The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 22, 1908, Image 4

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    Nervous Headache
Not a disease but lympton or sign which
tcllt of thin blood and exhausted nerves. A
warning that nerve force u becoming exhausted
and that you are in donga of nervous col
T lapse prostration, paralysis, or even worse.
What is to be done ) Headache powdca
' are dangerous and only leave the nervous
system more exhausted than before their use.
New blood must be formed, new nerve
; force created, and this is exactly what is ac
' compluhed by the use of
Dr. A. W. Chase's
Nerve Pills
Gradually, naturally and certainly the
nervous system is built up by this great rcstora
. live trealti.'-nt. until weakness, nmn and dis
couragement give way to health, strength and
- viflor. The portrait and signature of A. W.
Chase, FVl.D. the famous Receipt Book author
are on every box, 50 els. at all dealers or Dr.
A. W. Chase Medicine Co, Buffalo, M.Y.
Mrs. Richard Torejr, Walnut Street,
Ashland, Pa., states :
"1 was v-ry much run down and suffered from
; severe headaches, Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve
Pills did me a world of good cured the
s headaches, strengthened my nervous system
and enabled me to sleep and rest well."
For Sale by Stoke & Feioht Drug Co.
P, We are so certain that
I Itching, Blooding; and
I yj Protruding Piles can al-
aa sr sT ways be relieved and ab
solutely cured by thia
ointment that we positively guarantee satis
faction or money refunded.
Dr. A.W. Chase's
dealers or Qr.A.W.Chaae nintmont
Medicine Co. . Bu Ifalo. N . Y. J I II I ITl 6 II I
- For sale by Stoke & Feioht Drug Co.
A satisfied p:ople
is the best advertise
ment. Dr. Gibson
has visited in Keyn
oldsville for a long
friends, as they need
time and the past
year has been the
best one. His old
glasses, come back
to .him. At Ameri
can Hotel, April 20
and 2 1, at Imperial
Hotel, Reynoldsville
April 24.
If you have anything to sell, try
our Want Column.
worn out.
If ft won't do all this it will be replaced
by a new garment. There is satisfaction for
everybody in buying clothes under doth;
craft conditions. -
$ J 0.00 to $25.00
3'Ig made in seven beautiful colors besides
- natural or clear. These colors are all
durable and will stand water, hard usage
."' and heavy shoes ; same as the clear. It's
r, all the same quality, works easy and- lasts.
Is made to walk on, but is suitable for
' 'all inside work as well as floors. Booklet
: and Color Card Free. .
Mm. I. Horwltz Is In Pittsburg this
Ed. Boyle, of Ritnersburjr, was In
town this week. . .
Edward Elder, of DuBols, spent Sun
day In this place.
Mlse Golda Martin, of Pittsburg, Is
visiting In this place.
Mrs. B. W. McClure and children are
visiting in Pittsburg.
Mrs. Daniel Mowery is visiting her
parents at Langville.
Mrs. Daniel Brewer visited in Punx
sutawney last week.
Miss Merta Boyle, of DjBoIs, was a
visitor in town last week.
Frank Hasson returned Monday from
s trip to Cleveland, Ohio.
Prof, Ross Clawges and wife visit' d
lq Leechburg the past week.
Mrs. W. C. Glbaori has been visiting
Jn Kittanning the past week.
Robert Douthlt visited near Helvetia
and Falls Creek the past week.
Mrs. Walter B. Reynolds, of Warren,
is visiting her mother in this place.
Mrs. Eliza Jones moved from Kittan
ning back to Reynoldsville a few days
John McClure, of Pittsburg, spent
Sunday at home of his parents In this
Harry C. Herpel, of Monessen, spent
Sunday at home of his parents in this
Mrs.iEugene Cochran, of Brookvllle,
Is visiting her parents in West Reyn
oldsville. Miss Alma Dougherty, of Falls Creek,
was a visitor at home of T. C. Shields
over Sunday.
Charles Hartman, of Parnassus, Pa.,
was a visitor at home of Harvey S.
Deter this week.
' Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Fye, of Du
Bols, spent Sunday with the latter's
parents in this place.
Ezra Neff, student in Girard College
at Philadelphia, came vhome Friday
morning for Easter vacation.
