The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 29, 1908, Image 7

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Hope Abandoned After rhysiclana
Mrs. Enos Shearer, Yew and Wash
ington Sts., Centralia, Wash., says:
"For years I was
weak end run down,
could not sleep, my
limbs swelled and
the secretions were
troublesome; pains
, were Intense. I was
fast In bed for four
months. Three doc
tors said there was
no cure for me and I was given up to
die. Being urged, I used Doan's Kid
ney Pills. Boon I was better and in a
few weeks was about the house, well
and strong agaiir."
Bold by all dealers. 60 cents a boi.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
)" Unburnable Wood.
Asbestos wood, which teems to be
attracting attention ns a new struc
tural material, Is made chiefly from
asbestos fiber, and Is stated to be
about two-thirds as strong as ordi
nary wood, and to take a higher pol
ish. It Is as easily worked as oak
and maple, while nnlls hold In It
better. The material Is now usually
made In sheet three by four feet in
Bize, and Is adapted for roofing and
walls, but It can be paneled for
wainscoting or doors, or molded Into
ornamental trimmings.
Ask Yonr Dealer For Alton'! Foot-Kale.
A powder. It rests the foot. Cnrs Corns,
Bunions, Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching
Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's
Foot-Eake makes new ortight shoes easy. At
all D.-uggistB nnd Shoe stores, 26 centi. Ac
cept no mbstitute. Sample mailed Frek.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.
Private Punished.
The London Express mentions a
case of a private who for falling to
recognize and salute his officer was
condemned to march past .ind salute
. barrack pump for two hours each
day for a week
$5.00 per day?
Cloan-Cut Cnlre Tins, Perfection Tins, Savory
Roasters, Wonder Beaten, Cookers, Poachers,
and hundreds of other useful and labor
raving articles. All ftoods guaranteed.
Write for particulars rejrnrdinir outfit today.
Start a business of your own and make large
profits in an easy manner. Wo wnnt one
agent lu every town. Write before someone
gets ahead of you.
We are the oldest and best-known manu
facturing canvassing house in trua country.
We refer you to any bank, express com
pany, or commercial agency as to our
Mti-lOO Tecumseh St., BUFFALO. N. Y
Vienna Sausage
You've never tasted
the best sausage until
you ve eaten Libby i
Vienna Sausage.
It's a sausage product
of high food value!
Made different! Cook
ed different! Tastes
different and is different
than other sausage!
Libby's Vicnne
Sausage, like all of the
Libby Food Products;
is carefully prepared
and cooked in Libby's
Great White Kitchen.
"It can be quickly
served for aiy meal at
any time! It is pleas
ing, not over-flavored
and has that satisfying
taste! Try it!
Libby, McNeill & Lib.,
T)ninpl lrte will rrolect your piano (also
I , ued in to.ilchetB)
MAKO OKNERSl bkmiui -' ..d the
ik. evils ft dfmnn"w in
auiiiuinr and w ntj ; will 1 m I
litay In tune bolmr. Price I READ THIS I
l.OOperbo, Folder and I "" I
te.Httnionlala tree
Tlm INinmleiile Co.. Iept. 6. Owcco. N. Y.
WIDOWS'"""1" NEW LAW obtained
nrr-ifcrcmikTB b JOHN w. morris.
P. N. U. :0, 19 S,
If nmictrd
with wenU
yea, uae
JZr Products
The fossil of a lizard 314 feet' long
has been found out In Wyoming.
In Cornwall experience shows thai
woven-wire screens In the stamps
which crush tin ores are better than
punched plates.
The shrinkage of wood from loss
of moisture has been found by the
United States Forest service to range
from seven to twenty-six per cent,
of the dry volume In different species.
Dr. Manning Fish, of Chicago, an
nounces a new theory concerning
pneumonia. He says the disease
rests in the bony framework of the
nose and that the seat of trouble In
such cases Is not In the lungs, as is
generally supposed.
The Bun and his planets, though
moving toward a point in Hercules
at the velocity of 20,000 miles an
hour, or 600,000 miles a day, must
travel at this rate for a million years
to reach the frontiers of the distant
constellation we are headed for.
