The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 07, 1908, Image 8

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    It Tastes Good and
Creates Strength
the famous cod liver and
iron medicine, without oil.
Vinol i3 much better than
cod liver oil and emulsions,
because, while it contains all
the medicinal value they do,
it disagrees with no one.
As a body builder and
strength creator for old
people, delicate children,
after sickness, and for stub
born coughs and colds Vinol
is linequaled.
Stoke & Fcicht Drug Company
Reynoldsville, 'Pa.
If you have anything to sell, try
our Want Column.
A full quart-Gf "Family Favcrlis"
Not a cent. No oblidatlon whatever.
Simply (ill out clip and present the Coupon below
to your dealer and he will give you absolutely free
one full quart of "Family Favorite" Lamp OU."
BfMlr 0Ji Simply to prove beyond all doubt, at our own expense,
IV ll I seven things about "Family Favorite" Oil:
1. Perfectly safe 1B0 detrrees fire test
2. Maxes a pure white light with perfect
8. Burns steadily, evenly end fall candle
power, to the last drop, ,
4. Bums without smoke or odor will not
char the wick, cmoke the chimney cr "smell."
6. Bums lamp out dry with round, flat.
Iftrre or small hurnet, with perfect, free feud
without moving; the wick.
Give it a Fair Trial. Empty lamp clean burner use new wick.
If your dealer does not happen to have "Family Favorite" Oil, send
this Coupon below (all spaces properly filled out) direct to U3 and we will
get alter your dealers.
PLEASE DO THIS. We are absolutely
sincere in this Free Offer. We really
want you to try "Family Favorite,"
JUST ONCE ANYWAY, at our expense.
Then it's up to the oil itself to prove the
truth. Don't feel that we will think you
are trying to get "something for noth
want you to try "Family Favorite."
Waverly Oil Works Co.
- Independent Refiners
Pittsburg, Pa.
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus
Resources . .
John H. itarcnER, Pres.
John n. Knucher
Henry G. Deible
J. 0. King Daniel Nolan
J. 8. Hammond
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
A whirlwind windup of the greatest season of the
twenty. Don't miss the last few days of the wonder
ful home of Education, Entertainment, Jollity, Art.
Musical Attraction The World' Greatest
Arthur Pryor's Bond, - Sept. 28-Oct. 3
Bostonia Women's Orchestra, Oct. 5-10
Creatore - . Oct. 12-17
Damrosch ' - Oct. 19-24
Htw music hall Perfect acoustics Thousands spent in makia?
the largest In the state.
Th Spanish-American War The most realistic military spectacle
erer presented to an American audience 01 the horrors of every
engagement . 7
"FIOHTINO BOB VNSn Connecut-OalJerTc
Electric scenic cyclorania, "A day in Japan' WMovia
Theatorium Ferris wheel Merry-go-round --Pon;
pictures Theatorjnm
track Toboggan sUaet
Be on of the ,000 The greatest program ertry planned in
Pittsburg. Exeusiops ask the ticket man in ydi town When
tot nut happen. All for a quarter.
'Logical Conclusion.
First Burglar Hark I I hear somo
one talklug. Second Burglar What's
ho saying? First Burclar That be
nerer will bet on another horso as
long as he lives. Second Burglar
Let's get out of this. No money here.
He's lost every cent London Tit-Bits.
At Last.
"Ah, ha," exclaimed the great er
plorer joyfully, "at last I have found
the missing link!"
And, crawling from under his bed,
he proceeded to put the small gold af
fair In bis clean cuff. New York Jour
Eva Syakay Halasy versa Stephen Halasy.
Ni. 21, Jununry Term, 11108. 1'lurios Sub
poena In Divorce.
Tlio Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
To Stephen llnlusy, Greeting!
We command you, as twice before you were
commanded, Ihut all mutter of business and
excuses being set aside, you be and appear
In your proper person before our Judge at
Hrookvlllc, at our Court of Ccmmon Fleas,
thereto be held on the second Monday of
November next, to show cause, If any you
have, why your wife, Kva tiyakay Halusy,
should not he divorced from the bonds of
matrimony which she diath contrsctcd with
you the said Stephen Halasy, ugreeablo to
the I'etitlou huh L,tnei exninitna against you
before our snld Court, and this you shall in
no cape om't at your peril.
