The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 06, 1908, Image 7

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This woman says that after
months of suffering Lydia 13.
tMnkham's Vegetablo Compound
made her as well as ever.
Maudo E. Forplc. of Leesburg,Va,,
writes to Mrs. llnkham :
"1 want otlirr snfferinp; women to
know what Lydia E. rinkhnm's Vepe
table Compound lins done for me. For
months I suffered from feminine ills
so that I thought I could not live. I
wrote you, and lifter taking Lydia E.
Finkham's Vegetable Compound, and
using the treatment you prescribed I
felt like a new woman. I am now
strong, and well ascver, and thank you
for the good you have done mo."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, rnado
from root3 and herbs, Las been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively eurcd thousands of
women who have- been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, bnckarhe, that bearing-down
feeling, llatulency, indiges
tinn.dizzincss or nervous prostration.
Why don't you try it ?
' Mrs. Pinkhara invites all sick
women to wrlto her for advice.
She has guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
Mukden, Manchuria, has 40 tranner
les and a large fur trade, both local
and export. Prices are 15 to 20 per
cent lower ithan a year ago.
How I Cured Sweeny and Fistula.
"I want to tell you how I saved one
of our horses that had a fistula. We
bad the horse doctor out and be said
It was so bad that be did not think
he could cure it, and did not come
again. Then we tried Sloan's Lini
ment and It cured It up nicely.
"One day last spring I was
plowing for a neighbor who had a
horse with sweeny, and I told him
about Sloan's Liniment and he had
me get a bottle for him, and it cured
his horse all . right, and he goes off
now like a colt.
"We had a horse that had sweeny
awfully bad, and we thought It was
never going to be any good, but we
used Sloan's Liniment and It cured It
up nicely. I told another neighbor
about it and he said it was the best
Liniment he ever used.
"We ara using Sloan's Sure Colic
Cure and we think It Is all right."
A. D. Bruce, Aurclla, la.
A color resembling pewter may be
given to brass by boiling the casting
In a cream of tartar solution contain
ing a small amount of chloride of tin.
Nothing Would Help Him Mothet
Almost in Despair Owes Quick
Care to Cuticura.
"Several months ago, my little boy began
to break out with itching tores. I doctored
him, but as soon as I got them healed up
In one place they Would break out in an
other. I was almost in despair. I could
not get anything that would help him.
Then I began to use Cuticura Soap and
Cuticura Ointment, and after using them
three times the sores commenced to heal.
He is now well, and not a scar is left on
his body. They have never returned nor
left him with bad blood, as one would
think. Cuticura Remedies are the best I
have ever tried, and I shall highly recom
mend them to any one who is suffering
S likewise. Mrs. William deeding, 102 Waah
i Sington 6t, Attica, Ind., July 22, 1907."
New York City has the third larg
est German population of any city in
the world, only Berlin and Hamburg
being ahead of It.
The hands of the housewife will be
kept soft and white and free from all
chap, redness or roughness if borax la
Cheaper Coffins.
Some undertakers, whose cuftom
i ers are poor people, are using coffins
made of paper. The coffins are made
in all styles of pressed paper pulpr
the same as the common paper buck
ets. When they are varnished and
stained they resemble polished wood,
and in point of durability it is said
they are much better than wooden
the Source of Most of Women's
Mrs. Rebecca Mock, 1795 E. Rich
jtreet, Columbus, Ohio, writes: "1
believe I would still
be a victim ot kid
ney troubles but for
Doan's Kidney Pills,
for when I started
i . i. i ...
f Ub(UB lueuj l was iu
V Cv constant pain with my
' et..JtlJ back, and no other
remedy had been of
any use. The kidney secretions were
Irregular, and I was nervous and
lacked energy. But Doan's Kidney
JMHs gave me prompt relief and con
tinued use cured me."
" Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box.
roster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
ide of foife.
Wf call Hint "unspeakable"
(For lnmian hns freaks)
Of whic h with grcnt unction
'Most even- one siwiks.
'Philadelphia Ledger.
"So, Mrs. Gunson has only been
married once?"
"Yes; but she made another man
of her husband." Harper's Weekly.
Patience "She's a most wonder
ful woman."
Patrice "Why so?"
"She speaks four languages. Just
think of keeping a secret in four
languages! " Yonkers Statesman.
