The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 15, 1908, Image 8

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' '1 1
Admiral Jnureguiberry hits been np
pointed lion J of the French mission
which will take part In the celebration
of the Quebec trleoiitimnlnl.
The queen of the Netherlands Ims by
n decree dated Juno 1 conferred the
order of knighthood of Orange-Nassau
upon V. CujillfTe Owen of New York.
Tho president has nppolnted Captain
Lewis Onion of the Twenty-sixth
Louisiana Infantry n tnember of tho
VIcksliurg national park commission
to till the vnenncy caused by tho recent
death of General Stephen 1). Lee.
N. S. Tlowlter of Miirshlield, Me., hits
been ehnlnnnn of the board of select
men for forty-nine years, from isril to
19110, excepting 1004. lie was nlso
town treasurer for twenty-two years
Olid Is lit the present time town clerk.
A wedding anniversary
wns observed recently by Mr. and Mrs.
Ilobnrt II. Ford of 8t. JohiiNluiry, Vt.
Sir. Ford Is eighty-one years old. Ills
father lived to be ninety-six nnd prac
ticed fancy skating until ho wns over
Lord Mount Stephen, formerly tho
president of the Canadian I'im-IIIc Hall
way company, who had previously do
nated 2,00,0X) to the King Edward
hospital fund, has now further do
nnted B,000 shares of the Great North
ern railroad to the same fund.
City Councilman Victor Cnrlson oft
Few Britain, Conn., lu tho street In
that town ran so near n man on tho
,tvnlk he started to beg pardon nnd
found ho wns a long lost brother, Au
gust, of Boise, Ida., whom bo had not
Been or heard from for twenty-two
At tho recent golden wedding of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert O. Lloyd of Walts
burg, 'Wash., moro than 200 old set
tlers were on band with congratula
tions. Lloyd crossed the plains In 1345
In season to tnke part In n four day
fight with the Indians on the banks of
the Wnllawalla river.
Facts From France.
The Tnrls Louvre Is lu future to be
guarded by watchdogs.
A flve-yenr-old boy fell out of n third
story window In I'nrls, nnd his II fo
was saved by his falling on n tnnn
.wearing n silk hat.
The French senate has appointed a
committee to lenrn what hns become
of $200,000,000 worth of property sup
posed to have been left behind by the
expelled religious orders.
In French vegetable markets ar
rangements can often be seen by which
ono man can by pulling strings cover
eighty square meters of delicate plants
In one minute to protect them against
New York City. -
The New York city police department
das recovered about $400,000 in stolen
property during the last year.
While the borough of Manhattan Is
Only 7 per cent of the area of New
lYoik city, It contains about one-balf
tof the entire population,
i The most expensive publication,
fwlth the least income, In New York
city Is the City Record, which will cost
ONew York $ 1,174,600 this year.
If the real estate- of Manhattan
Island were divided equally among Its
Inhabitants each Individual would
town $2,020 worth, according to the as
sessed value. New York Herald.
i Pointed Paragraphs. 1
:- -At the exact moment you try to
show off look out for a streak of bad
When a man neglects a duty he
ays, "I was too busy," ,but usually
lie was too lazy.
If you want to make a man mad,
tell him not to loso his temper when
he has already lost It
There, is so little money earned In
attending to other people's affairs that
re wonder people don't quit It.
By the time a man Is wise enough
(to realize the importance of making
bay when the sun- shines It Is twi
light Atchison Globe.
Home Notes.
I A. milk strainer that gets clogged Is
easily cleaned by rubbing coarse salt
through the wires.
! ( not water assists in paring small po
tatoes or peaches. Tour water over
pern, let stand for a few minutes, and
jtho skins can be rubbed off.
i Fuller's earth Is effective In remov
ing spots from cloth and carpets. Mois
ten the earth to a soft paste and spread
a thin layer over the soiled places. Mix
.the earth with a little turpentine If the
spot Is grease. Allow the paste to re
gain for two days and then brush off.
The 'Cookbook.
A little sugar will destroy the salty
tasta of food caused by the too liberal
sse of the salt shaker.
A spoonful of strong vinegar added
to the kettle of hot fat will prevent
tloughnuts from soaking fat, It Is said.
, If canned pears have a flat taste, and
most pears do, they will be Improved
py adding stick cinnamon to them
rhfle cooking.
Save all lemon rind, dry It In the
Een, grate and store .In an air tight
l little of this added to an p
ple pie gtres a 4eUclous flavor.
Short Stories.
Canada last year .Increased Its gov
ernment debt by $7,20!l.SStt, making
tho total debt fjilti.ti I5.727.
