T SPRING KIDNEI TROUBLE. Ytrldly Described by One Who Hat Suffered From It. Mrs. H. Mutzabaugh.of Duncan aon. Pa., says: "I was sick and mis erable all last Spring, and as I did not know what was the matter, I kept eolng down and down until I was a physical wreck. I had smothering spells, flashes of heat over the kidneys, and pain In passing the i.Mney secretions, which con- taiied sediment. My husband urged me to try Doan's Kidney Pills, and at last I did so. They did ma much good, and I used In all eight boxes, Which restored me to perfect health." Bold by all dealers. 50 cents a box, Foeter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Cipher Code Stolen. A copy of the cipher of the Amer ican State Department, used In private correspondence between Washington and the various American legations and embassies, was stolen recently from the American legation at Bucha rest Rumania, by a French employe, Who escaped to Constantinople. ia WAS DELIRIOUS WITH ECZEMA. Pain, Heat anil Tingling Were Excru ciating Ciitirura Acted Like Mngic. "An eruption broke out on my dauiih. tr't chest- J took her to a doctor, and he pronounced it to be eczema of a very bad form. He treated her, but the disease spread to her hack, and then tho whole of her head waa affected, and all her hair had to be cut off. The pain she suffered was excruciating, Rnd with that and the heat and tingling her life was almost unbeara ble. Occasionally she waa delirious and he did not have a proper hour's Bleep for many nights. The second doctor we tried afforded her just as little relief as the first. Then I purchased Cuticura Soap, Oint ment, and Pills, and before the Ointment was three-qunrters finished every trace of the disease was gone. It really seemed like magic. Mrs. T. W. Hyde, Brentwood, Essex, England, Mar. 8, 1007." Millions for Missions. A compilation made by Rev. Dr. D. ti. Leonard of foreign missionary sta tistics of the world shows that the to tal contributions of the missionary societies to foreign missions last year amounted to $22,459,680, an Increase over the previous year of almost $1,200,000. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle Wedding Music. It happened at The Little Church Across the Street. A wedding was In progress. The organist had played "Lohengrin Com ing In" and was prepared to play "Mendelssohn Going Out." . During the ceremony the strains of "Call Me . Thine Own" were blent with the pray er book service. Suddenly the sex It, ton whispered in the ear of the organ ist: Both of them s been married three times!" Instantly the fingers ' on the keyboard modulated Into the key of Gee flat, and through the low vaulted aisles rippled that beautiful Opus 29th Street, "Just for To-Dday." Success Magazine. Daniel Up to Date. Jimmy, aged 5, was told the story of Daniel in the lion's den by his j grandmother. When Rhe had finished ! the story she asked Jimmy what he ' thought Daniel did the very first ! thing when he found he was saved from the lions? I "Oh, I guess he telephoned home to his wife to tell her he was all , right," answered Jimmy. Philadel phia Record 7 m. I This woman says she was saved I from an operation by Lydia E. U Pinkbams Vegetable Compound. Lena V. Henry, of Norristown, Ga., writes to Mrs. Pinkham : I suffered untold misery from fe male troubles. My doctor said an opera tion was the only chance I bad, and I dreaded it almost as much as death. " One day I read how other women had been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I decided to try it. Before I had taken the first bottle I was better, and now I am en- lrely careo. X-r " Every woman suffering- with any liemaie xrouoie snouiu mne uyui a. I Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, DacKacne, mat Dear-!ng-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has pulded thousands to ltealth. Address, Lynn, Mass. The remarkable nitrogen-absorbing power of calcium can be utilized, with fixation of oxygen, to produce chemically a vacuum in incandescent lamps, and also to eliminate the oc cluded gases In molten iron or steel. The devlntor of M. Jansen is a float designed to change the course of a kite and take a tow line to a vessel In distress. In late experi ments at Royan, France, a line waa carried to a ship a third of a mile away In four minutes, with deviations of sixty to seventy degrees from the direction of the wind. FIreless stoves, or self-cookers, as they are variously known, have been In use In Germany for a number of years. These cookers are used as follows: After a thorough heating the food to be stewed or boiled is placed inside the box, sealed and