Wht ir Stan S'toscrtp'fot! 1 1.00 per year in advance. 0 A. ITEPIIENHON, Editor und Pab WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 17, 1909 Entered at the poatolHce at Keynoldsvlllt P , second clan mall matter. 4nHMIHTILI.TlI.IFHnHI No. 61. OUR REPUTATION Assures you that nothing whatever will be misrepresent ed and our prices are always the low est on everything in Standard Proprie tary Medicir.es and Drugs, Chemicals and Drug Sundries. Stoke & Feicht Drug Company K ft Little oi EvemtnifiQ, P.O. S. of A. flag presentation In Assembly ball Feb. 27. The citizens of Indiana are trying to secure a state armory. Tbe Armstrong County Fair grounds were sold by the sheriff last week. Attend the D. A. R. prize essay con test In Assembly hall Monday evening. Assembly ball should be as well filled to hear Dolllver as It was when Senator Tillman appeared. Marble playing among the boys the usual harbinger ot spring commenced on the Btreets this week. The Eleanora base ball club will hold a ilaniiA In Wl I o V a ib Panlr notitltnn nn the evening of Washington's birthday, Feb. 22. The Rldgway Brick Co.'s plant has een purchased by FIske & Co., a Bos ton, Mass., firm conducting a large selling agency. Don't forget to drop into tbe Bijou nickelodeon Thursday night. Feb. 18. Proceeds go to tbe free reading room and they need the money . . The Woman's Baptist Mission Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. E. C. Davis on Fourth street Thursday even ing. Luncheon at 10.00. - Norman Butler, formerly a Reynolds vllle business man, whose property was destroyed by fire December 5tb, has purchased a billiard and pool room at New Bethlehem. Tbe prettiest valentine that came to any one at Reynoldsvllle arrived at home ot Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Skinner Sunday morning, Feb. 14. It was a fine girl baby. An extension of tbe B., R. & P. R'y aaross Westmoreland county, into Washington and Fayette counties, to tap newly acquired coal fields there is the latest railway rumor. The Reynoldsvllle Business Men's Association made an effort to secure William Jennings Bryan to lecture in Reynoldsvllle while In this section of the state next month, but were un able to secure an open date,. Senator Dolllver, one of the biggest men In the United States Senate, will appear in Assemb'y hall February 23rd. There are few public men whose utter ances command snch wide attention as Dolllver's. George Washington was a great gen eral, Martha Washington was a good cook. Let it be proven to you at the Martha Washington Tea In M. E. church Monday evening from 6 to 7 o'clock. Supper 25 cents. A six o clock dinner was served by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Jewell Thurs day evening, at their borne on West Main street to a select number of in vited friends. The evening was a most enjoyable ope for the participants. Tbe town of Hawthorne, near New - Bethlehem, has bad six fires, apparent ly of lnoendiary origin, within the last few months, and a detatchment of tbe State Constabulary has been stationed there to try to discover the perpetrator. The Punxs'y and DuBols papers get consolation for Viola Allen cancelling her dates at those places by reflecting that the famous actress was prob ably afraid to play before the ultra ritloal audlenoes of the Avenue and ' Jefferson Theatres. .. , . NONAGENARIAN PASSES AWAY. James Jones Had Resided In Reynolds vllle for Thirty-Seven Years. Mr. James Jones, one of the most venerable men In Jefferson county, died at tbe home of his daughter, Mrs. Annie Winslow on Jackson street at 2.00 p. m. Saturday afternoon, February 13th. A paralytic stroke six years ago had rendered Mr. Jones almost helpless and this with the feebleness of extreme age, eventually caused his demise. Tbe funeral service was held at the home of Mrs. Winslow Monday morning at 9.00 o'clock, conducted by Rev. A. J. Meek, of the Baptist church, of which the deceased had . been an attendant when In health, assisted by Rev. John F. Black, pastor of the M. E. church. Burial was made in the Roynotdsvllle cemetery. Hughes & Fleming were In charge. James Jones was born In Blen Avon, Wales, In 1819, making him 1)0 years of age at time of death. In that coun try he was married and lived until his 42nd year, when he came to America. For a time he resided at Scrantnn, Pa . but In 1872, rhen Reynoldsvllle was enjoying its first big boom, Mr. Jones came here and in the thirty-seven years since bad made his home with our people.. In younger days he was an actlveiand progressive citizen taking a keen Interest