The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 15, 1908, Image 7

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    Proof is Inexhaustible that
Lydia E. PInkham's Vegetable
Compound carries women safely
through the Change of mo.
Rend the letter Mrs. E. Hanson,
304 K. Long St., Columbus, Ohio,
writes to Mrs. Pinkham :
" I was passing through the Change
of Life, and Buffered from nervous
ness, headaches, and other annoying
symptoms. Mv doctor told me that
Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Com
pound was pood for me, and since tak
ing it 1 feci so much better, and I can
again do my own work. I never forget
to tell my friends what Lydia E. rink
ham's Vegetable Compound did for me
during this trying period."
For tMrty years Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, lias been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down
feeling, flatulency, indiges
tion,dizziness or nervous prostration.
Why don't you try it ?
Mrs. Plnkham invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
United States Leads In Coal.
It has been only eight years since
this country passed Great Gritaln in
the matter of coal production. Now
the English mines are hardly to be
regarded as competitors.
For Bad Case of Eczema on Child-
Disease Had Reached a fearful
State Order Resulted in
Whpn T was umall I was troubled wish
eczema for about three months. It was all
over mv face snd covered newly all of my
head. It reached such a state that it was
Sunt a lane scab all over, and the pain and
itching were terrible. I doctored with an
able physician for some time and was tlun
advised by him to use the uuticura itenv
edies, which I did and I was entirely cured
I have not been bothered with it since. 1
used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment,
but do not know exactly how much was
used to complete the cure. Miss Anabel
Wilson. North Branch, Mich., Oct. 20, '07
China Wilt Have Forestry School,
China's first school of forestry will
shortly be opened at Mukden. The
Chinese empire Is usually pointed out
as the worst example, among modern
nations, of forest destruction.
7 Food
Libby's Cooked
Corned Beef
There's a big diffei
ence between just
corned beef the kind
sold in bulk and
Libby's Cooked Corned
Beef. The difference
is in the taste, quality of
meat and natural flavorl
Every fiber of the
meat of Libby's Cooked
Corned Beef is evenly
and mildly cured,
cooked scientifically
and carefully packed in
Libby's Great White Kitchen
It forms an appetiz
ing dish; rich in food
value and makes a sum
mer meal that satisfies!
For Quick Serving:
Libby's Cooked Corn
ed Beef, cui into thin
slices! Arrange on a
E latter and garnish with
,'ibby's Chow Chow!
A tempting dish for
Writ for fret
boo It It t-'Mtut
(n Make Oood
27Une to otn
lulsl SI
Llhir'i at
rase ssslcrs.
LlbbK, McNeill
Libby, unease
If ffllt4
wflb weak
Thompson's Eye Watei 1
Now the mountains ill are calling
In the city's busy ear,
And their pretty als. are falling
Ou the pers far and near, .
And the pamphlets and the books,
With the pictures of the brooks.
And the "twenty-foot veranda,
Where the "choicest guests" meander,
And the "tennis and croquet'
And the "dozen mails a day,"
And the "teltftfrnph and "phone,"
And the garden "all our own.'
And the "nirv room and bath,'
"Cosv dell and nyumtain pnth,"
"Fishing, boatinibnthirir beach"
"Churches dozens just in reach,
"Pure spring water, "cooking fine,
"Nearby groves of spruce ana nine,
"No consumption," not a kid,
"Not a bnt or katydid."
"No mos'piitoes" nothing bad-
Quite the finest to be had;
"fondling parties every day, ..
"Howling alley 'cross the wny."
"Orchentra and dancing hall,
"Weekly euchre game and ball,"
"Gas arid artificial ice,"
"Offered at a modest price.
Yes, once more the mountains speak
8ix and up, for board, per week.
New York Times.
He "I could marry any girl I
please." She "There's the rub. You
don't please any." Philadelphia In
Is there any arbutus around
here?" "No; nuthln but rheumatics.
We're pretty .healthy this spring."
Harvard Lampoon.
"How did Mrs. Peterkln come to
fall in love with her chauffeur?"
"Quite naturally. They were forced
to take long walks together."
He '(at end of fishing story)
My word, It was snch a monster.
Pon my soul, I never saw such a
fish In my life!" She "No, I don't
believe you ever did!" Punch.
When the telephone rings
And it isn't fur you,
Do you ever say things,
When the telephone rings
That if words could have wings
Would paint all the air blue,
When the telephone rings
And it isn't tor you ?
Cleveland Leader.
