Dealers, Attention! DO NOT LAY DOWN THIS PAPER WITHOUT FIRST READING THIS. Four years ago we started in to manufacture high grade macaroni, and we have been kept busy deliveringthe goods ever since. Twice within the above period we have been compelled to enlarge our factory in order to supply our growing trade, until at present we have 'the best equipped plant for the manufacture of macaroni, noodles, etc., in this part of the country. We have been urged by our many friends in the trade to manufacture an extra fine brand of macaroni for the fancy grocery trade. We have just added this department to our already large factory and are now in position to supply the trade with a superior article along these lines. This new kind of macaroni we call our "Jeffer son Brand" and comes packed in one pound paper cartons, 24 cartons to the case. We also wish to call your atten tion to our ''Jefferson Brand" Double Egg. Noodles, so called on account 6( us using two eggs to the pound of noodles, whereas other manufacturers use only one egg to the pound, or at best three eggs to two pounds of noodles. These noodles come in two styles: Broad style, which is termed "Ribbon Noodles," and fine style, which we call "Fedelina Amatasse." These noodles can be used in a va riety of ways: Frepared the same as macaroni, or with meat broth, or in any style that you use the home made article. The fine kind can be prepared the same as oat meal or any breakfast food and served with sugar and milk, and makes a very appetizing breakfast food. These nood les are packed in the same manner as the macaroni, only there are 20 cartons to the case. We cannot speak too highly of the above brand of noodles and macaroni as they are the result of years of experiment along these lines. Heretofore we have packed our output in bulk, which, while our output is easily sokl to the foreign trade, did not suit our many friends in the American trade on account of the large sized package. Now is your chance to get the finest article in its line in thisor any other country. ALSO Through our representatives in Italy, we have just se cured an extra fine assortment of pure Olive Oil, we import and pack under the following brands: "Funty," "Jefferson Brand" and "Mannaro Brand." These goods are second to none in purity and quality. Few American people, out side of the medical profession, know the value of Olive Oil, which is so extensively used by the Italians in this and other countries. Did you ever hear of an Italian having appendi citis? No. Why?, Because they use Olive Oil for culinary purposes instead of the heavier animal fats. It is also very beneficial to the preservation of the gums and teeth. Have you noticed it? In fact it has more soothing and healing qualities than any other food known. It can be used for frying all kinds of food, especially fish, game, potatoes and meats of all kinds, also in dressing all kinds of green stuff, and in making salads. Do not risk your health and life by using a mixture of cotton seed and peanut oil packed and sold as Olive Oil and more often appearing under the name of "Salad Oil." Insist on getting the genuine article from a reliable dealer. All of the goods that are packed and man ufactured by us are guaranteed to conform with the exist ing Fure Food Laws in their strictest sense. Dealers, write us for prices. We can interest you. JEFFERSON MACARONI FACTORY, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Both 'Phones. P. 0. Box 747. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANK IN THE COUNTY The Peoples National Bank REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Capital and Surplus $125,000.00. Resources $500,000.00.- T"HE PEOPLES NATIONAL HANK In Reynoldsville l well nrcpured -1 to transact all branches of domestic and foreign nankin-', ami solicits the aetounM of firms, corporations and Individuals, promising courteous consideration and as llher.-il terms aa are consistent, with prudent bank ing. Has a 8avinus Department In which Interest Is paid every six months and deposits are subject to a liberal withdrawal privilege. Qfflcers: W.B.Alexander, President. F. D. Smith and Aujrust Ilaul. dauf, Vice-Presidents. F. K. Alexander, Cashier. F. P. Alexander, Assistant Cashier. rvirec'tors: W. B. Alexander. L. P. Beeley, F. T. Smith, I). L. Taylor, August Raldauf, Amos Si rouse, w. O. Murray, Dr. 0. f ayers, W. Harry Moore, .lames II. Spry and John O'Hare. