The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 29, 1908, Image 3

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    ,, Depreciation of King. .
To to rich as a l;Ing was, one up
on a time, the parallel to being as
L Vbeautltul as an angel and as happy as
f god. But whereas the angels still
retain their traditional primacy, and
itho felicity of the gods Is still a com
imon figure of speech with our minor
poets, the wealth of kings has como
to be dwarfed by that of many of
their subjects. Not only that, but kings
lilave been reduced to pursue largely
ithe same methods for acquiring rich
es that their subjects make use of.
FTIence It is that, while Carlos I re
mains tne King even wnen ne appears
In tweeds at a cafe chantant, and the
Prince of Wales is still royalty when
9 travels Incognito through Paris,
ey both become quite like ourselves
when we hear of one selling his yacht
to reduce expenses, or the other be
ing caught in a tight squeeze in the
stock market. New York Evening
Awful Case of Scabies Body a Mas!
of Sores from Scrntehlnfi Her
r ' Tortures Yield to Cuticura.
"A young woman enme to our city mis
lion in a most awful condition physically.
Our doctor examined lier and told us that
he had scabies (the itch), incipient pare-
mia fimiimtiGm pre . llprHlffllt on from eX-
3losure. er Poor body was a mass of sores
bora scratching and she was not able to
I retain solid food. We worked hard over
ter for seven weeks but we could see little
" improvement. One day 1 bought a cake of
Cuticura soap and a bottle ot cuticura
Resolvent, and we bathed our patient well
and gave her a full dose of the Resolvent.
Bhe slept better that night and the next
day I got a box of Cuticura Ointment. In
five weeks this young woman was able to
look for a position, and she is now strong
and well. Laura Jane Kates, 85 Fifth
'Ave.. New York, N. Y.. Jlur. 11, 1907."
' Zinc Coffins,
Zinc coffins are largely used in
Vienna, but the more expensive ones
are made of copper, and cost as much
as $2,500, while a bronze and copper
coffin recently made for a Russian
Archduke cost over o,000.
rs. Winslow'sSoothiwr Syrnpfor Children
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25cabottle
Women As Designers.
"There Is a wide field open for
women architects," said a housekeep
er the other day, "and I do not seo
why they have not discovered it be
fore. The average woman spends
the grei'.ter part of her time arrang
ing and keeping her home straight
"b-WU doing her house work. Why, then,
shouldn't she design things with far
more convenience and comfort than a
man could think of? wio houses
Uand appointments are arranged with
out any thought of the many unneces
sary steps a woman must take be
foro she reaches the dumb-wr.iter,
refrigerator and other things. Then
there Is the kitchen sink. I never
saw one that was high enough for a
woman of average size to stand and
wash dishes without getting a pain In
her hack from bending over. I hope
that women will soon discover that a
great sphere of usefulness is open to
jjiem In designing houses and apart
ments." Some Higher Mathematics.
".I have carefully figured It out and
nd that if all the cattle we ship to
mai"ket each year were oho cow, she
would browse ou the tropical vegeta
tion along the equator, while her tall
was switching icicles off the North
Pole," says Homer Hoch. "And by
the aid of the higher branches of
mathematics I have made a careful
reputation which 6hows that If all
le hogs we slaughter annually were
10 hog, that animal could dig the
'anama canal In two roots and a half.
and its' squeal would be so loud it
would Jar the aurora borealls." Kan-
fas City Journal.
It Acta Slowly but Frequently Pro
l daces Blindness. "
The curious effect of slow daily
poisoning and the gradual building
in sf Jlnna.A .- 1 I .
u v. uiDco aa a jetsuik, is buuwa la
ibejrg of cases where the eyes are
""Sailed by coffee.
, a case in point will Illustrate:
A lady in Oswego, Mont., experi
enced a slow but sure disease set
tling upon her eyes in the form of in
creasing weakness and shooting pains
,vlth wavy, dancing lines of light, so
jrivid that nothing else could be seen
forjminutes at a time.
Jf She says:
(I "This gradual failure of sight
alarmed me and I naturally began a
very earnest quest for the cause.
'About this time I was told that coffee
TIOlRnnlriflr GnmAHmoa tnrtli- Trior fnm
fJ&$ while I didn't believe that" coffee
.was the causa of my trouble, I con
cjafcl to quit ij and see.
