The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 10, 1909, Image 7

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I Peruna Drua; Co.. Columbus. Ohio:
uemieincn: 1 nave liseti leruna anu
find that it cannot be equaled ns n
tonic, ns wpII as a cure for coughs, colds
and cntnrrh.
You are authorized to use my photo
with testimonial in any publication.
Joseph H. Chase,
801 Tenth St., Washington, 1. C.
Cold and La G-lppe.
Mr. C. Happy, Hardin, Hay Co.. Mo.,
writes: "I can safely recommend Peruna
as n remedy that will cure all catarrhal
"It was of great benefit to me, as it
cured ine of catarrh of the throat, ond I
took a very bad cold and had la grippe Inst
February. It settled in my throat and
lungs. I took three bottles of Peruna and
it cured me.
"T highly recommend it to all who are
lick, and 1 am glad to add my endorsement
to that of others."
Pe-ru-na For Colds.
Mr. L. Clifford Figg, dr., 2fl29 East
Marshall .St., Richmond, Va., writes that
when he gets a cold he takes Peruna, and
it soon drives it out of his system. For
several years he was not entirely well, but
Peruna completely cured him.
Peoplo who obiect to liquid medicines
can now secure Peruna tablets.
For a free illustrated booklet entitled
"The Truth About Peruna," address The
Peruna Co., Columbus, Ohio. Mailed post
paid. The thimble was at first worn on
the thumb and was called "thumb
bell." Macaulay'B history brought the au
thor $100,000 during lta first 10
weeks' sale.
No Substitute for Rubber.
Millions have dreamed of the possi
bilities and. fortunes have been pre
mised as the result of a process pro
ducing a rubber substitute. Artifi
cial or synthetic rubber would seem
so easy; take only ten atoms of car
bon and combine them with only 1C
atoms of hydrogen and you have rub
ber. But the little trick of adding life
to this Inert molecule has not yet
been learned. The fortune is still
there for the lucky Inventor who can
accomplish it, because carbon and hy
drogen are cheap, inexhaustible even,
while rubber may get costlier year by
year. The discussion of artificial rub
ber may therefore be dismissed with
a phrase there is no such thing.
Cither the exploited article is a hum
bug, or it contains some proportion
of real rubber mixed with substitute
Ingredients. Rubber substitutes ore
often of value in the trade because
the article manufactured from them
only needs that small proportion of
rubber they contain.
A Multi-Cycle for the Blind.
An English institution for the blind
has acquired a number of multi
cycles for the outdoor exercise of Its
Inmates. Each machine seats 13, and
with 26 feet working the pedals they
run very easily and smoothly. The
leader is of course an attendant and
can see. The pairs of wheels are
mounted upon Independent axles, so
that the long machine can be easily
turned about or driven along winding
paths. Popular Mechanics for Febru
ary contains a picture of the machine
nd riders. Popular Mechanics.
Coffee Was the Cause.
Many daily habits, particularly of
eating and drinking, are formed by
following our elders.
In this way ill health is often fast
ened upon children. A Ga. lady says:
"I had been allowed to drink: cof
fee ever since 1 can remember, but
even as a child I bad a weak stomach
which frequently refused to retain
"The taste of coffee was In my
mouth all the time and was, as I
found out later, the cause of the
stomach rebelling against food.
"I now see that it was only from
following the example of my elders
that I formed and continued the mis
erable habit of drinking coffee. My
digestion remained poor, nerves un
strung, frequent headache, and yet I
did not suspect the true cause.
"Another trouble waB a bad, mud
dy complexion, for which I spent time
and money for creams, massaging,
etc., without any results.
"After I was married I was asked
to try Postum, and would you believe
1t, 1, an old coffee toper, took to Pos
tum from the very first. We made it
right according to directions on the
pkg. and It had a most delicate fla
vor, and I at once quit coffee, with
the happiest results.
"I now. have a perfectly clear,
smooth skin, fine digestion and
haven't had a headache In over two
"There's a Reason."
Name given by Postum Co.. Battle
Creek, Mich. Read, "The Road to
Wellvllle." In pkgs.