Witness The Hon. John W. Heed, President
of our said Court at HrookvUle the 13th day
Allowed by the Court .
Cykus II. Blood, I'rothonotary,
ToStenhen Hnlnsv. Greeting:
You a'o hereby notltled to nppear before
tne nonoraoie jutige oi me i.;ouri oi com
mon Pleas at Rronkvllle, Pa., on the second
Monday of November next, to answer us set
ioriu in tne aoove sum poena.
October 7, l'.KXt.
0. Tliat it Rives mora licrltt with no
tmulle at the same price ns charged for
common bulk oils from tank wazena,
7. Tliat after you have tried, and proved
'Tamily Favorite" it is wor.h while to in
sist and ace that you Ret it; that yon will
tnlce no other no matter what argument is
offered ; that yna hnve rt la-t fmind the best
lamp oil nimle "Family Favorite."
COUPON. Before Nit. l"t, MOB, yonr
donlor v lil exchanrn for this ronnnn. nn.-o-lutely
free, one full qattrt ot "fc'dmily fa
vorite" Lamp OH.
Wavtrt.t Ott. Worits Co., v
Independent lteuners, Filtaburs, Pa.
(BVrt plalnlt )
P. O. Address,
Name and Address of your dealer.,
Kr piadafrir No. M, 1909.
elv Free to You
J. C. Kino, Vlce-T res. K. C. Schdckkrs, Cashier
John IT. Corbett
H. II. Wilson
Whereby a Hint If Given to Wives and
a Warning to Husbands.
"Oh, Uonr," sighed tlio pretty caller
aa she viewed hr friend's new bon
net, fresh from the store, "I wlnh my
liiiHbiiiitl would ullow uie to buy such
a love of a bonnet!"
"Ho would, my denr, If you knew
how to handle lilin," answered the lady
of the house.
"No; It U ft waste of words to try
to talk with him," snld the pretty
caller, with another Blifh. "I saw a
dream of tt bonnet downtown the oth
er day, and the price was just what
you sny you n:ive for yours ?J5. But
when I mentioned the price my hus
band flew ,lnto a rase and declared
thnt $10 was every cent that he woisld
advance me lo buy n bonnet with und
If I couldn't ma Ue that do I would
hnvo to do without."
X;Rxnctly," commented the lady of
the house dryly. "You can't expect
any other treatment when you ap
proach yonr husband like that. My
hushnnd nets Just the mime way when
ever I nsls him for money. Hut this
creature called 'man' Is very easily
bandied If you go about It In the right
way. Now, when I snw this bonnet
downtown I nmdo up my mind that I
would be the happy possessor of It, so
that night at the dinner table I began
going Into raptures over n bonnet tliat
I had seen while shopping, the price of
which was only $r0, nnd then I added
ns an afterthought that I had quite
mndo up my mind to buy It.
, "'What!' roared my husband. 'Fifty
dollars for n bonnet? I guess not!
You'll have to put up with $25, and
not a cent more do you get!
"As 1hnt was exactly the amount
that 1 wanted I am afraid that the
tears 1 shed were somewhat forced.
Rut I pi'.lued my point, nnd that was
what I was after." Detroit Free f ress.
A Brief Introduction.
"Long Introductions when n man hns
a speech to make are a bore," snyf
former Senator John C. Spooner. "1
have had all kinds, but, the most satis
factory one In my enreer was that of a
German mayor of a small town hi my
stnto, Wisconsin. .
"I was to make n political address,
and the opera house was crowded.
When It enme time to begin, the may
or got up.
" 'Mine friends,' be snld, 'I haf asked
Lc?n to Introduce Senator Spooner,
who Is to make a speech, yes. Veil, I
haf dlt so, und he vll now do bo."
Literary Digest.
Just Curious.
Tourist What's that crowd, down
at the courthouse?
Native Oh, they're tryln' the case
o' Sam Johnson, suh.
Tourlst-Sam JohusonI Why, that
was the man that wns lynched yester
day, wasn't It?