The Portland (Me.) school census
shows 1 l.r."M children of school ago lu
the city, n loss of 701) from last year.
The population of tho world Is now
estimated to be about 1,003,000,000.
Of this number 1S0.000.000 nro black,
000,000,000 yellow and 750.000,000
In Switzerland uniformity, or fixed
prices, may bo arranged, but agree
ment to discriminate against or to pro
hibit the sale of nn'y article Is not per
mitted by law.
The police In New York cay that In
searching Mary Cm in and her daugh
ter, Catherine, nrrpsled on a chnrgo of
larceny, llfly shirt waists were found
concealed In their clothing.
On account of tho vigilance of th!
tralllc police of New York city the
number of arrests for violation of the
laws of the road have decreased 12 H?r
cent during the last six mouths ns com
pared with the half year preceding.
The conulry store account book
used by l'.liciie'.er anil P.-imilol Tulcott
of Wethers'leld, Conn., Ill 17i)2 Is
owned by Yi'llllnm II. Tulcott, a de
Kccndnnt. These old accounts were
kept In pounds, shillings and pence.
Scraps of Science.
nil.. A .1... ......... I.. nl....1..
J. 11U BUIIIUU f'l IIIC llimiu in i mi hum-
ed to have an area as large as that
of Afrlcn and Australia combined.
A Swiss physician, Ir. Uonln. recom
mends brown glasses as a protection
for the eyes In preference to the blue
or black glasses' generally used by
climbers mi snow fields, etc.
The sun and lis planets, though mov
ing toward a point in Ilerctiles at the ,
velocity of 20,000 miles an hour, or j
500,000 miles a day, must travel at this
rate for a million years to reach tho '
frontiers of tho distant constellation
we are headed for.
Mons Dufour, n French scientist, has
succeeded In making thermometer
tubes of pure quarts. Not only aro
theso tubes exceedingly transparent,
but their resistance to heat and other
advantages make them superior to
glass for thermometers Intended to
measure high temperatures.
Fly Catches.
The Boston National club has pur
chased Catcher Harry Smith from the
Flttsburg club.
With the exception of Hostetter, not
ono of the present St. Louis National
men was on tho team three years ago.
Charley Gnnzel, once a veteran catch
er, Is now salesman for a Boston manu
facturing concern and looks prosper
ous. Los Angeles falling to act promptly
to secure the return of Outfielder Car
lisle, the Boston American league club
sold that player to Kansas City,
i Scout Tom O'Brien of the Cleveland
club reports that It Is next to Impossi
ble to find players of major league
caliber In the various minor leagues.
German Gleanings.
Jena Is to have a biological (phylo
genetlc) museum as a memorial of
Frofessor Haeckel.
A Bible well preserved In wooden
covers dated 1500 has been found built
into the wall of an old house at Stutt
hof, near Danzig.
Berlin workmen obtain higher wages
than those In other parts of the em
pire. These Berlin men also have a
reputation of being the best workmen
In Germany.
The savings banks of Germany have
some 19,000,000 pass books out, and
their deposits amount to 13,500,000,000
marks ($3,213,000,000). These deposits
are practically all guaranteed by the
various municipalities of the empire.
Plays and Players.
"A Walts Dream" Is to be produced
In Australia.
Vera Mlchclena Is going to Paris to
study for grand opera. -
Elsa Ryan has been engaged for tho
new operetta by Plxley and Luders,
entitled "Marcelle."
Nanette Comstock Is to star under
the management of James K. Hackett
In a comedy called "Jet," by Louis
Next season John Drew Is to appear
in "Jack Straw," by William Somerset
Maugham, a young English dramatist
who has suddenly become famous.
Impertinent Personals.
"I am ready for rest," writes Poet
Laureate Austin. The ayes have It,
Alfred. Richmond Tlmes-DIspatch.
There Is absolutely ho truth in the
scandalous rumor that Dr. Mary Wal
ker is going to appear in a dlrectolre
gown. Boston Globe.
Hall Calne complains that Shake
speare, though dead, still competes with
him in the literary market Bernard
Shaw wouldn't admit that Shakespeare
is in the same class. Pittsburg Gazette-Times.
Warm Weather Helps.
A tepid bath morning and night is
All sorts of green vegetables should
bo taken in quantities.
Heavy diet, and especially a meat
diet; should -be shunned.
Too much Iced tea Is Injurious on
account of its tannic acid.
A watercress or lettuce . sandwich,
with a glass of milk, makes a satis
factory lunch. Baltimore American.
Ths Sharp Trsvalar Hod Hli Money's
Worth and Caught ths Coach.
