The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 08, 1908, Image 5

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"'Mlii-: i-m-'
Owing to the meet
ing of the State Op
tical Association in
August" I will not
visit that' month.
Meet me at the Im
perial Hotel, Reyn
oldsvillejuly 24th.
For the next two '
weeks I will tune your
piano for $2.00.
Work guaranteed.
Leave all orders at
Strauss Bros.
Jno. F. Strauss, Tuner
... When we Bay that you cannot get any
bettor plumbing than ours. Neither
la It a flight of fancy to say that, you
' can easily pay more without getting
We would rather hare all your work
and make a little on each job than to
, have Just one order from you and no
more. We like to keep busy and we
do It by doing first-class plumbing at
second class price. Try us.
Vaccination Prevents Disease.
From page 3 of the annual report
of the Bureau of Health for the Philip
pine Islands for 15)07, the following was
"The Provinces of Cavlte, Batatas,
Cebu, Rizal, La Lacuna, Bataan and
La Union, where heretofore there have
been approximately 6,000 deaths annual
ly from smallpox, have not reported one
death from this disease. In all, there
have been over 2,000,000 vaccinations
performed, the direct effect of which
was that many lives were spared and
thousands of persons were saved from
being disfigured for life, and at the few
places at which smallpox did break out
it made no headway."
Thirteen Year Old Bnde. ,
One of the most notable events to
transpire in Soldier the past week was
an Italian wedding tbat took place In
the company blocks on Monday morn
Inff.' The bride was formerly Miss
Anna Perrl and the groom was Tony
Franoion, both of Soldier. The wed
ding took place early la the forenoon;
at 10 o'clock the festivities began and
were In order all day and almost all
night. Mrs. Francion is undoubtedly
the youngest Of Jefferson county brides,
although this Is a common occurrence
In Italy. Sykesvllle l'ost Dix)iatch.
. """"'
Bonds for Sale.
The school board of Sykesvllle bor
ough will receive subscriptions for
$14,000 of bonds of the School District
of Sykestille borough until August 10,
1905, at 7 p. m, Said bonds bear 6.5
per cent interest, payable semi-annually
and are redeemable at the option of
said district any time after five and
within thirty years from the issue
thereof," and will be Issued in denomi
nations of f 100 each. "The right to re
ject any or all subscriptions 1b reserved.
In subscribing please give the amount
of bond wanted and address the under
signed. I. G. Mansfield, See,
Sykesvllle, Pa.
Best the World Affords.
"It gives me unbounded pleasure to
recommend Bucklen's Arnica Salve,"
says J. W. .. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill,
N. C. "I am convinced it's the best
salve the world affords. It cured a
felon on my thumb, and it never falls
to heal every sore, burn or wound to
which it is applied." 25c at Stoke &
Felcht Drug Co. drug store.
Come and buy a cheap bat at Mrs. S.
V. Hays'. All hats reduced to cost.
H. A. Swab, contractor, will put on
a roof for you with No. 1 Certificate
Bangor slate, cheap. -
Are you going away on a. trip ? If so
Bell has what you want in suitcases
and trunks..
Come and buy a cheap hat at Mrs. S.
V. Hays'. All hats reduced to cost. lJ
Barefoot sandals 45c, 60c, 65o and
Ladles ocme in and see our line
of jelly glasses. Bing-6toke Co.
Of Course, You Want the Best !
This is why the people all ask for NATURE'S HERBS; for
they soon find out that it 1b the greatest blood cleanser and
: health builder in the world, also the mildest and pleasantest
laxative on the market to-day. By taking
Your blood will become pure; your heart can do its work
naturally (and not be overtaxed pumping impure blood through
your veins), and you will stand the hot weather and feel good;
your vitality and strength will increase 100 per cent, and in
place of feeling depressed and weak you will feel strong and
full of vitality. STOKE & FEJCHT DRUG CO. are the
only ones tbat sell Nature's Herbs In Reynoldsville. You will
always find It there when you call.
