Sitbscription (1.00 per year in advance. 0 A.STEPHENSON iBdltor and Pnk. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 6. 1909. Entered at the postoBtee at Keynoldsvllle Pa ., secundclaaeinallmatter. 80MMBVIXI.lTBI.FB011 NO. 61. Stoke & Feicht Drug'jCompany's Label On a bottle does a greal deal more than tell you the contents of the bot tle It signifies to you that the contents are right of high test and quality and backed up by Stoke & Feicht Drug Co.'s reputation ol many years' standing. That reputation has been at tained by constantly sel ling the lurgett possible quantity of the highest posslbleiquality of drug Btore goods for the very lowest prices. Stoke! & Feicht Drug Company ft" Little ol Everuttilno. A Happy New Year. "What shall I wish thee? Treasures of earth? Bon kb In the springtime? - Pleasures and mirth? Flowers on the pathway. . Skies ever clearV Would they Insure thee A Happy New Year?" "Faith thatlncreaseth, - Walklnst In light; Hope that aboumleth, Happy and bright; Love that is perfect, Casting out fear; These shall Insure thee A Happy New Year." Havergal Can you write It 1909? Are your resolutions intact yet ? Three long years before another leap year. . Republican primary election January 23rd. Commonwealth Ladies'. Orchestra January 26th. The January term of criminal court begins next Monday. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs, P. A. Cashman January 2, 1909. Louis Milks had his right arm broken recently by being pushed down by an other boy. It is claimed that January 1. 1909, was the coldest New Year's day we have bad for nine years. The Eleanora Juvenile brass band played on our streets last Saturday afternoon. The boys are all right. ' The students who were home from colleges and universities for the boll day vacation have returned to school. About sixty couples attended the leap year dance in the I. O. O. F. ball New "-Year's eve. Number of out of town people present. This Is the Week of Prayer and ser vices are being held in the Presby terian and Methodist churches every evening this week. ' The Ladies' Missionary Society of the ' Presbyterian church will meet at the home of Mrs. J. A. McCreight on Hill street r nuay tuuruuuu. . Rev. J. E. Klrkwood held evangelistio meetings at Alaska, Jefferson Co., ev ery night last week and reorganized a ' Sunday school at that place. The Slate Legislature will be petl- uoueu una winter ui oonut mw mat will make the hunting of pheasants or other game birds with dogs illegal. G. Walter Irwin, of DuBois, sang in the Reynoldsville Presbyterian church KnnriAV mnrninir find in thn Mathnrilst Episcopal church Sunday evening. . Dr. J. M. Ross, the oldest practicing physician in DuBois, died at the home of his son-ln-'aw, W. C. Pentz, Esq., Monday forenoon. He was about 80 years o'd. D. W. Atwater Is at New Brighton, Pa., organizing two Locals of the Wage Earners' Protective Union. The Locals will be organized this month with large memberships. Special meetings In the Presbyterian church will continue all of next week. Rev. C. L, Bradshaw.of West Sunbury, will be here and preach each evening during next week. ' Rev. A. D. McKay accompanied Miss Lizzie Brisbln to DuBois yesterday to see an eye specialist. MIbs Brlsbln baa been suffering intensely for several weeks with a tore rye.' .--- - Changed Place of Worship. For fourteen months, the Baptists of Ratbmel have been holding meetings In the Methodist Episcopal church at that place, but the Presbyterians of Ratbmel recently bought the church erected by the Church of God congre gation at Ratbmel and last Sunday the BaptUts decided to again bold their services In the Presbyterian church, where they formerly held their ser vices several years ago. Altar Society Fair. The fair In the I. O. O. F. hall four nights during the iholldays, December 25 aud 26, January 1 and 2, under the auspices of the Altar Society of the Catbollo church, as well attended, very successful financially and was a very enjoyable affair. The ladles do not know yet just what the net receipts will be, but they are well pleased with the