Ever read the above letter? A new
one appears from time to time. They
re genuine, true, and full of human
Under the name of ."Htlioderm" a
Scotch chemist has invented a wash
for stone that he claims will preserve
Its Burface from the effects of mois
ture for an indefinite length of time.
"Raise a drop of water to the Blze
of tha earth and raise an atom in the
same proportion, and the atom will
then be In some plnce between the
size of a marble and a baseball."
'thus said Lord Kelvin In trying to ex
plain to the inerudlte world how lit
tle are things atomic.
The shellfish known as abalone
abounds in Southern California waters
in quantities sufficient to export at
the rate of hundreds of tons per an
num. A market for any amount could
easily be found in China, where the
natives consider it a great delicacy. It
used to be dried for the market, but
is now being canned.
A writer In the Bulletin of the As
tronomical society of France con
cludes, after an examination of me
teorological observations all over the
globo, that the average annual rain
fall on the continent is as follows:
South America about 60 inches, Af
rica 32 Inches, North America about
29 Inches, Europe about 29 inches,
Asia about 22 indies, Australia about
21 inches.
Now that the use of boiled drink
ing water has become common, It is
interesting to be reminded that a sim
ilar method of guarding against dis
ease was practiced In ancient times.
Herodotus tells how Cyrus had his
drinking water boiled and carried in
silver vessels and Pliny the elder re
lates that Nero had water boiled and
afterward cooled for drinking by plac
ing it in glass flasks surrounded with
"The well known French astronom
er and writer, M. Camille Flumtnar
ion," says Electricity, "has for some
time been making a special study of
the effects of lightning on men, ani
mals and other objects, in order to il
lustrate the freakish conduct of light
ning he recently told somo stories
which seem Incredible. Thus he tells
of two peasants who were preparing
to eat breakfast, when suddenly all
of the dishes were thrown on the
ground, the bread, cheeso and fruit
vanished from the table, and they
tnemselves were covered with Btraw.
On fnother occasion a man, walking
through Nantes, was enveloped in
lightning, yet was not injured. When
he reached home, however, and
opened his purse which had contained
two pieces of Bllver and one of gold,
he found that the gold piece had van
ished and that In its place was a sil
ver piece. The lightning had, in. fact,
pierced through the leather of the
purse and had covered the gold piece
with a coating of sliver taken from
the ether two pieces."
Experiment to Show the Speed With
Which the Work Can Be Done.
"Diamond cut diamond," but steel is
cut with air. The new and ingenious
method of rapidly cutting through
iron or stetl plate Is based upon the
fact that when Iron at a high temper
atice Is acted upon by a fine Jet of
oxygen the resulting Iron oxide Is
more fusible than the Iron Itself and
passing away exposes a fresh surface
of the metal to the attack of the gas
so that a cut is produced along the
line of action.
In the early attempts to utilize this
method In practice the metal was first
heated to the required temperature In
an oxyhytlrogen flame and then sub
jected to the action of the oxygen Jet.
Now, however, the heating and oxi
dation are done at the same timo and
the resulting cut is much sharper.
In one form of apparatus used for
this process the metal is heated by
means of an oxy-acetylene flame from
the centre of which issues a Jet of
oxygen. In Illustration of the speed of
the new process L. Guillet in ten min
utes cut in two an armor plate 6 1-4
Inches thick and 3 1-4 feet in. length.
Manholes were cut In plates 3-4 to
1 1-8 inches thick in four to five min
utes, i :
In' parallel experiments upon the
same piece of metal a groove 1-2 to
2 1-2 Inches deep was cut by the oxy
gen process in seven minutes, where
as with a pneumatic chisel a groove
oi about the same length but only a
quarter as deep took an hour to cut.
The new method has also given satis
factory results in the rapid removal of
the heads-of rivets where plating has
to be separated, only a few seconds'
treatment being needed for fusing off
the head of a rivet 7-8 Inch thick.
With regard to the effect of the
oxygen upon the metal adjoining the
cut experiments have shown that the
depreciation Is but slight. Cnicago
Aboriginal Discipline.
