The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 26, 1908, Image 4

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1 f fy Stock No. 1J6 1
The soles of RALSTON SHOES are
made from the famous Ralston Oak sole
leather which from the stand point of
wear and pliability is the best that is made
in this country. Great care is used in its
selection, and as you will notice in the
above diagram', only the choicest bend is
used. '
If you will come in and see us, we'll
tell you more about the way RALSTON
SHOES are made. You'll be interested to
learn the wayRalstonsare foot-moulded,
which saves you the torture of breaking
them in.
The Store that Saves You Money.
The Peoples National Bank
Capital and Surplus $125,000.00. Resources $500,000.00.
rpilE PEOPLES NATIONAL NAN'K In Reynoldsvllle l well Drepared
A to trmiHact nil lirunrlie of (InnioHtle and foreign banklne, and solicit
the accounts of firms, corporations and individuals, promising courteous
v consideration and as liberal terms as are consistent with prudent bank- C-","-ing.
Has a Savlnpa Department In which Interest Is paid every six
monuis linn ueposiTM are suuject ro a iiuerai wunurawai privilege.
Offlcors: W.B.Alexander, President. F.D.Smith and AitKust Haul.'
rimif VIPA.PrRsirl.nt&. P i AlnYfttirinr Pnulilpr l. V A Invunlni
Assistant Cashier.
L. Taylor,
'. 0. Sayers, i :
Tyroctors: W. B. Alexander, L. P. Beeley, F. D. 8mlth, D.
XJ August Baldauf, Amos Strouse, W. C- Murray, Dr. ,
W. Harry Mooro, James H. Spry and John O'Hare.
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus , $175,000.00
Resources . . $550,000.00
John H. Xaugheb, Pres.
John n. Kaucher
Henry C. Delble
J. 0. Kino, Vlue-Pres. K. C. Schcckkrs, Cashier
J. 0. King Daniel Nolan John H. Corbett
. d. Hammond K. H. Wilson
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Ry
Sunday, August 30th.
Round Trip Fare 2. 50. Train leaves Sykes 6.05 a. m.
Tickets good returning onepecial train leaving
Niagara Falls at 7.00 p. m. and - Buffalo 8.00 p. m.
same day; also on regular trains from Buffalo
Monday, August 31st.
Watch for notices of Five Day Excursion to Niag-
ara Falls and Toronto Saturday, Sept 5.
Curious Spectacle on the Coast of
In the neighborhood of Summerlnnd,
on the const of California, ton utiles
south of Santa Iitirbarn, the visitor
may behold nt the present time a
strange and Interesting Rpeetncle the
like of which was never seen in the
world before. It is nothing more or
less than a fishery for petroleum.
Out from the smooth, sandy bench
and extending nt right angles there
with into he oeenn are many 10113
docks or piers supporting old derricks.
The latter are like any other derricks
constructed for bucIi a purpose, but In
stead of being used to bring up oil
from the dry laud they are made to
serve for fetching the fluid from be
neath the waters of the sea.
The piers described arc. many of
them, of great length, stretching a quar
ter of a mile or more out Into the Ta
clflc, In order to tap the 'oil bearing
strata under the sea. Derricks are set
all along the beach Itself, upheld by
piles, In order tlint the breakers may
flow back and forth beneath them.
Oue illicit Imagine that the discovery
of the oil under the sea came about
through observation of petroleum float
ing on the waves. Such does not seem,
however, to have been the case. Pros
pectors for the precious fluid, having
come upon a productive oil field on
terra Anna In the neighborhood of
Summerlnnd, were naturally led down
to the ocean beach by the circum
stance that the oil producing area ap
peared to extend iu that direction.
Finding that there wns oil beneath the
very breakers, It occurred to them to
seek It farther out.
The petroleum obtained from under
the sea is remarkable, like all the oil
In the neighborhood, for containing a
great deal of asphalt It Is, in fact,
very impure and thick owing to this
admixture of an extraneous substance.
