The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 16, 1908, Image 8

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    Dealers, Attention !die
7 , There Is No Physiological Reason
Four years ago we started in to manufacture high grade
macaroni, and we have bt-en kept busy delivering the goods
ever since. Twice within the above period we have been
compelled to enlarge our factory, in order to supply our
growing trade, until at present we have the best equipped
plant for the manufacture of. macaroni, noodles, etc., in
this part of the country. We have been urged by our many
friends in the trade to manutacture an extra fine brand of
macaroni for the fancy grocery trade. We have just added
this department to our already large factory and are now
in position to supply the trade with a superior article along
these lines. This new kind of macaroni we call our "Jeffer
son Brand" and comes packed in one pound paper cartons,
24 cartons to the case. We also wish to call your atten
tion to our ''Jefferson Brand" Double Egg Noodles, so
called on account of us using two eggs to the pound of
noodles, whereas other manufacturers use only one egg to
the pound, or at best three eggs to two pounds1 of noodles.
These noodles come in two styles: Broad style, which is .
termed "Ribbon Noodles," and fine style, which we call
"Fcdclina Amatasse." These noodles.can be used in a va
riety of ways: Prepared the same as macaroni, or with
meat broth, or in any style that you use the home made
article. The fine kind can be prepared the same as oat
meal or any breakfast food and served with sugar and milk,
and makes a very appetizing breakfast food. These nood
les are packed in the same manner as the macaroni, only
there are 20 cartons to the case. We cannot speak too
. highly of the above brand of noodles and macaroni as they
are the result of years of exoeriment along these lines.
Heretofore we have packed our output in bulk, which, while
our output is easily sold to the foreign trade, did not suit
; our many friends in the American trade on account of the
larije sized package. Now is your chance to get the finest
article in its line in this or any other country.
Through our representatives in Italy, we have just se
cured an extra fine assortment of pure Olive Oil, we import
. and pack under the following brands: "Purity," "Jefferson
Brand" and "Mannaro Brand." These goods are second
. to none in parity and quality. Few American people, out
side of the medical profession, know the value of Olive Oil,
which is so extensively used by the Italians in this and other ,
countries. Did you ever hear of an Italian having appendi
citis? No. Why? Because they use Olive Oil for culinary
purposes instead of the heavier animal fats. It is also very
beneficial to the preservation of the gums and teeth. Have
you noticed it? In tact it has more soothing and healing
qualities than any other food known. It can be used for
frying all kinds of food, especially fish, game, potatoes and
meats of all kinds, also in dressing all kinds of green stuff,
and in making salads. Do not risk your health and life by
using a mixture of cotton seed and peanut oil packed and
sold as Olive Oil and more often appearing under the name
of "Salad Oil." Insist on getting the genuine article from a
reliable "dealer. All of the goods that are packed and man-
... ufactured by us are guaranteed to conform with the exist
ing Pure Food Laws in their strictest sense. Dealers, write
us for prices. We can interest you.
Both 'Phones. P. 0. Box 747.
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus, $ 1 75,000.00
Resources . . . $550,000.00
John U. accueh, Pre.
Jobn H. Rancher
Henry Ueible
. J. 0. Kino, Vlue-Pres.
J. 0. King Daniel Nolan
J. 8. Hammond
K. C. Bchcckers. Cashier
John H. Oorbett
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
Exposition Day of
Sept. 2t
The biggest day in the ao yean
of ancCeto of the great show.
Be one of the 40,000 visitors.
The Place for All
AU Pennsylvania, Ohio and
West Virginia taking part in
the greatest season ever know.
The only permanent Exposition
in the country.
War! War! Wart
engsgsrnents in all their horror
-j all their realism - in the
New! "Startling!
Model of cool fleet 40 barges.
P. R. R. display, showing evo
lution of transportation.
Armor plate models of battle
ships exact reproduction of
flagship Conneticut.
Gallery of Notables.
Electric scenic cyclorama "A
Day in Japan."
Moving pictures Ferris wheel
merry-go-round pdny track
toboggan slide.
Sousa -' .
R-uesian Symphony OrohaetTa
Arthur Pryora Band -BpstoMa
Women's Orchestra
Cfeatore , , .
Dcunroaok - . -
Sept 9 to 19
- Sept 21 to 26
Sept 26 to Oot 3
Oct 5 to Oct 10
Oct. 12 to 17
Oct W to 24
For Death.