left for a sufficient time, when It Is opened and the food, cooked by the retained heat Is ready to serve. In bringing about the decomposi tion of organic matter certain mi crobes liberated materials which were of the utmost use to mankind. Mi crobes favored fermentations. They took an Important part In making the wines for which France is famous. Without them French bread, equally famous, would also be unknown. They helped man to manufacture beer and butter and cheese. The French Government has In trusted to Mme. Laurence Fiedler, of Paris, a mission to make an exhaust ive Investigation Into the social and industrial conditions of women and children In America. The purpose of her work, Mme. Fiedler says, is to raise the standard of women's wages In France, as well as the social stand ard of her countrywomen In every department of Industrial and commer cial work. Luminous vapor marking the loca tion of extensive ore deposits at night was recorded 160 years ago in Ger many, and has been noted since in North America, but the observations have been generally attributed to superstition and error. Recent In vestigation has proven the reality of such an emanation from the earth's surface. It is especially frequent Just before and during thunderstorms, and has been repeatedly photo graphed by a German physicist, K. Zenger, using plates coated with flu orescent Bubstances. The electric radiation should be most intense over spots that are good conductors of electricity such as beds of ore, and even of coal. The photographs seem to show the variations in intensity very readily, and this may give a very simple and valuable means of locat ing ore deposits. TEXAS BUZZARDS IX DEMAXD. Few Carloads Wanted For Shipment to the North. Henry Fielding, of Bangor, Me., nrrived In the city Saturday and ia stopping at the Bexar Hotel. His mission in the Lone Star State Is to purchase and acquire Texas buzzards of various ages for shipment to Maine for scavenger purposes. He is rep resenting a number of the boards of trade, chambers of commerce, busl ness clubs, etc., of Maine cities, which have recently awakened to the fact that the supply of buzzards In Maine Is rapidly decreasing, which Is in jurious to the rural districts in Maine. Mr. Fielding was instructed to se lect the moat strategic point as a headquarters in a section of the Southwest well populated with the crimson headed creatures, and to be gin operations. Mr. Fielding says it Is a matter of general knowledge that buzzards are thickest in a cattle coun try, and Inquiries by mall and other wise proved that Southwest Texas ii well stocked with what he is seeking. The shipments will be in carload lots to various points of Maine. Most of them will probably move out of San Antonio, coming here in less than carload lots. However, if Mr. Field ing secures a carload at any particu lar point in the Southwest the ship ment will be made from there. Mr. Fielding admits that his mis sion Is unique and seems strange in a community where buzzards are plentiful, yet one that can be perfect ly appreciated in a community where the stock of buzzards has been almost! wholly destroyed. He says the last Legislature In 'the State of Maine passed strict laws relating to the slaughter of buzzards and that dur ing the next two or three years an effort will be made to -undo the dam age that has been done and to remedy present conditions. "Naturally," said Mr. Fielding, "any one will admit that the buzzard is a very necessary bird to rural dis tricts. He Is not only a destroyer of carrion, but he Is a great detective and calls the attention ot many a farmer and ranch owner to the pres ence ot nearby carrion calculated to Injure health If not disposed of. We believe that by a general campaign It will be possible to restock the State ot Maine In the course ot two or three years, and believe that the money will be well expended." San An tonio Express. Sclf-Surrendcr. It makes the mind very free when we give up wishing, and only think of bearing what is laid upon us, aud doing what Is given us to do. George ElloU ttaUtual Comtipaiton .May () permanently overcome by proper personal efforts vitk trie i assistance bftheono truly beneficial axative remedy, Srup opigs and EiiiW ofSeitM, jwKich enables onetojform regular kabttg d aily so that assistance w na ture may be gradually dispensed with. vhen ho (onger needed astliebcstof remedies, wlcn required, are to assist nature and not to supplant the hotur. ftl junctions, vhicn must depend ulti mately upon proper nourishment, proper efjovtit.and rifjkt living generally. Iogetits. beneficial effects, always toy the