The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 23, 1908, Image 1

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Has modern schools and churches, paved
streets, water, gas and electric accommoda
tions, convenient trolley service, high and
healthful location, varied employment for
labor and many other residential advantages,
Oiras exceptional advantages for itba loca
tion of new Industries i Free factory sites,
cheap and abundant fuel, direct shipping
facilities and low freight rates and plentiful
supply of laborers.
Recent Fire in Business Dis
trict Will Result in Big
Building Boom.
Tbe fire on Main street on the Bight
of December 5th, which destroyed from
$25,000 '0 $30,000 worth of property,
with email amount of Insurance, was
a heavy loss to seven or eight individu
als, for whom everybody was sorry, yet
the fire will result In a decided Im
provement in the appearance of Main
street, as it is tbe intention of the
property owners to erect brick build
ings to take place of the frame struc
tures licked up in the conflagration
eighteen days ago. Vie understand the
work will be started as early as possible
in tbe spring ana that ureen & uonser,
.W, H. Moore, Peters & Butler and M.
M. Fisher will all build, making a solid
brick block from Imperial Hotel to
Prlester's furniture store,, which was
formerly frame buildings and some
of them looked very much out of place
-on our Main street. Tbe Individuals
. lost heavily by this fire, but as has
..been the case In several other large
fires In our town, it will mean a big
improvement in tbe appearance ol
Main street when the. burned district
is covered with new brick buildings.
Therefore, a few individuals lose and
lue town gains auuiuonai nanusome
and substantial buildings.
This is Worth Reading.
Leo P. Zellnski, of 68 Gibson St.,
Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I cured the
most aunoylng cold sore I ever had,
with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. I ap
plied this salve once a day for two days,
when every trace of the sore was gone."
Heals all sores. Sold under guarantee
at Stoke & Feioht Drug Co. drug store.
i m
' Xmas Cigars,
Speoial sized boxes of ten, twenty
five and fifty for gift giving. Ladies
can make their selections at Stoke &
Feioht Drug Co.'s from the best assort
ment in town.
We can fit any member of the family.
(Bing-Stoke Co.
Beauty and utility combined in a
toilet case if it's a selection from Stoke
Afe Feioht Drug Co.'s magnificent Xmas
Men's slippers price 50c to $1.75 at
Coat sweaters at Mlllirens for Xmas.
' See our window display of novelties
i for Xmas. Bing-Stoke Co.
Silk kerchiefs for Xmas at Mlllirens.
We haye 100 tons of varieties of can
dles in stock t4 please everybody for
Christmas treats. Reynoldsville Candy
Trunks, traveling bags and suit cases
at Bing-Stoke Co.
Don't forget that A. Eatzen can
furnish your whole family with under
wear. Always low prices.
Swindlers Trying
To Mulct Farmers
Falsely Represent Themselves
Agents of State Livestock
The State Livestock Sanitary Board
has issued a warning to farmers to bo
ware of men pretending to be agents of
the state charging for examination of
cattle under pretense of searching for
foot and mouth disease. They are also
warned that the Btate has sanctioned
no reduction of price for calves because
of the presence of the disease.
In York county farmers were victim
ized by sharpers buying calves, claim
ing an official recommendation had been
issued that $1 be deducted from prices
because of prevalence of disease. Dr
Pearson's office stated that no agents
of tbe state or government ave allowed
to ask or receive fees and that no regu
latlons as to price has been even con
Property Changes .in Jefferson County
Put Upon Record.
John Waite, et. al., to Barbara
Waite, for lot in Reynoldsville, $1.
November 4, 1908.
Reynoldsville B. & L. Assn. to Julia
Ann Brumbaugh, for lots in Reynolds'
vtlle, $000 00. July 2, 1908.
John Miller by heirs, to Catherine
Miller for lots in Wlnslow township
and; Roynoldsvllle borough, $1.00
December 3, 1903.
Isaac Holienbaugh to P. R. Murray,
for 7 acres in Wlnslow township, $320,
November 3, 1908.
Marked for Death.
"Three years ago I was marked for
death. A grave-yard cough was tear
ing my lungs to pieces.- Doctors failed
to help me and hope had fled, when my
husband got Dr. King's New Dls
covery,"says Mrs. A. C. Williams, of
Bao, Ky. "The first dose helped me
and Improvement kept on until I bad
gained 58 pounds in weight and my
health was fully restored." This medi
cine holds the world's healing record
for coughs and colds and lung and
throat diseases. It prevents pneu
monia. Sold under guarantee at Stoke
& Feioht Drug Co. drug store. 50c and
$1.00. Trial bottle free.
Xmas Novelties.
We have hundreds of little novelties
for Xmas presents. Bing-Stoke Co.