Exhibits and Entertainments Are
Better Than Ever
Exposition Day of Sesqui-Centennial is Sept. 29, not Sept. 28
I Psrfect Diet and Mode of Living Would
j Insure Exact Balance Between
! Bodily Waste and Renewal and
j Would Mean Physical Immortality,
I "The Inst enemy thut shall be de
! atroyed Is death," said the Scriptures,
yet If some nian attempted seriously
to reassert this ancient truth today we
would look upon him us a mad prophet
Indeed. Yet the time will como when
men will be able to believe till prom
ise of the Bible, although tlicy may
never see It literally fulfilled.
Deiith some day will be acknowl
edged to be as unnatural In the econ
omy of the creative plant as are sin
and Buffering. But whether or not In
some nilllennium period mortr.l man
will le able to forego the gross proc
ess of physical dissolution In becom
ing a spiritual body is 11 purely metn
physical tfuestlon that does not enter
here. What does Interest us Is the
question, occupying the greatest scien
tific minds today, whether the body as
such cannot bo retained In perfect con
dition indefinitely.
William A. Hammond, one of the
great authorities, answers it by say
ing. "There is no physiological reason
why n.aii should die." ,
Thomas J. Allen, M. A., LL. IX, writ
ing In n similar strain, says: 'The hu
man body Is not like 11 machine which
must wear out by constant disintegra
tion, for It is self renewing. It ,1s a
simple, scientific fact that we get an
entirely new body every few years,
estimated at from three to seven.
Every day Is n birthday, for the proc
ess of waste and renewal never ceases.
Perfect balance bctwen elimination
and renewal would avoid permanent
There Is no doubt that when we be
come more enlightened and understand
perfectly the laws that govern and de
termine our physical lives and when
we conform to these religiously life
will be Immeasurably prolonged.
The decay of the body as evidenced
in old ago is unnatural. The aesthetic
within us recoils In merely contemplat
ing Its approach. We feel that there
must be something self perpetrntlve In
the change when the strong color In a
healthy man and the fresh beauty In a
pure woman take their departure,
when the bloom on the cheeks fade,
when the brilliant light within the eyes
grows dim and the full, red lips become
pale and fallen.
Medical science has pointed out the
physiological cause of these conditions.
Trobnbly the time will come when it
will be able to point out the manner of
avoiding them.
We know that the body grows old be
cause of the existence of an Imperfect
balance between the waste which the
body accumulates and the amount It Is
able to throw off. During youth the
balance Is perfect, because the body
has more than Its normal vitality and
strength to throw off the waste matter,
but ns we grow older this perfect bal
ance becomes destroyed from one cause
or another.
The strength that should go to elimi
nating Impurities from the body is not
husbanded, but rather squandered in
different ways. Then, too, we eat and
drink those things that cause excessive
waste. An impure diet composed of
foods containing uric acid, such as
meat, or of drinks containing poisons,
such as tea and coffee, taxes the eliml
nativc powers, and when the time
comes when these give way a state of
Imperfect elimination has set In. and the
wastes In part are deposited in the sys
tem, settling In the arteries and joints
of the body and accumulating until
they become obstructive elements.
The blood stream clrculntcs Imper
fectly, and when once this condition
exists bad functioning of every organ
of the body results, and old age and
death gradually ensue.
Mind, too, has a great deal to do In
hastening or retarding the unpleasant
signs of physical decay. Mental sci
ence has satisfactorily demonstrated
that mean, narrow, selfish and unpleas
ant thoughts act destructively on the
tissues of the body, while thoughts of a
wholesome and positive character act
And when the curtains of "the win
dows of the soul" are drawn, when the
temple's door Is closed and a final si
lence Is within, when the spirit passes
the threshold to take up a newer and
finer edifice of Its own creation, science
assures us that the body lives on.
1 Here at least physical Immortality Is
j an assured fact
Theology has Irreligiously taught us
that the body returns to inanimate
dust The religious answer of science
Is that It returns to God. The latest
word In the field of biology Is that all
1 nature, Including the all mother soli,
la animated and hallowed with the di
vine principle of life.
More than this, matter Is indestructi
ble and eternal. There la not an atom
that can be lost in all the universe.
For this reason our bodies do not really
die. They are In the care of the angels
of the elements.
The peculiar cellular arrangement
that formed them Into a beautiful body
may be caused to disintegrate through
the action of the oxygen upon It, time
may change the position of the atoms
composing it but the latter still con
tain within themselves the sacred and
eternal principle of life as much as
does the soul, and they exist only to
entet into new and perhaps more beau
tiful combinations of life. Health.
