The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 05, 1908, Image 8

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Whence Come the Warning Vis
itors We See In Sleep?
On Whan Mother and 8on Both Got
Tidlngi of Diaaeter at tha Sam
Tima' and On Whor a Child 8aw
Her Father 8avd In a Shipwreck.
, Out of HI) drenms of n very striking
kind Investigated liy one of tho Icnd
Ing psychic research societies no fewer
than seventy-nine rotated to ft death,
and porhnns the rnrest.of nil these
(Iron ins U tlie enso where two iiersons
drennied the siinio thliiK on tho sumo
night, nml tho eilsoilo riiine true. This
trlklnit Instiineo Iv reported hy tho
Kev. 11. . Klilngloii:
"A woninu parishioner of mine," he
says, "whose huslmml was n (lsher
man, nt IJmt time on the son, drennied
ono night In terribly vivid fnxltlon that
his llttlu craft had been cut In two hy
the towering steel Imws of a grout
liner. I lor oldest ron was with the
liUHhand, nnd an she. woltc sho serenmcd
out, 'Oh, nave my boy, my hoyl This
wns rntnnrknhls enough, considering
tho sequel, hut almost at the very mo
ment tho poor woman was In her dis
tress, yet still nsleep, another son wns
pounding nt her door, half nsleep and
hnlf nwnlie. nnd crying, 'Oh, mother,
where Is father?' The terrllled woman
sow rose and let the hoy In. Ho was
crying. Ho told her ho hnd distinctly
heard his father's heavy trend coming
tip tho Rtalrs and his ponderous kick
Iv 1th sea hoots against tho door, ns had
been Ills manner when reluming ab
ruptly from n long crulso. Next morn
lug tho nlnnncd mother nnd wife told
all tho neighbors, nnd heforo tho day
wns out tho dreadful hews enmo thnt
every detail of her (Iron in wns true.
Tho llttlo trawling lugger hnd been run
Into hy n coasting liner, nenrly cut In
two nnd sunk with all hnnds. Includ
ing her husband nud son."
rrcmonltory dreams occupy a largo
part of the psychological records, nnd
tho following enso is a very puzzling
ono: A Mrs. Spruit lived nt Itnlnintii,
ono of tho suburbs of Sydney, Austra
lia. Her husband wns a sea captain
In command of tho Atncnma, a wooden
ship of 1,300 tons, which hnd arrived In
Sydney In a leaking stato and wns
picked up cheap by n firm known ns
Cowlishnw Bros, for $3,500. Twice ns
much wns spent In repnlrs, nnd then
the Atncnma wns sent up tho const
with a enrgo of conl. Sho delivered
this and next set out for San Diego.
But when GOO miles out from B.vd-
The Battle
for Health
How to keep well.
Thii is the problem Dr. A. W. Chase'.
Nerve Pills have heled many thousands o
people to solve by reason of their extraordinary
blood forming lind system building qualities. '
The only sure foundation for health is rich
led blood and a vigorous nervous system.
Both of these rrsult from the use of Dr. A
W, Chase's Nerve Pills. Even though yoi
know of this grcnt restorative as a cure for ner
vous exhaustion, probation and paralysis, yoi
may have overlooked it as a tonic to build ui
the system when it gets run down and you fee
weak and miserable. '
Mr. G. B. EXMNK, -4 Stewart St., Day
ton, Ohio, slates: "I felt debilitated, rundown
nervous, tired, lacked energy and strength
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills built me right
up, gave me restful sleep and goodgenera
health and energy, 1 gained seven pounds am
eonsidiT them an excellent tonic."
The portrait and signature of A. VI. Chase'i
M. D., the famous Receipt Hook author, oi
every box. so cents at all dealers or Dr. A
W. Chase Medicine Co., Duffalo, N. Y.
Dr.A.W. Chase's
Nerve Pills
F ir Sale by Stoke & Folcht Drug Co.
Main Streot. Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
: -A'C-., j
Who merely patches up your pipes la risking
your health and perhaps your life for a few
dollars. We don't want money bad enough
tor that.
to go over your plumbing, we And out exactly
what la necessary, Then we do the work and
do It right. We may not make as much mon
ey as we could by slighting, but we expect
your steady patronage will make up for it in
the end.