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS THE PEOPLES BANK BUILDING. P I T T S U R G EXPOSITION twmtieth Season Opens Sept. 2, Closes Oct, 24 TtaoaW Oroheatr Arthur Pryor'i Baftd pt 8 to 8 Sept. 28 to 0j. j tout' Band Bo.tonia Women' 8pt 9 to 19 Orchestra V TUtMUn Symphony ct 6 to 10 Orchestra Creator v. - ifrPt- ft $8 1 Oct 12 to 17 . ftamfotoh & 19 togT Aa amy mt the worlT bt ortkaatrw Nrrv bafora roald ' at the tTMt W hulrtpUra. Maiie Hall Impmti Ht tfca kt U tk M&M UrT4-irf uotutJM. A Ptw el th Ntw Exhibit Thjt Yur Worth th Trip Alon. 8?ANtSH-AMERI0AN WAR-Tti greatest and tnot rtalbtie nflltarw ipeetaoU avtr croduMd La th aountry -iirth Uppodroini, Oth W nun tiling A Qdel Coal Tint of 40 baxg Pnpiyv JL R, diiplay, showing volution of traSiporWonBaftW Modal to armor tuts, fiaot f produttloo of Flagihlp onntio Oallry of Notables-r-Electno 8snU Cyclorima nA Day fepg" Moving Fignre--Tletpr1umwJfITii Aieil-itftt-a round Vony TfMH Toboggma Slid. " EjubtsIob Rata Ask t tUInt ay ant at too Iowa. ALL FOA A QUARTER ScmmmI Am Oar aad aranlaf EXfOlltiON DAY OF SUQUl'CUfTBNMAL SKftMBaJt 2 The blgfaH day fa th hUtory 4 the ynt hw. 40.000 jopla aaptcttl Ftea Music Lesions. ' Music lessons so simple that a child of ordinary education should be able to learn to play the piano jrlll be pub lished in the Sunday Uaue of The Pltu burjj Dispatch, commencing September 13. This is a rare treat for the readers of the Dispatch and Is a feature that will be greatly appreciated. Just think of it, 12 worth of music lessons free. They will appeal to old and young alike, those who can play as well as those who cannot. Music teachers will find many valuable suggestions. Parents whose children are not old enough to learn to play now should keep the les sons for them. Everyone should save the lesBons. They are good at any time. If you are not a readur of the Sunday Dixpatch subscribe at once and get the best paper published. The music lessons will be published every Sunday until the series Is completed, commencing Septrabur 13 Don't mlus them! Employes' Relief Fund. Reports of the operation of the Em ployes' Itellof Fund of the I'ennsyl vania Railroad Company's lines east of Pittsburg und Erie, show that, Includ ing the payments for the month of July, $18,102,438.21 has been paid to members and their families since the organiza tion of the fund on February 15. 18811. Of the total tho sum or $7.370,08 09 has been paid to the families of mem bers who have died. The remainder 10,792,370,12, ha's been paid to mem bers who, because of lllnexs or accident, have been Incapacitated for work. The payments for the month of July, 1908, amount, d to $100,087.40, of which 141,711 75 went to the families of de ceased members and $04,375.00 to those who were unable to work. How to Get Strong. P.J. Daly, of 1247 W. Congress St., Chicago, tulN of a way to become strong. Ho sayt: "My mother, who is old and was very feeble, is deriving so much benefit from Electric Bitters, that I feel it's my duty to tell those who need a tonic and strengthening medicine about It. In my mother's case a marked gain in flush has re sulted, Insomnia has been overcome, and she is steadily growing itronger." Electric Bitters quickly remedy stom ach, liver and kidney complaints. Sold under guarantee at Stoke & Felcht Drug Co. drug store. 50o. Letter Mat. List of unclaimed letters remaining In post office at Reynoldsvilln, Pa., for week ending Aug. 29, 1908. Mrs. Llzzio Heasley, Frauk Page, Taylor Thompson, J. L. Welsh. Say advertised and give date of list when calling for above. E C. BORNS, P. M. What H Doe. "Pa, what does a king or an em peror do when he grants anybody an audience?" "He does about what your mother does when she grants me an audience talks most of the time." Denver News-Times. A Churchgoer. "Do you attend church regularly?" Inquired the solicitous friend. "I've been a regular churchgoer of late," answered Mr. Cumrox. "Mother end the girls took me on a guidebook tour through - Europe." Washington Star. Th Easieat Way. "The easiest way to succeed, my boy, Is to give the people what they want" "No, sir; you are mistaken. The easiest way to succeed fs to make the people think they want what you are giving them." Chicago Record-Herald. Sign and 8ymptom. "Do you believe the countenance is Indicative of character?" "In some respects. For instance, when you see a hatched faced woman, ten to- one you'll find her temper on edge." Baltimore American. ; Man as a 8hopper. A gentleman undertook to purchase a waist for his wife. "What bust?" Inquired the saleswo man. . "Why. I didn't hear anything."