There tvps a coach that used to run
between Noln Clunky and I'alnt Itork.
a mutter of some forty miles. For
lunch the conch stopped at n halfway
house lu Tin Can. aid here a good fifty
cent meitt.wuH put out cake and pie,
coffee nnd ten and nil the cold ments
you could mention.
lint the landlord of the halfway
house hail n mean little secret dicker
with the driver, whereby us soon as
tho travelers bad paid for thHr lunch
and got fairly settled to It a call would
come for au Immediate start. So off
they'd all go, grumbling. They'd luivo
paid for 50 cents' worth of food and
only eaten, you seo, about !i cents'
But along came one day a traveler
with n sharp, bright eye. The bindloid
found this chap some ten minutes aft
er the coach bad started on again still
tucking In pie and hum at n terrible
"Why, man," Ii6 said, "you've lei the
coach go without you."
"I know it," said the traveler calmly.
"1 was too blessed hungry to stop eat
ing." Suddenly the landlord's face piled..
"Good gracious," he said, "nil my
sliver's gone!"
It was too. Not a knife, fork or
spoon wns left except tho sharp eyed
IIo said as he kept on cntlng that he
had noticed a suspicious looking char
acter among (he passengers, n man
with a red beard, a hump nnd a limp
oh, very suspicious!
The landlord sent u hostler off to
overtake the coach and bring It back.
In about forty minutes the roach re
turned. Then the sharp eyed man
came forth, wiping his mouth But he
made no effort to Identify the sus
picious looking passenger. Instead he
got aboard the coach, took his sent nnd
Bald coolly.
"Thanks, landlord, for the good food.
You'll find the spoons ami things lu
tho coffeepot. Now. driver, off we go
ag'ln." Washington Star.
References Required to Open Bank
Account In England.
"I like the American custom of car
rying money loose In the pocket," said
D. 11. Llelmn, a retired banker of Lon
don. "In England gentlemen and busi
ness men carry very little money with
them. Nearly everything Is paid for
by check, except, of course,, money
enough to pny tho small Incidental ex
penses of a day.
"If a man goes Into a store to buy K
lint, lie does uot pay money for It, but
gives a check. If be Is dining nt a
public place, he very likely pnys for
his menl with a check. The system of
credit In England Is different from thnt
in this country, and the mere fact that
a man hns an account in a bank serves
to give him standing.
"One cannot open an account with a
bank in England merely by carrying
money to the hank and depositing It
He must have two first class refer
ences before a bank will accept his ac
count, and when reference Is given It
means that the person giving It would
Indorse or stand for the person to
whom it Is given.
"A reference in England means more
than a mere phrase. Checks on banks
in England cannot be obtained for the
mere asking, and a man must have an
account in order to get checks from
any bank. They cannot be picked up
on bank counters or in public places.
"Private accounts in English banks
are not accepted unless tbey are paid
for, the general charge being $50 a
year. There are one or two banks in
England which discriminate so care
fully in the accounts they accept that
when a person Is fortunate enough to
be permitted to open nn account with
them he can get credit lu any city in
England or the continent of Europe."
Washington Tost
"And how did you come to marry
"I didn't come to marry him," an
swered the- womanly little woman In
dignantly; "he came to marry me."
First the thick cloud and then the
rainbow's arc Bonar.
Nervous Headache
Not disease but lympton or sign which
tells o( thin blood and exhausted nerves. A
warning that nerve force Is becoming exhausted
and that you are in d anger oi nervous col
lapse prostration, paralysis, or even worse.
What is to be done ? Headache powdet.
are dangerous and only leave the nervous
system more exhausted than before their use.
New blood must be formed, new nerve
force created, and this is exactly what is ac
complished by the use oi
Dr. A. W. Chase's
Nerve Pills
Gradually, naturally and certainly the
nervous system is built up by this great restora
tive treatment, until weakness, pain and dis
couragement give way to health, strength and
vigor. The portrait and signature of A. W.
Chase, M.D. the famous Receipt Book author
are on every box, SO cts. at all dealers or Dr.
A. W. Chase Medicine Co, Buffalo. N.Y.
Mrs. Richard Torey, Walnut Street,
Ashland. Pa., states :
"I was very much run down and suffered from
severe headaches, Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve
Pills did aw s world oi good cured ths
headaches, strengthened ray nervous system
and enabled rae to sleep and rest welL"
For Sale by Stoke & Feloht Drug Co.
Mala Street. BeynoldsvUle, Pa.
Ths Jury Had to Teach the Pompous
Judge a Lesson.