Midway between Broad St. Station and
Reading Terminal on Filbert st.
European 11.00 per day and up.
- American &.50 per day and up.
The only moderate priced hotel of rep
utation and consequence In
n oy sue sprang a lent;, nnd t.'aptaln
Bprult decided to put back. In spllo
of the pumps the wnter gained, and
noon there wns a depth of eleven feet
In the hold. Spruit now resolved to
abandon the ship nnd launch tho three
boats.. The captain himself, with ono
senmitn, the steward, boatswain nnd
an apprentice, was In the twenty-four
foot lifeboat, while the rest of the
crew, twelve In all, were In tho other
two boats. Heavy sens were running,
and the lonts were uenrly swamped.
As Bprult could uot swim, he was
nearly drowned. Home of his men
were lost Their situation wns Indeed
fearful In boats half tilled with water
mid exposed to a flcrce galo 400 miles
from land. Again and again was
Bprult washed out, but nt Inxt his boat
wan picked up when Its occupants were
In the last stages of exhaustion from
fatigue, exposure and lack of food. A
reporter, of the Sydney Morning Her
ald called to Interview the captain and
found li i in' barefooted, Vltli terribly
swollen legs, covered with severe cuts
nnd brulHcs.
Now consider Mrs. Rprtilt's report to
the Psychical Itesenrch society, which
Is most reinat'kablo.
"Last Thuii'clay week," she writes,
"at 'i o'clock In the morning my tlilr-teen-yenr
old dnughter I.Ily came Into
my boili'oom and woke tno by a lap on
my fiU'clicnd. 'Oh, innmnia,' she cried
In n breathless whisper, 'I'm so fright
ened!' 1 tried to sootho her, but she
only covered her faeo with her hnnds
and whlHcrcd tremblingly; 'Oh, lookl
My papa's ship Is nil wreckedl Papa's
come homo all In rngs, with his feet
and legs cut, and I nee two or tliroo of
his men drowned out of tho boat.'
"I told I.Ily sternly It was nil non
sense "'It Isn't!' she said passionately.
'I've seen It In my dream, nnd I know
It's nil true!'
"Mut 1 conxed her off to bed. Tho
girl kept worrying about It until the
next Sunday. A week nftcr herdrenm
my husband returned, and I.Ily found
mo crying when she enmo In from
" 'Oh, moniinn,' sho cried sharply, Ms
the Atncnma wrecked?'
'.'I told her evasively her pnpn hnd
come homo,
"Sho wns not to be denied, however,
and asked, with strnngo persistence,
'Are papa's legs cut?'
"I said they were.
"And the very (lrst thing sho said to
her father was: 'Why, you didn't have
those clothes on when I saw youl Tho
ones you had on were nil torn In tho
shipwreck.' "
Lily Sprtilt herself furnished a re
port to the Psychical Research society.
Sho said she woke In terrible fright,
having seen every microscopic detail of
tho shipwreck nnd Its sequel. She saw
her father get Into tho big boat and
keep close to his ship for somo tlmo.
Sho watched his boat cnpslze and the
boy Allen drown. What woke her, sho
aid, was the howling of the wind
about the wreck, nnd the last she saw
wns tho other men pulling her father
bnck Into tho waterlogged boat. Wil
liam T. Fits-Gerald In New York Trib
une. 1
How tha Great Showman Turned His
Death to Account.
Among the features of the parades
of the Unrntim circus there wns for
merly ono thnt never failed to attract
attention. On tho top of one of the
wild beast cages lay an enormous lion.
He was not confined In any way, and
nervous people watching the parado
would shudder at the night and con
template the terrible possibility of the
Hon springing Into the midst of tho
But tho venerable old king of beasts
had reached the. leonine dotage, and
stiffened muscles and blunted claws
rendered him harmless. lie was as
mild as a kitten and In the winter
quarters, where he wns allewed to
roam at will, sometimes hnd to be pro
tected from the onslaughts of Irrever
ent and mischievous puppies.