It, "I took Op Postum'T'ood Coffee
In spite of the jokes of huBband,
.whose experience with ohe cup at a
neighbor's was unsatisfactory. "Welt
I made Postnm strictly according to
filrections, boiling it a little longer,
became of our high altitude. The
result wag charming. I have now
used Postum in place of coffee for
ihree months and my eyes are
evor paining me or showing
lkness. I know to a certainty
be cause of the trouble was
Ind the cure was in nulttlnr It.
astf building up the nervous system
on Postum, for that was absolutely
the only change I made in diet and
I took no medicine.
"My nursing baby has been kept
In a perfectly healthy state since I
have used Postum.
"Mr. . ' , a friend, discarded
coffee and took on Postum to see If
he could be rid of his dyspepsia and
frequent headaches. The change pro
ducrV a most remarkable Improve
mentTjulckly." ' "There's a Reason." Name given
by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
Grape Nuts No. 1797.
I any wq
I that t
cofe I
l.v - N' " " ''ri - Sz
The Wonderful Wilderness Country Whither Thousands Are Getting
Ready to Travel With Rod and Camera This Spring.-lnexhaus-tible
Supplies of Trout and Salmon In the Maine and
Canadian Regions--One Man's Record 13,000.
No outdoor pastime that takes the
devotee away from home is so uni
versally enjoyed as fishing. It is an
exhilarating, care-destroying sport
that is practiced practically from one
end of the earth to the other; and in
our own country hundreds of thou
sands who never indulge in any other
form of and exercise religious
ly set aside at least a few days In the
year for the enjoyment of this time
honored amusement.
Every section of the United States
has Its peculiar kind of fishing. In
the Gulf of Mexico the mighty tarpon
is king; in California waters the leap
ing tuna is the special quarry of the
angler; along the Atlantic coast the
bluefish tempts the skill and tries the
patience of American cltizenB as il
lustrious as ex-President Cleveland;
and nearly everywhere throughout
the land some species ot the most
popular of all fresh water denizens,
the trout, is found, and in many sec
tions the lordly and much-prized
Nowhere on tho continent, how
ever, Is there a mo3t distinctively
"fishing country" tkn in tho State of
Maine. New England as a whole, in
deed, might well come under that des
ignation, for the marvellously rich
fishing country of the Pine Tree
State is admirably supplemented with
tho lake and rlver-gemniod Common
wealths of New Hampshire and Ver
mont adjoining, while in Now Bruns
wick, Quebec, Nova Scotia and other
portions of tho groat Canadian wilder
ness contiguous, the opportunities for
the angler are practically unlimited.
Even as this article is being writ
ten, a great hoat of fishermen (and
F.ot a few of them are of the fair sex),
are quietly and eagerly making the
necessary preparations for tho annual
descent upon the New England or
Canadian wilderness, their brains on
fire with visions of the "big fellows"
they know are waiting for the cast of
the fly or the trolling of the bait.
One can get ready for a fishing trip,
even to the wilds of Maine, within
a reasonably short space of time, but
there are lots of Waltonites who pre
fer to devote weeks to those delicious
preliminaries, because it adds just so
much to the long drawn out sweetness
of the "spring fishing fever."
Down in Maine the piscatorial sea
son will be in full blast about the first
of May, for it is about that time that
the annual telegram which gives to
thousands of Americans such an elec
tric shock "the Ice is out" finds its
way into the newspapers of the coun-
"rom the Rangeley Region.
try, or is displayed on straw-colored
blanks in the windows of railroad
ticket offices.
And the railroads! How much they
have done not only to popularize the
sport of fishing, but to make it so
easy a pastime, that even frail women
may now Journey into "the heart of
the ancient wood'' and have just as
good a time, and just as good sport,
as their husbands and brothers, with
out the least bit of discomfort.
Piscatorial Pilgrimages.
Of the big delegation of amateur
fishermen that will shortly be start
ing north and east from the cities and
towns of the South and the Middle
Atlantic States, by far the larger per
centage will go to the imperial State
of trout, salmon and "big game,"
Maine. There are American fisher
men some of them of national repu
tation who have annually been mak
ing piscatorial pilgrimages to the
same fishing ground for twenty-five,
thirty and even forty years.
M j
- iM .'. ' . it
Some of the perennial fishermen
have "records" of catches that are
nothing less than astounding. There
Is one authentic case of a gentleman
who in thirty-four years, each year
accompanied by the same guide, has
taken from the waters of the Range
ley region no less than 13,000 trout.
Many of these, of course, have been
returned to their natives element, on
account of smallncss of size, but think
of sitting before one'B open fire on a
stormy evening In December and re
calling the capture of 13,000 fish,
with their accompanying train of ex
citing or romantic incidents!