The noble red man, George Sloane,
by name, who has kept his daughter
a girl of sixteen chained to the
floor of a barn near Tacoma, on some
flimsy excuse, must be first cousin
perhaps brother to the Tacoma man
who some months ago was haled be
fore the courts on a charge of tying
his young wife to the bed and leaving
her thus bound day after day as a
means of discipline. The step be
tween savagery and civilization is In
somo cases exceedingly short. Port
land Oregonlan.
Five members of the Smith family
landed In the board of aldermen ol
Somervllle, Mass., last election day.
At Cholnpur, British India, a factory
Is successfuly making matches with
sticks of a peculiarly stiff form of na
tive grass.
The mining interests of Canada pro
duce a largo revenue for the Dominion
and provinces, and the amount Is In
creasing each year.
A species of ant in Australia builds
its nest along a north and south line
so accurately that a traveler may di
rect his course by their aid.
After 20 years of experimenting an
Edinburgh firm has brought out an es
sence of tea which is said to preserve
the qualities of the prepared leaf.
Iron ore production In the United
Slates in 1907, according to the United
States Geological Survey, probably
reached a total of from 52,000 to 54,000
long tons.
The city of Sheffield, England, fa
mous for Us cutlery, is the first muni
cipal body In Great Britain to decide
to provide a rifle range at public cost
for the use of the community.
There are two Esperanto clubs In
Moscow, and over 1000 persons are
busy studying the language. A book
store will shortly be opened in which
only books printed in Esperanto will
be sold.
The American invasion threatened a
few years ago, so far from injuring
the British boot trade, effected a great
deal of good. It woke manufacturers
up and caused them to lay down im
proved machinery.
A young man of Vienna who prom
ised his aged aunt that he would never
part with any treasures she might be
queath to him now finds at her death
that he has taken upon himself the
care of fifty-six cats.
As the result of a shock sustained
through falling Into a copper of boiling
water, a boy named George Herbert
Foster, ago eleven, living at Spalding,
who was practically dumb, has partly
regained his power of speech.
The Federal Weather bureau Is ex
perimenting with a new machine
known as the meterograph, which re
cords temperature, atmospheric pres
sure, humidity and other important
data for 40 days without attention.
An artillery lieutenant In Kraguye
vats, Servla, has been sentenced to 21
days' imprisonment for compelling a
recruit to undergo the most cruel in
dignity In Servian eyes. This consists
In making him shave his mustache.
Snoring and Civilization.
It Is a truism that no one ever
heard of a snoring savage. In fact. If
tho wild man of the woods and plains
does not sleep quietly he runs the
risk of being discovered by his enemy
and the scalp of the snorcr would
soon adorn the belt of his crafty and
more quietly Bleeping adversary.
With civilization, however, we have
changed all this. The impure air of
our sleeping rooms induces all man
ner of catarrhal affections. The nasal
passages are the first to become af
fected. Instead of warming the In
spired air on its way to the lungs,
and removing from it the-dangerous
impurities with which It is loaded,
the nose becomes obstructed. A part
of the nir enters and escapes by tho
mouth. Tho veil of the palate vib
rates between the two currents that
through the mouth and the one still
passing through the partially closed
nostrils like a torn sail in the wind.
The snore, then, means that the
sleeper's mouth Is. partially open, that
his nose is partially closed, and that
his lungs are in danger from the air
not being properly warmed and purl
fled. From the continued operation
of these causes the increase of Im
pure air in sleeping roons and per
mitting habitual snorers to escape
killing and scalping some scientist
has predicted that in the future all
men (and all women, too!) will snore.
It goes along with decay of the teeth
and baldness. Health.
His School.
"Ah, my lad," said the kind-heart
ed lady, accosting a bright-eyed boy
on the street, "do you go to school?"
"Yep; I Just got out."
"Did you have your lessons?"
"Had to have 'em."
"Now, that's because you have a
natural sense of responsibility. I'm
glad to see It in a child, too." Here
her admiration impelled her to draw
10 cents from her purse. "Here's 10
cents for you, my boy! Did- you run
away from school this week?"
"Nope. Thanks for the dime. I
got to hustle now, me mouth is water
in' for Ice cream I can buy around the
"Why don't you take your mone
"I ain't In any hurry to get home.
