The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 13, 1908, Image 1

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m m
Council Instructs
Solicitor to Appeal
Friends of Joseph
Aiello will Present
Petition for Pardon
In the Shaffer Case
The Resolution Presented by the
Reynoldsville Directors Was
Not a Sudden and Covert At
tack but a Well Considered
Plan to Secure for Various
Parts of the County an Educa
tional Stimulous Now Confined
to One Town.
Because members of the Reynolds-
villa school board bad the audacity
to present a resolution in the county
school directors' convention last week
recommending that the place of holding
tho county institutes be changed so as
to permit of their being held alternate
ly in Reynoldsville, Punxsutawney and
Brookvllle, beginning with Reynolds
Vville in 1908, there was such a com-
motion raised in the convention, that,
according to parliamentary rules, the
convention did not adjourn, but the di
rectors dispersed amidst a babel of
tongues. The Brookvllle Republican,
in a column write-up of the action
taken by our directors, refers to the
resolution as the "111 advised and of
fending resolution,'' and says: "If
such a change as contemplated by this
resolution is demanded by a majority
of the patrons of the. county it should
be made manifest In some other way
than by an "unheralded and craftily
covered up attack in convention."
Pray tell bow to get a public expres
sion from the school directors of the
county in a better way than when
1-1 1 I . i! O
v assemoiea id uuoveuuuur
i 'Now that the Republican has attacked
S our school board for a legitimate action
t and has given expression to the paper's
I views of the case, we feel that In
I justice to our school board, our
Vown and community that The Stab
Ihould make a few remarks.
Jl The "acrimonious discussion" in the
C convention and the Republican's howl
J about the resolution was caused by
no oiner reason man ine laci mat
Brookvllle citizens object, most vigor
ously, to having the. county institutes
held any other place than at Brook
vllle. The -school law says: -"The county
V superintendent of each county in this
Commonwealth is hereby authorized
. 1 ijn 1 1 ! noil nnna In anth vasK d f
h time and place as he or a properly
thorked committee of teachers act-
with him, may deem most con-
fiient, to call upon and invite the
aohera of the common schools, and
Jier institutions ' of learning in his
mty, to assemble together and or
nize themselves into- a teachers' in
tute, etc"
The school law does not provide that
le institute be held In Brookvllle con
nuously, all the taxpayers do not
islde In Brookvllle, and for conven
noe of largest number of teachers and
nd school directors, Brookvllle is not
the most convenient place In the
county, therefore, we feel that Reyn
oldsville is entitled to the Institute
Our school directors knew that it
was within the power of the county
t.....4.. .A SAM MUMA U 1
JUfJOl lllvcuuuub ku say nuoig tug i u-
ititute should be held, and the object
ff presenting the resolution to the con--entlon
was to get an expression from
he directors In the matter, as county
Jupt. Jones had promised several
months before the convention to change
( the place of holding the institutes if
'the majority of the directors favored
ft. Prof. Jones and Dr. Newcome, the
VbAirman of the convention, knew be
We the meeting that such a resolution
ould be presented, and Prof. Jones
)es willing to have it presented and
)r. Newcome promised to give a roll
..all vote on the -resolution, but VI' e
ignored the request in the convention
nd Brookvllle citizens, whd. had no
olee or part in the conveatki, voted
.gainst the resolution. "
Hon. B. E. Longwell, of Brockway-
le, whom the Record la pleased to
11 the "tall sycamore" of the northern
rtof the county, promised Reynolds-
Jjle directors to - stand by the reso
lution, but after it jraa presented he
.dded to the contagion by Roving
amend the it- ition, .which ln
Jjded BrookvllH "-.aynoldsvllle and
Punzsutawney, lj . -dding Brockway-
Ule to the list Of favored towns. Mr.
Sngwell knew that Brockwayville
sd not "commodate the Institute.
George nellinger, New Preildent of
the Briek end Tile Co.
It may have been one of "Bobs" jokes,
but it was not appreciated.
There are several counties In this state
where the institute is "passed around"
very successfully, and the time Is not
far dUtant when Jefferson county will
be Included In the list of counties that
alternate the places of holding in
stitutes. Reynoldsville can give the teachers,
and any others that attend institute,
as good accommodations as any other
town In the county and we expect,
if not this year, before many years,
to see the county institute held In
Reynoldsville. Why,not?
Band of Real, Live
Redskins Coming to
Reynoldsville Soon
Have Aceepted an Invitation to
Participate in the Big Reunion
on May 2Gth and Will Appear
in War Paint and Feathers.
The fourth annual reunion of the Im
proved Order of Red Men of Western
Pennsylvania will be hold In Reynolds
ville Tuesday, May
20. This Is expea
ted to be tbe larg'
eet reunion ever
held by the West
ern Reunion As.
soclatlon. At least
one thousand war
riors and braves
will bo in the big
parade in full cos
tumes. There will
be a number of
bands present.