Sixteen Day Excursions
$10 or $12 to
Anglesea, Wlldwood, Holly Beach, Ocean City, Sea Isle
City, Avalon, N. J., Behobotb, Del., and Ocean City, Md;
West End, Elberon, Deal Beach, Allenhurst, North As
bury Park, Ocean Grove, Bradley Beach, Avon, Belniar,
Como, Bprlng Lake, Sea Girt, Uanasquan, Brlelle, Point
Pleasant, and Bay Head, N. I.
Tickets at the lower rate good only in coaches. Tickets at the higher rate good
In parlor or Bleeping cars in connection with proper Pullman tickets. -
, July ? and 23, August 6 and-Jj20an.Sept.- 3, 1908.
Train leaves Reynoldsville 4:25 p. m.
Tickets good for passage on trains leaving Pittsburg at 8.50 p. m. and 10.45 p. m.,
the latter train carrying Pullman sleeping cars only to Philadelphia and
through to Atlantic City, and their connections going, and all regular trains
returning within sixteen days. For stop-over privileges and full information
consult nearest ticket Agent.
. J. R. WOOD,
Fausenger Traffic Manager.
General Passenger Agent.
How the Crazed Empress' Curae Came
to a Fulfillment.
General Henrico d'Alinonle was from
1803 to ISimi the aintKiHundor or Km
peror Mnxlmlllntf of Mexico to the
court of Napoleon 111. The most Inter
esting nud most pn Miotic eplwnlv to
which D' Almonte whs ii witness ill id
which is vividly, tiearrlhetl in his
memoirs l the meeting hetwoen the
scheming French eiiiHror and Mail
mlllan's wife, the. beautiful and ambi
tious Carlotta, who shortly before the
catastrophe at Queretaro bad come to
Paris to invoke Napoleon's aid for the
tottering throne, of her husband. But
Napoleon III., who for bis own per
fidious purposes had by promises and
allurements Induced Maximilian, then
archduke of Austria, to accept the "re
stored" throne of Montezuma, faith
lessly abandoned the unfortunate
prince to his cruel fate as soon ns he
realized his schemes to be impractica
ble. Even at ber arrival In Paris Carlot
ta's mind was already in such a high
state of Irritation that It" was deemed
advisable to have General d'Almonte
at her side during the meeting with Na
poleon, which took place In the em-,
press' apartments at the Grand Hotel
de Paris.
What lends special interest to that
Interview is the fact that the empress,
crazed by desperation and fear for her
husband's safety aud by Napoleon's
unsympathetic attitude, hurled a curse
at the latter which In time was Indeed
fulfilled to the very letter.
"The empress," says General d'Al
monte, "plcnded, partly on her knees
and In the most beseeching terras, with
the stony Frenchman to no avail. Then
it was that I witnessed the most har
rowing and dramatic scene of my life.
Frantic with grief and excitement, the
empress, with drawn mouth and flash
ing eyes, sprang to her feet, extending
both her hands toward the retreating
" 'Leave me,' she yelled in a voice
which cut through me like a sword
leave me, but go laden with my curse
the same curse that God hurled at
the first murderer. May your own
house and throne perish amid flames
and blood, and when you are humbled
In the dust, powerless-and disgraced,
then shall the angel of revenge, trum
pet into your ears the names of Maxi
milian and Carlotta r "
At Sedan and by the revolution In
Faris Sept 4, 1870, the unhappy Cftr
lotta's curse was fulfilled to the letter.
Captain Charles Klener in Los An
geles Times.
Strength of Rings.
' Some elaborate calculations, backed
by experiments, have been made In
England to determine the breaking
strength of rings. It appears that a
ring of ductile metal, like malleable
Iron, will be pulled out into the form
of a long link before it breaks and that
the ultimate strength of the ring is
virtually Independent of lis diameter.