But the asphalt itself is decidedly val
uable when separated and Is being
utilized for paving and other such pur
poses. saturaay evening rose
A Bored Floor.
Mr. Reedcr of Kansas told a story to
the house of representatives about a
! Kansas settler and a trick he played.
, "I think we sent him on to the Btate
of Wyoming," be said.
! "We have a lot of bad people lu our
state from Kansas," suggested Mr.
Wendell of Wyoming.
"This was a pretty smart fellow, and
I wonder tliy did not send him to
congress," answered Mr. Recder. "The
law required the settler to build a
house with a board floor and a board
roof. So he dug Into the bank a space
of three feet wide and six feet long
and put poles across the top for a roof.
Then he sharpened a stick and bored
holes in the ground of the dugout.
Next he bored holes through the roof
and made an affidavit that he had a
bored floor and a bored roof." Detroit
Free Fress.
Many Names of Hingham'i Hall.'
Hlughatn has one ball with three
names, the largest in the town and the
one where all the town business is
transacted, where Compnuy K, Fifth
regiment, M. V. M., has its armory
and where the Ilingham Agricultural
society holds its deliberations.
The hall has the distinction of -having
three names Ilingham town hnll,
the armory and agricultural hall. If It
Is a public performance or town meet
ing, then the notices rend, "At the
town hall;" If it is a rose and straw
berry show or an agricultural meet
ing, then they rend, "At agricultural
hall," and If Company K Is drilling or
entertaining Its friends the Invitations
say, "At the armory." No other hall
In Plymouth county has so many of
ficial tit k?s. Boston llerald. " s-
Honduran Hard Wood.
A railroad in Honduras, which bos
Just beeu opened to traffic as fur as
Ceiba, thirty-five miles, was built with
creosoted pine ties from the United
States. It is worthy of note that, while
creosoted pine ties are being shipped
from the United States to Honduras,
hard woods are coming to the United
States from that country. Americans
are doing the shipping both ways. A
tract of 8,000 acres In Honduras has
been secured by an American company,
which will cut the mahogany and other
valuable bard woods and ship them to
the United States. Forest and Stream.
When a heavy fall of snow occurs la
Valdes, Alaska, the fire department Is
called but to clear the sidewalks.
During the 118 years In which we
have had a national house of repre
sentatives It has never bad a speaker
who whh born In New York city.
Up to UXK1 Pennsylvania produced
more natural gas than she could make
use of, but now It is necessary to
draw upon the supply of West Vir
ginia. Officers superintending and men em
ployed in the construction of the, new
battleship at the New York navy yard
have been strictly forbidden to give
out nny Information about the work.
Since Its establishment the depnrt
men of agriculture has cost the United
States more tlinn $200,000,000. It has
given employment at different times
to 58,000 experts and professors and
Issued 17,075 publications.
Trobablyx the longest If not the
largest barn lu Massachusetts Is In
one of the tobacco fields In Westfleld.
This barn, which has been added to
from time to time, as the business of
the owners prospered, Is now 500 feet
Fly Catches.
Pitcher Willett of the Detroit Amer
icans is making good Manager Jen
nings' claim for him.
"nttsburg's perennial pennant pur
suing Pirates," Is the way a New York
scribe designates Barney Dreyfuss' Na
tional league representatives.
While no one pretends to want Bugs
Raymond, there are Just about three
National league clubs that would give
their eyeteeth to win him away from
St. Louis. .
Konetchy of the St. Louis Nationals
Is a much better first baseman than he
was last rear. If he shows the same
ratio of advancement next year he
will be a full fledged star.
Pitcher Eddie Summers of the De
troit Americans is the hnrdest loser in
the gnnve. The other day Cleveland
took a fall out of his delivery, and De
troit bit the dust. After the game
Summers retired to the dressing room
and shed really and truly salt water
Want Column.