Nell "Maude has a new dress
maker; what do you think of the fit
of her new gown?" Belle "I
shouldn't call It a fit; I should call It
a convulsion." rnuaaeipnia
"Do you think there Is any money
In politics?" queried the privileged
friend. . "You bet there Is," replied
the candidate who also ran. "There's
where a lot of mine is." Chicago
Dally News.
"She seems like a very nice girl."
'One whom It would be safe to mar
ry?" "Oh, no. No girl Is safe
enough for that. But she's nice
enough to think about marrying. If
you only know when to stop." Life.
French Countess (formerly a rich
American) "I protest against this
outrage! Why am I arrested? Tell
me Instantly!" The' Gendarme
"Wis pleasure! Madame Is arrested
for maintaining a nuisance." Puck.
"There ain't no use in grammar,"
Said little Johnny Jay;
"It never learns you nothin',
No matter what they say.
Of course them little dago boys
Is different; but, gee!
There ain't no sense in learnin
United States to me."
Eunice Ward, in Judge.
"Life," said the suburbanite, "has
Its problems for a mild man." "As
to how?" "If we raise hens they
scratch up the neighbors' flowers, and
if we raise flowers they offer tempta
tion to the neighbors' hens." Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
Advertising always brings re
sults." "Yes, but not always the
ones you want." "What do you
mean?" "Well, young Barnes was
shaky on his college examinations.
and he advertised for a coach." "Did
he get one?" "No, but the next
morning, thirty-six cabs were stand
ing In front of the house." Cleve
land! Leader.
The Size of the Sea.
This refers not to the area of the
oceans only, but to their total cubic
content, which is reckoned by Ed
ward A. Martin, of the Geological So
ciety, at thirty times the cubic con
tent of all the land lying above sea
level. In other words. If all the land
of the globe were scraped off down
to the level of the sea and thrown
into the ocean, it would fill only one
thirtieth part of the enormous abyss
which Is occupied by the waters. Ac
cording to Lyell, te mean height of
the land above sea-level Is 1000 feet,
whereas the mean depth of the ocean
is 12,000 feet. There are mountain
peaks which rise as high above sea
level as the depressions of the ocean
sink below It, but the average height
of the land Is slight compared with
the average depth of the sea.
Wanted a Day Off.
A certain scientist in the Govern
ment service la said to be a hard
taskmaster to both his official and his
Being detailed once to accompany
scientific expedition on an extended
crnlse, the scientist is said to have
unbent a trifle in communicating the
news to his personal attendant.
"Henry," said he, "how would you
like to go with me around the
world T"
"Do we go from East to West, sir?"
asked the man.
"And we lose a day going that way,
do not, sir?"
"We, do."
"Then, sir, I should like very much
go. It would give ine a day off."
Syracuse Journal.
OlSI - and mmkWm
, A Home-Made Potato Planter.
About six years ngo A. H. Sheesley,
of Jersey Shore No. 2, made hlms"elf
ft home-made potato planter. He has
used It ever since, and his neighbors
occasionally borrow It. It Is built on
two runners upon which Is a platform
on which the dropper stands. A hop
per that holds a couple of bushels Is
In front of him, and while a driver
looks after the horses, he drops the
pieces of potatoes Into the end of a
;ln jipe that extends down to the
fear of a shovel plowshare, set ver
tically. Just back of the pipe are
two cultivator teeth set so as to throw
the soli over the potatoes after they
are dropped. Philadelphia Record.
Kill the Weeds Early.
Weeds never die so easily as when
they are "Just-a-borln" and for this
reason there is no method that Is
more effective In destroying them
than the judicious use of a harrow
In the cornfield or potato patch the
week following the time of planting.
Often good results are secured if a
cultivation Is given Just as the young
plants are coming through the
ground, but before there is a spread
of leaf. As booh as another lot of
weed seed has started to germinate
these ridges may be harrowed lightly
to advantage and In the case of pota
toes harrowing may be given as late
as two weeks after the plants have
come through the ground. Weekly
Your Horse's Foot.
A horse should never be compelled
to stand uphill. The anatomy of the
horse's foot, and, Indeed,' the shape
of the horse himself, makes this an
uncomfortable and unrestful position.
Whatever the arrangement for
drainage is, the horse must stand as
nearly level as possible. Moreover,
he must stand upon a dry surface un
less it is found that his feet need
moisture. In such cases a wet clay
floor is excellent, temporarily.
When you come in from driving,
and after your horse has properly
cooled off, see that the mud Is re
moved, not only from his legs and
the outer portions of his hoofs, but
from the sole as well. . An occasional
stuffing with flaxseed Is not only bene
ficial but necessary. Indianapolis
Fruit or Sheep Tastnre.