genuine SyrubfigsEi imj Senna manufactured by tilt California Fig Syrup Co. oniy SOLP BVALL LEADINC DRUCCISTS one size only, regular price 50? p Bottle Big Trees. At Gaylord, Mich., the other day they cut down an elm that was eight feet through at the. base. It scaled more than 10,000 feet. Another one, although rotten at the base, was cut off IS feet from the ground and con tained 6,000 feet. A third tree in that section Is 27 feet in circumference. The vandals have spared it so far. Deafness Cannot Be Cured oylocal applications as tbeycannot reach the diseased portion of the ear.' There ia only one way to cure deiifuess, and that ia by consti tutional remedies. JD?afues9 is caused by an inflamed condition of the raucous lining ot the Eustachian Tuba. When this tube ia in flamed yon have a rumbling sound or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness ia the result, and unless the inflam mation can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever. Nine cases out of ten arecaused bycatarrh, which isnothingbutan Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused bycatnrrh) that ran notba curedby Hull's (Mnrrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J.Chrnet & Co., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, Tflc. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Uncle Sam as a Custodian. Ten millions growing moldly In the United States treasury suffering for an owner! What a burden to an overworked government to have to sit up o' nights and watch It, and not know to whom it belongs! For something over 40 years this vast store has been gathering dust, being the proceeds of "abandoned proper ty" captured by the Union soldiers, sold for cash and the money turned Into the treasury. To be strictly accurate, there still remains, after millions have been distributed to ap proved claimants, $10,028,351.88 for which Uncle Sam has never been able to find a proper owner. Philadelphia Telegraph. A is invaluable in an emeraencv 1 1 quickly relieves the soreness reduces rne swelling and strengthens the weak muscles. Because of its antiseptic and healing properties, remedy known for curs.wounds.bruises srinqs.Durns ana scalds. PRICE 25 50 & $ 1.00. Dr. Earl S.Sloan, Boston, Our Wool It Shrinking. While the population of the United States has increased by at least 10, 000,000 In ten years, the Bupply of wool for clothing; the American peo ple is less by millions of pounds than it was ten years ago. The only re lief from this condition Is In adultera tions of cotton and ehoddy ("devil's rust") and the enterprise of the gen ial smuggler. In much the same con ditions a favorite toast of that stern old moralist, Samuel Johnson, was: "Here's to the smuggler, the only honest trader going." Philadelphia Record. Many Old People Salter From Bronchial Affections, particularly at this time of year. Brown's Bronchial Troches give immediate relief. Soldiers Must Swim. All German soldiers must learn to swim. Some ot them are so expert that, with their clothing on their heads and carrying guns and ammu nition, they can swim several hun dred yards. Garfield Tea, the herb medicine, mmim a healthy action of liver, kidney, stomach and bowels. Take it for constipation and sick-headaclie. Write Garfield Tea Co., Brooklyn, N. for free sample. The Greatest Heat. The greatest heat Is never found on the equator, but Bome 10 degrees to the north, while more severe cold has been registered In Northern Si beria than has been found near the Pole. Itch cured in 30 minute by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fcila. At dragguta. The last census of locomotives in this country showed 51,672. BONES OF 8EA 8ERPENT. Scientist Gloating Over Finest and Most Complete Specimen. The University of Chicago has add ed to Its collections the bones of a sea serpent. It was found in the bed tf the Smoky hills near thewet ern boundary of Kansas. Scientists say it is the finest and most complete specimen of Its kind In existence. Prof. Samuel- W. Wllllston of the paleontology department discovered the bones of the creature last sum mer. It measured 19 feet long, had 112 vertebrae and four paddle-shaped feet Not Fitted for Farm Work. There is a great army of city work ers who. are willing and industrious enough but who would be of little use on a farm, because they know prac tically nothing cf the work. Many of those "who ask with Impatience why the men who are out of work on account of business depression do not go on the farms fall to consider that scores of them know so little about farm work that they would be scarcely worth hiring. The cities of this country