Ono night he wandered from the
quarters. In the course of his travels
he chanced on a barn where a meek
eyed cow was placidly chewing her
cud. A faint flicker of the slumbering
Jungle spirit stirred his pulse, and,
with a crashing blow of the huge fore
paw, the cow was slain; then, lying
down beside bis victim, be went to
sleep and dreamed of the time when he
was a shaggy little whelp playing with
bis brothers under the bright sun of bis
faroff African home.
In the morning the owner of the cow,
a stalwart female with the blood of
Irish kings In her veins, entered the
barn with milk pall In band. She was
filled with wrath at the sight that met
her gaze. With a keen edged ax In her
hand and grim determination In her
eye she fearlessly approached the sleep
ing Hon, and when the men sent ont to
search for him arrived he lay cold In
death. . Barnum promptly paid for the
dead cow and engaged to appear on
exhibition "the woman who in mortal
combat bad slain a Hon."
Tha Oldest Treaty.
The oldest text of a real treaty now
In-existence is thnt of the convention
between Rameses II., king of Egypt,
and the Prince of Kheta, which em
braces the articles of a permanent of
fensive and defensive alliance, with
clauses providing for the extradition of
emigrants, deserters, criminals and
skilled workmen. - This treaty was
drawn np In the fourteenth century
B. C. and Is the earliest record that
we have of any International transac
tion. Her Uneooksd Gown.
Miss Flnfflglrl Miss Newthought has
gone the limit with her vegetarianism I
Miss Furbelow Why, what Is her laf
est? Miss Flnfflglrl She actually re
fuses to wear anything but raw sDK
gowns now-New Tork Press.
Blamed For Offenses Committed by
, Hit Wicked Cousins.
Wo are often told of tlio fox ns it tie
stroycr of grouse, but I should like to
heur the story of some eyewitnesses
as to his work In thin direction. It l.s
very easy to find fox tracks about Kie
remains of a bird nud then say n fox
did It. I believe thnt iiiiiny of the of
fense laid nt his door tiro committed
by wensels, mink nnd wildcats, or
During u part of the year I hnve
known foxes to spend a part of each
day digging nuiong potato hllU In n
retired hollow for whlto grubs or mice
in the adjoining Holds nnd to return to
tho mountain nt nightfall, passing n
farm which wns almost covered with
young poultry out for grasshoppers,
prom nil experience of about ten yen is
In n liH'iillt where foxes nhound 1 inn
convinced Hint this niilmal dostroys
but few. If tiny,. chickens. Our trouble
there was, first of nil, hawks, then
skunks, owls and raccoons. The fox
never Invaded the chicken coup or
broke up tho silting turkeys out nt the
huso of the mountain. Qf course In
winter n fox may sometimes trap it
grouse In tho snow nt night, lint who
has ever seen u fox nrlually catch n
grouse? Come, now, brothers of the
forest, be honest nnd own up. I would
bo glad to lea in bow the fox tines the
trick. If tiny ono has seen It done.
Forest nud Stream.
It Plays a Very Large Part In Success
In Business.
If you stop for n moment to analyze
success In business you will see It
comes through contact with people
It Is nil hinged upon tho manner of
your contact. On every sldo yon tiro
surrounded by a multitude of persons.
In every ono of whom there exists a
potential force that mny be exerted,
nt one tlmo or nnother, to add to your
success. Tho oflener you cause that
force to bo exerted the fnster your
business will grow. You can nttrnct
theso Individual forces Hf you chooso
and get tho most from them, or you
can repel them nnd suffer actual dam
ago from having come In contnet wllh
thorn, or you may tako a nilddlo
course, ns many business men do, nnd
drift nlong In a purely negative intiii
ner. Looking nt business In this light, It
s apparent that tho underlying ele
ment which contributes most to tho
success of any undertaking nnd to
business In the nggregnlo Is tho net
of finding the vital points of human
contnet that will set In motion theso
forces. Tho personal clement must bo
stamped upon your business. Edward
Payson Hatch In System.
Panama Mosquitoes.