If any one should Inquire what part
of Maine is the best fishing ground,
the answer might both truthfully and
logically be, "any old part of tho
State.!' Watered, as It Is, by such
long and Binuous rivers as the Ken
nebec, tho Penobscot, tho Allagash,
the Fiah and the St. John, and
gemmed all over its smiling surfaco
with hundreds of water-sheets rang
ing in size from forty-mlle-long
k , V -frfvrfv Zaun-
Five Trout Weighing 12 Pounds.
Mooschead Lake down to the most di
minutive of ponds, Maino could
scarcely be anything but a fishing
country ot highest repute.
Its lakes and streams, naturally
prolific of the finny tribe, are kept so
well stocked by the fish and game au
thorities that, to all intents and pur
poses, they are practically Inexhausti
ble. For the thousands of trout, togue,
bass, pickerel and other game fish
that are taken from tho waters of
Maine every year by the great invad
ing army of rod-bearers, hundreds of
thousands of "fry" are carefully put
into those same waters by the em
ployes of the fish commission." This
is one reason why the fishing is al
ways good "down in Maine." Busi
ness panics and waves of prosperity
may play tag up and down the spinal
column of the body politic as they
will, but the fishing goes on in the
lakes and streams ot Maine with the
regularity of Tennyson's brook, and
every resort in the State Is "the best,"
if the word of Its regular habitues is
to be taken at par.
The "fishing fever," like the grippe.
Is no respector of persons. One of
the most ardent enthusiasts of the
sport, end a regular victim of the
"spring fever'," is a noted United
States Senator, who has a famous
camp at the Rangcleys. Doctors, law
yers and Indian chiefs tho latter
usually in "tho guise of professional
guides), captains of Industry, Wall
Street bankers, merchant princes,
gentlemen of leisure, bookkeepers,
railroad officials, journalists and
about every other profession and call
ing represented in this strenuous
American life of ours, are found upon
this outdoor roll of honor, some of
them gliding in from the windy west
in palatial private cars, the six-pound
trout which they land, almost from
the platform of their Pullman, being
later done to a turn by a high priced
chef of ebon hue.
Outfits may be secured or com
pleted in Boston, the great gateway
to the New England fishing, hunting
and vacation country, or in Portland
or Bangor.
Present indications for an early
opening ot the 1908 fishing season
are very promising, and inquiries at
railroad ticket agencies are reported
to be fully up to the average.
On account ot the comparative ab
sence of snow and slush last winter,
the ice in tho Maine lakes formed
very clear, which enables the warm
rays ot the spring sun to penetrate
For this reason the guides are pre
dicting that the Ice will be out of
Moosehead, 'Rangeley and the other
lakes by Mai I or earlier.
acts gontlyyet prompt
ly on the bowels cleanses
item effectually,
normnnon flu To dot ih
beneficial effects. buy
the 'Genuine.
rlanufacWcd by trie v
Calculated for Himself,
As benefitted a man of science,
Lord Kelvin was courageous In the
extreme, and there is a little known
story of him worthy of being placed
by the side of the famous anecdote of
Nasmyth, the inventor of the steam
hammer, who placed his hand under
the mighty weight to show that it
could be made to como down gently
and remain just above his palm, says
the Kansas City Star. This story
gains point by the fact that Nasmyth
first placed his watch underneath, and
by a little mlscalucation it was
smashed to pieces. Lord Kelvin once
told his class that whllo an electric
shock of 3,000 wits or so would kill
a man, a voltage of 300,000 would be
harmless. He coolly proceeded to Il
lustrate the fact on himself, but tho
students cried In horror, "Don't; try
It on a dog." The great scientist
looked reproachfully to the class and
quietly remarked. "Didn't I figure it
out on myself?" and then turned the
tremendous current Into himself.
FrTS,Sfc.Vitiin'Danee:Nprvou9 Diseased per
manentlycured by Dr. Klino's Great Nerve
Restorer. S3 trial bottle and treatise free.
Dr. II. It. Kline, Ld.,31 ArchBt,, phila., Pa,
Kings Who Taught School.
In the early part of the life of King
Christian IX. of Denmark there was
no prospect of his ever becoming the
ruler of that cvmntry. With tills in
view he became a sohooiinnster at
tlie Gorman University of Hallo.
Being too poor to keep a servant,
tho Dowager Tsarina Dagmar of Rus
sia, one of his daughters, used to help
her mother to do tho household work
and take care of the younger children.
During this period there were King
Frederick VII., nnd severnl others in
the direct lino of succession, that
stood before Prince Christian, but, by
a succession of deaths that occurred
he became tho heir apparent, and
after tho death of King Frederick
VII., In 1SG3, he was proclaimed King
Christian IX., of Denmark.