John Deemer and daughter, of Du
Bols, visited the former's parents at
Deemer's Cross Road yesterday.
Mrs. Mary A. Hoch, of New Mays
vllle, who visited her eon, I. M. Hoch,
ten days, returned home Monday.
Miss Sara McNaughtin, of Catfish,
vinlted at homo of her uncle, G. B.
McKee, in this place the past week.
Craig King, student in University of
Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, came
home last week for Easter vacation,
Fred McEniire and John Coleman,
students in Stato College, spent Easter
vacation at their homes In th's place.
VERY dothcraft gar
ment sold carries with
it a written guarantee
signed by the makers
It guarantees the
garment to be all wool.
to fit correctly, and to
hold Its shape until
Mrs. W. M: Rife spent. Sunday In
DuBols. i "
Dr. J. B. Neale was In Pittsourg
Miss Nelle Montgomery is visiting
in Pittsburg this week.
Ethel Pomroy,. of Anita, was a
visitor In town this week.
Mrs. Lottie Brothers Is visiting her
mother In Kittanning this week.
Mrs. Susan L. Fleming returmd Fri
day from a two weeks visit In DuBols.
Mrs. Joan Bowlby and Miss Maude
MUlor vteited in Punxsutawney Thurs
day. -
Mrs. Frank Hasson returned Monday
from a ylsit with her parents in Brook
vllle. . Miss Myrtle Williams, who was visit
ing In Natrona, Pa., returned home
R. C. Dnrsey, of Butler, was a guest
at homo of Daniel Nolan a couple of
days this weok.
Garfield Harries, of Johnsonburg,
visited his home in this place several
days the past week. -
Miss Josephine Montgomery, of Pitts
burg, spent Sunday at home of ber
parents in this place.
Postmaster E. C. Burns is in Harris
burg tbls week attending the post
masters' convention.
Miss Laura" Col well, of Kittanning,
waB the guest of Miss Margaret Apple
gate over Sunday.
Mrs. A. M. Applegate will start
for Chicago, 111., to-day to visit her
brother, Harry Cartln.
Misses Irene Hughes and Mae Eagin,
of Rathmel, went to Corsica Monday
to attend the academy.
Mrs. H. Earl Swift, and daughter,
Evangeline, of Brookvllle, were vis
itors in town the past week.
Misses Blarda Davie, of DuBols, and
Amy Crewe, nf Johnsonburg, were
guests of Mrs. W. M. Rife Friday.
H. William Hlnes, who is working
in glass plant at Eldred, spent Easter
at home of bis parents in this place.
Misses Helen Black and Pearl En
dreBB, of Brookvllle, were guests of
Misses Frankie and Hazel Hoffman over
Clarence Stephenson, of Pittsburg,
an engineer on the P. R. R., visited at'
home of his parents in West Reynolds
ville over Sunday.
Mrs. Dr. E. R. Gardner, of Pittsburg,
was called here last week to attend the
funeral of the little daughter of her
brother, B. W. McClure.
' Mrs. B. A. Hays, of Pittsburg, re
turned home Monday after spending
ten days at home of her father-in-law,
John M. Hays, on Main st.
Ex-County Supt. E. C. Shields, of
DuBols, at one time a teacher in our
publio schools, was the guest of Prof.
W. M. Rife a day last week.
L O. Melllnger, superintendent of the
B. & S. coal works at Big Hun, spent
Sunday at home of bis brother-in-law,
Ira S Smith, in this place.
Dr. J. A. Parsons, pastor of the M.
E. church, went to Erie yesterday to
visit a couple of days with a brother
and sister who are moving to Canada.
Mrs. John M. Stephenson went to
East Brady Friday to help for a few
days in taking care of a grandson that
arrived at the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Stephenson. -
William Robertson and wife, John
ReddeclifT and wile, James McMurtie,
of Bitumen, James Robertson, John
Robertson and wife, of Evans City, who
attended the funeral of their uncle,
Johu Miller, were visitors In town the
past week.
Miss May bell Sutter, teller in The
Peoples Savings bank In PittBburg, and
Miss Nelle Elizabeth Sutter, who holds
a good position in a large store in New
Bethlehem, spent Easter with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sutter,
on Pleasant avenue.