In the town he had seen grow from a mere village. The deceased Is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Hannah Stewart, of Pittsburgh, and Mrs. Annie Winslow, of Roynoldsvlllo. Fourteen grand-children and three great-grandchildren also survive. Hon. W. O. 8mlth, editor of the Punxsutawney Spirit, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Smith, In Reynoldsvllle Saturday. L. W. Huyck, formerly manager of the Reynoldsvllle Woolen Co.'s mill in this place, now connected with a large mill at Apollo, . Pa., was In town a day last week, the guest of Hood Knox, on Grant street. Mrs. Katherlne Maracco, of Wlshaw, died in Grube's Hospital at Punxsu tawney Monday morning and wilt be burled In the Reynoldsvllle Catholio cemetery to-day. Mass will be con ducted to the Catholio church at 9.30 a. m. The deceased was 40 years old. Services at the Methodist church for the week are as follows: Love Feast Wednesday evening at 7.30. Tbe sac rament of the Lord's supper Sunday morning at 11.00. Theme for the 7.30 service, "The Philosophy of Prayer." Strangers and visitors are cordially In vited to attend these services. One of tbe most appropriate window displays seen In Reynoldsvllle In recent years was a replica of the famous Lincoln monument at Springfield, Illi nois, exhibited by the Stoke & Feicbt Drug Company on Friday the hund- dredth anniversary of Lincoln's birth. Tbe replica was designed and construct ed by J. Herman Guthrie. Some one was needed to answer him, and the Repub'icans put forth the finest orator in the House, Dolllver, of Iowa. Mr. Dolllver, on the other hand,' is entirely free from angularity la body and mind and bis speeches are masterpieces. New York Independent, Feb. 2, 1899. At Assembly hall Tues day night, Feb 23, 1909. The plant of tbe Reynoldsvllle Brick and Tile Company will be Idle for the next thirty days while repairs are being made. This company has had a very successful year, operations going on continuously throughout 1908 despite the business depression over tbe land, and its payroll has become a material factor In insuring local prosperity. The prospects for the coming year are even better than last. After a ten months' stay in Reynolds vllle, Charles J. Bangert has decided that after all there is no place like home, and after this week will Issue the Herald from Falls Creek. Tbe ma chinery is being moved this week. The Crystal City was the scene of the Her- aid's greatest success in past years and Its citizens will doubtless welcome the return of tbe newspaper whloh, more than any other Institution, was respon sible for the town's early fame. "John Brown's body lies a-moulder-lng in the grave but his soul goes marching on," and his decendants also. A grandson of the noted Har per's Ferry martyr of war times will address a mass meeting In the Avenue Theatre at DuBols Sunday afternoon, Feb. 28. The meeting is for the pur pose of protesting against the recent Qompers-Mltchell-Morrlson jail sent ence for contempt of court in an In junction case. Farmer's Institute will be held at Paradise Friday and Saturday, Feb ruary 19 and 20. Topics will be dis cussed by many of tbe best known men in the county among them Noah Sy phrit, A. A. Rudolph, Isaac Miller, W. T. Cox, Prof. L. M. Jones, I. J. Phillips, W. A. Sheesley, A. W. Mul hollan, J. W. Sypbrlt, Rev. H. G. Tea garden, J. W. Norrls; and the follow ing ladles: Mrs. A. J. Sprague, Mrs; A. W. Mulhollan, Mrs. Minerva Strouse, Ethel Sprague, Belle Sypbrlt. Margaret Cathers, Carrie Davis, Stella Norrls.. State speakers will be present both days. ' D. A. R. CONTEST MONDAY NIQHT. Public Invited to Hear the Prize Essays of the Juniors Read in Assembly Hall. The D. A. R. prize essay contest will be held In Assembly hall Monday even ing, February 22nd, at eight o'clock. A prize of five dollars Is offered for tbe best essay. The subject Is, "Colonial Beliefs and Customs." Only members of the Junior class without conditions are eligible to enter the contest. In approving this condition of eligibility the Daughters of the American Revo lution have placed a premium on In dustry and thorough work in our high school. FLAG PRESENTATION. P. O. S. of A. Will Present Large Ameri can Flag to the Public Schools. Friday evening, February 20, a large American Hag will be presented to tbo publlo schools of Reynoldsvllle borough by Washington Camp No. 002, P. O. 8. of A., of Reynoldsvllle. The pres entation will be made La Assembly ball and an elaborate program Ib being pre pared for the occasion. Hon. W. I. Swope, of Clearfield, an orator of ability, has