As I see so much good advice in
the Farmer I will ask for a little In
formation. I have some rough, hilly
and rocky land, too rough to culti
vate even with a one-horse plow. 1
have cut most all the timber and all
the undergrowth off, and burned it
on all the ground that I could, and
sowed It to timothy and blue grass
It will thrive very well for a year
or two, then a moss will form on the
ground that checks the growth of the
grass. What treatment could be
given to prevent this? O. W. We
do not believe you can succeed with
timothy on such land. It would not
pay to fertilize It; the pastures or ma
nure would all wash away. It Is bet
ter suited to pasturing sheep or goats,
or growing fruit. It evidently will
not support good grass, and when that
dies down the moss you speak of
takes Its place. Try an orchard. In
diana Farmer.
Killing roultrr.
The first essential Is that the fowl
shall have absolutely ns food for
thirty-six hours so that its crop, giz
zard and Intestines shall be empty.
First-class dressing demands that
the fowl be dry picked not scalded.
This makes the French method of
killing very essential. By this meth
od the fowl Is suspended by a loop
around Its legs to a hook on the wall.
With a quick thrust through the
brain the operator kills the bird and
severs the main arteries. At that in
stant be begins plucking the feathers.
They pull easily then a minute
later they come hard, but In that one
minute the worst of his task Is done.
The carcass is then cooled, formed
In the forming troughs, so as to pack
nicely and Is then ready for shipment
No Incision is made In the skin of
the fowL None of the interior organs
were removed. The moment the in
terlor of a fowl Is exposed to the air,
decomposition sets In. Packed or
bandied as described thx fowl will
keep perfectly for days, or it in cold
storage for weeks or moaths.
Cooks and some housekeepers ob
ject to this method of dressing fowls;
but the more intelligent know that It
Is the only safe and sanitary way of
doing the work.
The English method differs only In
the killing. No knife is used, no
bleeding Is done. The vertebra next
to the skull Is severed from the bead
by a strong quick jerk of the opera
tor; this causes Instant death and a
loosening of the feathers as In the
French method.. The head Is drawn
out from the neck an inch or two,
and Into this space the blood drains
and forms a clot as the bird bangs
hy its feet. This method shuts out
the air from the Interior of the car
cass even more effectually than does
the French method.
A serious onslaught has been mad
on these methods of dressing poultry
In several States recently, but It it
hoped that they may not prevail but
rather that these methods may grow
In favor. They are safer for the con
sumer; they are simpler and better
for the producer. "f. E. Orr, In bul
letin Pennsylvania Department of
Poultry Notes.
One of the main essentials of every
poultry house Is that it must be kept
dry. Damp houses cause diarrhoea,
canker, sore eyes, rheumatism and
other troubles that all animals as
well as poultry are heir to. The best
way to keep the house dry is to glvs
It plenty of fresh air by opening the
doors and windows during the day.
Supply fresh litter often. Build the
IioiiBe on a high, dry spot.
Not mora than forty hens should be
kept in one run thirty would do
much better. The larger the flock the
sooner they clear off the surface food.
During the spring and summer where
fowls have the free range of the
farm there Is plenty of room for a
large flock, but when fowls are lim
ited In their runs the flock must be
smaller. Unless other conditions are
supplied a large flock will eat up the
If your hens havo been subjected
to a Budden draft and have contracted
a slight cold in the head, the follow
ing is a good remedy: Glauber salts,
two ounces; chlorate of potash, one
ounce; perchloride of Iron, one-half
ounce, and one teasooonful of tincture
of aconite to about three pints of
water, allowing them no other water
to drink for a day or two. A cold is
easily detected. The fowls will have
a slight watery discharge at the eyes
and nostrils and will wheeze more or
less. Watch them while they are on
the perch at night.
Mix some "brains" with the feed
and you will get better results than
If you mix your feed carelessly.
Carefulness In feeding Is essential In
any kind of stock. The amount of
food given the laying hens, or the
hens that should lay, is an Important
matter. Mo fixed amount can be
given, but It must be governed by the
Judgment of the operator.
The laying hens of the breeding
pen need vegetable food. Throw In
a little clover or alfalfa, and let them
pick off the leaves as they desire.
Roup is a contagious disease and
may be inherited. If you wish hens
of strong and vigorous constitutions
never breed from fowls that have had
the roup.
Corn In small quantity as the last
food for the hens before they go to
roost at night will help to furnish
heat for the body on these cold spring
nights. Indianapolis News.
Incubator Don'ts.