The Pittsburg exposition la now In"
full swing and the big Industrial and
amusement show Is dally the scene of
large and brilliant gatherings. This is
the twentieth annual' season of the
exposition and the attendance up to
date Is far In excess of that of pre
vious years.
The sesqut-centennial celebration of
Pittsburg will be the biggest event In
the history of the city and will attract
immense crowds from the outlying dis
tricts. Sesqul-centennlal day at the
exposition will be on Tuesday, Sept.
29, InBtead of 2i, as erroneously an
nounced previously. Special prepara
tions have been made for the occasion
In the way of decorations and amuse
ments. This will be one of the biggest
da;, s of the celebration, and there are
ami'Ie facilities for the care and com
fort of the thousands who will be In at
tendance. The exhibits and entertainments are
larger and more Tarlei than they were
In previous seasons and are creating
the most laudatory comment. The big
armor plate display Is attracting a
great deal of attention and Is particu
larly Interesting to those who are not
familiar with the construction of war
shlpB. It shows the ponderous armor
plates, weighing many tons, that pro
tect the ships from deadly shells of
the enemy. The conning tower of the
battleship "Delaware" is in the exhibi
tion, as is a model of "Fighting Boh
Evans's" flagship "Connecticut." A
model fleet of over sixty barges of
coal towed by the Sprague, the larg
est towboat on the river, Is an Instruc
tive exhibit, while the "House Elec
trical," in which electricity as a house
hold commodity Is shown, is ao Inter
esting feature. Electrical devices per
forming such duties as washing dishes,
j dusting, Jightlng, heating, ironing and
! sewing are demonstrated. The big de
j partment storus have exhibits In which
) the latest fashions In dress are dls-
played and, In fact, If there is anything
new under the sun It Is to be found at
the exposition.
The military spectacle of the Spanish-American
war, which is a repro
duction of all the big battles, Includ
ing the destruction of the "Maine,"
with gorgeous scenic effects, Is draw
ing large and delighted audiences.
Hartz and his band furnish the inci
dental music, while Illustrated songs
contribute to the novelty of this enter
tainment, which was given Its first
production at the exposition. "A Day
In Japan," a unique electrical exhibit,
and the Theatorium, presenting the
latest moving pictures, together with
the merry-go-round, toboggan Bllde,
Ferris wheel and numerous other
amusement features furnish fun and
enjoyment for both young and old.
The steamer Sunshine makes hourly
trips to Davis Island dam for the ben
efit of the patrons.
The musical program for this sea
son eclipses all previous efforts and
the music hall Is packed daily with
large and fashionable audiences.
Sousa, the world-famous "March
King," and his Incomparable band will
close a brilliantly successful engage
ment Sept. 19. The programs of this
organization are up to the minute and
all the reigning New York successes,
as well as the works of music mas
ters of revered memory, are being
Sousa will bo followed Sept. 21 by
the Russian Symphony orchestra,
while Arthur Pryor's band, Bostonla
Women's orchestra, Creatore and Dam
rosch will appear In turn, completing
one of the largest and best musical
festivals In history. '
A Maori Nam.
A seaside resort In the Hawke's bay
district of New Zealand is called by
the charming Maori name Tamatauka-
tanglhangakoauau. But this Is only
! an abbreviation. The full name Is Tarn
! a t a u whakatangihangakoaauaotanenul-
raranglkltanatahu. The translation Is,
"The hill on which Tanenuiarangl (the
husband of heaven) played his flute to
his beloved." Auckland Letter.
Marital Persiflage.
"I must confess," remarked Mrs.
Crabbe, "I don't believe there ever was
a really perfect man."
"Well," replied Mr. Crabbe, "I sup
pose that's because Eve wasn't made
'"How do you mean?"
"Well, if Eve had been made first
she would have bossed the job of makJ
In Adam." Philadelphia Press. .
In 8ore Strait.
"I tell you I must have some mon
ey I" roared the king of Marltana, who
was In sore financial straits. "Some
body will have to eongh up."
"Alas," sighed the guardian of the
treasury, who was formerly court Jest
er, "all our coffers are empty 1" Judge.
Turn About.
"Some people," grumbled Groucher,
"make me Blck."
"I should think nearly everybody
would make yon sick," replied Dlggs.
Indeed! Whyr
"Reciprocity, you know." Catholic
Standard and Times.
Grand Duke Frederick of Baden has
accepted the plans for the restoration
of the old Castle of Heidelberg. The
question of rebuilding the castle has
been hotly discussed for the past half
dozen years.
