. Mans field bad not seen her act, but be re marked the wondrous loveliness of ber voice, and his Intuition told him she bad temperament. "Can you make yourself look ' beautiful enough for Roxane?" he asked. "I think I might If you can make yourself ugly enough for Cyrano," she answered. The part was hers on the Instant. He coached ber relentlessly. Again and again she cried that she could not do It. He re assured her, but not with soft persua sions. "You can, my dear, and you must. Now, again!" After rehearsals she went regularly In tears to Mr. Palmer to resign. He appealed to Mansfield to be moro lenient. "I am only kind," was his reply. "Itoxnne Is a great part. Only one who has suffered can play such a role. This girl lias the temperament and the emotions, but sho Is young and Inex perienced. I cannot persuade her spir it. I must rouse it." And every day she reached new depths and new heights. Paul Wllstach in Scribner's. A Multiplicity of Fathers. Ardyce had been learning to sing "America" nt school and was trying to teach It to Brother Wayne. One morn ing his father heard him shouting, "Land where my papa died, land where my papa died." Ardyce Interrupted. "Oh, no, Wayne, not that way. It Is 'Land where our fathers died.' " Wayne's expression could not be de scribed at he tipped his head sldewlse ond In n very surprised tone gravely asked, "Two of 'em?' Delineator. A Way Men Have. "When a man talks about luck," said Uncle Eben, "ho nearly alius means hard luck, 'cause when he's prosper ous he's gwlntcr take nil de credit fob his own smahtness." Washington Star. A Phonetio Purchase. The late Henry Miller, who was guide, philosopher and friend to many book lovers within a thousand miles of New York, was a most successful salesman. One day he called on Collls P. Huntington and showed him a rare copy of a book. "There are -two volumes of this," said Mr. Miller. "The other volume is in perfect order, as you see this one Is. You cannot possibly let them escape you, for you know you have nothing like this in your library." "What is the price?" asked the rail road king. "Seven hundred dollars." said the bookman. "Those are too valuable volumes for my library," Mr. Huntington ex claimed. Mr. Miller went back to his place and sent the books to Mr. Hunting ton's house with a bill for $700. Next day the raflroad king sent for blm. "Why did you send me those books?" be demanded sharply. "Because yon bought them," was the bookman's calm reply. "I certainly did not!" cried the mil lionaire. " "Oh, yes, you did!" answered Mr. Miller. "You'll remember pprfectl." well when I toll you what you said. You told me distinctly, 'Those are two valuable volumes for my libra ry.' "Harper's Weekly. Out of a great evil may come a great good. Italian Proverb. A BAPTIST ELDER Restored to Health by Vino! '1 was run down and weak from In digestion and general debility, also suf fered from vertigo. I saw a cod liver preparation called Vinol advertised and decided to give it a trial, and the re sults were most gratifying. After tak ing two bottles I regained my strength and am now feeling unusually well." Henry Cunningham, Elder Bap tist Church, Kingston, N. C. Vinol Is not a patent medicine but a preparation composed of the medicinal elements of cods' livers, combined with a tonlo iron and wine. YInol creates a hearty appetite, tones up the organs of digestion and makes rich, red blood. In this natural manner, Vinol creates strength for the run-down, over worked and debilitated, and for deli cate children and old people. For chronlo coughs, colds and bronchitis Vinol is unexcelled. All euch persons in this vicinity ar asked to try Vinol on our offer to re fund their money if It falls to giro sat isfaction. Stoke & Feicht Drug Company Reynoldsville, Pa. WINDSOR HOTEL ,W. T. Briihaker, Mgr. Midway between Broad St. Station and Reading Terminal on Filbert St. European $1.00 per day and up. American I2..50 per day and up. The only moderate priced hotel of rep utation and consequence In PHILADELPHIA 'Wc 1 i Hit 13 tea LIFE ISN'T WORTH LIVING This Statement May be Generally At tributed to the Lack of Good Health. We want to talk to people who are nerv ous, who suffer frequent headaches, who don't enjoy their food, who are Irritable, quickly lose their temper, are so tired and worn out that they feel they must give up, and have become so despondent that life doesn't seem worth living. We know exactly what is the matter with people in this condition, and if they will follow pur advice, we can tell them how to regain good health and that bouyancy of feeling which makes life seem all sunshine and happiness. ' Most of the above described conditions are chiefly caused by catarrhal inflamma tion of the mucous membranes. This deli cate web-like lining of the body becomes iirilamed and congested until weakness and menial depression follows. The only way that this can be overcome is through a treatment of the blood. We have tho treatment, and we are so positive that it will produce the results we claim forit that we will supply it to anyone wilh the under standing that we will return to them every penny they paid us in every instance where the treatment is not in every way satisfac tory and beneficial to them. We want you to try Rexall Mucu-Tone, which is a powerful nutritive tonic and body builder, and a mucous membrane al terative that cleanses these membranes and restores their natural and healthy functions. Rexall Mucu-Tone drives out all the catarrhal poison, restores the mucous cells to good health, tones up the whole system, allays inflammation, removes congestion, and stimulates the whole system to healthy activity. It is splendid for building up flesh and muscle tissue and removing all weaknesess. Come to our store today and get a bottle -of Mucu-Tone, and after givingit a reason able trial, if you are not satisfied simply tell us so, and we will hand back vour money without question. Surely, nothing could be more fair than this. Two sixes, 50 cents and r. oo. Stoke & Feicht Drug Company Store, t noldsvllle, Pa. BUSINESS DIRECTORY I-UII ItM K I M K I All I I I will be pleased to bave you call and Inspect my spring stylos. Shop on Fourth Street LINGENFELTER BROS. Up - to - Date Photographers. Corner of Main and Fifth. Streets REYNOLDSVILLE . . PENN'A BOOT And SHOE REPAIRING Flrat-Qlass Handwork and Reasonable Prices. fl.KoslnsklNLxwte'8MaIn St, HUGHES & FLEMING. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. -Main Street. Reynoldsvllle, Pa. Garment Dyeing and Geaning . By James Pontefract West Reynoldsville, Penn'a Opposite P. R.,R. Freight Depot. Something In Store for You In the way of the latest and most sani tary devices in PLUMBING that you have yet seen. If you are to Install modern plumbing in anj building you will do well to visit our store before contracting for the work. Our plumb ing oontraots are figured on the basis of Al goods, Al work and moderate prices. Let us know your wants and give you an estimate. C. E. HUMPHREY a , Plumber, )(lt5IHifi(f )(()(( Jit ?((j(Htt)l(3if llfilf Jit Ji(ii 3KJ$tJftJlHltJHF 4t i Dr. F.S.DAVENPORT m : Osteopathic Physician Matson Block v - Brookville, Pennsylvania ' Consultation and treatment In Rey- $ S noldsvllle by appointment only, it g i you want my opinion and examlna- IK tlon ot any chronic case, write me and $ g make an appolnmont (or any MOnDAT $ or Thursday and I will call at your IK home. Dr. F. 8. DAVENPORT, I Brookville, Pa, a If you have anything to sell, try oar Want Column.