Don't forget to study your incuba
tor. Get the catalogue that describes
your particular machine, and study
every part and the construction In
Don't try to run the Incubator In a
place where there is a draft, or near
a stove, or in the sun. In such places
it will be Impossible to maintain a
uniform temperature. Set It where
the temperature is uniform, and you
will have much better success.
Don't forget to test tho eggs before
setting the Incubator and three times
during the Incubation. Do not use
any doubtful ones. Take no chances
with any eggs that you are not sure
contain a fertile and vital germ.
Don't allow the lamps to burn low.
Keep them trimmed correctly and as
nearly full of oil as possible. Do not
let them smoke. It is a good plan to
clean the burners every day to Insure
a uniform flame and absence of
Don't place any dirty eggs In the
tray. Filth may cause the generation
of deadly gases, which will work ruin
to many of the fertile eggs.
Don't try to place too many eggs In
the trays. Eggs need room In the In
cubator as well as the chickens need
room after they have been placed In
the brooder.
Don't forget to turn the egg every
second day. The hen generally turns
them every day, and the one who at
tempts artificial incubation should see
to this important essential at least
each alternate day.
Don t neglect to cool the eggs
every morning. The hen leaves her
nest at that time for food and drink.
and it is natural that the eggs should
be exposed for a few minutes to the
pure atmosphere.
Don't handle the eggs with dirty
hands. There may be enough germs
upon the hands to destroy the vitality
of the germs in the eggs you touch.
Don't disturb the eggs after the
hands. There may be enough germs
upon the hands to destroy the vitality
of the germs in the eggs you touch.
Don't disturb- the eggs after the
eighteenth day. Better results are
obtained by allowing them to remain
quiet after that date. Journal of
Whist For High Stake.
"Well, Where's that cook?"
manded bis wife. "Don't tell
ms that she wasn't on ti.8 train."
"She was on the train," timidly
explained the commuter, "but I got
to playing cards and Loneyvllle
man won her nt whist." Philadel
phia Bulletin,
History of, the Manchu Clan Contains
221,100 Pages.
The throne has ordered the com
pilation of a history of the reign of
Kuang Hsu, the present Emperor of
China, to Include all the important
affairs of the Government that have
occurred In the entire dynasty.
The genealogical history of the
Manchu imperial clan from 1C44 to
1907 has been compiled under the
direction of two Imperial commission
ers. One hundred nnd twenty-three
literary officials, who assisted In
writing nnd compiling this history,
have been rewarded for meritorious
The work contains 221,100 pages
nnd is bound In C47 volumes, and
was seven months In preparation.
Imaginary Necessities.
Were It not for the thousands of
people who are slaves to imaginary
necessities we might have avoided
the panic of last October. It was
these people Indirectly who brought
It on. It was these people who suf
fered most when It came. The laws
rf nature are Iron In their retribu
tion. The man who is earning $'30 a
week and spending $15 does not fear
panics. Nellhcr docs the man who
Is earning $50,000 a year and spend
ing $25,000. Bailors who do not know
how to cut down their expenses are
at the mercy of panics. A certain
rich New Yorker, who retired from
the Stock Exchange recently, started
buElne's 40 years ago with three
friends. When times were prosper
ous he could not arrora to live as
well as they did. When times wejje
hard they had to borrow money of
him in order to live at all. Chicago
How to Classify an Artist.
The Munich Jugend has discovered
five new signs by which to detect the
school to which a painter belongs. (1)
If he paints the sky gray and the
grass black, he belongs to the good
old classical school; (2) If he paints
the sky blue and the grass green, he
U a realist; (3) If he paints the sky
green and the glass blue, he Is an
Impressionist; (4) if he paints the sky
yeU'ow and the grass purple, he Is
a cclorlst; (5) if he paints the sky
black and the grass red. he shows
poESP8slcn of great decorative talent.
Literary Digest.
Higher Than Eiffel Tower.
" M. Tournay. a Belgian engineer, has
been commissioned by the committee
from the International exhibition at
Brussels In 1910 to erect a tower at
Ixeiles which will be much higher
than the Eiffel Tower. The cost Is
estimated at $240,000.
What a Poultry Man Says Abont 20
Mule Team Borax.
As I am In the poultry business, I
bad ten white chicks to wash and
prepare for a show. I used "20-Mule
Team" Soap for washing the birds,
and I can say from years of eiper
lence washing white birds, never be
fore have I found a soap or Borax
that cleaned my birds so fine and
easy. I had a great, deal or comment
on my birds being so white. J. A.
Dinwiddle. New Market, Tenn.
All dealers , 1 and G ib. cartons.
Sample and booklet, 6c. Pacific.
Coast Borax Co., New York.
