The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 30, 1908, Image 7

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xay. Dispels Colas nndHeaA
ocVies duo to Constipation;
Acts naturally, acts truly as
a Laxative.
Best jiorMcnmon and Cnilai
rcn-Vbung ana Ola.
To gei its Beneficial Effects
Always buy the Genuine vvhich
nas the full name of the Com-
! bywuirn it is manufactured, printed on the
front of every pnckn&p.
one size only, regular price 50ptruotlle.
S V -
The cleanest.-
linhtjct anri
most comfortable
at the same time
cheapest in the
end oecause it
wears longest
3QQ Everywhere
Every garmenr quar.
anleed waterproof
.Catalog free
TOVt 0 BOSTON t & ., ...
A Lang Job.
An English astronomer, J. Franklin
Adams, 13 said to have begun the pro
digious task of counting the stars.
Most people greatly overestimate the
number of stars to be seen on a
clear night a matter of some 4,000
but their guesses are likely to fall
as far short of the number revealed
by a telescope. Even a field glass
Increases the visible number aston
ishingly, and the big telescopes reveal
a number estimated at over G0,000,
000, while the camera reveals, appar
ently, over 100,000,000. The method
of counting Is by moving the photo
graphic plates, each covering , small
area of the heavens, across the field
of a microscope provided with a grad
uated grating so that the stars can
be counted in narrow strips Spring
field Republican. '
When You Are Tired.
Don't grit your teeth and work
harder. Ease up a little.
Ecn't talk any more than you can
help. Talking takes vitality.
13 minutes.
Don't read anything in which you
are not interested.
Don't feet that everything must be
done in one day. There are SCi
more. -
Realize that it is better to leave
things undone than overdo yourself.
Avoid people and their woes at that
time. Ssek some one frivolous.
Don't try to improve yourself. Give
your mind a rest.
And flcu't forget that a Utile lemon
Juice In co'.d water in the morning is
a great help.
Temperance In Norway.
"Tho cause of temperance is work
ing great headway in Norway. Wo
'have adopted the local option policy
with excellent results," said P. Anen
sen, a manufacturer of white paper,
from Sklcn, Norway. "Whenever the
people of a certain district or county
wish to abolish drinking houses nn
election is held at which all adult
malesin that territory are supposed
to vote. If any are absent their
votes aro counted for prohibition.
Another election cannot be held until
after five years."
Gil'! Starving on Ill-Selected Food.
"Several yearB ago I was actually
starving, " writes a Me. girl, "yet
dared not ent for fear of the conse
quences. ' "I had suffered from indigestion
from overwork, irregular meals and
Improper food, until at last my
stomach became so weak I could eat
scarcely any food without great dis
tress. "Many kinds of food were tried,
all with the same discouraging ef
fects. I steadily lost health and
strength until I was but a wreck of
my former self.
"Having heard of Grape-Nuts and
its great merits, I purchased a pack
age, but with little hope that it would
help me I was so discouraged.
"I found it not only appetizing but
that I could eat it as I liked and that
It satisfied the craving for food with
out causing distress, and if I may use
tho expression, 'it filled the bill.'
' "For months Grap-Nuts was my
principal article of diet. I felt from
the very first that I had found the
right way to health and happiness,
and my anticipations were fully
"With Its continued use I regained
my usual health and strength. To
day I am well and can eat anything
I like, yet Grape-Nuts food forms a
part of my bill of fare." "There's a
Name givep by Postum Co., Br. t tie
Creek. Mich. Read "Tho Road to
Vellvllle," In pkgs.
Ever rend the uliovc letter? A new
one appears from time to time. They
ore genuine, true, and full of Uuuuui
For early use seed of turnips
should be sown as soon as tho ground
can bo prepared. Although turnips
are frequently sown broadcast, good
results are more certain by drilling
one-half inch deep in rows one foot
apart. Indianapolis News.
Considerable tabular data are giv
en by the New Jersey Experiment
Station, showing the effect, as indi
cated by the composition, of breeding
sweet corn by the ear to row method.