Native l'a-aa, suh. But today some
o' the boys got to feelln' cur'ous to
know whethah he was Innocent or
guilty, suh. Catholic Standard and
-The Editor Explains.
A young lady was recently visiting
an editorial ofllec nud being shown
around by the editor. Approaching a
case' of drawers upon one of which
wns the label "MSS.," she snld, "Now,
how would you pronounce that?"
"Oh," said the editor, "sometimes we
pronounce It muss and sometimes
mess." LlppJncott's Magazine.
Had It Reasoned Out.
"You said you thought there was no
mnlarln around hero," snld the Indig
nant stranger.
"I did think so," answered Farmer
Corntossel. "After nil the summer
boarders took away I didn't see how
there could be any left." Washington
A Modern Idea.
"What's contributory negligence?"'
"Failure to dodge an automobile, my
son." Philadelphia Ledger.
' The Minister's Boy's Work.
Mother What! Fighting again?
Such a black eye! If you'd only follow
the lead of the minister's little boy-
Tommy Aw, I did try ter foller bis
lead, but he led again wid his left, an'
dat's where be biffed me. Philadel
phia Press. ,
Farm Implements,
"You've asked for my daughter's
hand, and I'm going to speak candidly
to you. I'll call a spade a spade."
"Indeed! And what do yon call me?"
"I call you a rake." Kansas City
Surrounded by Shells.
Roderick The old colonel boasts that
during the civil war be was where the
shells were thickest.
Van Albert So I hear. They say be
burrowed under a peanut patch. Min
neapolis Journal. -
drowned FEr.soNs.
Absence of Water In the Lungs Need
Not Indicate Murder.
Several cases havo been reported In
the newspapers recently In which the
absence of water In the lungs of per
sons found Immersed In ponds nnd
I rivers has led to the conclusion that
' death had occurred before Immersion
nnd that the crime wn,s therefore mur
der and uot suicide. 'As the matter
Is of great criminal Importance, per
mit me to call attention briefly to the
report In 18(12 of a committee appoint
ed by the Royal Medical and Chlrur-
gicnl society of London to Investigate
this question. It wns n well known
fact that in most drowned persons
I water wns not found In the lungs, and
It wns . supposed by many Hint In
drowning a fpnsmodic contraction ot
the entrance of tlio windpipe took place,
which prevented the entrance of wa
ter. The committee made a very enre
ful nnd prolonged Investigation nnd
came to conclusions which 1 sum
mnrlze as follows:
First Water does enter the lungs In
drowning. In animals drowned by
, Immersion In water the lungs, If exiun
I Incd Immediately afterward, are full
of water. If a dog le drowued lu
plaster of parls the piaster Is found
In the smallest tubes. In a guinea pig
whose nose only has been Immersed
In mercury the globules of mercury
penetrate the finer tubes.
Second. If the examination be de
layed for several hours or longer, as
Is generally the case, 110 water may
be found lu the lungs, absorption hav
ing taken place even after death. In
experiments upon nnlmnls It was
found that forty or fifty ounces of
water could be Introduced Into the
lungs without any of the liquid being
. detected there an hour or two after
I ward. In cases of undoubted drown
ing in humnn beings, when the exam
ination was delayed for several hours
after death, fragments of water plants
nud other foreign substances may be
found In the windpipe nnd larger
tubes without nny wnter being de
tected lu the tissue )f the lungs. Ab
sorption of water takes place in the
lungs even after death, nnd therefore
the absence of wnter In the lungs
many hours after death has uo bear
ing upon the question of murder or
suicide. It Is very important that this
fact should be generally khown. A.
Rrayton Rail In New York Times.
Van Dycks That Were Forgeries.
Tiie trial of art dealers at Genoa for
smuggling seven famous Van Dycks
from the Cattaneo palace has resulted
In nn acquittal. It was proved that
six of tlio pictures had never left the
palace, the smuggled works of art be
ing forgeries. This recalls the out
burst of Indignation In Italy somo
years ago concerning a Itaplmel which
was secretly conveyed to America for
a well known millionaire. That It
was a genuine Rnphnel the most skill
ful experts In the United States had
no doubt, and It bore the grent artist's
uumistakablo signature. Rut, much to
Italy's relief, a closer examination of
the canvas proved It to be a clever
forgery, which wns afterward traced
to a studio in Rome whose "old mns-
' tors" were turned out by the dozen.