A certnlu trial Judge In n certain
stnte became ho unpopular that tlio
only way he could get u verdict for the
state was to make Ills charge lu favor
of the prisoner." When mutters had
reached this stage n famous feud lift
er was arrested on n charge of murder
and brought to trial. The case, which
wns the Judge's Orst murder trial, at
tracted much nttentlou, nnd the Judge,
whose unpopularity arose from his
vanity nnd pomposity, greatly enjoyed
his role ns umpire of the law. Tho
case was a clear one against the de
fendant, nud his guilt was so conclu
sively proved that the Judge even pre
sumed to charge accordingly. The
Jury retired, and when they died back
into court it wns noticed that they
avoided the prisoner's eye nnd looked
unusually solemn.
"Gentlemen," said the Judge, wavlug
the clerk Into silence, "have you
reached a verdict?"
"We have," said the foreman.
The Judge opened a paper bag and
drew out s black cap. With nn Im
portant look around the courtroom he
placed this on bis bead and pulled it '
down until it met his ears.
"rrlsoner," he said, "arise nnd look
at tho Jury. Jury, nrlse and look at the
prisoner. Gentlemen, what is your
The Jurymen, who had been whisper
ing to each other, nodded cheerfully
at the prisoner.
"Not guilty," said the foreman.
"Of course," he said later, when ev
ery one hnd sunken the Innocent man's
hand, "he was guilty all right, and
that was going to be our verdict, but
when the little Judge put thnt black
cap on his head nnd pulled it down
over his enrs like that there was only
one tiling for us to do, and we did it"
New York Sun.
Graveysrd Neighbors.
The agent for a cemetery company
was expatiating on the good points of
a certnln lot. Presently the prospec
tive purchaser Interrupted with the
enumeration of several prominent fam
ilies owning property there.
"Is this lot near theirs?" she asked.
The agent admitted that It wns quite
a distance oft.
"Then," snld the wpman, "1 don't
want it I'd rather pay more and get
In a good neighborhood."
The agent collapsed.
"Hns it come to the point," he said,
"where people consider their next door
neighbors even In a graveyard?' New
York Sun.
Business 8ens.
In new lines of goods Is where the
profits lie. The old standbys that ev
ery dealer keeps have the prices all cut
to pieces on them. Get the new things
ahead of tho other fellows and make
money on them. Frequent change of
the arrangement of your show cases
gives the effect of new goods received.
The same old arrangement month in
and month out, no matter how many
new goods, looks like the same old
stock. Printers' Ink.
Tour wife Is somewhat strong mind
ad, isn't she, LIttleJohn?"
"Strong minded? A furniture polish
peddler came here yesterday and in
five minutes she sold him soma polish
she had made herself." London Tele
graph. Duty is what goes most against the
grain, because in doing that we do
only what we are strictly obliged to
and art seldom much praised (or It
Tjk Bruyers,
HpeSmoM? Tobacco!
It Beats Them All 5c
Ask any old smoker what's the beat pipe to
bacco and he'll teli you Five Brothers. It's been
the best for 25 years and everyone knows it
Pipe Smoking Tobacco
(A Good Chew, Too)
Get the new, dust-proof, foil package, 5c, and
smoke die cleanest and the best tobacco, with
the finest flavor and fragrance.
You can't fool an old smoker he knows that
Five Brothers is the best, and he never smokes
anything else. You can depend on his judg
mentcall for Five Brothers, and see that you
get it Sold everywhere.
Nearly nil the men In our marine
corps carry cunes. The cano Is a two
foot sliver headed bamboo like tbnt
affected by the English soldier.
Ten million little flounders were
placed in the Wareliam river recently,
having been procured at tlio United
States fisheries hatchery at Woods
Htgglns, a cocker spaniel of New
York city, whose hind legs are para
lysed, is strapped backward in a
small two wheeled goenrt and gets
along quite well.
Jong Duck, n Worcester (Mass.) laun
dryman, claims that George Washing
ton was of Chinese descent, with Con
fucius as one of Ills ancestors. Jong
says be enn prove this, In part at least
While taking up the floor of au empty
bouse at Fatroclnla, Brazil, a poor wo
man found imbedded In the earth be
neath A diamond of the first water and
perfect shape, weighing 220 carats. It
Is the second largest diamond ever
found lu South America.
A golden eagle, the oldest ever cap
tured neur Denver, wus shot by George
Utiles receully. From the tall feath
ers of the bird nnd other chnracterls
tlrsCurator Adams of the state normal
school believes the bird nt least seventy-five
years old. It measured ovei
Six feet from tip to tip.
Facts From France.