Tbe following
prizes will be glv
en : Tribe with larzeBt number of mem
bers In line, $75.00 banner; Tribe with
largest percentage of members in line,
140.00 American Flag; Tribe coming
longest distance, Prophet's costume
valued at $20 00; Counoll of D. of P,
with largest number of members in line,
115.00 In cash; Council of D. of P. com.
Ing longest distance, $10.00 in cash;
best band present, $25.00.
Parade at 1.30 p. m. and convention
Immediately after parade.
A company of real Indians from tbe
reservation at Salamanca, N. Y., will
attend this reunion and will be in the
John W. Cherry, who Initiated Presi
dent Roosevelt into the Improved Or
der of Red Men, and other great chiefs
will be present and will give addresses
on the order. There will be dancing In
Park Theatre and other amusements in
the evening. Special excursion rates
of the Pennsylvania railroad.
At the reorganization of the Reyn
oldsville Brick & Tile Company's board
of directors Wednesday the following
officers were chosen for the ensuing
year:; President, George Mellinger;
vioe-presldnt, Dr. J. H. Murray; treas
urer, Henry Herpel; secretary, Clyde
C. Murray.
Save Five Per Cent,
I have received the duplicates for
state and county taxes and am now
ready to receive payment on same.
Those paying within 60 days from
May 1st, 1908, will save 6 per cent.
Wiluam Copping,
Tax Collector.
Spring Jackets.
Coverts, tans and black. 14.75 to
110.00. Glllesples.
Sidewalk Committe M akes Re
gs port ancTthe Burgess Receives
a Requestto Notify Property
Owners where Necessary.
The regular monthly meeting of
town council was held May 5th with
all members present. Reports were
read, petition presented to council and
other important business transacted.
Tax Collector Copping reported col
lections on borough taxes for montn
of April $173.72. Chief Burgess Mo
Crelgbt reported collections of fines,
licenses, &c, for month of April
$24.50. ,
Petition was presented by' property
owners residing on north side of Main
street, between Fifth street and Cole
alley, asking council to construct a
sanitary sewer on either Main street
or Willow alley, between Cole alley
and Filth street. The matter was
referred to tbe sewer committee to
Investigate and report at the next
meeting of council.
The borough solicitor was Instructed
to ask for a new trial In the case
of Mrs. Jennie J. Shaffer against the
borough of Reynoldsville.
The sidewalk committee made report
of walks needing repairs or requiring
new sidewalks to be built. The Bur
gess was instructed to notify property
George W. Kline wan re-elected
streot commissioner.
Bills for the month of Aprllwere
ordered to be paid.
Free Criticism was the Order of
the Night and Many Things
Were Brought Up.
The session of tbe Business Men's As
sociation last night was one of the llv-
UeBt It has ever had, due mainly to the
discussion which arose concerning the
action of the Reynoldsville school di
rectors in the recent attempt to change
place of holding tho county institute
The members unanimously commended
them for their work. Indications are,
however, that tbe question will come
up again next Tuesday evening when
the Association meets again.
Incidentally, the Association gained
two new members last night. Several
Important matters relative to public
Improvement were brought up and the
"ginger" displayed showed that the
organization can make itself an exceed
ingly pugnacious factor In local affairs
If necessary .--
is lent direct to the diseased parte by the
improved Blower, iieaw tne
ulcers, clears the air passages,
atopsdroppinirs in the throat and
permanently cures Catarrh and
Hav Fever. Nn harmful Hmira
25c blower free: all dealers nr rtr A.
W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N.Y.
For sale by Stoke & Felcht Drug Co.
Main Street. Reynoldsville, Pa.
W, T. Briibaker, Mir.
Midway between Broad St. Station and
Beading Terminal on Filbert st.
Kooms 11.00 per day and up.
The only moderate priced hotel of rep
utation and consequence in
ubacrlbc for
The Star
If you want tbe New
Prisoner was Under Sentence of
Death at One Time andJIIad it
Commuted to Imprisonment
for Life in. the Penitentiary.
At the Docember term of Jefferson
county court In 18'Jfl Joseph Alello, of
Walston, was convicted of murder In
the first degree. The evidence was
such that many believed tbe killing was
done In self-defense, yet the verdict of
the jury was first degree murder. ;J His
victim was Louis Scalzo and tbe deed
was committed Christmas day, 1895.
While the members of the Alello house
hold were eating dinner Scalzo, who, it
was alleged, had been making trouble
all forenoon, came to the house and
started In to do the family up, and in
the melee the Intruder was stabbed to
death. The case was taken from tbe
county court to higher court; but the
judges refused to interfere with the
sentence of the lower.court. The case
was then laid before the State Board of
Pardons and the Board commuted the
senteuce to a life term in the peniten
tiary. In view of the evidence, and
taking into consideration facts that
have since come to light in Alello's
case, the friends of the prisoner believe
that his deed, viewed in its worst light,
has been more than expiated, and a
petition for pardon will be presented.