Another instance of a similar na
ture is that of Louis Philippe. Dur
ing tho timo he was exiled from
France, then being the Due De Chart
res, he became a teacher of mathe
matics nnd geography in Switzerland.
About 30 or 37 years afterwards, on
August 9, 18.10, he was proclaimed
King Louis Philippe of tho French.
Pearson's Weekly.
To St dp Leaking Pen.
If the threads in the rubber connec
tion of a fountain pen are worn a lit
tle the Joint will leak enongh to soil
the fingers. Dry the threads with a
blotter and cover them with melted
paraffin. Turn tho nozzle into the
barrel whllo tho paraffin Is still warm
and you have an inktight Joint.
OarBeld Tea U a natural laxaiire-lt
regulates the digestion, purities the blood,
cleanses the system, clears the complexion,
brightens the eyes and brings (he glow oi
splendid Health I
Potato Patch in Central Park.
Experts from th rtpnni-iinon t
agriculture in Washington have rec-
onimenaea tne growing of potatoes In
Central Park in order to get the soil
in the city's-great pleasure ground
Into the right condition for grass to
grow luxuriantly. Just who will get
the potatoes next fall is something
that Park Commissioner Henry Smith
will decide v'jen it comes time to dig
them. Just what potatoes would
cost on ground worth $1,000,000 an
acre, like that in Central Park, if the
city engaged In potato raising for
profit. Is something that almost daz
zles the Imagination.
He Didn't Ride.
The fat colonel, who had received
Orders to take a horseback Jaunt,
came out of his quarters and looked
at the horse.
"Will he stand without hitching?"
he asked.
"Yes, colonel," the orderly replied
as he touched his cap.
The colonel looked at the horse
"Then let him stand," he said, and
went back and filled out his resigna
tion. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's
Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists.
Mrs. Russell Sage recently gave
$10,000 to create a playground and
athletic field around the Plerson High
School at Sag Harbor, L. I.
An effort is being made to organize
tho workmen of Mexico on the same
lines as they are in other countries.
"7? iri to Omwm- Mini
Color nor rood, brighter snd fuior colors thu any
ou os auf kiuu wltbout flppuis sjwrt, Writ
the svs
assists one n overcoming
hniSitiinl rnnstinatlon
Hen Lays Colored Eggs.
Hiram Sailings of Bteelton, Pa., Is
telling his friendB about a favorite
hen with a poetic bouI and an Inspira
tion toward higher things than the
ordinary egg xt commerce. He has
dubbed it the Easter Egg Hen, be
cause It lays colored eggB.
When a bit ot a chick, last year,
the fowl Buffered a broken leg and
was taken into the kitchen to be
nursed. It became a great pet, and
when it got well spent most of the
time In the house watching the women
folk cook.
One day the hen saw Mrs. Stlllings
coloring eggs for Easter. For sev
eral days the fowl wore a thoughtful
air, and -it is clear now that it had
taken a firm resolve to lay only
painted eggs when it grew up.
Now, this hen ae onion skins and
indigo and calico print cloth, which.
as everybody knows, can be used to
color eggs. And in good time it be
gan to lay eggs.
Each egg that it had laid was col
ored, and each egg had a different de
sign. Mr. Stlllings refrains from de
claring that the hen laid hard-boiled
eggs, simply as a matter of policy.
Yellow-Pine Forests.
The leading areas of yellow pine
production in the United States are
no longer In the South Atlantic
States, but have been shifted to the
Southwest. The States of Louisiana,
Texas, Mississippi and Arkansas each
produced 10 per cent or more of the
total cut yellow pine last year.
There Is more Catarrh In this section of
the country than nil other diseases put to
gether, and until the last few years was sup
posed to be incurable. For a great many
yenrs doctors pronounced it a locnl disease
and prescribed local remedies, nnd bv con
stantly fuiling to cure with local treatment,
pronouncca ii incurable, bcience has proven
Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and
therefore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J.
Chencv & Co.. Toledo. Ohio, is the nnlv con
stitutional cureonthemnrket. Itistakenin-
ternnlly in closes from 10 drops toateaspoon
ful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, 'i'hey offer one hun
dred dollars forany rnseit fails to cure. Bend
for circulursand Address F.J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
t-old by Drupsists. 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Americans Like Diamonds,
Almost three-fourths of the world's
production of diamtmds are bought)
by the peoplo of the United States.
