The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 01, 1908, Image 7

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    After suffering for seven yenrs,
this woninn was restored to health
by Lydirt K. lMnklinm's Vegetable
Compound. Itend her letter.
Mrs. Sallio French, of Paueaunla,
Ind. Tcr., writes to 31 rs. l'inklmm:
' " I lind female troubles for seven
years was nil run-down, and so nfl
Tons I could not do anything. The
doctors treated me for different troubles
but did me no pood. While in this con
dition I wrote to Mrs. Tinkham for ad
vice and took Lydia 10. l'inkham's Vege
table Compound, and I am now strong
and well."
For thirty years Lydia E. Piuk
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has posit ively cured thousandsot
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion iibroid tumors, irrcRularitics,
periodic pains, backache, that tearing-down
feeling, flatulency.indiges
tion,dizziness,ornervous prostration.
"Wtiy don't you try it?
Don't hesitate to write to Mrs.
Pinkhnm if there Is anything
about your sickness jiou do not
understand. She will treat your
letter inconlideiiceandadvlse you
free. Ho woman ever regretted
writing her, and because of her
vast experience she has helped
thousands. Address, Lynn, Mass.
African Proverb.
The savages, of Africa Beek wisdom
from their proverbs. Tere is one of
them: "One head Impuled on the
Katepost is more vnhmble than six on
the shoulders tf enemies."
Ko Night's Best for a Year and Limit
Of His Kndurani-c Koeined Near
Owen Recovery to Cutlcura.
"My ion Clyde was n I most completely
Bovereil with eczema. Physicians treated
hira (on'dc.irly a year without helping him
ny, His head, face, and neck were cov
ered with lnrrje scabs which lie would rub
Until they fell off. Then blood and matter
Would run out and that would be worse.
Friends coming to see him said Hint if ha
got well ho would be dinfigured fur life.
ivVbcn it seemed cs if ho could poaaibiy
Stand it no longer, I used some Cuticura
Poop, Cuticura Ointment, and Cxiticiira
Resolvent. That was the first night for
nearly a year that he slept. In the morn
ing there was a great change for tho better.
In about six weeks ho was perfectly well.
Tim linen industry is the grentest
manufacturing fnrlunlry Ireland pos
sesses. There'is Invested In it some
thina; lU;e fl5.5on.oco. and It gives
employment to 71.000 people.
For Tired, Aching,
Smarting, Swollen Feet.
From a Rnllrond Conductor.
"I mm busy man, hut must taketlmt to writ, ron
bom Allen's Foot-Ham. 1 am a Conductor and on
my foot moat of the time. My foot often (rot so sore
1 could hardly take a step. A friend gave me a box
ef Allen's Foot-Kane and said It would cure me. I
WKKi ail luo mis mi, iwo envelopes and my leet
arts now O..K. and 1 forget I have feet. It la a God
. all i il to R. R. men.
-O. UoCLUKK, 5830 Superior St., Austin, I1L
Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. It euros
rarfnl smartthtr feet and infrrowinff nails,
and instantly takes the sting ont of corns
and bunions. Bold by all Drnpgint8 and
Shoe stores, 25c. Don't accept a mbstituU.
Trial package FREE. Address,
Qeooine boa.? above signature.
Head draler'a namo and lop Croat paaad
aartoa af "ao-Male-Team" llarax with 4c
ataanpa and wo will mall illoatruted baoU
let. kItIus: many naea lor Bora la tuo
Home, Farm and Dairy," aloa tlile lace do
atra, li by 1 Inches, on eiatb ready for
working. I' REE. Address,
ITACIHt; rAl HOKA.X P.. Nevr York.
mm and ulorda comfurt toeveij uuuii-tnd.uuHr r
1 the
al-viiiil' rtvoirt
nrriMiUl f r Vx
limiui auat.un. iiod.s:. i..0.kij... t
r. N. u. 16. iNi.
If affllctr-d
wills weak
tea, m
ltl C9' Centerpiece
m$$k pNCLOTH $mik
INCHES fpiwl?
Th Kiiclnsc" nt "Rpnflni"
Street Railway Companies. :
Greek Joins Greek when tho claim
depnrtinent of any of the largo rnll
rond coniunnles particularly tho
city transit companies basins to pay
money for injuries received, or pur
ported to bo received, by persons tra
velling or employed on tholr lines.