I ain't been there n a week, anyhow."
"You haven't? Where have you
"Kept in school."
"What school?"
"The Truant school." New York
Not 8o With the Jobbers.
"Pa, what is the difference between
a job and a position.
"The man who has a position is al
ways afraid whenever anything new
la suggested that it may tend toward
socialism." St. Paul Dispatch.
Morgan Will Present It to Mount
Vernon Association.
J. Plerpont Morgan of New York,
has purchased from Miss Virginia
Tayler Wise of Baltimore, the sword
worn by Gener'al George Washington
when he. resigned his commission as
Commander-in-Chief of the American
Army In Annapolis in 1783. Mr.
Morgan will in due time, It under
stood, present the rello to the Mount
Vernon Association. .
The price paid was not divulged,
but an idea of its value may be glean
ed from the fact, that some years ago
the United States Senate passed a
bill appropriating $25,000 for its pur
chase. This bill failed of passage
by the House of Representatives. .
Eczema Made Hands, and Feet Swell,
Peel and Get ltaw Anns Affected,
Too Gave I'p All Hopo of Cure
Quickly Cured by Cuticura.
"I suffered from eczema on my hands,
arms and feet for about twelve years; my
hands and feet would swell, sweat and itch,
then would becoirm callous and get very
dry, then peel olAnd get raw. I tried
most ever)' kind of salve and ointment
without success. I tried several doctors,
but at last gave up thinking there was a
cure for eczema. A friend of mine in
sisted on my trying the Cuticura Remedies,
but" I did not give them a trial until I got
so bad I bad to do something. I secured a
set and by the time they were used I could
see a vast improvement and my hands and
feet were healed up in no time. I have had
no trouble since. Charles T. Bauer, R. K.
D. 03, Volant, Pa., Mar. 11, 1008."
Totter Drug & Chcm. Corp., Sole Props,
of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass.
No Undertakers In Japan.
There are no undertakers in Japan.
When a person dies it is the custom
for his nearest relatives to put him
Into a coffin and bury him, and the
mourning does not begin until after
Bud lobli
40 years' experience with horses I have
I ha frranfnof M nil adai "In wnn
successtul ot all remedies for the horses.
It is the createst blood nurifinr." . Ilnttle
60c. and 11.00. Druggists con supply you,
or manufacturers. Agents wanted. Sena
lor free liook. r-pohn .Medical Co., Spec
Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind.
Worth a Trial.
A Connecticut hypnotist has
brought bnck to memory of a man
who, through an accident, forgot his
identity. This method might be
tried on those forgetful capitalists
whose minds fall them so regularly
on the witness stand.
To Break In New Shoes.
Always shake in Allen's Foot-Ease, a
powder. It euros hot, sweating, aching,
swollen feet, corns, ingrowing nails and
bunions. All druggists and shoe stores, ,25c.
Don't accept any substitute. Bample mailed
rail. Alien o. uimsiea, 1j noy, a. x.
Bread and Butter Good Enough.
Being once asked whether be had
read any of the books of a popular
novelist, Thackery rejoined: "Well,
no. You see, I am like a pastry cook.
I bake tarts and I sell 'em; but I eat
bread and butter.
A Domestic Eye Remedy
Compounded by Hxpcrienced Physicians.
Conforms to Pure Food and Drugs Laws.
Wins Friends Wherever Used. Ask Drug
gists for Murine Eye Remedy. Try Murine.
A minister who makes marriage a
business is Rev. Alfred H. Burroughs,
who lives Just across . the Virginia
line In Tennessee, popular with
southern couples because of Its easy
marriage laws. He has a record of
2,811 marriages for the past 18 years,
and has built a 22-room hotel for the
purpose of entertaluing bridal ou
ples. The Horb laxative, Garfield Tea, aids Na
ture i in maintaining the genorul well-being
of the body, it corrects constipation, puri
nes the blood, brings health.
The reconstruction of the bridge
of Notre Dame at Paris has been
commenced. None of the bridges
across the Seine has undergone more
transformation than the one which
takes Its name from the great cathe
dral. Throat Troubles. To allay the Irritation
that Induces coughing, use Brown's
Bronchial Troches, A simple remedy.