have been rearing a class of workmen who are not adapted for the farm and who know It perfectly well. It is unfortunate, no doubt, that city life unfits most men for agricultural pursuits. Nevertheless so It Is and that Is a very considera ble reason why clerks and mechanics do not rush to take the places which the farmers offer. Roller Skating. This amusement affords so much delight to young people that no one feels much Inclined to Interfere with it, even when It Is annoying. It is remembered that In a crowded city boys and girls ro ;n a measure shut out from both amusement and health ful exercise. The playgrounds are excellent as far as they go, but there are not enough of them, and they are useless anyway In a wet season. Therefore, with malice towards none and charity for all, the sympathizing public will probably continue to put up with the inconveniences rather than to call for its suppression, but manifestly the sport requires some regulation In the Interest both of chil dren and adults. Chicago Record Herald. What's In a Name. It is noticed thnt the town of Boo zy, W. Va., is as "dry" as Georgia, and Coldwater, Mich., has been car ried against prohibition. The next thing you'll hear of the water wagon going "wet." FITS, St. Vltua'Dance :Nervous Diseases per manentlycured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. 9 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline, l,rt:il Arch St., Phila., Pa, Wrong Island. A college professor is going to Min danao to look for lost races. We suppose he knows his business, but It looks as If he had picked out the wrong island. Coney is a great deal nearer the place where the races are lost Philadelphia North American. Sprain or Strain must have immediate attention SloeaVs Liiinveit 5loan's Liniment is Cowper's Home. The home for many years of the poet Cowper at Olnev, Bucks, has Just undergone a thorough renova tion conducted on reverent lines, at the hands of the trustees In whom It Is vested as a museum. Ladle. Can Wen Shoe! One size smaller after using Allen's Foot- Ease, a r.o wder. It makea tight or ne w shoes iv. cures swollen, i.ot, sweating, acmng feet, Ingrowing nails, corns and bunions. At all dr jggistH and ako9 stores, 29a Dou't ac cept any substitute. Trial package Fhek by mail. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, LoBoy.N. Y. Its Only Victory. There will be no veto of the "In God We Trust" bill. Mr. Roosevelt will bow gracefully to the will of the people who disagreed with him. It should not be overlooked, perhaps, that at this point congress scores its only and most extraordinary victory over the chief executive up to date. Springfield Republican. Plea for Economy. It Is bad enough In times like these to propose higher public salaries for existing offices; but it Is going from bad to worse to propose the creation of still more salaried offices. Has anybody noticed that business corpor ations are pursuing such a course? Springfield Republican. China Needs Powder. - Instructions have been Issued to the provinces that the presence of all sulphur mines in China must be re ported, the mineral being required for military purposes and the manufact ure of ammunition. Oxford Is the largest university In the world, five balls. It has 21 colleges anJ NO ONE CAN Pe-ru-na Pre' I vents Catehini Cold. Many people persist in hding on the street can, insufficiently protected by clothing. They start out perhaps in the heat ol the day and do not led the need ot wraps. The inpid moving of the car cools the body unduly. When they board the car perhaps they are slightly perspiring. When the body is in this condition it is easily chilled. Tins is expecinlly true when a person ia sitting. Heginning a street cur ride in the middle of the day and ending it in the even ing almost inrnrinhly requires extra wraps, but people do not observe these pre cautions, hence they catch cold. ' Colda are very frequent in the Spring on this account, and aa the Summer ad vances, they do not decrease. During the Spring months, no one should think vf riding on the car without being provided witti a wrap. A cold caught in the Spring is liable to last through the entire Summer. Ureat caution should be observed at this season against exposure to cold. During the first few pleasant dnys of Spring, the liability of catching cold is great. No wonder ao ninny people acquire muscular rheumatism and colurrhal disease during this season. However, in spite of the greatest precautions, colds will be caught. At the appearance of the first symptom, I'eruna should be taken according to directions on the bottle, and continued