results. The Protective Home Circle held a banquet In the I. 0.;0. F. hall last night. The Republicans of West Reynolds ville held a suggestion meeting last Thursday evening. J. C. HIrBt, Dr. J. W.Foustand C. R. Hall were out viewing a short piece of public road In Wlnslow township yes terday, near the Shoemaker farm. - The Standard Oil Co. Is negotiating with the Sutter Oil and Gas Co. for the Kyle farm In Knox township. A representative of the Standard Oil Co. was here Monday. The board of county auditors, T. B. Adams, David Neale and John G. Cochran, are now In Brookvlllle work ing on the annual statement of the county's finances'for 1908. 0 The Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal church will meet at home of Mrs. L. S. Anderson, on Mabel street, Friday afternoon. No luncheon served this time. . The fellow who thinks he oould pub llsh a newspaper to please everybody, wonld only need a few week's experience to convince him that It Is an Impossibil ity to publish such a newspaper. The Ladles' Home Missionary Society of the Baptist church will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. George Williams on Main street, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Lunch eon at 10.00. At a meeting of the Local Union of the American Federation of Musicians, held In DuBois Sunday, new officers were elected and Richard Ramsey and George Gelsler were elected on the board of directors. After the holiday vacation the Sykes vllle scboojs moved Into the new brick school houBe and an additional room was opened. Miss Kitty Mowery, of West Reynoldsville, was elected teach er of the new room. Rev. J. W. Rosenbaum will preach In the Trinity Lutheran church at this place next Sunday. After the morn' Ing service there will be a congre gatlonal meeting to take some action In calling a pastor. Rev. John F. Black, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, will preach next Sunday morning from this theme, "The Holy Ghost," and In the evening his theme will be "A Mind to Work." Rey. Black Is especially anxious for the members of his church to bear the morning sermon. Rev. J. R. Richards, of Kane, preached In the Trinity Lutheran church in this place Sunday morning and evening and In Chestnut Grove Lutheran church Sunday afternoon. Rev. Richards Is a bright young roan and It Is likely the Lutheran church here will give him a call to the pastor ate of Trinity church. Some of the handsome young damsels of this city enjoyed a progressive dinner on Wednesday evening of last week. The first course was served at home of Misses Frankle and Hazel Hoffman on Fourth street, second course at borne of Miss Malissa Sensor on Hill street, third course at home of Miss Naomi Mitchell, on Grant street, and fourth course at home of Miss Coral Sutter, on Pleasant Avenue. While Craig King, who attends a dental oollege In Philadelphia, was at borne for the holidays, bis boarding house burned and from account In the papers Craig thought his books and some other valuable property In his rooms bad been licked up by the fire fiend, but when he returned to the "City of Brotherly Love" he found that every thing bad been saved out of his rooms excepting a few pictures. Pennsylvania's third annual Corn Show, annual Dairy Show, and annual meeting, of the State Board of Agri culture, Penn'a Live Stock Breeders' Association and Penn'a Dairy Union will be held in Harrlsburg, January 26-29 inclusive. Nine magnificent sil ver oups and forty-five cash prizes will be offered for the best exhibit of ten ears of corn, and 150 and 125 cups lor the best exhibit of fifty ears made by Subordinate Granges.' Corn prizes are offered for Pennsylvania farmer only; seedsmen not allowed to compete. A lot of cash and other valuable prize for milk and totter.., v -V Wrist Broken. Mr. Yf. B. Alexander slipped and, fell on the pavement In front of her home on Grant street New Year's day and sustained a fracture of her right wrist. New P. O. S. of A. Camp. Thursday evening of this week the crack degree team of Washington Camp Na268, P.O. S. of A., of this place, will