Smoking jackets for Xmas at Mil
Insist on having Hunter & Milllren's
home made mince meat; take no sub
Don't fall to see Robinson & Mun
dorff before buying your candy for
Christmas. ,
Come in and look over our new dress
ing sacques and klmonas. "New line."
Bing-Stoke Co. ,
: Resources
The Officers and Directors of
The Peoples National Bank
WUh all a Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year,
OFFICERS W. B. Alfliander, Pres., F. D. Smith, Vlce-Prea., AuRust Baldauf, Vice
Pre.. F. K. Alexander, Cashier, F. P. Alexander, Assistant Cashier.
1'BEOTOBS-W. B. Alexander, F. D. Smith, D. L Taylor, August Baldauf, Amos
Btrouse, W. O. Man-ay, Dr. J. C. Baysrs, W. H. Moore, Ju. H. Spry, John O'Hare.
Effect of Tobacco
On School Students
A City Superintendent Blames
Failure of Students on Its
City Superintendent W. H. Sprenkle
has b.'en giving much attention and In
vestigation to the use of tobacco among
tbe pupils of ourctty Bchools, and makes
the startling declaration that boys fail
ing to sustain themselves In their
grades or to win promotion, have been,
and are, addicted to the use of tobacoo
In some form. Every boy, he says, from
the fifth grade up, wboiias failed to be
promoted or has had to repeat his
grade, that is, who has had to remain
In the same grade more than one year,
has been a user of tobacco; every boy
demoted has been a user of tobacco, and
the superintendent does not recall a
single exception among the boys of the
high school who are not doing well but
who Is a user of tobacco. ' How can this
growing evil condition of affairs be
stopped. Should Superintendent Spren
kle Instruct his teaohers to keep out of
schoof all boys polluted with tobacco,
"personal liberty" would be the howl
right away, , Teachers really have no
right to endure such' unpleasant and
nauseating conditions, and yet, would
it be safe to join in a protest against
them to parents and tbe public? Doc
tors, directors, business men and above
all the public should be aroused to ef
fective action on this subjeot and steps
should be taken tocorreot this growing,
destructive evil which 1b sapping the
enorgy of the minds of the young and
crippling them for life, Insofar as the
measure of future usefulness is con"
cerned, at least. Clearfield Public
Spirit. -
' Clearfield is not the only town where
school boys use tobacco. There are
Holiday Toilet Cases right to the fore
at Stoke & Felcht Drug Co.'s.
Joint Meeting Of
Medical Societies
Many Pertinent Topics Dis
cussed at DuBois Last
Several Reynoldsville physicians at
tended tbe joint meeting of tbe Jeffer
son, Clearfield; and Elk county medical
societies in DuBoU last Friday after
noon. Some Interesting topics were
discussed. Dr. Ball, of Warren, and
Dr. Theodore Killer, of Pittsburgh,
members of the legislative oommlttee
of the State Association, were present.
Killer spoke at length on the subject
of establishing a hospital for the treat
ment of inebriates. At the present
time an inebriate can be sent for one
year to an Insane asylum for treatment,
but it is the aim of the medical profes
sion to get a bill passed establishing a
regular Institution for their treatment.
Another matter that was discussed is
the establishment of a new medical
board. At present tha. different
branches of tbe medical pMieselon have
boards, but It U planned to have one
board composed of members from all
of the branches and .have candidates
take but one examination. Another
pleoe of legislation 'that will be looked
after is tbe securing of a new practice
act, whereby a doctor can be prevented
from practicing because of drunken
ness, cocaine hablt""andorlminalab
ortlon. 1
Xmas Neckwear.
New stylos in Xmas neckwear at
Bing-Stoke Co.
Occupy New Schoolhouse Dec. tSth.
Vacation time was moving time for
the sohool board . of Sykesville. The
seats and furniture are now being
transferred from tbe old school' rooms
to the new building.'. Tbe carpenters
and painters are finishing their work
on the rooms asapldly as possible, and
everything is being put In readiness
for the opening of school In the new
building Monday morning, December
28th. The contract ' is not yet com
plete as the finishing touches on some
of tbe rooms which will not be used
immediately is not eo important and
could be done while school Is being
held In the other rooms. Sykesville
Poft-DixjKxteh. The new school build
ing la a fine looking structure and the
people of Sykesville have good, reason
to feel proud of it.
Christmas Services.
Special Christmas services will be
held in the Catholic church CbrlBtmas
day. First mass at 0.30 a. m.
Coat Sweaters.
Ladies and misses coat sweaters at
Bing-Stoke Co. .
Phonographs, .
" You know how peoplo will run to
the window to hear tbe band. Get
a phonograph and have a band in
the. house. Easy terms if you wish.
Stoke & Feioht Drug Co.
Leave your order with us for your
Xmasturktes. Hunter & Mllliren.
Notice to Delinquents.
Some people who are in arrears on
tbe subscription to The Star made
promises several months ago that have
not been fulfilled yet. . We must ask all
subscribers over one year In arrears to
make prompt payment.