In boxes 25 cents. Samples mailed free.
John I. Brown & Son, Boston, Mass.
Future Forest Supply.
People who are In despair over the
rapid disappearance of timber sup
ply may find comfort in the knowl
edge that the production of cement
In the United States has Increased
from less than 100,000 barrels in 1882
to 48,000,000 barrels In 1907. Cement
will be a leading factor in fores con
servation. Wall Street Journal.
Btati of Ohio, Citt of Toledo, i m
Lvoas County, ( 8-
Frank J. Cue net makes oath that he is
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney &
Co., doing business in the City of Toledo.
County and State aforesaid, and that said
farm will pay the sura of one hundred dol
lar for each and every case of catahrii
that cannot be cured by the use of Ball's
Catarhu Curb. Frank J. Cheney.
Uworn to betoro me and subscribed in my
presence, this flia day of December, A. D.,
1886. A. W. Uleason.
(beal.1 Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and
acts directly on tha blood and mucous sur
faces of the system, bend for testimonials,
tree. K J . Cn eney & Co., Toledo, O.
Bold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Curious reasons assigned for the
decline of the pottery trade in Eng
land are that In many London hotels
the German employes give the prefer
ence to Germany in ordering their
ware, and that among Londoners the
growth of the habit of dining out has
caused a marked dlminuition In the
demand for dinner Beta.
Oolor more Roods brighter and faster color than ny
-ff M ctfmtu. wltliout ripping nparS Write
"Do you know of any woman who ever received any
. benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound?" If any woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar
to her sex will ask her neighbors this question, she will he
surprised at the result. There is hardly a community ifa
this country where women cannot be found who have been
restored to health by this famous old remedy, made
exclusively from a simple formula of roots and herbs.
During the past 30 years we have published thousands
of letters from these grateful women who have been cured
by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and never
in all that time, have we published a testimonial without
the writer's special permission. Never have we knowingly
published a testimonial that was not truthful and genuine.
Here is one just received a few days ago. If anyone doubts
that this is a true and honest statement of a woman's experi
ence with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound write
and ask her.
Houston, Texas. " Wlien I first begnn taking Lydia 13. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound I was a total wreck. I liad bee
Sick fop three years with female troubles, chronic dyspepsia,
and a liver trouble. I had tried several doctor's medicines, but
nothing did me any good.
For three years I lived on medicines and thought I would
never get well, when I read an advertisment of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, and was advised to try it.
"My husband got me one bottle of the Compound, and it did
me so much good I continued its use. I am now a well woman
and enjoy tho best of health.
"I advise all women suffering from such troubles to give)
Lydia 13. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. They won't
regret it, for it will surely cure you." Mrs. Bessie L. Hicks,
810 Cleveland St., Houston.
Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely
not to give such a medicine as this a trial. Why should it
not do her as much good as it did Mrs. Hicks.
Being a Good Fellow.
No man Is a real good fellow who
knowingly lives beyond his means,
no matter what may be the Imme
diate success he appears to gain by
such conduct. Sooner or later he will
be found out. Then, though he may
still be tolerated, beneath the tolera
tion there is always contempt He
may not be actually shunned, but he
is regarded as one certainly more or
less of a fool and to be watched by
the prudent as potentially a knave.
The businessman of any age who
finds that he Is becoming usually
spoken of as a "good fellow" in a
certain tone, and that for censures or
criticisms of his conduct the defense
that he is withal a "good fellow" Is
offered, had better pull up short and
do some hard thinking about the way
he Is headed.
The Peruna Almanac.
The druggists have already been supplied
with the Peruna almanac for 1909. In ad
dition to the regular astronomical matter
usually furnished in almanacs, the articles
on astrology are very attractive to most
people. The mental characteristics of each
sign are given with faithful accuracy. A
list of lucky and unlucky days r ill be fur
nished to those who have our almanacs,
free of charge. Address The Peruna Co.,
Columbus, O.
" The right hand, which Is more sen
sitive to the touch than the left, is
less sensitive than the latter to the
effect of heat and cold.
itnU mimiI i- 4ft : I U TT7-!f 1
Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists.