go to Ohl to do the degree work in Instituting a new Camp at Ohl. Macaroni Factory Crowded With Orders. The Jefferson Macaroni Factory at this place shipped 1,400 more boxes of macaroni last month than was ever shipped In one mouth lnce the factory was built, and yet the factory Is behind with orders. Prosperity Is certainly lurking around the macaroni factory. Photo Gallery Has New Proprietor. J. J. Hamilton, for several years past proprietor of the photograph gallery at corner of Main and Fifth streets, has disposed of the business to Roy Llngenfelter, formerly of Wlshaw, and the latter has taken charge. Mr. Hamilton set a high artistic standard during his management of the Duslness and his successor bas bad experience sufficient to justify the belief that the quality of the work will be maintained. West Reynoldsville Council. The regular monthly meeting of the West Reynoldsville town council was held Monday evening with Secretary Koehler and all members of council present. The only important business before council at this meeting was the question of sewage this spring. On ac count of some preliminary matters there was no action taken on sewage question. Orders were granted (or bills presented. Vgung Man Disappeared. About four months ago Martin Rav ler, aged about 19 years, son of Martin Ravier, Sr., who resides near WUhaw, disappeared from his home and slnoe that time the father, who is greatly distressed over the matter, has not been able to get any trace of his boy. The Senior Ravier thinks that the young man has been the victim of foul play. The young man attended the public school In this place for a time. He could speak good English. Noisy Welcome Oiven New Year. The year 1909 was given a noisy Wel come Thursday night and perhaps the peaceful slumber of a number of our citizens was disturbed. Just as the last moments of 1908 were slipping away and the New Year came tripping along, bells, whistles and the shooting of firearms fractured the stillness of the midnight hour and proclaimed to the denizens that Father Time had Issued a new calendar. And thus the years roll on. P. p. 8. of A. Officers. Last Thursday evening Washlngtop Camp No. 268. P. O. S. of A., elected the following officers: 'President, Rob ert Frazler;-iVlce-Presldent,Harvey S. Deter; M. of F., S.D. Whltmore; Con ductor, Roy Harris; I. G.. John Shees ley; O. G., Edgar Clawson; Treasurer, George W. Kline; Flnanoial Sec, F. R. Best; Recording Sec, R. E.JMur ray; Trustee, S. D. Whltmore, Dele gates to Northwestern Reunion, Harry Sheesley and D. J. Davis. Tough Characters Arrested. Last Saturday night two women and one man were arrested and locked In the borough bastlle for being drunk and disorderly. The women are "soiled doves" and are certainly tough charac ters. One of them, whQwas chased out of our town several years ago, and bas been compelled to more out of DuBois and other places, moved back to Reyn oldsville early last year. It is time that she Is compelled to move on again Both women are a curse to any com munity. Death From Bright' Disease. William Malvern Patterson, eon of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Patterson, died at the home of his parents on Jackson street at 7.10 a. m. Monday, January 4, 1909, after an Illness of five months. Brights disease was cause of his death. Malvern was born April 10, 1898, and wag 10 years, 8 months and 24 days old at time of death. He was a bright lad and a patient sufferer. Funeral service at residence of be reaved parents this afternoon, con ducted by Dr. A. J. Meek, pastor of Baptist oburcb. Interment In the Reynoldsville cemetery. Greatest Catastrophe On Record. The earthquake and tidal wave in southern Italy last week i without a precedent in the history of the world, A the days go by the catastrophe appears more horrible, terrlfio and Immense. The number who lost their live will never be accurately known. It Is estimated that at least 200,000 were killed. A number of Italian who had worked lo the coal mine in Jeffer son county and bad returned to Italy to spend the winter, met death In the