Fracture finally occurs as the result of
almost pure tension, and the resistance
to breaking Is a little less than twice
that of a rod of the same cross section
subjected to a straight pull. As the
ring Increases In diameter there ap
pears to be a slight approach toward
equality, with double the strength of
a bar. Thus a three inch ring, made
of three-quarter inch iron, broke at
nineteen and one-half tons, a four Inch
ring at nineteen and nine-tenths tons
arid a six inch ring at twenty tons, the
strength of h bar of the same mntnl
being ten and one-half tons.
. Out of His Mouth. -
His youngest grandchild bad man
aged to get possession of a primer and
was trying to est it
"Pardon me for taking the words out
of your mouth, little one," said the pro
fessor, hastily interposing. Chicago
Just Exactly Right,
"I have used Dr. King's New Life
Pills for several years, and find them
just exactly right," isays Mr. A. A.
Felton, of Harrisville, N. Y. New
Life Pills relieve .without the least
discomfort.' Best remedy; for consti
pation, biliousness and malaria. 25c
at Stoke & Felcht Drug Co. drug store.
' Adam's have low shoes at prices that
will interest you.
Want Column.
Lost Roman gold locket and chain
between Shlck & Wagner and Evans.
LOST Bunch of keys near First
National bank. Finder please return
to D. W. Atwater.
For Rent House on Brown St.,
West Reynoldsville. Inquire of W.
W. Fales. .
Fob Sale A nice flock of Ancona
chickens, twelve in all Inquire of
Rev. J. W. Myers.
Fob Rent or Sale The L F. Hot
rick property on Third street. Inquire
of C. W. Flynn. . .
For sale Houses, lots and farms. In
quire E. Neff, Eeq.. Reynoldsvlllo, Pa.
For Rent Good six room house on
Hill st., near -Fifth. Inquire L. M.
A high yrade college wilh food traditions.
Ideal location. Expenses reasonable, tint new
comment and club kotat for young mm. Well
equipped gymnasiums. Preparatory School con
nected with college. Fall term opens Sept. i jtta.
Write to . .
Notice 10 Taxable.
I Ni'ljce tr jilvt n lint, ihe wv
eml dii-ti lui aunesemt-DU if taxtS have
b en.mxde and duplicate of the borough
and hcai-iO tHxen lor Itcyniildsvllle bor
uuvh Lave been dilivi nil ui tnu by the
pri per nulhoritit-8 for the colli oilcn vt
tht sural'. .Therefore, that In accord
ance with the n quirt merits of the Act
ol isstmbly approved June 26tb, 1885,
dm' notice Is hiriby.plvin to all per
8(inip who are desirous, and who shall
within sixty dajk from date ot this
notice make paymint of any taxes
charged against them In said duplicates,
shall be entitled to a reduction of five
per centum from the amount thereof,
and aoy person who shall fall to pay
such taxes charged against them within
six months fit m date of this notice
shall befebarged' five per centum' ad
ditional on all such unpaid taxes. But
it is expressly stipulated that positively
no rebate orfper centum will be allowed
on partially paid taxes. Tbat every
afternoon and evening of each week
during the last two weeks of said sixty
days, between the hours of 1.00 p. m.
and 9, 1 will be found at The City Hotel,
on Main street, where payment of state
and county (or any others) taxes may be
made and five per cent saved.
Wm. Copping,
July 1, 1908. Collector of Taxes.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
in post office at Reynoldsvlllo, Pa., for
week ending July 4, 1808.
Miss Carrie Davis, F. W. Hutchin
son, Mrs. Bertha Hoy, Miss Ella
Samuels, Miss Edna Smith, William
Tavender, A. Z. Zeiglor, Mrs. W. F.
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
E. c. Burns. P. M.
' It Can't Be Beat.
- The best of all teachers is experience.
C. M. Harden, of Silver City, North
Carolina, says: "I find Electric Bitters
does all that's claimed for it. For
stomach, liver and kidney troubles It
can't be beat. I have tried it and find
It a most excellent medicine." Mr.
Harden is right; It's the best of all
medloines also for weakness, lame back,
and all run down conditions. Best too
for chills and malaria. Sold under
guarantee at Stoke & Feicht Drug
Co. drug store. 50c.