A Commendable Action on
Sheriff Scheafnocker's Part.
Sheriff Grant Scheafnocker sent
his family of children down to New
Bethlehem to visit with friends until
after the execution of Domlnlo Ra-
munno on Tuesday morning, an act
which showed a very nice feeling of
the propriety of the occasion and
one which has been yery generally
commended. Brookvllle Republican.
the remarkable values. The merchandise
waa here, exactly'as we advertised it the prices, well we only know that action
began at the stroke of the 6 o'clock bellfond continued unabated until closing
One can bring a crowd with an offering of bigTalues, but one won't do bus
iness unless the prices match the advertisement. We did business. i
We have prepared for the Second After-Supper Sale with another great
budget of bargains. We will see a large percentage of the people who came to ,
the first and a host of friends because there has been much talk of the plums
that were picked at the first sale. So you had better come too another crop is
ready for those who like to buy goods at retail, at less than most stores pay
After-Supper Sale of
Ladies' Silk Gloves
O We have just received a large
assortment of Ladies' 16-button
Silk Gloves. Colors, white, black,
light and dark tan. A good value
at $1.00 but for our After-Supper
Sale Thursday evening, "oDly
Also a nice assortment of ladles'
fine Kid Gloves made to retail at
$1.00. Our price in our Thursday
evening After-Supper Sale only
69 cents. i
After-Supper Sale of
This week we will offer the men of our town a
bargain In patent leather shoes. We have two lines,
the Everlasting, a good $3.00 shoe, and Hoyt's Ken
wood, a $2.60 yalue, Thursday evening we will sell
the $3.00 for only $2.00 and the $2.50 for $1.75.
Remember none of these goods will be Bold at these prices before six o'clock
Thursday evening, May 14th. So be on hand when the bell rings.
Clement W. Flynn, Esq., Recently Elec
ted Chairman ol Jefferion County
Democratic Committee.
No town In this state, perhaps, of its
size and financial resources, has made a
more heroic effort to bejp Itself in an
Industrial way than Reynoldsville.
When something was proposed that
looked good, her people came to the
front with their money in a manner
that showed the proper public spirit.
And they have secured some valuable
Industries in this way. But this local
patriotism has been taken advantage of
by a few sharks and confidence men,
some of them the slickest In the busi
ness, to feather their own nests and
"do" the people good. This, however,
should not discourage the people of
that town from further efforts. It
should only sharpen their wits without
causing them to lose heart or abate
their zeal. Punxsutawney Spirit.
We were quite sure that there would be
no lack of buyers at the first Thursday Night
Sale the crowd came it saw and waa con
quered it needed no microscope to discover
After-Supper Sale of Men's
Dress Pants.
. In order to give the men something good In our
After-Supper sale, we have reduced all our Dress
Paats to the following prices: $4.00 for our $5.00
panU. $3.50 for our $4.50 pants. $3.00 for our $4.00
pants. $2.50 for our $3.50 pants. $2.00 for $3.00 pants.
The Last Chapter in a Interest
ing Tale of Modern Financial
Juggling Furnished a Disas
trous Climax An Effort Will
be Made to Interest Outside
Parties who Will Operate It.
In 1904 the citizens of Reynoldsville
and surrounding community subscribed
and paid over $60,000 for the erection of
a steel plant at this place and the stock
was watered and juggled until the en
tire plant was sold at trustee's sale ' on
the 7th inst. for $0,000. W. Harry
Moore, of Reynoldsville, bought the
The American Production Company
was name of the company that first
started it and afterwards it was sold to
the Pittsburg Industrial Iron Works.
There Is much that we could say about
this plant, the manner in which It was
conducted, the men that figured In bam
boozling the stockholders out of their
money and the effect It will have on
the town and community In the future,
but we will not say it. The stockhold
ers lost all they Invested In the enter
prise. It is to be hoped now that some com
pany will buy the plant, operate it and
give employment to a number of people
and be a benefit to tbe town. It is a
good plant, is in a good location, fuel is
cheap and there is every advantage for
operating the plant cheaper than such
a plant could be operated any other
place. There Is no reason why It should
not be made a paying industry if it Is
managed right.
After-Supper Sale of
Ladies' Comfort Shoe
In our Thursday evening After
Supper Sale we will offer you
Duttenhofer's Comfort shoe made
from a good grade of Vicf Kid
with patent tip. This is one of
tbe most comfortable shoeswa
handle, tbe lace running down to
tip (note cut.) " The regular price
is $3.00 our price in Thursday
evening's After-Supper Sale only
$2.00. If you have trouble with
your feet try a pair of these.