The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 02, 1908, Image 4

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    ii am i mi urn in ii in masss
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Here's an illustration of the. famous
RALSTON last the last which has given
RALSTON SHOES a national reputation
for irreproachable style combined with
perfect comfort.
As you probably know, all other lasts '
are flat across the bottoms not so with
Ralston Lasts in which are represented
every mound and every depression of the
bottoms of your feet. It is only by com
bining "sole fit" with "upper fit" that a
perfect fitting shoe can be made. That's
why Raltons ned no breaking in.
If you want real comfort try a pair of
Ralpton shoes.
The Store that Saves You Money.
200 pairs Douglass and Florsheim
shoes, were $3.50, $4.00 and (TO HQ
$5.00 all leathers now tyL7J
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus $ 1 75,000.00
Resources . . $550,000.00
JOHit H. Xaucher, Pres. J. O. Kino, Vtce-Pres. K. C. Bchuckkrb, Cashier
John H. Kaucher J.O. King Daniel Nolan John H. Cor be tt
Henry O. Delble J.S.Hammond R. H. Wilson
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
The Columbus Studio
I D. Kelz, Proprietor
Makes a specialty of quick photographic work at picnics, reunions and
other special occasions. Souvenir post cards of fires and such events
always on gale the following day. - .
Souvenir Post Cards of Monday's East End Fire Ndw on Sale.
Fred Wilduupr Is In Pittsburu this
J. K. Johnston was In WeedvlUe
Mrs. C. R. Hall whs in Plttsburu
1'tBt week.
E. C. Sensor Is visiting relatives In
Centre Co
M W. Yoeman was in FlttgbnrR
over Sunaay.
Mius Emma Riobards U visiting In
Buffalo, N Y.
Mrs. Peter Felcht is visiting relatives
in Chicora, Pa.
Jacob Schwetn was in Clearfield the
first of this week.
Misses Anna and Julia Murray visited"
in Big Run last weok.
Joseph Weixt was in Philipsburg
the first of this week,
Mrs. S. T. Reynolds spent last Thurs
day In Punxsutawney.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pomroy, of Anita,
spent Sunday in town.
Mrs. Prtecalla Aaron is visiting in
Crates, Clarion county.
Mrs. Albert Strouse visited relatives
at Fairmount last week.
Mrs. L. J. Arnold, "of Driftwood,
visited in town last week.
Edward McKernan is visiting rela
tives at WelWllle, N. Y.
Mrs. J. J. McCracken, of Creekside,
Is visiting Mrs. H. F; Stauffor. 1
Clyde Murray Is over in the neigh
borhood of Mahaffey this week.
E. P. Johnson, of Corsica, visited his
parents In this place last week.
Miss Margaret McKernan and Clara
GeiBler spent Sunday in DuBols.
Miss Margaret ' Redding returned
Monday from a visit in St. Marys. "
William Anderson, of Adrian Furn
ace, was a visitor In town yesterday.
Miss Jessie Campbell spent the past
week with her sister in Luthersburg.
Mrs. E. S. Vosburg, of DuBols,
visited relatives in this place Monday.
Mrs. H. F. Eufer and sons, Paul
and Albert, visited in DuBols last
C. W. Klmmel went to Clarksburg,
W. Va., Monday to work In glass
Velma and Virginia Seanor, of In
diana, are visitor at home of J. H.
Miss Leone Baum left here Monday
morning to visit in Pittsburg and Van
dergrift. J. C. McKernan, of Courtland, N. Y.,
Is visiting his parents In West Reyn-
Mrs. John Trudgen, Jr., and two
children visited In East Brady the
past week.
John McClure, of Pittsburg, is visit
ing at home of his parents In this place
this week.
Miss Angelina McCartney, of Punx
sutawney, Is a visitor at borne of Mrs.
Cora Mitchell.
Mrs. J. Y. Black, of Irvona, is visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. J. S. Hammond,
on Main street.