HYnm nna rinv'a nhaorvntlnn at Ova
points of greatest vehicle congestion
on Manhattan Island It was learned
that there are 63 horse-drawn and 37-
power-driven vehicles in each one
A Safe and Sure
Cough Cure.
1 Kempt Balsam j
Doel not contain Opium,
Morphine, or any other narcotic
or habit-lonalng drag.
Nothing of a poisonous or harm
ful character enters into its com
position. This clean and pure cough cure
cures coughs that cannot be cured
by any other medicine.
It has saved thousands from con
sumption. It has saved thousands of lives.
A 25c bottle contains 40 doses.
At all druggists', 25c., 50c. and 1.
Don't accept anything elite.
Per Baker's catalog, past 139. BOB
spelts, corn, potato, grasses clovers and
farm spimIs In the world, biff ralalnu free: or.
I send tUc. In stamp and receive snnipl4 of I
barley yielding 173 bn. per acre, billion I
I Dollar flrnN. Oats, Hpelta, etc., etc., easily
worth PI 0.00 to get a start with. Or, send
4c. and we add a sample farm soed novelty
never seen Dy you tieiore. SEED CO., loi A. C. U Crottt. Wis.
other dye. One tOe. package colore nil fibers. They dye In ooltl wMr better than eny other dye. TsfJ
for f booklet How to ijre. bleaou tad stix Color. iUOMiUK iUtU CO.. gfhlnoy, llllnese
Fun, But Expensive.
It cost Cuba a little more thaaj
$5,000,000 to be pacified by an' Ameri
can army, and Uncle Sam is going tm
collect every cent of the money. Pos
slbly the expense of going on a jaas
boree may finally persuade the doM
to get a steady Job and stick to lt.-
Baltimore News. j
riles Cared In 0 to 14 Day.
Hseo Ointment Is guaranteed to cure aaf
case of Itching, Blind, iileedingor Protradina
Piles'in 6 to 14 days or money refunded, lit.
Emlle Richebourg used to get Kir
000 each for his novels before tbef '
appeared In book form.
For "MIddlemarch" George Elfoi
got. $10,000 and for Romola" $35,00.
The Roasnn I Hake and Sell More Ken'i $3 .OS
.So $3.60 Shoes Than Any Other Manuftitortr
U tMcttut I Rlv tht we&rr th benefit f Ua saasat
complete) rrfft.nlsat.oB of tralnad xpwta and ifctHii
hoemikori to th country.
Tho Mlectton of tho ltUhori for Mch part of tt
nd tvery dotall of tho mikrntT In Ttry oparb est,
looktd alior by tho boot ohoonuori In tho ohoo IcdooOrn.
If I co old allow yon how carefully W. L. DoacUa ahooB
kro made, yrm would than nndarataod why they 110.4 toHftv
ahapo, At better, and wear longer than any other awto
My Method of Tanning the Sole makes them tfom
Flexible ar.d Longer Wearing than any other
11 hoes for Every Member of the Fnmlly'
Men, lloyi,Woineii,.UUiei ond Chllolrcan.
For asli by hoe denleri iwrywherft '
PAIITMM I Sone wnuln6 without W. L. DmyrHn
UHU I lull 1 name and price Rtnuiped on Lotion
Fait Color Eyaleta Uted Excltulrtly. Catalog nudlatl fron
W. L DOUGLAS, 167 Spark St, Brockton, Mast.
5S 1935
20 Broad Street, New York Otty.
V"lck relief and permanent cure or i
aV rrfuiiJecL One Dlaster tUiea It Br ma
cents. UB it bbcialty Cu.,Tay laf sfllM, I
IM"I I OUR HATIlNT b oor new matsoC
VUI I mrn t-nTf It Tr thr Innllnn- rsrltlltslaaae
OiMhpaamanufacturersat MaUliiiHiiiaressre)eav
New YcTk. WrlMNAriONAi.r'ATKNT KOVat5
UUUtumui CO., lUii Heal aatalo Uld, t
P. N. U. , 180.
If flHIIrt
wlih wrn
res, aa
m e. ' T ' ' j na,
HO Uiia -aWn T4-