Into a batllo royul comes the shrewd
est sides of the railroad, the legal
and claim departments and a class of
the lonal fraternity as clover nnd as
able ns it frequently is unscrupulous
and dishonest. Not that all damage
claims made against the transporta
tion companies nre fraudulent, by any
means. But It has been shown re
peatedly and beyond doubt that a
large class of these claims are dis
honest from the outset, that a good
many persons throughout the coun
try have made a profession of this
sort of business, a form of crime that
until a short time ago offered the
richest pecunlnry results, with the
least chance of detection, of any "big
work." Within a very few years nble
detective work by some of tho big
Kastern street railroad companies has
placed- a quietus on some of theso
folks, and stone cells at the disposal
of a number of others of them.
Two trolley cars collide In tho mid
dle of a downtown street In a busy
city. As the first sequence to the
collision come tho police nnd the hos
pital calls.. Upon the heels of (ho pa
trol wagons and the ambulances the
reporters for tho dally papers arrive.
Shrewd folk, who are understudies
for thos9 who have made "fake"
claims for their profession and car
ried It to fine lengths, and who havo
been fortunate In being passengers
in the wrecked cars, and more for
tunate In escaping real Injury, are de
veloping wondrous aches and pains
and giving their names to the re
porters or the police as proofs for
the future issue. The small fry law
yers "ambulance chasers," they are
called are early on the scene. They
cultivate the friendship of the police
reporters and use that friendship to
the best advantage at such times as
these. In case, though, they do not
get to the scene of the smash In
time there are the telephone and
other devices that can be brought
quickly Into play. Little tlmo is lost
in advising the "victim" of the oppor
tunity of large returns that wait him
If he places a Blzable claim against
the transportation company without
The railroad company has not been
asleep all this time. Motorman or
conductor or inspector has rushed to
the nearest drug store telephone, and
the superintendent of the road does
not know of the accident before Its
chief claim agent. While the first of
these men is busy getting tower wag
ons and wrecking crews to the scene,
the second has routed out his cos
sacks, like firemen for a four alarm
blaze. They are on the scene as soon
ns the "ambulance chasers," ready
and willing to settlo all valid claims
on the spot without further edo. A
clever lot of young men these, nnd
capablo of being worth much more
than their salaries to the companies
that employ them. But they need
every bit of ability that they can
summon to their aid, for they are
pitted against many and many an un
scrupulous man or woman who stoops
to this-meanest form of graft. It is
not alone the dishonest claimant who
stands facing him, but the attorney
who is that claimant's colleague also
has a club in hand for him. Some of
the sharpest lawyers find that they
make their best living from this very
class of cases. Sometimes they take
their first training In the law offices
of the railroads, so as to observe tho
methods of their future antagonists.
Once they have a working knowledge
of this sort as a good part(of their
Btock in trade they turn in cold blood
upon their corporation employer, and
set out to harass and annoy him un
til the end of his days. Edward
Hungerford, in Harper's Weekly.
Gcrmnny Studying Bread.
In the production and control of a
pure-food supply by thoroughly sci
entific methods tho Germans are dis
posed to keep their lead. The new
go.e-nment institute for milling re
s;srcn supplementing the two insti-
tutfc.' ' for research In the sugar and
fermentation industries, is equipped
with an experimental Granary, a
wheat and rye mill and a bakery, to
gether with administrative offices and
laboratories, the machinery and ap
paratus being of the most advanced
kind, all driven by electricity. The
mill has two distinct plants, each
milling two tonsof grain in ten hours.
The. purpose of the l.vstitute Is to
carry out practical research and sci
entitle investigation on grain during
storing, milling, working up and
baking, to experiment with the bak
ing of homo and Imported grain: to
conduct research work for the gov
ernment, and to carry out official and
private anaiyces of grain, flour, fod
dor stuffs, etc Every effort will be
made to investigate thoroughly the
numerous problems of milling and
baking. St, Louis Post-Dispatch.
"Here, you," said the conductor,
angrily, "you rang up a fare. Do that
again and I'll put you off."