Three plats were selected from the
first year's planting, and analyses
made of a number of ears from each
row. These ears were allowed to
ripen, and were planted in the season
of 1907. The result again Indicated
the tendency of certain individual
ears to transmit a high percentage of
sugar, and that this tendency pre
vails throughout the entire row
grown from such an car. American
There is little danger of making
the soli too rich for a vegetable gar
den. The use of hand tools is unneces
sary in the preparation of a seed bed.
if tho Eoil is worked at the proper
Tho labor of hand weeding may be
reduced to a minimum by planting in
freshly worked soil only, tilling close
to the vows early in the season and
permitting no weeds to ripen their
The use of a wheel hoe saves labor
in the care of a garden even when
much of the tillage is to be done with
a horse. Weekly Witness.
Short, stocky tomato plants are the
best, but many amateur gardeners
do not seem to know this. The tall
est tomato plants often command the
highest price, but this is no evidence
that they are the best. Stockiness is
secured by free ventilation, rather
low temperature, a moderate amount
of water and ample space for each
plant. When tho plants aro to be
used on your own farm it pays to
make every possible efTort to secure
a stocky growth. But if you have
nothing but tallj weak overgrown
plants don't throw them away. Bury
about half the stems in a horizontal
position, leaving only about four or
five inches above ground. The part
below will throw out roots, and the
plant thus treated will yield a good
crop. American Cultivator.
The crimson rambler has suddenly
come into fashion abroad, and in all
the recent accounts of functions in
London one reads of its being em
ployed as a decorative bloom. It has
been a great favorite in this country
for some years, but the pink species
is now beginning to rival it.
In June and early July one sees it
all through the suburbs, says Town
and Country, and it has quite taken
the place of the honeysuckle, the Vir
ginia creeper and other climbers for
summer house and trellis covering.
Some years ago it was introduced
by the florists here as a potted plant
for Easter, the blooms being forced.
Before that time, both in England
and France, it was considered as
rather an ordinary variety of the
rose and was not held in high esteem.
A new rose, faint pink aDd single,
a climber and evidently a wild flower
in its native land, has been used In
large quantities for derorative pur
poses. The blossom is quite small
and feathery, but massed tho plants
are most effective. The demand for
pink flowers of any kind this year
exceeds that of any other color. Dur
ing the winter the Killarncy rose led
aven the sterling favorite, the Ameri
can Beauty.
When you get strawberry plants
don't set them until you have pruned
them by cutting the tip ends off the
roots. Where the roots are cut they
will callous, and from this point the
feeders will start, and wheu the feed
ers start pumping moisture charged
with plant food, the plant's entire
machinery is put into motion. When
setting the plants spread the roots
fan-shape, put them straight down
into the soil, press the soil firmly
against the roots, leaving the crown
of the plant clear up above the sur
face. Cultivate after each rain. Just as
soon as the soil will crumble. It it
doesn't rain cultivate every eight or
ten days, and keep a dust blanket be
tween the rows and all around the
plants in the row.
Remove the first runners if for
any reason the mother plants are not
growing vigorously; let the first run
ners set if the mother plant says so;
her appearance and condition will
Mulch'lmmediately after the first
freeze. In the spring part the mulch
directly over the rows, Just wide
enough for the plants to come up
Grow the plants cither in the dou
ble hedgerow or in the twin single
Never pull any weeds; kill them
before they are big enough to pull.
Just as soon as the plaoiU are set
out begin to cultivate.
Pinch off the fruit stems before
buds open. Jndlanacclis News.
Enrah kissed me when we mot.
So did Kate and Hell and Dora,
Eo did Jane and Violet.
Dolly, Clarinet and Flora.
They all liked me pretty well,
And dear girls! they never hid it!
I don't like to kin and tell
Still, they did it.
Later in the day I met
(And (minted) Maude and Daisy,
And I also kissed Cozette,
Clara, Julia, Ruth and Maisie
0, I'm sorry for Leigh Hunt,
I who've had so many, many!
While poor Leigh's one vaunted stunt
Was with Jenny.
Richmond Times-Di3patch.
"Got much family?'
"Not much. Just a pup and a rub
ber plant." Pittsburg Post.
Ethel "Let's play house."