Jersey Commuter (crossing West
street slush) "Wasn't the snow
glorious In the country this morn
ing?" His Neighbor "Great, by Jove! If
we could only stay out there and en
joy It!" Puck.
Minister's Wife "Wake up!
There are burglars in the house,
Minister "Well, what of It? Let
them find out their mistake them
selves." Christian Register.
Client "Didn't you make a mis-r
take In going Into the law Instead ot
the army?"
Lawyer "Why?"
"By the way you charge there
would be little left of the enemy."
Sacred Heart Review. ,
"At last," said the ambitious
young novelist, "I have written some
thing that will be accepted by the
first magazine It Is sent to."
"What is It?" his friend asked.
"A check for a year's subscription."
Chicago Record-Herald.
"Even the richest man never
knows exactly how much money he
has," remarked the economist.
"I suppose bo," answered Mr. Cum
rox; "anyhow, not when his family la
out nttending to Christmas shop
ping." Washington Star.
There are some nlrturna in thn
gallery I do not want you to see."
"Which are they, mamma?"
"I will point them out to you!"
Le Sourlre.
BJones "They say that 'fools
build the houses that wise men live
In." "
Psmith "Well?"
BJones "Well, where do the fools
Psmith " In flats. " Cleveland
"Yes, Miss Roxley and I are stran
gers now," said Tom. "I've been
asked not to call there again."
"You don't say!" said Dick. "I
suppose old Roxley had a hand in
"Well er not a hand exactly."
Philadelphia Press.
Old Lady (who' had given the
tramp a nickel) "Now, what will
you do with it?"
Hungry Hobo "Waal, ye see,
mum, ef I buy an auto, there ain't
enough left to hire a shofur. So I
guess I'll git a schooner. I kin
handle that meself." Bohemian.
"Now," said the professor, "you
may translate Cicero's speech to the
Roman Senate."
"Sinister malefactors," began the
student, "how long will you continue
to abuse our patience "
"Hold on, there, boy," roared the
instructor. "You've gotten your
Latin lesson mixed up with the dally
press reports." Washington Herald.
"So you tried to drive a sharp bar
gain and got cheated again," said
Mrs. Corntassel.
"That's what happened," answered
the farmer.
"Maybe you will learn after a while
that you can't get something for
"No, I can't But it seems like the
other fellews always can." Washing
ton Star.
One of the "
of the happy homes of to-day Is a vast
fund of information as to the best methods
of promoting health and happiness and
right living and knowledge of tho world's
best products.
Products cf actual excellence and
reasonnblo claims truthfully presented
and which have attained to world-wide
acceptance through tho approval of the
Well-informed of tho World; not of indi
viduals only, but of tho many who have
the happy faculty of selecting and obtain
ing the best tho world affords.
One of tho products of that clars, of
known component parts, an Ethical
remedy, approved by physicians and com
mended by tho Well-Informed of the
World as a valuable and wholesome family
laxative is tho well-known Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial
effects always buy tho genuine, manu
factured by tho California Fig Syrup Co.,
only, and for sale by all leading druggists.
Berlin's Shade Trees.
." Three hundred Ilerlln Btrects are
planted with 44,000 trees, which are
said to represent a value of nearly
1200,000. About a thousand garden
ers and assistants are employed to
take euro of them.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Chlldrca
allays pain,cureg wind colic, tific a bottle
Esperanto State Propoeed.
Trof. Roy, the French Espcrantlst,
Is urging the cstnbliBhment of an In
dependent topernnto state In Europe.
The site he has selected for this ex
periment Is on a neutral strip of ter
ritory which lies on the frontier be
tween Germany, Belgium and Hol
land, somo five mllcB from Alx-la-Chapelle.
9100 Reward, 9IOO.
The renders of this paper will beplensed to
learn Unit there is at leant one dreaded dis
ease that science hns been able to euro in all
its stsgea.andtliatisCntarrh. Hall'sCatarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con
stitutional i! mease, requires a constitutional
treatment. llnH'sCntarrhCure Is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system, thereby destroy
ing the foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the con
stitution and assisting rmture in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much faith
in its curative powers thnt they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any rase that it fnils to
cure. Bend for lint of testiinoniuls. Address
1'. .). C'menky & Co., Toledo, O.
Fold hv DriiirRists, 7!i
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Supreme Court Changes.