The small man Standing Jammed
In the middle of the car promptly
rang up another fare.' Thereupon the
conductor projected hira through the
crowd and to the edge of tho plat
"Thanks," said the little man. "I
didn't see any other way to get out.
Here's your dime." Philadelphia
Truth and
appeal to tho Well-informed in every
walk of lifo ami are essential to permanent
success nnd creditable standing. Accor-
ingly, it is not claimed tliut Syrup of Figs
nnd Elixir of Senna is tho only remedy of
known value, but ono of many reasons
why it is tho Ix-st of personal nnd family
laxatives is tho fact that it cleanses,
sweetens and relieves tho internal organs
on which it acts without any debilitating
after effects and without having to increase
tho quantity from timo to time.
H acts pleasantly and naturally nnd
truly as a laxative, and its component
parts are known to nnd approved by
physicians, as it is free from all objretion-
ablu substances. To get its beneficial
effects always purchase the genuine-
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co., only, and for sale by all leading drug
World's Consumption of Coffee.
Consul James E. Dunning of Milan,
reports that, according to statistics
published In a lending coffee trade
Journal, the world's consumption of
coffeo In 1!)07 amounted to 10,825,000
sacks, of which 0,980,000 sacks were
consumed In tho United Stntes, 3,050,
000 sacks in Germany, 1,025,600 sacks
In France, leaving 6,170,000 for con
sumption In all other countries. The
consul adds that tho consumptions of
coffee In, Italy Is only 3 .44 pounds ner
A Pioneer of Colorado and Nebraska.
Matthias Campbell, veteran of the
Civil War and two Indian wars, and
a pioneer or Colo
rado, now living at
21S East Nebraska
street, Blair, Neb.,
says: "I had ich
nalnd In tinlr fn.
Hj; a- long time that 1
ea'TisVlL" collltl not turl ,n
BffflC'W?'v there was an almost
totnl stoppage of the
urine. My wife and I have both used
Doan's Kidney Pills for what doctors
diagnosed as advanced kidney trou
bles, and both of us have been com
pletely cured."
Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Leads Simplest Life.
In a wood about 30 miles from Lon
don lives an old man who for 20 years
has known no other roof than an um
brella. "Twenty years ago I took to
the woods," he said. "During the
great snowstorm a few weeks ago I
slept soundly, and when I woke up In
tlie morning I was covered with snow
many Inches deep. But I am never
111. I havo not had a day's illness In
my life. I have lived a simple, sin
gle life and I have no more worry
than tli:it trpe has. I have no rates
and taxes to pay, I have no wife to
bother mo and I have plenty of
friendH. No one ever Interferes with
me. I never light a Are, and I never
ask for money. When darknofs comes
on I put up my big umbrella, take my
boots off, put my less Into a sack and
cover myself up with clothing, on top
of which I place this mackintosh."
London Mall.
Force of Thunderbolt.
Prof. A. Herschel, in the Quarterly
Journal of the Royal Meteorological
Society, describes the extraordinary
effects produced by lightning In the
midst of an open moor in Northum
berland. A hole four or five feet In
diameter was made In the flat, peaty
ground, and from this half a dozen
furrows extended on all sides. Pieces
of turf were thrown In varlcus direc
tions, one three feet In diameter and
a foot thick having fallen 78 feet from
the hole. Investigation showed that
in addition to the effects visible on the
surface, Binali holes had been bored
In the earth radiating from the large
Grapc-Nutsa Perfectly Bulunced Food,
No chemist's analysts of Grape
Nuts can begin to show the real value
of the food the practical value as
shown by personal experience.
It la a food that U perfectly bal
anced, supplies the needed element
of brain and nerves in all stages of
life from the Infant, through the
strenuous times of active middle life,
and 1 a comlort and support In old
"For two years 1 have UBed Grape
Nuts with milk and a little cream, for
breakfast. 1 am comfortably hungry
for my dinner at noon.
"1 use little meat, plenty of veget
ables and fruit, in season, for the
noon meal, and If tired al tea time,
take Grape-Nuts alone and Iwel per
fectly nourished.
"Nerve and brain power, and mem
ory are much Improved since using
Urape-Nuta. 1 am over sixty and
weigh 155 lbs. My son and husband
seeing bow I had Improved, are now
using Urape-Nuta.