Walk-Over tan low shoes. Price
13.50 now 12.75. Adam'.
Etcned jelly glasses 25o dozen Blng
Stoke Co. '
Come and buy a cheap hat at Mrs. S.
V. Hays'. , All hats reduced to gost.
Champion tennis shoes for women at
And repairing; of all kinds. Silver
Medal, highest award for general
excellence ofwork. Absolute aat
lsfnctlon guaranteed. d Leave or
ders at
m i
NIHNONL I i 1 haead
Verlbest Rubber
Climax Asphalt'
"Thi Roofings that NtviR Lck."
.Need no paint. Samples, '
prices, etc, on request. - -
. McHenry-Mlllhouse Hfg., Co.
' - South Bend, Ind..
Reynoldsville Hardware Co.
RiTWOLDSviLi.e, Pa.
Notice Is hereby Klvon to whomsoever It
may crnnern, tlmtthe Board of IMrectorn of
the School IH strict of the Hormivrh of Sykes
ville, County of Jefferson mid State of Peiin
sylvaniH, will present their uetltlon to the
Court of Common Pirns of Jefferson county,
on Monday, An mist 10th, IDOH, pray in for a
decree nut liorl.tiiff them to lxirrow $14,000,
and Increase the ludehtedness of said bchool
District by such an amount, lor the purpone
of erecting and equipping a new school house
adequate to accommodate the schools to be
held and maintained In, and for the use of
the School District of the Borough of Sykes
vllle, by Issuing coupon bonds of the denomi
nation of One Hundred Dollars each, said
iM-nds to bear Interest at the rate of 5.5 per
cent per annum, payable semi annually, and
said bonds to he redeemed within thirty
years firom the date thereof, with the option
and right reserved to paid Hchool District to
redeem any number or amount of said tonds,
on any Interest date after the expiration of
Dye years, and also for leave to file their
statement as required by the Act of Assem
bly approved April 2U, 1H?4, aud Its supple
By order of the Board of School Directors
1 the Hchool District of Srkehvllle liurouuti.
Jefferson county, Pennsylvania
F, L. HAoni KH, President.
I. O. Manhuklu, Secretary.
f 1
Gold and Silver Mounted Umbrellas, Watches, Jew
elry, Cut Glass, Silverware, Lockets andChains,
Bracelets (all kinds and sizes),PhonographsXand
. Records. All goods new and up-to-dateat prices to
suit everybody. We engravejalljfgoods jfree when
purchased at
. In the Peoples National Bank
' : Building
Reynoldsville, Fa.
We pay particular uttention to Wutch Repairing.
aO 11
First WeeK of
July Sale
FOR BALANCE of this week we offer you
except iobally good bargains in Dry Goods
and Shoes. Prices hold good for balance of this
week, Morning, Noon aiid Night. ' ' :
Dry Goods
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
All our
One lot
25 cent White Goods,
25 cent Ribbons
15 cent Ginghams
12 cent Ginghams
Muslin Underwear
Ladies' Skirts
LadieB' Waists
8 cent Embroideries v
19 cents a yard
19 cents a yard
12 cents a yard
10 cents a yard
One-Fourth Off
5 cents a yard
12 and 15 cent Embroideries, 10 cts. yard
Calicoes ' 6 cents a yard
15 cent Percales 12 J cents a yard
12 i cent Percales 10 cents a yard
Ladies' Top Skirts sold at $5. 50 to
$7.00, for $2.98
'All Douglass $2.50 Shoes '.
All Douglass $3.00 Shoes j
All Douglass $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes
All Florsheim $3.50 and $4.00 Stoes
'All Clarice $3,00 Ladies' Shoes
All Dorris $2.00 Ladies' Shoes :
All Bernalda $1.50 Ladies' Shoes
All Men's $2.00 Work Shoes
All Misses' and Children's $1.25 Shoes
All Children's 25c soft-sole Shoes -