until every symptom disappears. Do not put it off. Do not wuste time by taking other remedies, liegin at once to take l'erunn and continue it until you are positive thnt the cold haa entirely disappeared. Thia may save you a long and perhaps serious illness later on. Bad Effects From Cold. Mr. M. J. Deutsch, Secretary Building Material Trades Council, 101 Washington St., Chicago, III., writes: "I have found your medicine to be un usually ellicncious in getting rid of bad effect from cold, and more especially in driving away nil symptoms of catarrh, with which I am freqeuntly troubled. "The relief I'eruna gives in catarrhal troubles alone ia well worth the price per bottle. I have used the remedy for several years now." Spells of Coughing. Mra. C. E. Long, writes from Atwood, Colorndo, aa follows: "When I wrote you lor advice my little three-year-old girl had a cough that had been troubling her for four montha. She took cold eally, and would wheeze SHOES AT ALL PRICES. FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND ffullijsy SHOES AT ALL MICK S mwCZ rntrn. rnn r"rmriL fi wF W. L. Douglas makat and mora STL-t mn'm$2.B0,$3.0Omndt8.B0mhom than any orrep mmnufaoturof In thm JJkjr" world, Bocaute thay hold thai tiiji mhapa, til botlar, araa lonffaf, and ara or praalar walua than any olhar mr ahoaa In lha world to-dav. W. L Douclas $4 and $5 Gilt Edce Shoes Cannot wr 'A ITTION. W. I. Dnnitlas mime ana prise Is stamrwa on bottom. Tnk. lo flnh.tltuta. Bcil'l bj the best ulioe denlrri rretywlnr. Baoes mailed trom fartori to any pnrt of tho world. I Una frated Catalog free to any addreu. W. MO UOLAS. Ilrocktun, Maw. of this kind . and congestion the best" tisr- iter i ? w&e im Mass. ii in iiiiMiiniiiiii mi in i in fi. n., itfiiiirfrii.Tii Guideposts in France. A feature of the roads of France Is the ever-present guidepost. These guideposts consist of an Iron plaque, about two feet long and a foot high, securely fastened to some substantial wall. They are painted In white and blue and show, without any possibil ity of mistake, not only the com mune or township in which they stand, but the next important place In either direction as well as the dis tances between all the chief points upon that route. Thus you will find, If you are traveling on a road which leads to Paris, that the name of the metropolis will appear on- the sign board, although it may be several hundred kilometers distant. Outing Magazine. Some Good Indians. The Pima Indians, who live on the banks of the Gila river (pronounced In Spanish Heela), are the most clv illved of any North American Indians. They live In houses, manufacture use ful articles and are known for simplic ity of character, peacefulness and honesty. Thero is Only Ono "Br onto Qulnlno" That Is Laxative Bromo Quinine usco me world over to oimr a oold m out oat. Always remember the full nam. j for this signature en every box. ALWAYS AVOID amaaWMmm't&imammaaTmlaaWEaaW MSSfK aMaV sot One Doss in Time, Save Nine. - and have spells ot coughing that would sometimes last for a half hour. "Now we can never thank you enough for the change you have uiade in our litua one'a health, llefure she began taking your Peruna she sulfered everything in the way of cough, colds and croup, but now she haa taken nut quite a bottle of I'eruna, and is well and Hi rung at she has eve Ueen in her life." Pe-ru-na tor Colds. Mr. James Morrison, $t East 16th St Paterson, N. J., writes: "1 have given i'eruna a lair trial, and I find it to be just what you claim it to be. I cannot praise it too highly, i have used two bottles in my family for colda, and everything imaginable. I can safely aaf that your medicine is the best I have era used. CHILDREN. Be Eaualled At Anr Price No Files on This Cow. Missouri's latest is a cow with twe tails, which brushes the flies from both of her sides at once. Man who milks her must have happy time. New York Herald. Birds That Live Long. Among the birds the swan lives to. be the oldest. In extreme cases reach lng 300 years. The falcon has beeq known to live over 162 years. If rm toffer from Flu, Fslllnir ftlcknev m pinw, or uts uauaren mm ao aa, akj Hw Di too vary ana Tr tmut will give them Immadlart rvltof, anal all yon are tuuted to do U loaoad Sot free Bottle ot Dr. Ma' a EPILEPTICIDE CURE Ortmplltw with Fond and Drag Act of Ormcnisi June 30th 19. i'nmplete dirwtiona, tUaotee ttmonUia of OUKKH, ete.. FhtBbr mail. Sxprtu Yepaid. ttiva AUK ud fall ddraes f. I. BAT, B.L Ml tori Hra ftw Ttrt F. K. U. IS, 1901. If afflicted with weak Tee, IM Thompson's EyeWatei SWA Look SSo. fTrtnrta g 1 fjasj$U -J 8 JSzelumehh str . j i f i I i v4