"My son, who Is a traveling man,
eats nothing for breakfast but Urape
Nuta and a glass of milk. An aunt,
over 70, seems fully nourished on
Urape-Nuta and cream." "There's I
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to
Wellvllle," In pkga.
fiver read the above letter? A new
one appear from time to time. The J
re genuine, true, and fall of bsfliu
Interest '
Take one ounce of caustic soda;
pour over it one ounce of muriatic
acid. Both of these are corrosive
substances. The mixture of the two
will produce common table salt.
Dr. If. Campbell Thomson, of Eng
land, has been making uhb of the
cinematograph In nervous diseases,
taking pictures at the rate of sixteen
to the second, showing tho move
ments of the patients.
Trofessor Cook, of Washington,
reports the surprising discovery of
camphor as an nnlma! secretion. The
animal concerned Is a myrlapod, re
sembling a worm or small slug, and
scientifically known as polyzonlum
Metallic mirrors for searchlights
nre, coming Into use In European nav
ies. They don't break like glass ones
when the big guns go off, nnd it Is
said they "give more penetrnting
beam both at night and lu foggy
About 2600 different kinds of ani
mals are known on earth that is,
warm-blooded, milk-giving creatures,
like our common domestic animals.
To nvold confusion with other creat
ures, one ought to call them mam
mals, meaning mllk-glvlng animals.
Bats were tho only family of native
mammals found on the thousands of
small Islands In the Pacific. These
islands are so fnr away from the great
continents that no mammals but the
flying bats could reach them. The
variety of bats known on earth Is
about 400.
Water pipes of terra cotta were
used in Crete forty centuries ago.
Those supplying drinking water con
sisted of a series of suhconical tubes
socketed Into each other, with collars
and "stop ridges," so constructed as
to give the water a shooting motion,
thus prevenlng accumulation of sedi
ment. In the erection1 of a railroad bridge
over the Susquehanna River at Huvre
de Grace, the American Bridge Com
pany will make use of what is prob
ably the largest wood block ever
made. It has been made especially
for the work, and weighs 13t0
pounds, measures thirty inches across
the shell and is rated at sixty tons
capacity. The shackle Is a solid forg
ing three and a half inches thick.
Celluloid Is a plastic material com
posed of guncotton and camphor. The
guncotton, or nltro-cellulose, Is made
by treating tissue paper with a mix
ture of nitric and sulphuric acids.
The product is mixed with camphor
and various pigments to produce t'm
desired color, and the materials are
thoroughly Incorporated by moans of
heated rolls. It Is subsequently sub
mitted to great pressure. It Is after
ward molded Into form by means of
healed dies, under pressure. ' It Is
very hard and elastic and takes a
high finiHii.
Dr. Fraenkel, of Berlin, In a paper
recently read before the Society of
Medicine of that city, gave striking
figures concerning the wgr waged by
medicine against consumption. In
18S1 the death rate from this dire
disease was 32.6 In every 10,000, and
the latest returns shows that it has
been reduced to 17.25. This satisfac
tory state of things Dr. Fraenkel at
tributes party to the discoveries of
Koch, and he divides the honors
equally between prophylactic meth
ods and the system of isolation new
widely practiced In Germany.
Hon- the Wheat is Planted and Gai
ncred Bleaching the Stalks.
Few people know where the straw
for making summer hats comes from.
A great part of It is grown in Italy.
To make suitable Btraw the wheat is
sown as thickly as possible, in order
that the growth of the plant may be
Impoverished, as well as to produce a
thin stalk having toward the end from
the last knot the lightest and longest
The wheat blooms at the beginning
of June, and is pulled up by the roots
by hand when the grain is half de
veloped. If allowed to remain in the
ground a longer time the straw would
become brittle.
About five dozen uprooted branches,
the size of the compass of two hands,
are firmly tied together into little
sheaves and stowed away in barns.
Then the Btraw is again spread out to
catch the heavy summer dews and to
.bleach in the sun. After additional
bleaching the straw Is put into small
bundles and classified.
Finally it is cut close above the
first Joint from the top and again tied
up in small bundles containing about
sixty stalks each. Golden Halfpenny.
Prehistoric Drawings.
