KIBi THE PEOPLE WHO ARE PASSING TO AND FRO. Gold an.l SiUti M.. in. ltd Umbrellas. Watches. Jew elry, Cut Class, Silverware, Li ekets and Chains, Bracelets (all kinds and sizes), Phonographs and Records. All goods new and up-to-date at prices to suit everybody. We engrave all goods free when purchased at TGOODER'S fy JEWELRY :: STORE I ,v I In tlie Peopto National Bunk I I Building X,. Reynoldsvllle, Pa. We pan particular attention to Watch Repairing. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANK IN THE COUNTY Capital and Surplus $125,000.00 Resources $500,000.00 Drafts and Money Orders issued on all parts of the world. Interest compounded semi-annually on savings accounts, having excellent withdrawal privileges. ? Liberal treatment and every courtesy consistent with sound banking is assured all at The Peoples National Bank REYINOLDSVILLE. PA. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS THE PE0PLE8 BANK BUILDING. JOB WORK of all kinds promptly done at THE STAR OFFICE. Mrs. J. V, Young Visited in DuBols Sunday. Mr. Elijah Trudgen spent Sunday at Conifer. James E. Mitchell, of Kane, was In town lust week. Byron and Ortnn Beil visited In Rldway last week. Miss Caroline Robinson visited in DuBols over Sunday. ' J. O Johns, merchant tailor, was in West Virginia last week. Mrs. P. A. Hardman Is visiting ber parents at Deposit. N. Y. Miss Mary McClure visited In Brock wayvllle the past week. Mrs. G. W. Stoke visited in Marlen vllle, Forest Co , last week. James Campbell spent several days of the pasUweek in Pittsburg. Miss Anna Stlvanson, of Ktttanning, Is visiting at bnme of Wm. Loding. Bert S. Hoffman visited Law and Blair Sykes at Clearfield laet week. Fred McEntire and Frank King re'urned to State College yesterday. Eugene Murray went to Carlisle yesterday to attend Dickinson College. W. L Sansom, editor of the Clarion Democrat, was in town last Thursday. Mrs. Alox Riston, who was hereon a vacation, returned to Erie Saturday. Mrs. J. H. Jelbart, of Johnsonburg, vlBlted her mother in this place last week. Mrs. Mary Jackson left here Mondfty to visit in Pittsburg, Pa., and Warren, Ohio. VF. ' M. Arnold, of Clarion, was the guest of Dr. W. B. Alexander Thursday night. Miss Marie Altman returned last week from a visit with a siBter at Scott dalp, Pa. Fred K. Alexander and son, William B. Alexander, Jr., were In Pittsburg last week. Misses Gertrude and Florence Stoke visited In DuBols tht;ee or four days last week. Miss Augusta Burgh Went to Brook ville Saturday to spend this week at that place. T. L. Snyder, wife and son, of Clear field, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gillespie this week. Mrs. Robert Fergus and children went to Kennerdell, fa., their new home, last Thursday. R. A. Reid, of Clarion, Is principal of the Ratbmel schools the present term, which opened Monday. Mrs. Charles Brltton, of Emporium, visited her aunt, Mrs. W. B. Hoffman, in this place last week. G. B. McKee, wife and children, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Mo- Kee's sister at Clarion. L. H. Boyle and wife went to Brook vllle Monday to Bpend the week with relatives In that place. KZMKimtR Safety Razors Fit All . Faces. THE "ANGLE" OF THE Iffltl l(UTTR SAFETY RAZOR is so exactly proportioned that when the blade is held against the face, the edge is in the exact position for a clean easy cutting of the beard. WITHOUT HONING WITHOUT STROPPING Each XEflf KUTttR blade is hardened, tempered and ground individually, Insuring uniformity of temper and excellent cutting qualities. There is no scraping or pulling like you experience with other Safety Razors. $3.50 SILVER PLATED BLACK LEATHER CASE GOLD PLATED PIGSKIN CASE S5.00 A complete KttH KUItfR SAFETY RAZOR OUTFIT consists of Holder and 12 sharp Norwegian Steel Blades, packed in a compact neat covered case New Blades. . . .5 for 25 Cents 80LD AND CUARANTEED BY keystone: hardware go- .... ; NEAR POSTOFFICE REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Miss Hazel Foster has returned from a two weeks visit in New Bethlehem and East Brady. Mrs. J. J. Sutter and daughter. Mies May bell, spent Friday with Mrs. H. P. Thompson In Brookville. . Mrs. James M. Hoffman, of Emr. Brady, who was visiting In this place, returned home Saturday. Miss Alice Evans returned Ihs, wepk from a trip to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Toronto, Canada. W. H. H. Bell, Sr.. and wife, of Pat- ton, visited the former's son, W. H. H. Bell, Jr., In this place last week. Mrs. J. R. Bonnnll, of Union, N. J., visited her brother, "Senator" William T. Cox, in this place last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Latta. of Pitts, burg-, who were visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Shields, have