A visitor to the canal zone of Pan
ama cnu have tho privllego of nn In
troduction to not less than eighty-three
species of mosquitoes, thirty of thuln
found nowhere else. Fortunntely they
do not all blto, and the contagion of
yellow fever Is carried by only ono of
tbctn. Certain genera, technically called
mcgarhlnus, psorophora and lutzln, are
found, which Instead of spreading any
disease hostile to men wage war on
their weaker cousins nnd at times even
on their brothers and sisters. Tho yel
low fever mosquito, the only kind In
America spreading this Infection, tcl
entlflcnlly called stcgomyla. Is very
scarce. It Is possible to llvo for weeks
on the lino of the canal without seeing
a single specimen. This mosquito Is a
strictly domestic Insect never found
away from man. It breeds only In
artlilclal receptacles, such as barrels,
water coolers, bottles and tin cans In
and around human habitations. Chi
cago News. -
An Author's Trick.
Ono of the abler modern writers
made this confession the other day:
"I am so devoted to my wife thnt 1
allow her to break In upon me when
ever sho pleases. Naturally she cuts
Into my line of thought and often de
stroys the continuity of genius. The
only way for me to do a good day's
work Is to quarrel with her, to mnko
her -so angry that sho will cry, fuss,
break a few disbes, smash a kitten,
scald a puppy or two, then go to her
room nnd stay there. By the time 1
have done a day's work she is in ex
cellent humor and tired of being alone.
Then we make up." New York Press.
Great City For Prayer.
A visitor to Moscow soon discovers
why It Is called the Holy City. Every
200 or 300 feet there is a cathedral,
church, chapel or sbrlne, and which
ever wny you look you see people cross
ing themselves. Until one has seen
Moscow the piety of the place is not
easily understood. The outsider can
not imagine Moscow conditions. He
cannot imagine church bells ringing all
the time and people praying In the
public streets at all hours of day and
Causa of tha Row.
Mrs. Popley For goodness' sakel
What's the matter with Tommy?
Mr. Popley (from the bathroom)
Oh, he wants the earth I
Mrs. Popley Wants the earth?
Mr. Popley Tea, At least that por
tion of It that I'm trying to wash off
his hands and face. Catholic! Stand
ard and Times.
"Look as If you was feella pretty
good today, James," said the first wait
er. Tes, tiptop," replied the other.
"Some streak o' luck maybe?"
"Tes. tiptop tlp."-PhIladelphia Press.
Anger resteth In the bosom of fools.
Curious Story of the Haunted
Sentry Box.
One of tha Many Mysterious Disap
pearances From Fort San Criatobai
Aocounted For by tha Revelation of
tha Lost One Himself.
Writing In the .lonriml of the Mill
Inry Servlro Institution, Captain Ar
thur P. B. Hyde of tho coast nrtlllery
tells this curious story of "Ihe haunt
ed sentry box" of Fort Hun C'rlslobnl.
the nuclcnt Hpnuhdi built fortress
which guirds the entraiico to Snn
Juan, Porto Hlco:
"A number of pli tuivsiiie sentry
boxes built of masonry and iipiienrlir:
llko minarets are placed tit points of
vnul.igu In and around (lie fort. One
of theso on the scetVi-oiit, and rciichci!
only through a Ion; nud dark tunnel
from tho Interior of the fort, Is pop
ularly known ns I.n (hirllii del Diablo,
or tho devil's senlry box, usually, a I
thou::h iiicoiTcclly, t I'ti ii hIii I I (he
I liaunled sentry box. This name was
given to It hy tho Spanish soldiers for
i nit reason unit ii ii u in hit or scumes
stationed thero tllsappimrcd In n most
mysterious manner and wore never
ngaln heard from.
"An American ofllcer was once on
duty thnt took hint Into tho remote In
terior of the Island, nnd while spend
ing one night In a small settlement he
engaged In conversation with n num
ber of tho Inhabitants of tho place.
One old mini, on learning thnt tho of
ficer was stationed nt Fort Kan Cris
tobal, boon mo ospMnlly Inlerested and
In tho course of the conversation told
tho following story:
"'I uset to l'o a soldier In tho Span
ish army and was stationed at Fort
Sun Cristobal. A number of soldiers
whllo on sentry duty had mysteriously
(llHiippenred from tho sentry box down
by tho sea, and wo had all become
convinced that It wan haunted by the
devil, who, we thought, used to come
nnd steal tho soldiers nwny.