Dr. Rene Jeanne!, of Toulouse, has
made an interesting discovery of a
cave with prehistoric drawings be
tween Foix and Le Mas d'Azil, in the
Department of Ariege. In addition
to drawings of horses and aurotbg.
he found about forty designs, among
which was the silhoutte of a human
being. The dat3 of the drawings,
which are in red and black, can be
roughly determined by the fact that
they include reiudetr. From The
Moving Pictures In Natural Color.
,The simple and practical way In
which G.-Albert Smith, the Brltinh
photographer, hits' added natural col
ors to ordinary moving pictures prom
ises a new r -a. In the now familiar
I vpa method tin red, green and blue
are sifted out by three screens of col
ored glass, the negative taken under
each containing the details of a por
tion of tho view, and the completo
picture Is brought out and the colors
given to It by plating a screen behind
each plnte In a projecting lantern nnd
combining the rays from the three
lanterns upon tho screen in tine pro
jection, in simplifying tho process
two lanterns and one screen have
been eliminated. Two fcreens one
green and ono orange red are found
to give correct color effects, and the
film Is first exposed In alternate strips
under the screens, the dors being
restored In reproducing the picture by
a rotating disc, so synchronized that
the proper color will always be oppo
site the point originally exposed un
der that color. The defects nre cor
rected by the eye defect known as per
sistence of vision.
Cause of Headaches.
Too late going to bed, too early ris
ing or anything that promotes want of
sleop are fertile causes of headaches,
Long walks before breakfast are very
bad for delicate people, and often
bring on headache.
Brain repair goes on during sleep.
People often don't know, or forget,
this. If you are worrying or work
ing hard all day, then go to bed late
and get up early, you are very likely
to be a "martyr to headache." More
sleep Is what you .need to cure you.
For all nervous headaches hot fo
mentations are most comforting and
curative. They are far better than
cold applications.
Want of exercise, living In badly
ventilated rooms, Indigestion or any
thing thnt lowers the health, predis
poses to headache.
When headaches are not cured by
simple means, a doctor should be con
sulted. They mean something.
When hot fomentations are UBed, the
application of them to the nape of the
neck, as well as t the forehead, will
give more relief than If used to the
forehend only. The heat to the sign
al cord soothes the brain. New York,
Alcohol from Peat.
In the manufacture of alcohol from
peat, a Danish company, with one ex
perimental plat at Denmark and one
In France, has found the cost to be
about one-fourth of that made from
potatoes. In the process of manu
facture, the cellulose or fiber of the
peat Is converted by sulphuric acid
into a soluble carbohydrate and this
is fermented by a speclnl yeast.
FITS, Rt.VituV Dance, Nervoiia Diaensesper
manently cured by'Ds. Kline's Great Nerve
Restorer, t'l trial bottle and treatiiie frea.
Dr. U.K. Kline, Ld.,931 Arch St., l'hila., l'a.
Ages Wine In Few Minutes.
A new process of ageing wines by
the use of ozone, the Invention of a
young Russian scientist named
Ovchennikoff, was demonstrated In
the presence of the director of the
Imperial Vineyards and other interest
ed persons. Tho claim Is made that
this process accomplishes in a few
minutes a maturing that ordinarily re
quires years.
Mrs. Plnkham, of the Lydia E.
Piukham Medicine Company, of
Lynn, Mass., together with her son,
Arthur W. Plnkham, and the younger
members of her family, sailed for
Naples on May 20 for a three months'
tour throughout Europe and a much
needed vacation.
Writer's Sad End.
Very sad was the fate of L'lrlch von
Hutten, one of the greatest writers
Germany has ever produced. Unable
to earn a living, he was reduced to
tramping through the country, begging
food and shelter from the peasants.
One bitter winter's night both were
refused, and next morning he was
found frozen stiff and cold In the
drifting enow outside the village.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sryrnpfor Childrea
allays pain.curea wind colic, 26c a bottle
Tiie Finest Writing.
A remarkable machine made by a
lately deceased member of th"e Royal
Microscopical society for writing with
a dlnmond seems to have been broken
up by Its inventor. A specimen of
Its work In the Lord's Prayer of 227
letters, written In the 1-237,000 of a
square inch, which is at the rate of
53.880,000 letters or fifteen complete
Bibles, to a single square inch. To
decipher the writing It Is necessary
to use a 1-12-Inch objective, which Is
the high power lens physicians era
ploy for studying the most minute
, A Sparkling Metal.