-' Want Column. HkMi! fin n f nr. t nA- wnvd fnw ..nk .-A rorv Insertion. Fob Rent or Sale Property on Pike street, West Reynoldsville. In quire at Building and Loan office. Lost Pocket book containing several dollar bills and change. Finder leave at Star office. For Sale Draught horse, weight 1200. Inquire of B. J. Rudolph, Wlshaw, Pa., Box 92. For Rent Six room house, with large bath room and cemented cellar, on Hill st. L. M. Snyder. For sale Houses, lots and farms. In quire E. Neff, Esq., Reynoldsville, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Wilder M. Boyle, late of Winslow Township. Notice la hereby given that letter of administration on the estate of Wilder M. Boyle, deceased, late of Winslow township, Jefferson county, Pa., have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons In debted to said estate are requested to make payment, ana inose uaving claims or ae mands will make known the same without delay. L. H.Botl. v AUCTION SALE ' Septembers, 1908 10 O'CLOCK A. M. PITCH & THOMPSON Will offer at auction at their store, ' . v , Corner Pickering and Water Streets BrooKville, Pa. Their Entire Stock of ETC., ETC," ETC. I These jobs are all standard,medium and high grade work in first-class condition and will be positively sold to the highest bidder. Terms made known on day of sale. Fitch & Thompson : Brookville, Pennsylvania D. M. LONG, AUCTIONEER. HUGHES & FLEMING. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. -Main Street. Reynoldsville, Pa. WINDSOR HOTEL . W. T. Brubaker, Mgr. Midway hetween Broad St. Station and Reading Terminal on Filbert St. Hurooean $1.00 per day and up. American per day and up. Theonly moderate priced hotel of rep utation and consequence In PHILADELPHIA Veribest Rubber AND Climax Asphalt Needs no painting. Nothing Better made regardless of cost. Made by re liable people, sold by reliable people and backed up by quality. McHenry-Mlllhouse nig. Co. South Bend, Ind. For Sali bt Reynoldsville Hardware .Co. RlTNOLDSVn.t.S, Pa. I Radiators Heat Up a House at Less Expense Than an old style furnace. They're safe, too, a you ain't worrying about taa laager of escaping gas. Money forested In goalaw)at lng of a home makes you comfortable, sares coal bills and keep away sickness. Call at our plumbing shop and get our estimate. C. E. HUMPHREY Plumber Five Day Excursion -TO- Niagara Falls and Buffalo Saturday, Sept. 15; VIA BUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTSBURG R'Y Round Trip Fare $4.00 from Falls Creek Tickets will be good returning from Niagara Falls or Buffalo on or before Wednesday, September 9.' Trains leave Falls Creek 2.26 a. m. and 1.11 p. m. Side Trip to the Great .Toronto Fair Tickets from Niagara Falls to Toronto and return with limits corresponding to above, can be pur chased at fare of $ 1.55. Are tou eery ready for It? You need theerv best of rich red blood to stand the cold winter blast. Na ture's Herbs Dossessea the rv cream of good refreshing health; and you will koow Do You Know that ww y a ff cream of good refreshing health; and you will koow Vv iriff f Will when you take Nature's Herbs that your strength " iaw and vitality is 100 per cent stronger and that It en- aoies you to Draee up against tne most severe s f winter blasts. You can't afford to go thro flfit HP rlPrf r the cold winter weather with Impure blood, Jjyjll AVI W shivering with cold and feeling bad, when a 25c box of Nature's Herbs will fix you up all O. K. for the most severe cold weather and you will feel good over 1U Now la the time to get yourself ready for the coming winter. TAKE NATURE'S HERBS and It will stand by you the year around. For sale at the Stoke & Felcht Drug Co. store, Keynoldsvllfe, Pa., at A. Carlson's store, Prescottville, Pa., at Joseph Bate son's store, Katbmel, Pa., and at Esterand Long's store, Sykesvllle, Pa. Toronto Fair Round Trip Fares from Falls Creek via Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg R'y Rail and Steamer $6.86. All Rail $8.01. Tickets good going on regular trains Aug. 29 to Sept. 12, inclusive, and returning on or before Sept. 15, '0St 0 Administrator. Reynoldsville, Pa., Aug. , M0S. A