John ReddeclifT, wbo has resided at
Bitumen, Pa , a couple of years, will
move back to Reynoldsville tbe early
part of next month. Mr. ReddeclifT is
a fine tenor singer and will be a good
addition to the already excellent choir
in tbe M. E church.
Miss Eleanor Reed was in Pittsburg
last week attending tbe funeral of G.
W. Barclay, wbo was a P. R. R. ticket
agent in tbe Union depot at Pittsourg.
His widow, whose maiden name was
Delia Emerick, formerly of Emerick
vlllo, is well known to a number of our
citizens as Mrs. Caspor Karstorp, hav
ing bad charge of the Reynolds House
some years ago.
Mrs. J. B. Neale, of Kane, was in
town last Thursday looking for a house
to move back to Reynoldsville. Dr.
Neale moved his family to Kane last
year for bnnefit of his wife's health,
but he remained here to take care of
his lare practice. They will move
iatoMrs Mithcell's liouso on Grant St.,
between Third and Fourth streets, tbe next two week.
Tbe degree team of Menno Council
will go to Kittanning Saturday to In
stitute a new Pocahontas Council in
that place Saturday evening.
Gibson's optical examinations are
thorough. Glauses only advised when
needed. See bim at Imperial hotel
April 24.
Reed shoes are
Bing-Stoke Co. '
best. See them at
Se the new spring styles In bats at
Fdlloworaft (3.50 sloe for 13.00 at
Bing-Stoke Co.
See tbe new brown suiting at Mllli
rens. '
Property ChVnges in thi Vicinity Put
on Record at Brqokville.
Mary Ann" Grick. ct til . to Hannah
Cottlo, for lot In Rnynoldsvilli', 84"0.
April 13. 1908
W. G. Itodirer to Strati C. Rhn-jds,
for 32 acres 50 p.uvhiMi In Knox town
ship, 91.00 April!), 1908
Susanna Smith, ut. ill , to Robert
Ainslee Bone, Sr.-, Tor lot' In ReynoldB
vllle. 5. April 14, 1908.
Cathorlno Convey, to Peter Wale
ryck, for lots In West Roynoldsvillo,
$550. April JT, 1908.
. Joseph Renna, et. al., by sheriff, to
M. M. FUher, "for fl.,000 square feet
In Reynoldsville. 50 April 14, 1908
Ella Krilne estate, by sheriff, to
Reynoldsville B. & L. Association, for
9,000 (qinir.i feet fn WInslow township,
$26. April 14, 190?
Reynold -ville Clay Mfg. Co., by
sheiilT, to First .National bank of
Reynoldsville, for property in WIns
low township, $5,200. March 10, 1908.
Central Land and Mining Co. to J.
D. Woodrlng, for 12 acres In WInslow
township, $708 July f7, 1007.
Daniel II. Krumanocker, ct al., to
William P. Woodrlng, for 2,000 tquare
feot in West Reynoldsville, $200.
March 20, 1907.
Alexander Dickey to Carmine Mari
naro, for 2 acres 53 porches in WInslow
township. $130. December 7, 1908
Samuel T. Reed, by administrator,
to Phlneas S. Reed, for property in
Sykesville borough, WInslow township,
$2,176. December 16, 1907.
Death was on His Heels. '
Jesse P. Morris, of Skippers, Va.y
bad a close call in the spring of 1900,
He says: "An attack of pneumonia
left me so weak and with such a fearful
cough that my friends declared con
sumption had me, and death was on my
heels Then I was persuaded to try
Dr, King's New Discovery. It helped
me immediately, and after taking two
and a half bottles I was a well man
again. I found out that New Discov
ery Is the best remedy for coughs and
lung disease in all the world." Sold
under guarantee at Stoke & Felcht
Drug Co. drug store. fiOc and $1.00.
Trial bottle free.
Tbe copper shade Is the newest thing
in women's oxfords at Adam's.
New spring clothing at Mlllirens. -
J. O. Johns, merchant tailor, next
door to National hotel.
Want Column.
Rates: One cent per word for each and
oFon Sale One oak bed room suite
and other household articles will .be
sold cheap; also Fitch gas china kiln.
Apply Mrs. F. H. Gallagher, Third
St., rear of Frank's Tavern.
