The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 19, 1908, Image 4

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    1 ' 11 Stock No. 129 I Jgj
V ' Jrsr i GUN METAL M c
Vffi J "6M1LE" LAST M
The man from Missouri is always wel
come in our store. We claim much for
RALSTON SHOES, but nothing which we
cannot substantiate and it pleases-us to
hear h man say "show me." ,
We've been in the shoe business for a
long time, but Ralston Shoes are the only
shoes we know which are stylish enough
to please the eyes of the most fastidious
dresser without making his feet pay the
penalty. There's a reason. Will you say
"show me?"
The Store that Saves You Money.
Also a lot of INGRAIN CARPET will be sold at
a bargain
We have also bargains in REED GO-CARTS
that we are going to close out.
Give us a call and be convinced that we are of
fering bargains.
Harvest Home Picnic
Nolan Park
August 19 to 22, 1908.
To Nolan Park will be sold August 19, 20, 21, and 22. good returning until August
22, Inclusive., from the following stations aljthe low rate quoted:
Red Bank Il.(5
Lawsonham 1.40
New Bethlehem 80
Oak Ridge ..... .70
' Hawthorn (5
May port 110
Passenpcr Traffic. Manager.
Brookvllle.. ,. $ .55
Fuller 90
Reynoldsvllle 1.15
Fall Creek 1.40
DuBois i.oo
General Passenger Agent.
Additional Personals.
' A. B. Weed was In Pittsburg yester
day. Mies Mildred Smith, of Jobnsonburg,
la the guest of Miss Clara Eddy.
William Robertson, of Bitumen, Is
visiting bis parents in tills place.
Mrs. Walter B. Reynolds, of Warren,
vixlting her mother in this place.
Prank Rhoads, of Punfleld, Is visiting
his couoin, Clyde Rhoads, this week.'
Miss Maggie Soloda visited a brother
at Sabula several days the past week.
P. W. Yeaney attended the Re
formed Cburch plcnlo a Alcola Park
Daniel Eieenbutb, of East Brady,
Is vUlting bis sons and a daughter
It this place.
John Ross, of Beaver Falls, Is visiting
his brother, W. 8. Ross, at the Robs
House this week.
Mrs. W. P. Cochran, of Baxter, Bpent
Sunday with her mother, Mrs. George
Sharp, in this place.
Miss Garnett Guthrie, of Heathvllle,
is the guest of Misses Montgomery
In West Reynoldsvllle.
Miss Margaret Taafe, of Pittsburgh,
1b spending this week at home other
parents on Main street.
Miss Lillian Endean who was visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Harvey S. Deter,
returned home Monday.
Mrs. Viola King, who baa been In
Ithaca, N. Y., several months, was a
visitor in town this week.
Rev. D. L. Dickey and daughter,
Miss Benette Dickey, visited In Knox,
Clarion county, last week.
Mrs. J. A. Hoon, of Johnsonburg, is
visiting her son and daughter, T. D.
Hoon and Mrs. G. H. Rea.
Richard Bone, wife and family, spent
Sunday with the former's brother, Rob
ert Bone, Jr., In Paradise.
Robert Klrkman, of Clymer, Is visit
ing his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Bone, on Worth street. -
Rev. S. B. Laverty, of Johnstown,
visited his .brother-in-law, D. B. Stauf
fer, In West Reynoldsvllle this week.
Miss Edna Womer, of Coudersport,
and MIbb Nan Miller, of Altoona, were
guests of Mrs. E. W. Hunter over Sun
clay. Carl Kennedy and wife, of Grove
City, are visiting the former's uncle
and aunt, Postmaster E, C. Burns and
Frank M. Roller, secretary of the
Railroad Y. M. C. A. at East Syracuse,
N. Y., Is visiting his mother in this
place. t
Robert Bone, Jr., wife and grandson,
Robert Klrkman, visited at home of
Robert Bone, Sr., in Paradise a day
last week.
Mrs. Amanda R. Sterlay, of Read
ing, who owns some real estate in
Reynoldsvllle, was in town on business
Bruce Moore, Earl Wlnslow, Walter
Steel and William Knox, of DuBols,
attended a corn roast at this place last
Friday night.
Mrs. Thomas Bolam and children,
of Falrmount City, visited the former's
sister, Mrs. Robert Bone, Jr., the past
week In Paradise.
O. A. Gray, who Is employed with
a bridge crew in Philadelphia, will
come to -his home in this place to-day
to remaiu a few weeks.
Prof. H. F. Whiting, professor in
Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., was in
town last week looking after some bus
iness for Dickinson College.