The only way to treat a pavement
after it is once down is to let it
alone. In many cities of Europe a
conduit runs on each side of the
street, and In this all the light wires
and pipes of every description are
placed. The spectacle of a gang of
men digging up a street pavement in
any leading city of Europe is quite
Military experts are satisfied that
the balloon offers an excellent means
of locating the positions of the
enemy and that the danger to the
men in the balloon is not so great as
had been heretofore supposed. By
the aid of photographic apparatus
and field glasses the enemy may be lo
cated at distances ranging from five
to fifteen miles, according to the con
dition of the atmosphere.
A sunflower four feet high, with
the usual leafage, gives oft in twelve
hours from twenty to thirty ounces
of water in the shape of perspiration.
It has been calculated that an acre
of cabbages, planted in eighteen inch
squares, gives off every twelve hours
over ten tons of water through their
leaves. Most agricultural plants ex
hale during the period of their growth
more than 200 times'their dry weight
in water.
The total length of the Panama ca
nal will be forty-six miles. The depth
will vary from thirty to forty-five
feet. The surface width will be from
20C leet in Culebra cut to 1000 feet
from the Gatun locks to San Pablo,
a distance of fifteen miles and a half.
The summit level will be about
eighty-five feet above the level of the
sea, and will be reached by a flight of
locks at Gatun, on the Atlantic Bide,
one lock at Pedro Miguel, and two at
La Boca, on the Pacific side.
Reasons Why He Decided to Get
Runabout in Place of a Touring Car.
The doctor said: "I'm going to sell
that touring car. It's too much for
So of course it was in order to ask:
"How? Why?" and then to wait the
"Well, you see," said the doctor,
"it is a seven passenger car and of
course a big one. Well, every once
in a while I get out on the street with
the tonneau empty and the first thing
you Vnow I see a patient.
"He or she hails me, and of course
I have to stop. Then if is only the
part of decency to ask the patient In
for a brief ride.
"Sometimes they're going some
where ust a little off my way, but
they have no hesitancy in asking me
to drop them off there. Actually,
sometimes I have had the whole ton
neau full of such riders.
"The worst thing happened one
day when a couple of them who were
out riding with me and weren't going
anywhere in particular announced
that they were hungry. Well, it hap
pened to be about my lunch time and
we stopped in at a restaurant.
"I'm blessed if they didn't expect
me to settle the check, because neith
er one had money enough to buy a
sandwich. After that I decided to
get a runabout, just big enough to
hold my man and myself." New
York Sun.
Neanderthal and Australia.
The famous Neanderthal skull
found in Switzerland in 1S56, and
other similar skulls and parts of
skulls found elsewhere in Europe,
have been regarded as representing
a distinct species of the human race,
to which the name Homo Primi
genlus has been given. Professor
W. J. Sollas undertakes to show that
there are no grounds whatever for
regarding the Neanderthal type of
man as a sepaiate species. On the
contrary, he thiuks that "the Nean
derthal race, tho most remote from
us in time of which we have any
knowledge, and the Australian, the
most remote from us in space, prob
ably represent divergent branches of
the same original stock." Doctor
Lydekker remarks that this conclu
sion of Professor Sollas'a accords
with the modern view that the native
Australians are low-grade members
of the Caucasian, or European stock,
instead of, as at one time supposed,
half-bred oceanic negroes. "The
Veddahs of Ceylon and the Toalas
of Celebes apparently mark their lint
I march from west to east."
18, Granite Block, St. Louis, Mo,
writes: "Poruna is the best friend
sick man can have.
"A few months ago I came here in a
wretched condition. Exposure and
dampness had rained my once robnst
health. I had catarrhal affections of
the bronchial tnbes, and for a time there
Was a doubt' as to my recovery.
"My good honest old doctor advised
mo to take Peru n a, which I did and in
a short time my health began to im
prove very rapidly, the bronchial
tronblo gradually disappeared, and in
three months my health was fully re
stored. "Accept a grateful man's thanks for
his restoration to perfect health."
Pe-ru-na for His Patients.