Wanted One hundred bushels of
potatoes. Robinson & MundorfT.
For sale Houses, lots and farms. In
quire E. Neff, Esq., Reynoldsville, Pa.
Single and rose, comb white and sin
gle oomb brown leghorns. Eggs 50c
per setting. F. E. Bussard, R F. D. 1.
For Sale Good 2 h. p. upright
gas engine. Call on or address Hunter
& Milllren, Reynoldsville, Pa.
FOR Rent Store room on Main
st. formerly occupied by Harry Mar
tin's candy store. Inquire of Harry
To Rent Furnished room three
minutes walk from postolllce. Inquire
at The Star ofllce. '
For Rent Good six room house
on Hill St., near Fifth. Inquire Star.
Flat to Rent Rooms over Bing-Stoke
Co.'s Btoreormerly occupied by Mrs.
Strong. Inquire of H. Alex Stoke.
U Bent direct to the diseased parts by the
improved mower, ileais the
ulcers, clears the air passafres,
stopadropping's in the throat and
permanently cures Catarrh and
Hay Fever. No harmful drum.
25c blower free: all dealers or Dr. A.
W. Cliace McdicineCo., Buffalo, N.Y.
For sale by Stoke & Fe.chi Drug Co.
Main Street,. Reynoldsville, Pa.
W.T. Bruhaker. Mur.
MUlwuy tiitween Broad St. ritiitlon uod
Heading Terminal on FUhort si.
Konnm 11.00 per day and up.
Tlieonly moderate priced hotel of rep
utation and consequence In
Notice If hereby Klvnn that an application
wilt te made to the Governor of the Rtate
of Pennsylvania on Thuraday, May 14, A.
D , HUM, hy I.oiiU LevlnHon, Inruel Levln
stlen and Jmeph Lubln, under the Act of
Aa-temhly nf I lie Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, entitled "An Act to provlrie for the
tncorMratlon and reputation of certain cor
porationa," approved April 21), I "74, and the
supplements thereto, for the charter of an
Intended corporation, to be called thn
Vamoti! Department Htorn Company, the
character and object of which la to conduct
a depariiuent att re or atores In the buying,
selling: and dealing In drv goods, notions, and
all anlc:eH of merchandise for personal and
domestic u-e and consumption, and such
other arttclen as are ordinarily sold hy a
department store, Including clothing, boots
and shoe, and for these purposes to have
and pons" and enjoy all tbe rtgtita and
priviiogi- of s.iUl .let of Ai.-vnib'y aid lt
supplements . ...
BrockwayvUle, Ta., Mar. 30 M0. "
Plenty of Troub'e
Is caused by stafnutlon ( tn liver
and bowels. To get. rid of it and ht ad
acho and blllinisnfasHiid t.hrj poison
that brings j.iui.dlc.e, luke Dr. King's
ftew Life Pills, the reliable purltlurs
that do thn work without grinding or
trrlplng. 25uat8toko & Felcht Drug
Co. druj; Btore.
Wash Goods.
Largust. assortment lowest prices.
Ten reasons why you. should use Royal Quality.FIour.
1st. Because it is the best flcjir on the market. -
2nd. Because it does not require an expert baker to bake first
class bread from royal quality flour. :-
3rd. When you use uoyal quality you may rest assured that
none of your neighbors are using a better flour.
4rth. If you use royal quality flour you can bake before dinner
time; the bread gets a move on. .
5th. When royal quality is used in a home there you will find
harmony, as there is nothing so essential as good bread to make
and keep a happy home.
6th. While there is no question but that royal quality flour'
is the best spring wheat flour on the market, it is handled on close
margins and sold tit very reasonable prices.
7th When you once try royal quality flour, you certainly
will be so well pleased that you will continue its use. .
8th. royal quality flour bread has some ol the sweet good
taPte like the bread mother used to make. '
9th. If you want your wife to care for you and your children to
stay at home, and your hired girl to stay all through leap year,
and your dog to sleep quiet at night and not bark at the moon,
buy royal quality flour. Then when you get visitors your wife
can say: "We do not have so much to eat, but we must be thank
ful that we use royalquality flour and alwayshave good bread."
loth. Royal Quality Flour is sold tin a strict guarantee to give
satisfaction. . j ' v
Ask your grocer for Royal Quality Flour. If he does not have it '
ask him to get you a trial sack. ,
x W. G. SPENCER. Mfg. Agt., Clearfield, Pa.