Mrs. A. W. Adam, of Brockwayville,
spent Sunday with her son, Thomas F.
Adam, in thtB place.
Miss Florence Secrist, of Johnson
burg, was tbe guest of MIbbos May Eddy
and Hal lie Burns last week.
Mrs. Hannah Butler, Misses Margar
et and Fay Butler visited In Brockway
ville several days last week.
Mrs. Mary Stiles and Miss Flo Stiles,
of Ebensburg, were visitors at home
of J. B. Ross the past week.
Miss Catherine McCreight, of Du
Bols, was. tbe guest of Miss Gertrude
Stoke several days last week.
Harry C. Herpel, of Monessen, la
spending twoj weeks at home of his
parents In West Reynoldsvllle.
Dr. Fred K. Booth, of Fairmount
City, spent Sunday night at home of
Dr. A. H. Bowser in this place.
H. W. Herpel and wife tfnd Will
F. Herpel visited relatives at Fair
mount the latter part of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Means, of Frost
burg, spent Sunday at home of their
son, Dr. L. L. Means, on Hill street.
Mis. S. A. Bowser, of Ford City, Is
visiting her sisters, Mrs. A. H. Bowser
and MrsJamesHanley, in this place.
Misses Elsie and Ona Kroh took lo
the harvest borne picnic at Atoola last
week and visited In New Bethlehem.
C. K. Deemer, of Vandergrift, who
spent two weeks at bis borne near this
place, returned to Vandergrift Monday.
Floyd Smith and Miss Grace Bartle,
of Verona, visited the latter's sister,
Mrs. Ed. Barry, in this place last
George Hunter and wife, Misses May
and Ruth Sterley spent Sunday at the
home of tbe former's parents at Wins
low. Mrs. William J. McCreight and son,
Russell, and the former's mother, Mrs.
Mary Alraen, visited in Penfield last
week. f
Miss Besse Sensor is Visiting in
Union vllle.
Blair Sykes, or Clearfield, was In
town last week.
Miss Florencs St ike Is visiting in
Mrs. Will F. Schultze visited in
Luthereburg last week.
Miss Erdie Murray, of Buffalo, N. Y
is visiting ber aunt, Mrs. Annie Wins
low. Miss Clara Wheeling, of Oil City,
was the guest of Miss Maude Pratt
last week.
Lewis Ludwick, who was at Kane a
month for benefit of his health, return
ed borne yesterday.
Mrs. George Bobren and son, Wil
liam Francis, visited in Anita several
days the past week.
C. R. Hall was In Buffalo, N. Y.,
the past week aud spent Sunday at
Crystol Beech, Canada.
James S. Abernatby and wife leave
here to-morrow morning for their new
home at Corning, N. Y.
Eugeno Murray, attended a woiner
wurst roast at Jefferson Park, Punxsu
tawney, last Thursday night.
Mrs. T. S. Arnold, of Buffalo, N.
Y., is visiting her aunt, Miss Ophelia
Wesson, at home of John Reed.
A. F. Yost, who is employed at New
Kensington, spent several days of tbe
past week at his home in this place.
Mrs. William Patton and Mrs. Cal
vin Hutcblns, of Brookvllle, were
gueBts of Mrs. A. R. Schuckers last
Mrs. C. A. Pifer and Mrs. J. R.
Oswald have returned from a two
weeks' visit at Big Run and Punxsu
tawney. " Harry F. Lavo, .brick layer, who had
been employed at Watsontown over
three months, returned to this place
last week.
Misses Inez and Anna Woodford went
to Renovo Monday to take In tbe "Old
Home Week" celebration at that place
this week.
Mrs. L. W. Johnston and grand
daughter, Sallle Belle Johnston, visited
In Strattonv'ille, Clarion county, the
past week.
Charles T. Dean and daughter, Miss
Verna, of New Kensington, visited
relatives near here several days the
past week.