" 'Ono stormy night It fell' to my
lot to go on duly In the devil's sentry
box, ns wo en Hod It, at midnight, nnd
It wns wllh hoiiio doubts nnd misgiv
ings that I wont with tho corporal of
the gunrd and relieved tho former sen
try. When they left mo I listened to
tho sound of their footfalls reverberat
ing from fho wnlls nnd celling of tho
dnrk nnd nnrrow pnssage, ever grow
ing fainter nnd fainter as they reced
ed, until finally tho noise of the storm
and tho sen completely drowned It,
and I was left alnno with tho mnd ele
ments. " 'It was n mnd night and ono well
calculated to add to tho feeling of awe
that the devil's sentry box always In
stilled Into the mnn on duty thero at
" 'Presently my attention was at
tracted by some lights In a small tav
ern on tho shoro below the fort where
many of us wero wont to go when off
duty for n glass of rum. Then I be
gan to think that I might lie able to
climb down over tho rocks to the
shore, get a glnss of rum at tbo tav
ern and return to my post
" 'Tho more 1 thought of It tho more
determined I wns to go, so finally,
leaving my rlflo and licit In tho sentry
box, I climbed over the wall and down
on to tho rocks nnd so made my way
with great labor and difficulty and no
little danger to the little house, where
tho occupnnts wore making merry
with dancing and drinking. I soon
fell to and enjoyed myself with them.
" 'When one Is dancing with n fair
scnorltn be sometimes forgets the pas
sage of time, as I did on thnt fatal
night, and not until long after 1 o'clock
did I begin to think of returning to
my post Then, realizing that the cor
poral bad made his Inspection and had
found me gone from my post and
with my rlflo and belt left behind, I
saw only n court martial and the gar
roto staring me in the face, for In
those days for a sentinel In the Span
ish army to quit his post meant sure
death, even In peace.
" 'To go back was ont of tho ques
tion. There was only one thing left
for me to do, and that was to desert
My heart sank within me. If I should
be captured, the same fate would be
meted out to me; but I reasoned, If I
wero to go back tbo fate would bo a
certainty, whereas If I deserted at
least I had a chance of keeping out
of sight of the authorities. I deserted
and before morning was out of the
city and on the way to the moun
tains. " T have lived In this little hamlet
for years and have never been back to
the capital since that day, nor have I
ever told my story to a single soul un
til tonight but now that the Spaniards
are gone I no longer fear for my life.'
"Thus we have the story of the dev
il's sentry box from one of the very
men who so mysteriously disappeared
from It, and It would seem to be prob
able that the other disappearances
Tould be accounted for In a similar
manner were the truth known. Qulcn
Captain Hyde mentions an Interest
ing fact that although for centuries
Porto Rico was considered the legiti
mate prey of freebooters and was at
tacked at various times by regularly
organized expeditions of the English
and tho Dutch during times of war,
with more or less success. Fort El
Morro has never been captured by an
enemy, and its only surrender was to
the Americans, together with the sur
render of the whole Island.
Gravity Is only the bark of wisdom,
but It preserves It Confucius.
Tha Feat a Ceylon Fakir la Said to
Have Performed.
This curious pic tu io of an cnslnrn
mnglelun Is from Carolina Corner's
"Ceylon, the Paradise of Adam:" "The
fakir forthwith commenced to unpnek
the burden on his back, the principal
Item being a bamboo framework or
scaffolding. This he held with his right
hand, while he mounted step by step
of bamboos. At the summit, a height
perhaps of eloven feet, he pnused, with
arms extended, to effect a ha In nee.
For soino rens'du or other the frnmo
work remained perfectly steady and
perpendicular, while the fnklr stretch
ed himself out like n spider on Its web.
At Intervals nn the luuiiboos were
heavy nulls, rusty, but slinrp nt the
point These mills distinctly penetrat
ed t tie man's mnhognny colored llesh
when ho stretched himself out on tho
"Thus he remained, n hideous wound
mndo by each mill, from which the
purple blood flowed, lying there for the
space of ten minute or so. except for
the bliHid n lifeless figure of clay.
Then, muttering some strange gibber
ish, n 1 1 1 in n t ton returned, nnd, making
movements mo Hint tho nails were ex
tricated from tho wounds, tho fakir
wllh his toes kicked nwny tho scnfTold
lug nnd remained himself nlono unsup
ported In midair.