Bugs Stopped Engine.
A mill at Great Barrlngtpn, Mass.,
was shut down In a moBt unusual man
ner a few weeks ugo, when water
bugs, crowding Into the space around
the enelne-stop push button, produced
a short circuit and the consequent
I, dies Can Wear Shoes
One size smaller after using Allen's Foot
Ivise.a' o-.vder. Itmakestiglitornewshoes
eacv. ('urea swollmi, ot, sw. ating. a :hing
ttvt. ItmrowiiiK nails. cornsand bunions. At
alidr ggn-ttmidKho .-stores. 2oC. Don'tac
cept nny substitute. Trinl package Furs hy
The total value of the telegraph and
telephone line poles used In this coun
try during 1900 was $9,471,171.
UaUtugl x.
lay bs'pcrmancritly overcome t)y proper
-personal cjfoS vitttKe ; os&istance
rtf irin rata friili kfnplir'inl laxative
remedy, Syrup cjngfi an i Ar SMt
which enables onelojorm regular
ka ottft & ay So that assistance to na
ture may he gradually dispensed wilh
wKcn wo tonf'er needed a$ the best of
remedies, when required, are lo assist
nature and not to supplant the rtottav
r A. t . I I'l I I li.
al functions. xhtch tnu6l deDend ullf
tnate)y upon proper nourishment,
nrorjereffovts.ojadritnt tivit6 generally.
To get its beneficial ejjfecls, always
buy the genuine
' Manufacture i b ttw
Fig Syrup Co. omy
on size onty, rsguwr price aut f ohvi
B E aV4 u m
- V l
In., d
A Rlmn.Bhlc Recovery.
Mrs. liana mroeDe, K.lf. D.l,Applei
ton, Wis., writes! "I began using Pern
na a fow months ago, when my health
and strength wore all gone, and I was
nothing but s nervous wreck, could
not sleep, eat or rest properly, and fel
no desire to live. Peruna made me look
at life In a different light, as I began to
regain my lost strength.
'Icortalnly think Peruna Is without
rival as toaic and strength builder."
'CAKE spoon
Clean-Cut Coke Tins, Perfection Tins, Bnvory
Roasters, Wonder Binti-rs, Conkers. I'oai hem,
and huinlrcxls of o'.hcr useful ami labor
saving articles. All goods cnarsntecd.
Wrltufor particulars rcgnrrHwr outfit today.
Start a business of your own anrtmskelargs
prollts In an cssv manner. Wo want one
agent In every town. Write before soipeona
gets ahead of you.
Wo sro the oldest and bst-knnwn manu
facturing cunvawlng houso In tho country.
We refer yon to any bank, ei press com
pany, or ' commercial agency as to out
(iti-lOO Tecunueh St.. Burr ALU. .
THE DAISY FLY KILLER drftw. all tbi
flies ana affurdi comfoit to every Lome In dining room.
Clean, nrmt, mad
will Dot poll o
Injure anything.
Try them ddh
and you will nev.
,p he without
them. If
bf aeaiers.
nrrpain I".
Should be inseparable.
For summer eczemas,
rashes, itchings, irritations,
inflammations, chafings,
sunburn, pimples, black
heads, red, rough, and sore
-hands, and antiseptic
cleansing as well as for all
the purposes of the toilet,
bath, and nursery, Cuticura
Soap and Cuticura Oint
ment are invaluable.
wd tlirwurti'nrt ill world. TVpoM? Tjondon. IT,
Ch&rtertKHMe hj.; Pwla. ft. Raela Is nji,Aatn
ha, R. Towoa ft Co, ByilDry: India. B.
i , if..,,.,. I I A 1, .. i
IcuttA: Japan. Maruya. Ltd.. 1AK; Mo. Africa,
o. Ltd..fapt lown, ew, tj.n. ai-wim. wiiai
r Host-tree, cuticura IMoa, tin Gars of sua.
P. N. U. 98, in.
VTT0'S,aIV,er NtW LAW obUlassl
PENSIONS WaahlnsV, U. , 1
If th Wtttmn nt vwtif
fhoa im difTnnnt fn.m th
bottom of Tour ftsftt. ittmshMthe
bonflstotis; of Dinoe. &trirui the oordn.
. and canw foot-ache mud lamenrm.
HKREEMKR atmes are made like
rinmAJi fort, and to really do fit.
onk for the label. If yon do not
And thce readily, write na
for direction how to aecore thenx.
FRED. P. FIELD CO., Brocktoo, Man.
II AUO I. D SOU KltS. I4S Dcblk In,. BM!. . I.
n? Tmrferjirifii