Tho president of tho United States
may be an uncrowned king, but there
Is a power even greater than his, and
that Is tho power of the Supreme
Court of the United States. Within
the term of tho next presidency
there will In all probability bo four
vacancies In the .supreme court
which will bo filled by appointment
by tho president, and theso appoint
ments will In a largo measure deter
mine the future bins of tho highest
Judicial body In the country. There
aro nine members of tho supreme
court and their average age Is C4,
four of them being 70 years nnd over.
The youngest member, Judge Moody,
who was appointed In 1900,
is 65. Three of these members
have been appointed by Roosevelt
during the last six years, but owing
to the great age of several of the
members of the court It seems likely
that within the next presidential term
the rather unusual number of four
vacancies will occur. Therefore, the
next presidential election will de
termine not only who shall fill the
highest executive office in the land,
but will also determine the political
and economic bent of the supreme
court. Wall Streo Journal. .
Frost on the Moon.
Changes on the moon's surface,
especially near the crater Linnaeus,
are now recognized by Pickering,
Barnard and others. It Is concluded
that tho diminution of a white patch
must be a melting of hoar frost at
sunrise and that the deposition and
melting of frost must be taking place
In other parts of the moon.
Brain and Nerves Restored by Grape
Nuts Food.
The number of persons whose ail
ments were such that no other food
could be retained at all, la large and
reports are on the increase.
"For twelve years I suffered from
dyspepsia, finding no food that did
not distress me," writes a Wisconsin
lady. "I was reduced from 145 to
90 lbs., gradually growing weaker
until I could leave my bed only
short while at a time, and became un
able to speak aloud.
"Three years ago I was attracted
by an article on Grape-Nuts and de
cided to try It.
"My stomach was so weak I could
not take cream, but I used Grape-
Nuts with milk and lime water. It
helped me from the first, building up
my system in a manner most aston
ishing to the friends who had thought
my recovery Impossible.
"Soon I was able to take Grape
Nuts and cream for breakfast, and
lunch at night, with an egg and
Grape-Nuts for dinner.
"I am now able to eat fruit, meat
and nearly all vegetables for dinner,
but fondly continue Grape-Nuts for
breakfast and supper.
"At the time ot beginning Grape
Nuts I could scarcely speak a sentence
without changing words around or
'talking crooked' in some way, but my
brain and nerves have become so
strengthened that I no longer have
that trouble." "There's a Reason."
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek. Mich. Read "The Road to
Wellvllle," In pkgs.
Gas poisoning from gns engines has
become so common that German au
thorities urge that cylinders ot oxy
gen be kept near, and that engineers
be taught to apply inhalations to
resuscitate victims.
A restoration ot the skull of a
great horned dinosaur has Just been
set up for exhibition In Peabody Mu
seum, Yale University. It is nearly
nine feet long and about six feet
broad, and is said to be the largest
skull of any prehistoric land animal.
Experiment hns shown thnt an elec
tric arc can bo employed under water
for fusing metal. The intense heat
turnB the water surrounding the aro
into steam, thus forming an Insulate
ing cushion of vapor. It hns been
suggested thnt with proper apparatus
the electric arc could be employed by
drivers for quickly cutting through
large chain cables or Iron plates un
der water.
White tissue paper Is steeped and
perfectly Boftened Iti water and by
thorough kneading with glue, trans
formed Into a paste, and by means of
ochers (earth colors), colored as
nearly as possible to the Bhade of the
wood. To the paste calcined mag
nesia Is then ndded and It Is forced
Into the cracks or holes. This ce
ment attaches Itself very firmly to
the wood and after drying retains its
smooth surface.
According to a Government botan
ist at Washington, D. C, there Is rea
son to believe that buds share in the
growing old of the parent plant. He
illustrates his meaning in this way:
Suppose the average life ot an Indi
vidual plant say a tree to be 100
years, then a bud removed when the
parent plant is fifty years old will
also be virtually fifty years ot age,
and It transplanted by grafting will
be able to live on the graft only fifty
years more.
Photography of the breath Is the
latest science. This was explained at
the annual meeting ot the Roentgen
Ray Conference, at Berlin, Germany,
during which cinematograph pictures
ot the breathing of sick and healthy
persoiiB were thrown upon a screen.
The Inventor of the method is Dr.
Kochler, of Wiesbaden. His system
shows accurately the sympathetic BC'
tlon of the lungs and heart in con
nection with inspiration and expira
tion. It is expected that the discov
ery will play an Important role In the
diagnosis of tuberculosis and sim
ilar respiratory diseases.