German Gleanings.
Auto street sprinklers have not
proved successful In Berlin.
At Spltzbergen, Bavaria, a woman
aged 110 has been deprived of the
only support of her old age by the
death of her daughter, aged ninety
ine. .1 dumb tramp has been arrested In
Berlin for begging. He used a phono
graph, visiting private houses only,
where his machine poured out a heart
rending tale of its owner's mlsfor-
The Terrible Itching, Burning
Disfigurement, Humiliation of
Banished cr no pay
Cases that baffle nil medical skill-cases
(believed incurable- these are the people
we want to try
Dr. Taylor's
Eczema Remedy
It purges the blood of thepolson which
iCausos the disease; it kills tlio surlaee
fremiti, leaving the skin normal and
j There Is No Doubt About This
Thousands ul tentlmonlnlfl to the effl
itleney of the fvimui i.t cun be seen at this
oftlcn. -io'lrv
Stoke .v. Felclit D-ug Co., Reynoldsville, I'll
bum! for tree Illustrated booklet.
When we remind you it la time to have your
furnace or your heater put Into shape. It Is
good sensible advice and you'll do well to be
among the wise ones who have their Furnaces
looked after early. With the first cold snap
there is bound to be a rush of orders. Give
us yours to-day and then you'll not get left
as some' less alert are sure to be.
jjj Osteopathic Physician
I Matson Block
Brookville, Pennsylvania g
Consultation and treatment In Hey-
noldsvllle by appointment only. If J
you want my opinion and examtna- m
tlon of any chronic case, write me and j
make an appolnment for any Monday j
or Thursday and I will call at your i
home. Dr. F. 8. DAVENPOUT,
Brookvllle, Pa. f
Verlbest Rubber
Climax Asphalt
Needs no painting. Nothing better .
made regardless of cost. Made by re
liable people, sold by reliable people
and backed up by quality.
McHenry-Mlllhouse nfg. Co.
South Bend, Ind.
For 8ai.h by
Reynoldsville flardware;Co., Pa.
Estate of Wilder M. Boyle, late of
z Wlusiow Township.
Notice Is hereby given that letters of
administration on the entitle of Wilder M.
Boyle, deceased, late of Wlnslow township,
Jefferson county, Pa., have been granted to
the undersigned, to whom all persons In-
dehted to said estate are requested to make
payment, and those having claims or de
mands will make known the same without
delay. L. H. Botli,
Keynoldsvllle, Pa., Aug. 29, 1108.
W. T. Urubaker, Mgr.
Midway between Broad St. Station and
Reading Terminal on Filbert st.
European 31.00 per day and up.
American $-50 per day and up.
Theonly moderate priced hotel of rep
utation and ronsetiuence In
Main Street. Reynoldsville, Pa.
If you have anything to sell, try
our Want Column.
I will visit Brook
ville Sept. 22-23;
Reynoldsville Sept,
24. As the schools
are opening I will
make! children's
work a specialty
Niagara Falls
Saturday, September 19, 1908
Excursion tickets good to 'return on regular trains until
Sept. 23, inclusive, will be sold at the following low rates:
Regular trains leave Rate
East Liberty.. 9.10am 1.20 pm 11.10 pin $5.00
Oakmont. .... 8 44 am 10.59 am 9.115 pm $4.75
New Kenslng..9.00 ." 11.14 " 9.52" $4.50
Arnoldi 9.02 ' fll.ltt " 9.54 " $4.50
Kisklmln. Jc.9.51 " 1I.:I7 " 10.19" $4.50
Ford City .... 9.54 " 12.06 pm fl2.07 ain$l.50
Klttannlng... 10.14 ' 2.17 " 12.15am $1.50
Red Bank. ...10.47 " 2.47 " 12 48 am $1.25
East Brady.. 10.57 " .... 12.58 am $4.25
BReguIar trains leave
Parker 11.21 am fl.21 am
Foxburg 11.28 am fl.28am
Emlenton... 11.36 am f3.25 pm 1.35 "
New Bethlm 9.17 "
Rtimroervllle 8.49 "
Brookvllle.. . .. . 8.35 "
Reynoldsvle 6.08 "
Falls Creek 7.55 '
DuBols 7.35 "
"f " stops on signal or notice to agent.
Electric Railway from the Falls to the Whirlpool,
J. R. WOOD -Passenger
Traffic Manager,
General Passenger Agent
Tickets good two days. Special train leaves Falls
Creek 6.35 a. m. For further information
consult ticket agents.