"Yes, there this weird creature re
mained, his lean, chocolate colored
limbs appnrently stiff nnd cataleptic,
his eyes llxed upward nnd glazed. 'It's
a fact,' snld Cynthia In low tones of
wonder. 'At homo they would any we
were hypnotized.' "
A Natlva'a New Year's Call Upon an
American Lady.
Tho nntlvo Koreans, who hnve be
como fa in 1 1 In r with foreigners and
their ways, tako very readily to the
custom of calling and eating on Now
Year's day, and ono American lndy
hnd a very peculiar cxperlcnco with a
nntlvo official In Seoul on New Year's
day. Sho was keeping open houso
and had mndo prepnrntlons for re
ceiving her guests In the proper man
ner. Among other things she had tnado a
very excellent and rather largo cake,
which sho expected to dlstrlbuto in
small slices to her callers. A party" of
native gentlemon arrived, and, having
given ono of them a cup of tea, sho
placed this fine cake before him, with
an Invitation to help himself.
Sho t,lien went with tho others to an
other room nnd wns gono somo tlmo.
When sho returned she snw, to her
horror, thnt her enko had all but dis
appeared. .The native, according to
his Ideas of etiquette, had dono his best
not to Icavo any of the eatables set
before hlin.
Tho lady's vexutlon was banished
by a feeling of pity for tho poor fel
low, who was quite sick from over
feeding. It Is snld thnt this cnll wns
his first and Inst that day. Ho do
dared to his friends that foreigners
must bo "all stomach" It they could
go from house to house and "eat that
much every time." Txmdon Mall.
Getting Back at England.
"Tbe English will ridicule us for say
ing 'vury' and 'turrlblo' and 'mommn'
when we go abroad," said a school
ma'am, "but we will have our answer
"We'll ask them why, when they
want to know If we desire a cab, they
say: '
" 'Fo welln, sai
"We'll ask them why tbey say paw
tah and 'waltnh' and 'Indlnr' and
"And, not forgetting the 'h,' we'll
quote at them tho dialogue between
tho mistress and the new mold:
" Is your name Anna or Hannah?
"'Hannah, mum.'
"'Oh, Hanuahr
" No, mum; Hannah.'
" 'Hannah, you said.'
" 'No, Hannah.'
" 'Spell it'
"Hay, hen, hen, hay! "New Orleans
The 8afa Course.
"That was a great speech Mundy
made," said tho associate editor of the
old line partisan paper. "I suppose
we ought to have an editorial showing
that ho was mistaken throughout but
really I can't see how we shall be
able to do it nis logic Is unassailable,
no has simply knocked the platform
from under our candidate."
"I know it," replied the editor, "but
we can't let It go. Let's see oh, Just
refer to It as flapdoodle. That al
ways satisfies the man who Totes the
straight ticket and gives our oppo
nents no chance to come back at us."
Chicago Record-Herald.
Kaffir Greeting.
"Saku bona" are tho first words a
stranger learns of the Kaffir vocabula
ry. The expression Is the common
form of salutation used by the natives,
and its literal translation Is, "I see
Ton." It Is considered a mark of re
spect not to give the greeting Immedi
ately, the delay showing the reverence
In which the native holds his visitor.
Experience Contribution.
Poetic Friend Some one says a baby
In the house Is a wellsprlng of Joy.
Exasperated Young Parent Well, don't
yon believe It As an element of en
joyment a baby In the houso- Is a
screaming farce. Baltimore American.
Dear, Innocent Thing!
Hubby (whllo dressing That con
founded trial balance was running In
my head all night - Wlfey John, you
must tell the manager, and maybe he
will glvs you extra pay for working
overtime Boston Transcript
J - W Bra an Mrtain that
I I O I,'htn Midline nnd
I I mTM Protrudlritf I'ilwi can nJ.
" " w waynbertjllfycdandii-
Bfilula-lv imis-mI il. lea
act inn or money rfuwlf.
;sDr. A.W. Chase's
hnx at
dinlxraor Dr.A.W Cham 1 a - . .
MxiiclM Ca.UufUlo.N. V. J 1 11 i ill ClI C
For sale by Stoke & Felobt Drug Co.