Lieutenant Camden, ot the revcllo
service, reports from Alaska that Mo
Culloch Peak on Bogosloy Island,
which rose from the sea in 1796, has
now, as a result of volcanic disturb
ances, entirely disappeared. Follow
ing the explosion which destroyed the
peak have come remarkable changes
in the profilo ot Mt. Makush and the
neighboring mountains, in conse
quence ot the deposition upon them
of a vast quantity of lava dust, which
has rendered them almost unrecog
nizable. This material, to a depth
of hundreds of feet, has been strewn
over the whole Island.
Frederick the Great.
Frederick's father, Frederick Will
iam I., was a most brutal old fellow,
treating his son almost as badly as
they treat the exiles in Siberia. Un
able to endure such barbarity on the
part ot his father, Frederick resolved
to run away and seek refuge at the
court ot his uncle, George II., of Eng
land. Ready to assist him In his at
tempt were his two young friends,
Lieutenants Katte and Keith. By the
'imprudence ot Katte the secret was
found out and Frederick was placed
under arrest. Keith escaped, but
Katte was tried by court-martial, sen
tenced to death and executed. Fred
erlck also was sentenced to death and
would have been shot but for the ear
nest expostulations of the Emperor
and the Kings of Sweden and Poland.
New York American.
- History of Enameling.
It Is certain that glazes having the
composition ot good enamels were
manufactured at a very early date.
'Excellent glazes were still preserved
and some of the bricks which have
been found among the ruins of Baby
lon have been ascribed to the seventh
or eighth century, B. C. The glaze
on the Babylonian bricks was found
upon examination to have a base ot
soda-glass, or silicate of sodium,
Glazes ot a similar character were
also manufactured by the Egyptians
as early as the sixth dynasty. There
can be little doubt that the Greeks
and Etruscans were also acquainted
with the art of enameling.
St. Sebastian.
St. Sebastian was born about 240
A. D., at Norbonne, Gaul. He was a
Roman soldier and martyr, shot to
death by order of the Emperor Dio
cletian, A. D. 2SS. Later Sebastian
was made a saint, becoming the pro
tector against pestilence.
Circus of Trained Ants.
- A German is bringing to America a
circus ot trained ants. The Insects
throw somersaults, make pyramids,
dance, wrestle and fence.
Engagement Rings Lent Out.
In Australia engagement rings are
lent out by certain Jewelers as part
of their ordinary trade.
MWA Pe-ru-na
r .V'.' . . . ' .
"1 have tisd several bottles of Vcrunn and 1 ferl areatly benefited
thereby from my catarrh of the head. I feel enemtraaed to believe that
if 1 iimi it a short time louver I will be fully able to eradicate the disease
of thirty years' standing," David Mecklson.
Mr. Jacob L. Davis, Unlcna, Stone county, Mo., writes: "I have been in bad
hcnlth for thirty-seven years, end after Inking twelve bottles of your l'eruna I ara
cured." Mr. O. N. Peterson, 132 Bouth Main Bt., Council llluffs, Iowa, writes: "I
cannot tell you how much good l'eruna hss done me. Constant confinement in mv
store bejtnn to tell on my health, and 1 felt thnt 1 wns gradually brenking down. I
tried several remedies, but obtained no permanent relief until I took l'eruna. I fell
better immediately, and live bottles restored me to complete health."
Mr. D. C. Prnsscr, Ilrnvo, Allegnn Co., Mich., writes: "Two years ago I was
bndly nillicted with cntnrrh of the stnmnch. 1 had hnd a run of typhoid lever, ws
very depleted. 1 could find nothing I could eat without causing distress and sour
stomnch. Finnlly I enme to the conclusion thnt I' hnd cntarrh of the stomach and
seeing l'eruna advertised, began to tnho it. It helped me soon, and after taking threa
or four bottles I was entirely cured of stomach trouble, and can now ent anything."
Manufactured by Peruna Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio.