Johnny "All right; you he ma
away in the country and I'll be pa."
New York Sun.
That's a smart pump."
"And a smart girl wearing it. Noth
ing short of genius could keep that
style of footgear on." Louisville
Jeweler "Is your watch all right
now, Mr. Smart?"
Mr. Smart "Well, no, not yet; but
it seems to be gaining every day."
Boston Transcript.
"Have you made your campaign
contribution yet?"
"What's the use?" sighed the poet.
"All my contributions are returned,
With thanks." Washington Herald.
- "I think," said Sue Brett, "I'll take
a dip into vaudeville."
"Take a -Sip, ehi?" commented
Yorick Hamm. "So that's why you've
ordered a bathing-suit rig." Kansas
City Journal,
"My mission in life," said the satir
ist, "is to put the dunce cap on the
heads of other people."
"Be careful," replied his friend,
"that you don't catch cold." Phila
delphia Inquirer.
"It will be an expensive wedding,
I understand."
"Oh, it will. They rehearse every
day, and the prospective groom
smashes a real camera at each re
hearsal." Washington Herald.
"I think that young man is a candi
date for your daughter's heart."
"Yes," assented, the indulgent fa
ther, "and I believe he'll win out. I
look for a notification committee any
day now." Washington Herald.
Passenger Agent "Here are some
postcard views along our line of rail
road. Would you like them?"
Patron "No, thank you. I rode
over the line one day last week and
have views of my own on it." Chi
cago News.
"When he was poor he was a good
poet, but prosperity ruined him."
"How was that?"
"As soon as, he began getting a
dollar a word, he wouldn't stick to
the meter. Insisted on Jamming in
extra words." Louisville Courier
"Did you try counting sheep for
your insomnia?"
"Yes, doc; but I made a mess of
it. I counted 10,000 sheep, put 'em
ou cars and shipped 'em to market
The wad of money I got for 'em made
me afraid to go to sleep." Washing
ton Herald.
"You are being mentioned promi
nently," explained the politician, "for
this and that office of distinction."
"But that doesn't provide me with
the eats,", expostulated his constitu
ent. "Won't you have me mentioned
for some place I could get?" Hous
ton Chronicle.
The Angle Worm "How In the
world do you escape being poisoned
by the Paris green the plants are
sprayed with?"
The Potato Bug "Me? My boy,
I'm a faith scientist. I consider the
stuff creme de menthe, and partake of
it freely after meals." Judge.
"Who on earth cut your hair?"
gasped Mrs. Gunson as her husband
arrived home.
"A locksmith, my dear," replied
Mr. Gunson. "Did you think a bar
ber had anything to do with it?"
"Indeed I did not," retorted Mrs.
Gunson. "Judging from the shaggy
way it has been trimmed I thought
perhaps It was. done by a hackuiau."
The Bohemian.
. Testing Kinship by Blood,
Testing animal origins or kinship
by similarities or blood analyses, as
suggested by Prof. Nnttall, tho Eng
lish biologist, Is bringing novel ideas
into zoology. It shows that the hip
popotamus is a pig and. the walrus a
horse and confirms the long recog
nized relationship between birls and
reptiles. But it doos not connect
mnn with monkeys and traces only'
slight kinship with the anthropoids.
Beware of Ointments For Catarrh
Tlint Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the sense ol
unell and completely derange the whole sys
tem when entering it through the mucous
surfaces. Such articles should never he used
except on prescriptions from reputable phy
icians, as the damage they will do is ten told
to the good you can possibly derive from
them, 11 all's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. J. Cheney It Co., Toledo, O., contains
no mercury, and is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of thesystein. in buying Hall's Catarrh Cur
be sure you get the genuine. It is taken in
ternally and made in Toledo. Ohio, by I1'.
J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.
Eold by Druggists; price, 75c. per bottle.
Take liall'i 1'aiuily Tills for constipation.
One Way to Do It.