1 London Chronicle.
Unique Strew Hat.
The proprietor of a fashionable cafe
at Mnrienbad is the possessor cf a
straw bat which he values at $1,000.
The hat Is not a costly variety of pan
ama, but is rather a rough looking
straw hnt Yet It Is the prldo of the
proprietor's life because it is woven
of straws through which the crowned
heads of Europe havo nt various times
sucked cooling drinks dispensed In the
owner's establishment For many
years this king worshiper had been
collecting straws from the royal lips,
scorning mere nobles or slatesmcn.
When the collection wns largo enough
the hat was manufactured.
A Roundabout Bite.
In San Francisco the campaign
against rats as spreaders of tbe plague
Is a subject of universal discussion.
The topic has reached even tbe chil
dren. "Wot they bunting up all rats fer?" .
"Aw, don't yer know nothing? Rats
has tbe plague, an' if you see one
you'd better look out, 'cause you'll get
It, too, maybe."
"If you Just see a rat, do you get it?"
"Aw, don't you know nothing?
You've got the plague when you've
been bit by a flea what's been bit by a
rat whnt's been bit by a sailor." San
Francisco Call.
Bridge Built In Forty Minutes.
An unusunl feat In pontoon bridge
building has been accomplished by a
company, a hundred strong, drawn from
four cavalry regiments of the Berlin
garrison. Arrived at a point where tbe
Spree is very wide, the guardsmen, as
sisted by a dozen pioneers, constructed
In forty minutes a bridge of steel boats
and plates 108 feet long and ten feet
broad. A squadron of cuirassier guards
was the first to try it, riding twice
across. Then a loaded baggage wagon
weighing fifty hundredweight, drawn
by six horses, traversed the bridge re
peatedly. A United South Africa.
England's dream of a united South
Africa is coming true. The premiers of
Cape Colony, the Transvaal and the
Orange River Colony recently moved
In their respective legislative assem
blies the adoption of the resolution of
the intercolonial customs and railway
conference calling for an enrly union
vtindef the British crown. Natal is nd
whit behindhand, and the resolution
Of the conference specially referred to
the inclusion of Rhodesia In the great
South African state at a convenient
I OfficiaUReynoldsville.
AN ORDINANCE providing for tho
grudluif, curbing and paving of that
portion or fifth street in the bomuifb
of Ueyiioldaville, Pa., which Ilea be
tween the west side of Jackson street
where said Jackson street crosses said
rifth Btreet on the north, and tbe
couth side or Doltz alley where said
Deliz alloy cross.- said Firth street,
on th-i smith; providing ror the man
ner of -Join? said work and iu what
mann. r payment is to be made there
ED by tte town eo.incll of tbTburouifh
of V yu.ildsvllle, Ph., and it Is hereby
ordained nud euuetud by authority of
Suction 1. Thu that part of Fifth
street In the boroub of Kovunldsvllle,
Pa., which lies between tho wjst side
of Jackson street where said Jackson
street crosses Bald Fifth etreet on 'he
north, und the sou Hi side of Deltz alley
where said Delfz alloy crosses said F1M1
Btreet on the south, sball bw ptived wih
block pavlntr brick to a width uotl x
Ct'edlnir eli'hlHi.n font anil tk.i ......1
. - ....u .1111. u r.uu
slime curb bj sot on h i h sides of said
j street between termini above desig
nated. Said fri-Hdlnc, curbing and pav
I Inn in h done In Hccnidano with the
, plans and speclflcHMonH prepared and
jndopn d by the town council of Rej n-
oldsvlli... pM , which aro hereby an
proved, hereto attached nnd made part
I 1 f " Is orrlinncn.
oKuiiujv z. saiu grading, curbing
m.d pivlne sIihII be done, under the
dlreeili.n and rnin.ol of tbe Street
CommUtee i.f t,e T.iwn Counc'.l
or the h'eoii-fb if R.iyiioldevlllo,
who are hereby authorized and em
powered to emnlov labor, purchase
material and do all things necessary
to be done In tho construction and com-'
pie! ion of said Improvement.