A. W. Perrln, M. D. S., 080 Halsey
St., Brooklyn, N. Y., says :
I am using your Peruna myself, and
am recommending it to my patients in
all cases of catarrh, and find it to be
more than you represent. Peruna can
be hod now of all druggists in this sec
tion. At the time I began using it, it
was unknown."
Natural Gas a Puzzle.
A Kansas gas man who has spent
years in tho business makes the state
ment that natural gas is capricious
and that men who have studied it all
their lives give up in despair when it
comes to explaining the whys and
wherefores of some of Its ways.
In His Mind.
"Bridget, wasn't that policeman
making love, to you In the kitchen
last night?"
"He thot he was, mum." Life.
Mrs. Winslow'p Soothing Syrup for Children
allays paiu, euros wind colic, 2Cc a bottle
Marvelous Accuracy Shown in Coast
Artillery Practice.
One hundred per cent, target rec
ords recently have been made by
three-Inch rifles in the coast artillery
corps. Tho Nineteenth Company, at
Battery McDonough, with three-inch
rifles at Fort Caswell, N. C, ion May
23, made 10 hits out of 10 shots fired
at a material target 10 feet high by
24 feet long, moving five miles an
hour at a mean ran?e of 1,600 yards.
The serlc-3 of 10 shots was fired In
38 seconds. This is the first report
received by General Murray, chief of
artillery, showing 100 per cent, for
three-Inch battery.
A Becond performance of this kind
took place at Battery Lord, Fort
Moultrie, S. C, when the Sixteenth
Company of the Coast Artillery Corps
on June 1 mado 10 hits oj,t of 10
shots fired at a target moving at the
rate of nine miles an hour at a mean
range of 1,230 yards, the shots being
Bred in 36 seconds.
Prodlgakof Life.
The kind of Fourth of July which
this country has been cursed with for
yiiars is an economic crime. It is
destructive of human life. It sends
to untimely graves children and adult3
who will be or who already are pro
ducers. Killing them off by tetanus
is a costly and painful method of ob
serving a national holiday. It is as
much a waste of national resources
as the reckless drafts on the resources
of the mines and the forests. The
community goes to the expense of
rearing children to be the workers of
the future, only that they may figure
in some Fourth of July death roll.
Chicago Tribune.
Doctor Gains 20 Pounds on Postuni.
A physician of Wash., D. C, says ol
his coffee experience:
"For years I suffered with period
ical headaches which grew more fre
quent until they became almoBt con
stant. So severe were they that some
times I was almost frantic. I was
sallow, constipated, irritable, sleep
less: my memory was poor, I trembled
and my thoughts were often confused.
"My wife, in her wisdom, believed
coffee was responsible for these ills
and urged mo to drop it. I tried
many times to do so, but was its
"Finally wife bought a packago of
Postum and persuaded mo to try it,
but she made it same as ordinary
coffee and I was disgusted with the
taste. (I make this emphatic bo
cause I fear many others have had the
same experience.) She was distressed
at her failure and we carefully read
the directions, made It right, boiled it
full 15 minutes after boiling com
menced, and with good cream and
sugar, I liked it It invigorated and
seemed to nourish me. -
"That was about a year ago. Now
I have no headaches, am not sallow,
sleeplessness and irritability are gone,
my brain clear and my hand steady.
I have gained 20 lbs. and feel I am n
new man.
"I do not hesitate to give Postum
due credit. Of course dropping coffee
was the main thing, but I had dropped
it before, using chocolate, cocoa and
other things tcf no purpose.
"Postum not only seemed to act as
an invigorant, but as an article of
nourishment, giving me the needed
phosphates and albumens. This is no
Imaginary tale. It can be substantiat
ed by my wife and her sister, who
both changed to Po3tum and are
hearty women of about 70.
"I write this for the Information
and encouragement of others, and
with a feeling of gratitude to the in
ventor of Postum."
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to
Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a Rea
son." Ever read the above letter? A new
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine, true, and full of huniar
Every citizen should know what a
corporation like the Metropolitan
costs the average man. In "Great
American Fortunes," in McClure's,
Burton J. Heudrick sums up the case
very clearly. Professional Jurymen
hired to defeat the law; children's
signatures bour'-it for a nickel for
what purported to be a popular pe
tition to the Legislature; the public
literally bought and sold at every
turn those are facts which Mr. Hen
drlck brings to light.