returned home. William Barclay and wife and John T. Barclay and wife spent Sunday at North Fork Park, near Brookville. Archie C. Huntington, of Clymer, was here last week attending the fun eral of bis nephew, John C. Huntington. Mrs. Charles A. Herpel Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles Hirst, In, Indiana, where a son arrived on 7th inst. Mrs. John Mllltron, of North Free dom, visited her daughter, Mrs. "Josh" Hinderliter, in this place the past week. Dr. S. G. Beatty, wife and two child ren, of Kane, visited their son, O. T. Beatty, and family in this place last week. Miss Maude Meek returned home Friday evening from a three weeks' visit in Pittsburg and Washington county. John P. Feicht, wife and two child ren, of Seancr, Somerset county,' Pa., are visiting the former's parents on Hill street. Mr. and Mrs. Irvng Sterley, of Phila delphia, have been visiting the former's brother, M. S. Sterley, and family In this place. Tax Collector William Copping and wife will go to Syracuse, N. Y., to-day to visit their daughter, Mrs. O. A. Baldwin. Miss Maybell Sutter, teller in the Peoples Savings bank In PittBburg, visited her parents on Pleasant Avenue last week. Mrs. C. W. Klmmel and children went to Clarksburg, West Va., Thurs day, where Mr. Klmmel Is employed in glass factory. Mrs. John M. Stephenson, who spent a couple of weeks with her Bister, Mrs. William Blose, in Big Run, returned home last week. H. L. McEntire and wife, Miss Marie Altman, Craig King and Will Nolan attended a leap year party In DuBols Friday evening. Mrs. Norman . Adams, of Natrona, who was visiting at home of her father, John Williams, in this place, returned home last Thursday. Daniel Fltzpatrick, who spent the summer vacation in this place, returned to Allegany, N. Y., Monday to attend the St.' Bonaventure College. Miss Jennie Hasklns, an assistant in the Reynoldsvllle ' postoffice, went to Erie Saturday to spend two weeks visiting Mrs. Nelson Goodhile. Benjamin Haugh was in Brookville last Thursday attending the eighteenth annual reunion of his regiment, Elev enth Pennsylvania Reserves. Miss Helen Meek, who spent three weeks with relatives in Pittsburg, Monongahela City and Mlllsboro, re turned borne Thursday evening. Mrs. Thomas Bone and two children, of Kane, returned to their home last week after a few days visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bone, Sr. Leonard Harris, Fred Herpel and William Hill went to Meadville Mon day to attend Allegheny College. Har ris returned" to college after summer vacation and Herpel and Hill enter the college for first term. (Additional Personals on Opposite Pace) Want Column. Rates: One cent per word for each and Torvlnsertlon. FOR Sale Horse, two delivery wagons,' sets of light and heavy har ness, top buggy. James H. Spry. For Sale Two bouses on Jackson street and a lot on Main street. In quire at The Star office. For Rent or Sale Property on Pike street, West Reynoldsvllle. In ouire at Building and Loan office. For Sale Coal range in good con dition. Inquire of G. B.' Woodford, corner Grant and Fourth sts. For Rent Six room house, with large bath loom and cemented cellar, on Hill st. L. M. Snyder. For sale Houses, lots and farms. In quire E. Neff, Esq., Reynoldsvllle, Pa. s hicK Wagner -The Big Store- Blankets and Underwear We are placing on sale this week the best line of Cotton Blankets and Wool Blankets we hnve ever shown, also the strongest line of Underwear for Ladies, Children and Babies in Cotton and Wool. Cotton Blankets in white, gray and tan 10-4 75c Cotton Blankets 11-4-Ladies' Cotton Fleece, Ladies' Cotton Fleece, Ladies' Wool, Ladies' Union Suits, $1.00 25c 50c $1.00 50c and $1.00 Children's Cotton and Wool, all prices Don't fail to see the New Fall Dress Goods On display now. - The line contains some beau tiful new fall patterns and it contains also some very fine importations from some of the very best manufacturers of high grade goods that Europe can produce. We have made Borne special prices on some, special numbers of the new Fall Dress Goods. We did this to make it an inducement for you to see the line we are showing: 5 pieces of regular 50c goods now 25c 4 pieces of regular 50c goods now 39c 1 piece of regular $1.25 goods now 89c These are very good and are worth seeing. Shick & Wagner Corner Main and Fifth Streets, REYNOLDSVILLE . PENNSYLVANIA WE HAVE A FEW EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD VALUES IN RUGS, ROOM SIZE, LEFT, WHICH WE ARE GOING TO SELL AT A REDUCTION. Also a lot of INGRAIN CARPET wilbe sold at a bargain ' ' .We have also bargains in REED GO-CARTS that we are going to close out. Give us a call and be convinced that we are of- , fering bargains. J. R. HILLIS & COM'Y