An alloy that gives off shower of
sparks when struck with metal ignlt-
Ing not only gas, but alcohol soaked
wicks twas a recent accidental dis
covery of Auer von Welsharh. It con-
fists of iron with ceri'irn. I.inthanium
or other of the rare earth3 used for
Incandescent pas mantles, and the
sparking is found to rea-?h a maximum
with the percentage of Iron at thirty,
A use for Igniting explosives Is suggested.
Thebottnm cf yonr foot, if twlatod not
of tt pnir liiifs. will can.s foot
tmnhlcs. bhRKEMFR atioea lit at the
foundatinu: iJie bottoms match the
hntuima.f Tnrr fpftt. 1 liut ' w h
ar comfortable. Look for
S roomers :t , i Y. vnta na
Uem. FRED. F. HELD CO- Brockton. Ma.
Even Slight Catarrhal Derangement!
of the Stomach Produce Acid Fer
mentation of the Food.
Ifs Stomach Catatrh
Rome people- are thin nnd always re
main thin, from temperamental res
sons. Probably In such caies nothing
can be dnno to clango this personal
Hut there are a largo number of peo
plo who get ttiln, or remain thin, who
naturally would lio plump and flenhy
but for somo digestive derangement.
Thin peoplo luck In a'llposo tlastio.
Adipose Uhhuo is chiefly composed of
Fat I derived from tho oily constit
uents of food.
The fat-mnking foods are called by
the phyniologlHt, hydrocarbons. This
class of foods are not digested in tho
stomach at all. They are digested In
the duodenum, tho division of tlia ali
mentary canal Just below tho stomach.
Thedigoation of fat Is mainly, if not
wholly, the work of tho pancreatla
Juice. This Jul co Is of alkaline reac
tion, and Is rendorod Inert by the addi
tion of arid. A hyperacidity of the
digestive fluids of tho stomach passing
dowu into tho duodenum, diwtroyii
tho pancreatic fluid for digestive pur
poses. Therefore, the fats are not di
gested or emulsified, and tho systnm ia
deprived of its due proportion of oily
constituents. II unco, tho patlont grow
The beginning of tho trouble- Is a ca
tarrhal condition of tho stomach which
causes, hyperacidity of tho gastrio
Juices. Tills hyporacldity Is caused by
fermentation of food in tho stomach.
When tho food Is taken into the atom- '
ach, if tho process of digestion doe
not begin immediately, acid forinenta- '
tion will take place. This create a '
hyperacidity of tho stomach Juice
which in their turn proven tho pan-'
Croatia digestion of the oils, and th
emaciation results.
A dose of Poruna before each meal '
hastens the stomach digestion. By '
hurrying digestion, Peruna prevent
fermentation of the contents of th
stomach, and tho pancroatia Juice is thn
preserved in its normal state. It then
only remains for the patient to eat
ufnaieut amount of fat-forming foods,
and the thinness disappears and plump
ness takes its place.
is made of the best
selected neat, scientific
ally prepared and even
ly baked by damp heat
in Libby's Grcal While
Kitchen. The natural
flavor is all retained.
When removed from the
tin it's ready to serve.
It can be quickly pre
pared in a variety of
styles and nothing makes
a better summer meaL
In the home, at the
camp, and for the picnic
Libby's Veal Loaf is a
satisfying dish, full of
food value that brings
Libby, McNeill & Libby.
Timber Lands
W art nwnfm and njnriiLnr, and rtav option m
vtral hurvlrNl of the rmntt lf-ir&tl Timber ul
1 1 lit nr tr'ptrtUm In th U. ft. and Canada,
cu'Htl pi-pvtoUMiy at Hard Tim prla. We gmm
ant to aHI 7011 (WirM iimitcr lands or ttuimp
at minimum price on aany term. Writ aa jour
13--2B Broadway, . NtWVOitK.
Tetl rp Wanml: al-o T'W-iI1t IivllnM I
Ito you want a nill.nAl reputation ? Writ. u; .
ran plar you: earrpfl'-nal opportunities aid Inrm
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for dirtwrtiona how t,i --ti m
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