"Probably no street railway capi
talists ever had so rich an opportunity
for legitimate profit. The income
from nickel fares amounts to $37,
000,000 a year. In spite of this, the
whole Metropolitan system Is in a
condition of deplorable decay. The
story of the road, and the enormous
fortunes which have been made by
Its exploitation, is clearly written In
its physical dilapidation. Crazy ve
hicles, with machinery so out of Joint
that its rattling can be heard blocks
away, are running upon the most pre
tentious thoroughfares. Their filthy
condition renders them a constant
menace to the public health. The
quality of the employes, according to
a statement recently made by Oren
Root, the Metropolitan's general
manager, is constantly deteriorating;'
the men are so poorly paid that only
those desperately in need of work
Join the Metropolitan force.
"The surface cars are not provided
with the most ordinary safety de
vices. New York is the only large
city In the "country where the . old
fashioned hand-brake is still in use.
The Third avenue road, before the
Metropolitan acquired It, used power
brakes on all Its cars; the first act
of'the Metropolitan, when it assumed
control, was to remove these safety
anpliancps. and the etplanation usu
ally accepted is that tho management
feared that the successful une of
power brakes on one railroad would
cause the pub'.lc to demand that the
reform be extended to all the lines.
This failure to use proper safety ap
pliances and the inexperience of the
employes makes the casualty list a
heavy one. An Investigation recently
made showed that in twenty-seven
days there had been 2500 accidents
on the street railways of New York
City; forty-two people were killed
outright, ten skulls were fractured,
ten limbs amputated, forty-four
limbs broken, while eighty-three
other passengers were seriously in
jured. In proportion to the traffic,
the New York street railways killed
eight times as many people as those
in Liverpool. Their record Is sur
passed only by the Wldener-Elkins
roads in Philadelphia, which killad
801 passengers last year. As a re
sult of its accidents, the Metropolitan
trends annually nearly a million and
t half dollars In damage suits."
Saintliness does not grow by slgh
'ng. Doing is a safe path to any doc
trine. Love lifts the lover more than the
Selfishness - short-circuits any
It's a poor kind of good cheer that
makes others sad.
You cannot possess any more re
ligion than ynu practice.
Genius is simply making the most
of whatever you may have.
Crowns on the head are not won
by wearing frowns on the face.
You cannot grow in grace while
you're fattening old grievances.
When the preacher is fishing for
praise he doss not catch souls.
Woeful looks are sure to come
from too much looking within.'
He who makes light of love soon
loses himself in the night of hat?.
Respectability is Satan's best present-day
substitute for righteousness.
There's little virtue In abstaining
from the evil when we ought to op
pose it.
In the light of the larger life wo
will ba able to measure our gains by
our losses.
The man who wants to be first in
the parade never wants to be in front
in the battle.
The preacher who rides a hobby
seldom tries to harness it to the Gos
pel wagon.
When a man. scoffs at good things
he may be trying to appease envy
with derision.
It's the little sins we cherish that
at last set us around chasing to do
their bidding.
When a man looks on repentance
as a city of refugs for the future,
he is likely to find .be gate locked
when he gets there. Home HeralJ.
Tho Slippery Pronoun.
Many are the circumstances which
have been devised by civilized races
in order to avoid the bluntness of
direct address. In fact, it may be
said that at the moment when a na
tion standardizes its language it be
gins to have trouble with its pro
nouns. ."Thou" has, of course, become ob
solete, etcept in prayer, although it
flourishes colloquially in the north of
Englaud. The second person plural
is substituted. In parts of the South
"you all" is heard, a further tep
toward refiued elusiveness.
In France and Germany "thuu"
ilas been retained in familiar or saml
contemptuous speech. In Spain and
Italy, on the other hand, the third
person Is substituted habitually in
place cl it. Harper's Weekly.
: 5500
Secretary Adams Says First Flag Waa
Made In Her Home.