John D. Walker, employe in the
Johnstown Tribune office, was called
here last week to attend the funeral of
his father, John B. Walker. '
T. K. Sualer'and son, Joseph' S. Hun
ter, of Wlnslow, and Mrs. N. A. Hunt
er, of Curry Run, Clearfield county,
visited at homes of George Hunter and
J. R. Milliren Sunday.
Mrs. J. M. Daily and daughter, Miss
Jennie Daily, of Penfield, and Mrs.
James Nusser, of Pittsburg, are visit
ing the former's daughter, Mrs. G M.
McDonald, on Hill street.
Misses Margaret Dierken, Lillian
Moody, Emma Smith, of Pittsburg, and
Miss Margaret Adams, stenographer in
Braddock National bank of Braddock,
were guests of Mrs. G. C. Strouse on
Miss Minnie Keck, notary public and
stenographer, returned the latter part
of last week from ten day trip to
Philadelphia and Atlantic City. The
sea breeze and warm sun toyed with
Miss Keck' complexion little while
she bathed in the ocean.
. Card of Thanks.
We hereby express our heartfelt
thanks to the neighbors and friends
for their kindness during illness and
after the death of our beloved son and
brother, Otto John Herold.
G. M. Herold and Family.'
Notice to Parent! and Guardians.
Notice is hereby given all parents
and guardians that no pupil will be ad
mitted to the public schools of West
Reynoldsvllle borough unless they can
show certificate of successful vaccin
ation. The regulations of the State
department of Health will be strictly
enforced. O. H. Johnston, Sec.
Raduced Rates via Pennsylvania Rail
road. ' For the Grangers' Picnic at Williams
Grove. Pa., August 24 to 29, the Penn
sylvania Railroad will sell excursion
tickets to Williams Grove from stations
in Pennsylvania und from Baltimore,
Elmlra, Frederick and Intermediate
stations on the Northern Central Rail
way, Aug. 13 to 28, Inclusive, good
to return until September 1, inclusive,
at reduced rates.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership lately su listing between R.
D. Albright and L. H. Boyles, under
the firm name of "The Sewer Clean
Manufacturing Company," was dis
solved on the 28th day of July 1908,
by mutual consent. All debts owing
to said partnership are to be received
by 'said R. D. Albright, and all de
mands on said partnership are to be
presented to and paid by him.
R. D. Albright,
L. H. Boyles,
Letter Lint.
L'.et of unclaimed letters remaining
in post office at Reynoldsvllln, Pa., for
week ending Aug. 15, 1908.
J. A. Callen, MrB. H. Henry, Charles
Harvey, G. M. Hartman, Henry Lock
wood, Henry Mltzel, Mrs. Cora Nlckle.
Say advertised and give date of Hat
when calling for above.
E. C. Burns, P. M.
Berkhouse Reunion.
The second annual Berkhouse re
union will be held on the fair grounds
in Brookvllle, Pa., on Thursday, Aug.
27, 1008. All persons knowing them
selves related by blood or marriage are
requested to be present and bring their
friends and well filled baskets.
By Order op Committee.
She Likes Good Things.
Mrs. Chas. E. Smith, of West Frank
lin, Maine, says:. "I like good things
and have adopted Dr. King's New Life
as our family laxative medicine, because
they are good and do their work with
out making a fuss" These
painless purifiers sold at Stoke & Felcht
Drug Co. drug store. 25c.
Representative Wanted.
We want a representative to handle
Ford automobiles in Reynoldsvllle.
Live hustler, with or without previous
experience, canx easily clear 12000.00
in season. Write with references at
onco. Ford Motor Co., Dept. H,
Detroit, Michigan.
For Sore Feet.
"I have found Bucklen's Arnica
Salve to be the proper thing to use
for sore feet, as well as for healing
burns, sores, cuts, and all manner of
abrasions," writes Mr. W. Stone, of
East Poland, Maine. It is the proper
thing too for piles. Try it! Sold under
guarantee at Stoke & Feicht Drug Co.
drug store. 25c.
Tin capped jelly glasses 19c the dozen
Thursday afternoon. Bing-Stoke Co.
Come Thursday afternoon and see the
beautiful line of colored silks we will
offer you at money saving prices. Bing
Stoke Co.
Want column.
Rates: One cent per word tor each and
FOR Sale Bed room suits, two din
ing tables, dining chairs, two gas
stoves, kitchen cabinet, kitchen cup
board, -other Btnall articles, also one
house and two lots. All will bo sold at
private sale. J. S. Abernathey.
For Sale Farm containing 60 acres,
about 22 acres' cleared, about 25 fruit
trees, good water, house and barn and
other outbuildings. Price reasonable.
Address C. Tiley, Reynoldsvllle, R.
F. D. No. 1.
For Rent Six room bouse, with
large bath tub and cemented cellar,
on Hill st. L. M. Snyder.
FOR Sale Two desirable lots On
Pleasant Avo. Inquire of Mrs. David
FOUND Pocket book containing some
money, ring, with initial in, and a pin.