A museum of dress is to be establish
ed by the Paris Society of the History
of Costume. It will contnln specimens
of the costumes of all clnsses of people
at all times. I
In Paris shoplifting has become s
fine art; consequently watching hat
bad to become a One art also, and the
Parisian shopkeepers are finding that .
it pays them to employ proper women
detectives to watch their stock. So
now every house of importance has Jts
own woman detective. '
A new occupation for women Is that
of the "grateful patient." Well dress
ed women are hired by unscrupulous
men In Tarls to sit In their waiting
rooms," enter Into conversation with
genuine patients antl bold forth In
glowing terms on the benefits derived !
from the doctor's treatment.
Thought Ha Was doing to (....
The new rubber in the Turkish bath
had formerly been a barber.
Thus It was when his first patron
came in that the new rubber looked
him over nnd snld pityingly, "Wash
yourself sometimes, don't you?" Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
And possesses a diploma that makes her a lenity qualified teacher for life b on of ths rich
est and greatest of ths states better than lrfe Insurance for bar better sad surer than say
Inheritance that might be left her. -
One of the moat beautiful and healthful locations in Pennsylvania, 1M0 feet above ths sea.
Beautiful campus of 26 sens. Buildings modern, commodious, msjrnifleent. Every hams
comfort Uot and cold baths. ' Abundant table. Purest sir and drinking water. Laundry
well cone, Trained nurse roe temporary umees
scholarly. Christian influence on erery hand.
musicians on American platform. Bplendri library. Fully equipped Laboratories. Best of
Social ad ran tagea. Proper trainins for Ufa in Its broadest sense,
More than 1100 students last year. Students may attend from any stabs or country. High
Bchool Graduatea complete normal course in two rears, leading to decrees of Pd. B. er.Pd.lru
The School also main tarns the leading Conservatory of afuaie in Pennsylvania, offering ex
ceptional advantages for the study of Piano. Pipe Organ. Veiea. Violin. Orchestral faurtns.
ments. Theory. History and PnbUe School Music, all under an eminent faculty of suet jailers.
Thorough Couiass in Art. EsmtigBandthaUraeTsngse. Strong Business Coarsee.
TW Kta Tear Win tfw Se?ttavtr ISta. WOf
The CataWraas fall sUtad WeKiSally
at ami nee.
t Is BROS.
i "
They Ars a Distinctive Feature of ths
Mexican View.
There Is no country bettor worth vis
iting than Mexico. It Is very striking
in crossing the border from the United
States to noto how completely every
thing changes. Here there hardly
seems anything man hns constructed
which harmonizes with Its surround
ings; there everything seems to be en
tirely a part of tho country. It is
moro foreign than Europe Is now and
constantly reminds one of the east.
Riding In some of tho little traveled
districts, I could hardly believe that I
was not lu India. The dust In the
road, the thorn scrub on both sides,
with that pungent smell of the blos
soms, all reminded me of the country
about Ahmertnbnd. The plateau In
winter, the dry season, la very much
like the desert long stretches of coun
try, with pnrple mountains In the dis
tance, without a tree in sight except
where there Is a town or where irri
gation has kept a little green and a
few trees have booh planted. Often
the horizon Is so distant that the
mountains melt Into" the sky, and per
haps one catches a glimpse of the snow
on one of the volcanoes. The color Is
that of its own Mexican opal greens,
blues and reds. "
Everywhere- the distinctive features
are the church towers and tiled domes
rising above the towns. The exteriors
of these churches are always pictur
esque and interesting, but the Interiors
are usually disappointing, for they
have suffered much during many revo
lutions and perhaps even more from
senseless renovations. There are a
few still untouched, where one can see
them as nearly all were once, entirely
covered with richly carved wood heav
ily gilded. Gold was used thickly ev
erywhere till the carving looked like
solid metal. I have seen much gold 1 1
churches, but none to equal that I t
Mexico. Lockwood de Forest In Ceu-
tury. j
- "Love me and tho world is mine," hci
"What's the nse of saying that?" slu-i
replied. "I've been loving you for
weeks and you haven't even succeeded
in getting a good Job." Chicago Record-Herald.
is sent direct to the diseased parts by the
improved slower, steals
ulcers, clears the sir passages,
stopsdropping-s in the throat end
permanently cures Catarrh end
HavFeven. No harmful druirs. .
25c b'.ower free: all dealers or Dr. A.
W. Chase McriicineCo.. Buffalo, N.V.
For sale by Stoke & Foicht Drug Co
ra perreetiy sanitary rnnrmsry. Kennen,
Prlrileg-e of hearing the best lectures and
isiniASSa. Hsu.