CO. Truitt, wife and two daughters,
of Pittsburg, returned home Saturday
after a visit with the former's mother
in this place.
Mrs. Joseph Snell, of Yatesboro,
ylsited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Dickey, in Winslow township
tbe past week.
Miss Sara L. Kelm, who has been
visiting A. M. Woodward aud family
in Clearfield for tbe past three weeks,
has returned homo.
Stephen W. Dlugolecki, student in
the S. S. C. and M. Seminary In
Detroit, Mich., will return to the
seminary this week.
Mrs. Frank Obenrader and daughter,
Miss Susie, of Clarion, visited at home
of .ue former's brother, Joseph Welst,
in this place last week.
Mrs. Edith Fields, of Buffalo, N. Y.,
came to this place Saturday and ex
pects to remain bore indefinitely with
her sister, Mrs. Belle P. Bing.
M. Fred Reed, of Washington, D.
C, is visiting at home of his father,
J. Van Reed, in this place. Fred
arrived bere Monday morning.
O. D. O'Dell and wire left bere last
Thursday on a pleasure trip and visit
to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Holland,
N. Y., Tltusvllle and Oil City, Pa.
Mrs, Lizzie Haupt and daughter,
Catherine, of ShamoKln, Pa., visited
tbe former's counln, Mrs. J. H. Baum,
In this place several days last week.
, Miss Elsie Ross, student In tbe Fottz
Mission Institute at Herkimer, N. Y.,
who was borne for tbe summer vaca
tion, returned to Herkimer yesterday.
Mrs. J. R. Welsh, son and daughter,
Samuel and Ethel, of Cross Forks, Pa.,
visited the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Dickey, In Winslow town
ship last week.
J. C. Norris, of Butler, visited bis
brother, J. M. Norris, In Paradise last
week. Rr. R. W. Norris and family,
who had been visiting in Paradise,
returned home last week.
Thomas Lowther, of Somerset, Pa.,
state mine inspector for Somerset Co.,
and daughter, Margaret, visited the
former's sister, Mrs. William Bar
clay, on Jackson street tbe past week.
Rev. and Mrs. P. P. Womer, of St.
Paul, Minn., who were called here four
weeks ago on account of the sudden
death of the latter's father, A. T. Bing,
returned to St. Paul the first of this
Cleve Deemer, an electrician in tbe
Illinois Steel Co. plmt at Chicago,
111., who visited two weeks with bis
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Deemer
at Deemer's Cross Roads, returned to
Chicago the latter part of last week.
-The Bio Stoke '
We are showing this week our new Fall line of
the "above. Don't tail to seethe new fall patterns
and colors.
We are showing a beautiful line of
Serpentine Crepe at 18 1-2c
This is a regular 20c fabric and most stores are sell
ing them at 20c; but for the time being, that we
may get them going quickly, we are offering them at
lSVac. . They are guaranteed to be' absolutely fast
colors and are used extensively for iKitnonas, Dress
ing Sacks, etc. Don't fail to Bee them.
New Fall line of
V '
Bates Ginghams 12 1-2c
Lancaster Ginghams 7c
Simpson and American
Calicoes 6c
We are showing also a complete line of
Fall and Winter Suits
from $10.00 to $35.00.
Corner Main and Fifth Streets, Reynoldsvllle, Pa. ,
7 -rtfcWhaha-, ,
Gold and Silver Mounted Umbrellas, Watches, Jew
elry, Cut Glass, Silverware, Lockets and Chains,
Bracelets (all kinds and sizes), Phonographs and
Records. All goods new and up-to-date at prices to
suit everybody. We engrave all goods free when
purchased at
In the Peoples National Bank
Reynoldsvllle, F.
We pay particular attention to Watch Repairing.
Also a lot of INGRAIN CARPET will be sold at
a bargain
We have also bargains in REED GO-CARTS
that we are going to close out.
Give us a call and be convinced that we are of
fering bargains.