Christmas Furs.
We have just received a new line In
children's furs, priced from $2.00 to
$10 00. Come in and see them. Bing
Stoke Co.
Storm uloth rubbers, women's 75o
and men's $1.00 at Adams.
See the oceans of kerchiefs at Mll
lirens All our candy guaranteed strictly
pure. Robinson & Mundorff.
" Suitable kerchiefs at MlllirenB for
, Fine sweet oranges, grapes and grape
fruit for breakfast. Flavor to suit your
palate. Robinson k Mundorff.
"In Again"
And ready to serve his patrons witha
bang-up line of nice fresh eatables
of all kinds for Christmas time
and all other times.
Our specialties in good eatables will be kept at the highest pos
. sible standard in quality.
Come in and see us in the
Centennial Building
Corner Fourth and Main Streets.
Oone to Asia. '
Since Russia's defeat by Japan th
other side of the globe has become the
world's chief news center. All Asia
Is now in a turmoil of unrest and the
air is full of rumors of war.
To give its readers the truth- about
tbe movements which are going on In
that country, Frank G. Carpenter, the
correspondent of The Pittsburgh (Di's-
purcvi, who is known the world over
as one of tbe greatest newspaper writ
ers of this age, has been sent to Asia,
and commencing the first Sunday in tbe
new year bis illustrated letters will
appear every Sunday In The Dityutch.
Mr. Carpenter has already left the
United States and Is now traveling In
japan. From there he will make bis.
way northward into Korea and thence
overland through . Manchuria into.
China. He will spend some time in
Seoul and Mukden and going on by rail
to Peking will traverse a great part
of the Chinese Empire. Later on be.
may make his way through Slam, Bur
ro ah, Hindustan, Palestine and Turkey.
No one who hopes to keep abreast
with the times can afford to miss these
letters. .
Leave your order with your news
dealer and be sure that he delivers you
Dispatch every Sunday.-,.
New Ritual for Eagles. '
With the beginning of the' year 1909,
the new ritual of tbe' Fraternal Order
of Eagles will go Into effect. T'hls will
be tbe first obange thai bas been mae'e
since the first aerie was formed in Seat
tle, Wash., over ten years ago, and Is
said to be a decided Improvement over
the old, which members of tbe order
have long admitted to be a masterpiece.
However, It Is said the new one about
to be Issued will exceed by far that of
tbe first, which wan the work Of men
still living, who helped to revise and '
produce the new ritual. At tbe Grand
Aerie session held In Seattle in August,
it was decided to bold the memorial
services either In the month of January,
February or March, Instead of during
the month of May, as bas been tbe cus
tom. Peoples National Bank of Reynoldsville.
Reynoldsville, Pa., Deo. 1st, 1908.
Dividend Tbe board of directors of
this bank bas tbls day declared its first
semi-annual dividend of three (3) per
oentum on the capital stock, payable,
free of tax, December 24th, 1908, to
stooKboldors of record December 23rd,
1908. Cbeoks will be mailed.
F. K. Alexander, Cashier.
Litter I.IM.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
in post office at Reynoldsville, Pa., for
week ending Deo. 19, 1908.
Mrs. Chas. Carl, Mrs. Kallekna.
Foreign M. Anilo Lucooi, Annie
PI at oo, Annie Spies.
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
E. C. Bcrns, P. M.
Card of Thinks.
We hereby give expression to our
heartfelt gratitude to tbe friends and
neighbors for their kindness and sym
pathy shown during tbe illness and
after tbe death of our wife and mother.
D. E. Stanford and Family.
"Pink-eye" bas been prevalent among
the sohool children In Jefferson county.
It Is said that most of the youngsters
attending school in the Beech woods
have. had the affliction. The disease
is troublesome and -renders the patient
uncomfortable but Is not particularly
dangerous. DuBois Express.
A nice gift is a pair of slippers. Get
them at Adam's.
See the special Xmas suspenders at
Mlllirens. .
Xmas Gloves.
- We have a fine line for men, women
apd children. Bing-Stoke Co.
. ' Xmas Stationery. "
' Hardly anything else can be given in
such a wide range of occasions as a
box of dainty writing paper. On that
account we have placed in stock the
biggest line on record. Stoke & Felcht
Drug Co. " '.
See the neck silks in MilllreBS Xmas
' Xmas neckwear at Mlllirens.
Cut prices in shoes for the whole
family at. A. Katzen's.
Once tiled always used. Hunter &
Milllren's borne made mince meat.
Hats of all kinds at Milltrens.
Before you buv VOUr Christmas tntftta
visit the Reynoldsville Cand Works
and get prices. '
A gun for Xmas is about asaoDro-
priate a thing for a boy as anything
you can think of. When you decide
oome and see our stock. Stoke &
Felcht Drug Co.