Tho declared vnlue of these gems,
covered by Invoices presented at tho
American consulate general at Ant
werp during tho year 1907, amounted
to $5,2;i0,519 for cut diamonds and
$1,053,057 for rough stones. The
bulk of this business was done during
tho first nlno months of tho year, as
there were practically no diamonds
sold to Hie United States In tho Ant
werp market during November and
December, owing to tho financial cris
is. Consular Reports.
The Twlcc-Told Experience of a San
Bernardino, Culif., Alan.
From Sunny San Bernardino, in the
midst of orango groves, writes Lionel
M. Heath, of 158
Eighth Street: "For
fifteen years I suf
fered with pains in
my back, frequent
calls to pasB the se
cretions, dropsy, rheu
matic aches and other
symptoms ot kidney
trouble. I could get
no relief until I used Doan's Kidney
Pills. They cured me five years ago,
and this is twice I have publicly said
so. The cure was thorough."
Sold by all dealers. 6 0 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
The . Path of Least Resistance.
If you choose to do the easy things
you may always "get round" your dif
ficulties, but you will never get
through them. You will remain mas
ter of the situation Indeed, but the
situation will become poorer and nar
rower every day. If you never com
mit yourself, you never express your
self, nnd your self becomes less and
less significant and decisive. Calcu
lating selfishness Is tho annihilation
of self.
Prlcc 25c
nffiAij) HOt T ALL Vrlcy fl
ilywicei, tor ivtnvQ-S B
IJS W. L. Dougam mafrsa amf mmflm mors "STitt
ntmn'm $2.80, $3.00 and MS.SOmhomm
than mny othap manul noturmr In I ha
JSrJf" vmrld, haoaua they hold thmir "TliS
mhapa, tit batta, waar hutpmm, and
-gP arm 0 praatar valua than any othar nrr,
iD ahoaa In lha world to-day. Ttia
W. L Douclll $4 and 5 Bill fin Shunt Cannot
a StIOIV. W. I. DoheIm nam snd prir Is tUmrwd on bottom. Takr Wo AntraHtetn.
ST .'L 17. '"5 ,hoe """I'" Morjwlwre, Bums ouulod (rem lorlorj lo any purl of the world. IUim.
Hled Coulos free lu inir tddren. W. JU lrOl'fiLAll, Uruckiun, Hw.
othor dyo. On lta. packata eolnra all libera. Thry d) In cold water better than anr other dya Ts
for tree booklat Mow to Ujt, BImoU tad MIX Colon, nlUNUOK llUlti CO., (iulaoy, llllMla
This sign is permanently attached
to the front of the main building ol
the Lydia E. Ilnkham Medicine)
Company, Lynn, Mass.
"What Does This Sign Mean ?
It means that public inspection of
the Laboratory and methods of doing
business is honestly desired. Itmeans
that there is nothing about the bus
iness which is not "open and above
board." It means that a permanent invita
tion is extended to anyone to coma
and verify any and all statements
made in tho advertisements of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Is it a purely vegetable compound
made from roots and herbs with
out drugs ?
Como and Sec.
Do tho women of America continu
ally use as much of it as wo are told ?
Como and Sec.
AVas there ever such a person as
Lydia E. linkhani, and is there any
Mrs. l'inkham now to whom sicfc
woman are asked to write ?
Como and See.
Is tho vast private correspondence
with sick women conducted by
women only, and aro the letters kept
Btrictly confidential ?
Como nnd See.
Have they really got letters from
over ono ;nillion, one hundred
thousand women correspondents?
Como and See.
Have they proof that Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has
cured thousands of these women ?
Como and See.
This advertisement is only for
doubters. The great army women
who know from their own personal
experienco that no medicine in the
world equals Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound for female ills
will still go on using and being ben
efited by it ; but tho poor doubting,
suffering woman must, for her own
sake,bo taught coniidence.forshealso
might just as well regain her health.
Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body
antisepticnlly clean and free from un
healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors,
which water, soap and tooth preparations
alone cannot do. A
germicidal, disin
fecting and deodor
izing toilet requisite
ot exceptional ex
cellence and econ
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug and toilet
stores, SO cents, or
by mail postpaid.
Large Trial Sample
P. N. U. 17. Mi.
A certain ours for rererljibiifsst
('AnMlpatjon, Heaateli,
Htnmarh Troubles, TeelblssT
JMaorarrfl, And Destroy
Harms. Tlwy nrrok np Colda
In M hours. Ar nil Drufffrir, nets.
Simple mtlVd FREE. XddrsaL
XooYorkUltr. A. 8. OLMSTED, Le Roy. N.H
and 6O0
IU Fnnillsri At Ant Prim
Mother Qrsr,
NarM In Child-