Rates: One cent per word for each and
vorv Insertion.
Lost Pair gold-rim eye glasses with
gold chain and pin attached. Return
to Mrs. Thos. Jewell.
For Sale Draught horse,' weight
1200. Inquire of B. J. Rudolph.
Wish aw, Pa., Box 92.
For Rent Six room house, with
large bath loom and cemented cellar,
on Hill st. L. M. Snyder.
FoUND-An umbrella Thursday morn
ing, Ownor can secure same at Star
office by paying for this ad.
For Sale Two desirable lots 00
Pleasant Ave. Inquire of Mrs. David
Sowers. x
For sale Houses, lots and farms. In
quire E. NefT, Esq., Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
A high rade college with goofl tradition.
Ideal location. Expenses rcanotinble l-me 'for
commons and club Mouse for young turn. WeH
equipped gymnasiums. Preparatory ncliocl con
nected witb college. Hall tenu open Sept. if,tr.
Write to
Radiators Heat Up a House
at Less Expense
Than an old sle f urnuce. They're ante, too,
asyou ain't worrying about the danger of
escaping gas Money Invested In good heat
ing of a home makes you comfortable, saves
coal bills and keeps away sickness.' Call at
our pjumblng shop und get our estimate.
English Musical Taste.
The London, Evening News In order
to determine the musical taste of the
English people asked Its renders to
name the musical compositions the per
formance of which gave them the most
pleasure. The answers showed these
to be the most popular in the order
named: The overture to "Tannhauser,"
the overture to "William Tell," Tschal
kowskl's "1S12," Grieg's "Peer Gynt
Suite," Thomas' "Mlgnon Gavotte,"
"The Mikado," Mendelssohn's "Mid
unimer Night's Dream."
A Nailless Skyscraper.
A skyscrnplng structure, without a
nail or a screw in It, has been put up
around and above the great south
western gate of the city of Pekln. j
It Is made entirely of bamboo poles '
and cords. The enormous scaffolding
was necessary for the rebuilding of
Jhe Chlenmen gate, which 'was badly
battered In the Boier troubles. The
new gate is to be an Imposing affair,
twice the height of the great rail of
the famous Chinese city.
Verlbest Rubber
Climax Asphalt
Needs no painting. Nothing Setter
made regardless of cost. Made by re
liable people, sold by reliable people
and backed up by quality.
McHenry-Millhouse nfg. Co.
South llend, Ind.
For 8am by
Reynoldsvllle Hardware Co,
REYNOi.nflvii.i.E, Pa,
-The Bio. Store
Wc nre showing this week our new Fall line of
the above. Don't tail to see the new fall patterns
and colors.
We are showing a beautiful line of
Serpentine Crepe at 18 1-2c
This is a regular 20c fabric and most stores are sell
ing them at 20c; but for the time being, that we
may; get them going quickly, we are offering them at.
18V6c. They are guaranteed to ( be "absolutely fast
colors and are used extensively (or fKinionas, Dress
ing Sacks, etc. Don't fail to see them,; '
New Fall line of
Bates Ginghams 12 1-2c
Lancaster Ginghams . ' 7c
1 Simpson and American
Calicoes 6c
We are showing also a complete line of
Fall and Winter Suits
from $10.00 to $35.00.
Corner Main and Fifth Streets, Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
Gold and Silver Mounted Umbrellas, Watches, Jew
elry, Cut Glass, Silverware, Lockets and Chains,
Bracelets (all kinds and sizes), Phonographs and
Records. All goods new and up-to-date at prices to
suit everybody. We engrave all goods free when
purchased at
lu tlio. Peoples Rational Hank
Reynoldsvllle, Ra.
We puy particular attention to Watch Repairing.
Also a lot of INGRAIN CARPET will be sold at
a bargain
We have also bargains in REED GO-CARTS N
that we are going to close out. "
Give us a call and be convinced that we are of
fering bargains.