earthquake. . The iturvlvor In the striken land are starving and dying from disease. Monday Congress ap prlated 1800,000 for the earthquake sufferer of Italy. .... HAVE MADE APPOINTMENTS. New Board of County Commissioner Organized Monday Afternoon. The new board of commissioners or ganized Monday afternoon and made the following appointments: Superintendent County Home, Edgar Smith, of Snyder township; assistant, M. M. Haugb, of Rose township. Commissioner' olerk, W. A. Kelley, of Brookvllle. Attorney, A. V. Stewart. County Home Physician, Dr. A. F. Balmer. Jail Physician, Dr. J. K. Brown. - Janitor of Court House, L. V. Plyler, of Rose township. The superintendent and assistant of the home are only appointed for one year, being appointed the first Monday of each year. Was Crack Shot When Young. Mrs. Ellen Huntington,,, relict of Simon Huntingtoo, now in her 90th year, who has resided In this neck o' woods nigh unto seventy years, was a crack shot in her early days when big game was plenty in this section of the country, which was then a vast wilder ness. Mrs. Huntington frequently took a gun and went out and shot a deer and thought nothing of it. In those days about all the kind of meat the Inhabi tants had was deer meat. Mrs. Hunt ington, who was one of the hardy pio neers, was 111 last month and she says this was her first Illness in all her life. She may live long enough yet to cele brate her one hundredth birthday. Watch Night Meeting. The watch night meeting in the First Baptist church last Thursday evening was well attended. The program of songs, sermons, praise service and luncheon was carried out as arranged. The service began at 8.30 and olosed when the New Year was ushered in at midnight. Rev. M. E. Hare, of DuBois, preached a sermon on "Retro spect and Prospect," and Rev. I. N". Earl, of Brookvllle, preached a ser mon on "Opportunity." It was a very enjoyable "Watoh Night" service. Commonwealth Ladies' Orchestra. It is the universal opinion of our people that the Commonwealth Ladies' Orohestra was one of the best musical entertainments which we have ever had here. The hearers were very pro nounced in their words of commen dation. Hardwlek (Vt.) Nov. 9th, W. A. Dutton, Esq. Third number on high school course at Assembly Hall ' Tuesday evening, January 20th. Cox Qiven Nomination for Speaker. John F. Cox, of Allegheny county, who has publicly declared himself to be opposed to local option, was unanimous' ly nominated for speaker of the bouse in the State Legislature. On first bal lot Cox got 136 votes and Frank B. MoClaln got 35 votes. The nomination of Cox was then made unanimous. Near the Gates of Death. . Mrs. Elizabeth Stephenson, mother of ye editor, who Is at the borne of her daughter, 'Mrs. John R. Elder, in Du Bois, is near the gates of death. She cannot live many days. Annual Meeting of Stockholder. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Citizens National bank of Reynoldsville will be held In their banking rooms on Tuesday, Jan uary 12, 1909, at 1.30 p. m.. for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of any other business that may proper ly come before that body. J. W. Hunter, Cashier. Letter Mat. List of unclaimed letters remaining In postoffloe at Reynoldsville, Pa., for week ending Jan. 2, 1909. Mrs. Emma Crawford, Harry Mitch ell. Say advertised and give date of list when calling for above. E C. Burns, P. M. Estray Notice. Strayed on to my premises at London mines about 15th of Deo 1908, a mulley Jersey cow, one ear partly cut off and other ear split. Owner" will prove pro perty, pay costs or cow will be sold. John Peterson. Special Bargain. . Shick & Wagner are offering special bargain this week. See their adver tisement on 8th page. The wonderful dry air treatment. Hyomei, reaches the spot, kills the germs, and cures catarrh, croup, sore throat, asthma, etc. Stoke & Feicht Drug Co. sells It, guarantees It, recom mends it. 11.00 for a complete outfit. One-fourth off on Ladles' coats. Blng- StokeCo. Home made mince meat; finest in the market. Hunter & Milllreo. Subscribe for The Star, tl a