While the automobile enthusiasts
are considering ways to avoid acci
dents at railroad grade crossings, it
might be a good idea for the chauf
feurs to slow up and bo a bit careful
until Bome other plan can be figured
Could I.ajr fslnloJ'rncll in One
llniul.i la DrcnuTuI Rintc Pisrnso
- Dolled Ticntiiicnt for 7 Years
Ciircil by Cnlieiiin. -"I
had eczema on my linmls for alioiit
(even vc.iin and during Hint time 1 liud
used several so-called remedies, together
with physicians' nml dnii;ial' prescrip
tions. The disease wns so.bnd on my
hands that I could Iny a slate-pencil in ouo
of the cracks and a rule placed across (lie
hand would not touch the pencil. I kept
using remedy after remedy, and while soma
gavo partial relief, none relieved as much
as did tho lirst box of Cuticurn Ointment,
I made n purchase of Cuticura Soap mid
Ointment nnd my hands were period ly
cured after two boxes of Cuticura Oint
ment and one cake of Soup were used. YV.
U, Dean, Newark, Del., Mar. 28, 1907."
Ruins Restored.
The famous ruins of Tlntcrn Abbey,
Monmouthshire, England, are being
restored as far as the four great
arches are concerned, and more exca
vations arc being made around it in
hope of finding other buildings.
It. It. Cheek's Sons, of Atlanta, fla., nro
the only successful Dropsy Hp e nli-ts in the
world. 8eo their liberal o(Tor in advertise
ment in another column o( this pnpor.
The art of reading is to skip Judic
iously. Whole libraries may be
skimmed In these" days, when we have
the results of them in our modern
culture without going over the ground
again. And even of the books we de
cide to rend, there ore almost always
largo portions which do not concern
us, and which we nro sure to forget
tho day after wo have read them. The
art is to skip all that doos not con
cern us, whilst missing nothing that
we really need. P. O. Hamerton.
Moon's Surface Changes.
Changes on the moon's surface, es
pecially near the crater Linnaeus, are
now recognized by Pickering, Barnard
and others. It Is concluded that the
diminution of a white patch must be
a melting of hoar frosts at sunrise
and that the deposition and melting
of frost must bo taking place in other
parts of the moon.
Miners Not Consumptives.
A mining Journal published at
Scranton has been calling attention
to tho curious fact that in coal min
ing communities there is a marked
deficiency in the mortaliiy from tu
berculosis B.3 compared with that of
other localities.
. ' The Smallest Brain.
A healthy, regularly formed brain of
twenty-four ounces, .scarcely half of
the normal average, seems to have
been the smallest ever recorded for
an adult. It was recently found in
Daniel Ryan, a New York coachman,
who died suddenly at the age of forty
six. New Shingles.
Shingles are now made under a
patented process from asbestos fiber
and Portland cement. Owing to the
enormous pressure under which the
shingles are manufactured it is said
that hey absorb, when fresh, only
about 6 per cent of their weight in
water. i
Twin Evils.
Next to lack of work, drinking and
gambling are responsible for more
suicides than anything else in the
country, nnd yet there is always a
howl when any attempt is made to
regulate these twin evils.
But Cured After Doctors Said There
Was No Hope.
Sylvanus O. Verrlll, Mllford. Me.,
says: "Five years ago a bad injury
paralyzed me and
affected my kid
neys. My back
hurt me terribly,
and the urine was
badly disordered.
Doctors said my
right kidney was
practically dead.
They said I could
never walk again.
I read of Dnan's Kidney Pills and
began using them. One box made me
stronger and freer Irom pain. I kept
on using them and In three months
was able to get out on crutches, and
the kidneys were acting better. I Im
proved rapidly, discarded the crutche
and to the wonder of my friends was
soon completely cured."
Bold by all dealers 60 cents a box
Fokter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
You won't tell your family doctor
the whole story about your private
illness you are too modest. You
need not do afro, id to tell Mrs. Fink
hum, at Lynn, Mass., tho things you
could not explain to the doctor. Your
letter will he held in the strictest con
fidence. From her vast correspond
ence with sick women during the
past thirty years she may have
gained the very knowledge that will
help yourcasc. Such letters as the fol
lowing, from grateful wopt, es
tablish beyond a doubt tho power of
to .conquer all female diseases.