The one hundred and twenty-five odd miles along the
New Jersey coast line from Long Branch to Cape May pre
sents the greatest pleasuring section in the United States.
Upon the bluffs of the northern end and the gently
shelving sands of the southern end are located lorty resorts
which entertain during the spring and summer seas6n mil
lions of pleasure seekers.
At no time in the year is this section more delightful
than during the spring and early summer months. One who
has not seen them at this season would marvel at their de
lights. The great pine belt, which extends through the
center of New Jersey, fills the air with life-giving ozone, ,
, which combined with the salty tang of the sea and the open
air exercise possible at all times, is exhilarating and tonic
' ' to the highest degree.
Long Branch, with itsbeautifulcottageneighbors, West
; . End, Hollywood and Elberon; Deal and Allenhurst, largely
devoted to cottage lile; Asbury Park and Ocean Grove,
attracting thousands yearly; Avon, Belmar, Como, Spring
Lake and Sea Girt, are a galaxy of attractive -places upon
the bluffs where "the country meets the sea."
, Then the Barnegat Bay section, where Point Pleasant,
. Sea Side Park, Island Heights, Barnegat City and Beech
Haven, with other smaller places nearby, welcome the sum
mer sojourner.
Atlantic City, with its seven miles of beach and drives,
and its charming suburbs, leads the island resorts, separat- -ed
from the mainland by the great salt marshes.
Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avalon and Stone Harbor;
Anglesca, Wildwood, Holly Beach and Wildwood Crest
also have a large summer population.
And Cape May, with its new million dollar hotel and
its wonderful improvements makes a fitting climax and .
holds a high place among the forty benches.
The Pennsylvania Railroad is the direct route to all of
tnese resorts irom an setuons 01 xne country, us spienaiu
train service makes each of them neighbor to all the ret
and to the world at large.
Cooper's Views of Human Stomach Noted
by Medical Men.
.A recent article in the New Orleans
Item gives an account of the effect
upon the medical profession of that
city with regard to L. T. Cooper's the
ory that the human Etomaca is respon
sible tor most ill health. The article
is as follows:
"The astonlBhing sale of Cooper's
preparation in this city has now reach
ed Buch immense figures that the medi
cal fraternity have been forced Into
open discussion of the man's theories
and medicines.
"The physicians seem to be divided
with regard to the young man's suc
cess in New Orleans some being will
ing to credit him lor what he has ac
complished, while others assert that
the interest he has aroused Is but a
passing fad that will die out as quickly
as It has sprung up.
"In a statement recently obtained
frnm n well-known nhvslcian of this
dtjr, the position of those In favor of
. , t . J m. . 1 .1 .
UOOper is wen voicea. 1 ue uutiur 00m.
T am nnt a hnllpvpr In nronrletary
mediclKW, but I must adult that some
I.Fiter Llm.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
la post office at Roynoldavllln, Pu for
wuek ending April 18, 1908.
Henrv Clialon, C. A. Kilmer, NolBon
McGregor.tlyde Woodlry.
Foreign D.'gasperl Plrtro.
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
R C. Burns, P. M. -
the Reed shoe at Blcg Stoke-
of the facta recently brought to my
attention concerning this Cooper medi
cine have gone far toward removing .
the prejudice I had formed against!
them when I first heard of Cooper's)
new ideas and medicines.
" 'Numbers of my patients whom X '
have treated for chronic liver, kidney
and stomach troubles have met me and
stated that Cooper's medicine has ac
complished wonderful results tor
them. I notice particularly in cases
of stomach trouble that the maa has
relieved several cases that . we.3 ot
years' standing and proved very ob
stinate to treatment
" 'I do not wis'a to stand in the way
of something that may be for the pub
lic good, simply through professional
prejudice, and I am inclined to givo
Cooper and his preparations credit aa
deserving u some extent the popular
demonstration that has been accorded
them In this city.' " . 1 H
We sell the Cooper medicines. ThHT
are proving remr.rkably successful
throughout the entire United States.
Stoke & Feicht Drr.g Co. . . . -