year. Ladles, come In and see our new prices on coat and furs. Blng-Stoke Co. - We juat received a lot of the choicest kind of skinned bam that we are sel ling for a short time at 121 cent per pound. Every one guaranteed.. Hunter' AMlllircn. THE PEOPLE WHO ARE PASSING TO AJVD FRO. Father Lynch was In Pittsburgh this week. Mrs. Martin Phalen was In Pittsburg this week. - , G. W. Fuller h in New York state this week. David L. Postlethwait visited In MayBvllIe Sunday. l D. H. Young was in Oil City the lat ter part of last week. t Miss Caroline Robinson Is visiting In DuBois this week. John O'Neale has moved from Drift wood to Reynoldsville. a. . Peter Robertson is visiting at For. Elk Co., this week. Jobh C. Huntington and wife visited a son at Ramseytown last week. J. C. Swartz, of Brookvllle, visited u!s parents in this place Sunday. Mrs. Will H. Lucas visited in Brook vllle several days the past week. George Horm and- wife visited a daughter at Conifer the past week. Mrs. J. E. Kirkwood spent Sunday at home of her parents in Brookvllle. Harry Goss moved back to Sarah Furnace, near East Brady, last week. Nelson Goodhile, of Erie, was a visit or in town several days the past week. T. J. Fye, of Big Run, was in town yesterday and called at The Star of floe. Misses Aldine Reed and Jane Smith visited in Falls Creek a short time Sun day. Garfield Harries, of Johnsonburg, vis ited his sisters In this place the past week. Miss Dorothy Sutter attendeed a party at New Bethlehem last Friday night. Mrs. Ernest Bogart and son, Roland, of Ridgway, were visitors in town last week. G. T. Woodford returned Thursday from a visit in Renovo and other places. John McClure, of Pittsburg, visited at home of bis parents In this place the past week. Mrs. O. A. Baldwin was at Farmers ville, N. Y., last week attending Bald win reunion. Mrs. Mamie Woldo, of DuBois, was a visitor at home of G. B. Woodford the past week. ... ... . . . .... Mrs. F. M., Brown, Mrs. C. R. Hall and Mrs. Tbos. F.n Adamij were;in DuBois Monday. Benjamin Jones was called to Wilkes barre Monday on account of the serious Illness of a sister. E. M. Hillis went to Pittsburgh Mon day and if be secoeeds in getting work will remain there. Blair Sykes, of Clearfield, attended the leap year party In this place last Thursday evening. Homer R. Ressler, of Johnstown, vis ited bis parents in this place several days the past week. Walter Kerr, ;of JNew Kensington, spent the holidays tat borne lot -His father in this place. George Moorhead, of Klttanning, at tended the leap year dance in this place last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Yoemans were called to Brookvllle yesterday to attend the funeral of a niece. Dr. Clarence H. Reynolds, of Warren, Pa., was a guest at home of ye editor several days the past week. Dr, A. H. Bowser was called to Walk Chalk, Pa., Sunday bn- account of the serious illness of his father. Miss Margaret Applegate was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McGraw In Klttanning over Sunday. Misses Dorothy, Estella and Nelle Scbultza returned Thursday from a visit in Pittsburgh and Natrona. Miss May Sterley went to Cincinnati, Ohio, Monday to attend school. She will take a course in telegraphy. Mr. and Mrs. G. Walter Irwin, of DuBois, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Snyder over Sabbath. Miss Hannah Miller, trained nurse of Philadelphia, visited her sister, Mrs. W. S. Christy, in this place last week. Tho. KIrkman and wife, of Clymer, Pa., visited the latter' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bone, Sr., the past week. C. A. Fye and wife, of DuBois, spent Sunday at home of the latter's parent, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. BarretU in this plaoe. . ' ' , Mis Rose Mitchell has resumed her work of teaching muslo in this place, after two week vacation during the holiday. Mr. Charles M. Feloht and son, of Punxsutawney, were visitors in town Monday, stopping oft here on- their way home from a visit in Brookvllle. Calvin Deemer, of Vandergrift Height, who spent the holidays at home of bis parents