Section 3. Too cost and expense
of tbe grading, curbing and paving
of said portion or Fifth street above
rti'Mgnatrd, shall b" borne and paid for
bv thi borough or R.ynn'd4vlll, Pa ,
out or the gpneral borough rund.
Suction 4. AIL ordinances, or parts
or ordinances In conflict herewith, are
hereby repealed.
Passed and enacted flnallv by the
Town Council or thn borough' of Heyn
ii'dsvilln at, an adjourned minting of
the Town Council, held at tbe council
chamber on Frldav. the eighteenth dav
nf September, 11108, at nine o'clock p.
m F. S. Hoffman.
Attest: President or Council.
Secretary of Council.
Now September 22nd, 1008, the above
ordinance is submitted to me, read,
considered and apprevfd.
Pmith M. McCreight,
Chief IJurgess.
In your heating appiir.ittu until you have
Imd us look It over. Those tilings have a
Imblt of irettliix out of nrrler during the sum
mer. We'll put your heater In shape so that
you'll bave no trouble wltb It the whole win
ter. Bettor have un do the work now limn
wait until Inter when a cold spell will make
It mighty uncomfortable to let out the fire In
order to make repairs. Shall we step around
to-day and Fee what's needed?
W.T. Brulmker. Mgr.
Midway between Broad St. Station nnd
Heading Terminal on Filbert st.
European 11.00 per day and up.
'American l.'.SO per day and up.
Theonly moderate priced hotel of rep
utation and consequence In
Main Street. Reynoldsville, Pa.
Also a lot of INGRAIN CARPET will be sold at
a bargain
We have also bargains in REED GO-CARTS
that we are going to close out.
Give us a call and be convinced that we are of
fering bargains.
With Sores
As This, -i
Is covered
Scroruls. Salt Rheum. Psorlssls or Ulcers
that baa bs filed ull doc-tors' skill sod other
medicines. .
Di Taylor's
Eczema Remedy
III positively cure It tbs worst kind, ol
esse or no psy. Sold by
Sio e & IVIolil I'-ux i'ii,, Reynoldsville, Pa.
StMnl 'iirtrt'o ll'iMWaii'd booklet.
Vrlbest Rubber ,
Climax Asphalt
Needs no painting. Nothing better
made regardless of cost. Made by re
liable people, sold by reliable people
and backed up hyrjuallly.
McHenry-JYllllhouse flfg. Co.
South Ileiul, Ind.
For Sam bt
. Reynoldsville Hardware Co.
In the District Court of Hie United States
fur the Western District of Pennsylvania.
In the matter of William Albert Leech,
Bankrupt, No. 4:W, In Bankruptcy.
To the creditors of William Albert Leech
of lteynoldsvllle, Jefferson county, Pennsyl
vania, and District aforesaid, a bankrupt:
Notice Is hereby given that on tho 25tli
(lay of t-eptemlier, A. D. 190H, said William
Albert Leech, was duly adjudlcnteil a bank
rupt; and that the first meeting of his
creditors will be held at the law office of
Smith II. McOrelght Esq.. on Main street,
In the borough of lteynoldsvllle, county of
Jefferson and state of Pennsylvania, on
Tuesday, the 13th of October, A. li. 1H08, at
one o'clock In the afternoon of said day;
at which time said creditors may attend,
prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex
amine the bankrupt and transact such other
business as may properly come before said
meeting. Wim.iam T. IJahr,
Kcteree In Haukruptcy;
September 2St!i !Kj,
Brookvlile, Pa,
Osteopathic Physician
gZMatson Blocklj J
Brookville, ' Pennsylvania
L Consultation and treatment In Rey
noldsville by appointment only. If
you want my opinion and examina
tion of any chronic case, write me and
make an appolnment for any mondat
or thurmdat and I will call at your
Brook rllle, Pa.' J
subscribe tor
The Star
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