been secured to deliver the principal address of the evening, and there will be many other features on the program that will make it worthy tbe attention of all interested in the maintenance of a true spirit of patriot Ism In our schools. Full program will be presented next week. KILLED AT SHARON. Gr'21- John R. Burgoon, of Brookville, Fatally Injured Crossing Railroad. John R. Burgoon, a former resident of Brookville and a cousin of S. J. Burgoon, of Reynoldsvllle, was fatally Injured by being struck by a train at South Sharon, Pa., where he has re Bidod for sometime, on Saturday of last week, at about 11.00 o'clock, a. m. Mr. Burgoon bad been to see bis son. Ber nard, an employee of the American Steel and Wire Company, on a matter of business, and bad left the latter on bis way home, when be attempted to cross the railway tracks and falling to note the coming of a swiftly moving northbound passenger train be stepped directly In front of it, being struck upon the right side and hurled a distance of Borne fifteen feet, sustaining such severe injuries that bis death resulted on Sun day morning at two o'clock, tbe Injured man never regaining consciousness. Mr. Burgoon was a brother of Dr. J. A., Samuel and Dennis Burgoon, and is survived by four children: C. P. Burgoon, of Brookville, Mts. Clarence Hlnes, of Eldred, Bernard, of South Sharon, and John, of Sharon. Bank Reports. ReportB of the condition of the FlrBt National and tbe CitlzenB National banks, at the close of business February 5th, will bo found In this issue of The Star. The reports show the banks to be in good condition. Cochran-Carl. At the Presbyterian parsonage Fri day evening, February 12th, Walter Cochran, "son of James J Cochran, of Reynoldsvllle, and Miss Olive Carl, of Punxsutawney, were united in mar riage by Rev. A. D. McKay. Tbe couple are now staying at tbe home of tbe groom's parents on Fifth street. Card f Thanks. For the kindness and sympathy ex tended before and after tbe death of our father, Mr. James Jones, we desire to extend sincere appreciation. Mas. Annie Winslow. Notice. We furnish you Henry's, Davis' or Little's coal at your request. City Dray, W. U. Ellenberger. . A Reward May be yours In tbe line of a good sup per if you attend the Martha Washing ton Tea In the M. E. church basement Monday evening from 5 to 7 p. m. Alt Hats Must Go. Come and get a hat at your own price. Trimmed to suit without extra charge. Mrs. L. P. Miller. ' I bought a pair of Men's-ease shoes at Adam's for $3.00, wore them to work for 13 months, had them half-soled 9 times and they are not worn out yet. Thos. Deegan. The entertainment in Assembly hall Monday evening will be free and worth an evening's time. WINSLOW, TOWNSHIP TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. The publlo school teachers ot Winslow township will bold an institute In the church at Wlshaw, on the Jefferson Traction Co. line, Saturday, February 27th. Almost every teacher of a township school has been placed on the pro gram, with a special address by Prof. W. M. Rife, superintendent or the Reynoldsvllle schools. The directors are expected to be present to participate in discussion. The institute Is free to all. Tbe program announced follows: MORNING BE881ON-10 A. M. SHARP. Devotional Exercises. , Rev. J. F. Black Roll Call Responded to by Appropriate Quotations Sunny Bide in Teaching Ray Breaker. Fine Beat Ella McDonnell, Hay Oorbett Faulta Id Reading and Row to Overcome '..Myra Kelly Olive Olawges, J. M. London, Ruble Gou Bow to Teach Politeness and Kindness Ruth Williamson . Ruby Rnmer, Ruth Obamberlln, Mary Haaaon Cora Robertson Pleasant and Unpleasant Teacher and Effect. Gertrude White, Iiene Hughes, Elvira Johnston , Walter Smith, My F.rnn' DELIVERED FINE RRV. John F. Black wa9 the principal oaator at the Impressive Lincoln Cen tennial exercises In the M. E. church Friday nlgbt. DEATH OF JAMES HAWTHORNE Mali Prominent aa an Educator and Cit izen Succumbs to Apoplexy. James Hawthorne, a veteran of the civil war. died at his home In Brook ville at 10.00 o'clock Saturday evening, February 13th. The deceased had been in his usual health until Bye o'clock Saturday, when he suffered a stroke of apoplexy. An hour later a second stroke came and at 10.00 life departed. Tbe funeral services wore held Tuesday at 10 00 a. m. and burial was mado In tbe family plot In the old Brookville cemetery. Mr. Hawthorne was seventy-one years of age and had spent bis life In the region near Brookville and was well known over tbe county. For twenty years he was a teacher In tbe publlo