near this plaoe, returnrd to tho former p'oe Saturday. Harry Lewis, of East Baady, an erst while town boy, is vlsitine hi sister Mrs. J. W. Klrkwood, in this place. . Mrs. D. M. Shearer, who was visit. Ing in Bellefonte. Pa., several wnnka has returned to West Reynoldsville. Mrs. Amos Strouse. ton and daugh ter, Eugene and Esther, are vislting the former's daughter, Mrs. Wm. Huff, at Renovo. The new county officio took the oath of office Monday forenoon of thia week and are now in charge of the? county affairs. Mrs. J. H. Jelbart and three daugh ters, of Brockwayville, spent Sunday wlth the former's mother, Mrs. Hannah Butler, on Grant street. MIspos Anna snd Elizabeth Stage, of Clearfield, were guests of Misses Ids Williams and Frankle Hoffman v couple of day last week. Miss Pearl Chatham, who visited two months with her sister, Mrs. H. F. Eufer, went to home of her parenta at New Bethlehem Monday. Mrs. Martin Feeney and three child ren, of Lock No. 4, Washington Co., Pa., who) were visiting in West Reyn oldsville, returned home Saturday. Miss Clara Schwab, of this place, vis ited her friend, Miss Marjorle MoCor mick, of Falls Creek, a few days last week. She also visited in DuBois. W. F. Schuitze and wife were called to Columbus, Ohio, the latter part of last week on account of the serious ill ness of the latter' brother, Noah Dickey. MisBes Frances Lund and Lucy Blakeslee, of DuBois, and Mis Prances' Vandervort, of Summervllle, were guests of Miss Dora Reed a couple of days last week. J. H. Pollitt, formerly of this placov who moved from bere to Craigsvllle, where he was superintendent of a woolen mill, has accepted a position at Indiana, Pa., and moved to that place last week. Dr. B. E.' Hoover and family wera at Wlnslow, Cask 111 township, New Year' day visiting the iormer'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoover, that being Mr. Hoover's 85th birthday anniversary.' Nlnlan Cooper, grandfather of the) bride, and Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Johnston attended the Dennison-Hunter wedding In Beechwoods on Tuesday of last week; Full account of wedding will be found in another column in this Issue of The Star. Republican Suggestion Meeting. ' Last Thursday evening a number of Republican met at hose house No. Z and suggested the following persons for toe varlouss borough offices to be nomi nated at the primary election on the 23rd Inst.: Burgess Jarvis D. Williams. Council A. F. Yost, Frank W, Campbell, M. M. Fisher. School Directors Dr. J. C. Sayers A. T. McClure. Tax Collector Wm. Copping, Frank McClure. Register 1st precinct, John Trudgen; 2nd precinct, Harry F. Lavo. Auditor W. H. Moore. , Judge of Election 1st precinct, J. C Ferris; 2nd precinct, Joseph R. MI111 ren. ' . Inspector 1st precinct, Wm. EL. Howlett; 2nd precinct, J. Morris Dalley. Fire Company Officers. The three fire companies have re elected Charles M. Milliren fire chief for another year, and Hope Hose Co, elected following new officers: Presi dent, James Delaney; Vice-President, George Heckman; Secretary, R. M. Gibson; Financial Secretary, Frank Bohron; Treasurer, John Foust; Fore man, Edward Reynold; First Assist ant Foreman, Wm. Rboden; Second Assistant Foreman, Joseph Wildauer. New Ritual. The I. O. O. F. Lodges and Encamp ments of I. O. O. F. are now working under now rituals. The new ritual for Lodge went Into effect the first , of November and. the new ritual for the Encampment Into effect the first of this year. It you are a .member of I. O. O..F. lodge Or encampment yo had better get the new ritual. Stole Brass off Engine. During the Idleness of tbe Reynolds ville Clay Manufacturing Co. plana some person, or persons, stole tbe braes casting off tbe engine. It is likely there will be several arrests made as a result of this thieving "dtuot," which was done by home talent. Men's t3.00 shoes for (2.25. See win dow display. Blng-Stoke Co. Have you dyspepsia? . Ask Stoke &. Feicht Drug Co. for Mi-o-oa tablets. guaranteed to cure Indigestion, sick headaches, and all stomach complaints. or money back, and only 50o a large Vx.