Mrs. Norman R. Uarndt, of Allen
town, Pa., writes :
" Ever ninco I was sixteen years of
ape I had suffered from an organic de
rangement and female weakness ; in
consequence I had dreadful headaches
and was extremely nervous. My physi
cian said I must go through an opera
tion to Ret well. A friend told me
about Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable
Compound, and I took it and wrote you
for advice, following your directions
carefully, and thanks to you I am to
dny a well woman, and I am telling
all my friends of my experience."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has posit ively cured thousands of
women who have lieen troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down
feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion,dizziness,ornervousprostration. SFor Sale mak"1K"
tin 14 States. Strout's mam-
''.'ir?f;j sains with State map mailf rt Jree; wt
- iiayit.s. (are. E. A. STROUI lu.,
Wsild'i Uitul FvaDukn, Uul Till. Bid. NuUMpkii
It's Up to You !
It's only a question of your aim if you
don'lj bring buck all that the law allows when
you hunt in the
Plenty of excellent guides.
$15. Accessibility such that
your office only one week.
Rpnd tntlaT 2-cent
tiful l.noks telling the whole story "In
the Flub ami Gonie Country" and "FSb
iDdUHUie J.AW8
f mm nimT r n
V IY1. L till I , u. r
Hunting Trips
Th small pries Is mad possible by th
great demand for this Razor. The small
profit on each aggregating large at
sum as if we sold lower ot a greater price.
The benefit Is the consumer's.
The Blado la of the finest eteel, scien
tifically made and tempered by a secret
procoss--and the blade, of course, is the Impor
tant part of any Razor. The frame is of satin finish,
sliver plated, and "angled" correctly for safe,
quick and clean shaving. The tough bearded man
finds this Razor boon! the soft bearded man
finds it delight. These blades can be stropped.
Buy eno and you will recommend It to all your
friends. That is tho best test of any article.
On th Potomac, nppnslts O, lanttco. Vs., JH
acres; substantial farm hou-ts anrl outbulld
lns; 09 acres in timber, comprising about
4,500 cords of wood The river iront of three
elvhths of a mil" Is a enmmerclallj valuable
flanlng- shore. Price, $ 7 per acre.
B. HI ItlthUT Gll:SY, Ally, for Owner,
vis t hi., in. Hiialilnctun, D. 0.
Duff's College
A pent card will bring illustrated
catalogue and "The Ptoof."
Gib Street and Libsrty Avenue,
W. Tj. Pott a; In tnnrirs ftntl bpIIm more f
inptrs in.oo ntm W.t.oo Rimes thnn nny
ntlier lnnnnfiK'tnrer In the world, be
cnune they holil llmlr ttlinpe, fit be Her,
anil wear longer than any other in tike
Shoea at All Prices, for Everv M umber of th
Family, Men, Boys, Women, Misseai Children
W.L Douglas $4 00 md $9.00 OtltFdit Show cnn
bt quailed at any prlr. W. h. DohrIm (2.50 and
$2.00 then an the bert . .he world
Fw Color y.yrlet Vet JC.rrluMvttv.
flt-Talio Sn NtiliNt Unto. V. h. Douulft
name ami price tt stamped on bottom. BM-l
everywhere. Hhoea mntlel from factory to any
part of Hie world, t.'aialotnifl free.
W. L. DOUUUS, 157 Spark St., BrocMwi. Mm.
Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body
antisepticolly clean and free from tin-'
healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors,
which water, soap and tooth preparations
alone cannot do. A
germicidal, disin
fecting and deodor
izing toilet requisite
of exceptional ex
cellence and econ
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug and toilet
tores, 50 cents, or
by mail postpaid.
Large Trial Sample
P. N. U. 9, 1WJ6,
W W irlfn jlrk roiur a4 m
ttont tutt, llnnft f inllmnnliil ami lO Ha Ir'atata
Jm, Dr. II. II. (.KKKVH BOrl.H, Hot B, Itltnlk, I
License fee
you're away from
stamp for two beau
worm Knowing.
a n ns?
iVt owioii, iniw.
I 5,
Si: I
In postage stamps
or cash brings it
prepaid by mail In
special box.
name and full address very plainly.
13 Leauard Ctrott. N. V. CIV.