schools. His wife, one son and three daughters survive, as follows: Claude K. Hawthorne, Mrs. Dr. J. K. Brown, Mrs. James Canning, all of Brookville, and Miss Virginia Haw thorne, at home. Surprised Their Friends. L. C. Trout, hoad clerk in M. H. Morris' clothing store, of Punxsutaw ney, and Miss Nelle Pifer, a teacher in the Eleanora publio schools, Wednes day at 10 o'clock p. m., were married at home of tbe bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Plfor, of McCalmont township, Rev. H. T. Teagarden, ot Punxsutawney officiating. The wedding, which was witnessed only by tbe Immediate members of tbe bride's family and a few friends, was to have taken place at five o'clock, but was delayed on account of tbe P. R, R. train, whloh runs out of Mr. Trout's borne town, where the bridegroom will go Into business with bis brothers. Punxsutawney Spirit. . Surprises Are lu store for you. You couldn't guess half the good things to eat that will be served at the Martha Washing ton Tea In the basement of tbe M. E. church Monday evening, February 26. from B to 7 o'clock. Supper 25c. The Crime of Idleness. Idleness means trouble for anyone. Its the same with a lazy liver. It causes constipation, headache, jaundice, sallow complexion, pimples and blotch es, loss of appetite, nausea, but Dr. King's New Life Pills soon banish liver troubles and build up your boaltb. 25c at Stoke & Feicht Drug Co.'s store. Gibson's constantly Increasing optical practice speaks for his skill. Consult him If your eyes need care. Imperial Hotel, February 18. Dr. L." M. Emerlck, of Georgetown Pa.r specialist in cbronlo diseases, will be at Frank's Tavern, Reynoldsvllle, February 19. , All persons suffering from organic trouble should visit him for an examination. - Ask Stoke & Feicht Drug Co. about Hyomel, the guaranteed dry air catarrh cure. Cures catarrh, asthma, croup, bronchitis, sore throat; relieves the worst cold in five minutes. Complete outfit 11.00. Make your shoe bills easy to. pay, wear Men's-ease. Price S3 00. Adam's. Subscribe for The Star. II a year. Bonn LINCOLN ADDRESS A High School Edltor-ln-Chluf, . CKLIA YOST Senior Reporter, . Fonda KINO Junior Reporter Jane Smith Soph. Reporter, HAZEL HOFFMAN Fresh. Rep. GUY POSTLETHWAITE These schools bad no pupils tardy last week: Room 2, Miss Myers; room 4, MUs Frampton; room 7,- MIbs Schultze; room 5, MIbs Clarke: room 121, Miss Me En toe; room 9, Miss Lewis. Katherlne McCreigbt and Blanche Vantassel, pf DuBols, visited R. H. 8. Monday. The rivalry among tbe Soph, boys Monday certainly caused a great calam ity. No one has found out who was victor, but by the way Dominic was fixed up, one would almost believe be was the favored one. An earthquake shock was felt In room 15 Monday morning. No serious results. Prof. W. M. Rlfti received from Berry Brothers, manufacturers . of Philadelphia, copies of Lincoln's letter t.i Mrs. Blxby, for dlstrlbution.among tbe members of tbe Senior and Junior classes of tbe high school. An en grossed copy of this letter hangs on the walls of Brasnose College, Oxford University, England, as a specimen of tbe purest English and most elegant diction extant. It Is said that as a model of expressive English, It has rarely, if ever, been equalled. The Juniors will compete for tbe D. A. R. prize on Monday evening, Feb. 22, at eight o'clock. Length of pro gram requires this early hour of begin ning. Examinations this week close the fifth month of school. The G. A. R. turned out on Friday 35 in all. At the conclusion of tbe exercises, on motion of Dr. Foust, tbe veterans extended a rising vote of thanks to tbe school for the interesting program; tbe pupils accepted this kind appreciation of their work by rising. Senator Dolllver will bo here on Tuesdty evening, Feb. 23. This is tbo last number of the course. Tickets go on sale Friday morning. Mr. Evans and a force of men have moved tbe flag polo to toe Main street side of tbe school building. From this position the entire town will have a good view of the new P. O. S. of A. flag. H. E. Phillips decorated Assembly ball on Friday morning. Tbe artistic arrangement of flags and bunting were no small contribution to the success of the Lincoln Day exercises. The decorations will remain In place till February 27. Rev. C. H. Frampton, of Sykesville, attended tbe Lincoln Day exercises last Friday. Men's-ease shoes, price 13.00 to 15.50. Adam's. AFTERNOON SESSION-ISO. .America Roll Call for Forenoon Abaenteea. For What are We Preparing Boys and Girls? Rons Clawgea R. Reed, Henry Smith Band of Mercy Song A. B. E. 8. of Wlshaw