John Qulncy Adams, Secreta-y of
the American Flag House and Betsy
Ross Memorial Association, author
izo3 an emphatic denial of the story
that Betsy Ross was not the maker
of the first American flag.
Secretary Adams eays that an ex
haustive search of the records and
traditions of Philadelphia, made by a
score cf patriotic societies has "never
shaken tho truth of the statement
that the first flag was made at 239
Arch street, the home of Bstsy Ross."
FITS, Kt.Vitus'Dance.Nervous Diseases per
manently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve
Restorer. $2 trial bottle nnd treatise free. Kline. Ld.,B31 Arch St.,l'hila.,l,a.
Swamp Angel.
"The Swamp Angel" was the name
given by the Federal soldiers to an
eight-Inch P.irrott gun which was
mr tinted on a battery bulk on piles
driven Into a swamp outside of Char
Itsron, S. C, nnd used during the
siege of that city. It burst August
22, 1S03.
Ills Hands were a Solid Mass, and
Disease Spread All Over Body
Cured in 4 Days by Cuticnra.
"One day we noticed that our little hoy
was nil broken out with itching sores. We
first noticed it on his little hands. His
hands were not ns bad then, nnd we didn't
think anything serious would result. But
the next day we heard of the Cuticnra
Remedies being so good for itching tores,
l'y this time the disease had spread nil
over his body,, and his hands were nothing
but a solid mass of this itching disease. I
purchased n box of Cuticura Soap nnd one
box of Cuticura Ointment, nnd that night
I took the Cuticura Soap and lukewarm
water nml washed him well. Then I dried
him and took tho Cuticura Ointment nnd
anointed him with it. I did this every
evening nnd in four nights he waa entirely
cured. Mrs. Frank Doiiuline. 203 Fremont
St., Kokomo, I ml., i3t. 10. 1937." ,
A Hardness Meter.
A novel device for mensurlng the
hardness of metals Is called the
scleroscopo by Albert F. Shore and
Dr. Paul Herould, Its Inventors. A
steel ball weighing forty grains, mado
extremely hard by a special process,
is enclosed in a glass tube, and the
hardness Is Indicated by the rebound
as the ball Is dropped on the metal
under test. A scale measures the
height of rebound. On this scale 100
Is the average hardness for carbon
steel, and proves to be the safety
limit for steel torllt, sfter reheating
and tempering.' The Instrument Is
valuable in making tools of standard
hardness. " ' '
That Brave Belief.
A brave belief In life is indeed an
enviable state of mind, but, as far as
I can discern, an unusual one. I
know few Christians so convinced of
tho splendor of tho rjoms In their
Father's house, as to be happier when
their friends are called to those man
sions, than they would have been if
the queen had sent for them to live at
court; nor has the church's most ar
dent "desire to depart, and be with
Christ," ever cured It of the singular
habit of putting on mourning for
every person summoned to such de
parture. Ruskln.
High Price for Whisky.
A bottle of whisky was recently sold
for $30 at Ohakune, New Zealand,
which is 40 miles from the nearest
saloon. One man bought two large
"nips" for $5 each, and the remain
ing contents of the bottle were put
up for auction and knocked down for
A New Move in Greece.
The Grecian Chamber of Deputies
has just voted a law by which, for
the first time In modern Greece
women are admitted In the public
pervlce. In accordance with this law
Director of Posts nnd Telegraphs is
authorized to employ B0 women to be
usd mainly in the telephone service,
One of ihe
of the happy homes of to-day is a vast
fund of information as to the best methods
of promoting health and happiness and
right living and knowledge of tho world's
best products.
Froducts of actual excellence and
reasonable claims truthfully presented
and which have attained to world-wide
acceptance through the approval of hc
Well-Informed of the World; not of indi
viduals only, but of the many who have
the happy faculty of selecting and obtain
ing the best the world affords.
One of the products cf that class, of
known component parts, an Ethical
remedy, approved by physicians and com
mended by the Well-informed of the
WorU as a valuable and wholesome family
laxative i3 the well-known Syrup of Figs
and Hlixir cf Senna. To get its beneficial
effects always buy tho genuine, manu
factured by the California Fig Syrup Co.,
only, and for sale by all leading druggisU.
in an attempt
Don't choke your
They fit your feet.
find these shoes readilv.
fcr directions how t secure
FRED. F. FIELD t.0., Drockton, Mass
Restored to Health by Lydia E.
v- Read What They Say.