And rrimlrlns of nil kinds. Silver
MimIhI, hlKheHt s win il for general
excellence ofork, Absolute sat
lafHctlon Kuaraiiteed.o Leava or
ders ut
VTrIfce?sst Rubber
lino x Asphalt
"Tin Itonrisiis hut Nsvisit I.kak."
Need no paint, Hnmplns,
prlcm, etc., on rwiuont. .
McHenry-Mlllhouse flfg. Co.
South llenil, Intl.
Fon Bam bt
Reynoldsvllle Hardware Co.
Itsrsoi.iisviM.a, I'a.
Notice Is hnretiy Klven In whomsoever It
nmy I'oiicnrii, Mint tlie Htmrd of Directum of
the School District, of the lloronith of Sykes
vlllii, Coiinly of .fitiritrson mid HtHln of Pnnn
sylvHtilii. will jreimit, their unMtlnn to the
t.'otirt of Common 1'htns of JnlTnrson county,
tin Mmiilny, AtiKii-tt luiti, IIKw, pritylnK for a
ilncrne utilliorl.lim them Ut burrow II4,0(0,
and In'-rosse the Itiilelitednims of said School
District by such an amount., lor the purpoue
of crccllitif mill piiiilpplnit a new school house
iitlpoiiutn to necoiriiiioiiiite the schools to be
httlif nnd nmliilHlneil In, and for the use of
tbe School rtlilrlct of the Horouirh of 'ykes
vllln, by IhsiiIiik coupon hornl of the rlenoml
nallon of One IliiiulrnU Dollurs each, said
ImhiiIs to Iwtar Interim!, at. tho ruin of 8.S per
cent per milium, payable semi annually, and
mi III bonds to lm redeemed within thirty
yearn Sroin the date thereof, with the option
and rlxhl reserved to snld School District to
redeem any number or amount of said ttonds,
on any Interest, dm after the expiration of
Hve years, and nlo for leave to file their
statement as required hy the Act of Assem
bly approved April ai, 1H74, and It supple
ments. Ily order of the Hoard of School Directors
of the School District of Hykesvllle Horouub,
JunYrson county, Pennsylvania.
V. L. President.
I. U. Secretary.
Estate of Steve losvay, late of Winslow
Township, Deceased,
Notice is hereby sjven that lettani testa
mentary on tbe estate of Sutve Jodvay, lute
of Winslow township, county of Jefferson
and state of Pennsylvania, deceased, have
been granted to tbo undt reigned, .to whom
all persons Indebted to said estate are re
quested to make payment, and those bavins;
claims or demands will make known the
same without delay.
Jams W. Oili.kspis,
Reynoldsvllle, Pa., July 20, IMS.
Estate of George Strouse, Deceased.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Jefferson county, there will be exposed to
public sale, at Hrookvllle. Pennsylvania,
'it the Court House, on the 17tnday of August,
A. D. IMS, at 1..I0 o'clock p. m., the followln
descritied tract of land, situate In the Town
ship of Winslow, County of Jefferson and
State of Pennsylvania, bounded and describ
ed as follows, to-wlt: HeKlnnlnx at a post,
corner Jonothan Mtrouse's land ; thence west
elffhty-foiir and eight-tenth perches to a
small beech; thence by land of the Widow
Uathera north one hundred perches to a
beech; thence east eighty-four and eight
tenth perches to a post corner of Jonotnati
Htrouse's land; thence by said land sooth
one hundred perches to the place of begin
ning, containing fifty acres and allowance of
six percent for roads, etc., being part of a
Inrtrer tract of land surveyed to Dr. Wm.
Cathcart on Warrant No. Sk4U, as aforesaid.
Having thereon erected a good dwelling
house and a good frame barn and other ne
cessary outbuildings.
This farm is In a good state of cultivation
and has a young orchard, consisting of bear
ing apple, peach and cherry trees.
A part of said farm is underlaid with a six
foot vein of coal and a country coal bank U
opened on the premises.
Terms of sale: One third of the purchase
money to be paid at the confirmation ot tbu
sale by the Court, and the remainder upon
delivery of tbe deed to the purchaser.
Guardian of Mabel Strouse.
Guardian of Bo u I nb Strouse.
Reynoldsvllle, Pa., July 21, 19US,
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