Disadvantages of a Boy of Your School Age and Their Effects No '. .School Directors Addreaa Prof. W. M. Rife How to Reach the Heart ot a Boy or Girl Margaret Hunter Florence Hetrick, Carrie Darla, J. K. Brewer W. M. McAtee Recitation Remember, Boys Make Men Ruth Reed Address.... Supt 1.. Slnvne Jones ; PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Qllmpses of the People who art Pass lng To and Fro. Robert P. Koebler spent Sunday In Brookville. Mrs. A. G. Mllliren was In Brookville a day the past week. . Frank H. Beck, of Punxsutawney, was In town Saturday. ' ; QMrs. V. L. Moore, of Glondalo, wrs In Brookville a day the past week. Miss Posle Lusk was the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. F. Oswald, In Drook,- vllle Sunday. Miss Amelia Clark, of Brookville, visited Mrs. C R. Hall several days the past week. Mrs. Amelia Clark, of Brookville, was the guest of Mrs. C. R. Hall In this place over Sunday. Miss Elvira JohnBton was (n Clarloif Saturday and Sunday attending a soda) function at tho Normal. . J. C. Swart?,, manager of the Amer ican H'ltel at Brookville, spent Sunday with his parents In this place. ' Mrs. George Mulford, of Buffalo. N. Y , visited her sister, Mrs. A. T. Blng, , In Reynoldsvllle the past week. Robert Robertcon, of DuBols, spent Sunday with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs, Peter Robertson, in Reynoldsvllle. Joseph Williams, George Gelslor, ' Leon Wescoat and Leo Nolan were (n Brookville Monday on a business trip, Miss Pearl Chatham, of Greonvllle; Pa., Is spending a couple of days with her sister, Mrs. H. F. Eufer, in this place. - Dr. Held A. Wilson, of Brookville, was a guest at borne of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wilson a day tbe past week. Miss Nell Elder, trained nurse of DuBols, spent several days with ber uncle, C. A. Stephenson, In this place last week. Joseph C. Cancelllere, representing La I'rinacria, Pittsburgh's Italian newspaper, was a caller at The Star ofjlce Friday last. C. Grant Rboads Is In Clarion this week helping to get tbe newly organ ized tribe of Red Men at that pmco Into good running order. P. A. Hardman, bookkeeper at tbe Elk Tanning Oo. plant In this place, will leave to-day on a three weeks' trip through Oklahoma and Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Ebers, Who were visiting the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.Montgomery, In West Reyn oldsvllle, returned to their home In Pittsburgh the past weok. Mrs. T. J. Nvland, Mm. E. E. Mo Cullough and MUs Grace Hanrahan, all of Brookville, visited the latter tw&'s sister., Mrs. G. R. Yuengert of West Reynoldsvllle, a day last week. Mrs. William Reisner, of Bellefonte, returned to her homo Tuesday after a visit with ber son, George Hartman, In this place. A granddaughter, Mary Hartman, aocompanled ber home. Misses Katherlne McCrelght aqd Miss Florence Wilson, of DuBois, and Harriet Balmer, of Brookville, were guests of Misses Florence and Gertrude Stoke in this place Saturday and Sun day. Dr. A. H. Bowser and son, Addison, visited tbe former's parents near Walk Chalk, Armstrong Co., Sunday. Doc tor's father, who has passed tbe four score mark In life's journey, Is In very poor health. Ross W. Delble, for several years aa assistant In Gooder's jewelry store, will go to Elmira, N. Y., this weok to take a course in engraving at a college In that city. He wilt be absent at least four months. John Doubles and wife, of Kane, were in Reynoldsvllle last week. Mr. Doub les. who has gained considerable repu tation as a ball tosser In professional leagues, will play with the Kane Inde pendent team tbe coming summer. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Murray left for Philadelphia Wednesday and are now located on North Twelfth street In that city. As previously stated in The Star, -Dr. Murray will spend the winter there taking a special course In the treatment of stomach diseases. Wanted A full attendance at the Martha Washington Tea. Particulars . elsewhere. Want Column. Bates: One cent per word for each and svorvlnaertlon. Wanted Girl for light housework Inquire at The Star office. FOR Sale Fresh Jersey cow. In quire of John H. Deemer, R. F. D. No. 4. . : J- FOR Sale Lumber In a barn In quire ot S. S. Robinson. For Sale A tea thoroughbred sin gle comb Rhode Island Red Cockerels, John M. Hays. For Sale 30 acres land, horse, harness and buggy, farming imple ments. Inquire of B. J. Rudolph, Wish- ' aw, or S. M. McCrelght, Reynoldsvllle, Will Lease The Reynolds opera bouse will be leased. Ioqulre of Mrs. Tr.i l. Jewell.