F.ast 84th Street, New
York, wrltos: " Lydis
E. l'inkham's Vegeta
ble Compound oven
camo lrregulnritloa,pe
iio:llo sutTuring, an!
nervous headache,
alter everything els
Had railed to help mo,
nnd I feel it a duty t
let others know of IL" .
Lniavotto St., Denver.
joi., writes: -jnanu
to Lydia E. l'inkham't
Vegetable Com miinil I
fur months lrn;ii nep
vons prostration."
Miss Mario Stolta
man, of Lnutcl, la,
writes: "Iwasinarun-ilownconditionandsuf-fcrod
f romsuiirej8ion,
indigestion, and pour
circulation. Lydia K.
Pinkham's Vcgctabla
Compound mado ma
well and Btrorg."
Miss Ellen M. Olson.
of 417 N. East St., K
wanoe, III., says: "Ly
d in E. I'lnkhani'sVege
table Compound caret
mo of backache, aid
ache, and established
my periods, attor Om
best local doctors hal
failed to help me."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, mad
from roots and herbs, has been th
standard remedy for female ilhu
and has positively cured thousands of
women who nave been troubled wim
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities;'
Eeriodio pains, backache, that liear-ig-down
feeling, flatulency,indiges
tion,dizziness,ornervous prostration.
Why don't you try it ?
Mrs. Plnklinm invites all sick
women to write licr for advice
She has jruitlcd thousands i
heal tli. Address, Lynn, Muss.
All iValfrn. Sample, Booklet anil Parlor O.Mne,
PacIHe 1'onat Hum t o.. Kevr loik.
local leenU mantis' . Writs far monay maUni Dai
Hies and uflunls comiui t to tTcty uumxs -in dming rwi.
a. d &,( .1mn
tvliere Rirs u
t ro u h It on.
t'lciin, mat. ufl
will not ntiil v
Injure nytttnc
1 i v them ommm
an ft you wl!lw
er be w 1 1 lions
th'M. It not trim
br ntntpr. fn
nrrimirt firMR.
II AHOLD SOMKKH. 14IlfKalb ftrMtlyv. L T-
If Tou Know Bow to Handle Then fToptrrf.J
Whether you raise Chick
ens for fun or profit, you
want to do it intelligently
aud get the best results. The
wny to do this is to prolit ly
the experience of others. We
odcr a book telling nil you
need to know on the subject
a beak written hy n man
who made )iis living for 25
years in raising Poultry, and
in that time neccs-f)F-
sarily had to cs
. i) ! peri men t and spent
much money to
) learn tho best way
to conduct the
otampS buRinena for the
small sum of 25
cents in postage stamps.
It tells you how to Detect
and Cure Disease, how to
Feed for Kfgs, and also for
Market, which Fowls to Save
for llreeding Purposes, and
indeed about everything you
must knoiv en the subject
to make a success.
Rent postpaid on receipt of
23 ccnU in stamps.
134 Leonard Street,
Kew York City.
ty L HAM1T0M mitS A. M.. M. t.
Trill It a moat Val.uUle tin. Horn
teachinK as It aon V.r eiilv.UMlnKiil.l Srrap
toiim oi'Uirrprrm JJI'tM ri, tHi- Cuu.c nnd Meuuea
1'rrventliiK nuch UiteiM's and the blittdvwl Km.
rd ei which will al tv a e or eur. AH.S Pusr
rrofUMely Illuvirnlt-n. tiltr. poalpulfl. A-o4
p'K'al note, or liiMiae tA?i!p4. iilMIK P(,l
HOI BE, 134 f.roiiHral M.. frw mrk-
people crowd their feet into shoes
to make t :'.t feet fit the shoes.
feet in that wry: -vearSKREEMERS.
Look forth; end. if von don't
write the maxr-
Sr-W-iy- HBCTUlMii
-T r " U.S.A.
: 'i?rx. 'h