'b'ces.'for tvicRV'l
ktct. W. L. DouoIbs makma and molls mora "uti
man'a 92. BO, Sil.OO and $3.BOehoaa
than any olhmr mannlaelurar In Ihm
Jfcff' world, ntosvse thay hold ir"T(ty
mhmpa, tit bettor, wmme lonoor, mnd
tt-rtn. op of mmator valuo than any othmr orse,
B9f mho In ihm morld to.dav. TwH
W. L Doutriat $4 and $R Gill Edcra Shoes Cannot
rrAI'TIOW. W. U I)inulnme ln1 prion Is Ktampwl on hottnm. Tnk W MatNtUirt.
Sc.NI by l he l-rrt nho drol.rn Trwlie. Shoes mailirt from 'rt"J7 " "rTp" i?WO M.Jil
Mtu vMuuiimwMi; tumnii
Swearing Prohibited,
Orders have been posted In the
shops of the Pennsylvania Railway
system prohibiting swearing among
the men while at work. The penalty
will be an enforced vacation.
FITS,8t. Vltus'Dance:Nervons Diseases per
mnnontly cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve
Rpptoror. S3 trial bottle and treatise free.
Dr. II. H. Kline, Lrt.,Wl Arch Bt Plula., Pa.
Great Contrast.
A greater contrast could hardly be
furnlehcd by modern nations than that
between the fleet under Commodore
Perry, the presence of which In Japa
nese waters exercised so profound an
Influence on Japan's destiny at the
turning point in Its careerand that
which is to call at Yokohama on Its
long homeward voyago from the Pa
cific coast. The naval demonstration
of 1854 marked the beginning of tho
relations of Japan and the United
States, relations which in commerce
and diplomacy have been of unbroken
friendliness and mutual advantage.
There Is no present reason to doubt
that the coming visit of the fleet,
with its Impressive revelation of the
revolution which has taken place in
naval affairs in the half century and
more that has elapsed since Perry's
sldewheefers churned the waters of
the Bay of Yeddo, will cement that
friendship and lead to a clearer ap
preciation on both sides of the im
portance of preserving that happy
relation unbroken and untarnished
by distrust and suspicion. Philadel
phia Public Ledger.
Do Tour Fact Ach and Bui-oT
Shake Into your shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a
powder for the feet. It makes tight or
new shoes feel easy. Cures Corns, Bunions,
Bwollen, Hot, Smarting and Sweating Feet
and Ingrowing Nails. Hold by all druggists
and shoe stores, 25 cti Sample sent Fail.
Address Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.
With the assistance of 32 hens
Miss Maud h. Loud, Westchester
county, N. Y., is paying her way
through college.
There Is Only One
"Bromo Quinine"
That la
Laxative Bromo Quinine
Always remember the full name.
for this signature on ever; box.
flips h
Be Eouatled At Ant Price
Digestive Tablets. '
From your druggist, or the Garfield TeS
Co., Brooklyn, N. 22c. per bottle.
Mirrors Cause Delay.
The proprietor of a large New Yorl
department store says -that he con
templates removing mirrors from all
of the store elevators because they
are the cause of women lingering t
make sure that their hats are on
straight, thereby delaying the hand,
ling of passengers.
Senator Curtis of Kansas is said
to pay the strictest attention to what
Is going on in the body of any of Us
ir roa Dffrfrom Fit. Ftllliif Afeknw 01
Bptwms, or hive Children tht do ml, mj
Now Diioovry mJ TrwImiM
will KfTetbem Immodltt nlltf, in4
all Ton ara makeA to do is toaaad tot
a Froa BouJ of Dr. Mar'a
OottpIlM with Food ftnrfDTVBi Art of OonsTM
Jane 30th WjS. Complete directions, Jwite
UmooieU of CVhvA, etc. RKF. br mill.
txpnu rrtpaU. Olre AGE end foil ddreel
W. I. MT, B.U Ml hari Strati, In Tsrt
and Soap Wrapper fmm
"20 Mule Team Borax"
Prodttrta and exnhanir thm for
40-pate lllaMrated retalogae mf lOOO
arllHra civea awar FRKK. AaVeM
COR SALE A most dnslrabl MO Acre Slock
1 Farm In Northeastern Ohio. 12 room
house, burn and all other buildings; Snolaml-,
plenty water; X orchards; mile depot; bar
gain; bound to sell: U.1HM. Address
"OWiiKK," Box Zt Ems, Pa.
WIDOWS'""1'" NEW LAW obtained
nrvGinvc br John w. morris.
P. I. 0. IS. IM1
If aflllrtrd
uTbompson's Eye Watei
Willi WH
w HXtlnutlf.