Inquire at The Star office.
For sale Houses, lots and farms. In
quire E. Neff, Esq., Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
" For Sale High-grade white leg
born ' and Barred Plymouth Rock
Cockerals from best laying strain.
Maplcwood Bee and Poultry Farm.
E. A. Hull and Geo. H. Rea.
Notice I hereby Rlvpn that an applica
tion will be mnde to the Governor of Penn
sylvania on Monday, the thirty-flrHt day of
AukokI, 11HM, by Chan. J. Btinuert, Clement
W. Klynn and ft. Hiinirert, unaVr the Act of
Aswmbly, entitled "An Act to Provide for
the lncorM)ruiloii and regulations of certain
coriMiratlorifl," approved April 20, IH74, und
the aupph-nicnts thereto, for the charter of
an ltiiLiiltd corporation to lie oulled The
Herald Company, the character and object
of which la the transaction of a printing and
publlnhhiK huxIneHH, and for ttiene purHe
to have, iHiyCH und enjoy all the rlghta,
ht-ncrilN-aiitrprlvlli'tct's of auld Act of Assem
bly and the aunplfmnt thereto.
Ci.khicnt W. Klynn, Solicitor.
jf you have anything to sell, try
our Want Column.
fcaW5i;a vlS, -.
Gold and Silver Mounted Umbrellas, Watches, jew
elry, Cut Glass, Silverware, Lockets and Chains,
Bracelets (all kinds and sizes), Phonographs and
Records. All goods new and up-to-date at prices to
suit everybody. We engrave all goods free when
purchased at
In the 'Peoples National Dunk
Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
We pay particular attention to Watch liepainng.
The Peoples National Bank
Capital and Surplus $125,000.00. Resources $500,000.00.
rpilE PEOPLES NATIONAL HANK In Reynoldsvllle U well prepared - '
to transact all brunches of domestic and foreign banking und solicits
the accounts of firms, corporations and Individuals, promising courteous
consideration ami as liberal terms as are consistent wllh prudent bank
Inn, lias ii SavluKB Department in which Interest is paid every six
months und deposits are subject to a liberal withdrawal privilege.
Qfflcers: W. It. Alexander, President. F. 1). mlth and August Haul.
duuf, Vice-Presidents. 1". K. Alexunder, Cashier. J?. P. Alexander,
Assistant Cashier.
T)lrcctors: W. B. Alexunder. L. P. Peelpy, F. P. Smith, D. L. Tnylor,
August Hulilauf, Amos Strouse, W. CJ. Murray, Dr. J. O. Savers.
W IliiffV MmiM) Jnnia. II Mi.rnun l..t. n'II..M ' 1
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus $175,000.00
Resources . . $550,000.00
John H. Kadorer, Pres.
.Tohn II. Kuucher
Henry C. Delble
J. t). Kino, Vlce-Pres. K. C. ScnocKKRS. Cashier
J. C. King Diiniel Nnlun
J. H. Hammond
John n.Oorbett
R. II. Wilson
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
Of Course, You Want the Best !
This 18 why the peoplo all aek for NATURE HERBS; for
they soon find out that it iti the greatest blood ckateer and
health builder In the world, hIeo the mildest and pleasantest
laxative on the market to-day. By taking
Your blood will become pure; your heart can do 1(8 work
naturally (and not be overtaxed pumping impure blood through
your veins), and you will gland the hot weather and feel gotd;
your vitality and strength will increato 100 per.ct-tit, and in
place of feeling depressed ar.d weiik ru will feel' tttong and
full of vitality. STOKE V FE1CHT DRUG CO. Bre the
only ones that sell Nature's Herbs in Reynoldsvllle. You will
always find it there when you call.
Sixteen Day Excursions
$10 or $12 to
$12 or $14 to
Anglcsen, Wlldwood, Holly Reacli, Ocean City, Sea Isle
City, Avalon, N. J., Reboboth, DeL, and Ocean City, hid,
West End, Elberon, Deal Beuch, Allenhurst, North Aa
burv Park. Ocean Grove. Urudlv Ranch. A
Como, Spring Lake. Sen Glr. Manusiiuan, Brielle, Point
Tickets at the lower rate good only in coaches. Tickets at the higher rate good
In parlor or sleeping cars In connection with proper Pullman tickets.
August 20, and Sept. 3, 1908.
Train leaves Reynoldsville 4:25 p. m.
Tickets goad for passage on trains'leavlng FlttBburg at 8.50 p. m. and 10.45 p. m.,
the latter train carrying Pullman sleeping cars only to Philadelphia and
through to Atlantic City, and their connections going, and all regular trains
returning within sixteen days. For stop-over privileges and full information
consult nearest ticket Agent.
J. R. WOOD, .
Passenger Trallle Manager.
General Passenger Agent.
The Star's Want Column never fails to bring results